OIM 87-88

Chapter 87: Same

Yang Yang kept watching the situation in Archibald’s side in the aircraft. He didn’t look up until he heard the sound from the aircraft’s bulkhead.

Then he saw a half-large animal-shaped Leicester standing on the nose of the aircraft, looking at him with a tilted head.

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang glanced around for more than one beast-shaped Leicester, and several others turned around his aircraft. The sound emitted by the aircraft is the sound of those people striking the aircraft.

-This is not a polite opening remark.

Yang Yang’s first reaction was to tell Archibald, but Yang Yang did not want Archibald to return: “The aircraft is in protective mode, and I have the self-defense weapon given by Uncle Abbott. It should be fine. You go to Komi first, and then come over, I can hold it. “

Archibald had already run back.

“This area is not large. They are probably a group of people who took Comi. You stay in the aircraft and don’t go out. I’ll be right there.”

Although the aircraft is a military system, there will be no problems in terms of quality. But after all, it’s just a small four-seater vehicle. There are many ways to break it.

As for the weapons of Yang Yang, although they are all things that can make the experts “lie”, Yang Yang does not have any combat experience. If the weapon is accidentally taken away by the other party, the consequences will be disastrous.

Archibald felt that his head was a bit empty, and now there was only one thought-Yang Yang should never go wrong.

Yang Yang didn’t know what Archibald was worried about, but after hearing Archibald’s words, he didn’t stubbornly refute, and sat obediently waiting for Archibald to return.

Probably understood that Yang Yang was asking for help, and the beast-shaped Leicester standing on the nose of the aircraft turned and said something, and then the beast-shaped Leicester jumped off the nose and landed not far ahead. Instead, a middle-aged man turned over and jumped up.

The man was wearing shabby clothes, barefoot, and had a prime wooden gun in his hand.

There was a long scar on his face from the left frontal horn to the neck of the jaw, and he almost traversed the carotid artery.

Scar face stood on the nose of the machine and then half-knelt down, facing the Yang Yang facing down across the glass.

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang hesitated, or tried to communicate: “Hello?”

Because the glass is a bit soundproof, Yang Yang smiled as he spoke, showing friendship.

But Scar’s face gave Yang Yang a glance, but he gave a slap, and then gave a scornful and hostile smile. It’s like looking at a fat sheep, or the kind of neck cleaned to be slaughtered.

Yang Yang: “…”

Hey, he’s a little upset.

Yang Yang put a friendly look on his face, and put on Yaqibode’s facial paralyzed face, and then began to retrieve the storage side of Soul Cube with his soul power. Before he left, there were some “small” thing”.

Energy guns, energy reduction cannons, blaster bombs …

Which one is better?

Scarface didn’t know what Yang Yang was thinking, he had determined what was going on in the aircraft-there was only one fat sheep.

Scar’s face sneered again, then raised his hand and waved, “Go!”

With an order, the left and right sides of the aircraft suddenly struck a “bang”. Due to the force, the aircraft was even shaken.

However, Yang Yang’s face did not panic-at the end of the year, he had experienced worse situations than this.

At this time, the more panic the faster you die.

Yang Yang listened to the sound of the impact outside, and determined that there were three points of impact. If there were no other people watching, plus one person and one beast in his sight, there were five people in total.

Yang Yang took a shallow breath, then flipped his hands behind the pillow, and added an energy gun in his hand.

——Although the size of this thing is not big, but in the words of Abel, “Three beasts as big as Monta can shoot through with one shot.”

Because this gun consumes a lot of energy, an energy magazine can only be fired in full. So Abel prepared three for Yang Yang, saying that Yang Yang wasted time by changing magazines.

Ah, thanks for your intimate father.

The severe impact put the protective energy layer of the aircraft at risk, and a red alarm light was also lit inside the aircraft. But Yang Yang was unmoved, still looking coldly at the scar face still kneeling on the nose.

Scar’s face seemed a little surprised by Yang Yang’s calmness, a little bit of contempt in her eyes, but it didn’t mean to stop.

Over time, in less than two minutes, an alarm sounded in the aircraft: “Warning, the protective layer is under attack and the energy will be exhausted in ten seconds. 10, 9, 8 …”

Hearing the countdown, Yang Yang tightened his jawbone and moved his finger holding the gun, his eyes still locked on the scar-faced man.

Scarface also seemed to hear the aircraft’s alarm sound. Looking at Yang Yangming’s expression of nervousness and partial “looking at death”, Scarman’s face slowly evoked a smile.

Unfortunately, his smile had not risen enough to express his emotions. He saw a dark shadow rushing like a cannonball, and then a “bang—!” Go out.

