OIM 52

Chapter 52: Hooligan

Yang Yang was very interested in bean sprouts. He hadn’t left his hands before lunch, and he also figured out some conditions of bean sprouts.

For example, it can’t speak, but two leaves can be compared; it can survive by biting the skin, and it can absorb the soul by biting the skin; it can grow again after the body is damaged, just like its small feet, but it seems difficult to grow Big.

In short it is very good to feed.

But the question is, where do you put it?

Putting a flowerpot, it can run away by itself; if you put the soul cube, Yang Yang is a bit uneasy, because his soul cube still breeds seedlings that have planted two soul essence plants.

So before being able to restrain the bean sprouts, Yang Yang did not intend to put it in the soul cube.

After Yang Yang pondered over it, she looked at Rott again. “I’ll give you a bite first.”

Rott was reluctant, but he didn’t object, but just said to Sprout, “You have changed your eyes and mouth as before, I always feel weird like this.”

Bean Sprouts “…”

You actually discriminate against my looks?

Sprout felt provoked. He turned to look at Roth—his “head” could move at almost thirty degrees.

Then the two sesame eyes froze and turned into two black horizontal lines, “murdering.”

Roth thought his bean sprouts closed his eyes obediently, so he stretched his head and wanted to bite it.

As a result, Roth’s head was stretched out, and he saw that the sprout-like “hands” suddenly flung out, and the dead branch turned into a gummy candy whip, and caught on Rot’s mouth.

Roth’s body naturally didn't know suffered pain, but Roth was scared. He jumped off the stool directly, and then leaped behind Yang Yang for a second, shivering.

“Master, it hit me! QAQ”

Yang Yang grabbed the bean sprouts. Naturally, he would not miss this detail, but Yang Yang was more interested in the “hands” of bean sprouts than Roth’s cry.

“Do you still have this feature?”

Yang Yang reached out, pulled the bean sprouts and the withered branches that were retracted, and then pulled them out.

Yang Yang swears that he didn’t really make any effort, but he only heard a “click” when he pulled.

The dead branches were broken from it, and a green core was exposed inside.

Yang Yang: “………”

Bean Sprout: “………”

Roth: “Master is mighty!”

Yang Yang: “…”

You shut up quickly.

Yang Yang looked down at the dead branches in his hands and looked at the bean sprouts, “Ahem, can I stick it back?”

Sprout: “………”

The whole tree of bean sprouts was silent. It had five features, no, and the two features were more abstract and green. It was really difficult to see the expression on its face. ——Of course, you can know without looking, the mood of bean sprout is probably not so good now.

But Yang Yang didn’t expect that bean sprouts would cry.

After Yang Yang asked this sentence, bean sprouts tilted his head and looked at his own hands, then looked at his feet, and then cried out in a stun.

How can the sound be described? It’s like a faint sound made when a screaming chicken squeezes to the end.

“ wuu ——, wuu ——,  wuu ——.”

*tl'n: wu—sound of crying, it says «ying» but whatever let's jut put “wu” ≧ω≦ *

The tone is rather sad, because there is no tears in Sesame’s eyes for a long time. It doesn’t look like crying, but it seems to be out of breath.

Yang Yang: “………”

Hold back, it look miserable, you can’t laugh.

When Roth heard it, he came over again, with a look of surprise. “So you can speak? What are you talking about? Why is it a sound? It’s the same as a flat tire.”

Yang Yang didn’t hold back “Hey.”

Bean Sprout: “………”

you go! !! You all go! !!

Yang Yang coughed slightly, reached out and pushed the panther’s head aside, and apologized insincerely. “Sorry, I think you can stretch yourself just now. How can you know that it is so crisp?”

Sprout: “???”

Are you so wicked that you had to sue first?

Bean Sprout waved his hands and the two leaves above his head angrily, and “snapped” in his mouth.

Yang Yang: “………”

Although he could not understand or understand, he received the anger.

Yang Yang shook his hand, interrupted the complaint of bean sprouts, and said, “So, I did have a mistake just now. Then I will give you a place with enough soulpower to let you grow your hands and feet sooner. How about it?”

The bean sprouts relented immediately and looked at Yang Yang.

Yang Yang: “On the premise that you can only stay inside and cannot eat the contents. If I find that you have eaten the contents, I will chop off your leaves. Understand?”

Sprout: “………”

Cruel human!

But this proposal, the bean sprout is really very tempting-it has now reached the bottom of its rich soul power, and then consumes its own soul. Now outside the human world, it would be too difficult to let it go to find the soul power.

So there is no hesitation. ——Although I know this, I’m still mad.

Yang Yang: “I’ll give you three seconds to agree. One..”

Still counting just one, the bean sprouts gave a response-it circled the two leaves in a circle above the head, ok.

Yang Yang understood, and as soon as he thought, the bean sprouts disappeared into his hands and appeared in the soul cube.

But as soon as the bean sprouts entered, Yang Yang’s mind flooded into a message from the soul cube.

Detects the best soul essence plant, has a soul reaction, and the soul level is weak, it is recommended to conclude a master contract.

