
Chapter 115

In the early morning the next day, Yang Yang got up and cooked congee. Because he didn’t want to be discovered by Yaqing, Yang Yang set up an outdoor kitchen on the top floor and watched breakfast like a play.

As a result, he didn’t expect that, just after he finished the porridge, he went down the second floor and met Yaqing head-on.

Yaqing was a little strange: “Isn’t Yuma already making breakfast?”

Yang Yang smiled without changing his face: “Dad said that my father’s soul power was consumed yesterday, so I boiled a pot of soul power dishes to supplement my father.”

Ya Qing froze, and then she didn’t know what to think. Suddenly, her face became hot, and she coughed softly: “Then I won’t ask the second brother to have breakfast.”

Yang Yang smiled and nodded, and watched Ya Qing go downstairs before he delivered the porridge.

In the room, Yang Yang first checked the mental strength of Heshu and Abel—over the night, their spiritual strength was not different, and Heshu’s mental strength also returned.

Yang Yang was relieved, and then increased the weight of the fruit and soul for Abel.

As last night, after Abel ate the soul power of the fruit, no rejection occurred. And as Yang Yang expected, more fruit soul power cleared more soul and beast soul power.

However, when it was Heshu’s turn, there were some changes–the congee in Heshu’s porridge was more powerful than yesterday. Of course, because of Heshu’s body, Yang Yang only dared to let it go 10% more.

The change lies in the reaction of the medicine soul.

The medicine stone needs the spirit and soul power to activate, as long as there is a little soul and animal soul power, the medicine stone soul power will be activated.

However, because the process of stimulating the soul power of the medicine stone that I saw before is under the premise of others’ illness, it is Heyang’s turn today to discover that Yang Yang found that the medicine stone has a degree of excitement.

Yesterday, the soul power given to He Shu was very small. The reaction of the medicine stone was also slowly captured, and even part of the medicine stone soul force did not notice the fruit soul force, but instead swallowed and harnessed its own soul force.

But today there is more soul power. The moment when the fruit’s soul power arrives in the soul palace, all the hungry tigers swallow the food.

When Yang Yang saw this picture, the whole person was unconsciously tense.

Fortunately, nothing was wrong in the end.

The soul power of the fruit is still inferior to the medicine stone soul power. After consumption, some gray soul power is left, and then it is swallowed by the medicine stone.

But it is not without gains.

Although it is very small, about one-thousandth the size, the power of the medicine stone does decrease.

After devouring the fruit soul power, the medicine stone soul power did not suffocate immediately as it did yesterday, but began to devour and harness its own soul power, which lasted for about a minute or so before disappearing into the soul palace and disappearing.

However, because Yang Yang added soul power dishes today to fill the part of the medicine stone soul power, there is no damage to the power of He Shu.

But Heshu ’s body responded—Heshu had a abdominal heat reaction yesterday, and today the reaction is even stronger. When Yang Yang withdrew the soul vision, he saw that He Shu’s forehead had been covered with a thin layer of sweat.

Yang Yang looked tired and looked nervous, and asked, “Father, how are you doing?”

He Shu smiled and shook his head: “It’s all right.”

Abel wiped the sweat from his forehead for He Shu, and said in a deep voice: “He hurts.”

Yang Yang hesitated, but then Hehe said, “It’s not very painful, the feeling of heat is stronger. And today, the whole body is feverish, just like a fire is burning in the body, so it’s a little uncomfortable. But it was not yesterday Later, the sense of emptiness after excessive exhaustion of soul power. “

This shows that the idea of ​​soul-assisted dishes is feasible.

However, Abel was not comforted by the last word of He Shu. His expression became more gloomy. He asked Yang Yang, “Why is he doing this?”

Yang Yang said what she saw: “The degree of activation of the medicine stone is different. When the fruit has more soul power, its response will be stronger. But the result is better than yesterday, and the soul power of the medicine stone is also affected. Consumed part of it. “

He Shu’s slightly pale face showed a happy smile: “Then, this fruit can really clear the soul power of the medicine stone!”

Yang Yang nodded; “I think so.”

He Shu said “Ah,” as if suddenly remembering something, and said, “By the way, Byrd was sick when he was a child, and he was all over.-Is this also because the soul power is consumed?”

If so, Yaqing’s medicine may not be as bad as they thought.

Yang Yang couldn’t give the answer: “Maybe, or it just consumes excess soul power.”

He Shu’s surprised expression calmed down, but there was hope anyway.

