
Chapter 125: Scolded

The people in the living room knew about the village, but only Yang Yang and the four knew about the village and medicine.

If it was before yesterday, they would only feel regretful and sympathetic when they saw Ruo Hong’s response, but now, other people Yang Yang don’t know, but Archibald must be a bit guilty.

Archibald was standing beside him, and suddenly said to Yang Yang, “I’m going to the training room first.”

Yang Yang smiled and nodded, “Well, don’t forget dinner.”

Archibald responded and turned away from the living room.

Yang Yang watched Archibald leave, but said in his mind: [Rott, keep up with the Duke’s terminal. 】

Lot was at a loss, but still obediently: [Okay, master. 】

In the living room, the children watched the puffs for a while and then lost interest-they didn’t dare to touch them, they didn’t understand, and they couldn’t play.

Soon they dispersed.

The puff originally made his own “Territory Declaration” on the coffee table. As a result, everyone ran away.

Puff: “???”

“You’re almost there.”

Yang Yang held up a puff with a question mark and squeezed his round ears. “How long has it broken the shell? Most people don’t even have their heads. You still show up.”

Puff: “Huh! Huh!”

What matters is momentum, momentum!

You don’t need to understand to know that you are talking back.

Yang Yang poked at his small brain: “If you want to be the boss, grow up quickly, and then be as powerful as your little dad.”

The puff supported Yang Yang’s wrist and twisted his buttocks: “Um … uh …”

Yang Yang thought he was introspection and relented: “Knowing what’s wrong is fine. Although you are my little cute, I won’t be used to-“

Suddenly, Yang Yang’s voice came to an abrupt halt, and then the whole person was fixed there as if he had been clicked.

At the same time, the sound of “lilili” sounded in the living room. The hot water column slid down the floor along Yang Yang’s fingers and palms, ticking, ticking.

Yang Yang: “…”

Others in the living room: “………”

Monta: “Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!”

Ashby didn’t hold back a laugh either, then coughed and said, “He might just want to pee, just now-you don’t understand the puff.”

Yang Yang: “…”

His mood is a little more complicated now.

Yang Yang glanced at the puff in his hand.

The puff was also shy. He hummed twice after urinating, then lay his head down on Yang Yang’s wrist, and then wrapped his head with two small meat claws-holding an ostrich.

He doesn’t want to lose face!

He Shu came over with a smile, held the puff with both hands, and said to Yang Yang, “Go and wash, I will wipe him.”

What can Yang Yang do, his cub, of course, forgive him with a smile.

Yang Yang held her wet hand and walked towards the bathroom. She passed by Monta, who was still shaking with laughter, and stretched her feet.

Monta: “Ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Yang Yang: “…”

You laughed.

Yang Yang was a doctor in his life, and he was more or less clean. But in the last days, in the face of life, any clean habit is a cloud.

What’s more, it wasn’t anyone else who urinated. He came out of his stomach and could dislike it.

When Yang Yang washed his hands and was about to return to the living room, he heard Monta’s voice ringing in his head.

[Master, Lord Duke called Ruohong out. 】

Yang Yang’s footsteps paused and stopped: “Where? 】

Lot: [In front of the foundation of the newly built villa, the master, do you want to monitor it? 】

Yang Yang hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked towards the training room: “No, I’ll go and see for myself. 】

Rot: [Okay, master. 】

In fact, without Roth monitoring, Yang Yang could also guess what Archibald would say to Ruohong. -Or he wouldn’t let Roth notice Archibald’s movements.

The newly built villa is a little distance from this villa. Two small gardens are separated in the middle. Because it is a large-scale expansion, after entering the side door, the purpose is a building site-like scene.

Yang Yang bypassed the piled building materials and walked towards the new villa.

In front of the last garden, Yang Yang stopped and could already see Archibald and Ruohong.

Ruohong hugged the child and stood face to face with Archibald.

Archibald’s expression was sincere, looking at what Ruohong was talking about.

If Hong was looking down at the child in her arms, she didn’t know if she was listening.

Soon, Archibald finished, and then he bent down deeply towards Ruohong. After a few seconds, Archibald stood up again, and then said two more words, turned and left. Already.

