3. Dominik Mysterio- Don't talk to her like that

Warning: Some discrimatory and stereotypical statements made. I don't agree with these statements but I think it's important to write about so here ya go. Louis- Damian Priest. Fergal- Finn Balor. Demi- Rhea Ripley.

"Y/n you ready to watch me win a championship," Dominik asked me as he pressed a soft kiss to my temple. "Yeah you better beat Logan baby," you replied as he chuckled softly. Thank God there were times he could sneak away from the rest of Judgement day to be with you. You had no problems with them until Fergal, Louis and Demi began to make way of the way you look.

As you pressed one more kiss to his face you heard a small knock on your locker room door. "Who is it," you asked in a scared kind of way. "It's me you have five minutes before your interview," Josh's voice yelled through the door. "Okay tell them I'll be there in a minute," you replied as you heard him walk away from the door. "See you Mi Amor," Dominik said as you walked out of your locker room.

Soon after the interview was done you noticed Dominik walking towards Catering as you made your way to your locker room. "Ha look at that ugly bitch who can't wrestle," Fergal commented as Louis and Demi began to laugh. "Yeah I don't know why Dominik keeps her around. She obviously doesn't give him anything good," Demi answered as they all began to approach you.

"What do you guys want from me know," you asked while rolling your eyes at them. "Y/n you need to leave Dominik alone. He doesn't want you because your ugly as a donkey's ass," Demi said as they backed you up to the wall. "No one wants a girl with stretch marks or a scar on their face," Louis added in as tears stung your face. "Hey Demi, Louis, Fergal don't talk to my girlfriend like that," you heard Dominik yell as the others were still laughing about the comments.

Seeing you cry broke Dominik's heart as he saw Fergal slap you across the face. There has been some rare occasions where you have seen Dominik mad and this was a lot different they any other time. "You wanna slap my fucking girl again huh Fergal," Dominik said as he grabbed the collar of Fergal's shirt.

A few minutes later Paul and Stephanie came over to condone the situation and to also see what was going on. "Look Paul I know I shouldn't have hit him but he's not going to disrespect Y/n like that," he replied as he wrapped his arm around your waist. "Dom. This may not sound fair but I still have to give you a week suspension for fighting," Paul answered just before you and Dominik went and grabbed your things from your locker room.

Back at the hotel, you and Dominik were getting ready for bed just as he noticed you staring in the mirror at your reflection. "Y/n baby don't let there comments get to you. You've got all the right curves in all the right places and that scar on your face makes you look even hotter and shows that you can face anything," Dominik commented as he placed his lips on yours...
