OIM 63

Chapter 63: Click

Yang Yang could see that Archibald really wanted to get married. Yang Yang didn’t know where his consciousness of “marriage was about to get married” was cultivated, but Yang Yang couldn’t promise it for the time being.

Yang Yang expressed his affection and reason for Archibald: “Of course, marriage is to be discussed, but it is not necessary to be so anxious. We have just been in love, and we have to go step by step to have a sense of ceremony.”

Archibald looked blank: “A sense of ritual?”

what is that?

Yang Yang: “…”

it is good.

Yang Yang said straightly: “To get married, to be precise, if we want to disclose our relationship to the outside world, we have to slowly. Because my current status can’t be given up.”

Current identity?

Archibald thought about it, then his face turned black-Yang Yang ’s identity, a soul that penetrates your heart, was stamped by Monta and his elder brother as his wife; a sheep steward, who was authenticated by his family, He also announced today that he has a “wife about to give birth.”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald looked at Yang Yang with a gentle tone: “So, which identity do you plan to continue using?”

Yang Yang: “Use it all.”

Archibald: “………”

Seeing that Archibald was going to fry again, Yang Yang first made a “stop” gesture, and then explained: “I don’t want to toss, I am for my business-when using the identity of sheep steward, I mentioned it to you, remember? “

Archibald froze and remembered. But at the same time, what Yang Yang said at the same time was about the planning after the agreement was over. And this “career” is one of Yang Yang’s “preparedness”.

Archibald: “………”

Suddenly panic.Jpg

Yang Yang didn’t understand what Archibald thought. Seeing Archibald seemed to remember, he continued to say, “I want to derive the account of the sheep steward, or my oil rabbit’s sheep and sheep, into A brand.

Now that I ’ve just made the reputation of porridge, if my relationship with you is announced at this time, everyone ’s attention will definitely be out of focus, and my porridge shop will definitely not open, let alone the follow-up brand. . — Isn’t my effort these days wasted?

Therefore, for my efforts not to fool, our relationship should not be made public for the time being, shall we? “

Archibald was at a loss, after turning his eyes, he suddenly thought of something, then nodded, “OK.”

Yang Yang Yixi: “Thank you for your understanding.”

Archibald: “But you also promise me one thing.”

Yang Yang seemed to have guessed something and laughed: “Relax, I won’t get a new identity again.”

Archibald: “………”

Although I don’t want to say this, it is also important.

Archibald did not deny this, and then stated his request: “I can not disclose our relationship to the outside world so that you can use your current two identities. But tomorrow, you will go to the Civic Center Registration of marriage.”

Yang Yang: “… Ah?”

Archibald: “You also said just now,‘ to be precise, if you want to make our relationship public, you have to take it slowly. ‘— Just registering for marriage does not make our relationship public. ”


Yang Yang: “… but not to register tomorrow, is it so urgent?”

Seeing Yang Yang’s refusal, Archibald felt that what he had worried about had come true. He was a little sad and questioned: “I have fulfilled your requirements. What else do you have to hesitate? Or do you really wait for our agreement to end and then go high?”

The expression was like staring at a scum man who wanted to slip away after eating.

Yang Yang: “…”

it is good.

He understood why Archibald was so anxious to get married.

For Yang Qibode’s brain tonic ability, Yang Yang was helpless, but tracing its roots was also his own evil.

Yang Yang thought for a while, glanced aside unintentionally, saw Archibald’s tail, unconsciously hooked behind the chair, the tail was tense to the point and straightened.

Yang Yang: “…”

Forget it, isn’t that just registering for marriage?

Yang Yang looked up and smiled at Archibald: “Okay, I’ll register with you tomorrow.”

Archibald heard him agree, first hesitated, and then laughed, especially brilliant.

-Yang Yang has never seen him laugh like this.

Archibald relaxed his tail on the back of the chair, and dangled beside him. Then he clamped Yang Yang with a seafood ball and showed his embarrassment after asking for a bargain and asked Yang Yang’s career.

Archibald: “Are you saying you want to develop a brand or sell porridge?”

If that’s the case, it would be too tiring.

Yang Yang glanced at the seafood ball in the bowl, smiled, and poked with chopsticks, and replied: “No, selling porridge is only the first bucket of gold, and by the way, it’s famous-by the way, it takes me to cook this porridge. And the quantity is not large at one time, and it is impossible to make an industry. The cause I am talking about is my land.-It is the test field that I asked Amber to help, you know? “

Archibald nodded. “Is that the one Amber cultivated?”

That field is not far in front of the villa, it’s hard not to notice it.

However, Archibald did not see Yang Yang to take care of it. After the snow began to fall, the intelligent greenhouse in the field was even covered, and nothing was seen.

So until now, he didn’t know what the field was doing.

Yang Yang took a bite of the seafood ball, his eyes brightened, and the remaining one swallowed, and then he said, “That’s the one. I planted some seeds in it, all the seeds of the soul essence plant, and my business is to Planting soul spirit plants is best to make an industrial chain. “

After that, Yang Yang clipped a seafood ball to Archibald: “This is delicious, you eat it.”

