46. Roman Reigns- Promo: Acknowledge Me

A.N:  Changing this up a little so here is a little promo action between Roman and  Hallie. (Jey and Jimmy's younger sister in this one). 

Roman Reigns: (smirking) Hallie, I know you've seen what happens to those who don't fall in line. Your brothers learned the hard way. Now it's your turn. Acknowledge me, and maybe, just maybe, I'll go easy on you.

Hallie: (raising an eyebrow) Acknowledge you? Roman, you're so obsessed with being the "Head of the Table" that you've forgotten what it means to be family. You want me to bow down to you? Keep dreaming.

Roman Reigns: (taking a step closer, his tone darkening) You think you're tough because you've got Jey and Jimmy backing you up? They're nothing without me, and so are you. You're just another distraction, another obstacle in my way.

Hallie: (smiling confidently) Oh, I know what you're trying to do, Roman. You think you can intimidate me? Please. You're just a scared little boy hiding behind a big title. You need everyone to acknowledge you because deep down, you know you're not enough on your own.

Roman Reigns: (angrily) Watch your mouth, Hallie. You don't know what you're talking about.

Hallie: (laughing) Oh, I know exactly what I'm talking about. You're afraid. Afraid that without this whole "Tribal Chief" act, you're nothing. You may have beaten my brothers, but you'll never break our bond.

[Roman's frustration grows, and he steps even closer, looking ready to lash out. Suddenly, Jey Uso's music hits, and the crowd erupts. Jey and Jimmy Uso rush to the ring, sliding in and standing protectively beside Hallie.]

Jey Uso: (grabbing a mic, glaring at Roman) Roman, you've crossed the line. Messing with our sister? That's unforgivable.

Roman Reigns: (sneering) Jey, you think you can protect her? You couldn't even protect yourself from me.

Jey Uso: (taking a step forward, eyes locked on Roman.) You know what, Roman? I've had enough of your mouth. You talk big, but without us, you're nothing but a bully with a fancy title.

Roman Reigns:( smirking, his confidence returning.) Is that so? Well, maybe I need to remind you who runs this place—

Jey cuts him off with a punch, and Jimmy joins in. They beat down Roman, with Hallie cheering them on. The crowd roars in approval as the Usos unleash their frustration and anger on the Tribal Chief, leaving him reeling on the mat.

Hallie: (standing tall with her brothers) Roman, remember this moment. We're stronger together, and you'll never break us.

The crowd erupts as Roman struggles to his feet, glaring at the trio as he retreats up the ramp, his face a mask of anger and frustration. Jey, Jimmy, and Hallie celebrate in the ring, united and stronger than ever.
