40. Finn Balor- Protector

The lights in the WWE arena flashed brilliantly, casting an electric glow over the roaring crowd. Finn Balor, one of the company's most beloved superstars, stood in the ring, absorbing the energy. Tonight, he had delivered another stellar performance, but his mind was not entirely on the match. Instead, he was thinking about his girlfriend, Danielle, waiting backstage. 

Danielle had been by Finn's side for over two years. She was not just his partner in life but also an important part of the WWE family, working as a backstage interviewer. Despite her professionalism and dedication, she had become a target for some of the less respectful superstars. Finn's protective instincts often clashed with his professional demeanor whenever he heard the whispers and cruel remarks directed at her.

As he made his way back to the locker room, Finn's heart raced. He spotted Danielle talking with one of the production crew members, her bright smile lighting up the dim backstage area. He felt a surge of pride and love, but his happiness was quickly overshadowed when he noticed Baron Corbin and his cronies lingering nearby.

Baron Corbin had always been a thorn in Finn's side, both in and out of the ring. His snide remarks and antagonistic behavior had escalated ever since Danielle came into the picture. Finn quickened his pace, determined to intercept any potential confrontation.

"Finn, great match out there," Danielle said warmly as she saw him approaching.

"Thanks, love," Finn replied, pulling her into a quick hug. He kept one eye on Corbin, who was smirking in their direction.

"Hey, Balor!" Corbin called out, his voice dripping with mockery. "Nice match. Too bad your girlfriend here has to settle for an underdog."

Danielle stiffened, but Finn's grip on her shoulder tightened protectively. He turned to face Corbin, his expression cold.

"Corbin, why don't you shut your mouth for once?" Finn's voice was low and dangerous.

"What's the matter, Balor? Can't handle a little banter? Or are you just scared I'm right?" Corbin sneered, his friends chuckling behind him.

Finn took a step forward, but Danielle placed a hand on his chest, stopping him. "Finn, don't," she whispered. "He's not worth it."

Corbin laughed, clearly enjoying the reaction he was getting. "Yeah, Balor, listen to your girlfriend. She knows her place."

Finn's fists clenched, but he knew Danielle was right. Causing a scene would only play into Corbin's hands. Instead, he took a deep breath and guided Danielle away, ignoring the jeers and taunts that followed them.

Back in the privacy of their locker room, Finn's frustration boiled over. "I can't stand that guy! The way he talks to you—it's infuriating!"

Danielle sighed, sitting down on the bench. "I know, Finn. But we can't let him get to us. He's just trying to provoke you."

Finn knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his. "I just hate seeing you hurt, Dani. You deserve better than this."

She smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair from his face. "I can handle it, Finn. I'm tougher than I look, remember?"

Finn knew she was right. Danielle was incredibly strong, both physically and mentally. But that didn't stop him from worrying. He kissed her hands, trying to calm the storm inside him.

Over the next few weeks, Corbin's taunts continued, becoming a regular occurrence. Danielle handled it with grace, never letting him see how much his words affected her. But Finn could see the strain it was putting on her, and it made him even more determined to put an end to it.

One evening, after a particularly grueling match, Finn found Danielle in tears in the empty locker room. His heart broke at the sight, and he rushed to her side.

"Dani, what happened?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

She looked up, wiping her eyes. "It's just... everything. Corbin, his friends, the constant remarks. It's getting to me, Finn."

Finn pulled her into a tight embrace, anger and sadness mixing in his chest. "I'm so sorry, love. I should have done more to protect you."

Danielle shook her head. "It's not your fault. But I don't know how much more I can take."

Finn knew he had to do something. He couldn't stand by and watch the woman he loved be torn apart by bullies. The next day, he went straight to management and demanded a match with Corbin. It wasn't just about revenge; it was about standing up for Danielle and showing her that he would always fight for her.

The match was scheduled for the following week. The entire WWE universe was abuzz with anticipation, knowing that this clash was more personal than any before. Finn trained harder than ever, fueled by his love for Danielle and his desire to see her smile again.

When the night of the match arrived, the atmosphere was electric. Danielle watched from backstage, her heart pounding. She knew how important this was to Finn, but she also knew the risks. Wrestling was dangerous, and she couldn't help but worry about him.

Finn entered the ring, his gaze fixed on Corbin, who wore a smug expression. The bell rang, and the match began. It was a brutal, back-and-forth battle, each man giving everything they had. Finn fought with a ferocity he had never shown before, driven by his need to defend Danielle's honor.

The turning point came when Corbin, in a desperate move, tried to use a steel chair. The referee was distracted, and it seemed like all hope was lost. But Finn, fueled by sheer determination, managed to dodge the attack and deliver a devastating Coup de Grâce, securing the victory.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Finn stood victorious, breathing heavily but feeling a sense of triumph. He looked to the backstage area, where he knew Danielle was watching. For a moment, their eyes met, and he saw the pride and love in her gaze.

Backstage, Danielle rushed to meet him, throwing her arms around him the moment he stepped through the curtain. "You did it, Finn! You really did it!"

He held her close, feeling a mixture of relief and joy. "I told you I'd always protect you, Dani. No one messes with my girl."

Danielle smiled through her tears. "I love you, Finn."

"I love you too," he replied, kissing her deeply.

The weeks following the match were a time of healing and growth for both Finn and Danielle. Corbin, humiliated and defeated, backed off, leaving them in peace. Danielle continued her work with renewed confidence, no longer letting the cruel remarks get to her.

Finn, ever the protective boyfriend, remained vigilant but was finally able to relax, knowing he had proven his dedication to Danielle. They were stronger together, their bond unbreakable.

As the months passed, their love only deepened. They faced challenges together, always supporting and uplifting each other. Finn continued to rise in the WWE ranks, but his greatest victory was knowing he had someone like Danielle by his side.

One evening, after a particularly successful pay-per-view event, Finn and Danielle found themselves alone in the ring, the arena empty. Finn looked around, taking in the quiet, and then turned to Danielle.

"This ring has seen so much, Dani. But the best part is knowing I have you with me through it all."

Danielle smiled, her eyes shining with love. "And I'll always be here, Finn. No matter what."

He took her hands, pulling her close. "You make everything worth it. I promise I'll always protect you, always stand by you."

Danielle kissed him softly. "And I promise to always believe in you, Finn. Together, we can handle anything."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Finn knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. In the world of WWE, where rivalries and drama were a constant, their love was a beacon of strength and resilience.

And as the lights dimmed and the arena grew quiet, Finn Balor and Danielle held onto each other, ready to face whatever the future held, knowing that their love was the ultimate victory
