OIM 69-70

Chapter 69: Soul Corpse

Archibald glanced out, not seeing anything, wondering: “What is it?”


A thing that is delicious, nutritious, give me ten fruits if you eat it.

The above is from the soul cube’s sincere request.

But Yang Yang couldn’t speak to Archibald naturally. He just unfastened his seat belt and said, “I just think I care a little, so I’ll get out of the car and see.”

“Together,” Archibald got out of the car and asked, “Where is it?”

“Looks over there.”

Yang Yang followed the tips of bean sprouts and pointed in a direction. It was a small garden with lush vegetation, covered with snow, many footprints around it, and ruts.

Archibald saw the sign standing on the side and said, “It’s a temporary dump. Do you want to go?”

Yang Yang nodded, and people were already heading there.

On the back of the small garden are several huge trash cans. They should have been just loaded. The buckets are all empty, but there is a lot of litter on the ground. This is not an urban area, so no sanitation robots are cleaning up.

Fortunately, in winter, although it has a little taste, it can still stand.

Yang Yang frowned, followed by bean sprouts, walked around a few steps, saw a fallen trash can, and a dense plant exposing behind the trash can.

Because there is no snow in this direction, some outlines in the small garden can be seen vaguely. In the small garden, there is a sculpture fountain. Of course, it has been abandoned.

Yang Yang didn’t see anything special, and asked in his mind: “What is it, bean sprouts? 】

The bean sprouts sounded a little excited: “A big piece! 】

Yang Yang: […………]

Yang Yang rolled his eyes and bent slightly to look inside the small garden. To be called “big” in it, there is only a sculpture with a collapsed fountain, but that … hmm?

Yang Yang stared at his eyes, blinked and looked closely, and confirmed: “Duke, that sculpture seems to be moving.”

Archibald also bent down and saw a dark shadow through the densely planted vines. The shadow was squirming, then stood slowly.

Archibald’s eyes were sharp, and he stretched out his hand to pull Yang Yang back, blocking him: “It’s a beast, you are far away.”

Yang Yang was very clear about his position of “fighting the five dregs”, and when he was about to retreat obediently, he heard Lottery speak out.

Rot: [Master, a little strange, I didn’t detect a third heat source here. 】

Yang Yang’s footsteps: “What do you mean?” 】

Lott: [From a biological perspective, the beast should be dead. 】

At the same time as Lot’s voice fell, the beast in the small garden was already moving. He pulled his head and rushed towards them, but because the body was too awkward, he was blocked by the vine, and the efficiency of jumping was very low.

This action really doesn’t look like a living beast, it looks like a zombie.

Yang Yang: “…”


Yang Yang panicked, nervously swallowed, and said to Archibald, “Duke, Rott said it seemed dead.”

The beast in the small garden was still coming towards them. Its strength was very strong. The vines were torn frequently by it, making endless breaking sounds, and the snow on the trees also fell, blocking the sight for a while.

Archibald simply pulled Yang Yang back two steps, and then answered Yang Yang’s words: “Well, it’s dead. It should be a soul corpse.”

After that, Archibald opened the terminal and called Monta.

“Soul Corpse?”

Yang Yang frowned, the name was not very friendly.

The call was connected, Archibald made a slight gesture to Yang Yang, and then said to Monta: “I found a soul and corpse in the reform area. You drive over and locate me. It’s your terminal. “

After speaking, hang up the phone, and then explained to Yang Yang: “The soul and beast, in short, is the soul and beast that occupied the dead body.”

Yang Yang’s eyes widened: “Can you still do that?

Archibald: “Almost. Soul beasts are aggregates of soul power. They have no autonomous consciousness, but soul power is the soul.

When killing soul beasts, their soul power will be broken, most of them condensed into soul crystals, and a small part stays on the planet. -This part often dissolves on its own and becomes part of the planet’s energy. However, under extremely special conditions, these scattered parts will gather and then enter some suitable corpses, so that these corpses can be ‘resurrected and resurrected’, and there will be soul corpses. “

Yang Yang understood, “So in this beast’s body is a soul beast?”

“You can understand that.”

Archibald nodded, and at the same time took out a black stick from the storage space. Pressing the button, the front section of the stick pierced a long arm with a sharp edge.

Archibald: “You are far away. The soul and beast have no pain and have great strength. Don’t hurt you by mistake.”

“it is good.”

