OIM 83-84

Chapter 83: Fu Qing, CoMi

The last day of the tourist season.

After Abel and his party arrived at the Old Emperor Star, Yang Yang’s time was also filled.

But it can be considered a small gain.

The first is that strange chip.

With the help of Yaqing, the scientific research institute made a chip replica. After running, it found that its function is only to receive the soul and soul power. Although it is different from the conventional soul and beast experiment, it is not considered to be just that. Violation.

But this cannot explain the 30-year time difference of the chip and the conversion into a soul and beast overnight.

So the key is the area vacated in the middle of the chip.

Yaqing said that the chip should be filled with something originally, but it has been exhausted and no traces of residue have been found in the body of the soul corpse. Maybe it is an energy body such as soul crystals and minerals, or it may be another A separate chip.

To solve this problem, just grab another one.

Yaqing said that there will not be only one such experimental beast, and if you search it, you should be able to find it again.

However, the old emperor’s starry land was sparsely populated, and there were many uninhabited areas. It would be unrealistic to proceed.

Therefore, as of now, the matter of this soul corpse can only be put on hold.

Followed by gray soul power.

Yang Yang and Zhang Jun both believed that it was the purified representative. But Yaqing suggested that it was weakening.

Yaqing said.

The soul beast soul power does not depend on the existence of the soul palace, it is independent and dynamic. When it is strong, it is black, and weakened to a certain extent, it is gray. It may weaken again, and it will turn white.

But no matter what color it becomes, it is the soul power, not being “purified” into the normal soul power available to the Leicester.

However, this cannot explain the existence of red fruits.

——Ah, insert a sentence here. Zhang Jun did not tell Yaqing the existence of red fruits. This is also Yang Yang’s reaction after two days. Yang Yang turned around and asked Zhang Jun, but never thought Zhang Jun laughed.

Zhang Jun said: “You have a mysterious history, and Mr. Yaqing is very keen. If you show him, maybe the underpants will be picked out for you.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Of course, Yang Yang is grateful for Zhang Jun’s concealment of the fruit. After all, one thing is worse than one less.

But the same, although Zhang Jun said lightly, Yang Yang still noticed one thing—whether it was Warcelon, Gulita, Zhang Jun, Liang Lao, or even Abel himself, he was close to A Qing , Maintaining a sense of alienation that is imperceptible.

However, in the giants, there are always things that are too secretive, and Yang Yang has no intention of going to the bottom.

It’s just the matter of red fruit, but Zhang Jun and Yang Yang have to understand it because it is white, but the soul power it contains is not weak.

Zhang Jun proposed: “Perhaps a large number of extremely weakened soul and beast soul powers were condensed.-Mr. Yaqing said that the soul and beast soul powers are independent, and the soul and beast soul powers you see are also separated in pieces. , I think that once the soul and beast power are separated, they can form independent individuals and cannot be reunited again, just like broken glass. “

Yang Yang did not refute, but he knew it was not the case.

If it is the soul beast soul power, then whether it is the fluorescent ball, bean sprouts, or him and Monta, it should now be infected with the soul beast soul power.

Therefore, it is possible to purify the soul and soul.

As long as there is a soul cube.

After confirming this matter, Yang Yang devoted himself to his “experiment” with unparalleled enthusiasm, and also expanded the scale of the experiment and stuffed poultry into the breeding area.

From the early part of the tourist season to the last day, Yang Yang’s experiments have also yielded results.

First, the soul power in the soul cube can purify the soul and beast soul power.

Secondly, the soul power in the soul cube can supplement the soul power, but it has no effect in repairing the soul palace.

Third, improper use can cause death.

The third point is not really good news.

There were only three dead animals, but all were in the control group with red fruits, and two were infected with soul power.

Of course, there may be many reasons for death, after all, these poultry themselves are not healthy.

But even so, Yang Yang didn’t dare to risk giving the fruit to Archibald.

Yang Yang needs to experiment again. Before the next experiment, other effects need to be more rigorously excluded, and the amount of red fruit can be better.

“Not finished yet?”

Archibald’s voice came from behind him.

Yang Yang looked back from contemplation, stood up and turned and smiled: “Yes. The people below?”

On the last day of the tourist season, although the market is closed, it is also very lively and there are many activities. The barbecue restaurant also has its own celebrations.

