
Chapter 123: Sauron Puff

The puff cried so much that a beast with a big slap was crying with immense force.

If it weren’t for crying his hair, the parents of a room might still be distressed.

Now, there is only music left.

Gulita put away her device and laughed: “Then I’ll do a blood test first.”

Having said that, I went to the treatment room with the testing equipment.

Wasseren looked at the little guy who was throwing on Archibald’s palm, and sighed, “It’s the first time I’ve seen a cub who is so mentally just after breaking the shell.”

Abel was pleased: “Because he has a strong soul, it’s good to cry twice if he has a weak cub.”

Wasselen: “………”


Monta bent over to come over and looked at the puff’s short legs for a while, and suddenly he was happy.

“Well, you see, his forelegs, don’t they look like a baguette puff that has been pressed with milk? Hahahaha!”

Yang Yang: “…”

Blind student, you found Huadian.

Archibald: “………”

OK, he knows where the name of the puff came from.

When Puff heard Monta’s words, he was poked for a while and cried even more fiercely. While crying, don’t forget to turn around and growl at the dragon of Monta: “Huh!”

You’re only suckling!

Monta was even more happy: “Oh, kind of fierce. Come and bite me ~”

Puff: “… ????”

This lord is too arrogant!

For a moment, the puff forgot to cry, and glared at Monta with a sigh of anger.

He, sheep puff, has been a treasure in the hands of his big dad since he was conscious in the cube of the soul. After breaking the shell, the little dad has more pain. In addition to the force majeure of “alopecia areata”, who has not been wronged!

So the puff stood up from Archibald’s palm and flew towards Monta.

Although the sofa is not high, it is also a “little cliff” for puffs. If this time it’s blown, the fall is sure.

Archibald found that the puff had a stance to jump directly from the palm of his hand, and his eyes quickly stretched out his hand, suppressing the space where the puff took off.

The puffs were all ready for the posture. The meeting was blocked, and he raised his head in disappointment. He said aggressively to Archibald: “Huh!”

Little dad, keep off! I want to scratch him!

Archibald looked at his fierce look, and couldn’t help laughing, and rubbed his puffs with his fingers gently: “Don’t be angry, Dad will hit him for a while.”

Puffs, what can I do?

But soon the puffs were happy—the little dad was also his!

So the puffs put away the rush, and rushed to Archibald, “Hmm!”

Hit hard!

Monta didn’t care about this kind of coaxing the child, and she continued to fan the flames over there: “Oh, you’re bald, don’t you let people say it?”

Puff: “………”

The forgotten alopecia areata, suddenly burst into my heart.

The puff looked down at his short legs and burst into tears again: “Uh-huh!”

He is bald!

Archibald: “………”

Archibald looked up at Monta.

Monta laughed, and then made a zipper motion on her mouth, spreading her hands-I shut up.

Archibald looked back and rubbed the puff’s head lightly, comforting: “Don’t cry, the hair is just shaved, not bald, and it will grow back soon.”

The puff froze and looked up at Archibald: “Huh?”


This sentence is not difficult to understand.

Archibald smiled: “Well, it will really grow out.”

The puff was a little happy, but still uneasy, he stretched out his short legs with “alopecia areata”, handed them to Archibald, and shook him: “Huh!”

Archibald: “………”

I don’t understand this time.

Archibald looked at Yang Yang again-what did he mean?

Yang Yang thought about it and hesitated, “Maybe you made you swear on his little legs?”

Puff: “Hmm!”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald couldn’t help crying, holding the puff’s short legs, solemnly: “I swear, the hair on your legs will really grow out soon.”

The puff was satisfied. He retracted his short legs, shook his tail in a beautiful manner, and looked back at Monta again. “Huh!”

I understand this sentence.

Archibald: “Well, hit him soon.”

Monta: “………”

Wait, wouldn’t his little friend be serious?

Not bald, and little dad supports.

The anxiety swept away, and the puff’s mood skyrocketed, and the novelty that had been pressed before suddenly turned up.

He glanced around this strange world to him, and then started to climb up along Archibald’s arm-to reach a strange place, of course, to occupy the commanding heights.

Archibald tossed along with him, tilting his arms to make it easier for the puff to climb.

