
"you're incredible, you know that?" James said from his bed, arms behind his head watching Camilla bustle around the room getting their things ready for quidditch practice.

She was wearing only his quidditch shirt which read, potter, on the back, and her hair was still slightly messy from the night before.

"I did actually, but thank you Potter" she teased, grabbing James' flying gloves and tossing them to him, them landed on his bare chest

"And really modest and humble as well" he laughed

"of course"

The pair of them had awoken in bliss and neither of them had wanted to go to practice, which was a first. They were just far too comfortable in bed, wrapped up together to face the cold morning air down at the pitch.

But they were the captains of the team and needs must.

"come on and stop being lazy" Camilla said, pulling on her quidditch uniform and standing over James, whom was still in bed, with her hands on her hips

"I'm sure the team won't mind if we're a few minutes late" James said with a smirk, reaching out to wrap an arm around her waist, attempting to pull her back into bed, "We're the captains, we make the rules. Come back to bed Prewett"

Camilla slapped his hand away with a laugh.

"exactly we're the captains, which means we have to be there. Now get up, I don't want to be late"

They were correct and it was terribly cold outside. There was a cold, crisp frost on the grass and as they made their way down the pitch their breaths were visible in the air.

Of course no one on the team had any idea about the pair of them, apart from Marlene who was only aware they had kissed a few times, and both Camilla and James wished to keep it that way for a short while. They enjoyed living in their private little bubble.

James didn't know if he'd be able to keep away from her for two whole hours.

Camilla always looked so bloody good in her quidditch uniform.

It was going to be a very long two hours.

It was Camilla's first training session back with the team since her hit and she was extremely back to be down at the pitch with everyone. She had missed it terribly.

"It's good to see you back on the pitch Prewett" Jonathon said kindly, approaching her as she polished the quaffles they would be using as the team showed up one by one.

"It's good to be back on the pitch" Camilla replied with a friendly smile, "I was only gone for a few days but i missed it"

"well we all missed your presence" jonathan returned, "Feeling better I presume?"

"As good as new" Camilla nodded, "I hope you're ready for some gruelling sessions coming up"

"You know i'm born ready" Jonathan laughed

James had noticed their encounter whilst polishing his broom and stared at them as Mclaggen spoke to him about strategy. Upon realising that James was not listening to anything he was saying, he followed his gaze.

"Ah Prewett" He said with amusement, "I don't blame you mate. One hell of a woman. Wonder if she'd fancy riding my broom, if you know what I mean" he joked, "Though it seems Riley has gotten there before the pair of us. A shame really"

James' eyes snapped away from Camilla to him.

"I'm sorry?"

His tone was less than friendly and McLaggen had realised that James was less than impressed.

"I'd watch your tone if you want to carry on as Seeker McLaggen" James said harshly, "That's no way to speak about your captain, never mind any woman. So I suggest you keep those words to yourself unless you want to loose your spot on the team"

McLaggen bristled slightly as James showed absolutely no amusement to his foul tasted joke.

"Sorry mate, only having a laugh" he said, arms up in surrender

James just shook his head in disgust, "Don't let it happen again or i'll be in the mind to have a chat with McGonagall about further action"

It was received loud and clear by Mclaggen whom slunk off to go and speak with liam who was warming up by the posts along with Marlene and Rachel.

Practice had been and gone with no more hiccups and Camilla felt good afterwards. Her ribs had completely healed and she was back to her usual form.

Lessons had resumed for her as well and although a lot had changed, her complete inability to produce a good potion had remained.

Sitting with lily, she read the instructions of the wolf's bane potion. She quite literally had no idea what was going on and lily had basically done majority of it for her. She wished she could have a mini lily in her robe pocket when it came to her NEWT's.

Whilst reading on the potion, Camilla's mind subconsciously went to Remus Lupin and she wondered how he felt working on such potion. She was sure it would be unpleasant. She wished so badly she could just speak to him about it all, to tell him that she knew, that she didn't care. But Remus didn't want her to know. Remus didn't want anyone to know. And Remus' wishes meant more to her than any selfish curiosity.

Sneaking glances to the back of the classroom, towards the marauders, Remus didn't look particularly put out. Instead, he was laughing along with James, Sirius and Peter as usual. A small smile emerged on her lips as she witnessed Peter accidentally pour way more than three drops of dragon blood into his potion making it foam out his cauldron and onto the table; causing Sirius to cackle loudly.

Things had changed but it was nice to see that the marauders would always just be the marauders; regardless of whether or not people were pleased about the fact.

James had seemed to notice her gaze and sent her a quick wink before bringing out his wand and giving it a flick, cleaning up the mess and continuing to laugh along with them.

Sirius had noticed this.

"Seems you had a good date then prongs" He smirked

"Suppose so, padfoot" he smirked back, an identical expression

It was scary sometimes how similar they could be. It always unnerved Remus and Peter.

"Is there anything you need to tell us mate?" Remus asked with a cunning grin as Peter nodded along eagerly, ready to hear any gossip James may produce

"You're some right nosy sods, you know that?" James laughed

"Yes, but is there?" Sirius pressed him further

James just simply grinned and tapping his nose knowingly.

"Boring" Sirius sighed, leaning back on his chair in disappointment

"He'll just ask Cam later on" Peter predicted correctly, restarting his potion, "you know he will"

James just shrugged and watched the back of Camilla whom had started chatting to Mary the other side of her.

"Fill your boots mate"
