
Chapter 103: Go back home

Yang Yang enjoyed Archibald’s care very much, but this enjoyment lasted only one day, and Yang Yang felt very weak.

Physical inconvenience and pain are second, compared to what he has suffered, these are not much. ——The main thing is that it is too boring.

Since coming to this world, Yang Yang just like to make up for the shortcomings of his last life, and released the natural moth. The old age of sitting and drinking juice and pancakes like today is really making his bones itch.

Especially when I think that there are seven days left, Yang Yang feels itchy bones.

So on the morning of the third day after the egg was laid, Yang Yang found something to do for him—sunbathing, no, sunbathing.

Archibald didn’t go for a breakfast, and when he came back, he saw his golden egg cub on a white background, which turned into a colorful Easter egg.

Yang Yang also told him: “Come, Duke, look at it, don’t you look good? Is it particularly artistic?”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald took a breath: “Where did you get the paint?”

Yang Yang: “It was given before Monta. Didn’t he go to the town next door to participate in the carnival during the tourist season, and brought us many special products? This is one of them. Fortunately, I brought it.

——Be assured, the paint is specially designed for egg painting, non-toxic and harmless. “

After Yang Yang said it, he moved the egg in another direction, and then called Archibald: “Come, let’s take a family portrait.”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald shot it in the end. He and Yang Yang put their hands on the colorful “Easter Eggs”, compared them with a heart shape, and then asked Yang Yang to post on Weibo.

@ 魂 穿 你 的 心: Hello everyone, I am not beautiful ~ [Picture]

However, netizens have not been so beautiful, they have become more afraid.

[I don’t know what everyone thinks. I have a bad hunch anyway. 】

[It’s over, I’m worried about the future aesthetics of Cub. 】

[I remember the fear of being dominated by the Duchess’s selfie. Shivering. 】

[Imagine a dozen years later, a cub with a similar character to the Duke, with colorful hair, leading the battlefield and speaking in the Empire State Building. 】


[Close your mind upstairs! !! 】

Yang Yang looked at the comments and was not convinced: “Don’t look good? How happy!”

Archibald: “………”

as long as you are happy.

Archibald had a meeting with Yang Yang, remembering one thing, and asked Yang Yang: “Don’t you say that you want to do your own business? But your sheep steward number, and the brand you said before Why don’t you do it now? “

Yang Yang glanced at Archibald: “Now it’s mainly about you.”

Archibald: “… ????”

Yang Yang smiled and looked at Archibald with a gentle and serious expression: “Now you are my business-I think the soul power of Soul Cube must be related to your illness, so your health is My most important cause now. “

Archibald froze, and then a heat flow surged in his heart, making the ironing comfortable, so that the corners of his mouth were not consciously raised.

However, Archibald would feel shy and embarrassed to respond to this enthusiastic “confession”. ——As if he would only call him baby gently after Yang Yang fell asleep.

In Archibald’s perception, this kind of thing is quite private and requires a more suitable time and place-such as at night, such as bed.

So Archibald now only said “Oh”, then bent the corner of his mouth and lowered his head to eat, his tail swayed slightly behind him, and the rhythm was pleasant.


Yang Yang knew Archibald, and did not feel his reaction cold, but looked at Archibald’s tail with interest.

After looking at it for a few seconds, Yang Yang suddenly uttered “ah” again, then flipped the palm, summoned bean sprouts from the soul cube.

Archibald froze. ——Before in the village, when Yang Yang confessed to him, he focused on soul power and did not take out bean sprouts.

So this is the first time Archibald has seen bean sprouts.

Bean sprout is also the first time to see Archibald. It is not like Rotter can observe the outside world freely, and mobile terminals can wave. Its information lags behind, and it doesn’t care about the outside world, so the moment he saw the “stranger”, the bean sprouts were very strong.

Yang Yang: “…”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang bombarded the sprouts and said, “Why are you?”