At the same time, Roth took over the aircraft, and said he was safe with Yang Yangbao, while saying: “Don’t be afraid, the Duke is here. I have sent messages and positioning with Monta and they will come to support it. This aircraft is not equipped Weapon, the Duke lets us go first. “

“No way!”

Yang Yang leaned on the back of the chair, panting a little after nervous, but his tone was firm.

“Give me the picture from the Duke.”

Rott hesitated, “But master, before you came, you promised the planet masters that they would definitely keep themselves safe.”

Yang Yang calmed his breath slightly and said, “I’m safe now. And I believe in the Duke.-Give me the picture.”

Rotter paused, and then obediently broadcast the picture.

Archie Bird’s terminal light screen called from the picture perspective, overlooking the entire site in a floating mode.

At this look, Yang Yang’s eyes widened.

“What’s going on with these people?”

I saw that in the picture, Archibald fought with five people, and even if it was a dozen or five, he did not fall in the slightest.

On the contrary, the five people were beaten up by him, and one of them was already lying under the tree and couldn’t get up-this is still the case where Archibald did not use the heat weapon.

But Yang Yang wasn’t surprised by this, but the five people.

There are a total of six “enemies” here-the one that Yang Yang expected more. Now it is still on the aircraft and seems to be responsible for guarding the “trophy.”

And these six people, in addition to this completely beast-shaped Leicester on the aircraft, the other five people have more or less animal marks on their bodies, some are arms, some are arms, some are heads …

The scar face, his clothes were cut, and the exposed spine had a large black scale armor with a pale white mark on it, which Archibald had left with a dagger just now.

After deciding to learn about Archibald’s illness, Yang Yang checked a lot of information, and also knew that the situation of “half-orcs” like Archibald was very rare. Most people with the disease are because the soul palace is severely damaged, so that the flexible conversion between human and animal shapes cannot be completed.

Such “half-orcs”, because of the differences in bone and muscle strength between the beast and human, have caused their beast-shaped parts to become burdensome.

But this is still pretty good-80% of the patients simply cannot control their beastly part at all, and the beast-shaped part is more like “redundant” to them.

As a result, some people even chose amputation.

But in front of these people, their beastly parts are different, but they can control it freely-just like Archibald.

Yang Yang’s intuition told him that it was important.

But apparently, Archibald didn’t care-if he came a few seconds late, what would these people do to Yang Yang?

Just thinking about that possibility, Archibald’s anger could not be contained!



Archibald swept his leg, kicked and tried to sneak attack on one of him, then vacated a backward and turned away, avoiding the stabbed wooden gun, and flung his tail while rolling to the ground, rolling around the arm of the person next to him, The man bent down, and Archibald struck an elbow on the side of the man’s head, immediately letting the man fall to the ground and fainted.

In this way, within a short while, the five besieged were able to stand besides the scarred face, the others were lying on the ground, either comatose or mournful.

While Yang Yang was relieved, he also saw some doorways: “These people don’t seem to be bandits.”

Although these people have very good physiques, they look fierce, and they are full of merits. But when it comes to fighting skills, even the layman Yang Yang can see that they are simply giving away.

If it’s a bandit or something, it won’t be so resistant-even the street hooligan’s scramble technique should be understood.

Archibald obviously noticed this too, so despite his anger, he didn’t kill.

Archibald looked at the last standing scar face, his eyes cold, “Come.”

But Scar’s face didn’t move.

The wooden gun in Scar’s face was broken. He looked at Archibald, and there was no lack of hatred on his face, but more of it was surprised.

Amazing eyes condensed on Archibald’s tail and legs, as if he did not understand why Archibald had the same “features” as them.

“Okay, I’ll come.”

Seeing Scar’s face still, Archibald moved.

Archibald fought with Scarface again, but the exhausted Scarface was Archridge’s opponent, but when Archibald first arrived, he saw that Scarface was about to attack. Picture of wearing glass and attacking Yang Yang.

So now, although Archibald hasn’t killed him, he is harder on scars than others.

Yang Yang also saw that Archibald was angry, but he had no opinion on Archibald’s approach-he was scared before!

But someone couldn’t see it anymore.

Yang Yang could only make a light noise, and then a black Leicester dropped from the aircraft’s nose. Because of the angle problem, Yang Yang noticed that the beast-shaped Leicester had a white scale on his belly, which was particularly conspicuous.

At the same time that Xiao Baijia fell on the nose, Yang Yang had already raised his gun, and the muzzle of the black hole was steadily facing Xiao Baijia’s head.

However, Xiao Baijia did not attack, but bent his limbs and gave Yang Yang a big gift.

At the same time, I cried: “Please, don’t kill them !! We know it’s wrong, we won’t dare anymore! Whoo–“

Yang Yang: “…”


Chapter 88: Village

People outside were crying so loudly that Yang Yang could hear it clearly in the aircraft.