The adults who had seen enough in the room also talked.

Wasselen: “This little guy has a good temper and is very daring.-If Bird hadn’t stopped, just 80% of him would really jump.”

Abel: “Of course! It must be a very good fighter in the future!”

Wasselen: “………”

You’re enough, really.

However, despite some sourness, Warsell had to admit: “I can fully understand the language and even communication of adults just after breaking the shell. This is the first time I have seen.”

Abel: “Hahaha! Great!”

Wasselen: “………”

He didn’t want to talk anymore.

But speaking of communication, Monta suddenly remembered.

In the early stage of the child’s conjunctiva, Archibald could not perceive the child. Yang Yang said that he could communicate with the child, and indeed after communication, Archibald could perceive the child.

Monta’s heart moved, and it stands to reason that during the embryonic period, even if a child had a soul, he could not produce self-consciousness without a trustworthy body.

But judging by the situation at hand, this little guy is not only conscious, but also the memory of the tacit understanding between him and Yang Yang.

This is weird!

Although Monta thought so, he didn’t say it-the child’s abnormality must be related to Yang Yang’s mysterious space.

Monta believes that everything that one can perceive cannot be noticed by others who know space.

He doesn’t need to worry about these things. He just needs to know that the child is healthy.

Just then, Gulita, who was going to test the blood sample, came back with a smile on her face.

Yang Yang was the first to discover Gulita, and when he saw the smile on his face, Yang Yang also smiled: “It seems that I can get my 50 million star coins.”

This was the original reward for his agreement with Archibald.

——Yang Yang knew that Gulita had just been testing the child’s DNA. He didn’t have any objection to Gulita’s approach. On the contrary, he also wanted to know whether the child was Archibald.

Looking at Gulita’s expression now, the result is positive.

Gulita was dismantled and thought carefully, and she was not embarrassed. She smiled and said, “Yes, but do you still need it now? Do n’t say that the porridge shop you made is the money that Bird has saved for so many years. Not enough for you? “

Yang Yangyi said rightly: “That’s different. This is what I had hoped for a long time. The Duke cut me a zero.”

Archibald: “………”

Do you remember?

Abel laughed aside and said, “Here! I’ll seal a big red envelope for you in a while, and make up for that!”

Abel laughed happily, and he had complete peace of mind—Although he already knew about the existence of Yangyang Soul Cube, he was still a little hesitant about the issue of “the full health of Archibald’s children”.

Are you upset now that you’ve got the promise?

This not only means that the genetic disease of the Dottonians will be dying in this way, but also that Soul Cube does have the ability to cure the genetic diseases of the Dottons.

In other words, Yang Yang’s previous proposal to use red fruits to clear the medicine stone soul power is right!

Yang Yang didn’t know that Abel thought about it a lot, and he narrowed his eyes happily when he heard that zero was added to him: “Thank you Dad!”

Gulita went to sit next to Wasselen, and asked, “Speaking, what’s the name of the little guy? Are you ready?”

Abel replied immediately: “Of course! I thought of my grandchildren’s names when I was grown up!”

Yang Yang: “…”

It turned out that the love of the old father had begun since En Ge.

Abel continued: “The first bimorph grandson was called Sauron Delt.”


Yang Yang froze.

He had read the history of the Dotton family. When he married Shu and Abel, Abel concealed his identity and used the form of “entry”, so the brothers of the Archibald were both named Doton.

It is said that after the death of the old duke, the situation of the old emperor star was unstable. Abel did this to help the Dotons, not just to make the Dotons vassals.

However, the birth of Archibald broke the plan. Because Archibald broke the shell crisis, Abel had to disclose his identity in advance, so that before Archibald’s record came to light, the public’s impression of the Dottonian family remained. It was tied to Sauron’s house-although the Archibald brothers did not change their name to Sauron.

And now, does Abel name the puff Sauron, does it have any special meaning?

Inexplicably, Yang Yang suddenly remembered it. Yaqing once said that the main planet of the soul cable star must be a double form of Leicester.

Thinking of this, Yang Yang couldn’t help but look up to see Yaqing.

However, in this regard, Yang Yang was stunned-Ya Qing still bowed her head, her body was bent down, and his face was completely invisible. But he put his hands on the sofa on both sides of his body, his fingers curled into fists, because the knuckles of the knuckles were stretched so clearly that they were sharp.

