
It was more of a relief for Camilla to be sat between Alice and Marlene in their usual compartment on their way back to king's cross station for Christmas. She had already had her prefect meeting on the way back and thanked them for all the hard work for the past term.

Hogwarts was quickly becoming suffocating, which was ironic due to the sheer size of the castle, but Camilla found herself glad to be away from the house rivalry, away from the idea of her upcoming NEWT's and all of her head girl duties. Plus, she was terribly eager to see her family once again. Being away from September all the way through to Christmas in theory wasn't that long, but it always felt like years to her.

"I'm dreading this Christmas" Lily sighed, "It's Petunia's birthday coming up and all her friends from her muggle school are coming around for a sleepover, I've been demoted to the living room"

"Forget that" Camilla insisted, "You should come to the warren. I'm only at the Potter's for a couple of nights and returning for Christmas eve. You know my mum and dad love you. In fact, you're all welcome" she smiled, extending the invitation to the rest of the girls in the compartment

Once more, as the train pulled up to the station, it was bare with people. Families whom had not dared to venture far from the warm safety of their homes. It was foolish really, Camilla thought. No one was safe, not even in their own beds.

"It is awfully quiet" Alice said with a wavering voice

"It quite eerie, isn't it?" Marlene observed, watching those remaining parents who were on the platform, quickly grab their children and apparate away as quickly as they could, as if they hadn't been there.

Camilla couldn't help but agree. The platform had always been so busy and full of life. She had remembered as a child the pure excitement it had instilled within her and remembered theflurry of bright colours and wondrous things, whilst she bid her elder siblings farewell alongside her parents.

Mr and Mrs Prewett were among the parents whom were not present upon the platform. Camilla would be going straight with James and Sirius. And although she absolutely adored the pair of them and, of course Mr and Mrs Potter, she so wished to just embrace her mum and dad.

After bidding her friends goodbye, along with Remus and Peter, she felt James' hand on her shoulder comfortingly, Sirius on the other side of her.

"Ready to go?"

Appearing outside of the Potters house, Camilla had always been impressed. She had seen it plenty of times when accompanying her mother when meeting Euphemia Potter for tea. James had never been home in those few instances, always out of the house and doing something.

The three of them had stood outside the door with their trunks at their feet as James reached up to knock on the door.

His arm was mid-air when the door swung open suddenly.

"Oh thank goodness you all made here safe, come on in, quickly!"

Mrs Potter as ushered them all in warmly as Mr Potter stood behind her with an equally warming expression.

"Oh goodness, I have terribly missed you both" she gushed, pulling James into a bone crushing hug, kissing him on the top of the head, before releasing him and quickly doing the same to Sirius, "No one saw any of you, did they?" she asked worriedly

"No need to worry Mia" Sirius returned

Camilla smiled at the beaming grin on Sirius' face. The Potter's truly had taken him in with open arms.

Fleamont smiled at the boys and ruffled their hair once they had been realised from Euphemia's iron grip.

Camilla had been too busy smiling to herself at the families interactions than to even consider that Euphemia Potter may pull her into their very own hug.

The woman was gentle and warm yet her hug was like a boa constructor was tightening around Camilla's body; but it was oddly comforting.

"Mum" James said with amusement, "Please don't kill her, she won't be able to breathe"

Euphemia let go of Camilla and rolled her eyes at her son. "Oh James, don't be so ridiculous". She turned to Camilla, "Oh dear, we're go glad to have you! We was absolutely delighted to hear the news when James wrote, wasn't we Monty?" she asked turning to her husband.

"Oh yes" he nodded, a familiar smirk on his face, "I was starting to think James may be never get a girlfriend"

James and Euphemia just rolled their eyes as Fleamont, Sirius and Camilla chuckled lightly.

"Thank you for having me" Camilla replied with a smile

It was Euphemia that waved her off, "oh dear, don't be ridiculous, you know our door is always open to you and your family"

Mrs Potter had started levitating their three trunks up the stairs and into their respective bedrooms and sent for their house elf, Patty, to go and unpack them.

It was James who was giving her a tour, leading her to her very own room. The king sized bed was placed in the centre of the room with four posters and had a beautiful floral pattern across the duvet. Camilla marvelled at how expensive everything in the Potter manner must be.

James said noticed her expression and sidled up to her side.