Abel on the side asked, “What about my mental strength?”

Yang Yang told the truth.

After listening, Aber nodded and said, “That is to say, the soul power in this fruit can clear the soul and beast power without harm, but the reaction it encounters with the medicine stone will cause a burden on the human body.

In this case, let go and give me one time to clear the soul power infection. “

Yang Yang frowned slightly, hesitating.

Abel: “Don’t worry, my soul infection is very mild. I can carry it even if there is an accident. If my soul infection is completely cleared and there is no sign of backwash within 72 hours, let Bird start a little Eat.-I heard Ya Qing said that Bird’s condition next time is not optimistic. “

Yang Yang was silent for a few seconds, then nodded and agreed.

To clear the soul and beast power of Abel, it took almost a hundred red fruits to complete it.

Fortunately, the results were pleasing, and all the black soul power on Abel’s body was removed. In the process of removal, Abel did not feel any discomfort.

At the moment when the removal was complete, Abel himself had already felt it, without Yang Yang saying.


Abel couldn’t help but stand up, walked to the center of the room with some excitement, and then fisted with both hands.

After a while, the air in the room seemed to become solid, giving a sense of suffocation.

But this felt fleeting, and Abel had withdrawn his soul power.

Yang Yang exhaled slowly, and also had a clear understanding of Abel’s soul strength-metamorphosis.

“I feel great!”

Abel came over and sat down again, hiding the joy on his face.

Although his soul infection is weak, this does not mean it is painless. In contrast, the onset of the disease was not severe pain and mania, but a slight pain like termite biting bone.

Such pain does little harm to the body, but it hurts the individual’s spirit and emotions very much.

How can one not get rid of such torture now?


He Shu is also happy for Abel, but can’t help but feel a little regret, “Unfortunately my health is not good enough to withstand the one-time reaction to clear the stone soul power, otherwise I can clear it immediately, shortening the time to confirm the fruit soul power . “

Abel comforted and restrained, “Your own body is the most important.”

Yang Yang smiled bitterly; “Yes, father. And even if it is cleared for you, I am afraid that it will not be immediately cleared to the Duke.”

He Shuyi: “Why?”

Yang Yang sighed: “Not enough fruit.”

Sprouts can produce 10 to 20 fruits per day. From its beginning to the present, the reserve is almost 500. There are still about 400 for planing to use and give away. Now it is used for Abel, only less than 300 are left.

Abel and He Shu were also stunned, and they did not expect this to be the reason.

He Shu was a little worried: “Is that time enough? Byrd has stopped taking medicine, and the onset of the disease may be ahead of time. How much can be cleared with fruit before the onset?”

Yang Yang was silent for a few seconds, and said, “I ask bean sprouts.”

After all, Yang Yang took the bean sprouts out of the space.

With the experience of last night, when bean sprouts were pierced to the table today, I only looked at the people around me, and then I calmly started to look at Yang Yang: “Well?”

What are you doing?

Yang Yang: “How many fruits can you bear per day?”

The bean sprouts simmered.

It ’s uncertain every day, but it ’s not more than 20, did n’t I tell you?

Yang Yang frowned, “Can I have more?”

The sprouts paused and kept on.

The general meaning is-although the soul power is not mine, but the fruit’s skin is made by my soul power. Every fruit has to compress so much soul power. I am also tired. Although we have concluded a master-servant contract , But you can’t be so inhuman?

Yang Yang waited for the bean sprouts to finish, and then stared at the bean sprouts without talking.

The sprouts blinked, and the two leaves on top of their heads trembled with guilty conscience.

Yang Yang: “…”

The sprout leaves, the duke’s tail, all work in the same way.

Yang Yang raised an eyebrow: “I will have at least 2,000 reserves in three days, and the soul power reserve of the fruit cannot be lower than the current level. If it is not possible, I will send you to the scientific research institute.”

Sprout: “………”

The bean sprouts “crumbled” and cried, and the arms of the two branches kept patting on the table-my life is so hard! !! !!

Abel & Heshu: “………”

Although they knew yesterday that this soul essence plant had self-awareness, they did not expect that its consciousness was not only unkind, but also so … emmm, flexible.

Allowing bean sprouts to cry and grab the ground, Yang Yang still looked indifferent.

Cry, keep crying, my heart softens and I lose.

Sprout: “………”

The bean sprout cried for a while, seeing Yang Yang didn’t mean the slightest consolation, so he slowly died down and began to talk to Yang Yang about the conditions.