Yang Yang’s heart moved, her brows froze, and she couldn’t help thinking about the bad side.

——No, no, maybe it’s not because of the last name of the puff, but maybe because of the discomfort?

Yang Yang persuaded himself this way, but his heart was a little uneasy after all, so he thought about it and decided to call Yaqing and see Yaqing’s expression to confirm his thoughts.

But at this moment, the mind was interrupted.


The puff had reached the commanding heights, stepping on Archibald’s ear and standing on Archibald’s head.

Archibald held his hands slightly, his body sat straight, his neck dared not to move his head, and he looked as if he were close to the enemy.

But the puff on top of his head didn’t have any sense of crisis.

It’s just that the puppies have a large head and a small body, and the “ground” they step on is spherical, so the puffs are not stable.

The scream was too hard just now, and the puff’s body trembled, then slipped under the foot, and the whole beast “snapped”, and the limbs slid down the arch of Archibald’s head, turning into a leather hat Clasped it on the head of his little dad.

The puffs were not big or small, and they just hugged Archibald’s head firmly and tightly.

Yang Yang looked back and saw such a picture.

Yang Yang: “…”


Yang Yang: [Rott, hurry, take a picture. 】

Lott facing the wall: […………]

The puff slumped after slipping, and then found that this position was more stable and comfortable than before, so he couldn’t lie on his stomach.

Archibald breathed a sigh of relief, and put his hand down.

The puff turned to look at Abel, and then protested to Abel’s speech just now: “Huh! Huh!”

I have a name!

Abel didn’t understand what he was saying, but when he hummed at himself, he was happy and very confident: “Like it! Is this name good?”

Puff: “………”

Where did I say I liked it!

The puff was anxious, stretched out a short leg, and patted Archibald’s forehead angrily with a meat pad, with a serious tone: “Huh! Huh!”

My name is Puff! Po Ao Pao, Fo Wu Fu!

Abel couldn’t understand the specific meaning, but understood the puff’s unhappy mood.

Abel scratched his head and looked at Yang Yang: “He doesn’t seem to like it, what is he talking about?”

Yang Yang: “…”

He really didn’t want to understand.

Yang Yang sighed, telling the truth: “He may be trying to say, his name is Puff.”

Puff: “Hmm!”


Abel listened and thought for a moment, and was a little bit embarrassed: “Sorren Puff, doesn’t it sound prestigious?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Wait, do you really think about it?

Puff heard Abel’s words and continued to pat his paw: “Hmm!”

But cute enough!

Abel looked at the insistent young grandson and hesitated, “Okay, since you like it, then–“

“Just Delt.”

Yang Yang steals Abel’s words and smiles and proposes, “I think Delt is very nice.”


Chapter 124: Desire

Does sheep puff sound bad? Why did the big dad change his name?

The puff was aggrieved and looked at Yang Yang: “Huh!”


Yang Yang: “…”

Because genetically, you might grow into a strong man of nearly two meters.

But even if he explained to Puff, he probably couldn’t understand the impact of that picture.

So Yang Yang coaxed: “Both names are yours, Delt is the name you used to grow up, and the puff is your current name.”

Puff crooked his head, wondering, is that it?

After thinking about it for two seconds, Puff’s head went up to Archibald’s head and gave up thinking: “Hmm!”

Anyway, it ’s true to listen to the big dad ~

Giving up the tangle, Puff’s attention turned away immediately, he looked around, and then the little meat paw patted Archibald’s forehead again: “Huh!”

Get started, little dad!

Archibald pondered the puff’s mind, a little uncertain: “Want to play?”

Puff: “Hmm!”

Let me take a look at my future territory!

Archibald smiled, and his body stood up like a ruler, holding the puff firmly on his head.

Archibald wasn’t short. He stood up and more than doubled in height.


The puff screamed in excitement, and his limbs stroked water on Archibald’s head for a while, but his movable area was only Archibald’s head, so he threw for a while and stopped. He raised his small front legs and patted Archibald’s forehead lightly and anxiously: “Hmm!”

Little dad, go here!