Yang Yang now serves as the “poster” of the barbecue restaurant, and naturally participated in it-he made some ordinary small biscuits in advance yesterday, packed 50 bags, and gave it as a small gift this morning.

However, Yang Yang underestimated the number of tourists.

There is Star Harbor near the health area. Most of the tourists in the surrounding towns are concentrated in the health area today, waiting for their return journey.

Yang Yang’s biscuits were finished in ten minutes, and the porridge cooked in the morning was selling faster than usual.

But the customers were still not interested, and asked Yang Yang around Yang Yang.

Yang Yang couldn’t help but only answered questions about whether he would continue to sell porridge, and then went upstairs.

It’s already afternoon, and it’s clear that most of the outside voices have disappeared-the tourist season has clearly stipulated that tourists’ access is only allowed during the tourist season.

In other words, all visitors must leave today.

Archibald: “Well, there aren’t any more people, and they’re packing up the wood.-Haven’t you eaten these things yet?”

Archibald was talking about the animals in the cages.

Yang Yang: “Oh, I bought some more. Now I can’t use it any more. Let them take them back?”

Amber is responsible for the purchase of the Dowton family. For this “defective product”, Amber and Yuma will never let them go to the table of the Dowton family.

Archibald had no opinion.

“Then go back first, and the guests are here.”

Yang Yang stunned: “Who?”

Archibald: “The two adopted sons of my second cousin, Dotton Lawn.”

Yang Yang was a little surprised: “Fu Qing?”

Archibald: “Do you know?”

Yang Yang coughed slightly; “I heard Monta said. But I thought Luo Yan adopted only Fu Qing.”

Archibald seemed to have a headache: “Fu Qing was seven years old when he was adopted. The second cousin was brought out of the battlefield under Warsaw Star. The other is Kermi, now only five years old. The abandoned babies who have arrived have been kept by her aunt. “

Yang Yang was a little strange: “Only two children came over?”

Archibald: “Fu Qing is going to participate in the winter camp the day after tomorrow. The second cousin brought him here. The auntie was afraid that Kermit would have a second child with him, so let him take Kermit with him and take a trip. “

Archibald paused, his tone gradually frozen: “As a result, the second cousin heard that the blue star appeared in the sea and the sea, and then gave the two children to the **** and turned to the starship. The blue star. “

Yang Yang: “…”

Well, it’s the moth he knows.

Archibald sighed, “Dad they won’t be back from the trial area tonight. There is no one at home now. We have to go back and report peace to my aunt.”

“Let’s go.”

Yang Yang took the coat and laughed, “You don’t like children very much, why do you look so bitter?”

Archibald raised Yang Yang’s hand and heard a little embarrassment: “Children don’t like me.”

Whether at home or outside. The older child is okay. It is awe and worship to face him, but when he sees him younger, there is almost only one reaction — crying.

Of course, this does not blame the child, and some adults are afraid of him.

After all, before he turned 20, the way he appeared to the public was news of war and current affairs. Although he didn’t show his face in the news, he was either bloodless or tearing his soul with his hands, which is not really friendly.

Yang Yang laughed, reaching out and pinching Archibald’s fingertips: “It’s all right, our cub won’t be afraid of you.”

Although the perception time of the conjunctival period had passed more than ten days ago, Archibald could no longer sense the child’s soul. But at the last perception, after the fluorescent ball was full, he gave Archibald a “kiss”.

Archibald was almost crazy that day. I also shared the good news on your Youtu account, and then netizens labeled “silly father”.

The effect of that kiss is powerful, for example, now, Archibald thinks of that kiss, and his mood immediately improves.

But the good mood only lasted until home.

Doton Manor.

When the car drove to the villa, three people stood in the gate. Amber, a young man, and a young girl led by a young man-they should be Fu Qing and Kermi.

Fu Qing was only Yang Yang’s chest tall and handsome, but her eyes were firm, and her temperament showed the calmness of a small adult.

——Of course, Yang Yang knew what a moth he was under.

Ke Mi was in a small ball, wearing a pink jacket and a furry hat, showing a small face tender and red, very cute.

Archibald parked the car and walked with Yang Yang.

As Archibald approached, Yang Yang felt Fu Qing’s standing posture tightened a little bit, and Komi’s reaction was more direct-she stunned first, and then immediately tears her eyes. Hiding behind Fu Qing’s legs.

