10. Solo Sikoa- Sick

You had just arrived at the arena for your title match against Iyo Sky later tonight. However, you felt a little off today and your energy levels have been extremely low. I'll be fine once I get to my match, you thought as you walked down the halls towards your locker room.

While walking you ended up bumping into the silent Bloodline member Joseph Fatu or better known as Solo Sikoa. "Oh I'm sorry Joe. Should have been watching where I was going," you apologized as he gave you a slight chuckle. "It's fine Y/n. But are you feeling alright," he asked as you knew exactly why he asked. "I'm fine," you replied but then you felt yourself getting light headed.

"Your coming with me until your better," he said as he picked you into his arms and carried you towards his shared locker room. Once the two of you got there  he made you lay on the couch while he made you something to eat. "Hey Y/n don't you have a match later on," Jonathan (Jimmy Uso) asked you as you nodded at him.

When Joseph came back with the food you just looked up at him with complete shock. You knew how silent Joseph was around everyone; he was known as the quiet but messy guy to the rest of the men's locker room, but to you he was a big teddy bear on the inside of his shell. "Come on Y/n you should eat to see if that makes you feel better," he said as he noticed you hadn't touched any of your food.

After an hour or so you began to feel even worse then you did before so you decided to opt out of your match tonight. Since your match was canceled they replaced it with Jonathan facing Randy in the main event. Once it was time for their match Jonathan smiled at you then looked at Joseph and told him to stay here with you.

Silence built up between the two of you as you got up and ran to their bathroom to be sick. Once you were back on the couch you looked at Jospeh and asked if he could cuddle with you. "Of course I can Y/n. Anything for my favorite woman," he replied as he climbed behind you and spooned you. Best day to get sick ever!!
