OIM 81-82

Chapter 81: What bike do you want! 

At six o’clock in the morning, it is not yet dawn.

Yang Yang confusedly opened his eyes, and just moved his head. The tail of his thigh was curled up a bit, and he didn’t seem to want him to leave. At the same time, a strong arm was stretched around his waist, and he gently carried his lower abdomen back.

Yang Yang’s head was still a little bit stingy. The body gourd seemed to go back to the side along the force, and the back came into contact with a naked chest. The skin’s unobstructed contact made Yang Yang wake up.

Yang Yang: “…”

Memory suddenly returned.

“Sleep again.”

Archibald’s voice was dumb, and he had just woken up, his eyes were not yet open, but his head was lowered, and a kiss fell on Yang Yang’s unmarked shoulder.

Yang Yang shrank his shoulders, and the numbness of being kissed along the spine last night made a comeback, making him breathlessly.

Archibald hit him on the tip of his nose, and then he was awake. Then he chuckled and hugged Yang Yang from behind. The big cat poke around Yang Yang’s neck twice before he said to the ear of Yang Yang: “Early.”

Yang Yang was embedded in Archibald’s generous embrace. This time he reversed too much and was rear-ended.

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang: “Good morning civilization, keep the distance between cars.”

Archibald stiffened, and laughed after reacting: “You.-I won’t do it anymore, just let me hold it.”

Yang Yang was unmoved: “Oh, you said so last night.”

Yang Yang deserves to be clear yesterday, one is that he is also enthusiastic, and the other is that he thinks it is a slapstick anyway.

However, the facts made him understand a truth: Do not underestimate the abnormal physical strength of bimorphic Leicester, especially bimorphic Leicester in the estrus period (special note: the estrous period is delayed by one year).

Yang Yang moved his leg, hissed, and was frustrated: “I think my leg must be vulture.”

Archibald rubbed Yang Yang’s hair: “No, I checked last night. There are some marks on the calf.”

It was left by the tail of Yang Yang’s leg when he was in a hot mood. Fortunately, he was not injured, so he should pay attention to control next time.

Yang Yang: “…”

Don’t remind him of the calf.

Yang Yang rolled his eyes, then bent his elbows, and then pierced Archibald’s chest, pushing the person away, a ruthless expression, “Do you want to extinguish the fire yourself, or do you want to fire violently?” ? “

Archibald: “………”

Archibald was helpless, so he could only get up obediently and not forget to be horned for Yang Yang: “If you lie down again, I will bring breakfast in a while.”

Yang Yang confessed last night that he was “working hard and high”, and lazily responded, rolling into a roll in peace on the bed.

At eight in the morning, the car parked in front of the store.

Yang Yang stretched his waist and hummed.

Archibald looked at him: “Stuck?”

It wasn’t that he had tossed too long last night, but Yang Yang recently had a bit of a lethargic female response during mid-to-late pregnancy. Fortunately, the female will not have vomiting, and the stomach will not be too big.

Yang Yang opened his eyes, his face flushed: “I’m not sleepy.”

Then, as he unfastened his seat belt, he asked Archibald: “Amber has prepared a big-winged pigeon for me to fill the space. Do you want soup or noon at noon?”

Archibald: “Stew soup was originally prepared for you.-I’ll come over for lunch?”

Archibald was tempted in this sentence, because Yang Yang had specifically instructed him not to come to the store for lunch a few days ago.

However, the small storm at the vegetable market yesterday made Archibald realize that Yang Yang’s relationship with him may not be too shy to let people see.

Sure enough, Yang Yang didn’t refuse: “Okay, I’ll get you ready.”

After speaking, Yang Yang turned suddenly again, and stretched out her hands to hold Archibald’s face, she just held Archibald’s mouth into a muffled mouth.

Archibald: “???”

With a smile, Yang Yang gave a strong kiss on Archibald’s lips, full of spirit: “muma ~ work hard, Darling ~ bye ~”

Archibald: “………”

When Yang Yanglang finished, he got out of the car, and then changed back to the positive butler of the sheep butler, and walked towards the shop in a reserved manner.

Archibald: “………”

Archibald laughed-Yang Yang on the bed and under the bed, like two species.


Archibald looked at Yang Yang’s back, pursed his lower lip, and deepened his smile. –fair enough.

After entering the store, Yang Yang went up to the second floor first.

The store was not guarded at night, but fortunately there was heating here, and the seven-cage “Little White Rat” was not frozen.

Yang Yang took off his coat and glanced first. Although the food in the seven cages was moving, most of them were left, but none of the mice died.

