
As quickly as their sixth year had started, it had finished and Camilla found herself particularly excited for her summer break. Sure, she had to try and get a job at some point, but the prospect didn't alter her positive attitude to the upcoming weeks. upon reminiscing upon the past year, Camilla was especially chuffed with herself. She'd done pretty well grades wise and had been, in her opinion, a pretty decent quidditch captain. Not to mention she had only just gone and won the bloody house cup!

Camilla wondered what her seventh year would entail and hoped that it would be as good as the previous. She also hoped Professor McGonagall had recognised the efforts she had made for the team. She had worked so hard the past year and prayed that it had been noticed. She couldn't even imagine not being captain next year, it would absolutely crush her. Her and James had promised each other before boarding the train that whatever the outcome of the quidditch captaincy for their seventh year, there would be no bad blood. Camilla wasn't too sure if a little bit of jealously was included within that promise, because if James was the new captain, she didn't think she'd be able to help it.

James had become a very good friend of hers over the past year and she hoped that it would continue into the next. It was quite shocking to find that they did in fact get along, extremely well for that matter, and worked excellently together.

Camilla thought back to the day at the lake. When they had almost kissed.

She had been thinking about it a lot.

James hadn't mentioned it to her since,  so she had decided to push it to the back of her mind and put it down to a lapse of judgement, spurred by the spiked butter-beers provided by the marauders.

Although James may have not mentioned it to Camilla, he sure had mentioned it to the marauders.

In fact, they were quickly becoming far too fed up with having to listen to James gush about it.

"I hope the quidditch captaincy doesn't cause any arguments between Prewett and I" James said with a sigh, looking out of the Hogwarts express window on the way to king's cross as the scenery became a blur around them, "especially after our almost kiss and all"

Sirius, Remus and Peter all looked to each other unimpressed.

"We know Prongs" Peter said in annoyance, "You've said so a million times. We get it"

"Christ wormtail!" James replied, "No need to be so blunt"

"He's right, mate" Remus nodded, "It is a headache"

James smiled at them sarcastically for all their help.

"if you're that unable to get over it mate, just speak to Prewett?" Sirius shrugged, tossing a Bertie Botts Bean into his mouth and scrunching his nose up in disgust, "Ugh! Bogey"

"And make her believe that it's all I've been thinking about?" James asked horrified at the thought, "Absolutely not!"

"But it is all you've been thinking about" Sirius said harshly, "You've not shut the fuck up about it since it happened!"

James rolled his eyes, "Prewett doesn't even seem like she even remembers it. It can't be a big deal to her or anything"

Sirius just shrugged, unable to offer another suggestion.

The three of them were far too fed up with attempting to make James and Camilla realise that they liked each other to care.

As the train pulled up to the station Camilla spotted the familiar red hair of her father and the blonde hair of her mother.

Although she was at an age of which she was more than capable of making her own way home, her parents never failed to greet her at the platform. She supposed it was quite sweet.

"Hi mum, hi dad" she smiled, embracing her parents into a tight hug.

"How did the match go?!" Gavin asked immediately, aware of the Gryffindor house quidditch standings before the Ravenclaw match, desperate to know the outcome of the cup, "You better have beaten those bloody Slytherins"

A great grin spread across Camilla's lips.

"we did it!"

Gavin was delighted and embraced his daughter in another tight hug whilst Doris chuckled at his immaturity.

"Very well done dear" Doris smiled, plucking a little bit of fluff off Camilla's t-shirt as her father finally released her

"It was about ruddy time!" Gavin explained picking up Camilla's trunk ready to leave, "I bet the Potter's will be over the moon, especially Fleamont. We never managed to win the cup ourselves. Terribly disappointing if I must say"

"yes, yes, it was terribly unfortunate dear" Doris replied, referring to their own times at Hogwarts, "come on, let us get off, I have a bread in the oven that needs to come out any time now"

The Prewett house was the same as Camilla had seen it last but the flowers in the front garden had come out in a spread of pinks, blues, yellow, whites and purples and her fathers vegetable patch was in it's full glory. The cherry tree near the door was close to bearing fruit and the sun beat down on their faces.

It was a lovely welcome back home and Camilla instantly felt relaxed to smell the flowers and hear the ducks quacking around the vegetable patch.

Inside, the smell of fresh bread filled the house and the windows were thrown open, the patterned light curtains billowing as the soft breeze rolling off the sea flowed through the windows. In the summer the smell of salt spray lingering the air instead of the usual scent of wet grass that was typical throughout the rest of the year.

Camilla propped her broom down against the door and kicked off her shoes, checking the underside of the door frame for any possible pranks. It was clear.

"Clean yourself up before dinner Cami" Doris called from the kitchen, "Molly, Arthur, your brothers and the children are coming for dinner!"

Camilla had sat in her living room, listening intently to Fabien and Gideon whilst holding baby Percy in her arms who slept soundly, a tuft of red hair poking out from his blanket.

She was so happy to finally meet her third nephew and wondered if Molly would eventually have a girl. At the rate she was going, probably not.

Fabien had a particularly nasty gash upon his forearm which Camilla she had learnt had been caused by a curse sent by Wilkes.

Camilla had paled at the thought of her brothers facing such danger.

"There's problems within the ministry" Gideon explained, "Can't trust no one at the minute"

"Bloodly Malfoy is one of the main culprits. Everyone knows he's relaying ministry information back to their leader. It's catching him thats the issue. He's a slimy git that man" Fabian said, turning up his nose at the mention of Lucius Malfoy

"Bagnold is doing her best in an attempt to stop the ministry from becoming overran but it seems like a loosing battle if you ask us" Gideon said gravely as Molly and Arthur came and sat down with them as Bill and Charlie played outside with their grandparents.

"Not to mention the use of the imperious curse" Arthur added from Molly's side, "causing them an awful lot of grief"

"and the order?" Camilla asked Fabian and Gideon, "What are they doing about it"

"Not much" Fabian sighed

"There's nothing much we can do" Gideon added, "Shacklebolt and Mad-eye are doing the best they can in catching them all but it's getting far too big for such a small number of people in the order"

"small number?" Camilla asked, "But I though that the order had plenty of working members?"

"we did" Gideon said lowly, "Voldemort's servants, they're taking us out, one by one and-"

"That's enough!" Molly said suddenly, interrupting their conversation, "What a horrible conversation for this beautiful afternoon, Camilla does not need to know so much!"

Camilla rolled her eyes, "Mol, I'm not a child"

"well you may as well be Cam! You're still in school!"  Molly countered, looking at her younger sister sternly

"With only one year left!" Camilla argued, "And once I leave, I'll be joining the order with Fab and Gid"

Fabien and Gideon wrapped an arm around her shoulders and smiled cheekily at their sister.

"We'll look after her Mol"

"Won't let her out of our sight"


Sorry for the wait!!! xx
