14. Montez Ford- I can help

You and your young daughter were walking down the streets and away from the horrible monster that was her father. "Mommy can we get a toy," she cried while the two of you kept running down main Street. "No honey we gotta keep going or he will find us," You reply without noticing someone heard your little conversation with your daughter.

Little did you know, Montez kept following you around for the day making sure you and your precious daughter didn't get into any trouble. However, you left and went into a dark alley way which was a big mistake.

Awaiting you there was your boyfriend that you were currently trying to runaway from. "Y/n baby you know damn well you can't avoid me all damn day. We are a family and your not leaving until the day you are six feet under," he cracked as he grabbed ahold of your wrist tightly.

A shriek came out of your throat with hundreds of people looking your way only one really knew what was going on. "No more of that. Now let's go," he said sternly before pulling you and your daughter off towards his apartment.

Hours had passed at his house as your little 3 year old daughter was sound asleep on your chest. Once you began to doze off he made sure he was quick to take Y/d/n away from you and put her in another room. At first you thought nothing of it until you felt the clicking off handcuffs around your hands and feet. "John what are you doing to me," you whisper yell at him. "Making sure you never leave me again," he smirked at the end of his words.

Days flew by that Montez was out looking for you. At last, he had seen dear old Johnny boy leaving his apartment hopefully with you and your daughter inside. Carefully he snuck upstairs into the room where he heard you and your daughter both weeping away quietly.

As he slowly opened the door your face began to scrunch and your lower lip began to tremble in fear. "Hey it's okay I'm here to help," he said as you felt the biggest relief you have ever felt in you entire life.

A.N: Sorry if it has been a long time since I've updated but I've been having some bad writers block. But seriously please remember to like follow and comment. Especially of you've got something to request! Happy ending to Spring break!
