
Chapter 111

Yang Yang has decided to ask Ruohong to ask clearly, but before he puts it into action, Lott has feedback from him.

Lot: [Master, Yaqing went to talk to He Shu and they were talking about their children. 】

Yang Yang sat up straight and asked: “Can you broadcast the picture for me? 】

Rot: [Yes. 】

In the next second, a light screen emerged in front of Yang Yang’s eyes. The angle of the overhead shot was captured by the monitoring probe in the room. There is also sound, which should come from the end of Heshu.

The three of them were standing in the kitchen. Ya Qing took the juice, and Shu Shu was mixing milk powder. The three of them said nothing, most of them were Ya Qing asking.

As he showed at the table, Yaqing was interested in the beastization of children. It’s just that Ya Qing’s method of questioning is a bit aggressive, which makes people not very happy.

Ya Qing came to Ruo Hong and asked Ruo Hong: “Does your child have a beast? Can I see it?”

Although there is nothing wrong with the wording, his distance is too short, and his tone is a little eager and strong.

If Hong suddenly became tense, her eyes dodged, and she held the child tighter with both hands, and did not mean to loosen it.


If the red stuttered stuttered, he didn’t dare to look at Yaqing and turned his attention to Heshu.

He Shu pulled Ya Qing’s arm and said, “Ya Qing, you scared her.”

After speaking, He Shu smiled at Ruohong again and explained, “Ya Qing is a doctor, and Bird’s disease was taken care of since he was a child. He is indeed an expert in this regard. However, he is too focused on medicine and is not very familiar with He doesn’t have bad intentions when people get along. “

Ruohong heard a little sigh of relief, but still did not mean to pass the child out.

Yaqing saw his eyes and beamed and pulled his hand, paused, then stepped back a little, avoiding the beam’s hand, and apologized to Ruo Hong, “Sorry, I just accidentally heard you when I was outside the door just now. Conversation. So a little curious-if your child is similar to Bird, I may be the only one who can heal him. “

If Hong heard this, her face finally changed. She looked at Yaqing and was thinking about something, but suddenly thought of something again. She pursed her lips and said, “But the Duke’s beast shape has not disappeared.”

Yaqing: “That’s because Byrd’s condition is different. You should also know about the old duke. The Dotton family’s mental disease is unprecedented. I mainly reduce the incidence of Byrd’s disease now. Second.

If your child is the same as Bird, I mean, if the state of soul power is exactly the same, then he will start to get sick after the age of five. Without my medicine, he may be alive and alive. “

If the red face suddenly changed, the whole person was on the spot.


He Shu’s tone was a little harsher, “Don’t talk nonsense until there is hard evidence.”

Yaqing glanced at her, and did not feel that she was wrong: “So I let her show me the child.”

He Shu frowned slightly and stopped speaking, pulling Ruohong and saying, “Let’s go sit in the indoor garden.”

Ruo Hong was very willing to leave here, and Wen Yan immediately followed He Shu’s footsteps and left.

Yaqing stood there without catching up. After a while, she picked up her juice and drank it.

In the small tea shop.

After Yang Yang watched this short piece of screen, he was a bit surprised—the Ya Qing he saw just now and the one he usually came into contact with did not want to be the same person.

In Yang Yang’s impression, Ya Qing was weak and gentle, and had the tenderness of a sick beauty; meanwhile, he was intelligent. This extreme of the mind and body makes Yang Yang’s impression of Ya Qing stay on the words “heavenly jealous and talented”.

However, Ya Qing just seen was very imposing, and he had some meanings for his own use. The relationship with He Shu didn’t seem to be harmonious-at least not as good as Yang Yang saw at first.

Yang Yang: [Rott, continue to monitor Yaqing, try not to touch his terminal, don’t let him find any clues. 】

Rot: [Okay, master. ——Master, can I ask why I should monitor him? 】

Yang Yang: [Guess yourself. 】

Roth: […………]

In the evening, after a day of getting along, the children are completely afraid of giving birth, and they like the environment of the manor very much-there are many deserted and unrepaired places in the manor, but they can bring some intimacy.