But as soon as Archibald turned, Ruohong raised his head and said something.

Archibald stopped and turned to look at Ruohong.

If it didn’t stop, the expression gradually became excited, and the final voice almost roared.

Yang Yang vaguely heard the word “child”.

Yang Yang frowned and was about to go out, but someone interrupted Ruo Hong one step earlier—the child in her arms was crying.

Maybe she was startled by her voice and the child was sobbing exhausted.

If Ruohong’s action stopped, she calmed the children in her arms, and when the child calmed down a little, Ruohong said something.

Archibald heard it, paused, and turned away.

Instead of returning to the living room, he went to the training room.

Yang Yang stood in place for a few seconds, staring at Ruohong-Ruohong looked down at the child, but Yang Yang still saw tears on her face.

Yang Yang pursed her lips, eventually did not go out, and returned to the living room.

The puffs were wiped clean and put on Abel’s head.

Aber’s height was unmatched in this room. As soon as he stood up, the puff above his head screamed in excitement.

Abel was on his hips, proudly haha; “How about, is it higher than your little dad! Grandpa is the best!”


The puff responded, then spread his arms and legs, and threw it over Abel’s head.

Then the next second, Puff’s excited little leopard’s face froze and twisted: “Uh-huh …”

When Yang Yang came in, he just saw this picture. When he saw this, he couldn’t help but said, “You won’t have to pee again?”

Abel: “………”

Puff: “………”

Puff: “Hmm!”


The puff tried to get up without success, and then stretched out his short legs to Yang Yang: “Uh oh … uh …”

Big dad hugs.

Yang Yang was weird. He walked over and took the puff from Abel’s head. He asked, “What’s wrong?”

The puff’s tail and short legs are enough toward the belly: “Hmm! Hmm!”

Here, here.

“Just got stuck.”

Still wanting to understand with Shu, look at Abel’s head, “Abel’s hair is too short.”

Puff: “Well !!!”

It is! It’s itchy!

Yang Yang laughed. After sitting down, he put the puff on his lap and scratched his belly.

The puff was fine for a while, then the four short legs hugged Yang Yang’s hand, his tail rolled up his wrist, and his head hummed with Yang Yang’s palm.

Yang Yang understood what he was doing, scratched his puff with his backhand, and said, “Okay, pee and pee, it’s not your fault. But next time you pee or pee, tell me.”

But after a pause, Yang Yang felt that the language of the current puff, even if he said it, he didn’t understand it-for example just now.

So Yang Yang added: “The next time you are like this, raise a hand, and then uh.”

The puff understood, and immediately raised a small front paw, “Hmm!”

Yang Yang: “Yes, that’s it. It’s so smart.”

The puffs were happy and rolled on Yang Yang’s legs.

Abel looked a little warm on the side, turning his head and He Shu whispered, “Baby, otherwise I keep my hair long?”

He Shu: “………”

Imagine Abel with fluttering hair.

He Shu smiled: “You try one.”

Abel: “………”

Abel shifted the topic decisively, and looked at Yang Yang and said, “Yang Yang, since the child’s name has already been set, tomorrow you will go to Bird Center with Bird and sample the household information and biological information for Puff . “

Yang Yang nodded; “OK.”

Monta on one side suddenly said, “Then you better wear a mask, so as not to be beaten.”

Yang Yang looked inexplicably.

The puff on his leg also looked at Monta, revealing the toothless pink gums, and the evil dragon growled, “Huh!”

Wash you!

“Don’t kill me,”

Monta raised her hand and surrendered to the puff. “I’m not going to hit your big dad.”

After speaking, Monta looked at Yang Yang again, with a ridiculous expression: “Did you not post a Weibo with the account of sheep steward before? A lot of people scold now,-Rott didn’t tell you?”

Rott crouched beside the wall and looked at them silently, grievingly: “The owner has banned my net.”

Yang Yang raised an eyebrow at Rot, and Rot turned silently back to face the wall.

After reminding Monta, Yang Yang also remembered his previous Weibo post. What did he send back then …

Yang Yang: “…”

Oh, remember.