— Oh, I forgot one.

Yang Yang put down her coat and called Monta: “Did you die?”

Monta was silent for two seconds, “… you called me this morning and asked this?”

It sounds very spiritual.

Yang Yang laughed: “The porridge you drank yesterday, I’m afraid you will react today.”

Monta; “what can you do? It was all over last night.”

Yang Yang: “… bye.”

Hanging his eyes and hanging up the phone, Yang Yang was alive.

First, take out the detector from the space, put in today’s golden fruit for routine detection, and then check the condition of the mouse.

The mice are still dabbling. After all, these are poultry and caught wild game. As long as it is not an infectious disease, both buyers and sellers won’t care, and the most money is selling.

Yang Yang squatted in the cage, turned on yesterday’s records, and compared them one by one.

Yang Yang records very carefully, from the symptoms you saw, such as the state of fur, claws, etc., to the condition of soul power, each one is marked.

After some inspection, there are some changes-some conditions have worsened, some have eased. But in general, the infection of the groups of souls and beasts, and the group of fruits, have improved the infection more or less.

This result can’t help but surprise Yang Yang–Can the soul power in the soul cube actually purify the soul power?

If so, that’s great! Archibald’s soul power infection, maybe he could also purify with these fruits!

… But be cautious. Animals are different from humans. It is better to do more experiments.

But there is always hope.

Yang Yang was in a good mood too. After finishing the second floor, he also smiled on his face.

The business in the store is still hot. There are long queues outside the store. There are still a lot of people who open the video mode on both sides of the team. There are waves of tourists in the tourist season, and everyone who watches him is different every day.

But there are a lot of regular customers, and when they saw Yang Yang, they greeted, “The sheep steward is in a good mood today.”

Yang Yang unbuttoned his collar, rolled up his sleeves, and laughed while wearing an apron: “I feel good every day.”

Someone teased, “It’s different today. It’s red, looking at it-hey, why is your neck green with the sheep steward?”

Yang Yang froze, touching her neck subconsciously, but felt nothing, but there was some soreness in the collarbone.

“Hey, you have a fight with sheep steward?”

“There are also red marks on my wrist. What happened to the butler?”

“It’s not going to be the duke …”

“How is it possible that I haven’t seen the Duke drive a sheep steward every day?”

Soon, the customers outside the shop talked anxiously, and all of them were worried.

Yang Yang: “…”

No, that’s not what you think.

But it is also impossible to tell the guests that the Duke practiced for the first time yesterday. It was too exciting. It was all right.

Yang Yang’s face was hot, and she wanted to re-fasten the buttons, and then she coughed gently.

However, the masses are keen to eat melon, especially the free time waiting for porridge now.

Sympathetic: “Don’t be afraid of the sheep steward. We will sue you for being wronged.”

Curious: “It seems that the injury of the sheep steward is pinched?”

One day, “Is the sheep butler practicing fighting?”

Finally, there is a reliable one: “Oh, the sheep steward will not be with his wife …”

Immediately someone understood and followed the ridicule: “It turns out that the sheep steward is not always such a gentleman.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Fortunately, the guests have a sense of proportion. This kind of ridicule in other people’s rooms is a joke.

However, Yang Yang reddened her ears, and at last she simply drank her congee and concentrated her attention, and gradually forgot the “scar” storm.

But his reaction fell in the eyes of the guests, so the previous guess was immediately confirmed.

Whoops, that meticulous sheep steward, even playing so wild with his wife? Isn’t his wife still pregnant?

No no no, I’m so dirty, it must be less indescribable than I thought.

However, ascetic and elegant people under the bed, and wild and rude people on the bed set real chickens to be delicious! !! !!

So one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, gossip, gossip in an instant.

When Yang Yang finishes the porridge, he has added a new “wild” in the “fan label” on the oil rabbit, and his recognition has come to the fore.

Yang Yang didn’t know, but when he said goodbye to the guests today, not only did nobody keep him as usual, but his aunt (father) looked at him with a smile and asked him to “pay attention to rest” and “don’t be too tired.”

Yang Yang: “???”

Forget it, first go upstairs and stew the pigeons.

It didn’t take long for Yang Yang to go upstairs, and Archibald came over. Yang Yang was a little surprised: “Come so early?”

Archibald took off his chilled coat and walked to Yang Yang with only his military uniform. The vinegar was full of jealousy: “The clothes must not be unbuttoned in the future.”

Yang Yang: “… Ah?”

Archibald’s eyes moved down and fell on the neck of Yang Yang. Then he extended his hand, his long fingers across the clothes, and landed accurately on the shallow bruise of Yang Yang’s collarbone. .

