8. When you ask for his hoodie

Jey: Today you knew Joshua would be going on another long road trip and you hated it when he was away especially while your pregnant with his little girl. "Bae I love you." "Whatcha need Y/n," he asks. "Your sweater," you reply as he just looked at you.

For a few moments he stood there and actually pondered about it which made you nervous. "Why you want it?" "Because I miss your smell when your gone and I miss you," You answer with those puppy dog eyes he has trouble denying.

"Fine here ya go Ma," he crumbled as he also put a little of his signature cologne on it. "Thank you," You say just as you kiss his lips.

Cody: It was during the first date that he gave you his hoodie. It wasn't necessarily you asking for it either it was more given to you then anything. "Thanks for the hoodie Codes," you comment as you see the small smile on his face. "Now gimme a kiss Y/n."

Solo: You were hesitant at first since the last time you asked for a guys sweater he had beaten you. Tonight was no different but instead you two had gone out on a date and you had forgotten your jacket in his car. Since you were shivering and you knew Joseph was the type of his to have a sweater on you grabbed the courage to ask him. "Joseph can I borrow your sweater," you ask as it came out to make you seem very shy about it. "Of course you can beautiful," he replied before taking his jacket off and the his sweater and handing it to you.

La Knight: "Y/n where are all my sweaters," Shaun questioned as he ran around the house looking for one. "Oh you mean these," you said as you pulled open the bottom drawer on your side of the closet. "Why are they in here," he questioned as you instantly began to feel shy about it. "Because I like to wear them," you say shyly. "Next time ask because ion wanna run around with my head cut off," he joked before he pressed a kiss to your lips.
