61. Tomasso Ciampa - I'm just trying to protect you

Tommaso Ciampa was known in the wrestling world as one of the toughest, most relentless competitors. His intensity inside the ring was matched only by his devotion to his family, especially his little sister, Alexis. Ever since their parents passed away when Alexis was just a child, Tommaso had taken on the role of protector, mentor, and guardian. He was her rock, and she was his light.

Alexis, now seventeen, had grown into a strong, independent young woman. She admired her brother's dedication and strength but felt suffocated by his overprotectiveness. She understood his intentions came from a place of love, but she longed for the freedom to make her own choices and learn from her own mistakes.

One evening, after Tommaso's latest match, they sat in their modest apartment. Alexis was excitedly talking about a party her friends were hosting. Tommaso, exhausted and still nursing his injuries from the match, immediately tensed up.

"A party?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. "Who's going to be there? Do you know how dangerous it could be?"

Alexis sighed, her frustration bubbling to the surface. "Tommy, I'm not a little kid anymore! I can take care of myself."

Tommaso's face softened, but his eyes remained stern. "I know you're not a kid, Lexi. But the world is full of dangers you can't even imagine. I've seen things, experienced things... I just don't want you to get hurt."

"You're always saying that!" Alexis shot back, her voice trembling with emotion. "But you never let me live my life. I love you, Tommy, but I need to be able to make my own decisions."

The tension between them was palpable. Tommaso took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Lexi, I love you so much. More than anything in this world. I don't want to lose you. Every time you walk out that door, I worry it might be the last time I see you."

Alexis's eyes filled with tears. She knew her brother's love was genuine and deep, but she also knew she had to stand her ground. "I get it, Tommy. I really do. But you have to trust me. I need you to trust that you've raised me well enough to take care of myself."

Tommaso's shoulders slumped, and for a moment, the fierce wrestler was replaced by a vulnerable brother. He reached out, pulling Alexis into a tight embrace. "I do trust you, Lexi. It's just hard to let go. But I'll try. For you."

Alexis hugged him back, feeling the warmth and security that only her brother could provide. "Thank you, Tommy. I promise I'll be careful. And I'll always come back to you."

In that moment, they both realized that love sometimes meant letting go, even if it was the hardest thing to do. Tommaso knew he couldn't shield Alexis from every danger, but he could support her as she faced the world on her own terms. And Alexis understood that her brother's protectiveness came from a place of deep love and commitment.

Their bond was unbreakable, forged through years of hardship and unwavering support. As they pulled apart, Tommaso smiled softly at his sister. "Go have fun at the party. Just... keep your phone on, okay?"

Alexis laughed through her tears. "I will. And I'll text you if I need anything."

As she left for the party, Tommaso watched her go, a mixture of pride and apprehension in his heart. He knew there would be more challenges ahead, but as long as they faced them together, he believed they could overcome anything as a brother sister duo.