The children vented their uneasiness during these two days. After spending a day in the manor, they fell asleep early after eating.

When Yang Yang went to visit the children, she asked Ruohong about her child’s life.

Probably it was because Yaqing was scared by Ruohong before. When Yang Yang saw Ruohong, he still looked grim and uneasy.

Seeing her like this, Yang Yang couldn’t bear to speak, so she planned to say it tomorrow, but she did not expect Ruohong to speak.

Ruo Hong looked at the sleeping child on the bed and asked Yang Yang very quietly, “Duchess, is my child really like the duke?”

Although Yang Yang wanted to comfort her and said no, she nodded in the end: “Yes, it’s very similar.”

If Hong looked down and couldn’t see her expression, her voice was soft and she couldn’t hear her emotions. But in terms of intonation, it was fairly calm.

Ruo Hong continued: “The person named Yaqing said today that if I do n’t give his child his medicine, the child will die alive in the future. Is it true?”

Yang Yang frowned slightly and said, “I don’t know. But that’s what I want to ask you.”

If Hong paused stroking the child across the quilt, then asked, “What do you want me to do?”

Yang Yang: “I want to know, has this child ever taken the medicine stone tea in the village, and have you ever planted a medicine stone chip?”

Ruo Hong shook her head: “He hasn’t eaten it, and I haven’t planted medicine stone chips. Even the milk that feeds him is animal milk.”

Yang Yang: “Is both his father and you from the village? I mean, are both people with soul infection and soul palace damage?”

Ruo Hong nodded: “My husband’s parents and I are both in the village since the fall of the Starship. Our parents’ infection is very serious, and the soul palace is also seriously damaged. The only child. He is nearly thirty years older than me. When he hunted last year, he had no time to take the medicine. He just went there, not even seeing the child. “

Yang Yang didn’t expect to expose other people’s scars, and whispered a little guilt: “Sorry.”

If Hong hangs her head down, the corner of her mouth gently evokes a shallow arc, and she shakes her head without speaking.

Yang Yang paused and continued to ask, “Well, has your condition eased after giving birth?”

Ruo Hong shook her head: “No.”


Yang Yang frowned, and for the time being, took note of this.

If Hong heard that Yang Yang didn’t ask again, she looked up at him: “Duchess, is it now certain that my child is as sick as Lord Duke?”

Yang Yang shook his head: “I’m not sure. But as far as the information I know, although it is very similar, there are discrepancies that cannot be ignored in some places.

Do n’t worry too much, even if it ’s the same as the Duke ’s illness, there ’s Uncle Yaqing ’s medicine. “

If the red eyelids fall down, nod his head: “Yes.”

Yang Yang: “Then you take a good rest, don’t think about it.”

If red: “OK.”

Ruohong sent Yang Yang out and then closed the door.

She stood at the door for a long time without moving. After a while, she stroked her wrist gently, and there was a scar about one centimeter there, which looked like a new wound.

“I don’t understand.”

Going back to the top floor, Yang Yang scratched his hair irritably.

He feels that he has a lot of things in his hand now, but he still lacks a key thread, and connects the clue beads like sand.

There was no one in the small garden on the top floor, Archibald and Monta were in the training room.

While Rott was hesitant to comfort his owner, he suddenly received some information from the data stream.

Rot: [Master, Abel and Yaqing entered the study. 】

Yang Yang immediately stopped grabbing her hair and walked to the bedroom, saying, “Let me broadcast it.”

Lot’s doll sounded from the room: “Okay, master.”

As soon as Yang Yang entered the house, he saw a large light screen appearing in front of the black panther, the picture above was in the study on the second floor.

In the study.

Abel closed the door and did not sit down after entering the door, but stood there and talked to Aqing.

Abel’s expression was stern and his attitude towards Yaqing was harsher than Yang Yang’s.

“You’ve been a bit past today.”

Ya Qing turned his back to the monitor and couldn’t see his expression clearly, but his voice was calm: “The woman’s child, the situation is similar to Bird’s. This is the only person who has similar conditions to Bird’s for so many years. .I just want to know. “


Abel retorted sharply, but he seemed to immediately realize that his tone was heavy, so he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then slowed his tone.

