4. LA Knight- Friends?

Through the years of knowing Shaun Ricker (LA Knight) you have started to develop huge feelings for the man, but being you were to scared you never asked him. It wasn't just the fact that you were scared to confess your love for him, it was the fact that you were scared of losing your amazing friendship with the man.

Today you were doing makeup and hair for WWE superstars and one of them just so happened to be Shaun. Since today was the Royal Rumble, it was a lot more busier and you had a lot of stress on you. "Y/n your gonna be gray before you turn 35," he said which made you laugh. "Why I'd look better with Grey hair," you replied with him giving you a playful almost flirty glare. "You look hot with anything," he commented as your face turned bright red.

You kept working away as Shaun kept trying to flirt with you every second he had. "Y/n when I win the Undisputed WWE championship tonight Imma kiss you," he whispered in your ear before he walked away. Immediately you began to get side tracked and the only thing you could think about was Shaun's last words before he walked off.

Was everything he said true? Was he actually going to kiss me? Those questions clouded your mind as you continued to do multiple superstars hair and makeup. "Y/n whose winning tonight," Alan (Aj Styles) asked you hoping you would say he would. "Sorry Alan I don't think your winning. Shaun really deserves this more than you and Randall both do," you replied as he faked hurt.

Soon it was time for the fatal four-way match between Alan, Randall, Shaun and Joe (Roman Reigns) as you were sitting with a few of yours friends watching it on one of the T.V. For you were both excited and nervous mainly because this would be a big stepping stone for Shaun but nervous if he was actually just joking around with what he said earlier.

After 35 minutes of a grueling match you heard the bell ring as Shaun rose the title. "Here is your winner and the new Undisputed WWE Champion LAKnight," Samantha announced while you were backstage jumping with joy. Once he got backstage you enveloped him into a hug. As the two of you pulled apart, he placed his lips onto yours. When he pulled away for air you were surprised and stunned for what had just happened. "See you at the hotel gorgeous," he asked before pecking your lips one more time.

"Shaun wait up," you called after him as he immediately stopped in his tracks. "Whatcha need Y/n," he asked while he turned around to face you. "What was the kiss for," you asked curiously but at the same time you didn't want an answer. "Y/n your an amazing friend to me even when I wasn't to you. You've showed me the light and you are the reason I've never loved anyone like the way I love you," he replied as you felt your heart skip a beat. "You Love me," you asked hoping that this was not a dream. "Yes Y/n I love you," he answered again before pulling you in for another passionate kiss.