Yang Yang obediently retreated a few meters away, at the same time silently released soul power, opened the soul vision. ——Soul of Soul Beast or something, he was a little curious.

As soon as Yang Yang stepped back, he heard a bang, a large block of snow falling in the small garden, a fallen trash can being knocked open, and a behemoth covered with dead branches and fallen leaves and snow from inside He rushed out and bumped into Archibald!

Archibald didn’t panic, such an attack seemed to him flawless.

So one blow is fatal.

Archibald made a sideways move, and the triangular blade in his hand pierced laterally from the side, directly penetrating the beast’s skull. The soul and beast did not utter any wailing, and the cricket at his feet fell down.

Archibald took advantage of the pursuit, took a leap, and turned over in the air. With the weight of his body and the blade as a nail, he nailed the soul and beast to the ground.

The soul and beast struggled twice, and slowly stopped moving.

Archibald was stunned, a little puzzled-the soul corpse should not die so easily.

But that was not his concern.

Archibald looked back and saw Yang Yang five meters away. Yang Yang’s expression looked with horror, staring blankly at the soul and beast.

“Are you scared?”

Archibald walked over and was a little worried-after all, Yang Yang was a man who was so scared that the worms would die.

Yang Yang returned to God, retracted the soul vision, and shook his head: “No …”

Yang Yang didn’t know what to say.

He just saw the soul power or soul of the corpse, but it was not the pale blue he had ever seen, nor was it normal white, but black.

Black is not uniform, from gray to deep black, piece by piece, like a mosaic.

And this kind of soul power state and color, Yang Yang is not the first time to see-the last time, when Archibald soul power is about to riot, the “chocolate crush” appearing on the soul power is very similar to this.

Yang Yang wasn’t sure if the two were related, so he didn’t talk nonsense. He just asked, “Liang Lao, will they come over for dinner tonight?”

Archibald nodded. “Yes. Anything?”

Yang Yang: “Well, I want to ask some soul corpses.”

Just then, a truck drove up and stopped next to the garbage dump. Monta and two patrolmen got out of the car.

“Are there really souls and corpses? That’s weird, I haven’t seen them in years.”

Monta whispered as soon as she got out of the car. Depending on how he walked, his waist was probably not a big deal.

Archibald already knew that the interaction between Yang Yang and Monta was acting, and that he had already obtained a certificate from Yang Yang, so when he saw Monta, he was very calm and even a little proud of the winner—I have Daughter-in-law, and you are still single.

Monta didn’t pay attention to Archibald’s slight expression, he stared at the soul and beast on the ground.

Monta walked over, stretched out and kicked the soul corpse, kicked off some dead branches and snow on the soul corpse, but the soul corpse did not react at all.

Monta looked puzzled, looking at Archibald: “How did you die? Really a soul corpse?”

Soul corpses are very difficult to kill, because they are “dead”. To kill them, physical attacks are useless. They can only crush their souls with soul power, or know what remains in the corpses Soul power.

Archibald was also puzzled, but he was confident in his own judgment.

“It’s a soul corpse, but it just stayed on the ground just now.-You sent it to the institute and showed them to Jun sister.”

Monta had no opinion and motioned for the patrols to follow.

When the patrolman carried the soul and beast, the snow and dead branches of the soul and beast fell off, and Yang Yang also saw the true face of the soul and beast, and was a bit surprised: “Well, it seems to be the circus yesterday The buried shuttle unicorn? “

Archibald recognized it and nodded. “Well, yes.”

Monta immediately came over after hearing the words: “What circus? Did you go to the circus yesterday? Why didn’t you call me?”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald didn’t say a word, glanced at Monta’s waist in a pointed way—wasn’t it hurt?

Monta is not at all embarrassed—even oh, look, jealous and jealous, Bird really likes Yang Yang!

Sample, let me catch the braids and see when you can be proud of it.

Monta thought, and then turned to look at Yang Yang: “My mother said to eat at the manor in the evening, just right, I have a gift for you, and by the time I brought it.”

Yang Yang thought he was talking about a new wedding, and immediately laughed, “I don’t want it if it’s not a gift.”

After all, weddings and so on, I probably received it once in my life.

Monta winked and winked: “Relax, keep it big!”

Yang Yang: “…”

Wait, Monta’s expression doesn’t seem right?

After waiting for Yang Yang to think about it, Monta has changed the topic again: “By the way, do you look at the oil rabbit? Several of our fans have quarreled because of our three cp affairs, it can be lively.”