The bean sprout hesitated, opened his eyes slowly, and hesitated suspiciously. –what’s the situation?

As soon as it made a sound, Archibald froze-could he speak?

Archibald knew about the conscious spirit plant but hadn’t seen it. And he also knows that the spirit essence plant with self-consciousness belongs to legend, and the soul essence plant that can talk to people and can think is only living in art works.

But the previous one is obviously true.

Although Archibald was surprised, he was still calm on the face. After looking at the bean sprouts, he continued to eat his own breakfast.

Yang Yang introduced Archibald to the bean sprouts: “This is the Duke of Doton, my legal spouse.-You get up, something is wrong.”

The bean sprouts knew the owner’s spouse, so he slowly relaxed, and then he got up and looked at Yang Yang: “Hey?”

What’s up?

Yang Yang pointed to Archibald: “Take a bite.”

Sprout: “………”

Archibald: “???”

Archibald is unknown, so the bean sprouts are persuaded: [Are you sure he won’t hit me? 】

Although it has been fattened in the soul cube, and it has grown by one centimeter, it is still very unbeatable!

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang rolled his eyes, ignored the bean sprouts, and turned to explain to Archibald: “I told you before that I used bean sprouts to test your soul power. In fact, I am not just that test, I have been recording Your soul power. “

Yang Yang took out the marshmallow observation diary and shook it before Archibald’s eyes: “Remember this?”

Archibald glanced and remembered: “Remember.-Marshmallow?”

Yang Yang laughed: “Your soul power is very similar.-To be honest, since the child’s conjunctival period has passed, I can’t record your soul power. Now that you also know my bottom, then you will be every day Feed the bean sprouts, and I continue to record. “

After talking about Yang Yang, he turned his head, stared at the bean sprouts, and smiled, “If you bite him, I will fold your baby feet.”

Sprout: “………”

The bean sprouts confirmed again that it did enter the thief’s den.

In order to keep the small beans, the bean sprouts carefully and twitched Archibald with a trace of soul power. In the process, he kept staring at Archibald, for fear of frowning.

Fortunately, this duke is more reliable and expressionless.

But the bean sprout’s faces were all wrinkled together, and they were originally abstract, and this wrinkled face was almost gone.

After trying to eat the soul power, the bean sprouts quickly blasted a golden fruit above the head at the speed of blowing a balloon, then “snapped” two couples, turned his head and complained to Yang Yang: “Hello!”

The soul power of your man is too bad, it’s poisonous!

Yang Yang automatically filtered the wording of bean sprouts, wondering, “Different taste?”

The bean sprouts slowed down, thought about it, and explained, “Well.”

It’s similar to what your family ball gives, but your family ball gives a lot of gentleness, and it is more inclined to the soul power in the soul cube. But this soul power of your man is much stronger than the strange smell in it, which is like the bone marrow of the soul corpse!

Yang Yang: “…”

What have you eaten? ?

But for the difference in taste, Yang Yang had speculation-it should be because the fluorescent ball ate the soul power and entered the soul cube. Soul Cube has the ability to purify. Although there are fluorescent **** and bean sprouts separated by it, it will still purify Archibald’s soul.

Of course, this still needs to be verified.

Yang Yang thought, after picking the golden fruit on the top of bean sprouts, he picked up the bean sprouts and threw it back to Soul Cube, “It’s all right with you.”

Textbooks are ruthless.

Then Yang Yang took out the detector and began to detect Archibald’s soul power.

As soon as Archibald’s breakfast was eaten, the test results came out.

Archibald pushed the dining car aside and leaned closer to see: “What happened?”

Yang Yang: “Rott analyzes the waveform diagram. The abnormal wave bands in your soul power have become more coincident with the soul and beast soul power.-Are you getting sick soon?”

Archibald frowned slightly: “Should not. The time of onset is now once a quarter, less than two months after the last onset, it should not be so fast.

