OIM 61

Chapter 61: Huge Rollover Scene

Yang Yang called He Shu and Gulita, but no one answered, so Yang Yang sent them a message.

The car drove for about a quarter of an hour and reached the restaurant booked by Archibald.

The restaurant is on the top floor of a high-rise building. The space inside is separated by light-colored transparent materials and looks like a huge crystal palace.

Archibald’s box was closed by the window, and his side overlooked the entire wellness area. The box is minimalist, with only a bouquet of red flowers in the center of the table, which looks like a rose.

Yang Yang moved with a smile, and smiled at Archibald: “This is for me?”

Archibald glanced at the bunch of flowers and shook his head: “Each table has decorations in the restaurant. If you like, you can take them away later.”

Yang Yang: “…”

You are worthy of being single.

At this moment, Yang Yang was somewhat skeptical of his previous judgment-does this really like him? ?

Seeing Yang Yang’s face different, Archibald was nervous: “What’s wrong? Don’t like it here? Then we can change another house.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Oh, I like him.

“No, I like it here.”

Yang Yang showed a smile, sat down to open the menu to cover his face, and then smiled and became helpless-he still overestimated Archibald’s EQ.

On the way here before, Yang Yang certainly didn’t waste the opportunity-a confined and small space, a good place to make a call.

So Yang Yang spoke sideways several times, showing her carefully prepared “ascetic temptation”, and “unintentionally” touching Archibald’s tail twice.

Of course and eggs.

The only response Yang Yang received was the concern and greetings from Archibald after getting off the car-“Are you cold? Would you like to buy a scarf?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Bought to strangle you?


Until now, Yang Yang was desperate for a duke’s love cell.

But accordingly-you see, this kind of emotional intelligence can realize that he likes him. That Yang Yang felt that Archibald’s “straightness” was probably much lower than he expected.

So Yang Yang thought that he should give up the implied plagiarism of the graceful party and change to the straight-line plucking of the uninhibited faction-after all, his purpose is not to hang on to Archibald’s appetite, but to determine whether Archibald has the impulse to him. .

The first step to make sure is to make Archibald realize that he is stinging him, instead of asking him if he wants to buy a scarf!

“Are you ready?”

Archibald asked Yang Yang holding the menu all the time.

Yang Yang closed the menu and shrugged his shoulders: “You point, just click what you think is good. You can’t just be happy eating alone.”

Archibald froze, and then he was happy: “Okay.”

Archibald lowered his head to order, Yang Yang stared at Archibald intently, until Archibald finished ordering, Yang Yang was still watching him with an ambiguous smile.

Archibald looked at Yang Yang’s expression, first he felt unconsciously agitated, and then he suddenly reacted, looking up: “What’s wrong?”

To Archibald, Yang Yang didn’t like him.

Therefore, the current situation should not be viewed from the perspective of love, but from a normal perspective. The normal perspective is that Yang Yang is suddenly gentle = there must be a demon when something goes wrong, and in this place, there is only one object that can be demonized, and that is him, Archibald.

Yang Yang: “…”

He seemed to understand Archibald’s circuit.

Well, I have to admit the fact that the reason why he couldn’t move Archibald was not only because of Archibald’s EQ, but also the shadow that Archibald left by his “great achievements”.

After thinking about it, Yang Yang suddenly discovered a terrible fact—don’t say it ’s arrogant, now I ’m afraid of being a brutalist. Take off your pants and say “I love you” to Archibald, Archibald can think He is rectifying him.

Yang Yang: “…”

Oh my god, what evil did he make?

Yang Yang reached out and rubbed his forehead.

Under such a premise, no faction would be useful, and the unusual response would only arouse Archibald’s vigilance, and he had to wait for Archibald to confess to him … The road is long, and after all, Lai The Stead is a race with an average age of 180.

The thought that he might be “in love” for three or four years, during which time Archibald’s bend would turn into Schrodinger’s bend because he could not receive his telegrams …

Forget it, compared with the jealous picture of Archibald’s “I don’t like it on my mouth, but his tail is very honestly pulling”, Yang Yang is more reluctant to see “I’ve taken off my pants, and you actually said that I want to straighten You “sad picture.

