OIM 93-94

Chapter 91: Storytelling

Archibald was very close to Yang Yang, and had been following the movements of Yang Yang, so he heard Xiao Baijia’s words clearly.

Archibald’s face immediately cooled down, stopped talking, and turned to look at it.

Xiao Baijia was shaken a bit, but he didn’t feel that he had said something wrong, so he looked blank.

When the old village chief saw this, he took a cane and pricked Xiao Baijia’s butt, angrily, “What nonsense? The Duchess is different from us.”

Xiao Baijia was not convinced. “But the Duke is the same as us.”

“Don’t shut up yet!”

The old village chief yelled at Xiao Baijia, and then turned around and said to Archibald and Yang Yang, “Previously, there was a case where a pregnant woman had a difficult childbirth and died in the village, and the child was not saved. It is a bimodal Leicester. Child We didn’t know where we heard it, so we came up with the concept. “

After speaking, he continued to take the crutches of Xiaobaijia’s buttocks: “The Duchess is pregnant with the child, don’t say such obscene words!”

Xiao Baijia remembered it, and immediately “snapped” for a while, and said to Yang Yang chuckled, “Duke, don’t be angry, when I say nothing, OK?”

How could Yang Yang care about a child, and said with a smile that it was all right.

However, Archibald was not so confused, he paused, and then shifted the topic from his “heroic record” to the village.

Archibald: “Over the course of this journey, I found that although there are many people in the village, they are mainly young, with very few children and elderly people, and all of them are in the form of half-beasts.-This is what happened. What? “

It seemed that he would have asked this question. The old village chief was not surprised, and sighed, saying the reason: “In fact, the people in this village are the survivors of the dragon-level soul beast attack. And descendants of survivors. “

Archibald frowned: “I remember that the battle had resettlement measures for survivors and rescued immigrants. After the global migration, search and rescue teams spent a year searching for survivors. Didn’t anyone find you? ? “

The old village chief did not immediately answer. He took a look at the scar face standing outside the crowd, and the scar face immediately recognized, shouting to the children: “Cubs, come out to help prepare dinner.”

The children, led by Xiao Baijia, suddenly made unhappy noises.

“We still want to hear stories.”

“I still have questions without asking Lord Duke.”

But Scar’s face was not accommodating. When the eyes glared, a few children suddenly froze and obediently followed the Scar’s face and left the circle of melons.

After the scar face took the children away, the old village chief took a long breath, then drooped the slack eyelids, and his eyes fell on the void, remembering long-distance events.

“I have enjoyed the resettlement after the disaster. My household registration was also assigned to Xindixing, and it gave me a house.-A big house, I was so happy at that time.”

There was a smile of nostalgia on the face of the old village chief, but that smile soon disappeared.

“But not everyone has good luck and treatment like me. Those ordinary people who have been struggling with food and clothing at the old Emperor Star have been resettled much better than in the past, but Over time, this catastrophe is gradually forgotten, and fewer people follow them. “

“In that disaster, almost seven adults were infected with soul and soul power, some serious and some mild. Manic inhibitors were in short supply and consumed hugely, not to mention those high-level inhibitors, not to mention ordinary people, rich and wealthy. Not necessarily buyable. “

Having said that, the old village chief sighed again.

“Life is better than before, but I can’t afford to consume a lot of inhibitors. A few people in a family can’t be taken down by one person.

Some families have some conscience, and send the seriously ill to a centralized resettlement center. Although they may be detained for a lifetime, they can be controlled by drugs from time to time.

But when I encountered some unscrupulous people, I dragged it out into the wild. “

Yang Yang frowned, pulled Comilla into her arms, gave her a headset and played games.

The old village chief: “I myself was infected with the soul and beast spirit, and the soul palace was seriously damaged. Fortunately, I did n’t marry a wife at that time, I left the house to my parents, and then I set up a containment organization myself. Help those who have been abandoned.

Other people were slowly involved in the process, many of whom were volunteers and also provided material assistance. “

“Everything seems to be getting better.”

The expression of the old village chief became bitter, and he sighed again and again: “With the supplies and manpower, we took some patients we were planning to relocate to the old emperor star.-At that time, although the old emperor star was taken over by the military, But there was not much defensive defense. I have been stationed in the old Emperor since I joined the army, and I am very familiar with it. “

“But unexpectedly, on the way, our starship encountered a star theft and was attacked. In the end, the starship crashed on the old emperor star, and we only had a dozen individuals escaped.”

“The area where the starship crashed was a no-man’s land. We were afraid that the star theft would chase us, so we fled, and when we returned to God, we were already in the wilderness, and we were left alone.”