Similarly, Archibald, who was abusing the food, could hear clearly.

Archibald kicked the scar on his face and couldn’t get up for a while, then came over to the aircraft.

When Xiao Baijia saw this, his whole body shook, but instead of running away, he repeated the words “don’t kill them” in tears.

Yang Yang listened to his voice and compared the cubs in these winter camps. This little white armor is at most ten years old.

Yang Yang was afraid that Archibald was hitting the child with anger, so he opened the hatch of the aircraft and came down.

Seeing this, Archibald immediately ran over in three steps and two steps, and at the same time looked at the small white armor on the nose of the aircraft-if the small white armor dared to act violently, Archibald swears that even if the small white armor is just He won’t let it go!

Xiao Baijia dare to sneak attack, and trembled there, hoping to find a hole to bury himself in and hide.

Archibald ran to the door before the hatch was fully open.

As soon as Yang Yang came, he fell into Archibald’s arms.

Archibald held it tightly, and ran his hand gently along Yang Yang’s back: “Don’t be afraid.”

Yang Yang pursed his lips and patted Archibald’s arm: “You are, don’t be afraid. I’m fine.”

Archibald heard the words, took a deep breath, then bowed his head and kissed Yang Yang’s forehead.

After a while, Archibald loosened some strength, but did not let go of Yang Yang, and always kept the Yang Yang circle within his protection.

After Yang Yang waited for Archibald’s mood to be a little calmer, he said, “Ask them.”


Archibald nodded, looking at the little white armor lying on the nose of the aircraft, and asked coldly, “Who are you? Where is Lao Chao?”

Before Xiao Baijia spoke, there was a lack of gas, but a fierce tone in the distance: “No! If you betrayed the village, I will kill you first!”

Yang Yang glanced back and found that he was talking on the scar face-it seemed that his physical strength was really good, and he recovered so quickly.



Yang Yang repeated the word, and then consulted Archibald, “Is it really not an illegal gang?”

Archibald: “Look again.”

After that, Archibald looked at the little white armor on the nose: “Answer me.”

Xiao Baijia shook a bit. He looked at Scar’s face, tears in his eyes, and cried, “If you don’t say it, you will die!”

After speaking, regardless of the scar face, there was a reason for the brain.

“We were from nearby villages and we came out to see the situation when we saw an aircraft approaching.

We thought they were **** again, ah no, thought they were hunted by nobles, they always destroyed what we planted, and accidentally hurt us. Some people even died of their gunshot wounds before.

The most extreme is that some people tease our beast shape as a beast! “

With that said, Xiao Baijia raised his head and glanced quickly at Archibald, then lowered his head again, and whispered weakly: “So, this time, we are thinking about preemption.”

Yang Yang frowns, bullying, bullying, no matter where it is not pleasant.

Archibald also frowned-as far as he knows, the old emperor star does not have many aristocrats now, but the old emperor star already has many “unable zones”, and it is indeed possible for this to happen.

“But these are not the reasons why you can hurt my lover.”

Even though Archibald was able to forgive them intellectually, he was still emotionally angry.

Xiao Baijia pursed his lips, was particularly wronged, but could not say anything to refute. I can only emphasize: “We will not hurt him, we just want to expel you.-We think you are those nobles.”

Yang Yang raised an eyebrow: “But at the beginning, I tried to communicate with you.”

Said, Yang Yang glanced back at Scar’s face, “but it seems that you don’t want to communicate.-Starting to attack without saying a word, in my opinion, such behavior is basically a robber!”

Xiao Baijia was anxious: “We really aren’t! You believe me, we really won’t hurt you, don’t kill them, ohh …”

Xiao Baijia has never seen such a powerful person as Archibald, but his perception of “outsiders” is basically based on those nobles, so now he is really worried that Archibald will kill him if he doesn’t agree. they.

On the other side, Scar’s face was anxious to hear the cry of Xiao Baijia.

He struggled to climb up, while yelling at Archibald: “Long-tailed bastard! If you have the ability, come to me and scare the child into a man!”

Yang Yang: “…”

Hey, he wouldn’t listen to that.

Yang Yang poked his head out of Archibald’s arms, looked at Scarface, and cursed: “Who are you scolding? You, the beetle **** bastard with a tortoise shell, bastard! You ca n’t see what I said “What do you call my family cute?”

Scar face: “………”

Archibald: “………”

So cute?

Yang Yang: “I’ll question it, and you’re in a hurry. According to your logic, you two, three, four, five big men, you have teamed up to bully me a pregnant husband, what are you? Men are not Forget it, at least three more gears down! “

Scar face: “………”

What are the next three gears? ?

No, this doesn’t matter.

Scarface looked at Yang Yang with a stunned face, “Are you pregnant?”

