OIM 48

 Chapter 48


Archibald didn’t stay in the store for a long time, because tourists were no less reserved than the aborigines, and they had a strong momentum of onlookers, and soon they blocked the outside of the store.

In order for the store to open smoothly the day after tomorrow, Yang Yang had to let Archibald leave first.

Archibald was a little unhappy, but left Yang Yang’s words. As he passed Monta’s side, Archibald glanced at Monta with a smug look and a “I won” pleasure.

Monta: “………”

Without thinking, he already knew what happened.


With Archibald’s departure, the congestion outside the door eased, but some people stayed-most of them were directed at Monta and some were directed at Yang Yang.

Without Archibald’s “power”, tourists released a lot, and even tourists came up to talk to Monta and Yang Yang.

The first question was a little girl. Seeing that this home was not like a tourist, it should be an aboriginal people.

She first looked back and forth between Yang Yang and Monta, then her face turned red and asked Yang Yang: “Are you a sheep steward?”

Yang Yang returned with a gentle and humble smile: “Yes.”

The little girl’s face turned redder. She glanced at Monta and said to Yang Yang, “I, I’m a cute sheep party, can I take a picture for you and Major Monta?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Monta: “…”

Is there a cp name and cp powder so fast?

But unfortunately, this time neither of them wanted to make trouble with this cricket moth, so they invariably rejected it.

After Yang Yang’s rejection, the gentleman explained, “Major Monta and I are just ordinary friends.”

Monta also took the opportunity to express her sexuality: “I like women, really!”

The girl was not disappointed, and nodded, looking at Monta with an “I understand” expression: “I know.”

Monta: “………”

No, your expression doesn’t say that, and your head must not think so.

Monta wanted to speak, but was interrupted by another tourist. This time a male tourist and a fan of Archibald.

The male tourist stepped forward and also looked at Yang Yang: “Hello, sheep steward, I have seen your Youtuo Weibo, and you said that you will sell porridge here during the entire travel season. You are selling you in Youtuo The five kinds of porridge that you have tried? Did the Duke of Doton’s family try it, or did you invite others to try it? “

Oops, I finally got an idea.

Yang Yang took a step forward and replied with a smile: “Yes, Master Er and other masters have tried it. These five kinds of porridge will be sold in the store.-Master Er prefers animal bone congee and vegetable meat. Porridge. “

After that, Yang Yang saw a lot of people with surprise expressions. Archibald appeared to the public for only one year, and his background was there. There was very little information published, and no one dared to go. Deep cut.

So Yang Yang revealed this little information, enough to excite Archibald fans.

As a result, as the newest butler who seems to be the closest to Yakibard and seems to be the best talker, Yang Yang’s recent attention should not be low.

-Thank you Lord Duke for his fame.

After Yang Yang saw that many people had written down the names of the two porridges, before leaving them to ask other questions, they walked out of the store and raised their voices to the tourists. “The store will open the day after tomorrow and open. The time is from 9 am to 7 pm, everyone is welcome to taste. Now the shop still has to pay attention to decoration and make final adjustments, so I hope everyone can leave us some space, thank you. “

In the end Yang Yang stooped slightly, politely and could not refuse.

The tourists didn’t mess around-there was Monta and a few garrisons, and no one dared to mess around. So slowly, the tourists dispersed.

After waiting for them to disperse, Yang Yang stood up straight, glanced over the ground unintentionally, and found that something had fallen away in two steps.

It was a branch. The shape of the branch was a little strange. It looked like a stickman without a head. There were two leaves on the top. The color was crisp and tender.

Yang Yang thought who had dropped the handicraft, and picked it up, but after picking it up, he found that there were no carved marks on the branches, and the branched end was still broken. ——It should be broken by someone.

Yang Yang looked at the two tender leaves and thought about not throwing them away. He took them back to the store and inserted them into the newly bought pots.

Back at the shop, Monta looked at Yang Yang with an admiration on his face: “You advertised Bird, did he know?”

Yang Yang looked solemnly: “How can you call an advertisement for something that doesn’t show up?”

Monta: “…”

Monta: “I’ll wait. You’ll have a rollover day and night.”

Yang Yang shrugged and handed the sign that he had done before to Monta: “You haven’t turned the big moth that has been tossing for more than 20 years. How can I be behind you.-OK, work, Wipe the signboard and you can hang the kitchenware after you get it. “

Monta took the signboard, but there was no shelf, and she followed Yang Yang to work.

And when they didn’t notice, the branch in the pot suddenly trembled two leaves.

At 9 pm, the barbecue shop was finally listed. Monta sent Yang Yang back to the manor. He didn’t go in and went directly to his own home.

Farewell to Monta, Yang Yang entered the house and found that everyone else was not there. Only Archibald was sitting at the table with food.

Yang Yang was a little surprised, “Wait for me? Are you all resting?”

“Well, mom made some soup for you. Father, they have eaten it and went for a walk in town.”

Archibald was in a good mood today, talking cheerfully, even with a light smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yang Yang looked at Archibald’s gentle expression, couldn’t help but his heart beat out of speed, followed by a smile, and began to think uncontrollably in his head—why did Archibald wait for him to come back? not……

Oh wait.

Yang Yang looked at Archibald: “Do you still want to feel the child?”


Archibald’s eyes were filled with joy. “I asked the institute’s people. It’s okay to feed the child twice a day.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Feeling in a roller coaster.