But now he may have changed the new medicine given by Uncle Yaqing. -Many times, during the first cycle of a new drug, there are some abnormalities.

But you can rest assured that before the manic spirit is felt, if I feel something is wrong, I will deal with it immediately. “

Yang Yang nodded and put down the stubble for the time being.

Anyway, he was also watching Archibald every day. He remembered that before Archibald’s illness last time, he saw the dark soul power on Archibald. It was also a sign of illness.

The next few days of testing also made Yang Yang gradually relieved. It seems that this difference was caused by the fluorescent ball that brought the soul power back to the soul cube.

In this way, Yang Yang repeatedly basks in the baby every day, records Archibald’s soul power, gives Komiza a pigtail’s life, and Rott broadcasts the fun of the winter camp bear children.

Seven days passed in a blink, and it was time to go home.

For seven days, Yang Yang’s wound was much better, but still not completely healed. In particular, the aircraft tossed down, and all the aircraft under Yang Yang were held by Archibald.

Yang Yang resisted a little: “You just let me down slowly, it’s shameful to hold it out!”

But there were also bear children around, Yang Yang always felt that his adult’s prestige had been discounted.

Archibald wrapped Yang Yang with a thick cloak. He heard that Yang Yang’s head was covered with a cloak.

“That’s all right.-Now the injury is already slow this season, you just stop.”

Archibald’s voice was serious and worried.

Yang Yang listened and could only compromise. He thought so enthusiastically that he couldn’t see his face anyway.

However, Yang Yang did not expect that they obviously returned to the garrison base, but there were people waiting to be seen by Bailai. There are parents, the media, and people eating melon.

So the picture of Archibald’s beautiful return was immediately made headlines.

Yang Yang: “…”

Are you interstellar people really that not busy? ?


Chapter 104: Refuse

The place where the aircraft landed was on the tarmac of the garrison base. This is a military jurisdiction. It stands to reason that there should not be so many people.

But Yang Yang had no chance to ask. ——As soon as he glanced at the crowd outside, he immediately held Archibald’s neck tightly and buried his head on Archibald’s shoulder, treating himself as a large pendant without moving.

Until she got in the car, Yang Yang pulled down her cloak, only showing a pair of eyes and looking out.

Although there are many people outside, they are quite orderly. In addition to the parents of winter camp children, there are some official media. As for those who eat melons, they are almost all young people and all wear uniforms.

Yang Yang thought the uniform was a bit familiar, and after thinking about it, remembered that it was a military uniform.

After a while, Archibald got into the car holding the egg.

Seven days have passed since the birth, and the egg has not grown up, but the heat has dropped by one degree compared to when it was born. When the temperature is about the same as room temperature, it is also time for its shell to break.

Yang Yang naturally took the egg and hugged it in his arms, and asked Archibald while crossing his head, “Those are all military school students? The uniform seems a little different from the old Emperor Star here.”

Archibald reached out to fix Yang Yang’s cloak wrapped in pickles, and replied, “Remember the joint trial after the year?”

Yang Yang stunned: “Ah, the one jointly organized by Soul, Star and Old Star?”

Archibald took the cloak back into the storage space and nodded: “Well. This is a student who comes to preheat the propaganda and take the opportunity to interact with the children in the winter camp.”

Yang Yang understood, and then looked back and asked, “Did Xiaobai Jia get on the car?”

Archibald: “It’s all settled, Monta is guarding over there, but I’ll go there a while.-I’m afraid to go to the base often these days, you settle at home, No more children. “

Yang Yang retorted arrogantly: “I didn’t roll it. It was too round. I wanted to move it, and it rolled away.”

Archibald: “………”

Well, it just happened to pass back and forth between your hands.

Archibald didn’t listen to his sophistry, and directly reached out and squeezed Yang Yang’s cheek meat, and shook it twice, right to punish.

Yang Yang couldn’t hide, and suddenly spoke acrimoniously and aggrieved: “Woohoo, you used to be a treasure to others. When you give birth to a child, you are treated as a root grass, and you hit me …”

Archibald raised an eyebrow.