2000 is impossible, death is impossible, you send me away, anyway, I am no better than you in the scientific research institute.

Yang Yang did not waver, and threw out a second bait: “If you do, I will find some minerals for you to eat.”

Although the soul power in the soul cube is strong, for the bean sprouts, the soul power such as the mineral essence and the soul essence plant is better for its own growth.

Bean sprouts are not mentioned to Yang Yang. They also say that as long as they are given the best mineral or soul essence plants, they can grow up and produce edible fruits.

But after Yang Yang listened to the amount he asked for, he smiled and shut it up.

And now, Yang Yang took the initiative to raise it, and the bean sprouts hooked up right away-a rare opportunity!

Bean sprouts: “Well?”

How much do you give?

Yang Yang: “Don’t worry about this. Anyway, it will be there. If you can collect 2,000 fruits in three days, I will give you three pieces of fine mineral concentrate.-Dad and father testify.”

He Shu and Abel looked at each other, and then nodded-although they didn’t understand the bean sprouts, they cooperated with Yang Yang first.

Bean sprouts know Abel’s identity. Owner of the planet, the father of the owner’s husband, rounded off is the father of the owner.

A few pieces of superb mineral concentrate, trivial.

The bean sprouts stood up immediately, “Oh!”

In a word, if I regret it, I will not give you any more fruit, and you will send it to the research institute!

Yang Yang nodded: “I can do it.”

The sprouts of the bean sprouts swayed beautifully, then it pushed the dinner plate on the table aside, and removed an open space. Then he saw bean sprouts leaning his hands on his waist and vomiting into the open space.

It was like a red fountain that suddenly opened, and small, round, crimson little fruits rolled out from the sprout’s mouth in a steady stream, and in an instant, a small bag that could not be ignored was piled up on the table. .

Yang Yang: “…”

Abel: “………”

He Shu: “………”

The bean sprouts spit for a few seconds, and when it feels almost the same, he shuts up, lifts the branch and touches his mouth, then turns and rubs his hands charmingly toward Yang Yang: “唧 —— 唧唧 ~”

2000 pieces-remember to give me minerals ~

Yang Yang glanced at the fruit on the table, “… so you can produce more than 20 a day.”

Bean Sprout nodded honestly-it doesn’t matter if you usually don’t use these, I will save it, in case you throw it to me someday, I have some life-saving capital.

Yang Yang: “You think too much, how can I throw you? I can’t throw it even if it burns to ashes.”

Sprout: “………”

Yang Yang: “How much can you bear every day?-I lie and stab your leaves.”

Sprouts: “…” 80.

Yang Yang quickly counted in her heart, then smiled, “Looking at the way you just vomited, is there a storage space in your belly?”

The bean sprouts didn’t hide this, and nodded altogether-they couldn’t hide it, it vomited.

Yang Yang smiled, and then reached out to grab the bean sprouts. “So, how much is left in your space?”

Sprout: “………”

“Don’t say? Okay.”

Yang Yang slowly adjusted the bean sprouts one by one, with his head down, and then started shaking madly: “You spit it out for me !!”

Bean sprouts: “Hmm–wowa …”

He Shu: “………”

Abel: “………”

Seems like a textbook-like robbery scene.


Chapter 116

Yang Yang shook the bean sprouts for one minute, and squeezed out the entire stock of bean sprouts. There were more than 3,400 in total.

With this stock, Yang Yang’s heart finally has some bottom.

And the bean sprouts, probably lying on the corpse after being squeezed out, were too pitiful, and Abel was a bit unhappy, and immediately took out a few pieces of minerals from the storage space, which was a fulfillment of the promise.

Sprout almost cried without holding Abel’s hand-you are such a good person, whoa!

Abel: “………”

At this moment, he seemed to understand what bean sprouts were gnawing at.

But being held by the bean sprouts in this way, Abel’s hand was a little itchy: “Yang Yang, if you break it, can you cut a second bean sprout?”

Yang Yang: “I haven’t tried this.”

Abel; “Oh, this–“

Sprout: “………”

It’s wrong. There are no good people in this family, only human faces and beast hearts! !!

Bean Sprout immediately released Abel, and flew a few pieces of ore back to his own space, then turned around and ran back to Yang Yang, stretched out his hands like a tree branch, crying and hugging-let me return to the cube of souls! Immediately! immediately! QAQ

The day before the new year, Abel’s 72 hours were up.

