
It was the day of the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff quidditch match.

Camilla had never felt more determined in her life.

She had to do her best.

She had to fly like she had never flown before. Play like she never played before.

She owed it to the team.

Whilst the team had the usual pre match jitters, apart from James, Camilla felt no nervousness whatsoever. She was far too determined to feel any other emotion.

Tucking into her breakfast James looked at her from across the table as they sat with the team. He had noticed she had been especially quiet the whole morning and had a hard look on her face.

He nudged her foot under the table and raised his eyes in concern, asking what was a matter with his expression.

"What's wrong?" he mouthed across to her, not wanting to draw attention their way

Camilla just shook her head, letting him know she was fine. She owed it James and the team to win then the match

"Make sure you all try your hardest today" James informed the team, "we are a few hundred points behind at the minute but don't let that put pressure upon yourselves. You've all played amazingly so far and I know you'll continue to do so. Just have fun and enjoy the match, and do what you always do"

camilla nodded in agreement, "It is no fault of your own, as it's completely my fault. I'm going to do my best this match to claw us back some points so like James said, keeping doing what you're doing and once again, have fun"

As the Gryffindor team entered out onto the pitch, the familiar sound of cheers could be heard along with the vision of red and gold from the stands.

Camilla had missed the feeling. She was the biggest advocator for more inter house quidditch competitions, just to feel the adrenaline rush through her. There was no better feeling.

As madam hooch called them into position, Camilla looked to James who shot her a supportive smile and the whistle blew.

Soaring up into the sky she felt the cold air hit her face and rush through her hair.

Camilla was the first one to the quaffle and tucked it under her arm, wasting no time in advancing towards the Hufflepuff goal posts.

She could hear the usual group of Slytherins shouting their usual obscenities but she paid no notice. They wasn't worth it. And this time, was not going to let them ruin it for her.

The hufflepuff team had improved considerably from the previous year and would definitely give Ravenclaw a run for their money in their next match, but Camilla, James and Marlene had become almost unstoppable.

Camilla had been playing ruthlessly and James and Marlene had similarly followed her lead.

Goal after goal after goal.

Camilla glanced to the score board, they were nearly one hundred points up by the sixtieth minute.

If Mclaggen caught the snitch, they would win the match and be back up into the standings in points to win for the year, overtaking both Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

In the back of her mind as she dived and soared and spiralled, the knowledge that the scouts were watching was pushing her to work harder.

As time ticked on, her muscles had started to ache and her breathing become erratic. But nothing could stop her from winning this match.

"And what's this?! It looks like McLaggen had caught sight of the snitch! The Hufflepuff seeker is hot on his tail of course as they both shoot up into the clouds! They're out of sight"

Camilla wouldn't make the same mistake and continued too focus on the match, backing up Marlene as she sped towards the Hufflepuff goals in an another brutal attack.

Marlene's quaffle flew through the right post.

"and here they are folks, the two Seekers coming back through the clouds! have they caught the snitch? Its hard to tell and... Yes! McLaggen had caught the snitch! Gryffindor win by atleast a hundred points!"

Hearing those few simple words, Camilla felt a heavy weight instantly relieve itself from her shoulders. They'd done it.

"An absolute amazing performance from Gryffindor Captain Camilla Prewett who was on fire this morning! There you have it folks! An excellent match with some exyreamly talented players. Gryffindor secure the win putting them back unto the top points towards the Quidditch cup!"

Landing back onto the grass with a beaming smile on her face, hearing deafening cheers all around her, the rest of the team came running over to congratulate her. Her determination and guilt was evident and they were glad to see their captain back to her usual self.

"You was amazing today Cam!" Marlene exclaimed, letting Camilla out of her embrace, "You definitely showed those scouts!"

"I don't know about that" Camilla shrugged, "I just wanted to do well for all of you"

"You did more than well Prewett, stop being modest" James smiled approaching her

Camilla beamed to him as he embraced her tightly lifting her up slightly from the ground.

This earned a few wolf whistles and cheers, fuelling the already hot gossip about the relationship between the two captains.

James laughed looking to the crowd and Camilla simply just shook her head in dismay but was unable to help the absolutely massive grin on her face.

As the team filtered off under the stands and into the changing rooms and the crowd dispersed back up to the castle, she finished gathering all her things when an unfamiliar voice caught her attention.

"Camilla Prewett?"

She turned around to face a middle aged man with greying hair. He looked quite athletic and wore a Bellycat Bats jumper.

"yes?" she smiled, tucking her broom under her arm and slinging her bag over her shoulder

"My name is Mark Marylebone, scout and trainer for the Bellycat bats" he introduced

Camilla knew exactly who he was from the instant he said his name.

"You really impressed my colleague and I today" he smiled, "You have some real talent out there"

"Oh thank you Sir" Camilla smiled, feeling bubbles of excitement form in her stomach. The scout from her favourite quidditch team was actually giving her the light of day.

"No worries. For such a young witch, I have never seen such impressive flying"

The man rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a card, holding it out for Camilla to take.

She took it and turned it over in her hands.

"Try outs for the Bellycat Bats team is coming up at the end of the school year and we'd really love to see you there. You're just the kind of player we are looking for at the minute" he said with a nod of his head at the card, "The details are on the card if you have any questions. I hope we will see you there?"

Camilla beaming grin turned into a frown and the scout looked at her interestedly.

"I really appreciate all of this" camilla smiled, "And one day I would absolutely love to play for you, but I don't think that will be any time soon"

The scout raised an eyebrow, "Lot's of players would absolutely jump at a chance at tryouts"

"I know that sir" Camilla smiled, "And I myself am one. But at this current minute, I have other things I must do first and other loyalties"

Fighting and winning this war would come first.

Mark Marylebone nodded with a frown, as if he was debating something.

The took the card back and wrote down another number upon it.

"We don't usually do this" he said handing it back, "But we were extremely impressed by your performance. Here is my personal number, and when you decide that the time is right and you would like to attend tryouts, let me tell you, you have an extremely good chance at making it through them- then give me a call and we will create a space for you"

Camilla was slightly taken aback.

"merlin, thank you so much Mr Marylebone" she gushed, "truly"

The man just waved her off.

"no need to thank me, you should be thanking yourself for how much you impressed us all. When you're ready, give me a ring"