Yang Yang wondered: “Have you ever tried to contact the military?”

The old village chief; “Have tried it, but the star network of the old Emperor Star had not been rebuilt at the time, and he could not be contacted at all.”

Archibald: “After that? Now there are already a lot of reconstruction and reformation areas outside, not too far from here. And the star network has covered the whole world.-Since you can know me, it means you There are channels to get outside information, why not contact us? “

Archibald said “we” here, naturally the military.

The old village chief was silent for a while, then slowly said: “We have contacted. I went out to contact personally.”

“I am familiar with the old Emperor Star, so after I settled the survivors after the crash of the starship, I set out to find someone to help. What I found was the first batch of reconstruction areas to be built, which was responsible for a little nobleman.


Hearing this word again, Archibald and Yang Yang both jumped in their hearts.

The old village chief’s eyelids are still hanging, and his face is full of expressions, and his story continues.

“The little aristocrat was very nice and helped us a lot. But at that time the old emperor star had no immigration plan, and the reconstruction area was built just for the convenience of the army.

He offered to send us back, I refused, so he helped us settle in a shelter. “

“We have a new home here. The little aristocrat also introduced us to the doctor and will not disclose our existence to others.”

“That doctor’s medicine is good. He has developed a new type of inhibitor for the people in that disaster, although there will be some side effects-such as aggravating the damage of the soul palace, causing our beastization to become uncontrollable and become half Orc form.

However, we have been relieved by the mania that infected the soul and beast. “

“Later, after I learned that some residents of the old Emperor Star had moved here, I also went to look for it. But I did not expect that because of our abnormal appearance, it caused conflicts with some ordinary people.

After that, people in the village were less willing to contact the outside world. “

“So in the decades that followed, we hid in the no-man’s land to thrive. Those days were really good times.”

“Unfortunately, good days always come to an end.”

“Fifty years ago, women and females in the village became difficult to conceive children. Even if they conceive children …”

The old village chief stopped talking, his face became sore, and all the young men around him looked sad and unbearable.

Yang Yang recalled Xiao Baijia’s “Wujii Tongyan” before, and he had a bad feeling.

“Are all dystocias?”

The old village chief closed his eyes and shook his head: “No. The women who have difficulty giving birth are all dead.”


Yang Yang’s eyes widened. Archibald also had a stun in his heart, his tail stretched out involuntarily, and rolled it around Yang Yang’s waist.

As if only in this way, he could confirm that Yang Yang was “well”.

Yang Yang put her hand on the tip of Archibald’s tail, and touched it gently, soothing right.

Yang Yang thought for a moment, guessing the reason: “is it because the soul palace is damaged?”

The old village chief: “Well, it’s not because the female’s soul house is damaged, but the child’s soul house is damaged.-I just said that the doctor’s new inhibitor has side effects. This side effect has changed our years and years. Blood, or genes? I don’t know much about this.

And this change is also reflected in the baby. “

“I don’t know when, after the child conceived by the female, the child’s eggs will not start to develop completely, but will fade the eggshell and become a viviparous state like a woman.

If it is an ordinary child, it just hurts a bit, and there is no danger to life.

But I don’t know why, the female is pregnant with bimorphic Leicester. “

Yang Yang has understood, “Can it be said that when the child is in the female’s belly, he becomes a half-beast?”

The old village chief nodded: “Not only that, but the young duke and the duchess also know that the double-layer Leicester’s scale armor is still soft, and then every year, it will shed scale and change armor until adulthood, scale armor It will be a mature state and extremely hard. “

Yang Yang: “…”

He really didn’t know this.

The old village chief: “But the females in our village are pregnant, and when they are not born, the scales are mature.”

After that, the old village chief didn’t say anything, but Yang Yang already understood why “one body and two lives”.

With his imagination, Yang Yang felt that his stomach was aching. It seems that he is the female who is pierced by the child’s scales in the stomach and pierces the soul palace.

Yang Yang’s face was pale, his fists clenched and he didn’t speak.

“It’s all right.”

Archibald leaned over and embraced Yang Yang’s shoulder, bowed his head and kissed Yang Yang’s warm forehead. “Don’t think about it.”

Yang Yang looked up at Archibald, as if gaining strength, his clenched fist slowly relaxed.

The old village chief eased those painful memories before continuing to say: “After that, the population in the village became smaller. Until 30 years ago, doctors tried to make test-tube babies and finally gave birth to normal children .—— Not a double form of Leicester, nor a half-beast form like ours, a normal child. “

“That year was really good.”