Abel didn’t know much about Xingwang. He didn’t know about it yet. He just said he was a little puzzled: “You two masters haven’t gotten tired of it yet?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Old father, is your focus a bit crooked?

He Shu looked back at Abel and did not speak.

Abel: “………”

Understood, he shut up.

He Shu shook his head, and was a little curious when he retracted his gaze. He opened the terminal and said, “What have you made?”

Yang Yang: “… expresses a feeling of joy.”

Then everyone in the room saw his joy.

@YangYangYang: I picked it up and called it puff, it will be mine in the future! [image]

Ashby raised an eyebrow and saw the truth: “You didn’t recognize the puff as your cub?”

Yang Yang gave up struggling: “… I didn’t know that Bimorph was long-haired when he was a kid.”

Asheborn laughed, shook his head and turned the comments below, but frowned slightly.

[Wow, the sheep steward is back! Spread the flowers! !! 】

[This is the child of the sheep steward? It wasn’t that I was born four months ago, it was three months earlier! 】

[The word “it” is not yours at first glance. 】

[No matter who you are, kidding your kids as pets, let’s go. Disappointed. 】

[30% of single-form parents cannot empathize with bi-form children. This is based on survey data. Hopefully. 】

[Playing with your child as a pet, is it reasonable to be upstairs? This year’s horrible powder is really scary. 】

[I still remember the news that single-form fathers kept children of double-form pups in pet cages. 】

In the comments, the rhythm of Yang Yang’s playing with the cubs was brought up, but Yang Yang also has a lot of fans, and the backing of the Dotton family is there, so although this Weibo has been noisy, it has not The news number dares to make a conclusion.

Even so, it’s hard to ignore.

Ashbine looked at Yang Yang and said, “If you have no other purpose for keeping the account of the sheep steward, it is better to clarify your identity. After all, the child has broken the shell, and you will not have a chance to show up together.”

Yang Yang nodded; “I know that I have already discussed with the Duke before, and will make it public when the child breaks the shell. When the Duke comes back, I’ll see how to do it.-I’ll make dinner first.”

The fruit’s soul power cannot be broken, and today it has been two meals away, and this dinner is a must.


Chapter 126: Lying down!

However, when Archibald returned, Yang Yang did not immediately discuss the issue with Archibald.

Because Archibald’s condition is not very good.

Yang Yang is on the top floor, with his two fathers, and he is familiar with his puff with his puff—because it is a bi-shaped pup, in addition to the small nest and small bed, there are some transparent pipes on the wall. Indoor playground.

When Archibald returned, Yang Yang stood at the door of the puff’s room and saw Archibald for the first time.

Archibald’s face was not very good, and there was a scratch on his right arm—except for practice, Archibald would rarely be injured in the training room.

Yang Yang greeted up, his gaze rested on Archibald’s arm.

“what happened?”

Archibald didn’t hide, “Soulpower is agitated.”

Yang Yang heard that immediately opened the horizon of soul power, and then saw that the black fragments on Archibald’s body became more and more, has been distributed throughout the upper body, but the density is still sparse.

But compared with the one I saw last night, this increasing speed makes Yang Yang a little helpless.

Yang Yang took back her soul power, took a breath, pressed the anxiety in her heart, and smiled: “I cooked some porridge, you go to the bath, I will bring it to you.”

Archibald saw through his mood.

He touched Yang Yang’s face, rubbed his thumb over Yang Yang’s raised lip, and said quietly, “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Yang Yang grabbed Archibald’s hand and kissed his head side by side. “I try not to worry too much.”

Archibald retracted his hand and smiled. “Then I’ll take a shower first.”

Yang Yang: “Okay.”

It was already dark.

Yang Yang got the porridge, but he didn’t stay downstairs to eat, but he went upstairs together.

No one else was upstairs. Yang Yang went into the bedroom and found that the bathroom door was not closed, and there was still a sound of water splashing in it, and a cheerful “umm” sound.

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang put down the dinner plate and pushed directly into the door.

In the bathroom, white mist dazzled, Archibald was soaking in the bathtub naked, and the wet black hair was put behind him by his head, revealing a handsome face.