Archibald’s voice was cold: “Someone took your picture and enlarged your collarbone.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Oh, I got it.

Yang Yang laughed: “It wasn’t you who provoked it. Speaking of, what is the impression here, why can’t I remember?”

Archibald’s attention was diverted for a second, the smile returned to his eyes, and he reached for a few words in Yang Yang’s ear.

Yang Yang’s face turned red immediately, and she reached out and pushed Archibald farther away: “Okay, I know, shut up.”

Archibald didn’t say anything, but reached out to Yang Yang and lowered his head to kiss.

Yang Yang leaned back and ducked away, some stunned: “The door is not closed.-You are too sticky during estrus.”

Regardless of that, Archibald clasped Yang Yang’s back with one hand, kissed him, chuckled his lips, and determined: “You don’t hate me like this.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Being jabbed at the center, Yang Yang bit a lip of Archibald in anger, and then was attacked by Archibald. He drove straight into the mouth and seized the city in the mouth.

Just then, a loud noise came from the door, followed by Monta’s “lying through”.          

“During the day, can you hold back!”

Archibald ignored him, straightened up, looked back, and said, “At this time, you should politely silence and help us close the door.”

Monta: “?????”

What, what are you talking about? Should I close the door for you? ?


Chapter 82: Love Gift Package

Monta is here for business. Gulita called him and said that their old father was about to arrive at Xinggang at noon tomorrow and asked him to inform Bird and Yang Yang to pick up on time.

Although after the “teaching email” incident, Yang Yang realized that the star owner was different from him and didn’t look like he hated him, but he really wanted to see a real person, and Yang Yang was unavoidably nervous.

When Archibald saw him nervous, he comforted him: “Don’t be nervous, my dad likes you too late.”

Yang Yang: “So sure?”

Archibald: “He and his father used to think that I would grow old alone in my life.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Well, this reason is powerful.

Monta pushed on the side: “Come on, I obviously thought you were cold.-I didn’t know it was a short-term artillery battle. Looking at the lead point, it didn’t burn, but Leng Buding suddenly exploded.

Archibald glanced at Monta with a smile full of kindness: “That’s better than looking at a big one, and it turns out to be dumb.”

Monta: “………”

Monta: “???”

Am I still your dear friend? what?

At noon the next day, Xinggang.

Because Abel and his party were on a private trip, all those who came to pick up the plane were also wearing casual clothes.

Yang Yang sat in the rest room, his head retracted into the turtleneck of the sweater, showing only a pair of apricot eyes, looking at the left for a while, and looking at the right for a while. There was anxiety all over the body.

Archibald began to soothe yesterday, but with little success.

Yang Yang didn’t even use much food this morning.

Archibald was a little worried. He would sit next to Yang Yang and take out the snack that Amber had prepared for Yang Yang. He peeled the nuts and pulled Yang Yang’s sweater collar into Yang Yang’s mouth.

Yang Yang didn’t even look at it. She just kept her mouth open and stuffed it into her mouth like a squirrel.

Archibald looked interesting, and continued to feed, Yang Yang came and eat.

At last, after eating, Archibald rose up and passed his fingers.

Yang Yang: Ahhh.

Yang Yang: “…”

Throwing up her fingers, Yang Yang squinted over her eyes and whispered: “You have to bite.”

Archibald laughed and pulled back Yang Yang. “Go, the starship is here.”

Yang Yang immediately persuaded to go back to the sweater collar.

Xinggang is like an enlarged airport. Yang Yang received Abel and his party in the lobby.

Abel and his team of three were followed by a number of guards. For people at the level of the planet master, this lineup is not too crude.

However, if you think about it, there are actually reasons to follow-soul cable star and old emperor star, a home of the Sauron family, a home of the Dotton family, there is really no need to be a soldier.

Yang Yang took a quick look. From a real person’s point of view, Abel’s body was even taller, and Biachibod was half a head taller-to know that Akibod had a beastization bonus, it was higher than ordinary people.

The appearance is not much different from the video, but I have a more cold temperament than the video.

Wasserlen was not bad, but Monta’s looks were not similar to him, but Wasseren didn’t hold his back, and grinned, and his expression was like a mold.

Yaqing is the quietest of the three. He looks thinner and paler than the video, and smiles lightly at the corners of his mouth, a little stingy, like a gust of wind can blow away.

When the people on both sides were still a dozen meters away, the head of Abel’s face grew wider and bigger, and eventually he couldn’t hold back and rushed forward.


