OIM 66

Chapter 66: Fruit

Yang Yang didn’t know when he slept. His last memory was lying on Archibald’s bed. Archibald’s palm covered his stomach. The quilt was super soft. Archibald’s palm Super warm …

Then he opened his eyes again, he was already lying in the soul cube.

Yang Yang looked at the void, his head just waking up slowly, then a little regret. -Did not touch Archibald’s chest muscles.

Forget it, there will be opportunities in the future.

Yang Yang stretched a lazy waist, and as soon as he sat up, he dropped a fluorescent ball in his bones. Yang Yang’s eyes caught his hands halfway, and he weighed it with a pinch.

“Well, have you grown up again? So fast?”

With the size of the fluorescent ball, Yang Yang can’t wrap it with one hand, and it feels particularly good.

Hearing Yang Yang’s words, the fluorescent ball flickered proudly. Then suddenly a soft fur exploded, a short filament drawn by the soul.

— Look, my new skills!

Yang Yang: “…”

What does this skill do?

The fluorescent ball didn’t get Yang Yang’s doubts, it couldn’t wait to show the next skill: the soft hair on it disappeared, and then from the lower half of its spherical body, a group of soul power emerged, and then knead the dough, Crushed into a small strip.

-Look, tail!

Yang Yang froze for a moment, then suddenly laughed: “Just like your little dad so much?”

The fluorescent ball flashes crazy-super favorite!

Yang Yang rubbed the fluorescent ball with his thumb and praised: “Then grow up and come out quickly.”

The fluorescent ball jumped twice in the center of Yang Yang’s palm, with a short bald tail and an archaic learning curve from Archibald, and the whole ball showed an inflated confidence.

-I’m fast! immediately!

Yang Yang is amused, but think about the growth rate of the fluorescent ball. This “immediately” is put into the average time of female pregnancy, which is really a rocket-like speed.

However, it also needs to add the time to break the shell. The time of breaking the shell is not like the period of incubation. Every day, it has a “sugar ball” by Archibald, Soul Cube, and bean sprouts to open it. .

But this is not to say the enthusiasm of cracking fluorescent ball.

At this moment, Rott’s voice suddenly sounded, scratching his head.

“Master, Soul Cube has detected that the plants on the planting surface have been harvested. It is a grid of bean sprouts.”

Yang Yang froze; “harvest?”

Lot: “It’s bearing fruit.”

Yang Yang raised her eyebrows, how about this operation?

So Yang Yang stood up and put the fluorescent ball on top of himself: “Go, go and see.”

The four sides of the soul cube are four identical spaces, but the world in the grid is very different.

Yang Yang found the grid where the bean sprouts were located. The probe looked down, and the field of vision passed through a cloud of fog, overlooking a small mountain and clear water.

In the middle of this world, on the top of a small hill is the “throne” of bean sprouts.

Yang Yang grasped the fluorescent ball and jumped down from the lattice mouth, just before the throne of bean sprouts.

The bean sprouts, who were receiving the “Essence of the Sun and the Moon,” were stunned, and a cluster of small red fruits just growing on their heads trembled.

Yang Yang looked at the cluster of fruits with surprise: “It really turned out. Looks like ginseng baby, can this be eaten?”

Sprout: “………”

If I say I ca n’t eat, will you not move my fruit?

Yang Yang: “Hey.”

Sprout: “………”

When the bean sprout was bitter, he burst into tears, and the general content was as follows-I was tricked by you to sign the contract, and I will gather the soul to feed your cubs every day. Now it ’s hard to grow fruit. , You still sting my fruit …

After listening to Yang Yang, not only did he have no sympathy, and he even wondered: “Do you think I let you in to enjoy the blessing?”

Sprout: “………”

Yang Yang: “And you shouldn’t lose it. After all, you don’t even have the ability to protect yourself, but you also fall into my hands. If you fall into the hands of the scientific research institute, you are afraid that you only have to follow the footsteps of your predecessor’s soul. There is no chance to have rich soulful fruit here.

-So can this fruit be eaten? “

Sprout: “………”

What can it do? Of course I can only give in.

The sprouts on the bean sprouts’ heads were pulled down, and the sound was just like Lott’s.

“I don’t know. It’s the concentrated soul power that I have stored. I tried it. I can’t enter other cells except this one. So I was worried that the soul power in this cell was all over. “

It was originally planned to save a little bit in the trunk. How could I know that it would be reported by Rotter-it clearly began to bear fruit the day before yesterday. Rotter did not say, why report it suddenly today? It didn’t bother Rott!

Subtly discovering this sorrowful Rott, his mood is pleasing-since I can’t connect to the Internet, you don’t want to eat your soul.

Sprouts 😕 ? What matters to me! !!

Yang Yang didn’t know what the two were in a relationship, and smiled when he heard the words: “You’re quite prepared.”

After talking about Yang Yang’s sudden thoughts, his eyes brightened: “Since it is a condensed body of soul power, that is to say that it can be picked directly without it being immature?”

Sprout: “………”

bandit! You are a bandit!

When the bandit heard the voice of bean sprouts, he grinned, “You said that, then I’m welcome.”

So Yang Yang stretched out his sinful hand, and picked out the largest and the brightest color from a cluster of five fruits on the head of bean sprouts.

Sprout: “………”


Yang Yang glanced at the fruit in his hand, which was the size of soy beans, very hard, and could not feel the soul power, but he could see the high-density filling soul power inside.

Yang Yang was a little happy.

He had already experimented with it before sowing seeds. The soul power in the soul cube can be said to be inexhaustible, but once Yang Yang leaves the soul cube, he cannot call the soul power of the soul cube in this world.

