OIM 65

Chapter 65: Funeral

The Wandering Circus is stationed in a reformed area, an abandoned stadium.

The circus replaced the tent with a simulated light screen. There were two stands on the inside, a circular bench on the lower level and a small private room on the upper level.

The Wandering Circus is famous for “rare species”. These species have animals and plants. In addition to being rare, the “soul purity” is very high-it can be simply understood as the height of “self-consciousness”.

The performance mode of the circus is different from those in Yang Yang’s memory. It is more inclined to exhibit: with the simulated light screen to display the living environment of these species, and perform some of their survival habits …

It can be said that the entire performance is a gorgeous visual feast and a science class.

This has attracted people who are curious or specialized in this field, and each performance is difficult to obtain.

Yang Yang and Archibald’s private room are facing the stage.

The private room is quite large, and uses a lot of transparent materials. It is like floating in the air. When the light screen in the venue starts to change the picture, it will give people a sense of realism.

There is still a quarter of an hour before the show begins. The light screen of the circus simulates a sea of ​​stars, and the entire venue is like a small universe overlapping each other.

“It’s better here than on the poster.”

Yang Yang waited in the private room for a week, then sat on the ring sofa near the window, took a small biscuit from the snack plate on the small coffee table, and handed it to Archibald. “Eat?”

Archibald came over, and bent down naturally, biting the little biscuit in Yang Yang’s hand and stunned away. Then she sat beside Yang Yang with one buttock, chewed expressionlessly, and frowned slightly after swallowing: “So sweet.”

Yang Yang: “…”


Yang Yang looked down at his fingers, and there was a little bit of crackers on them. Not an illusion.

He thought about it, and then changed the dried fruit and passed it: “Try this?”

Archibald glanced, turned his head again, opened his mouth, and walked away. After eating, he gave a positive answer: “OK.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Wow, Lord Duke’s EQ black hole is closed?

However, although the Duke’s love mode turned on too quickly, Yang Yang was a bit overwhelmed.

But this is not bad.

Yang Yang smiled, and felt a little itchy, so she looked at Archibald with her chin in her arms, and I started to ask you, “You don’t like sweet, what else do you like?”

Archibald paused, and frankly said, “Square snake.”

It is a kind of snake, but the scales are rougher, and there is a thick sense of the armor. Although toxic, because of its handsome appearance, it is also a very popular type in pet snakes.

Yang Yang looked at Archibald’s expression, and felt that things were not as simple as preferences, so he asked, “Why?”

Archibald glanced at Yang Yang, and finally said, not very good-looking: “I went out hunting with my father and father when I was young, and accidentally entered the den of the scale snake. . “

After seeing the scale snake, Archibald felt the tail tingling.

Yang Yang: “…”

Archibald: “If you want to laugh, just laugh.”

Yang Yang laughed loudly, and was very sympathetic: “I remember that you hate going out and you have been trampled on the tail. Why do you still have trouble with your own tail?”

Archibald was a little embarrassed and his eyelids were down, but he still answered Yang Yang’s words: “Before five years old, I was not able to control my beast-shaped half-body. My tail was the worst, and sometimes I did n’t even feel it. Frequent injuries. “

This is why his tail is more sensitive now.

In fact, he can already control some psychological reactions, otherwise he can’t go to the battlefield at all, but he still can’t accept direct contact with people. ——It was only after Yang Yang appeared that he discovered this.

Yang Yang felt distressed when he heard Archibald’s words. Thinking of Archibald’s genetic disease, he couldn’t help but ask: “Your disease, I mean the disease in your family, is it getting better now?”

Archibald nodded: “Grandfather to father and then to me, the severity is steadily declining. Uncle Yaqing said that the disease is inherited and will weaken every time, but the degree of weakness is small. But once When the inheritance is completed, the last person’s condition will stabilize. “

Yang Yang remembered the state of Heshu. Although Heshu’s body and soul power were very weak, he did not see him sick like Archibald.

But if so, then …

Yang Yang’s thoughts were not so bright, but he didn’t say them, because the facts might not be what he thought.

Yang Yang: “What about the treatment? Did that uncle Yaqing say the possibility of your cure?”

Archibald: “They’ve been saying some.”

But Archibald’s expression did not seem to believe.

Yang Yang was silent for a moment, just then, loud music sounded outside the booth.

The show started.

The performance may be wonderful, but Yang Yang has been absent-minded. It wasn’t until the performance was over that Yang Yang returned to the end of the cheering and saw a variety of rare species on the stage and the warm smiles of the performers in the circus.

Yang Yang: “…”

In vain.

Archibald also noticed Yang Yang’s exorcism and couldn’t help asking: “Don’t like this performance?”

Yang Yang sighed, “No, I was just thinking about other things.-There will be too many people to leave the field. Let’s wait for some people to go.”

Archibald had no objection: “OK.”

After a pause, Archibald added: “If it is too tired to open a store, then don’t open it.-I know you want your own business, but you are not in a hurry, wait for your soul plant When it is planted, everything is done. “

How difficult it is to make advanced manic inhibitors, Archibald knows nothing. If Yang Yang can provide high-quality soul essence plants steadily, then it is no longer an individual business to accommodate it.

Yang Yang smiled: “Thank you, but I wasn’t tired just now, I was thinking … I should probably pick up the medicine I once taught myself.”

Archibald moved in his heart and glanced at Yang Yang: “Why?”

Yang Yang laughed in his heart—knowing why.

But since he wants to listen, Yang Yang is willing to say, “Because of you. Of course, I am not arrogantly thinking that I can cure you after studying medicine, but I think, even if it is only a little bit, I want to know you better. I cannot share your pain, but at least I know how painful you are. “

Archibald guessed the purpose of Yangyang to learn medicine, but did not guess that Yangyang would say such a thing.