Yang Yang froze. These things were usually monitored by Rot and then reported to him. Why didn’t Rot respond today … Oh, yes, he blocked Rot from the net.

So Yang Yang was self-reliant, opened a terminal and landed on Youtu.

As soon as I landed, there were hotspots popping up-[rams vs. cute sheep, who is the sheep, wait and see! 】

Yang Yang: “…”

He understood what was wrong with Monta’s expression.

Also boarded the oil rabbit and saw the push of Archibald: “…”

OK, he thinks the waist of the tower may be really painless.

Monta saw Archibald’s face darkened, not only did she not have a sense of crisis, she even wanted to laugh.

Monta also opened the terminal and displayed her oil rabbit page as a light screen, while pretending to place: “Oh, all the fans are tossing around, but they just fry the congee shop in Yangyang.-You see There are still people who draw us pictures of the same person, which is quite cute. Some are not suitable for children. Hey, this time the netizens are too impure! “

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang: “…”

Brother, stop your dead hand.

Monta did n’t receive Yang Yang ’s “Is it bad to live” eyes, and after finishing eye drops on Archibald, she closed the light screen and left: “Then I will send the soul corpse to my sister now, at night See you, bye ~ “

The trucks are coming and going, and they are leaving. Monta waved his hand and sent a congratulatory message to Yang Yang.

Monta: [See, Byrd’s face isn’t right, he must be jealous. With more effort, I feel that you will be sure of your confession to him-I have already prepared this for you, how is it, interesting! 】

Yang Yang: “…”

OK, ok, Monta still does n’t know about his accreditation with Archibald, and he spares no effort to implement the “catalyst” plan, and it is still a self-destructive catalyst-today ’s cp battle on the oil rabbit, Yang Yang dare There must be Monta’s handwriting.

This is really-great!

Yang Yang stared at him next to a pair of cute sheep with a q version of the cuddling hug of Archie Byrd, who recovered his eyes and calmly returned a message to Monta.

Yang Yang: [It’s so interesting! Then I wait for your good news! 】

Monta returned in seconds: [No problem! 】

The lines are full of “I want to make moths”.

Yang Yang looked at Monta’s reply, revealed a reassuring smile, and closed the chat box.

——Remind Monta? nonexistent. “The friendship between the moths is paperless.”

The members of the flowing organization, who can’t beat the moth with iron, make the moth toss more intensely!

Chapter 70: Daily

After ending the chat with Monta, Yang Yang was in a very good mood. But next to him, Archibald was in a very bad mood.

Archibald lived for 21 years, not to mention that he had never been aroused, even the little pornographic films. This is good. The first experience of watching Xiaohuang Tu was realized in the “Moe Yang” atlas.

Archibald’s face was so cold that he gritted his teeth and pierced the pictures one by one, and fiercely clicked “Report”.

Yang Yang looked at Archibald’s move, and couldn’t help laughing. “I’ve got a lot of yellow pictures with you just because of the netizens’ fun.”

Archibald was even more upset: “There isn’t as much as Monta.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Did you count? ?

Yang Yang couldn’t stop crying and laughing, and then looked at Archibald’s “unhappy face”, and thought that this person was really cute. Without holding back, Yang Yang laughed out loud.

Archibald heard the sound of it, his unhappy face became more and more serious, as if he could jump out a line of words-are you still laughing?

Yang Yang couldn’t help laughing, but looking at Archibald’s face, he felt that the duke should smash again. So Yang Yang smiled and smiled, and smiled into the arms of Archibald.

Yang Yang twisted his waist, stretched out a finger and pierced Archibald’s chest, drew a circle on it, and said shamefully, “Darling, although we have few pictures, we can do it ~~ ~ “

Archibald: “………”

Everything is fine. Can you not use the tone of “soul pierce your heart” at this time? ?

Archibald’s depressed mountain collapsed at once, and he caught Yang Yang’s hand, but he said, “Don’t make trouble.”

Yang Yang didn’t want to, and changed his other hand to poke at Archibald’s pecs.

“Isn’t that trouble ~ We are legal husbands now ~”

Archibald narrowed his eyes, pulled Yang Yang’s arm to his side, and bent down to get closer to Yang Yang, his eyes were deep: “Oh, let’s preview the wedding night tonight?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Do you remember this crop? ?

Yang Yang silently looked away and retracted his hand, and then educated Archibald seriously: “Don’t make trouble, be outside, pay attention to the image.”