His face was a little better, but his face was expressionless, his eyelids were half-dropped, and he exuded a kind of cold sternness.

At the other end of the bathtub, a little caramel-colored guy was struggling with water in a dog-planning stroke.

Even if he didn’t grasp the direction well, he almost circled in situ, but every time he was about to hit the bathtub, a black tip of the tail would pop up underwater, turning the little guy’s direction back.

Yang Yang’s mouth could not help holding a smile and knocked gently on the door: “When are your father and son planning to play?”

The sound echoed in the bathroom, and all the big and small in the bathtub turned around and looked over.

Big black eyes squirt water, small excitement patted the water.

Then he also invited Yang Yang at the same time.

Archibald raised his hand, and made a splash of water, like a siren swimming from the deep sea, “Come here.”

Puff shakes his tail to drain the flower: “Hmm!”

Big dad, come here too!

Yang Yang laughed, but didn’t look at the puff, but walked over with locked eyes of Archibald.

Puff: “… ????”

Yang Yang walked over to sit by the bathtub, and Archibald’s outstretched hand naturally caught Yang Yang’s waist and looked up to kiss Yang Yang.

Yang Yang managed the wet hair that slipped off Archibald’s forehead, and asked softly, “Are you better?”


Archibald’s wet hands touched Yang Yang’s thigh. “Wash together?”

Yang Yang raised an eyebrow and ran his fingers across the tooth marks on Archibald’s shoulder. “Master, there is a child here.”

Archibald chuckled. “I didn’t say what to do?”

“But I think so.”

Yang Yang calmly, then stood up, “Okay, you two will wash out soon, and the dinner will be cold.-The puff’s milk is soaked.”

Archibald let go of Yang Yang, a tip of his tail, and brought the puff.

“You wipe the puffs and I’ll be out soon.”

“it is good.”

Yang Yang took over the puffs like a soup chicken, but when he saw the little boy’s expression unhappy, he stretched his head angrily.

“What are you doing?”

Yang Yang choked the water on the puff wool and wrapped him in a towel.

Puff grieved: “Huh! Huh!”

No, dear, me!

Archibald smelled the vinegar in the puff’s voice and laughed, “I want you to kiss him too.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang glanced at Archibald and whispered, “This is definitely for you.”

Archibald smiled and indulged, looking “what you say is what”.

Yang Yang gave him a white look, then bowed his head and kissed the puff’s forehead.

Puff was satisfied and turned to look at Archibald again: “Hmm!”

Little dad is also kissing!

“Just you will toss.”

Yang Yang understood and murmured, but he still passed the puff to Archibald and let Archibald kiss him.

Yang Yang held the puff and went out, looking back at Archibald: “Hurry up, don’t soak for too long.”

Archibald: “OK.”

Archibald came out a little slowly, and when he was packed, the puff had finished drinking his milk and slept back and forth.

Yang Yang put the puff in the nest near the pillow, and looked back at Archibald, who just came out, and said softly, “There is something in his room to arrange, and he has to sleep with us for a few days.”


Archibald wore only a bathrobe, came over to pull Yang Yang, and bowed his head and kissed.

Yang Yang held out his hand and supported Archibald’s shoulders, and opened his mouth obediently. Ren Archibald demanded, and it took a while to part his lips.

Yang Yang breathed lightly, and his eyes were sloppy, and he pointedly said, “When the puff’s room is ready, I will let Lotte be a nanny.”

The spine knows something like Yang Yang.

Archibald stared at Yang Yang’s eyes, his arms tightened a little, but his head was restrained, and he gently pecked Yang Yang’s nose and forehead: “Don’t look at me with this look.”

The voice was a little dumb and a little bit wronged.

Yang Yang couldn’t help laughing: “You look exactly like puffs.”

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang kissed Archibald’s face, and then broke away from Archibald’s embrace, and smiled, “Come and eat, and take a good night’s rest after eating. Dad asked us to go to the Civic Center tomorrow and give the puff Household level. “

Archibald stared at Yang Yang for a while, then exhaled and walked over: “Okay.”

Early the next morning, Yang Yang was awake.

Yang Yang opened his eyes and aimed at a handful of caramel-colored hair.

