2. Cody Rhodes- Memories

Y/f/n: your friends name

September 5th 2003

You and your friends pulled up to the high school in Marietta, Georgia where you would attend your freshman year. To say you weren't nervous was beyond an understatement. In fact you had already spent 3 whole hours to perfect your makeup and outfit for your first day. As you walked down the hall with your friends you ended up bumping into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry," you began to apologize as the blonde haired blue eyed man handed you your books. "Hey it's alright no need to be apologizing to me. Accidents happen," he commented before pulling you up and helping you find your first class.

Once arriving at your first period class you smiled at the man before he disappeared off into the crowd of people rushing to class. During the hour you couldn't help but allow your mind to replay the incident from the hallway. "Y/n pay attention," your friend yelled from beside you. "I am Y/f/n.," you whispered back as the teacher stared at the two of you.

After a few hours of classes it was now time for lunch as you ended up being ditched by your best friend for the popular girls. As you walked into the cafeteria you realize that practically every seat is taken. For a few minutes you tried walking around and asking for seats but eventually you gave up and sat down in the corner (on the floor).

"Need a place to sit," the same guy from earlier asked as he grabbed your hand and lead you to an empty classroom. "Oh sorry to be rude but my names Cody and yours is," he continued as we sat down at a small table in a private classroom. "Y/n." For a moment it became silent between the two of you as you munched down the lunch your mom insisted on packing this morning. "Cody we gotta go man. Stop flirting with the freshman girls would ya," one of the guys yelled from the door as he silently got up and left.

"Baby earth to y/n," you heard your husband's voice call as he had your daughter in hand. "Sorry I started thinking about the day we met..."