This man is really …

Archibald was helpless and funny. Looking at Yang Yang’s guilty conscience, he felt itchy again. It was like seeing a small animal, and he wanted to make trouble with him here. Cute, trying to get cute.

Archibald’s mood was completely clear, and he also had the interest to tease Yang Yang.

He took Yang Yang’s hand and looked serious: “I’m serious, if you want me to fulfill my husband’s duties, I can try.”

Yang Yang: “…”

What can you do, for those who haven’t even done anything about themselves, let’s not talk about technology first, can you go hard?

——But Yang Yang didn’t dare to say this, because after he was afraid, Archibald could immediately show it to him.

After all, it’s about man’s dignity.

Yang Yang coughed and decided to end the topic: “I’m not in a hurry, your original demand in this area is also low, let’s take it slowly, don’t force it.”

Archibald’s eyelids were slightly drooping-his demand was not low now.

But Archibald didn’t say it, just assured Yang Yang earnestly: “Well, I will hurry and study hard.”

Some knowledge and precautions should indeed be studied.

Yang Yang: “…”

No, it doesn’t matter if you don’t work so hard.

Yang Yang was a bit square, but couldn’t find a refutation. Can only laugh.

How could Archibald couldn’t see Yang Yang’s “foreign strong and strong,” but when he didn’t see it, he straightened up and hid the smile of his mouth, and pulled Yang Yang towards the car.

Yang Yanghun followed unswervingly, his eyes glanced over Archibald’s back, his heart pounding.

Not good, this situation is a little bad.

He didn’t expect that the person who made a fool of him before getting a permit would be so active after getting a permit.

And look at this back-wide shoulders, narrow waists, long legs, straight, strong, powerful, every action is synonymous with hormones.

Such a man, first of all, can’t survive.

Secondly, the low demand is not without big bangs.

Conclusion: The time is ripe and one day.

Yang Yang: “…”

After getting in the car, Yang Yang silently leaned on the seat and narrowed his neck, like a cat with his back neck pinched.

Archibald was a little strange: “What’s wrong?”

Yang Yang: “… Nothing, it was just a little bit cold just now.”

Archibald heard that he turned on the warm air in the car and turned over to unlock Yang Yang’s coat button.

Yang Yang panicked, quickly covered her clothes, panicked: “What are you doing?”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald didn’t hold back, and his corners of his lips were bent: “I turned up the temperature, and the clothes were too tight for a while to sweat, and I got cold easily after getting off the car.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang let go of his hand, and unbuttoned his head, muttering, “I’ll do it myself.”

The coat had three buttons, which were quickly untied, revealing the shirt inside and a prominent belly.

Yang Yang touched his belly, thinking about the days when fluorescent **** eat Haisai every day, and couldn’t help muttering: “I think the due date may be advanced.”

Archibald looked over and smiled softly: “Early morning.”

Yang Yang: “…”

I don’t know why, he instantly understood Archibald’s unending words-it would be good to be early, to see the child earlier, and to lift the ban earlier.

No no no, he must have thought too much.

Archibald sat back in the driver’s seat, started the car, and said, “After the child is born, let’s go for a honeymoon.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Oh, he didn’t think much.

Yang Yang retracted his neck again, and didn’t answer, and looked out of the window in distress.

——He wasn’t afraid of that. On the contrary, he was also looking forward, itching, and simulated in his brain. When it comes to the end, there is always some tension.

But nervous? What’s so nervous? Isn’t it X pay?

Yang Yang was doing psychological construction for himself, not even looking at the scenery of the reorganization area.

Archibald’s car drove slowly, and Yang Yang didn’t respond after a few words on the road. Archibald glanced at Yang Yang and knew in his heart that he was scared.

Really …

Archibald couldn’t laugh or cry, obviously this man was not cheap, but he didn’t expect it to be so.

Archibald had no choice but to bear it. So Archibald stopped the car, reached out and touched Yang Yang’s face.

Yang Yang regained his spirits and looked at Archibald anxiously: “What’s wrong?”

Archibald laughed and said bluntly, “You don’t have to be nervous. If you don’t want to, I won’t be strong.”

Suddenly being told of the central thing, Yang Yang panicked and subconsciously replied: “Who is nervous? I am worried that you are alive.”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang: “…”

Oh yeah.

Seeing that Archibald’s expression was gradually dangerous, Yang Yang resolutely admonished: “Well, it’s a little nervous.”

