43. Montez Ford- Meeting the parents

Blair nervously tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as she glanced at Montez Ford beside her. The two were parked outside her parents' suburban home, a picturesque house nestled in a quiet neighborhood. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the neatly trimmed lawns and flower beds. Montez, a charismatic and muscular WWE superstar, looked calm, but Blair knew he was feeling the weight of the moment as much as she was.

"Ready?" she asked, her voice a mixture of anxiety and determination.

Montez flashed his signature smile, the one that had won over millions of fans. "As ready as I'll ever be, babe."

Blair took a deep breath, nodded, and opened the car door. Montez followed suit, his towering frame unfolding from the vehicle. They walked up the pathway, hand in hand, each step feeling heavier than the last. Blair had been dreading this moment ever since she told her parents about Montez. They were traditional, conservative, and skeptical of her relationship with a professional wrestler.

She rang the doorbell, and moments later, the door swung open to reveal her father, Thomas. He was a tall, stern man with a graying beard and piercing blue eyes that scrutinized Montez immediately. Her mother, Linda, appeared behind him, her expression equally reserved.

"Hi, Dad. Hi, Mom," Blair greeted, forcing a smile.

"Blair, darling," her mother replied, stepping forward to hug her daughter. Thomas offered a nod of acknowledgment to Montez but did not extend his hand.

"Mr. and Mrs. Carter, nice to meet you," Montez said, extending his hand to Thomas, who shook it briefly and without enthusiasm. Linda offered a polite but cold smile.

"Come in, come in," Linda said, leading them into the living room. The house smelled of freshly baked bread and lavender, a familiar scent that usually comforted Blair but now only heightened her nerves.

They settled in the living room, an elegant space adorned with family photos and tasteful decor. Blair and Montez sat on one couch, with her parents on the opposite one. An awkward silence hung in the air until Linda spoke up.

"So, Montez, Blair tells us you're a wrestler," she began, her tone neutral.

"Yes, ma'am. I've been with WWE for a few years now," Montez replied, his voice respectful and confident.

Thomas cleared his throat. "And how exactly does that provide a stable future?"

Blair winced at her father's bluntness. Montez, however, maintained his composure. "Wrestling has given me a platform to inspire others and pursue my passions. It also offers financial stability and opportunities beyond the ring."

Thomas raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Linda attempted to steer the conversation to safer waters. "Blair, would you help me in the kitchen? Dinner is almost ready."

Blair nodded eagerly, grateful for the escape. As they worked together, Blair whispered, "Mom, please give him a chance. He's a good man."

Linda sighed, pausing her task to look at her daughter. "We just want what's best for you, Blair. We're worried this lifestyle isn't sustainable."

Back in the living room, Thomas and Montez sat in a tense silence. Montez decided to break the ice. "I understand your concerns, sir. My job isn't conventional, but I'm dedicated to Blair and to building a future with her."

Thomas scrutinized Montez, searching for any sign of insincerity. "Blair has always been our priority. We want her to be with someone who can provide stability and respect."

Montez nodded, his eyes unwavering. "I love Blair, and I respect her more than anything. I know my career might seem unusual, but I promise you, I'll always put her first."

Dinner was a somewhat strained affair, with polite conversation overshadowed by the palpable tension. As they ate, Blair noticed her father's occasional glares and her mother's worried glances. Montez, however, remained courteous and engaging, trying his best to win them over.

After dinner, Blair and Montez offered to help clean up. In the kitchen, Blair's father joined them, his expression unreadable. "Montez," he began, "can we talk outside for a moment?"

Blair's heart skipped a beat, but Montez agreed without hesitation. They stepped out onto the back porch, the cool evening air a stark contrast to the warm tension inside.

Thomas faced Montez, his demeanor still stern. "I was skeptical when Blair told us about you. Your career isn't what we envisioned for her partner."

Montez nodded, understanding the weight of Thomas's words. "I get it, sir. But Blair means the world to me. I'll do whatever it takes to prove that I can be the man she deserves."

Thomas studied Montez for a long moment before speaking again. "I see determination in you, and Blair clearly loves you. Just know that if you ever hurt her, you'll have me to answer to."

Montez met Thomas's gaze, his expression serious. "I promise you, sir, I'll never hurt her. I'll protect and cherish her always."

Thomas's stern expression softened slightly, and he extended his hand. Montez shook it firmly, a mutual understanding passing between them.

Inside, Blair watched anxiously from the window. When she saw the handshake, relief washed over her. She joined them outside, wrapping her arms around Montez. "Thank you, Dad," she whispered.

Thomas nodded, a small smile playing at his lips. "Just take care of her."

Montez hugged Blair tightly, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I will, sir. I promise."

As they left that evening, Blair knew it would take time for her parents to fully accept Montez, but tonight was a step in the right direction. They drove away from the house, the golden glow of the setting sun giving way to the calm of the night, a new chapter unfolding for both of  them.
