OIM 85-86

Chapter 85: Oh! open!

After a day of getting along, Yang Yang found that Komi was actually very easy to take.

Her crying and fear of life are all based on a foundation-there is a source of soul power that is strong enough to scare her. Such as Archibald, such as Fu Qing.

But her essence is not timid, but she is quite independent-for example, although she adheres to Yang Yang, she never coquettishly embraces Yang Yang. She also climbs stools and eats herself when eating.

And after contacting her grandmother and confirming the safety of the environment, she will not be scared to cry when she sees Archibald, even under certain conditions-under the condition that Yang Yang and Archibald are together , Even if she persuaded, she had to come to Yang Yang.

Archibald: “………”

He deeply felt the child’s dedication to Yang Yang.

Yang Yang couldn’t help laughing or crying. -Such a child is really annoying.

“Bring it.”

In the end, Yang Yang decided to take Kermi to the winter camp.

Due to the preparation for the joint trial of the military academy next year, the winter camp site was temporarily adjusted.

The adjusted site is set in a newly developed trial area, which was originally a scenic tourist city, the buildings are not dense, the vegetation is rugged, and there are no dangerous beasts, but the area map is quite complicated.

This area is not difficult, just for this group of cubs.

Yang Yang fell asleep halfway along the way. After waking up, she found herself in a strange rest room.


Yang Yang stared at the ceiling of the iron sheet for a while, then rolled slowly, reached out and pressed the sunshade on the bedside.

It was cloudy outside, and the entrance was a dark green forest, and an open space in the middle, as well as crowds moving on the open space.

The crowd formed a concentric circle, with soldiers standing upright on the outside, and a large short child inside.

——It’s the children who participated in the winter camp.

The winter camp has a total of 40 children, aged 12-16 years old, and they are all bimodal Leicester.

Most of them are children of the noble family, and some good seedlings. However, everyone who will be sent to this winter camp has one thing in common-thorns.

In short, this is a bear kid camp.

But despite the bear, the discipline is good.

At least the current queue is vertical, and it looks pretty good.

Then soon, Yang Yang understood the source of this look. —— Archibald came to the front of the bear children’s queue and began to talk.

Yang Yang suddenly became interested and shouted in his mind: [Rott, give me the Duke live broadcast. 】

This time Archibald specifically requested to bring the black panther Rott as a play and nanny for Komi.

Rott’s voice sounded: [Okay, master. 】

Yang Yang’s terminal suddenly popped up a light screen, floating in front of Yang Yang’s eyes.

Archibald was wearing a black training suit with wide shoulders, narrow waists, and long legs. The black tail hung behind him, like a sharp blade at any time.


Yang Yang looked at Archibald, who was full of gas, and gave an indescribable laugh.

Roth: […………]

No, it didn’t know what the owner was laughing at, really, it was just a baby under one year old.

Yang Yang changed her posture, retracted into the quilt, and looked sideways to watch the live broadcast.

Archibald in the light screen was cold. A pair of star eyes looked like inorganic light, staring at the group of bear children tightening their skins one by one.

Seemingly satisfied with the queue of bear children, Archibald opened his mouth.

“This winter camp is a 20-day camp, with a group of 5 people and two teaching supervisors in each group.”

“Take the current queue, each column as a group. Any objections?”

Archibald’s eyes glanced faintly across the queue, and the bear children closed their mouths like quails. No one seemed to disagree.

But Archibald’s gaze didn’t stop, but he swept up to Rott, and met Rott.

Roth: “………”

Don’t look at me, not me.

Yang Yang pursed his lips and said, “Rott, wave your claws with the Duke.”

Rott obediently raised his front paws and waved at Archibald.

Archibald: “???”

Archibald froze for a moment, then immediately understood who was looking at him now.

There was a smile in Archibald’s eyes, but he didn’t show it, but he raised his eyebrows at the Panther very quickly.

Yang Yang laughed happily on the bed, then pouted at Guangping: “What ?!”

Roth: “………”

Rott naturally would not repeat this, but he felt that his young mind was badly hurt!

After Archibald looked at Rott, he looked back, and went on in a serious manner: “Now let me talk about the rules of the winter camp.”

“This winter camp has only one activity, and that is treasure hunting.”

“A total of 50 treasures are buried in the range of this mountain. The area map and treasure clues have been transmitted to your terminal. The treasure area is within the red line.