Archibald gave amusement, no matter if Yang Yang’s words were true or false just now, he had to prove it physically.

So Archibald took a breath, and molared Yang Yang: “When the child is born, let’s discuss the technical topic again.”

Yang Yang suddenly felt a toothache expression.

But after just two seconds of delay, Yang Yang suddenly stunned, and then the corners of his mouth began to rise.

Archibald: “………”

What did this person think of?

Yang Yang looked over and smiled gradually: “I remember the Duke said that before the child was born, he would not do anything to me, because it would affect the child.”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang sat upright with a fearless look: “Actually, I was just worried about your life.”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang patted Archibald’s shoulder, and said carefully: “It is about four months before the birth of the child. Duke, you have to work hard to learn!”

Archibald: “………”

It’s coming soon.

Unfortunately, the day is impossible. The reason why the female’s soul palace first cultivates the soul is also related to its ability to transform the father’s semen. So even if there is a set, it is not foolproof. Coupled with Archibald’s own soul power, he was afraid to take this risk.

However, you can write down the account first-wait for Yang Yang to give birth to the child …

Yang Yang didn’t know Archibald’s small book at all. She got back home and Yang Yang was proud. He touched his stomach and started to support Archibald: “I won’t visit the reorganization area. Let’s go buy the ingredients for tomorrow’s porridge shop. Don’t run again in the afternoon.”

Archibald didn’t say a word, and the car didn’t move.

Yang Yang pursed his lips and smiled, “Are you angry?”

Archibald glanced at Yang Yang-what did you say?

Yang Yang was still happy, leaned over and kissed Archibald: “Well, I will compensate you.”

Archibald’s eyes darkened, grabbing Yang Yang’s arm to prevent him from going back, and then kissing his head sideways.

The kiss was slow, although it was still jerky, but I didn’t touch my teeth. In addition, the duke knew nothing about himself, and sucked Yang Yang’s lips twice at the end, and seemed to be satisfied with the soft but elastic texture.

Yang Yang didn’t expect the kiss, and was a little embarrassed when he was let go, but it just won’t let him counsel. After sitting back to the co-pilot, Yang Yang pursed his lips—well, the taste was okay.

Archibald couldn’t help laughing when he saw Yang Yang pouting and smirking.

Forget it, I didn’t know him the first day. The infamous ability is great. To be honest, he won’t have to do other things in the second half of his life.

After buying the ingredients, it was noon when Yang Yang and the two returned to the manor. Lunch is a takeaway, because Amber and Yuma are busy preparing the evening banquet, and lunch is simple.

As soon as Yang Yang and Archibald returned home, they were pulled aside by He Shu, and the two took a photo with a ring in their hands and sent it to Abel, who was far away from the soul.

Fortunately, it is not a direct video, otherwise Yang Yang does not know how to speak-he was an orphan in his last life and was adopted at the age of eight, not as a member of the family, but as a tool for family internal fighting. So Yang Yang never called the word “dad” or “father”.

Maybe he saw his embarrassment, and He Shu didn’t let him change his mouth. He still let him call “Uncle”.

After a simple lunch, Yang Yang also joined the preparations for the dinner, and Archibald helped and set them up to set up the big restaurant.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, the guests came one after another.

Yang Yang knew Liang Lao, Zhang Jun, Axiborne and Rong Hui. The rest of the people who listened to Archibald’s introduction were all members of the military, and all of them were generals and their families.

Among these generals, Yang Yang was most impressed by Rong Hui’s father, Rong Tan-seen in the chat screen of “Old Father”.

Rong Tan considers himself a “witness” to their relationship, so after seeing their ring, he is relieved and proud: “Browd’s action is really not said! But it is also my old Rong’s eyesight. ~ “

Before I was over, I was taken aside by several old friends.

Although they are all from their own people, for Yang Yang, most of them are faces, and now his identity is no longer an “outsider”. This can be said to have subverted the behavior pattern of his entire life, so more or less Somewhat restrained.

Fortunately, Archibald stayed beside Yang Yang, and Yang Yang slowly relaxed.

The dinner time was six in the evening, but until the moment before dinner, Monta had not yet come.

Zhang Jun laughed: “After he sent me the soul corpse, he said that he was going to prepare a great gift. Although Bird and Yang Yang are not yet officially married, Monta and Bird grew up together, and he should also attach great importance to this. Time for a gift. “

Yang Yang: “…”

It really isn’t.