So let’s drop the moth and meet each other frankly.

Yang Yang sighed, looked up again, and smiled aside from the ambiguity, looking directly into Archie Bird’s eyes: “I’m just glad to be able to eat out with you, this is the first time I’ve come out to eat and be with you ,I am very happy.”

Archibald froze, his heart fluttering involuntarily, but then he remembered suddenly, “Did you not go out with Monta to eat?”

Although it is not such a restaurant, it is a food street. But Monta said in his ear several times “I went to eat food street with Yang Yang, and brought you some by the way”. His memory is very deep.

Yang Yang: “…”

First of all, I would like to thank Comrade Catalyst for his dedication in places he cannot see. Secondly, Lord Duke, can you see my “sincere admiration” eyes? ?

Yang Yang closed his eyes and meditated three times—I like him.

Then Yang Yang looked up and smiled helplessly: “It was just when I went to buy ingredients, and by the way I bought some snacks. I mean this is the first time for such a formal restaurant.-Is the Duke reluctant to eat this meal? ? “

Archibald frowned, and answered after two seconds: “I’m happy too.”

Yang Yang smiled and tried to lead the subject: “Why happy?”

I did n’t know that Archibald had a look of “you were waiting for me”, and wit replied, “Oh, at today ’s meeting, the military said that there would be a Boy Scout class in this winter camp. You know, I I prefer children, so I feel good. “

Yang Yang: “…”

Nothing more than three, I will bear you again this time.

Yang Yang took the opportunity to take the opportunity to take the initiative to invite: “Speaking of today, you haven’t fed the baby yet, anyway, the dish has not been served yet, do you want to touch the belly first?”

The moment of touching his stomach every day is the most anticipated moment of Archibald, especially now that the child is getting more and more slimy about him.

Sure enough, Archibald’s face moved, but when he was about to move, Archibald stopped again.

“Still go back later and touch again.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Well, why did he forget it, Lord Duke loves to eat hard when he is not soft, and he can only use it if he is gentle.

Yang Yang leaned back on the back of the chair and laughed: “That’s good, but the child has grown up fast and loves to sleep more and more recently. Aunt Gu said that because the embryo development is near perfection, maybe this 15-day soul The perception period will also shorten. “

Archibald stunned and changed his words: “Then I’ll touch now.”

Yang Yang: “But I was suddenly hungry.”

Archibald: “………”

At this moment, the door rang twice, and the waiter pushed in the dining car.

There are three dishes, and the portions are full. A deep-fried deep-sea blue shrimp tongs, a small fresh soup of famous starfish, and an assorted seafood ball as a staple food.

After introducing the dishes, the waiter went out again.

Yang Yang looked at the little soup and was pleased: “Ah, this is the famous brand of Hailanxing. I heard that it was stewed with eighty-one kinds of seafood, and even the water is the local freshwater of Hailanxing It’s okay, you can eat it here. “

Archibald was a little surprised and glanced at Yang Yang.

Yang Yang accurately captured his eyes and smiled proudly: “Strange why do I know? Very simple, because Monta only told me yesterday.”

Archibald: “………”

His face turned cloudy instantly.

Yang Yang took a bite of Xiaoxian Tang, and his face was intoxicated: “I didn’t believe it when Monta said, it turned out to be so delicious!”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang: “Ah, by the way, Monta also recommended me a boiled beard. It is particularly delicious. Is it available here?”

Archibald tightened his jaw. “No.”

Yang Yang: “Well, but I just saw it on the menu. Am I wrong?”

Archibald: “………”

Seeing Yang Yang reaching out to go through the menu, Archibald opened his mouth to stop, but before a word was spoken, he and Yang Yang’s terminal rang.

The two froze and looked down.

Yang Yang’s side is a reply to Shu and Gulita. The two are very similar. [Thank Yang Yang, a few of us will not go. You young people go to play. Byrd rarely wants to go out. You can play more freely].

Gulita also added [If it’s too late, you can find a hotel in the health area, don’t drive at night. 】

Yang Yang’s subconscious thought that Gulita’s special reminder was a bit wrong, but did not think deeply.