Abel: “Aqing, I know you want to heal Bird, but you can’t move those children.”

Ya Qing laughed softly, and seemed a little bit sad and sad.

“Do you think of me like that? I would be a lunatic doing experiments with children?”

Abel looked at Yaqing and said, “I believe you are not.”

Yaqing also looked up at Abel, and said gently: “You don’t believe it.-Are you still blaming me? I’m in your eyes, or the cruel, cold-blooded brother, isn’t it?”

Abel frowned, and sighed: “You know that’s not the case. I just don’t want you to dig into your horns-even if Bird can’t heal, you have no responsibility. You saved He Shu’s life and let Bird grow up safely to the present ,Thank you very much.”

Yaqing seemed to be moved by Abel’s words. He paused and explained calmly: “I didn’t want to do anything to that child. I just wanted to check his mental data, which is different from Byrd’s childhood. “

Abel patted Yaqing on the shoulder and said, “The woman named Ruohong and the children are new to you, and you will scare them like this. But you are also out of good intentions, let’s talk slowly.”

Yaqing nodded and said “OK”.

After that, Abel and Aqing left the room. Abel walked behind, but when he closed the door, Abel suddenly looked up, looking straight at the monitor of the study, like a knife, and looking at Yang Yang across the light screen. Bumped together.

Yang Yang: “!!!”

As if Yang Yang was not stimulated enough, Yang Yang hadn’t slowed down in one breath, and then heard Archibald’s voice sounded behind him.

“Are you talking to Dad?”

Yang Yang: “!!!!!!”


Chapter 112

You two father and son, how fat! !!

Yang Yang was frightened too much, the whole person was stiffened there, and his heart almost jumped to his throat. By the time he responded that he was going to turn off the light screen, Abel in the picture was gone, and all that Archibald should have seen.


What’s so panic, let’s show it off.

With this in mind, Yang Yang’s stiff body collapsed softly, and the wicked man first turned back and stared at Archibald.

Archibald laughed, walked over to sit next to Yang Yang, raised his hand and smoothed him; “Scared?”

Yang Yang’s heart was still jumping, and Wen Yan rolled his eyes: “What do you say?”

Archibald laughed again, glanced over the light screen that hadn’t been turned off, and asked, “That’s the surveillance screen. Are you monitoring Dad?”

“how is this possible.”

Yang Yang turned off the light screen and sighed, “It’s not Dad, it’s Uncle Yaqing.”

However, this answer is not much better.

Archibald was silent, his tail was hanging on the rug beside the bed, and every piece of scale was completely covered with low motion–in fact, he didn’t accidentally get this answer, or he even thought about it like this .

It was just that he didn’t want this idea to come true.

Archibald closed his eyes, raised his spirits, and asked Yang Yang: “Did you find anything?”

Yang Yang shook his head and said, “I also let Lott watch him.”

Afterwards, Yang Yang told the story about Ruohong’s child to Archibald.

Archibald was shocked and worried: “That kid, really looks like me?”

Yang Yang knew what he was thinking, and said, “I don’t think that the village is because of you. Still, from the time when the starship fell, the village’s history is 70 years. At that time, both father and father returned. Not married yet. “

Archibald nodded, but still looked relieved, but he didn’t mention the stubble again and asked, “So why do you doubt Uncle Yaqing?”

Yang Yang paused and replied, “Because of the medicine stone. I think he should be related to that village, but I have no evidence and can’t think of his purpose, so I don’t want to tell you.”

Yaqing was not only his uncle, but also the one who saved his and his father’s lives. -Even if Yaqing’s relationship with Heshu does not seem to be harmonious, it does not mean that they will allow others to vilify Yaqing at will.

“It’s ok.”

Archibald seemed to see through Yang Yang’s thoughts, and his eyes were serious: “I believe in you.”

Yang Yang smiled: “I know, but just know, so I don’t want to waste your trust.-OK, let’s go.”

Archibald snapped: “Where are you going?”

