OIM 60

Chapter 60: Date

Watching Archibald and Monta leave, Yang Yang stood in the room and looked down at the snack in his hand.

——Not a dream.

Black Panther came up from one side, and the man stood up, resting his head on the table, staring at the box of snacks in Yang Yang’s hands, very puzzled.

“Master, it’s weird, why is the duke not angry? Last time you made that snake essence account, he was so angry that he broke the treatment cabin. Why not just not get angry this time and buy you a snack?”

Yang Yang has already returned to God from the events just now. He is not Archibald. He doesn’t need to spend time to understand. Such obvious things can be understood at a glance.

Yang Yang smiled, “Because he likes me.”

Rott “… ah?”

Yang Yang put the dim sum on the table, and as soon as the carton was opened, hot air drifted around, spreading the sweet flavor.

This is a small cake made of wine, one is only half a egg and looks like a small paper cup.

Yang Yang twisted one and put it in his mouth. The skin was a little tough. After biting, a sandwich of quicksand melted on the tongue surface, with a delicate scent of wine, reducing the sweetness, and merging with the bitten cake to inspire The scent of the baked cereals will remain fragrant until the belly.

Yang Yang likes this kind of snacks very much.

Instead, Rott reacted, patted Yang Yang’s arm with a large panther paw pad, and asked, “Master, do you mean that the Duke likes you? Really?”

Yang Yang compared the little cake in his hands to Rott, and asked, “Do you think there is a second answer? After knowing my photo of his dress, he actually bought me a snack?”

Rott “He rises up?”

Yang Yang threw the little cake into his mouth, and then rubbed Lotte’s leopard head “Rott, fortunately you are ai, otherwise you may be as single as Monta.”

Rott “………”

First it determined that it was not exaggerating.

Rott shook his head in disapproval and shook Yang Yang’s hand down and said, “I know you are saying that I don’t understand love, I understand, I just think the Duke’s attitude has turned too fast.-Since you guys A love affair, are you going to confess to the Duke? “

Yang Yang decisively refused “No.”

Rott pressed his face. “Why? The Duke still misunderstands that you like women.”

Yang Yang “That’s how cute it is.”

Rott “???

Yang Yang thought for a moment, and continued to say “Because I was worried that my ‘straight man’ would be scared away by his confession, so even though he was clearly saying,” I like you, I don’t want you to be close to others “, but my mouth is still on I dare not admit it, but dare to save the country by curve. Then when I see that I am close to others and show love for others, I can only sigh with pity on my tail … “

Yang Yang looked at Rott, his eyes were shining. “Don’t you think this duke is super cute?”

Rott “… I just feel poor for the Duke.”

Yang Yang “Hey, you don’t understand, this is fun.”

Rott “………”

The Black Panther sighed humanely and persuaded “Master, aren’t you afraid of playing off? If the duke suddenly figured it out, let him go and let you pursue your own happiness?”

Yang Yang gave Roth a white look. “Did you watch any dog ​​blood TV series again? How could I do that step? If one party gets hurt, what fun is it?”

Rott was even more frightened; “What is the owner planning to do?”

Yang Yang shook his finger. “You don’t need to worry about this. You just need to remember that I do all of this, just to make the Duke bravely confess to me.”

Luo Nodded and nodded, “Well, master, didn’t you say that you wanted to confess to the Duke?”

Yang Yang “Who told you right?”

Rott “………”

Men are big pigshoes!

At noon, Yang Yang took off the three-piece suit and took out the regular clothes in the storage surface.

V-neck sweaters and shirts, bland and ascetic. But when the two buttons were undone, everything became different-as long as Yang Yang moved a little, the neckline of the shirt would spread a wide gap, exposing his white and slender neck, and the clavicle that was still obvious.


Or elegantly call it slap.

Yang Yang told Lott that he would have to wait for Archibald to confess. One reason was that he really felt jealous Archibald was very cute and didn’t want to end this ambiguous period of “enemy and darkness” so soon.

Another reason is that he wasn’t sure whether Archibald liked him, whether it was mental or physical.

In short, he wasn’t sure if Archibald was sexually impulsive to him.

In the relationship of love, the mainstream of the society always places “love” higher than “sex”. The former is elegant and holy, while the latter is vulgar and dirty. So there are seemingly touching words like “I just love you, nothing about sex”.

It’s all nonsense.

In Yang Yang’s view, only couples who have lived together for many years are qualified to step on the bottom of love. Those who are in love say “no sex,” just as men say, “I’m just stingy.”

And Yang Yang is an honest man.

In his last life, he was single and died. Because of the concept of “stiffness”, he never had a one-night stand. Now it’s hard to get back to life once again. If Plato comes again … then he would be too miserable.

So, if Archibald has no sexual impulses towards him, Yang Yang will have to change his strategy-give up? Impossible, the duke didn’t sleep yet, how could he give up? Since everyone likes him, there is no third choice either when the bend is in progress or in the future. No!

Yang Yang looked at himself in the mirror, his hair was not put down, and a serious hairstyle could add to the effect of abstinence and bring more visual contrast.

Yang Yang raised her corner of her mouth, then picked up her coat and went downstairs.

There are still a lot of customers in the store-because Archibald comes to eat at noon for several days, so every noon, there are a lot of guests.

And such a good source of visitors, of course Yang Yang can not let go.

So Yang Yang suggested that in addition to his porridge, the store can sell some ordinary porridge, with some side dishes-although the dishes made by the recruits are not outstanding, but the taste is OK.

