5. Seth Rollins- Don't leave me now

Warning: Extremely sad chapter!!!

"Y/n dont walk out that door on me please," Colby pleaded with you but you were to worked up to go back inside. This wouldn't be the only fight the two of you have had over something stupid, in fact the two of you have almost pulled out of your 12 year marriage because of your bad habit.

As you drove down the street, tears and a bit of heartbreak made you almost lose control of yourself. You kept driving down the road as this usually helped you calm down and then you would go home and apologized like you have done many times before. This time was no different for you and him; even though you two fought a lot you still loved one another unconditionally.

This time it took you about 35 minutes to calm your nerves as you made your way back towards your little home in Iowa. As you were making your way back towards your home, a truck ended up side swiping you and knocking you into the ditch.

Colby's POV

It's been 35 minutes of the house feeling empty with Y/n and it was really starting to get to me. As much as we fight I love her and want nothing but the best for her and then this happens every single time.

35 minutes soon turned into 4 hours as I sat by the door awaiting for her to come back. Soon the phone rang and a doctor answered telling me that Y/n was in an extremely bad accident and they wanted me to say my goodbyes. Panicked, I rushed out the door and headed towards the hospital with a bit of hope that she could some how still be alive.

At the hospital, the nurse took me to her room. When I walked in, I seen her hooked up to multiple machines and one of them just so happened to be life support. "Sir we will give you a few minutes with Y/n but your gonna need to make a decision soon," the nurse said before walking out of the room. Tears began to stroll down my face as I remembered bits and pieces of each fight we have had. Her face always filled with happiness, until she started having these bad habits that she couldn't stop.

"Y/n baby. I love you and I want you to know that I'll never ever let you go. Please baby don't go," I replied as the doctor came in awaiting my decision...