Because Yang Yang came over there, the temperature was not high, and he was also wrapped in a coat in the aircraft, so he could not see his body at all.

Xiao Baijia also suddenly raised his head and looked at Yang Yang, his voice involuntarily raised a bit: “You, are you a female? Are you pregnant?”

Yang Yang felt that their response was a bit strange, and the fire that came out came to an abrupt end.

“Yes indeed.”

He had just finished speaking, and the next second, Xiao Baijia knelt down again, trembling worse than before.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry! Didn’t scare you! Did you feel uncomfortable in your stomach? Would you like to sit and take a break? Did you bring anti-pill medicines? Whoops, we really didn’t mean it, guys … “

Yang Yang: “…”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang couldn’t understand. I’m pregnant. What are you nervous about? ? ?

Yang Yang looked at Archibald, and Archibald was aggressive-he didn’t understand.

With this stubble, the emotion on Scarface calmed down.

Scarface was struggling to stand still, didn’t come over, but just looked at them in the same place, even with a little guilty conscience.

He asked: “Are you really nobles who come to hunt?”

Archibald heard the change in his tone, and also suppressed the unresolved fire a little. He said as quietly as possible: “No. We are here to find a child. She was accidentally taken away by a giant claw bird. I was just here. Hunting traces were found northwest, and my lover was besieged by you. “

Scar face: “………”

Scar’s face looked at Yang Yang, he was hesitant to pull down his face and said “I’m sorry”, Xiao Baijia said “ah” and opened his mouth.

“It should be a hunting team. Today is the day of hunting. We only met with them on the way. They did go in that direction. You can rest assured that we will not harm the children. If they hunted the giant Claw birds, they should have brought the child back. “

Yang Yang heard a surprise: “Really? Can you be sure? Contact the people in your village.”

Xiao Baijia heard the words but hesitated, then said vaguely: “We have no contact.”

Yang Yang was puzzled, and then realized that the six people were wearing thin clothes and did not wear terminals.

Hundreds of years ago, the first generation of terminals appeared. After that, the terminal is constantly upgraded and compatible with other devices.

Until now, the terminal has become a symbol of personal citizenship.

Without a terminal, it usually means one thing-black households.

Yang Yang’s joyful mood suddenly calmed down. After two seconds, he asked again, “Where is your village?”

When asked about the village, Xiaobaijia was very alert: “We will not take strangers back to the village.”

Scar’s face was relieved when Xiao Baijia didn’t say a leak, and then added: “We can ask someone to go back and ask.”

But Archibald didn’t agree: “I don’t have the slightest trust in you. What if you let someone go back to ventilate and report, but bring someone back?

Scar’s face was suddenly hostile again, and his tone was sharp: “What do you say?”

Archibald: “Take us back to your village.”

Scar face: “Impossible!-Oh, and you are not afraid to enter the enemy’s nest and be eaten by us!”

Archibald was unmoved by his provocation, and said lightly, “You try.”

Scar face: “………”

Archibald looked stubborn at the scar, thought for a moment, and suddenly said, “Rott. Position Monta where they are, and send it over.”

Yang Yang’s voice came from the terminal, “Okay, Lord.”

After that, a light screen floated in front of Archibald, which was the map of this area, and five green triangles were coming towards this side.

Archibald: “My people will be there in ten minutes. You can choose to take us to find a child, or wait for my people to come and turn this area over and see if your village can hide when you see It works. “

The light screen rested in the middle, the scar face could be clearly seen, and the meaning of the green triangles was understood.

Scar’s face suddenly changed his face: “You really belong to those nobles!”

Archibald: “You have five seconds to think about.”

Scar’s face had violent fluctuations in his chest, and his mood was extremely unstable.

But he hadn’t answered yet, but listening to the little white armor on the nose of the camera suddenly spoke with surprise in his hesitation.

“Duke? You, are you the Duke of Doton?”

After speaking, I asked myself, “Yes, only the Duke of Doton is a half-beast in the aristocracy! God, you are the Duke of Doton! Live!”

Archibald: “………”

Scar’s face was also stunned, and even the other three people who could move on the ground looked up.

Their expressions were shocked and there was no lack of worship.

However, Archibald did not respond to their intention. He waited for a few seconds and said, “Time is up. If you don’t think about it, I will make the decision for you.”

Scar’s face heard the words, struggling, and finally gritted his teeth, and asked, “Are you really Duke of Doton?”

Archibald: “Yes.”

Scar’s face took a breath: “Okay, I’ll take you there. But those who come, they can’t come.”

Archibald: “Yes.”

Then, Archibald said to Roth, “Roth, let Monta come to the aircraft and stand by.”

Rott: “Yes, Lord Duke.”