During these 72 hours, Abel didn’t stay quietly. On the contrary, he spent a lot of time in the training room every day, and had passed hands with Archibald or Monta’s father to fully mobilize the soul palace. Soul power, keep his soul palace and my soul power in an active state at any time.

This is also to prevent the soul’s soul power from backwashing, which can catalyze this process and save time.

But after three days, the soul power in Abel’s soul palace was drained several times, but there was no backlash.

At the same time, Yang Yang didn’t stop to “treat” He Shu. With the previous experience, Yang Yang did not dare to increase the soul power of the fruit.

In these three days, Yang Yang made soul dishes for Heshu three times a day. Heshu’s medicine stone soul power was also cleared a little, soya beans were a little bigger.

Although this result is insignificant compared to the total amount of the medicine stone soul power, the quantity change accumulates into qualitative change. In the long run, the soul power of the medicine stone in the body will always be cleaned up one day.

“Let me eat.”

Archibald has also been watching his parents for the past three days.

In fact, Heshu and Abel tried to eat fruit. Archibald was not very happy. Now that there is a preliminary result, he will naturally not hesitate.

Yang Yang also had confidence in Soul Cube and agreed.

So the night before the new year, Yang Yang ate Archibald’s first fruit.

Worried about Archibald, this time, Abel and Heshu also stood by.

The process of eating fruit is nothing special, and they can’t see the state of soul power, so they can only stare at Archibald’s reaction for fear that he will be a little unwell.

Fortunately, no worrying picture has taken place.


After Yang Yang sent a fruit, he gave out a doubtful mono.

The hearts of the other three were immediately lifted up, and they all looked towards Yang Yang.

Yang Yang looked at Archibald: “Duke, how do you feel?”

Archibald shook his head. “No.”

Yang Yang snorted and spoke out the picture she saw.

“Your body does have medicinal soul power, but their positions above the soul palace are not condensed into a circle, but a mist-like discrete appearance.

Moreover, after being inspired by the soul power of the fruit, it did not counterattack fiercely like the soul power in the father, but slowly. After clearing some of the soul power of the fruit, it counterattacked—but the soul I gave you More power than the father. “

Archibald: “Then increase the dosage-my father’s soul power is weak, and I am stronger than ordinary people. If the response of the medicine stone soul power is related to the soul power level of the parasitic person, The soul power in my body needs more fruit to stimulate. “

Yang Yang took a deep breath and nodded: “Okay, let me try.”

In the end, when Archibald ate the fifth fruit, some changes took place in his soul.

The medicine stone reacts with the fruit’s soul power, just like Hehe’s, but after the reaction, the gray soul power generated by the fusion stays for only a moment, and then falls apart into two colors-lighter off-white and black.

The decomposed medicinal soul power is not much, and the separated black soul power is even less, only the size of the red fruit.

Then, the pale off-white flowed into the medicine stone soul power and disappeared, but the black was excluded by the off-white soul power, and then stuck in Archibald’s own white soul power.

It didn’t disappear or get absorbed.

Yang Yang panicked, and immediately retracted Soulpower Vision to see Archibald.

Archibald was still expressionless. When he saw Yang Yang looking at him, his face was shocked, but Archibald was startled, and he let out his voice and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Yang Yang’s eyebrows tightened, “After the fruit reacts with the spiritual power of the medicine stone, the gray spiritual power undergoes a secondary decomposition, and some soul and animal soul power are separated.-Don’t you feel it?”

Secondary decomposition?

The other three were shocked, and no one expected that this would happen.

Abel and Su looked at Archibald.

Archibald then showed a stunned expression. “I did feel some discomfort just now, but it was slight and negligible.”

He had been stricken with illness since he was a child, and it wasn’t painful enough to roll all the time. This pinch-like stabbing didn’t even make him frown.

But this situation cannot be ignored.

“How could this be?”

He Shu is most worried, but also knows that there is no answer, so this sentence is just a self-relaxation.

Abel gritted his teeth after he was silent. “Since it is the soul and beast power, then give Bird another fruit to see if the soul and beast power can be removed.”

Yang Yang hesitated: “But what if the soul and soul are separated?”

“That’s not bad.”

Archibald said, “Did you not say that when I was last sick, did you see that there are many black souls and souls on my body?”

Yang Yang glanced at him, “Can it be the same!”

Archibald stretched his tail temperamentally and rolled Yang Yang’s waist. “Don’t be afraid, it’s okay. You have to try it to know.”

Yang Yang beat him, and he saw that Abel and He Shu had no objection, so they compromised.