——It turned out that the puff had left his den when he didn’t know when, at this time the whole obliquely crosses Yang Yang’s face.

Yang Yang: “…”

Should he be glad that the puffs didn’t wet the bed?

Yang Yang reluctantly reached out and supported the puff’s back, then unloaded the puff from his face.

The little guy didn’t realize it, but felt that something was missing in his arms, his four short legs shaking wildly in the air, his mouth humming.

Yang Yang looked funny, glanced around, then took a small toy from the puff’s nest and shoved it into his arms. Then the puff stopped.

“Woke up.”

Archibald returned from morning training, and looked better than last night.

Yang Yang glanced at the sky outside. The black before the dawn faded away, and the sky was grayish white, at least two hours earlier than the usual morning bird training.

Yang Yang frowned and asked, “Did you sleep well?”

Archibald came over, bent down and kissed Yang Yang. “It’s much better now.”

Yang Yang looked at Archibald without questioning, and said, “I’m going to make breakfast. You can wash and sweat.”

Archibald: “Well.”

At nine o’clock in the morning, Yang Yang and Archibald finished packing and went out with puffs.

The puff just woke up, some sticky people, when Yang Yang got into the car and put milk on his leg, the puff had four short legs holding the bottle, and his tail had to roll around Yang Yang’s wrist. He kept humming.

Yang Yang pointed his puff and rolled his tail, and watched Archibald: “This is what I learned from you.”

Archibald raised his eyebrows, and his tail stretched out, hooking Yang Yang’s waist—you said you learned me anyway.

Yang Yang: “…”

Ah, miss the little angel with red ears as soon as he plays.

When the car arrived at the Civic Center, there were only two or three people in each window department because the annual leave had not yet passed, and the whole building looked deserted.

Yang Yang entered with Archibald, and immediately caught the attention of the few on duty.

Then the only seven or eight people at the same time showed a surprised expression, and then immediately became a eager eager to eat melon.

——Youtuo has a regional hot list function. The other 8 planets have the division of planets, continents, and cities. Only the old emperor star has only one planet area. After all, the smallest population, and the local melon that can eat many.

But since the Duchess and the sheep steward came, not only did the old Emperor have more melon, but each melon could also rank in the empire’s heat.

For example, the Weibo of the sheep steward yesterday.

Now, the melon farmer comes with freshly baked melon.

The officer on duty said-this is their least lonely New Year.

“Master Duke, sheep steward, happy new year!”

Immediately, the few staff members stood up and were extremely enthusiastic.

Archibald: “………”

Yang Yang: “…”

Ah, it’s been a long absence.

Yang Yang held the puff, greeted the staff with a smile, and then went to the citizen registration window.

The staff at this window is an acquaintance—Pella, who registered them for marriage.

Yang Yang smiled: “It’s you, what a coincidence.”

Perla was somewhat surprised that Yang Yang still remembered her, her smile was really happy, but she was not rude.

“My honor.-I saw your Weibo yesterday. Did you come to register your child today?”


Yang Yang put the puff still wrapped around him on the table, but the puff picked up his hand and couldn’t unload it.

Yang Yang reluctantly said to Archibald: “Duke, you can get it.”


Archibald answered, but asked Yang Yang sideways, “Weibo?”

Ah yes, I haven’t told Archibald yet.

But this is not the place to say.

“I’m finished telling you.”

Archibald didn’t care, nodded, and took over the electronic record board that Pera had handed over.

Pereira explained: “Master Duke, this form only needs to fill in the child’s name, and then use the terminal of both parents to confirm it.”

“it is good.”

Archibald glanced at the electronic board and wrote down the name of the puff. Then I opened my terminal, scanned the star code on the electronic version to confirm, and handed it to Yang Yang, “Scan the terminal.”

Yang Yang reached out his hand: “You get it.”

Archibald passed Yang Yang’s hand, opened the terminal to scan for confirmation, and handed the electronic board to Pella.

Perla took it with a smile and started making citizenship terminal chips.

All the staff besides them are now aggressive.

——Did they read it wrong? Did the Duke scan the stars?

——Why does the Duke scan the stars?

–there is only one truth

-Lying down!
