25. Tama Tonga- Always With You

First time writing for Tama Tonga so I hope you enjoy! Real Name: Alipate Fifita
This Prefrence the girl is name Jasmine just to switch it up a little.

Jasmine was the only woman in WWE who didn't put herself out there to men. She wore modest clothing, modest ring gear and kept her hair long in  its straight black color. All that mad her more of a target to none other Alipate. He had fallen in love with her on the very first day at the Performance Center.

Anyways she was the type of girl who could stop people dead in their tracks without saying a word. Alipate loved that about her and he knew if he didn't act soon that his moment would be taken by someone else.

While Jasmine was quietly working on her ring gear Alipate made his way over to her. "Hey beautiful you want some help with that," he asked hoping that she would at least talk to him.

Jasmine's P.O.V

As Alipate made his way over I pushed myself deeper into my work just so I didn't have to look at his beautiful face. Instead he comes over here trying to get my attention. "No I don't but could we perhaps talk about this," I said which caught his attention faster than anything I've ever done.

"What do we need to talk about darling," he responded as he carefully backed me into his locker room. 

"Why do you chase after me? Why do you want me so bad," I asked as the same bright smile shined across his face.

"Excuse yourself Jasmine I am chasing after you. I want you  for your sexiness and your innocent act when we all know your not as innocent as everyone thinks."

"Ali I...I...can't I'm sorry."

"What do you mean we can't darling. Is it because of who I am?"

"No....No. It's not that. I just I'm scared," I responded with a small stream of salty water crawling  down my fragile face.

"Hey. Hey your okay babygirl. I'll never hurt you. I don't know what guys have done to you in the past but I'm different," he responded calmly as I was now cuddled I to his chest while he rubbed circles on my back.

"How can you be different than your own family," I cried even harder this time.

"I am different. I'm not like Leati I promise you that much. At least I'll always be with you," he said before kissing the top of my head.

Once he kissed the top of my head, I pulled him down towards me to kiss his lips passionately knowing that I really never wanted to let him go.