Everyone didn’t care if Monta was late. After listening to Zhang Jun’s words, their attention immediately turned to the “soul corpse”. ——This stuff is not unusual or difficult to deal with, but it is difficult to detect it at random. If it is okay in the no-man’s land, if it is in the city, it will be a big damage.

Finally, at six o’clock, Monta was long overdue and “grandly debuted.”

Everyone used to chat in the living room, and suddenly they heard the sound of the “banging” engine outside and the sound of “brushing and pulling” on the ground.

Everyone was taken aback and went out to watch. Then I saw a speeding car slowly falling on the bluestone gate of the villa.

Here I have to say the reason why the flying car is banned from flying in the residential area-when it takes off and lands, it will produce a violent impinging airflow, causing damage to some buildings and landscapes.

For example, in front of them.

Today, in addition to decorating the large restaurant in Heshu and Gulita, the gate courtyard also put a lot of bought flowers and decorative trees, and now all have been blown out; even in the small garden under the gate courtyard, Yang Yang opened a test field to cover The greenhouse was also broken, and the whole was deformed.

Everyone: “………”

Is this here to hit the scene?

After the car stopped, Monta got out of the car, his military uniform and leather shoes were bright, full of spirit, and full of bag.

But when he saw so many people at the door, Monta stunned: “Well, are there so many people having dinner today?”

Gulita took a deep breath, her eyes kind: “What the **** are you doing?”

Monta returned to God, and no matter why people came here in a hurry, he coughed and started his performance.

He showed a sincere smile and said, “I promised Yang Yang and I want to give him a big gift today.”

Hearing this reason, Gulita’s anger was slightly relieved, but she still got a bit frustrated: “What courtesy can you make this move? You see this court makes you make it!”

Monta noticed the dress around her, and wondered-wasn’t it two months before the Chinese New Year?

But he didn’t think about it, and said with a smile: “Mom, I’ll take care of it later. Now let me show Yang Yang a present.”

After hearing this, Gulita could only give up and glanced at Monta: “If the gift is not good enough, just wait for me.”

Monta grinned: “Okay!”

After speaking, Monta looked at Yang Yang again, smiled slightly, and said earnestly: “Yang Yang, we have known each other for so long, I have watched your efforts all the way. Now your porridge shop has seen its scale , I am happy for you and I want to celebrate for you. So I prepared this gift for you. “

Everyone: “………”

Congee shop? celebrate? Is this line wrong? ?

Yang Yang: Pouting and smiling.jpg

Monta said, taking a step forward, then hitting a snapping finger handsomely, the roof of the entire car opened at the sound, folded and shrunk, revealing a moon-like whiteness.

It was a cart of white flowers. Yang Yang recognized it as a white stardust flower. It bloomed in the red Gobi in spring. The yield in greenhouse cultivation was extremely low. To build such a large car in winter, it can be said that Monta has worked hard.

And the following work of Monta Place, Yang Yang guessed the answer-the flower of the white stardust flower: pure first love.

Its status is like the rose of Yang Yang’s world, but because white is rare, red stardust flowers are more common.

After presenting the gift, Monta looked at Yang Yang affectionately, “Do you like it?”

Although he didn’t say a word, everyone present knew what Monta was doing—he was showing affection to Yang Yang! !! !!

Yang Yang: “…”

He had to admit that Monta had a height that exceeded his imagination.

After Monta’s questioning, the gatehouse became silent. The expressions of the people present were wonderful, but most of them were still stunned, and for a while they looked at Yang Yang and Archibald.

Yang Yang was innocent and did not answer Monta’s question.

Archibald took a deep breath, then raised his hand expressionlessly, unbuttoned the three buttons on his shirt, and unbuttoned the cufflinks. He pulled up his sleeves and walked towards Monta.

Rong Tan saw this and hurried to the block, but was blocked by Ahiborne.

Rong Tan was worried and whispered, “Bourne, calm down too. Byrd is really hot this time. If you let him sting, it will kill you.”

Achborn smiled softly, “You can rest assured, it’s all right.”

He knew about the “catalyst” plan, and also grew up watching Monta. What kind of ghost is Monta doing, he can see at a glance.

On the other side, Monta laughed when she saw that Archibald was eating people.

“Hey, what are you doing by Bird? I just gave Yang Yang a gift. What are you worried about? Or, do you have any unknown thoughts about Yang Yang?”

