16. Damian Priest: I'm so proud of you!

Tonight was wrestlemania and you were sitting front row to watch the whole second night along with your boyfriend's family. As excited as you were to see the ladder match you were hoping he wouldn't lose the belts to R-Truth and Miz.

Once the match had started you were on the edge of your seat for most of it even when they had lost. "Y/n you gonna be alright?" his parents asked. You nodded back in response so you would not have to take your eyes off of the ring even when it was time for Drew vs. Seth for the world heavyweight championship.

When you first heard Samatha Irvin say the names of Grayson Waller, Austin Theory, R-Truth and Miz you were a little disappointed. However, you had your full attention towards the ring to see who was gonna be the new World Heavyweight Champion.

Half an hour later you heard the bell ring and the music of the Scottish warrior playing. "And here we are with this loser being our world heavyweight champion," CM Punk said before he knocked Drew off of the announce desk.

As he began to attack him, you heard the amazing punk rock music of your boyfriend. "Oh my God is Damian Priest going to cash in," Cole questioned while you sat there hoping he would beat Drew.

Once he got Drew into the ring, the bell rung as he hit the sound from the south chokeslam on him. "1.2.3. Ding. Ding," everyone cheered as you pulled yourself over the barricade and into the ring.

"You did it baby. You did it," you screamed as you wrapped you legs around his waist and began to kiss him. "We did Y/n! Together babygirl," he said as he pulled you out of the ring and up the ramp.

Hope this is what you wanted!!!!