Take the group as the unit and find the most treasures for victory. Each person in the winner group can get a pair of light armor. “

There was a commotion in the bear child queue immediately, but it was a light armor, a military product!

Before the turmoil of the bear children widened, Archibald poured cold water on them.

He only heard him say softly, “But it’s just that, it’s a bit too simple.”

The voices of the bear children stopped abruptly, one by one looking at the front in horror, like chickens waiting to be slaughtered-what are you doing?

Archibald: “In order to live up to the trust of your family and exercise your purpose. So we have added a little difficulty. That is survival in the wild.”

“To ensure fairness, all your storage space must be emptied, and each of you will have the same thing: a set of tools for survival in the wild, an energy field tent, and a week of dry food and drinking water.

For the rest of the time, you need to get your own food and water. “

“Teaching supervisors will follow you to make sure you are not cheating and rescue you when you encounter life-threatening situations. Of course, if you want to give up, you can also apply for withdrawal from the teaching supervisor.

During the treasure hunt, all legal acts that do not endanger the lives of others are allowed. “

“After three hours, the winter camp activities begin. Now you can get familiar with your team members and teaching supervisors, and get your own equipment. Do you understand?”

The bear children answered in unison: “I see!”

Archibald: “Dissolve!”

As the bear children roared, Archibald walked towards the aircraft without stopping.

——Because this trial area is newly developed and no fixed supply points have been built, the bases of this winter camp are replaced by military aircraft, which is just convenient for moving.

When Archibald came in, Yang Yang was wearing a sweater, and when the loose slack was laid down, he covered the raised belly with strictness.

Archibald dissipated the chill before he walked over and kissed Yang Yang. “Hungry?”

Yang Yang shook his head and reached out and patted Archibald’s chest: “I was so handsome just now!”

Archibald smiled, pursed his lips, took the coat and handed it to Yang Yang: “Want to go for a walk?”

Yang Yang: “Well, what about Mi?”

Archibald: “With Fu Qing. Roth followed.”

After hearing this, Yang Yang remembered Kermi’s “ambition” before leaving, and she couldn’t help asking: “She really wants to act with Fu Qing as a group?”

Archibald nodded: “I asked Monta to go to Fu Qing’s group. He and Fu Qing brought Komi, and Rott followed. No problem.”

Yang Yang was still a little worried: “Is this okay?”

After all, it was a five-year-old kid.

Archibald: “This is her own persistence. And the bimorphic Leicester is not so weak. Although she looks weak, she has a very sensitive soul power, and it is good for her to touch the wild from now on.”


Yang Yang put on a scarf, and her voice came out dumbly, muttering doubts: “I was crying yesterday morning, but she said at night that she was going to be a warrior.-Did she watch any cartoons? “

Archibald didn’t speak, and his gaze flickered. After Yang Yang looked over, he returned to normal immediately.

Archibald: “Children’s minds are always changeable, but they can have the idea of ​​becoming stronger and can now be put into action. I think it is very difficult for a child.”

Yang Yang looked up gloriously: “That’s not to see who brought it.”

Archibald: “………”

He wanted to say that you took more than a day, but after a pause, he didn’t say anything.

Yang Yang was sorrowful after pride: “But we still have to see how long she can hold on, let’s follow for a few days.”

Archibald thought about it and nodded: “I’m keeping up with the drone.”

The terrain here is complex, and not to mention that Gulita reminded Yang Yang that the due date is ahead, even if she is not pregnant, Archibald is not likely to let Yang Yang follow her on foot-even if it is Komi, it is a dual form.

In the wild, not to mention fighting, walking alone, the double form Leicester is also much faster than the single form.

Yang Yang knew his situation and did not plan to walk, and nodded: “OK.”

At the beginning of the winter camp, the bear children were in groups of five and searched for treasure according to the terminal’s clues. No one except Fu Qing chose to decentralize.

Fu Qing’s other group of four also complained a little about Fu Qing’s departure, mainly because of the number of treasures.

In this regard, Fu Qing arrogantly promised that he would find three treasures. If he did not exceed the first place in the group, he would give the entire group a light armor.

In response, Monta responded by giving Fu Qing a thumbs up, and then telling him: “You just said, I recorded a video to pass the winter camp parents group, thank you.”