With a full cry, he hugged He Shu and made three turns.

Yang Yang: “…”

Okay, anything cold and cold is an illusion.

Wasserlen held a lot of hold. When he came to Gulita, he just whispered a few words, and then Gurita looked like a bird and leaned into Wasseron’s arms, but his fingers were picked up Ruth’s chin, Wasserron was not annoyed, talking around Gulita’s waist.

If the two old fathers were not alone, the others were as usual.

This kind of affection did not surprise Yang Yang. After all, in the video, I also saw and looked like Shu Xunfu.

After about five minutes.

The two old fathers finally remembered their cub and a friend, and said hello.

After greeting, Abel ignored his two sons, and his eyes fell on Yang Yang first.

Yang Yang suddenly held his breath subconsciously, showing a well-behaved smile.

Abel looked at Yang Yang for a while, then suddenly spoke, Hu asked: “Are you really an adult?”

Yang Yang: “…”

I’ve registered with your son, how about you?

——Although I think so, Yang Yang didn’t dare to force it.

Yang Yang replied, “I’m 9 years older than Bird.”

Abel was surprised. “Looks a lot younger than Bird.”

After that, Abel reached out and compared Yang Yang’s head.

Just so high.

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang: “??????”

OK, he finally understood how the moths in the swarm had not yet been killed. ——Because the biggest master is not a worry.

Abel did not see that Yang Yang’s face was not right. After sighing, he immediately jumped to the next channel.

“Come, these are gifts for you, formal engagement gifts, and so on, and you will buy them when your wedding is officially held.”

A big hand reached in front of Yang Yang, and he quickly thanked him first, and then took a look. It was a storage chip.

Abel looked at Yang Yang with anticipation: “Open it and see if you like it!”

Yang Yang: “…”

Somehow there is a sense of sight.

Yang Yang hesitated for only a second, still took the storage chip on his terminal, replaced this with Abel, and then opened the list of storage chips.

There are not many things, only three.

01, Bird’s wife

02, Bird’s Fight Record Video

03 、 Love gift package!

Yang Yang: “…”

The first two don’t say anything, the third one is too suspicious!

Abel was still looking forward, “Should you show it out? I have prepared that package for a long time!”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang closed the list silently, and continued to be smart: “Still go back and see. Noon and uncle arranged a luncheon, don’t delay.”

Abel’s attention turned away immediately, he looked at He Shu, his face moved: “I still feel bad for my baby, let’s go!”

The luncheon was held at home. During the meeting, Yang Yang also learned about the other purpose of Abel’s private visit this year-a trial later this year, which was jointly organized by Soul Star, Emperor Star, and Old Emperor Star.

The trial object was also to choose the three top military colleges on the three planets, and each college only selected one hundred people. And unlike in the past, this trial is based on the overall assessment of the college, not the previous assessment of individual students. And will also star network live.

This is a great event for participating schools, for the military department that maintains order, and for Star Network, who is watching live broadcasts.

Abel and they came this time to check the trial site on the spot to avoid any problems-after all, the home field is the old emperor star, and he is also half a host.

Yang Yang didn’t show much interest in these, and just sat quietly to eat, but after half of the meal, Ya Qing took the initiative to talk to him.

Yaqing himself is weak, and he will certainly not participate in the joint trials. He followed this time, mainly the minerals that had been sent to the soul cable star before, and developed a new medicine to bring to Archibald.

The new drug is at risk, so he has to observe it.

Of course, there is also Yang Yang-Ya Qing is also very curious to see the soul power.

Ya Qing leaned forward and got Yang Yang’s attention before she laughed: “Yang Yang, I heard Zhang Jun talked about the soul and beast soul power you saw. Can you be sure those are the soul and beast soul power?”

Yang Yang was not sure, and quickly shook his head: “Just the colors are different.”

Zhang Jun also added: “Because of the lack of data on the visibility of soul power, no proof can be given at this time. However, I think that the black and white and gray colors of Yang Yang can be used to distinguish the nature of soul power. Can be trusted.

Hey, unfortunately, only Yang Yang can see the soul power, and he may be ill when he is sick. It may not be possible to study the connection between the color of the soul power and the specific attributes of the soul power. “

Yaqing laughed: “It doesn’t matter. Although long-term research is not advisable, Yang Yang’s vision is also rare.-Yang Yang, you may be bothering you these days.”

Yang Yang heard a smile and said, “I want to open a shop in the health area in the morning, and I have time in the afternoon.”