The face of that villain’s ambition is really embarrassing.

Archibald stopped two steps ahead of Monta, raised his left hand in front of him, and turned his back toward Monta. He said coldly, “Yang Yang is my legal spouse. What do you think I think of him?”

Monta: “………”

Monta: “?????”

Wait, this is not the same story as he knows! !! !!

Monta was aggressive, and of course he knew about the “marriage certificate reform” and the “legitimate” that Archibald said, so the real meaning of this ring was not a symbolic meaning, but a legal benefit.

But why did they bother? ?

Monta looked at Yang Yang again, trying to verify.

Yang Yang slowly raised his left hand wearing the ring, put it on his mouth, and held his lips in a restrained smile: “Hey, hey.”

Monta: “………”

Monta understood instantly: “You overcast me !!!”

Yang Yang’s face was innocent: “Ah, what are you talking about, people don’t understand?”

Monta wanted to jump, look at the people at the dinner, and look at the dress around her, and then she understood, and she cried without tears: “Mom, why don’t you tell me they’re telling me!”

After listening to their conversation, Gulita almost guessed a bit, so she settled down and started the theater mode: “Huh? Didn’t I tell you? Tonight’s dinner is to celebrate Bird’s marriage registration with Yang Yang.”

Monta was about to collapse: “Mom, dear mom! You told me tonight’s dinner,-Hey, Bird, calm down, this is not the case!”

“Fuck, don’t come over !!”

“Mom, help !!”

“Lieutenant General Rong, someone will fight you for a while !!!”

However, the people who watched the show ruthlessly rejected Monta’s call for help, and even turned into a comment mode.

“Monta sweeps her legs! Oops, let’s be beaten.”

“Bird’s strength has improved again.”

“Tail fits more and more flexibly.”

“Monta’s strength and speed can’t keep up, but the tactics have improved a bit.”

Only Gulita took a different approach and exclaimed, “Bird, don’t start, he’s stupid enough.”

A quarter of an hour later, Archibald retracted his feet from Monta’s **** lying on the ground and walked towards Yang Yang.

When others saw this, they didn’t bother them, so they went to watch Monta lying down.

Yang Yang and other Archibald came over, and then I took out a piece of parchment from somewhere. It was still hot: “Wipe.”

Archibald took it, wiped his face and hands, his eyes lowered, still cold and unhappy-although he already understood that Monta had no interest in Yang Yang.

Yang Yang laughed and looked up at Archibald: “Are you angry again?”

Archibald looked at Yang Yang, his teeth still biting.

This big vinegar bucket.

Yang Yang looked around. No one looked at them, so he reached out and caught Archibald’s neck. He kissed Archibald’s lips on his feet. Shun Mao: “You were super handsome just now!”

Archibald’s eyelashes trembled slightly, and his expression softened a lot, but he wasn’t angry, and his tone was a little grieved: “Is it really impossible to make it public?

Yang Yang: “If the soul penetrates your heart, it’s fine.”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang thought Archibald would refuse, but did not expect him to agree.

“Yes,” Archibald said, adding another sentence, “but you are not allowed to post your own selfie.”

Yang Yang laughed: “So want to be public?”

Archibald glanced at Yang Yang with a serious tone: “I want the whole world to know.”

Yang Yang froze, then laughed: “Okay.-Give me your hand, let’s take a picture.”

So at 6:21 this day, the silent “Soul pierces your heart” is back online.

Souls pierce your heart: Although it is a bit late-we register. [爱心] [Picture]

The photo is a hand-held photo of Archibald’s hand covering his hand. Two rings of the same type refract the shimmer in the afterglow of the setting sun, which is very warm.

It’s not over yet.

After Yang Yang tweeted, Yaqibod logged in to the Youtu account, followed the “soul pierced your heart”, and reposted Yang Yang’s Weibo just now.

@ 道 顿 阿奇伯德: Well, registered, mine. Souls pierce your heart: Although it is a bit late-we register. [爱心] [Picture]

Not surprisingly, Youtu netizens exploded.

“Who made the rumor that the Duke and his wife did not agree! Look!”

“Mine.-I respect you first!”

“No wonder you didn’t interact before. It turned out to be a big move! Happy wedding!”

“Domineering! Deserves to be my Duke’s father! Happy father’s wedding !!!”

“I wish the Duke and the Duchess will always be in the same heart! Are you happy?”

“What’s the expected delivery date?”

