18. Pat McAfee- You are in so much trouble

A.N: These next two requests have been requested by hardywoman99. Enjoy!

Emma's P.O.V

It was a normal Saturday night for myself as my dad was out to a wrestling show which left me army grandparents home for the weekend. It absolutely sucked; like why couldn't I go with him? Being without my mom also made everything worse and boring.

Tonight there was a party at Jacob's house and I had plans of going whether he liked it or not. Dad always hated when I wanted to go to friends house and if I'm honest I have no idea why.

"Honey you dad's wants to talk to you," Grandma called to which I began to drag myself down the stairs to talk to him.

"Hey dad! How's work?" I asked trying to make it sound like I was bored out of my mind even though I was going to a party later on.

"Just wanted to check I on you just don't do anything dumb that'll get you in trouble," he responded before he hung up the phone like he usually did.

Grandma and Grandpa both looked at me with despair in their eyes as if they felt guilty for what my father always put me through. Carefully I made my way upstairs to slip on my dress, shoes and finish up my makeup.

Once that was done, I placed a fake body in my bed, as I slung my small figure out the window. Gently the wind picked up moving the small strand of my brown hair into my face.

At the party, the music blared, people drank and I kept looking around for people that I knew. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. Hours passed as everyone heard sirens blare outside with everyone in mere vicinity of the police were arrested including myself.

Pat's P.O.V

I had just finished up for the night in Massachusetts when I got a call from my parents saying that Emma was nowhere to be found inside the house. I tried everything, including calling her cellphone. She better not have snuck out to that damn party she was talking about earlier in the week.

While sitting inside my hotel room I sat there wondering exactly when I would be able to find her. As I was watching tik tok a message from TMZ.

Breaking News: Daughter of Pat McAfee arrested for being at an illegal party with drugs and alcohol.

"She is in so much trouble when I get home!"