As for wood barbecue …

Yang Yang tried to improve, and then he found that it was not a problem of meat and seasoning, but a problem of wood cooking.

So Yang Yang also thought about changing the individual roast, but as soon as this proposal was made, the wood was lost immediately. ——Imagine a man of more than 180 cm who is not small in size, so a large pestle grows mushrooms in the corner, the picture is really unsightly.

So the matter was left to rest.

From another perspective, **** barbecue is also a feature. And it is not bought by anyone, such as curious, punished, or bought as a lucky bag. If you do n’t bite the skin, you will be happy to cheer—Yang Yang does n’t understand this game.

After Yang Yang appeared in the shop, the guests immediately commotion. Others noticed the coat in Yang Yang’s hand, and asked, “Do you want to go out?”

Yang Yang stopped and looked at the sound. He was an old man who came three days ago and said he was a gourmet. Yang Yang has seen his soul power and is very strong. Yang Yang’s porridge is not of much benefit to him. After all, the soul power level of porridge is there. But the elderly still come every day.

Yang Yang smiled at the old man. “Yes. Second Master said to eat outside.”


The shop suddenly made some regretful sounds, but Archibald had been here before, so the sounds were very low.

Yang Yang looked at the old man and continued, “The porridge shop is closed tomorrow, so don’t come early in the morning.”


There was a lot of regret this time.

Yang Yang only slightly yelled at the guests, and then changed the notice outside the shop to “Closed Tomorrow”, and then hung the same notice on the oil rabbit.

As soon as Yang Yang exited the Youtu account, he heard a brake from outside and looked up. It was Archibald’s car.

Yang Yang put on his coat and walked over, pulled the car door and sat in the co-pilot.

“Well, what about Monta?”

Yang Yang glanced back and did not see Monta.

Archibald’s face remained unchanged, and after starting the car, he replied, “Oh, he fell and walked. He was a bit serious. He went to the medical office and didn’t eat with us at noon.”

Yang Yang “………”

Is it the kind of wrestling that kicks and kicks? —Oh, poor Monta, for a second of silence for you.

A second later, Yang Yang gave a bright smile. “Duke is going to take me to dinner?”

Archibald heard that he didn’t inquire about Monta’s injury, and immediately felt a few degrees. He nodded and said, “A famous seafood restaurant in the health resort-I think you like seafood very much.”

Yang Yang likes it, especially the seafood here is very big, the fishy taste is not heavy, and it is more delicious than what he had eaten in his last life.

Yang Yang leaned on the back of the chair and asked deliberately, “This is also my condolences? I remember you don’t like to eat aquatic products.”

Archibald’s focus shifted by a second—he remembered my preferences, it was great.

However, his face was still expressionless. “Yes, it is for your condolences, so you like it.”

Yang Yang laughed. “That etiquette still comes and go-do you have a meeting tonight, Duke?”

Archibald’s hand tightened, and the car almost soared. Fortunately, the car had intelligent control mode detection, no problem.

Archibald moved his lips, then turned to look at Yang Yang. “What did you say?”

Yang Yang laughed and said, “Don’t be angry. I mean, the porridge I sold in the past few days has made a lot of money. This is all due to the Duke’s blessing. So I thought about using the first bucket of gold I made, please everyone Come out and play.-You patrol every day, and you rarely spend time with your uncle. “

That turned out to be the case.

Archibald was a little lost, but didn’t show it, just explaining “Yes.-I’m not angry.”

I know.

Yang Yang’s smile remained unchanged, and he continued to tease him; “Well, the Duke seems to have a very good temper today.”

Archibald “…”

Yang Yang relaxed and talked to Archibald like a casual chat. “I have said in the store that tomorrow will be closed. But I have been thinking about it for a long time and I don’t know what to invite everyone to play-after all, you should be familiar here. Then I It occurred to me that Monta had said of a wandering circus. “

Archibald “…”

Monta again?

Yang Yang “I went to find out, that circus is very famous, and it is performed randomly in some places, and everyone should not often see it. So I invite you to see the circus tonight.-I have let Rott snatched the ticket, and just happened to have a second-floor private room, but he hadn’t told his uncle that they should be free? “

Archibald “Monta probably won’t be able to come, he fell down, at least for the next two days it will not be easy to move.”

Yang Yang “………”

It’s tough, Master Duke.

Yang Yang squinted at the corner of his mouth, and made a regretful look. “That’s all, he seems to be interested.-I’ll call and uncle them to ask.”

Archibald “… um.”

But in Archibald’s mind, there was a villain who kept talking–why should he regret it? Does he want to go with Monta? Why did he remember what Monta was interested in? He doesn’t know what you are interested in!

Archibald “…”

To shut up.

At this moment, Archibald realized that the true meaning of the phrase “for the wife’s shame and life”.

Because he now wants to wipe his face and talk about Yangta’s bad words with Yang Yang—such as Monta was scared by soul beasts at night when he was five years old. Ta wanted to go deep behind the enemy and was arrested as a hostage …

Wait, does it mean that love is better?

For example, Monta has awarded nearly one million stars to the live broadcast of Qimei Youmei, and people have called him her husband.

That’s right, that’s it, it’s particularly cumbersome! Sven scum!

Yang Yang “………”

What’s the next person thinking? From the beginning, the tip of the tail has been shaking, so happy to eat together? ?