Fu Qing: “…”

Fu Qing vowed that if he could not beat Monta, he would press Monta to the ground and rub it!

So the winter camp began five days, and Fu Qing found five days of treasure.

Fortunately, his birth is different from these “greenhouse flowers”. This kind of wild survival is a play for him. Although there are not enough three, there are also two. In the remaining fifteen days, we should be able to find the last one.

In these five days, Ke Mi has been following Fu Qing and has not fallen behind, although he has also stumbled, but has been carried down, and more and more wild.

For example today, she actually hunted a wild hoofed claw rabbit in the shape of a beast.

Looking at the little Leicester with a **** face, Yang Yang felt suffocated—his soft “fragrant girl” is gone forever!

However, for Kimi’s hunting, both Archibald, Fu Qing, and Monta have a high evaluation-in the battle against soul beasts, the Leicester people need to maintain the beast shape. Therefore, whether to dare to fight close to the animal shape has become the standard for measuring whether a dual-type Leicester is “qualified”.

But Ke Mi also felt this appreciation, so the next day was even more freed.

On the ninth day, Ke Mi hadn’t returned to human shape for two days.

Because she stared at a male jungle spotted deer.

That jungle spotted deer is not small, but because it is the main species in this area, it lacks natural enemies and is not alert to crisis.

“It’s all out of the trial area, should you stop it?”

Yang Yang looked at the live broadcast of Rot and was a little worried.

Archibald: “This is normal. Monta and Fu Qing are here, and nothing will happen.”

However, something went wrong.

The jungle spotted deer seemed to detect Comi’s tracking, then suddenly began to speed up.

Ke Mi’s appearance also accelerated, Roth followed Ke Mi, Fu Qing and Monta tried to avoid the jungle spotted deer from escaping too fast from both sides-they also wanted to see Ke Mi’s potential.

But no one expected that the jungle spotted deer galloped all the way through a jungle hill, but behind it was a piece of cliff, and under the cliff was an abandoned town.

The jungle spotted deer jumped familiarly and jumped to the opposite tall building, then a few jumps disappeared.

But how can Mi think of the last second or dense forest, the next second will be a cliff!

She didn’t stop the car at a glance, and she was about to roll off the cliff, but she followed her Rott to accelerate her body as a shield, blocking Kermi’s impulse, and then her body formed a ball and wrapped Kermi. Kan stopped at the edge of the cliff.

Fu Qing and Monta almost rolled off because of the detour, but they stopped the car and saw the situation a few meters apart. They were relieved and sweaty.

Fu Qing & Monta: “………”

No more waves, no more waves, the children really started playing in the training room first.

However, before they were relieved, a huge dark shadow suddenly swept from the cliff, and when a gust of wind was rolled up, the giant claw stretched out, grabbing the chicken and pinching a leopard ball on the cliff in his claw. Then his wings fluttered and he rose into the air.

Rott & Comi: “… ???? !!!”

Fu Qing & Monta, Yang Yang and Archibald watching the live broadcast in the aircraft: “…………”

Lying-trough! !! !!

You give me back! !! !!


Chapter 86: Roth: Baby Ho Gu!

The giant claw bird, a large solitary beast facing the sea and cliffs, has a strong sense of territory. Only when the food is scarce in winter, the giant claw bird will leave its territory and go out to hunt for food.

Although they are not good at long-distance flight, the giant claw birds have a strong explosive force-Yang Yang and they are just a “sleeping trough”. The giant claw birds have disappeared.

What else can I do, chase!

Archibald quickly started the aircraft and chased in the direction that the claw bird had just flown.

The camera on Fu Qing and Monta’s shoulders could no longer see the shadow of the giant claw bird, Yang Yang switched Roth’s perspective, but returned a black screen.

Yang Yang: “???”

Yang Yang: “Rott, open your eyes for me.”

Roth’s innocent voice sounded in Yang Yang’s mind: [Master, I’m open. 】

Yang Yang: [? ? ? 】

Rot: [I’m in a ball, my head is buried, its claws are too big, and I can’t move at all. 】

Yang Yang: […………]

Yang Yang looked at Archibald: “Rott can’t see the surrounding environment clearly, what should I do?”