In the past seven days, although Yang Yang could not jump, but there were also many moths. For example, the number of times the soul appears through your heart has increased to five times a day.

Therefore, Archibald was not only immune, but even after hearing Yang Yang’s cry, he also caught the **** male script thrown by Yang Yang: “You marry into my Doton, who is my Doton family, I think Whatever I do to you. You cry so loudly to see if anyone dares to save you? “

Yang Yang held the egg and sighed with pain: “Baby, our lives are so hard. After you break the shell, you must take your father out of the bitter sea!”

Archibald bullied himself, and the bully reached out and grabbed Yang Yang’s chin. “It’s all my people, and you want to run away? Be careful, I’ll give you a collar to see where you are going.”


Yang Yang couldn’t keep up: “… Duke, have you watched the teaching video given by Uncle Ay again?”

Archibald looked upright: “No.”

Yang Yang: “…”

I believe you are a ghost!

Yang Yang was about to torture his confession, but he heard a “click”, and the partition between the front and rear seats of the car rose up.

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang: “…”

Oh, there is a driver here.

Yang Yang glanced at Archibald, and then he agreed with each other.

Yang Yang propped the man away, holding Archibald’s face, pretending to be serious: “Be serious.”

Archibald also took advantage of the situation, sat down obediently, and then said to Yang Yang, “I want Ruohong to live with her mother and live in a small building next to the villa for easy care.”

Ruo Hong is a woman holding a baby. Her child is only a few months old. She is unfamiliar with life and really needs care.

Yang Yang had no opinion and talked with Archibald about the placement of the children in the village. After a while, the car finally started.

At Doton Manor, I knew that Archibald and Yang Yang would be back today, and they were waiting in the house early in the morning.

After all, go out for two people, come back with an extra egg, what a joyous event!

So Archibald and Yang Yang returned to the manor, and they saw a group of black men standing in the gate of the villa.

All acquaintances or elders. So Yang Yang resolutely refused to let Archibald hold him, and he stiffened himself and walked to the front of the waiting crowd, and smiled: “It’s so cold, just wait in the house.”

Abel Haha laughed: “How can you wait in the house, if it wasn’t for the military side, I would have gone to the winter camp to meet you already. Come on, Bird, show me our cubs!”

Archibald held the egg and did not pass it. He calmly said, “Let’s go to the house. Yang Yang’s injuries are not complete, and it’s cold outside.”

Abel had no problem with him guarding him-like him!

Then Limara walked into the room with the lead: “Yes, everybody comes in, come in quickly.”

Then a large crowd poured into the house.

In the warm room, the egg was placed in the center of the coffee table, lined with gray short-pile dens, and quietly accepted the attention of adults around it.

“This head doesn’t look like a premature baby at all.”

“Not at all, my daughter is not born so full!”

“But this color is so beautiful! At first glance, the soul power is particularly mellow. I haven’t seen the egg with light golden texture for a long time.”

Yang Yang was curious while listening, and couldn’t help asking Archibald: “The color of the egg shell is also related to the soul power?”

Archibald has given up Yang Yang to watch the parenting teaching materials, and calmly explained to Yang Yang: “The eggs born by the female have different markings after entering the shell breaking period. The color of the markings and the soul power consumption of the eggs Related, usually brown, warm yellow is a better soul power, and lighter gold means that the soul power is very mellow. “

Yang Yangton was relieved: “Soul power is not for nothing!”

Archibald: “………”

On the other side, Abel has opened the terminal and brought up two photos, two eggs, one with orange-red markings and one with golden markings.

Abel compared the golden one with the egg cub and was happy: “Hey! Hey, it’s lighter than Bird’s color!”

After that, I took a photo of the egg cub, made a 2-1 number, and then saved it carefully. I also made a wish with Yang Yang and Archibald: “I don’t ask for more, try to let me rank It will be 2-5. “

Yang Yang: “…”

After a while, everyone took almost the same photos, and after the enthusiasm subsided a little, Yaqing stood up.