Yang Yang blinked: Wow, this effect is immediate.

Archibald: “………”

Archibald’s tail slid down.

But in the eyes of others, Archibald just looked a little colder and scarier.

Seeing Archibald’s reaction, even Fu Qing was a little nervous.

When Archibald approached Yang Yang, Fu Qing immediately gave a young military salute and greeted, “Good Duke. Good Xiao Xiao.”

Yang Yang: “…”

What? What are you calling me

I’ll give you a chance and call again.

However, Fu Qing didn’t get Yang Yang’s eyes, but instead adhered to the principle of “don’t pay attention to indecent assault”, her eyes only locked on Archibald. The strangeness of “the first time I met” was exaggerated.

Archibald nodded: “Go ahead, don’t freeze it.”

After saying that, Archibald didn’t hold back and glanced at Komi, who was stuck on Fu Qing’s leg.

Yang Yang looked at his expression and could almost translate Archibald’s thoughts-you see, I care about you.

But Ke Mi couldn’t understand it.

Conversely, Komi was startled by Archibald, and the tears wrapped still fell off. But she didn’t cry, she just narrowed her neck instinctively, trying to reduce her sense of existence.

Like a young hare stared at by a falcon, he is weak, poor, helpless, and wants to go home. QAQ


Chapter 84: Small Follower

Archibald is not good at dealing with small children, especially crying children.

So after saying hello, Archibald looked at the time, three hours before dinner, so he went to the training room first.

In the living room, only Yang Yang, Fu Qing and Kermi remained.

But Mi stopped crying, sitting next to Fu Qing with a small biscuit, biting in a small mouth.

Yang Yang stared at Fu Qing and did not speak.

Fu Qing: “…”


Ten seconds later, Fu Qing’s straight back collapsed, crossed her legs into the sofa, reached for a tangerine and started peeling.

“Don’t look at me like that, even Sister Li has to be like that in front of the Duke. My dad and Ta Ye often counsel.”

Yang Yang smiled: “Even if the outsider is afraid of him, why are you so afraid?”

Fu Qing: “I’m different from them. My dad made them by themselves, and the duke said they deserve them. But I just have a simple instinct, just like Komi.”

But when Mi heard his name, he turned to look at him, his eyes wide and confused.

Yang Yang didn’t understand: “Instinct?”

Fu Qing lost the orange and entered the mouth, and nodded: “Yes. The double form of the Lester will maintain a kind of animal nature before adulthood, which is rooted in the soul. The stronger the instinct. For example, weak meat eats strong. “

Yang Yang understood: “Instinct to fear the strong?”

Fu Qing nodded again: “The Duke’s soul strength is unprecedented, and because of his illness, the soul strength cannot be completely compressed in the soul palace, so it is easy for children to detect.”

Speaking of this, Fu Qing couldn’t help but gossip: “Four years ago, the Duke participated in a rescue mission, and there was a kindergarten in the evacuation area, which was the responsibility of the Duke. What do you guess?”

Yang Yang: “What?”

Fu Qing: “As soon as the Duke entered, the children in the whole kindergarten cried! You didn’t know the expression of the Duke at that time, Taye said that he was scared to death with his tail, ha ha ha ha!”

Yang Yang: “…”

Fu Qing smiled happily, but Yang Yang raised an eyebrow and didn’t speak. After Fu Qing laughed for a while, Yang Yang suddenly looked up and looked at Fu Qing’s position slightly surprised.

Fu Qing noticed Yang Yang’s gaze, and the laughter stopped abruptly. He also took a nap.

Fu Qing: “… Oh!”

Don’t donkey me.

Yang Yang smiled silently-see for yourself.

Fu Qing swallowed his mouth, obediently put down his crossed legs, and then built his heart for a few seconds before turning his head slowly.

——I saw nothing behind him.

Fu Qing: “…”

Fu Qing’s body was softened, and the noodle leaned back on the back of the sofa, covering her chest and questioning Yang Yang: “This scares a 14-year-old child, won’t your conscience hurt?”

Yang Yang took the fruit milk and took a sip, “No.”

Fu Qing: “…”

Yang Yang put down the cup and laughed: “This thing is telling you, don’t say bad things in front of the spouse of other people.-The duke is called ‘cute’, understand?”

Fu Qing: “…”

Fu Qing: “Do you remember making his own emoji?”

