17. Santos Escobar- Surprise!?

Today was Friday Night Smackdown and I had to do a spot with the rest of LWO (minus Rey because you know) and they were against Judgement day for the tag team titles. Earlier that day you were told you had to a spot where you had to have the shit beat out of you by Rhea and Dominik.

Tonight you were backstage chilling with your boyfriend Santos and the rest of his friends. They treated you like you were the whole world and so didn't Santos. While chilling with him you realized that you haven't had your period in a long time and to top it all off you haven't been feeling well either.

"Everything alright Y/n you look a bit distressed," Humberto asked since he was the one to notice you tapping your fingers against the table.

"Everything's as great as it can be," you replied.

After the nervous look you gave everyone Santos pulled you onto his lap to help you calm down a tad. Even though he tried to calm you down you became more stressed when you smelt the horrific smell of EGGS. They've been your worst nightmare for the past couple of weeks. You can't even cook them let alone be around them in general.

"I'll be back baby," you say before hopping off his lap and heading to the women's locker room. While vomiting your guts out Zelina Vega came up behind you. "Girl I think you need to take this," she said before handing you a pregnancy test.

Taking you took a deep breath while waiting the fifteen minutes as the box told you to do. Soon your timer on the phone went off and boom it was positive. Your breath hitched in your throat. To top it all off was the fact that your segment was in less then twenty minutes.

"So LWO you really think you can attack señor money in the Bank from behind and not have any payback?" Rhea questioned inside the ring.

"No I just think your bitch ass needs to shut the hell up," you replied trying your hardest to figure out how to make sure you didn't hurt the baby in the process of the "attack".

"Aww how cute Y/n trying to disrespect me," she cooed before grabbing the front of your t-shirt.

"Wait... wait. I'm pregnant. Please," I pleaded with the whole arena going quiet including Santos. Disbelief was written across his face as thankfully she decided to let you go.