Yaqing proposed: “I set up a nursery room at the research institute, and then put the children there.”

Yang Yang immediately jumped into his heart, looked at it, and asked, “Why?”

“This one.”

Ya Qing stopped talking, and then looked at He Shu and Archie Bird, before showing a somewhat embarrassed expression, carefully wording: “Dawdon’s family has a special constitution, Bird’s voice broke and the shell was also dangerous. So, I think it’s better to do some preparation early. “

The words were very euphemistic, but he also expressed his concerns-what if the child also inherited the disease of the Dotton family?

Yaqing didn’t know Yang Yang’s “complete health” guarantee, because no one took his guarantee seriously at first. Later, Yang Yang revealed the existence of a mysterious space. It may be because of the relationship with the children of the Dotton family, so other people did not have a biography.

Only a few people on the starship at the time know this secret, as well as an Abel.

Therefore, after Ya Qing had spoken, Zhang Jun and Abel’s friends also persuaded persuasion and comfort.

“It’s okay. There are a lot of places in the research institute. It’s a big deal. I can see the cubs every day.”

“I think this egg is fine, maybe it’s okay, but it’s prepared.”

“The observation room is not bad, and it can record the moment when the child’s shell is broken.”

In the face of everyone’s kindness, Archibald and Yang Yang refused decisively.

Yang Yang said in advance: “Thank you Uncle Yaqing, but we want to bring the child with us. The Duke has sensed the child during the child’s conjunctival period, and I believe it is healthy.”

Archibald also nodded: “During the conjunctival period, the child liked me and Yang Yang. Although it was asleep during the shell breaking period, it must not want to leave us.”

Ya Qing heard her expression frown slightly, and looked at Yang Yang and Archibald like a child. She had always been weak to a weak face, and she had a stern expression.


After Ya Qing rebuked, she sighed again, “I know this is your first child, and you can’t bear it. But Yang Yang experienced a car accident and was hospitalized when she was pregnant with the child. Good, but how can soulpower be so easy to see? What if it happens? “

Yang Yang smiled: “Then check it here. The medical room examination equipment in the manor is complete. I remember that Aunt Gu bought a lot of maternity-related instruments before.”

That’s when he first came here, Gulita just bought it just in case.

Gulita knew the inside story, so she agreed with Yang Yang’s opinion, and in turn persuaded Ya Qing: “Ya Qing, Yang Yang is right. Check it out.”

However, Yaqing felt that they were making trouble unreasonably: “At the time, Bird’s eggs were also checked, and the results were good, but when the shell was broken, it was extremely dangerous.”

At this point, Yaqing was a little angry, looking at Heshu and Abel: “Second brother, you also advise. This is related to the health of the child. Since I’m here, I can’t just watch it.”

Although He Shu is Abel’s spouse, the Sauron family is more powerful than the Dotton family, and his relationship with Yaqing is not light, and he is really familiar with it, which is about thirty years.

So He Shu said nothing to Abel.

Abel was much more direct.

He waved his hand directly and said: “Since Bird and Yang Yang have so requested, let the children stay with them. But you can also come and check from time to time, and we can rest assured.”

Although Abel knew about Yang Yang’s space, he didn’t have much confidence in it. He just chose to believe in his lover and children.

Ya Qing didn’t expect that even He Shu and Abel went crazy with her, and her face suddenly changed.

“you guys!”

However, he was angry for a long time, but did not get angry. In the end, there was only compromise.

“Okay, it’s up to you, but I’m moving back.”

Abel laughed: “No problem, you can rest assured that I keep it. In this case, let’s check the child first.-Bird, hold your cub to the treatment room.”

“it is good.”

Archibald nodded, holding the egg in one hand and pulling Yang Yang in one hand, and the group rushed to the treatment room again.