Yang Yang looked bitterly: “Dad just seemed to find that I was watching him through surveillance. You didn’t even see him glanced at last?-How did you say he found it?”

Archibald laughed: “Dad’s sense of soul power is very acute. Although Rott is AI, it is also a living body and has a soul. Dad will find it not surprising.-But he may not think of Rot , It should be fine. “

Yang Yang shook his head: “Since Dad’s perception of the soul power is so good, he will certainly not think that it is his illusion. Rather than let him doubt and verify, it is better for us to be frank now.”

Archibald: “We?”

Yang Yang narrowed his eyes and looked at him: “Just now you have boarded my thief ship, now you want to be alone? No door!”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald stood helplessly, took Yang Yang’s hand and said, “Okay, let’s live and die together.”

Abel lived on the second floor with He Shu, the room where He Shu lived.

When Yang Yang knocked on the door with Archibald, Abel was with the harness, and did not mean to wash and rest. There is tea on the small metal table next to it, just brewed, two more cups.

Yang Yang: “…”

This is waiting for them.

Yang Yang is inexplicably inscrutable. Dad doesn’t seem to be so careless, but observes the details and looks like a god. If it is an enemy, it will be terrible.


When Abel saw them, his expression was calm, as if they had made an appointment.

Yang Yang snorted and followed Archibald into the room with his tail.

At this time, it was dark, the sparse street lights were on in the manor, and the window looked like a black sea without any bottom. The room was exceptionally quiet.

Until Abel put down the tea cup and glanced at Yang Yang; “Is it Lot?”

Although Yang Yang has always said that Rot is a senior ai, and since Rong Hui said that Leaky was banned for a week, Rot has learned to act stupid in front of outsiders, and forbid him to act like a real intelligent life.

——This is also the reason why Yaqing hasn’t noticed Rott’s existence.

But Abel was different. Although he didn’t contact Yang Yang at the beginning, everything about Yang Yang was abnormal. Gulita and He Shu reported to Abel.

So as long as you have a skeptical goal, guess that one.

Yang Yang nodded: “Yes.”

Abel; “Why are you monitoring me? Or, are you monitoring Yaqing?”

Yang Yang took a breath and looked at Abel and said, “He is monitoring Uncle Yaqing.”

As long as the mouth is open, the rest will simply exit.

Yang Yang told Abel and Heshu all about his experience with Archibald in the village, the story of the village, and the medical stone …

After hearing Yang Yang’s remarks, Abel’s brows frowned, and He Shu couldn’t bear it.

Yang Yang: “The duke’s medicine also contains the medicine stone, and the duke is taking medicine for a long time, and there must be a lot of medicine stones in his body. According to the situation in the village, the accumulation of medicine stones to a certain amount will damage the soul palace . “

He Shu’s body leaned forward unconsciously, he eagerly asked, “Now Byrd …”

Yang Yang: “As far as I see the mental strength, it is at least much better than the people in the village.”

He Shuwen made a sigh of relief.

Abel pondered for a while, then looked at Yang Yang and asked, “The village you said, and the medicine stone, do you have any idea now?”

Yang Yang shook his head, paused, and said, “I don’t understand something.”

“First of all, it is the village. Everything that the village encountered was mysterious people studying medicine stones, but for now, this medicine stone is not well researched.”

“Second, the color of soul power. White is harmless soul power, black is soul soul power, off-white is medicine stone soul power, but the gray soul power is inconclusive-at first I thought it was a weakened soul animal soul Strength, but then when the old man’s soul became real, there was also a gray soul power, which he didn’t have before. “

“Finally, Ruohong’s child. He is very similar to the Duke. Without the beige spirit, it can be said to be exactly the same. I don’t think it can be a coincidence.”

Abel looked at Yang Yang: “So, do you suspect Yaqing, do you suspect that he has something to do with the village?”

Yang Yang’s eyes did not flinch at all: “Duke’s medicine contains medicine stones, at least, Uncle Yaqing knew that medicine stones existed. With his medical accomplishments, he could not find the harm of medicine stones.”

Abel: “But maybe even if it is known to be harmful, this may be the only way to save Bird.”