Yang Yang: “The duke in the emoticon bag is also very cute. I have done some more these days, do you want to watch it? Someone got up in the morning to take a picture, handsome to wake you jpg.”

Fu Qing: “…”

Fu Qing’s hand covering her chest moved to the stomach, and said blankly, “No thanks, I’m full.-Ah, this bowl of dog food is poisonous.”

Yang Yang was happy, lost a nut to his mouth, and changed the topic: “Speaking of it, I remember that you said last week that you want to enjoy winter vacation? Why did you come to the winter camp again?”

Fu Qing felt that her stomach hurt even more. The whole person was incapable. “… Yeah, I thought I would have a winter vacation. But obviously my grandpa thought I didn’t.”

Yang Yang not only did not sympathize, and even laughed out loud.

Fu Qing stared, trying to condemn Yang Yang with his eyes.

Yang Yang waved his hand and asked, “What about that Komi? The winter camp was twenty days, and your dad ran away again, or should someone send him back?”

But Mi heard his name again, and looked over again.

Fu Qing shook her head: “No, my grandma and grandpa have gone to Di Xing to attend the year-end conference, and no one was sent home.”

Yang Yang: “… So?”

Fu Qing: “I heard you are going to the winter camp too? Because the Duke seems to be in estrus.”

Yang Yang: “…”

It seems Monta is ill-treated again.

Fu Qing: “Look, when you go, you can also play, you might as well take Comi.”

Yang Yang refused: “But I haven’t brought any children-oh, don’t cry!”

Before Yang Yang finished speaking, she saw that Komi was crying again. This time, she cried even more fiercely than before, crying softly, like a weak chicken.

She is sad. Although she does n’t understand a lot of things, she understands the fact that she is about to be “abandoned”. Even the person (Fu Qing) who her father had put her in his hands did not want her, and there was no one around her. Familiar people, for a while, were afraid of grievances and grievances, and could only cry.

Yang Yang glared at Fu Qing: “Hurry up.”

Fu Qing could only stare: “I only saw her today.”

Yang Yang: “??? Isn’t she your sister?”

Fu Qing: “She was weak when she was young, and then she was particularly afraid of giving birth. She always carried it with her grandma. This time she also kept my dad in her arms. My dad left her in front of me.-A I was also hiding on the road. The Duke came and pulled my clothes. Until now, I haven’t even hugged me, and I haven’t shouted my elder brother. “

It seemed that in order to verify his own statement, Fu Qing reached out to wipe tears for Ke Mi, but Ke Mi ducked her shoulders to avoid, a sense of vigilance towards traffickers.

Fu Qing: “Look.”

Comi: “Well …”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang has a big head, but he can’t let the children care, so he can only go into battle by himself.

Yang Yang walked over, crouched in front of Komi, took a small cookie and handed it to Komi, and then tried to divert Komi’s attention: “Hello Komi, my name is Yang Yang.”

But Mi didn’t pick up the small biscuit, and shrugged his shoulders and continued to shiver.

Yang Yang: “Are you very afraid of Duke Doton just now, that person with the big tail.”

Yang Yang said, still making a gesture behind him.

But Mi understood and then cried even more.

Fu Qing: “… attack poison with poison?”

Yang Yang glared at him, “Otherwise you might coax or shut up.”

Fu Qing retracted to the sofa and made a zipper motion in front of her mouth.

Yang Yang looked away and looked at Kermi again, and smiled: “Actually, that man is my husband, and I can guarantee that he will be obedient.”

Ke Mi’s crying stopped. Although she couldn’t understand the meaning of her husband, she understood the word “obedient”.

Yang Yang continued: “Then we make an agreement. If I can make the Duke of Doton obedient and not hurt you, then you must also be obedient. If you are afraid, you must say it. You can’t just cry, okay?

Ke Mi blinked his wet eyes twice, probably understood, and nodded hesitantly.

Yang Yang smiled, and then put the little biscuit in Secomi’s hand, and said, “You wait to see.”

But Mi took the biscuit and looked at Yang Yang eagerly, for unknown reasons.

Yang Yang opened the terminal and called Archibald. After a while, Archibald came over.

Only then did he change his training suit, and the beast-shaped half-body became more prominent and looked more “scarier”.

Ke Mi persuaded into a small crying bag instantly, looked at Fu Qing, stubbornly did not move over, just squeezed the small biscuit given to Yang Yang, and looked nervously at Yang Yang and Archibald.