When he said that he opened the store, Yaqing also smiled: “I have also seen your porridge shop at Xingwang. The wind rating is very good, and some people have tested the soul strength, which is better than some big hotels. Your soul control Ability is also strong. “

Yang Yang said modestly: “It was taught by the good old, and the porridge shop was opened to understand the boredom.”

At least for now, because he has set the priority of pondering Archibald’s soul power before his career.

“No wonder. Liang Lao really excels in soul control.”

Ya Qing laughed, and then turned the topic back to the things she was interested in: “Yes, the soul power of the soul corpse you saw, Jun said that it is different from others. You also used to Haven’t you seen it? “

Yang Yang: “Well, at least in the state of soul power I have seen, only it is like that.”

A smile floated on Ya Qing’s pale face, and his eyes lit up, making his eyes sickly.

“If you understand it shallowly, it is the fusion of soul power. This is strange.-Xiaojun, I’ll go with you to see that chip. Brother, they have to stay here for a while, and it is not convenient for me to live here. Just disturb your research institute for a while, can you? “

Zhang Junxi raised his eyebrows: “I can’t wait for it, Grandpa is just wanting to talk to you about his new discoveries, and there are many guys in the research institute looking forward to seeing Mr. Yaqing.”

Ya Qing didn’t seem to be used to such enthusiasm, smiled a bit shyly, and talked back to the academic topic.

The two of them talked hotly and left Yang Yang aside.

However, Yang Yang was slightly relieved.

In fact, he can see that although these people have not low identities, they are just like ordinary people and it is not difficult to get along. ——But Yang Yang felt nervous just because of ordinary people. If it was the same as the home of his life, the kind of intriguing party, he would not be so nervous.

The kindness of others always seems heavy to Yang Yang. It also takes some time to truly include these people in the “family” category.

“Are you sleepy? Then go to sleep first.”

Archibald asked Yang Yang whispered, seeing Yang Yang go away.

Yang Yang glanced at the unattended dining table and shook his head: “Wait a while.”

“It’s okay. Go to rest when you’re sleepy.”

He Shu turned around and laughed, “There is a reaction during pregnancy, which is a symbol of the child’s egg entering the final stage. During this time, you have to rest well.”

Abel noticed He Shu’s gaze, and then came over. He heard his tail and waved his hand: “Yes, when Baby Wade was a baby, I could fall asleep when I walked. Bird, learn something. Be considerate! “

He Shu: “………”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang: “…”

It’s all up here, Yang Yang had to stand up from the good, and smiled at the people on the table, and then went upstairs with Archibald.

At his own place, Yang Yang apparently relaxed.

Archibald smiled at him and said, “Still nervous?”

Yang Yang fell to the soft bed, his mouth hard: “No, it just doesn’t fit.”

Archibald didn’t take it apart, walked over to sit on the bed and took off his socks: “Sleep first, I’ll go to the training room after you fall asleep.”

Although these days have been with Yang Yang for a long time, Archibald has not relaxed his daily training at all.

Yang Yang bended and stepped on the bed barefoot, and was about to walk towards the pillow, but heard Archibald say, “Yes, Dad’s gift for you, take it out and see.”

Yang Yang made a move and looked up at Archibald-don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking.

Archibald laughed. “Aren’t you curious?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Okay, still a bit.

So Yang Yang turned up and sat up, and took out that “love gift bag” from the storage space.

It was a large box measuring one meter square, and it slammed on the carpet, full of weight. Under the bow on the box, a card was tied, and the handwritten lettering on the card was bold and powerful, showing a spirit of repulsing Fang Yan.

——It would be better if it was n’t written “Love Gift Package”.

Yang Yang: “…”

Regardless of his barren imagination, he really doesn’t know what new wedding stuff can fit into this weight.

Archibald was obviously a little curious, and stood up and looked at Yang Yang, “I dismantled?”


Yang Yang got up and stood on the bed and looked down.

Archibald opened the box, but the purpose was some boxes, and the boxes were numbered.

Although there are only four in the upper layer, 14 to 17, respectively, it is not difficult to imagine which numbers are in the lower layer.

Yang Yang: “…”

He knew it!

Yang Yang was about to put away the box, but Archibald stepped into the storage space.

Yang Yang: “???”

Yang Yang: “… take it out.”

Archibald smiled softly: “How can Dad live up to his heart if he prepared so hard?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang couldn’t believe it–is this the innocent little cute he knows? ?

Archibald held Yang Yang’s hand, and the handsome face smiled deeper: “I said, you don’t want to do it, I won’t do it.-However, it is always right for me to learn more. A useful day. “

Yang Yang: “…”

After that, he thought Archibald was right.