Archibald’s eyes warmed, and he answered, obediently eating the seafood ball from Yang Yang, and then re-opened: “There are many companies specializing in soul essence plant business, and now this industry has almost become a Set yourself, you … “

Archibald didn’t want to hit Yang Yang, so he didn’t say the rest. ——Anyway, even if he loses, he can afford it.

Yang Yang didn’t worry about his future at all, and even got a little proud: “I know, I know it. But now those companies, first breeding, selecting this level, half of the soul essence seeds can not grow into soul essence Plants: Among the other half-grown soul essence plants, 70% are low-grade soul essence plants, and the remaining 30% are difficult to have high-grade soul essence plants.

In other words, these large companies now have mature industrial chains, but they do not have the technology to cultivate high-quality soul essence plants. — But I do. “

Archibald snapped: “You?”

Not to look down on Yang Yang, it really is … just a month ago, this man didn’t even know what the soul power was.

Yang Yang raised his chin and continued to be proud: “Yes, have you forgotten my porridge?”

Archibald did not forget, but did not understand the connection.

Yang Yang smiled: “The reason why I can make such porridge is because my soul power control precision is very high, and I can cut their soul power inside the soul essence plant, so when cutting vegetables Does not cause the soul to escape.

The same is true when planting soul spirit plants. The spirit essence plants are graded by their own soul power. As long as they are assisted and adjusted when they grow, it is not impossible to grow high-quality soul essence plants.

And what I want to do is the high-end goods in the soul essence plant industry-high-grade soul essence plants. “

Archibald looked at Yang Yang’s self-confidence and felt that Yang Yang was shining.

However, it didn’t take more than two seconds for Yang Yang to stop. “But it still takes time to explore. I have just started comparing seeds.”

To be precise, it is the difference between the soul cube and the seeds cultivated by the outside world.

Yang Yang made several groups of comparisons, soul-cube breeding, soul-cubing seedlings, and soul-cube planting, respectively, compared with those planted by the outside world according to books. And then there are those who breed inside and outside and then exchange the conditions to plant …

According to Yang Yang’s initial prediction, the plants in the soul cube must be better than the outside. But in just a few days, by observing the seedlings of several soul essence plants that had already grown, Yang Yang found that things were not what he thought.

——Because the planting surface of the soul cube can provide the plant with sufficient soul power tailored, but it will not correct the soul power of the soul essence plant.

In other words, once the hair grows crooked, the soul cube will only make it crazier.

Soul Cube’s own breed has not yet germinated, so it is unknown for the time being.

In short, the time is too short, Yang Yang still needs to toss for a while to see.

Archibald saw Yang Yang stunned, and his heart felt acupuncture. He didn’t like to see Yang Yang like this.

Archibald was not good at comforting people, so he simply encouraged: “It will succeed, I believe in you.”

Yang Yang glanced at Archibald and smiled: “I borrow your good words. Eat fast. Will you return to the patrol after you finish eating?”

Archibald nodded, expecting something: “Are you going with me?”

However, Yang Yang refused: “I’m going back to the store. You will pick me up in the afternoon. Do you know where the circus is?”

Archibald was a little lost, but didn’t show it on the face: “I know.”

Yang Yang couldn’t see Archibald’s mood—the tail was almost at his feet.

But Yang Yang pretended not to see it.

How to say, such a duke is also very cute!

After dinner, Archibald drove Yang Yang back to the grill.

They ate this meal for a long time. There are not many people left in this restaurant, and they are all coming to watch the wood barbecues. Anyway, it is also the origin of online red shops.

Yang Yang looked back at the shop door, and looked at Archibald again—the tail was still twitching.

Yang Yang thought it was funny. He thought that if he didn’t comfort him, he might be able to pull the tail into the evening.

So Yang Yang smiled, and before he got out of the car, he leaned in and kissed Archibald’s face.

“See you in the evening, Lord Duke.”

After that, Yang Yang got out of the car. And the sheep steward resumed his practice, bowed slightly to the closed door, and then turned back to the store gracefully.

In the car, Archibald looked blank and didn’t seem to know what happened. He didn’t turn his head until the sound of the door closing sounded, and he saw Yang Yang bowing to him across the window glass, and then left.

Archibald’s head was empty at this time, but his eyes seemed to have consciousness, and he followed Yang Yang into the store.

After Yang Yang completely disappeared into the barbecue shop, Archibald slowly recovered.

Be kissed.

Archibald raised his left hand and gently touched the place where Yang Yang had kissed. The flesh on his face was soft, but his lips were not as soft as Yang Yang’s. ——Are human lips so soft?

Touching her face, she lowered her hand, stopped in front of her, and moved her ring finger—but Yang Yang’s chest was much harder than her lips.

So, where else?

Arms, back, thighs, waist, hips, and …

Archibald looked at his hand stupidly, an inexplicable blood ran through his body, and a snippet of memory rolled out of his mind–the **** of Yang Yang he had ever seen.


With a soft sound, there was a long silent thing deep in the soul, and a slit cracked gently.

And Yang Yang returned to the store, at this time did not know that he had a pure farewell kiss, and opened a new world for Archibald.

As soon as he returned to the second floor of the store, he clearly targeted the black panther lying by the window waiting.

Watching Black Panther’s comfortable sleep standby position, Yang Yang showed a loving smile.