Archibald was still calm, while operating the aircraft, he said, “The giant claw bird is not very aggressive and loves to hoard food, but Mi is okay for the time being.-Don’t worry, the aircraft will be upside down for a while, you hold a Cushion, don’t rest. “

I did n’t wait for Yang Yang to respond, and Archibald opened the communication again and contacted Monta: “You brought logistical support to search along the jungle. I followed Yang Yang to catch up. The current target is presumably on the 2-3 floor of b3 area. Range circle. “

Monta’s voice is rare and serious: “Fuck, there is no exploration area. I’ve called for support on this side, please be careful and keep in touch.”

Yang Yang didn’t bother Archibald. He obediently took a pillow from the space in front of his stomach, and then talked to Roth in his head.

[Rott, it’s the giant claw that caught you. Check your information and see if you can save yourself. Also, you try to pass me some information, it is too difficult to locate you now. But what about Mi? 】

Rot: [Kimi is okay, just crying a bit. ——Master, I have found the behavior of the giant claw bird. Huh! 】

Yang Yang: [What’s wrong? 】

Roth collapsed and cried: [The giant claw bird would kill his prey, Rong Hui only gave me a transformed body, oh-ahhhh! !! the host! It’s opened! !! 】

Yang Yang: […………]

Needless to say, Yang Yang also heard violent sounds from there: there were snoring sounds of branches and collisions, which were complicated and intense.

At the same time there was a sigh of exclamation from Rott.

[My bionic fur! 】

【what! My tail bone! !! 】

[Don’t scratch my head! Rong Hui just added me a gear that can be used as a plane ear! !! !! 】

Yang Yang felt a pain in his brain: [Shut up. 】

Rot: [… oh. 】

Archibald also heard the voice from Yang Yang’s terminal. He frowned and explained to Yang Yang: “After the explosive flight of the giant claw bird, it will fall into the jungle. The first is to restore strength after flying again; The second is to stun or kill the captured prey using their own weight and the impact of the branches. “

Yang Yang: “…”

He already knew that.

But Yang Yang knew what Archibald said he was worried about.

Yang Yang: “Ronghui has upgraded Rotter’s body before, and there should be no problem when Komi’s protective layer is applied.”

Archibald put a little refreshment, and said, “Toucans also have natural enemies in the jungle. Each rest time will not exceed ten minutes, and then they will take off again-we have to locate within these ten minutes. they.”

Now they are flying with the aircraft. If they want to enter the jungle to search, they can only abandon the aircraft. If they cannot find it within ten minutes, the claws take off again, and they will waste a lot of time returning to the aircraft. The hope of finding Comi is even slimmer .

Archibald: “Can  Roth provide location information?”

Yang Yang: “I let it collect, it should–“

Yang Yang didn’t finish his words, but the light screen suddenly lighted up, and then a clump of green leaves flashed with a tan paw, followed by the sound of a 噗嗤 噗嗤 spark.

Finally, the screen went blank.

Yang Yang: “…”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang pressed his forehead: [Rott. 】

Rott’s tone was detached: [Master, I’m blind. ——The nh9-type artificial eye I got in exchange for Rong Hui’s half a month’s computing core. After 11 days of use, I was blind. 】

Yang Yang: […………]

Sorrow, but I won’t buy it for you.

Yang Yang gave Rott a moment of silence and asked: “Can you locate your position? 】

Rott replied in a transcendent tone: “It can’t be accurately positioned, only a rough range can be provided. However, my body has not been paralyzed, and I can follow the positioning in a range manner. 】

Rott said, the light screen of the Yangyang terminal changed to a picture, and a military map appeared.

The small green triangle on the map is where their aircraft is, and a tiny red circle in the distance is Rott’s positioning.

Yang Yang showed the light screen to Archibald: “Duke, Rott said the scope is here, no matter how accurate it is.”

Archibald glanced at him suddenly: “…”

Isn’t this a military b-class classified survey map? ?

Forget it, saving people matters.

Archibald: “I see, you sit still.”

The next second, the aircraft hovered at a high altitude, then turned sideways at 90 degrees, the energy advanced to the maximum, and a “bang” rushed out. The consumed blue soul crystal dragged out an arc-shaped light track in the air, and then died in the air. .

Roth’s circle was a forest, dense trees and sky, and the aircraft could not find a place to land.

Yang Yang was still worried, but Archibald rushed straight down.

After a swaying bump, the aircraft broke through the dense canopy of the canopy and landed on a vacant small soil slope. -I don’t know how Archibald found this small dirt **** at high altitude.