Yang Yang’s heart was still uphill and downhill in the roller coaster lane, and she didn’t show her belly after answering, but sat opposite Archibald, filled herself with soup and sipped.

Archibald was not in a hurry, so he waited for Yang Yang to eat first.

However, Yang Yang could not eat if he ate it—the sight of a duke on the opposite side was too present, Yang Yang felt that he was sitting on the opposite side, and he was the bone.

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang lowered the bowl, then took a chair back a little, lifted his clothes to reveal his belly: “Forget it, you touch it first.”

Archibald looked like a hunting dog, immediately stood up, walked to Yang Yang in three steps and two steps, and put his hands on Yang Yang’s bulging belly very actively.

As soon as the skin touched, Yang Yang’s mood began to go uphill again.

Archibald bent down, his head was flush with Yang Yang, and his eyelids were lowered, so Yang Yang could only see his eyebrows and eyelashes.

-The eyelashes are long.

Long eyelashes blinked from time to time, flickering.

Yang Yang couldn’t help but remember the picture of Archie Bird’s open crotch, and then thought of what Archie Bird’s blinking eyes looked like as a child.

Thinking about it, Yang Yang laughed silently.

Just then, Archibald suddenly raised his eyelid and looked at Yang Yang.

Yang Yang froze and didn’t have time to smile back, but he was calm and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Archibald retracted his hand, his face darkened again: “The child is asleep.”

This time I really fell asleep.

Yang Yang put down his clothes and laughed, “It’s almost time to sleep, that’s okay. I’ll feel it tomorrow, and I’m a little tired. Take a rest.”

Anyway, I had eaten before I came back, and Yang Yang rose upstairs.

Archibald followed Yang Yang without a word. On the top floor, I followed Yang Yang’s door all the way.

Yang Yang stopped and looked back: “Is the duke okay?”

Archibald looked at him and asked, “Did you always stay at the barbecue restaurant during the tourist season?”

Yang Yang nodded: “Well, if the business is poor, the business hours may be shortened appropriately.”

Archibald: “Then I will follow you.”

Yang Yang froze, “follow me?”

Archibald: “Yes. I can only perceive the child for only 15 days. If you leave early and return late, and the child falls asleep again, I can’t touch it at all. You can rest assured that I will not disturb you It feeds the soul twice and I leave. “

Yang Yang was silent. To be honest, he was a little moved by Archibald’s proposal, but thinking of the situation when Archibald appeared today, Yang Yang hesitated.

After a few seconds, Yang Yang shook his head: “No, if you show up, business can’t be done at all. So, you can perceive a few times before I leave in the morning and after I return at night.”

Archibald was unhappy: “What if the child is still sleeping?”

Yang Yang: “I wake it up.”

Archibald: “Don’t wake it up all the time, what will happen if it affects development?”

Yang Yang: “…”


Yang Yang: “Whether you follow or not, but if you interrupt my business, I will let the child ignore you.”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang smiled: “Good night.”

After saying that Yang Yang opened the door and then: “…”

Yang Yang pointed to the room and turned back to Archibald: “That’s it?”

In the room, where the pink door was originally, the door was gone, and a cot was replaced.

The crib lay across the wall, one on Archibald’s side and the other on Yang Yang’s side. The baby bed has a shielding light screen, which can shield the sight and sound, and can be used as a wall.

Archibald was rejected to “work with his classmates”, and his mood was not too high. He glanced up and said: “Monta bought the special product for you. My father suggested to put it on, and I agreed. The bed can be folded, and you do n’t like it Get up, look like that door. “

Yang Yang: “…”

You guys think pretty well.

Archibald looked at Yang Yang and asked impatiently, “I really can’t follow you?”

Yang Yang shook his head: “No.”

Archibald’s tail flew down immediately. He didn’t force Yang Yang by agreement, and didn’t entangle any more. Like a big dog that was refused to be taken out, poor, but he did not forget to make a good night appointment with Yangyang Road, and then went back to his room.

Yang Yang watched Archibald’s back going away and smiled suddenly.

As soon as Roth returned from the star net waves, he looked up and saw Yang Yang’s smiling face, wondering, “What are you laughing, master?”

Yang Yang: “I think the duke is very cute.”

Roth: “…”

Roth looked up, Archibald just turned and disappeared into view. But one glance is enough-still so tall and imposing, that tail is still like a machete.

So, where is it cute? ? ?

Yang Yang retracted his eyes and didn’t enter the room, but leaned on the door to chat with Lot.

Yang Yang: “Roth, I had a really bad life in my last life. I didn’t meet a lot of good people. For the sake of profit, I inserted a knife in the back, one more than the other.”

Roth didn’t know, but showed sympathy and struck Yangyang with his head.

Yang Yang continued: “The Dotton family has a bigger career than the home of my previous life. Maybe there are many things I haven’t seen. Those things may be more terrible than those I have experienced. I have always thought before, Never mind is the best. “

Roth: “Well.”

Yang Yang: “I have restrained myself too much in my last life, and always want to live as a model. I have indulged a lot in this life, but in fact, I still look forward and think too much.”

Roth: “… Ah.”

Yang Yang: “Tell me, which do you think the Duke likes; women or men?”

Roth: “……… Eh?”

Is this topic jumping too fast? ?