However, Yang Yang didn’t get happy because of this-if a normal child was born 30 years ago, why is there no non-orc in the village now?


Chapter 92: Trust

Why there are no normal people in the village, because of a major change 20 years ago.

“The village head 20 years ago, a large group of nobles hunted and found our village by accident. They drove, carried weapons, and drove, slaughtered, and captured us like monsters and beasts.

We in the half-beast form are still resistant, but those normal children … none are left. “

The village chief closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. “The doctor died in that change, and we are the only ones left. We started to flee and settled here 17 years ago.

Dr. Lu was the daughter of the doctor that year, but her medical skills were not as good as her father’s, and the doctor’s IVF information was destroyed, so now there are very few children in the village. “

This is why they have established the rules of “no outsiders are allowed to enter” and “no harm to pregnant women (women) and children”.

The old village chief’s story ends here.

But the whole living room was still immersed in the painful past.

Breaking the silence was Archibald, because he had one thing to confirm.

“Do you teach them the badges of nobles?”

Most of the people in the village are now between the age of 20 to 30. In the change of 20 years ago, most of them were children, and in that case, they should not be able to see those “noble badges” clearly.

The old village chief looked up and stared into Archibald’s eyes. “Yes, it’s me.”

Archibald’s face suddenly changed-the old village chief was once a soldier, and he would never mistake the imperial army badge and the aristocratic badge.

Therefore, the “nobles” in the old village chief’s story refer to the army or soldiers.

But how could this be the case?

Archibald was stunned, watching the old village chief look away.

The old village sighed, knowing that Archibald would not give up if he could not get the answer.

Not to mention, he doesn’t have much time.

The old village chief’s expression changed, and he suddenly laughed. “Oh, look at me. What are you doing, hurry up and see what to eat at night? Give the little duke and duchess a meal.-Right, red Do you have any red fruits there? Give the Duchess some time, and those who are pregnant should eat that. “

The woman holding the baby laughed, “Yes, it’s on the slope. I’ll get ready.”

“Okay, you slow down, too, just before confinement, don’t be cold.”

“do not worry.”

After the woman left, the head of the old village picked up the crutch again and nodded the ground, and shouted to the people who eat melon, “Little rabbits, haven’t you watched enough? Are you going to make dinner? The claws caught today are all cooked Then go to the seaside to get some seafood. Don’t be idle when you should pick fruits and pick vegetables. “


The surrounding crowd of eating melons was very obedient, and immediately broke up, breaking up the quiet atmosphere just now.

But Mi was originally playing the game, but now he is also attracted by this movement. The little girl was accustomed to these days, and suddenly she couldn’t sit still. She looked up at Yang Yang with a look on her face, “Although I don’t say it, you can understand my eyes, right?”

Yang Yang “………”

This little clever ghost.

Yang Yang poked at her little flesh, stood up and said to Archibald, “You talk, I’ll take Komi out.”

Anyway, before returning Komi to her parents, Yang Yang didn’t dare to leave her everywhere.

Archibald nodded. “Don’t go far.”

Yang Yang laughed “I know.”

The people in the living room were cleaned up, and the last old man who left knew that they had something to talk about, and took the door intimately.

After the people had gone, Archibald looked at the old village chief and went straight into the subject.

“The aristocracy you mean is the military department. So from the beginning, the people in the military department have been helping you? Always the same people? Do you know who they are?”

The old village chief shook his head slowly.

“Not the same group of people. Although they are all members of the military, we have contacted a lot before and after. But I don’t know which faction it was.-I was just a soldier at that time, where can I distinguish these, Adding to the later isolation from the world, it is even more unclear. “

Archibald “So, were those people 20 years ago the same people who helped you?”

The old village chief was silent for a while, but shook his head. “I’m not sure.-Forget it, don’t ask, I will tell you all.”

The old village chief “I didn’t find anything wrong. The doctor couldn’t hold it anymore and confessed to me.

It was an accident that day. I went to the doctor to get the medicine, but he was not there. The situation was a little urgent, so I looked for it myself, and accidentally turned to the medical record file that he created for us.

That is also a military record board. There are three folders on the front page, different names, one of which is the name of our village. I opened it and found that there was a medical record of each of us.

I was originally a medical charter reserve. Although I was not good at studying, I could understand something.

Then I found out that the medicine that the doctor gave us was different for everyone. It was like observing mice, and recorded the reactions and symptoms after we took the medicine one by one. “

Archibald’s eyebrows jumped. “He’s experimenting with you guys?”

The old village chief nodded. “Yes.”

“When I was looking at the medical record, the doctor came in. At that day, a female body died because the child’s scale armor cut the soul palace. When he came in, he was a little bit nervous, and probably he was not in a good mental state.