Now, bean sprouts can reserve the soul power of the soul cube and bear fruit, if this fruit can be used outside …

Yang Yang was full of expectations, and put the fruit on the storage surface, and then showed a kind smile with expectation on the bean sprouts: “The spirit here will not be less, you cheer and eat more fruit.”

Sprout: “………”

Wait, this means that your father and son will stab me with a soul sugar ball every day. Do you want to sacrifice my fruit?

Sprouts can’t believe it, are you still human? Doesn’t your conscience hurt a little seedling like this?

Yang Yang said that it would not be, even beautiful.

Yang Yang got up and couldn’t wait to go out to try the fruit of bean sprouts, so he said goodbye to the fluorescent ball and left the soul cube.

The belly was white, and the morning light slowly dissipated the darkness through the curtains.

In Archibald’s bedroom, Yang Yangwo slept soundly in the quilt, but Archibald next to him had already woken up–no, he didn’t sleep all night.

Last night, he promised Yang Yang to “sleep together”. He knew that nothing would actually happen, and he probably expected that Yang Yang wanted to tease his mind.

But he was so happy.

Archibald’s mood was tense and cheerful.

Then he looked up, Yang Yang fell asleep by himself.

Archibald: “………”

At that moment, Archibald acknowledged that he did have the urge to turn Yang Yang over and spank-the kind of play that slammed Yang Yang’s bark.

But in the end, Archibald just arbitrarily covered Yang Yang with a quilt, watching the sleeping Yang Yang helplessly.

Seeing this, Archibald couldn’t look away.

Yang Yang slept very well and was very quiet, completely different from him during the day.

After falling asleep, Yang Yang’s face appeared with some light powder. The collar of the pajamas was loose, exposing the shoulders on the small side, and the fair skin was like white gel in the moonlight.

On his bed, compared to the fluffy bedding, Yang Yang looks like a small one, like the treasure he hid in his lair.

There was a rush of contentment in Archibald’s heart, which was the sole comfort of being soothed.

But it’s not enough.

Archibald looked at the bedside for a while, then crept to the bed and lay beside Yang Yang.

——They covered the same bed quilt, the temperature of each other passed back and forth in the quilt, and the breath belonging to the two in the air was also blending, regardless of each other.

This close distance made Archibald’s blood rush up. Then the anxiety that had been suppressed before, popped up again, and at the same time had doubts during the day.

——Is the touch of Yang Yang’s body soft or otherwise?

As soon as this idea came up, it immediately became crazy.

Until it was about to dawn, the crazy thoughts overwhelmed Archibald’s reason and principles.

Archibald held out his hand, and his long, strong fingers landed gently on the small half of Yang Yang’s shoulder.

Smooth, soft, warm, and fine bones.

Archibald’s fingertips trembled and became hot.

His eyes moved to Yang Yang’s face again, and his fingers fell on Yang Yang’s forehead, eyebrows, bridge of nose, cheeks, lips …

The forehead is slightly cold, and the hardness of the skull is under the thin skin; the eyebrows are thorny and do not look fluffy and soft; the bridge of the nose is very strong, but it is not a smooth straight line in the imagination; the cheeks are soft, but also tough and elastic; The lips are the softest, and they will be separated as soon as you press them down, exposing a little white teeth.

Archibald took a deep breath, and a little sweat came out of his palm. But he was not satisfied.

The clothes … can’t move, they haven’t got their licenses yet.

But he remembered that Yang Yang didn’t wear socks.

Archibald was a little guilty of doing bad things, but it was more of a stimulus to tear taboos.

He didn’t move Yang Yang’s quilt, and even helped Yang Yang manage the open collar.

It was just under the quilt that his tail slowly reached Yang Yang’s side. The tip of the tail went down Yang Yang’s trouser legs and touched Yang Yang’s exposed ankle all the way.

The touch of the tail is not as sensitive as the fingers, and it is not as sensitive as the fingers.

Archibald only felt that Yang Yang’s ankles were thin, and the soles were softer than he thought, and the toes … the tip of the tail was slightly flicked, and the round toes were lifted. Stretch out.

Archibald raised his lips, as if he had found a new toy.

But before he played for a while, Yang Yang snorted and slowly opened his eyes.

Archibald froze, and his tail flinched back.

Yang Yang had just woke up, his body had not yet responded, and his head was confused. But when he saw Archibald, Yang Yang unconsciously revealed a smile, rolled sideways, and hugged Archibald, his voice sounded dullly in Archibald’s chest.

“Good morning, Duke.”

His head was still doubled, and the thickness of Archibald’s pectoral muscle was felt through the thin cloth.

Hehe hehe.

Archibald held his breath abruptly. He felt like a critter in his arms, reckless and intimate. Archibald looked down, only to see Yang Yang’s messy hair.

By the way, the hair hasn’t been touched yet.

Archibald thought, his hand was already up. Soft, fluffy, dry and smooth, it feels good after rubbing.

Archibald’s heartbeat accelerated slightly. He was afraid that Yang Yang could hear his heartbeat, so after rubbing a hand of Yang Yang’s hair, he immediately loosened Yang Yang, while getting out of bed to wash, said: Let’s go after breakfast. “

Yang Yang lay on the bed, answered “OK”, and sat still.

After two seconds, Yang Yang’s expression gradually became sober, and then her eyes widened slightly.


Yang Yang raised his hand and touched his head, not quite sure-did Archibald rub his head just now? That kind of love between heads? ?

emmm … forget it, with the duke’s EQ black hole, don’t expect it.

However, he can teach Archibald in this area. He has a lot of theoretical knowledge, such as the love process, holding hands, holding arms, kissing.