But just as Yang Yang was worried, the fruit’s soul power had not yet reached Archibald’s soul palace, and he reacted with those stone soul powers, and separated some black soul powers again.

“Can’t eat anymore.”

Yang Yang closed his hand and resolutely no longer brought out a fruit.

Archibald didn’t ask to continue.

And this result made Yang Yang discouraged: “Will this not work?”

Archibald shook his head: “I don’t think so.”

Yang Yang looked over.

Archibald continued: “Although my situation is slightly different from my father, a second decomposition was performed. However, the power of the medicine stone soul is indeed consumed.”

“The medicine stone soul power and the soul and beast soul power are the targets to be cleared by the fruit. If the medicine stone soul power is regarded as a high-level negative soul power, it will be decomposed and demoted again.-But it is cleared by the fruit soul power Part of it is fact. “

“So, I think the fruit’s soul power can solve the problem, but this process may not be too pleasant.”

After listening to Archibald, Yang Yang still couldn’t relax.

-Just “the process will not be too pleasant” is enough to make him hesitate.

Abel: “I agree with Bird’s point of view, but I can’t risk it. I still eat a small amount of fruit every day and slowly adjust it.-By the way, next time Bird’s disease happens, Yang Yang, do you want to see it? “

Yang Yang nodded, “Yes, I want to see his mental strength when he was sick.”

Abel replied: “Then wait until the next time he gets sick.-Since it is to cure, then first understand the condition.”

So things settled.

But early the next morning, Yang Yang discovered something that disturbed him–the black soul power on Archibald increased.

Archibald obviously felt it too, but his response was much calmer: “Maybe it’s going to happen.”

Yang Yang frowned: “Is it because of the fruits of yesterday?”

Archibald laughed: “Don’t think about it. The time of this onset would have been earlier, and if you think about it, it will save you time.”

Yang Yang was not optimistic.

Today is the New Year. Counting the time in Yang Yang’s world, it’s New Year’s Eve.

But there is no custom of setting off firecrackers or hanging couplets on the old Emperor Star. It is just a day of reunion. The really fun thing is the carnival at night.

But it does not prevent everyone from having a good mood from the morning.

The children in the village have become familiar these days. They will all change into new clothes and then play around in the manor.

Ashbern, Gurita and others also came over, and they are going to eat together at noon today.

Because I know these children are present, I also brought a lot of gifts.

After that, it was naturally lively again.

In this laughter, Yang Yang’s silence seemed a little dazzling.

“What’s wrong?”

Gulita first asked Yang Yang.

Yang Yang stunned the past, and went to the corner to shut himself.

Gulita was confused, but looking at the attitudes of Archibald and Abel, though he was puzzled in her heart, she did not ask any more.

But this does not mean that other people will not follow through, such as Yaqing.

Yaqing is not stupid and much more sensitive than ordinary people.

In the past three days, whether it was Aber ’s sudden hard work and hard training, or with Shu Shu eating three meals a day, Yang Yang’s soul-cooking dishes, he was watching.

Although he looked at these, he did not expect any connection, and did not intend to ask.

However, Archibald was sick today-the reason he moved to the manor from the research institute on Zhang Jun’s side was to observe the “illness” of Archibald and the egg cubs up close.

Archibald had grown up watching him since he was a child. His condition was handled by himself, and no one knew him better than Archibald.

So Yaqing knew that Archibald hadn’t taken any medicine since three days ago, and it was fine yesterday, but she suddenly got sick today.

Looking at the reactions of several people today, Ya Qing finally locked her eyes on Yang Yang.

But because of the special day today, the manor is lively all day. It wasn’t until the evening of the town’s New Year’s Lantern Festival that the children and adults were ready to go out to play, that Yaqing found the opportunity.

Yaqing found him when Yang Yang was preparing to go upstairs. The two stood on the corridor behind the stairs. There was nowhere for the children of the village, and there was only one road in front. If anyone came , You can find it immediately.

Yaqing blocked Yang Yang. The first sentence was: “You asked Bird to stop taking the drug? His illness is related to you? Do you know what the consequences are if you let him stop taking the drug?”

Yang Yang wasn’t surprised that Yaqing saw it, and now that it was spread out, Yang Yang also laughed and asked, “Do you know what the consequences of taking the medicine all the time?”

Ya Qing froze, then her face changed slightly, Shen said, “You really know the medicine.”

Yang Yang raised her eyebrows slightly-sure enough?
