
Camilla tapped her quill on the parchment in front of her and gazed out the windows. It was a beautifully sunny day outside and the lake glistened temptingly on the horizon.

She had completed her History of magic paper and was counting down the minutes until it was over.
It was her last NEWT's paper and couldn't just couldn't wait to be rid of it all.

So far, her exams had gone swimmingly and they had not been anywhere near as bad as people had described. Camilla was pretty confident in her efforts, apart from Potions which went as well as expected, and was particularly pleased with herself.

She hoped she had done Fab and Gid proud.

Camilla glanced around the her friends in the great hall.

Lily, Remus and Alice were scribbling furiously with a panicked expression as time grew closer. Marlene, Peter and Mary looked as if they were ready to drop asleep and Sirius swung on the back of his chair whilst James doodled on a piece of spare parchment.

it was all very typical of them and Camilla smiled to herself in amusement.

It would be strange not seeing all their faces at breakfast and every morning or just talking and laughing with them whenever she pleased.

As the time ran out, Professor Flitwick waved his wand and a hundred sheets of parchment all flew across and into his arms making him wobble slightly on his stool.

Camilla could hear James and Sirius chuckle.

They were finally free as the left the hall, lily and Camilla arm in arm as they made their way down to the river bank.

"We're finally free!" Marlene exclaimed, laying down on the grass in a star position, feeling the sun beating down on her skin

"Finally" Alice sighed, "I cannot wait for us all to start our lives"

Whilst Lily and Mary nodded in agreement, Camilla wasn't too sure how to feel.

Hogwarts had always been a safe space. Beautiful and mysterious and a source of comfort.

Her home had once been her haven, but she wasn't too sure how she would hold up with the ghost of her brothers haunting the halls. She would no longer be able run away to Hogwarts and to hide away in the dorm with James.

James of course, was thrilled to be able to start his life. The world was so wide and the possibilities endless. How could he not be optimistic? Sirius similarly had that same burning desire to prove himself. To fight by whatever means necessary. Whilst this optimism was shared between the two boys, it didn't extend to Remus and Peter.
Camilla had suspected Remus was apprehensive in the same way she was. Afraid of what awaited them, and afraid of how his lycanthropy would limit his work opportunities. Peter on the other hand, looked absolutely terrified of the outside world and blindly followed James and Sirius. For Peter to follow his own path was completely absurd. Camilla could never imagine Peter not following James and Sirius around. He was quite frankly the most cowardly Gryffindor she had ever met, but looked upon him on pity and sympathy. It must be difficult being the 'other one' in the groups of Marauders. He didn't have the same charm as James, Sirius and Remus and was often contempt with just basking in their glory, there was definitely enough to share around.

Camilla felt as if she had blinked and the years had flown by. How could her childhood be over so quickly?

With her luggage in her hands for the last time and Bernard in his cage, Camilla took a pit stop on her way through the castle to the carriages.

She gazed at the trophy cabinet.

Quidditch cup winners 1997 and 1998

Her and James' names were engraved side by side and she felt a swell in her heart.

Camilla had achieved everything she had set out to do and more.

Hogwarts would always hold a special place in her heart.

On the train back to the platform, the Marauders had piled into the girls usual compartment making it quite a squeeze. It was a flurry of laughter and chatter and luggage and Camilla was perched on James' knee across from Lily whom laughed loudly along with Remus.

"What's the plan for you all?" Mary asked as she closed her edition of witches weekly

"I'm going to start looking for a place in muggle london" Sirius declared, "Move out from the Potter's, out of their hair"

James had rolled his eyes, "Oh come off it Padfoot, my parents will be more than happy to have you for as long as they possibly can"

Sirius looked appreciative but shook his head, "I know Prongs, but they've already done so much for me already"

"What about you Peter?" Alice asked popping a whizzbee into her mouth Camilla had tossed her, "what's your plan?"

"Well I'm going to join the order, along with the rest of you of course" He replied, wringing his hands in his lap

James seemed to beam with pride, "Course he is, aren't you Petey boy? You're a marauder after all!"

The girls rolled their eyes at the groups stupid nickname.

Camilla had been feeling fine about it all until she spotted her parents at the platform.

Once she was wrapped in her mother's arms, the water works had turned on and sobbed into her linen shirt.

"Oh my dear" she hushed, stoking Camilla's blonde hair, "Come on, let's get you home. Everything will be alright"