Yang Yang lowered his eyelids: “Yes, this is very likely.”

Abel: “So what keeps you from doubting him?”

Yang Yang: “Because of the medicine chip.”

Yang Yang: “During the travel season, the Duke and I once met a soul corpse. In the body of the soul corpse, Junjun found a chip. That chip is very similar to the medicine stone chip and functions the same. “

“After getting the chip, Sister Jun never saw it. After Uncle Yaqing came over, Sister Jun invited Uncle Yaqing to study the chip in the past. But Uncle Yaqing said it was not clear what the chip did.”

“But Sister Jun has clearly told him that the chip may work. And he also knows that the texture of the chip is to collect soul and soul power. Since he knows that the medicine stone exists, he should have guessed the key missing in that chip. Some are medicine stones. But he said nothing. “

“In addition to this, there are similarities between the villagers and the Duke, as well as Ruohong’s children and the Duke’s medicine. It is really difficult for me not to think about the bad places. And if I make the worst guesses, the most doubtful Is the one who knows the duke best. “

Abel nodded after hearing: “You are right to think so. But from what you said, at present you do not have any substantive evidence that can point to Yaqing.”

Yang Yang pursed his lips and nodded, “Yes. But I insist on my ideas, and I also hope that my father and father don’t mention these to others, let alone ask Uncle Yaqing about medicinal stones.”

Are you afraid of hitting the grass and scaring the snake?

Abel read Yang Yang’s thoughts, and he understood how much Yang Yang’s doubts about Yaqing.

On one side, my younger brother and on the other, my son, it seems difficult to choose, but Abel’s mind already has the answer.

Abel closed his eyes: “Okay, I promise you, I won’t step in and help you. But I hope you can be gentle-I think you’ve noticed that Yaqing is not On the surface he looks so gentle and weak, he has some emotional problems. “

Yang Yang remembered the surveillance picture that he saw today and frowned. Combined with the current attitude of Abel—Although he seems to be very supportive of Yaqing, he condoned Yang Yang ’s suspicion of Yaqing. This is obviously because he believes that Yang Yang ’s suspicion of Yaqing is even greater than Yang Yang ’s. Certainly the village’s affairs are related to Yaqing.

Yang Yang’s heart moved and asked, “I have seen your conversation with Uncle Yaqing in the study. Has anything happened before?”

Abel was silent for a long time before he sighed heavily and shouted.

“Hundred years ago, during the disaster of the dragon-level soul beast attack, my parents took Yaqing to Didu Xing to participate in the year-end ceremony. In that disaster, my father was killed and my mother and Yaqing were both killed by the dragon-level soul beast. As a result, the soul palace was severely damaged and infected with the soul and beast spirit. The mother went without a year, but Yaqing survived. “

“Ya Qing has become cowardly since then. The elder sister and I both loved him, but I was not very old at that time, and I wanted to slaughter the soul beast to avenge my father, soaked in the battlefield all day. The elder sister presided over the soul Suo Xing’s political situation has also become Yaqing’s ‘mother.’

“Although Yaqing is not healthy, he is very intelligent. When he was an adult, he was already the chief scientist in the research of the soul and the beast. He was very talented in this area and developed a lot of very useful things. Loved by many people. “

“But 75 years ago, in a battle against soul beasts, I couldn’t get back because I was too far away, and the elder sister led the soldiers to fight in person. In order to help the elder sister, I used an anti-soul beast developed at the time. Blocking weapons. “

Having said that, Abel fell into silence again, as if back to that time, after a while he was drawn out of his thoughts.

Aber laughed bitterly: “Ya Qing has never made a mistake, it was his first mistake, and it was also the worst.-The weapon was very destructive to the soul power of the soul and beast, but at the same time it There is a strong interference with the human soul house. “

“The elder sister died in that battle because of Ya Qing’s weapon.”

“After that, Yaqing was very distressed, and she was decadent for a long time, even taking drugs. After I found out, I was forced to put him under house arrest. When he recovered, his emotions became sensitive.-So, I hope Don’t be too irritating to him. “
