OIM 49

 Chapter 49: Prodigal Leopard

From the first time I saw Archibald’s photos, Yang Yang had a good opinion of Archibald-Archibald is an excellent person, he is like a light body, when he is standing in front of you Sometimes it’s hard not to be attracted to him.

But Yang Yang also knew that Archibald was a big pit, and once he jumped down, he might never climb up.

Therefore, Yang Yang did not intend to upgrade this favor.

However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Too close to the luminous body, this attraction is invisible and ubiquitous. By the time Yang Yang noticed it, as now, he was already warming up for the fall.

However, Yang Yang is a sane person, so before he jumps into the pit, he intends to find out whether the bottom of the pit is cement or cotton-if it is a steel concrete floor, it is more realistic for him to concentrate on starting a business.

To get the answer is as simple as asking Archibald himself.

Not as good as action.

Yang Yang walked to the newly installed crib, pierced his head over the shielded light screen, and passed his hand through the light screen on Archibald’s side, showing his sense of existence and shouting, “Duke, are you there?”

Archibald, who was changing pajamas by the bed: “…”

Archibald took Yang Yang’s hand back and pressed the button on the wall. The crib over here folded up and turned into a door, and the shielding light screen disappeared.

Yang Yang watched the change, smiled, and continued: “I just ask a question, do you like a man or a woman, Duke, or can you do it?”

Archibald paused for a few seconds, then asked, “What do you want?”

The lines are full of vigilance.

Yang Yang could almost think of Archibald’s tail tightening, and his smile was even greater: “Oh, I want to know if my cub will have a stepdad or stepdaughter in the future.”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang: “Speak.”

Archibald hesitated, and finally said frankly: “I don’t know, I haven’t been in love.” Then he added, “We are in an agreement relationship. Even if I get married in the future, that’s not a ‘father-in-law’, you Don’t talk nonsense, the child understands. “

Yang Yang ignored the words behind him and picked up only the important information: never in love.

Yang Yang is a little happy, but still hasn’t let go of the topic: “Then you have always had the impulse to youth, fantasy objects or something.-Everyone in Monta has Qi Tuo Qi Mei.”

Archibald: “… Why should I tell you?”

Yang Yang: “Because you don’t tell me, I will go back to the room and tell the child that you are going to find his stepmother.”

Archibald: “………”

I know that you can deceive others with your eggs.

Although thinking so, Archibald gave the answer, but the answer made Yang Yang distressed.

Archibald: “I started psychic riots when I was five years old. It was once a year before the age of eight, but the interval between attacks became shorter and shorter.

When I was young, I didn’t have such strong self-control, and I haven’t built a lake floor suppression room. After each attack, I need to heal for nearly a month.

When I was fourteen years old, in order to alleviate the mania of the soul riots, I began to go to the battlefield to perform some fighting tasks to vent the mania. The way I tried to fight was scary, so no one wanted to approach me except Monta. “

“At the age of sixteen, Uncle Yaqing improved the inhibitor for me, and my condition was relieved, but I felt that the soul beast battlefield was suitable for me, so I joined the Special Operations Corps.

In addition to being on the battlefield these years, most of the rest of my time is used to train myself, strengthen my physical strength and physical strength, and resist the soul confusion during the soul riots. At other times, I just want to take a good rest. “

Archibald paused, and reluctantly concluded, “So I don’t have that much time to think about anything else, and I don’t know if I like a man or a woman.”

Have never dreamed of a youthful impulse. ——This sentence Archibald felt that his face was a bit unsustainable, so he didn’t say it.

But he thought Yang Yang’s mockery didn’t ring.

After a while, Yang Yang’s voice came, quiet and serious. He said, “Duke, you will definitely find someone who loves you very much.”

Archibald fainted. He was not used to such a serious Yang Yang, paused, and politely responded with a blessing: “Well, you too.”

Yang Yang chuckled and said, “Yes, I will find it. When I find the person I love, I will make it for him if he wants to eat. If he is injured, I will heal him. I will never let him one. People feel lonely. Make him laugh often and give him the best. “

Yang Yang’s voice was very gentle, which Archibald had never heard.

With Yang Yang’s voice, Archibald couldn’t help but trace the picture in his head. He couldn’t outline the appearance of Yang Yang’s lover, but Yang Yang’s appearance was clear in his head.

Then he “sees” Yang Yang’s bulging belly in his head.

Archibald: “………”

Archibald’s face suddenly darkened, and he turned his head near the wall and said, “You must not fall in love until the child is born. Otherwise, what should he do if he admits that he is a parent?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang was originally immersed in the pain of Archibald, but suddenly he heard Archibald’s words, and the brewing mood suddenly collapsed.

Archibald: “Why don’t you speak?”

Yang Yang drilled back into the bed and said lazily: “Rest assured, I won’t let others touch my belly. But love, who knows the right thing about love, maybe I’ll meet the person I love tomorrow And-well, good night, Duke. “

Yang Yang soon fell asleep and went to cultivate feelings with the fluorescent ball, but Archibald fell asleep for a while.