Fu Qing: “…”

I don’t know why, he had a feeling of being rejected.

Yang Yang pretended to be there, then raised his chin and said to Archibald, “Crouch.”

Archibald: “???”

Yang Yang coughed softly, and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: “Coax the children, cooperate.”

Then he said aloud again: “Crouch.”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald sighed, and squatted in front of Yang Yang.

Yang Yang smirked and reached out and touched Archibald’s hair: “That’s good.”

After that, he bowed his head and kissed Archibald again, “Go back to training, don’t miss dinner.”

Archibald was kissed on the cheek, but raised an eyebrow: “Is this the cost of the show?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Since opening the “love gift package” sent by the old father, the Duke has really let go. -But he doesn’t hate it. After the initial counseling, the rest is just cool.

Yang Yang pursed her lower lip and kissed Archibald again: “I pay you at night.”

Archibald laughed. He stood up and gave Yang Yang a deep look, then turned back to the training room.

Fu Qing watching the whole process: “………”

Ah, his innocent ears have endured the filth it should not have suffered at this age!

Also watching the whole process of Komi, but with two eyes glowing, he looked at Yang Yang with admiration, and said the first sentence she came to Doton Manor: “The sheep and sheep are amazing !!”

Although the pronunciation is wrong, the name of Yang Yang is wrong, but not crying is enough.

Yang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and returned to Komi, laughing. “Well, Kyo is very powerful. Komi is a friend of Kyo, so Komi doesn’t have to be afraid, does it?”

But Mi raised a smiley face and nodded strongly: “Hmm!”

So from this moment, Yang Yang had a small tail. Where Yang Yang went, Ke Mi followed, and even Yang Yang went to the toilet, but Mi had to stay outside the door.

Yang Yang: “…”

Forget it, it’s better than letting her cry.

Yang Yang was comforting himself, but in the evening, Mi was going to sleep with him.

Archibald: “………”

Although you are a child, you can’t **** someone from me.

The Duke of Dotton released the soul power very naively, creating a field of soul power, like a big monster suddenly showing its fangs.

But she immediately shrank into a ball, but she firmly believed in the ability of “taming the beast” of sheep and sheep, so even though she was crying, she didn’t give up at all.

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang couldn’t help crying and patted Archibald’s arm: “Almost done, Lord Duke. They are only five years old.”

Archibald didn’t speak, his face was expressionless, but his tail relentlessly rolled Yang Yang’s calf and swore his sovereignty.

Yang Yang was helpless, and finally, under the balance, let Kermi live in a baby room that was completed three days ago.

The night was getting darker.

In the bedroom on the top floor of the manor, there was still a warm yellow lamp, and in the light, Yang Yang’s breathing chest was light red.

The person on him was still making trouble, Yang Yang couldn’t help but push Achbard’s head.

“Don’t lick it, the performance fee is settled, and I will be fined again.”

Archibald held up his body and looked at Yang Yang. His handsome face said dissatisfaction: “Are you going to take Kermi with you the day after tomorrow?”

It ’s been a long time since I followed Archibald to the winter camp. It was originally a training session for the children. It was not tiring or dangerous. However, no one expected that a kermit would emerge halfway.

Yang Yang thought about Ke Mi’s stickiness to his strength today, and he was a bit unsure: “Look at tomorrow, I think she’s very close to her uncle tonight.”

Archibald was determined: “My dad won’t let a third person ruin his alone time with my father.”

Yang Yang: “…”

It’s completely irrefutable.

Yang Yang was helpless, “then I can’t leave her at home.”

This is indeed a problem.

Archibald thought for a while with an unhappy face, and finally lay down on his side, hugged Yang Yang into his arms, and stopped talking.

Yang Yang knew that he had compromised, and couldn’t help but laugh, and took Archibald’s hand on his lower abdomen, feeling affectionately: “You are my most important person, and no one can replace it.”

The flirtatious love words, “Love words help fuel 100 sentences” from the gift package of love, the shame is extremely high. Rao is a theoretical old driver like Yang Yang, who can pick and choose, and can only say this.

The “combustion” effect of Yang Yang was not experienced, but the effect of smooth hair was quite good.

Sure enough, Archibald touched Yang Yang’s belly, smiled contentedly, and hugged Yang Yang to sleep.