Archibald swayed him, pointing where he went, and took the puff in the living room and kept going, and then went to the kitchen again.

Yang Yang didn’t keep up. After watching the two fathers and sons enter the kitchen, their eyes fell back on Ya Qing not far away.

Ya Qing’s fist was still clenched, and the whole person was motionless, incompatible with the joyful atmosphere in the living room.

Yang Yang looked still and asked, “Uncle Yaqing, are you uncomfortable?”

Yaqing didn’t answer immediately. After two seconds, she slowly raised her head and glanced at Yang Yang.

His face was pale, with sweat on his forehead, bloodshot eyes, and twinkling eyes.

Not only does it look physically uncomfortable, but his mental state is not very good.

When Abel saw this, he immediately understood, and said, “Yaqing, you should take medicine, go upstairs and rest for a while.”

Yaqing still didn’t answer, and he slowly turned his head again, staring at Abel for a while, then only evaded his eyes and nodded slightly.


Having said that, Yaqing stood up, grasped her left arm with her right hand, and moved stiffly and slowly towards the upper floor.

Yang Yang looked at Ya Qing’s back, and an inexplicable sense of crisis was gradually growing in her heart, but she was empty and could not find the exact soil to depend on.

“That’s what happened with Yaqing.”

Abel saw Yang Yang’s doubts and explained with a voice, “It looks scary, and it can last for several days, but the reaction is not strong and rarely completely out of control.”

Yang Yang’s heart moved and asked, “Total loss of control?”

Abel sighed, and did not hide: “Like the old duke, when he became sick, he changed into a person, and then he lost the memory of the illness.”

Yang Yang was startled, “Uncle Na Yaqing …”

Abel shook his head: “It was a long time ago, and it only happened a few times, and then he didn’t get sick to that extent-his condition is improving, which is the main reason we believe he can heal Bird. “

Although Yaqing also went crazy like the old duke, he persisted for so many years and suppressed the symptoms of madness.

Does it mean that Yaqing has made some achievements in the development of medicinal stones?

Yang Yang was lost in thought, and then his thoughts were interrupted by a noise.

——It is the frolic of the child.

Little white armor them.

Yang Yang returned to God, then remembered that Xiao Baijia went out to play, but wasn’t it said that Monta brought it?

As Yang Yang got up and looked, he asked Monta: “Speaking of it, haven’t you gone out with Ruohong sisters, why are you separated?”

Monta: “Meeting En Ge and Rong Hui, Rong Hui took the children to play simulated armor. After I received a group message from the planet master, Rong Hui had not finished their armor, so I will return first.

During the conversation, the porch has been opened, but the first one to come in is Ahiborne and Ronghui.

“Where’s the child?”

Ahiborn had always had a happy smile on his gentle and elegant face, and asked where the child was when he entered.

At the door of the kitchen, Archibald came out with his eclairs: “Brother. Ronghui.”

Asheborn’s eyes brightened, he saw the little furry guy on top of Archibald’s head, and a big rock fell in the heart of Ascherborn-healthy!


Rong Hui screamed happily, ran to Archibald, looked up at the puff, and sighed, “He is so young!”

Puff: “???”

The puff looked down at the person in front of the little dad, stretched out his short legs in disapproval, and gestured in the air: “Huh!”

You’re young, you’re shorter than me-so many!

Rong Hui couldn’t understand what he said, and when he saw the short legs that Puff made, he wondered, “Why is there a bald hair on his leg?”

Archibald: “………”

Others in the room: “………”

Puff: “………”

You! How fat!

Puff waving his “alopecia areata” short legs, and yelled at Ronghui: “Huh! Huh!”

You see clearly, it’s shaved, not bald!

Rong Hui looked at the puffs that were suddenly agitated, startled, and asked Archibald: “What happened to him?”

Archibald: “… don’t mention his hair.”

After that, Archibald reached out and raised his puff softly, comfortingly, “The puff is not angry, and the hair will grow out soon.”


Puff hummed, his head twitched Archibald’s hair.

Ashbourne looked funny, “The little guy is quite temperament.-Does he understand us?”

Archibald answered, with a proud meaning: “I can answer, but I can’t speak, but Yang Yang understands.”

Yang Yang: “…”

No, I don’t understand.

“so smart.”