“Happy wedding !!!”

Looking at the accumulated blessings, Archibald’s mood instantly improved, and then he turned on the random red envelope mode and put in a million stars.

@ 道 顿 阿奇伯德: Candy.

“Ahhhh, I grabbed 8,000 coins!”

“Oh my god, I got the candy red envelope from Duke Doton in my lifetime !!!”

“The Emperor is here, 24675 stars!”

“… I only grabbed 5 star coins. Am I not blessed sincerely?”

“The Duchess is the most beautiful! 3000 Starcoins are enough !!”

When Archibald looked upright and exhaled, Yang Yang’s voice sounded faintly: “A million stars.”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald closed the terminal and looked at Yang Yang: “I give you the bonus card of the military?”

Yang Yang: “Does this count as paying private housing money?”

Although Archibald hadn’t talked about love, the couple’s private house money and other things, they saw a lot from several elders.

So Archibald answered perfectly: “I’ll give you whatever you want.”

Yang Yang laughed and let go of the stubble. “Well, let’s eat first.”

Over there, Monta had risen, with a capitalized face, utterly unlovable.

Ahiborne explained Monta’s “catalyst” and roughly alienated Oolong tonight, and then Monta got ridiculed by everyone.

Monta: “………”

do not want to talk.

With such an oolong opening, the atmosphere of the dinner was quite lively, and the dinner ended only around ten o’clock. After seeing off the guests, Yang Yang and Archibald went upstairs to rest.

Archibald drank some wine tonight. Although it was the first time, he had a good drink, and he went upstairs.

But Yang Yang was afraid that the wine would have stamina, so after watching Archibald enter the bathroom, he stood at the door of the bathroom and guarded.

Just two seconds after Yang Yang stood up, the moth group jumped up.

First is the blessing of the other three moths-seeing Archibald and his Weibo.

Then the rest were all Monta’s swipes.

Universe your tower Lord: scum! Scum! devil!

Society sister Li: Taye is uncle?

Fu Xiaoqing’s father: Why does n’t Taye go to Youtu to leave a blessing? Everyone went.

Don’t call me Xiaoqing: Visually, Taye made Yangge pit.

Universe your tower Lord: scum! Scum! devil!

Yang Yang raised an eyebrow.

[System prompt: “Most Satisfied Your Goat” invited “Doton Archibald” to join the group chat. 】

Universe you tower master: ……… lying down!

[System prompt: The group owner cleared the group chat history. 】

Society sister Li: Hello little uncle! Happy wedding!

Fu Xiaoqing’s father: Whoops, Bird hasn’t seen you in a long time, happy wedding!

Don’t call me Xiaoqing: Lord Duke, happy wedding!

Your favorite brother: This is my trumpet.

Four big moths: ………

Four Moths: Scum! Scum! devil!

The most ridiculous you brother: transfer.

Yang Yang was teasing the moths, and the door of the next bathroom opened coldly. Archibald only wrapped a towel around his waist and stood at the door watching Yang Yang.

Yang Yang froze and looked at Archibald’s face, but didn’t see anything wrong, so he asked, “Wash so fast?”

Archibald’s hair was still wet, and he nodded when he heard it, a little dull.

Yang Yang knew it was a little drunk, so she pulled Archibald to the bed and took a towel to wipe his hair. He was standing in front of Archibald, but after two rubs, he was embraced by Archibald.

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang took up Archibald’s face and asked, “Duke, are you still awake?”

Archibald’s eyes were very clear, just as if something deep in the ink pupil was about to gush out.

Yang Yang panicked for no reason.

Archibald smiled, “Well, I’m happy.”

Yang Yang: “What are you happy about?”

Archibald: “We are married.”

Yang Yang froze and then laughed, “Well, we’re married.”

Archibald put his face on Yang Yang’s chest again, listening to Yang Yang’s heartbeat, his eyes became more gentle: “You are mine.”

Yang Yang: “You are mine too.”

Archibald: “Well.”

Yang Yang was a little helpless, and drunk Archibald was a little sticky, but overall he was still very good.

Yang Yang coaxed: “Duke, let me go first, I’ll wipe your hair.”

Archibald was silent.

Yang Yang pushed Yachibod: “Duke?”

Archibald’s hand dropped, and the whole man fell back, bounced twice on the bed, and then moved.

Yang Yang: “…”

Although the wine is not bad, in the future he will not let him drink a bar.