Because Yang Yang is happy now, this means that it is his date with Archibald at night.

Yang Yang responded to the email, then looked up with regret: “Uncle and Aunt Gu both said that they would not go to the circus tonight, neither Amber nor Yuma would go. It seems that only we go to the circus tonight . “

Archibald did not respond, still looking down at the terminal.

Yang Yang didn’t care, and continued to stir up the flames: “Otherwise we call Monta, it is a box anyway, he can lie down and watch, otherwise it is a waste of ticket money.”

Archibald reacted this time. He slowly raised his head, revealing a pair of deep eyes, staring at Yang Yang stubbornly.

Yang Yang: “…”

No, this makes me angry? ? ?

Then, Yang Yang saw Archibald on the terminal a little, and a light screen appeared in front of Yang Yang. The interface above was an email from “Father”, which is Heshu.

The beginning of the e-mail is a screen shot of a group chat called “Old Father Broke My Heart Today”.

From around ten in the morning.

Rong Tan: [Big News! Bird is in love! 】

Rong Tan: [The other party is a man! Female! 】

(Fancy shock with ten times speed filtering through dozens of accounts)

Kudow Wasseren: [Impossible! How could Bird be in love earlier than Monta of my family! !! 】

Sauron Abel: [What do you mean, Laohua? Why can’t my bird be in love? Lao Rong said quickly who it is! Let Laohua listen! 】

Rong Tan: [Ah? I do not know. 】

Sauron Abel: […………]

Dotton Heshu: [Yang Yang, did Bird acknowledge it? that’s nice! 】

Sauron Abel: [Hahaha! Laohua, look! It is Yang Yang, not only in love, but also in children! !! 】

Kudow Wasseren: [What’s so proud of your child? And I really want to say that Bird is unrequited! 】

Kurdul Gulita: [My dear, my son is still in love with the paper man. 】

Kudow Wasseren: […………]

In the end, this video only stayed on the conclusion that “Yiqi Bird’s favorite person is Yang Yang”.

Yang Yang blinked and didn’t understand why Archibald wanted to show him this. Was he anxious to confess it directly?

Yang Yang was a little proud, and smiled, “Is the Duke confessing to me? Whoops, this–“

“This” is not finished yet, Archibald’s fingers slide down, and the light screen of Yang Yang in front of him turns into a screenshot, which is still a group chat of the old father. Just one sentence.

Dotton Ashburn: [Brow doesn’t seem to be unrequited. [AUDIO]]

Yang Yang: “…”

Suddenly there was a bad hunch.

Before waiting for Yang Yang to think about the others, Archibald’s finger was poked lightly, and the play button was opened to release it. Then Rott’s unique doll sound rang immediately in the box.

Roth: “Rong Hui ~ I’m here to play with you ~”

Rong Hui’s voice was very pleased: “Well, Rott, how are you free today?”

Rott: “Because the host went out to dinner with the Duke ~ I left the Black Panther upstairs and waited ~”

Rong Hui was surprised: “Bird went out to eat? I remember he hated eating out.”

Lot: “Hey, hey, he wants to pursue his master ~ shh, don’t tell anyone.”

Rong Hui also lowered her voice: “Huh, is that true? Bird likes Yang Yang?”

Roth; “Yeah, the master changed his photo of the women’s dress today, he was not angry, and bought snacks for the master, and praised the master for his good work!”

Rong Hui: “Wow, I’m sure I like it, but Monta will be killed by Bird.-Does Yang Yangxi like Bird?”

Rott didn’t hesitate: “I like it! But I like it, but he deliberately lied to the Duke. He liked women, and he also showed the Duke to Monta, showing that he liked watching the Duke’s jealous and dare not say. I think he would Play off, but the host said it was fun.-Do not tell others! “

Rong Hui: “Huh, I won’t say!-Ah, I forgot to talk to En Ge, hey, En Ge, can you hear me? You can’t tell anyone!”

This concludes the audio.

Yang Yang; “………………”

Okay, here comes the question. Is he too late to pretend to be dead?