Ashburn looked at the puffs with affection, and then asked, “What’s your name?”

Puff tilted his head and looked at this strange adult, not afraid of being born, and opened his mouth and answered, “Huh!”


Ahibborn was happy, couldn’t help but reached out and touched the puff’s furry back, exaggerating “It’s so cute”, and then looked at Archibald: “Is it a nickname?”

Archibald: “Well, the name is Sauron Delt.”

After a pause, Archibald added, “He likes nicknames a lot.”

Ashbern saw the truth: “Yang Yang?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Why did you suddenly cue me? Is it puff?

Archibald: “Well. Dad’s got his name.”

Ashburn nodded. “I know this.”

Abu Lengbuding on the sofa answered: “Yes, he knows that the name was originally prepared for his children.”

Ashbourne: “………”

Here comes the old father’s annual marriage in disguise.

Achborn pretended not to hear.

At this time, if Red and Xiaobaijia also came in.

On the way back, they also learned that the child had broken the shell, so as soon as they entered the door, they surrounded Archibald in a swarm.

Then the children were surprised.

“Well? Why is he furry?”

“He is so young!”

“Why long hair?”

“Not like us.”

Only the two older children are calm-although in the village, they have not seen normal bimorph children, they also know that normal bimorph children have fur after breaking their shells.

The puff also saw the children, his eyes fell on Xiao Baijia, and then he was surprised: “Huh?”

Why are you hairless?

The puff knew that the adult was hairless, and his little dad’s tail was hairless, but he didn’t expect the “little man” to be hairless.

The puff was a little curious and looked down with his head stretched.

Archibald felt the downward trend of the “hat” on his head, and quickly reached for his arms.

“Don’t panic, be careful not to fall.”

The puff didn’t know what the danger was, and when he heard it, he patted Archibald’s palm with only small claws: “Huh!”

Little dad, you’re off.

Archibald probably understands the meaning of puffs-when children see older children, they usually play together.

So Archibald simply reached out and took the puffs off his head, then walked into the living room and put them on the coffee table.

The height of the puffs plummeted, and looking down became looking up, but the momentum didn’t change at all.

He looked at the big children around him, looked at each other in reality, and then suddenly “um” twice, and patted the table with his paw, as if saying something.

Ashbourne looked at Yang Yang, curious: “What is he talking about?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang sighed and guessed: “It’s probably sworn in territorial sovereignty or something.”

It was a little interesting when Ashbern listened to the music and then looked at the movement of the puffs.

Ignoring his swaying posture when walking, looking at that momentum alone, is powerful. As he walked back and forth, he opened his mouth from time to time and said “Hmm”.

It’s like a male lion patrolling his territory-the kind of young.

Ashburn looked at it, and suddenly he had a toothache.

“I think puffs are afraid that they are going to come out of the sky.”

Archibald retorted immediately: “No. Puffs, though temperamental and courageous, are very obedient and obedient.”

Ashbourne: “………”

Yang Yang: “…”

No, Duke (Bird), you obviously don’t see the nature of the matter.

At this time, if Hong came over, she squatted at the coffee table and looked at the puffs.

Yang Yang glanced at Ruohong and asked softly, “Sister Ruohong?”

If Hong had gone back to God, when she looked at Yang Yang, she had some tears in her eyes.

Yang Yang froze.

If Hong also reacted, she blinked embarrassedly, wiped away the tears in the corner of her eyes, and then turned back and apologized and smiled at Yang Yang. What a cub shape. I … “

If the red speech stopped, he finally touched the puppet in his arms full of affection, with a bit of sourness in his tone: “I was just thinking, if my child is also healthy, will it be the same? lovely.”

There was a moment of silence in the living room.

Archibald looked at Ruohong, the expression on his face gradually settled, his eyes dropped to hide his emotions.

But Yang Yang knew Archibald, and when he looked away, he saw Archibald’s tail hanging on the ground.

Yang Yang knew it–Yes, Archibald was still very concerned about the origin of his medicine.

“Oh, look at me.”

Rou Hong finds that the atmosphere has been disrupted by her, she stands up and quits: “The child may be hungry. I’ll go back to the room and give the child some milk powder.”

After all, hurriedly got up and left.