"Is everything alright? Is it the room? If you don't like it, you can have mine or even Sirius'. I'm sure he'd switch with you"

"no, no" Camilla rushed, stopping him quickly, "No, it's amazing, really really nice"

James seemed to relax and smiled at her gently, "Good. My room is next door to the left, and Sirius next door to the right and the bathroom opposite. I'm sorry you couldn't stay in my room, you know what parents are like"

Camilla just laughed quietly and took his hands, "James, it's perfect, thank you"

"If you need anything at all, call for Patty, or myself. I think mum wants us to go down stairs to play some games and have a couple of hot chocolates before bed" he said, "It's a Potter tradition"

Camilla was finally left alone and took her time to figure out where Patty had put all her belongings. The room seemed freshly decorated and the bedding fresh and new. She wondered if Euphemia had bought them just for her; they didn't seem like the type of bedding a younger James would have opted for.

Finally settling down and making her way downstairs along with Sirius and James, they were met with three steaming mugs of hot chocolate with ten marshmallows on each along with a heafty dollop of cream.

The Potter's home was so unbelievably cosy, which was surprising due to the sheer size of it, and had a comforting effect on anyone whom seemingly stepped inside it.

It was easy to realise why James Potter was the person he was. He had grown up in such a loving and warm household.

After gulping down their hot chocolates; James and Sirius had joined forces in an attempt to beat Fleamont in a game of wizards chess, and Camilla had offered Euphemia a hand in the kitchen baking gingerbread men.

As the two women's chatted, a roar from the boys interrupted them as Fleamont had once again beaten them.

"I demand another match!" Camilla heard Sirius exclaim

"Digging your own grave their son" Fleamont had replied with a laugh.

It was Euphemia who shook her head in loving amusement, "Boys" she said

"Oh tell me about it" Camilla laughed, "They are almost as bad as Fab and Gid"

"Oh goodness, yes the twins" Euphemia laughed, "I remember the day your mother told me she was expecting twins. She looked absolutely terrified"

"Well she definitely had the right idea to be" Camilla smiled, "They're absolutely terrible"

"Boys will be boys" The mother shook her head, "They don't grown out of it, look at Fleamont for goodness sake!"

Camilla laughed along with her.

"I would have loved a little girl" The elderly woman sighed, "James was our miracle, but a little girl in addition, well... that was the dream"

Camilla looked back at her with a soft comforting smile.

"I also remember your mother telling us she was having another little girl. You were born in the September, and then James in the March. A beautiful little girl with the same blonde hair as her mother. Doris had been absolutely delighted to have a little girl with the same hair as herself. A little blonde head in a sea of red, which matched her own. James of course, is the spitting image of his father; but a little girl would have been nice"

Camilla had taken her hand, squeezing it gently and she could see the hair woman's appreciation behind her eyes. Although James was was the spitting image of his father, he had his mother's kindness and smile.

"I hope you like your room" she said with a smile, "I wasn't sure if you liked that sort of thing"

"Mrs Potter, I absolutely love it" Camilla returned eagerly, "It's beautiful, really"

"I am glad" she said with relief, "and please, call me Mia"

After an evening filled of warm drinks and ginger bread, laughing and games; Mrs Potter had sent them all up to bed, even Fleamont, and Camilla laid wide awake in her bed.

It was always strange sleeping in a room by herself.

When Molly had lived at home, they had shared a room, similar to how she had spent her time at Hogwarts within a dorm. Now in her own dorm at Hogwarts, she never passed a chance to sleep beside James or along with Lily, Marlene, Mary or Alice.

Camilla liked knowing someone else was there. It was what she was used to. It always took her a couple of nights to adapt to being alone.

Feeling slightly guilty for disobeying Mr and Mrs Potter's wishes, she slipped out of bed and tiptoed out into the corridor. She was sure they wouldn't mind.

Pushing open James bedroom door slightly, she poked her head around, worried to wake him in case he had fallen asleep.

"Cam?" James voice asked quietly from the darkness

"Sorry, did I wake you" she whispered back

She could see James shake his head in the dim light.

"Come on then" he said gently, opening up the duvet, inviting her inside

Camilla grinned and quickly made her way over, slipping under the covers and into his side.

"What's a matter?" James asked, wrapping an arm around her to keep her close

"Couldn't sleep" She admitted with a whisper, careful to not wake anyone else in the house

"So you decided to come and pester me did you?" James asked jokingly, tucking some hair behind her ear as she nodded with a grin

"You say pester, I say grace you with my presence" she countered, smiling up to him

"Whatever you say Prewett" James laughed, placing a lingering sweet kiss to her forehead, "Whatever you say"

Suddenly, with her limbs wrapped up within James', Camilla felt a wave of sleepiness wash over her.