As soon as he saw me holding the recorder board, he thought I had found something, and then showed a relief expression, and then wept. “

The old village chief’s gaze looked towards the door, as if he saw the original picture.

“He was standing next to the door like that, with blood all around, holding the door frame and crying silently. That was the first time I saw the doctor cry.”

“After he cried, he calmed down quickly, and then he decided to tell me everything-although at that time he had seen it, I found nothing.”

The old village chief retracted his eyes, lowered his eyelids again, and looked at the ground diagonally forward, continuing his narration.

“The doctor didn’t know everything, and he didn’t tell me everything. He only said about him and about his tasks.”

“The doctor is not a soldier, but a criminal. He was arrested for illegal drug trials, but after three years in prison, he was taken out again. He did not say who it was, but the person had an agreement with him. As long as he is obedient, he will not be allowed to return to prison.

So the doctor came to our village. “

“The new inhibitor used by the doctor was not developed by him, but was given to him by the mysterious person. The job of the doctor is to record our reactions and changes after taking the inhibitor, and then adjust the medicine according to each person’s response.

The doctor will come to the village once a season and stay for about 20 days. In retrospect, he did bring new potions every time he came. “

“And from 50 years ago, the direction of the experiment shifted from suppressing the infection to the pregnant woman (woman) and the child.-The doctor did not know why, the person above did not tell him.

But as this experiment deepened, as the child in the pregnant woman’s belly changed, and with the tragic death of the first female, the doctor’s psychological line of defense gradually disintegrated. “

“So 30 years ago, after he confessed to me, he proposed an IVF plan. This was something he had been thinking about for a long time, but just lacked an opportunity for him to really implement it.”

“The doctor secretly released the news through his own channel that female babies can be made-the children born by females are highly talented, and many noble gentry are seduced, and then the doctor tricks a lot of genetic samples.

I do n’t talk much about the process, and I do n’t understand.

Anyway, in the end, the doctor gave the females a normal child. “

“Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. Twenty years ago, things were still revealed.-A person with a genetic sample knew the mysterious person, so the mysterious person knew about the female child.”

“After that, there was a slaughter. Those normal children were taken away, and those who couldn’t be taken away were killed. It was a dozen of us who had escaped the hunt by squatting outside the hunting trap.”

“Then it is now.”

Archibald “So what did you say about Dr. Lu, the daughter of the doctor?”

The old village chief shook his head. “She came across me by accident. She recognized me, and then took out the notes that the doctor had used, with photos of our villagers and recording of the village.”

Archibald frowned; “Then you accepted her?”

The old village chief laughed “Don’t you feel stupid?”

Archibald was silent, but after a while he shook his head.

“You won’t accept her rashly.”

Although the old village chief is not savvy, his vigilance will not be low after going through the experiment and slaughtering the village.

Therefore, the old village chief must have his intention to accept the present doctor.

The smile of the old village chief became bitter. “Yes, I doubt her, but there is no way!”

The old village chief raised his finger and pointed outside. “You can see that there are only so many people in the village. The old guy who knew those things at that time was only a few of us. The newborn cub didn’t know anything.

Without the doctor’s IVF, the child in the pregnant woman’s belly recovered again. “

“The drugs over the years have changed our physique. Only the records in Dr. Lu’s hands can alleviate our illness.

Drink to quench thirst, I understand. But this village has nowhere to go. “

In the past, maybe he would still think about asking for help from the outside world, but when he knew that it was the military department that had been torturing them, where did he dare?

——Old Emperor Star, but a military planet!

After the old village chief passed away, he revived and looked at Archibald seriously. “However, I did not let the children receive treatment from Dr. Lu. Even when Honghong gave birth, they were also taken care of by the villagers. With.

Although the children are half-beast or even whole-beast form, they have never had manic episodes since their birth, and they still have help. “

Archibald understood “You want me to take them away?”

The old village chief “Yes. Although a little cheeky, but the little duke is also half-beast form, and still manic, but it is still good. So I think you may have a way to save them, even if you do n’t, follow you And they will suffer less. “

Archibald nodded. “I promise you. But my medicine was specially made for me by my uncle. I’m afraid it’s not for them.”

The old village chief smiled. “It doesn’t matter. As long as you are healthy, it’s better than anything.”

Archibald : “What about you and everyone else? Don’t go with me?”

The old village chief just shook his head. “It’s late.”

However, what was late, the old village chief did not say at last.

He seemed to have fulfilled his final mission. The whole person was a little stunned, but the smile on his face became more relaxed and kind.