Now, four minutes have elapsed before the toucan landed in the jungle.

Archibald opened the safety buckle, turned and said to Yang Yang, “You stay here, I’ll go down and look first. You ask Rott to follow my terminal.

Remember, no matter what happens, don’t leave the aircraft and contact me immediately if there is something strange around. Understand? “

Yang Yang nodded obediently: “Well. You also pay attention to safety.”

“Okay. Wait for me to come back.”

Archibald leaned in and kissed Yang Yang’s forehead, then turned on the aircraft’s protective mode, closed the hatch, and turned to run deep into the jungle.

Yang Yang asked Roth to drive a live broadcast over Archibald, watching the returned video nervously with a pillow.

Although Roth could only give a range, Archibald grew up in battle from an early age, and there was nothing “hidden” about him in such an environment.

Soon, Archibald found the clue.

“That’s my hair.”

Rott watched the black hair twisted from the branch by Archibald, and the sound of the doll was full of vicissitudes.

Archibald: “………”


Archibald threw away the hair in his hand, and then looked left and right, moving in a different direction.

As soon as he had taken a few steps, he heard Rott suddenly snorted again.

Archibald kept walking: “What’s wrong?”

Roth: “… my energy pipes have been dismantled.”

No one was left, all were demolished! !!

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang: “…”

Archibald stunned and quickly responded, “The giant claw bird can’t do this, it should be human.”

At that time, the old emperor star became the battlefield of dragon-level soul beasts, then became a waste star, and then the global residents migrated.

Before the government retakes the old Emperor Star, there is a blank period of five months. After another three months, it was decided to let the military department manage the old Emperor Star.

When the military department took over the old emperor star, the old emperor star has become a planet outside the law, the “leftovers” left after the Great Migration have eaten many groups of fat. ——This is exactly the root of the saying of “Old Emperor Star Treasure Hunt” until today.

After that, the military deported illegal gangs and re-established order, which took another full year.

Although the military ’s wrists are tough, after all, this is a whole planet, or the former Imperial Capital.

Insufficient manpower, insufficient weapons and insufficient funding.

Even now, the old Emperor Star has the reputation of a military planet, but less than 20% of the region is actually controlled by the military.

Beyond 20%, it’s all ruins and wilderness. No one can tell what’s hidden inside.

“Duke, what’s wrong?”

Yang Yang couldn’t see Archibald’s expression, but he could hear the solemn tone of his voice.

Archibald pursued the traces of the giant claw bird, and quickly moved forward, answering: “Maybe someone hunted the giant claw bird and took Roth’s energy tube.”

Yang Yang listened for a moment, then came to understand: “Will Kermit be taken away by those people? Who will it be?”

Facing Yang Yang’s question, Archibald could not give the answer: “Unclear.”

Yang Yang pursed her lips and no longer questioned Archibald’s heart. Just pray in my heart-hope Kermi is fine!

Archibald was fast and insightful, but within a few minutes he had traveled through a large jungle and found Rott’s “corpse”.

Yang Yang looked at the returned image and immediately understood that Archibald was right.

In the picture is the foot of a large tree, the thick soft leaves on the ground are in a mess, and a lot of blood is sprinkled in the middle, as well as some taupe feathers.

Not far before the blood, the panther’s “corpse” lay quietly.

It was ripped open, the energy tube in the abdominal cavity was empty, and the fur on the body was as tattered as a rag.

The most tragic thing is that not only the energy tube, but everything that can be removed from the black panther has been removed.

The current black panther has a layer of rotten skin, and even its tail has been unloaded.

Roth: “………”

Rott cried out with a “swipe”: “Master! How terrible I am!”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang: “Shut up, and then try to get a new body for you.-Duke, but Mi was taken away.”

Archibald replied: “Well, but it should not be an illegal group-the giant claw bird is huge, and the outer feathers are tough. The most convenient way to hunt it is to use an energy gun, but there are no energy weapons or heat weapons here. Mark of.”

It may also be that the other party happened to be without a gun.

——Yang Yang carried this idea down, and he also hoped that Archibald was right.

Archibald looked at the traces around him, and chased in another direction.

But just then, Yang Yang’s voice came from the terminal hesitantly: “Duke.”

Archibald: “Huh?”

Yang Yang: “emmm, I seem to be surrounded.”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald: “!!!”
