26.Jey Uso - You're a hothead

As perusal you were sitting in The Bloodline locker room with your family when all of the sudden Jey starts going off about Sami. "You really are a hothead aren't you," You say which grabs his attention.

Jey Uso: "You know, I've been carrying this family on my back for years now. I go out there every night and give everything I've got. But it seems like some people think I'm just a hothead. Someone who can't control his emotions."

Y/n: "Oh, really, Jey? You think you're the only one who sacrifices? The only one who feels the pressure? You've always been a hothead, and it's about time someone called you out on it. Maybe if you could keep your cool, you'd see that we're all in this together."

Jey Uso: "Is that right? You think I don’t see the big picture? I’ve been in this game long enough to know what it takes to survive. But sometimes, little sis, you gotta have that fire, that passion to keep pushing forward."

Y/n: "Passion? There’s a difference between passion and recklessness, Jey. Your hotheadedness puts not just you, but all of us at risk. We can't afford to lose you to another suspension or worse."

Jey Uso: "Suspension? You think I care about suspensions? I care about this family and our legacy. I won’t let anyone walk all over us, even if it means getting a little hot under the collar."

Y/n: "And that's exactly why you need to listen, Jey. Use that fire, but control it. Channel it the right way, or it’s going to burn everything down, including our legacy."

Jey Uso: "You know what, Y/n? Maybe you're right. Maybe I do need to control it better. But don’t ever mistake my fire for weakness. It’s what makes me who I am. And it’s what’s going to keep this family on top."

Y/n:  "Then prove it, Jey. Show everyone that you can be more than just a hothead. Be the leader we know you can be. Because if you can't, then maybe it's time someone else to step up."

As you walked away you realized your older supposed to be mentor brother was nothing but a hothead.