Although Yang Yang said so, he also knew that Yang Yang would not let others touch his stomach. But Yang Yang said that he has a special constitution, and children can perceive the outside world through him.

If at this time, Yang Yang meets the person he likes and then walks close, the child will definitely feel it!

Archibald felt more and more uneasy in his heart, and finally turned up and sat up. He pulled out a number from the address book and dialed it.

Soon there was a man’s voice over there: “Oh, Byrd? Call me so late, is Monta’s stinky kid again?”

The man was Wasseren, Monta’s father, and the commander of the Special Operations Regiment.

Archibald looked at the wall, opened the noise barrier on the door again, and then said, “Uncle Hua, I have something to tell you. Security patrol in the tourist season, I want to lead the team for half a month …”

At 6 o’clock the next morning, Yang Yang wrapped a ball and went out-it suddenly cooled today, and according to Roth’s forecast, it will still snow at night.

While Yang Yang wrapped her scarf around, she walked to Archibald’s door and knocked: “Duke, touch your belly.”

No one responded.

Yang Yang looked down at Lot and asked, “He is not there?”

As early as during the “confinement”, Roth shared the monitoring system of the manor with the permission of He Shu and Amber-in Amber’s words, Lott responded faster.

Roth quickly gave feedback: “Well, left the manor half an hour ago.”

Yang Yang answered, and didn’t care: “Probably something is going on, let’s go.-Rong Hui is right, warm baby like you does have some chicken ribs, you can’t use it when walking.”

Roth shook his tail, and Leopard looked forward: “Will the owner buy me another body?”

Yang Yang; “… the owner of your family has only 12,000 deposits left.”

Yesterday’s kitchen utensils and small things cost Yang Yang thousands of stars.

Roth was a little disappointed. “Then you have to work hard to make money.”

Yang Yang: “…” Who is the owner?

Today, Monta had something to stay at the base, and a guard was sent to Yangyang to the sanatorium.

Yang Yang arrived at the shop and the wood was waiting.

Wood is very enthusiastic, handed over a breakfast: “The sheep butler has not eaten yet, this is the specialty snack here, you try.”

“Thank you.”

Yang Yang took it over and found that this thing looked like burning wheat, but it was much bigger. I don’t know what ingredients to add, the taste is elastic, and the taste is mellow.

Yang Yang ate two in one breath, and then asked about the purchase of wood; “Show me the list of purchases.”

Wood handed over a paper list, and the items on it were all handwritten. Yang Yang glanced at it, and suddenly twitched.

“A whole Gala’s leg meat? This has to be over a hundred pounds.”

The eyes of the wood glowed: “Yeah, roasting the whole leg is a special feature of our shop, it is available every year.”

Yang Yang: “…”

He seemed to understand how the nearly one million losses came.

But Yang Yang didn’t say anything, and it wasn’t his turn.

Yang Yang leaned at the counter and checked that everything he said yesterday was correct. Then he returned the list to the wood and asked, “I’ll leave after eating, just the two of us?”

The wood nodded: “Well, other people stay here for final cleaning. The new kitchenware bought yesterday also needs to be cleaned. When we buy it back, it just works.”

“That’s it.” Yang Yang swallowed the last bite of “burning wheat” and straightened up, “go.”

Wood went out and drove one step ahead, and when Yang Yang left, he didn’t notice that a branch in the pot plant “dropped” and then “sticked” to Yang Yang’s coat like glue.

Yang Yang’s coat is an explosion of the old emperor star-military style camouflage. So at first glance, you really don’t see much.

The market is on the other side of the city. When Yang Yang arrived, they were less than seven o’clock, but it was already crowded.

Wood first took Yang Yang to buy the soul essence plants needed by Yang Yang-what the wood wanted was an animal leg, and he had already greeted the boss.

There are relatively few people in the soul essence plant area. The soul essence plants here are all food. Compared with the “strange and strange” in the trade market, this place is much more normal.

Yang Yang went to the shop recommended by Mu, released his soul power, and began to choose.

Because Yang Yang’s vision was white after releasing the soul power, Yang Yang was very careful during the action. But I didn’t expect that Yang Yang didn’t make a mistake, but Rott caused trouble.

Yang Yang was picking and focusing on it, and then heard a sudden “bang-wow” sound next to it, obviously something was broken. At the same time a man exclaimed: “My Mandrag!”

Yang Yang took back his soul and looked at it.

Just behind him, a skinny man stood, looking at the ground in horror. There was a pot of Mandela on the ground. The pot was broken, and Mandela was lying in the dirt, and the leaf was broken.

According to Yang Yang’s perception, this is a soul essence plant, and the grade is not bad.

And beside the potted plant, Roth stood innocently, with a branch in his mouth.

Yang Yang: “…”

There is a bad hunch.

Sure enough, the next second, the skinny man was angry: “Who is this mechanical pet!”

Yang Yang: “…”

Is it too late to pretend not to know this leopard?