At this moment, Archibald clearly realized that Yang Yang liked him.

Archibald’s heart was hot, and he reached out and held Yang Yang’s hand, and the corner of his mouth raised a happy arc: “I’m very happy.”

Yang Yang looked at Archibald’s smile, and his heart was completely soft, and he sighed, “Stupid.”

Archibald: “???”

Why is he suddenly stupid? ? ?

Archibald’s expression was so obvious that Yang Yang didn’t want to pretend he couldn’t see it.

Yang Yang is very helpless-well, the black hole of emotional intelligence is not something you can close.

The two sat in the private room for about a quarter of an hour before they left the door and walked towards the parking lot with the same cloak-Archibald’s spare cloak.

The parking lot is close to the living area of ​​the circus employees. On the way, Yang Yang and Archibald accidentally witnessed a funeral.

It was a funeral performed by a circus person for a dead animal. It was very formal, and even the rare species that Yang Yang had seen on the stage just now.

The dead animal is not that big, but it is the size of a small calf. The hair on the back is white. There is a single horn on the head and it has a metallic luster on a snowy night.

“Ah, Lord Duke!”

A little girl holding flowers in the past spotted them-to be precise, saw Archibald, because the backup cape was too big, Yang Yang almost became a moving blanket.

Archibald was as expressionless as ever, but Yang Yang, wrapped in an invisible face, asked, “Are you going to send flowers to that animal?”

The little girl seems to see Yang Yang now, but she still doesn’t see Yang Yang’s face, but just subconsciously replied: “Well. That is a shuttle unicorn we rescued on the road, and its belly has serious We had a laceration and we had surgery on it, but it still couldn’t survive it. “

The shuttle unicorn is a more common beast with a gentle temperament, but because its unicorn is a good material for building soul power weapons, it was once overly hunted and it is now rare.

Yang Yang nodded after listening: “This is so regrettable. Thank you, then we won’t bother.”

The little girl quickly gave way, and after they left, she suddenly returned to God: “Oh my God, Duke Doton also came to see our performance today!”

After Yang Yang and Archibald left, they went straight home.

Because I said in advance that I will be back today, so when I got home, no one was waiting for them. Instead, I put a very suspicious pink gift box on the cabinet in the porch.

This pink is slightly familiar.

Yang Yang: “…”

Archibald: “………”

Remove it.

Yang Yang took the box apart and opened it. The box had a large palm, and inside it was a small box and a card. There is a line of words on the card-Love Tips: During pregnancy, it is forbidden to wear unsexed sex.

What’s in the little box is self-evident.

Yang Yang: “…”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang slammed the box again, and the room fell into a subtle awkward silence.

Yang Yang glanced at Archibald. It was no surprise that Archibald’s ears were red and his face was turning red.

At the sight of Yang Yang’s sight, Archibald also came over. Obviously his face was red, but his face was still expressionless, and even solemnly comforted Yang Yang: “Don’t worry, I won’t, won’t … during your pregnancy. That will cause the soul of the female soul palace Impure power can affect children’s growth. “

Moreover, he is not quite … but he can’t tell Yang Yang, it’s shameful!

When Yang Yang heard it, it was a big rock that fell to the ground. The inexplicable tension immediately disappeared. The old driver went back online, took a look of Noel from the people and asked Archibald: “Oh, what?”

Archibald saw Yang Yang’s thoughts, glared at Yang Yang, but couldn’t bear to stare at him for a second, and then looked back.

“You know. Alright, go up and rest.”

After speaking, I went upstairs, but I didn’t walk quickly. I listened to Yang Yang to keep up.

lovely. miss you……

Forget it, the situation now seems like he was the one being sunken. It doesn’t matter if he’s up or down.

Yang Yang had a subtle nagging in her heart, but it was a little bit itchy.

He thought about it, took the gift box in his pocket, and followed Archibald upstairs.

At the door of the room, Archie Bird said good night to Yang Yang, and then went into the room.

Yang Yang didn’t care, pouting into his room.

After Archibald entered the room, a heart was still pounding his chest. The blood boiled towards his mind and abdomen, the strange feeling made him a little overwhelmed, and he looked forward to it, and also made him anxious and out of control.

Archibald didn’t adapt to this feeling. He paused, then changed his clothes, and decided to take a cool shower first.

The bath time was not short. When he came out, Archibald’s expression returned to calm. But when he looked into the room, he wasn’t calm again-he saw a human head floating in the crib across the two rooms beside his bed.

Archibald: “!!!!!!”

Years of actual combat experience made Archibald not to exclaim immediately, but the scales of the tail exploded. Then he closed it slowly-because he could see the face of the head, Yang Yang.

Archibald’s voice was full of weakness: “What are you doing?”

Yang Yang’s hand also protruded from the shielded light screen, propped up on the railing of the crib, and heard the words, “Climb the bed.”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang: “Don’t I come over? Then I’ll go back.”

Said to drill back.


Archibald strode forward, turned off the shielding light screen, and saw Yang Yang’s body hidden behind the light screen—the pajamas had been changed, and the bare toes were dyed pink, too. Just took a shower.

Archibald’s heartbeat speeded up again inexplicably, and he hurriedly looked away, and said weakly, “I didn’t say I wouldn’t let you come over.”

Yang Yang grinned, got out of the crib and looked at Archibald: “You haven’t touched your belly tonight, do you want to touch it?”

Archibald looked at Yang Yang deeply and answered, “Yes.”

Yang Yang sat on Archibald’s bed: “The child may be sleepy, and it will take a long time to feel it.”

Archibald: “Well.”

Yang Yang: “I’m sleepy too, so let’s sleep by your side tonight.”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald: “!!!!!!”