At the same time, Yang Yang’s mind also appeared the way to conclude the contract.

This is really the time.

However, Yang Yang thought about it and did not conclude it immediately, but took out the bean sprouts again.

The bean sprouts have been forced into the Cube of Souls just now. What is this place of nothingness? Then it felt like it had been placed in a cubic space, surrounded by a vast area, but soon touched the dirt.

Most importantly, the soul is full! It has never had such a good soul power!

The bean sprouts were happy, and when they were trying to take root, a flower bloomed in front of their eyes, and then they found themselves pinched by the human again.

Bean Sprout: “???”

What about soulpower? What about dirt?

Yang Yang looked at the bean sprouts and opened the door to see the mountain. “You should have felt the soul power in that space just now?”

The leaves of bean sprouts immediately circled-I felt it, very satisfied! So let me in!

Yang Yang smiled. “I can let you live in it all the time. You don’t have to worry about being caught by others. I won’t treat you like that. You only need to conclude a contract with me.”

The bean sprouts was stunned and shook the leaves suspiciously.

Yang Yang said frankly, “I recognize the main contract. After the conclusion, I have the right to order you.”

Sprout: “………”

Yang Yang “You can also choose not to conclude, I just need a pen.”

Sprout: “………”

The tragic death is still dead, and the bean sprouts choose to die-the leaves of the bean sprouts are circled, ok, come!

The conclusion of the conclusion of the main contract is very simple. When the bean sprouts return to the soul cube, there is already a poke on the soul that cannot be seen.

But the bean sprout didn’t feel much. Once he returned to Soul Cube, he tried to take root heartlessly.

After solving the problem of bean sprout placement, Yang Yang put his eyes back on the shop. ——In order to get a more comprehensive understanding of the barbecue shop, Yang Yang discussed with the wood. At noon, they made some dishes for sale, and Yang Yang tried it.

When Yang Yang came downstairs, the dishes were ready. There are four dishes in total, grilled meat, cutlets, cold vegetables, and grilled vegetables.

Each dish has a large pot and it is spectacular on the table.

The four people in the wood were making bowls and chopsticks. When they saw Yang Yang coming down, the wood immediately stood upright.

The three recruits next to him were startled. Although unconsciously, their bodies were already standing upright.

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang switched roles and asked curiously, “What are you doing?”

Three recruits: “…”

They don’t know.

The recruits turned to look at the wood. Yang Yang also went to see the wood and smiled kindly.

wood: ”…………”

The sixth sense made Wood make the right choice-wood relaxes his body and restores his enthusiasm and easy-going attitude towards Yang Yang.

“Sheep steward, come and eat. It’s still warm just after it’s been prepared.”

Yang Yang smiled with satisfaction and sat down to eat. Then Yang Yang understood how the annual loss came.

That said, these four dishes perfectly present the transition from earth to hell.

Yang Yang put down his chopsticks and asked the wood, “Is that all the barbecue in your army?”

Wood nodded. “I’m pretty good, with seasonings. When fighting or marching, I can’t stop the clock. Where can I take care of it so much?

Yang Yang “No march now.”

The wood “Yeah, so I put the seasonings and cooked them all.-The year before, I also received praise from the military ministry, saying that my barbecue can truly reflect the style of the army and keep me going.”

Yang Yang: “………”

Is the brain circuit of your military department not right? ?

But since this is the case, Yang Yang is not good at beaking.

From another perspective, hell-flavored barbecue is also a special feature, and it can also make his porridge taste better.

After self-consolation, Yang Yang made final adjustments to the shop with the four men of wood. Busy until around 6pm, Monta and Archibald came to pick him up.

Archibald didn’t get out of the car, and Yang Yang saw him after getting on the bus—no wonder Montafer had to let him go in the back seat.

Yang Yang smiled. “The Duke patrolled hard.”

Archibald glanced at Yang Yang and responded, and his gaze moved to Yang Yang’s belly automatically.

Yang Yang didn’t notice, he was very tired, yawned after getting in the car, leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes.

I didn’t know who to say this to. Yang Yang didn’t wait for anyone to respond. He closed his eyes for less than ten seconds and was asleep.

The next Archibald sat for a while, and his eyes began to float on Yang Yang again.-If he touched his stomach now, would Yang Yang be aware of it?

Thinking for a while, Monta had lifted the car up, and the bumps of the air lifted Yang Yang’s body and tilted towards the door.

Seeing that Yang Yang’s body was about to hit the window, Archibald’s tail suddenly stretched out from the front, stabilized Yang Yang’s body, and then carefully pulled Yang Yang towards the back.


Yang Yang confusedly opened his eyes and put his hands forward, resting on Archibald’s tail.

Archibald: “!!!”

However, Yang Yang didn’t seem to be sober. He patted Archibald’s tail in doubt, and then seemed to recognize it. However, instead of letting go, he nudged Archibald’s tail into his arms, and laughed “Hey,” and then went to sleep.

Archibald: “…”

Although he didn’t know what the man was laughing at, he did have a feeling of being hooligan.
