1. Jey Uso- Teacher

Y/n= your name

Today was your first day of senior year as you and your group of friends began to make their may towards their first class of the day. However, today was one of those days that you enjoyed your first period class (history). At first you thought you just liked the subject but that wasn't as true as you thought it could be.

Walking into your history class you see your teacher Mr. Fatu standing there and he instantly made your knees go weak. His chain, to his grills and not to forget the mullet, God damn this man was sure gonna be the death of you.

"Morning Y/N," he said with his gruff, early morning voice turning you on even more than you already were. Quietly you took your seat at your desk as you waited for the bell to ring. While sitting there you couldn't help but check Mr. Fatu out once more; for one he was one of the most hottest men on earth, and for two you knew for a fact he was single.

Soon enough the bell rang and Mr.Fatu began to start his history lesson. During the lesson you completely forgot that you were suppose to be taking notes on the importance of life on the islands. "Y/N where's your notes," he asked as he also started to come closer to your desk.  "Um...I...uh," you responded unsure of how to truly answer his question.  "You don't wanna disrespect your papi. Do you," he whispered into your ear.

Instantly chills began to run down your spine as you watched him walk back up the aisle of desks. God damn his ass be looking awful fine today, you thought as you quickly started to take the notes down that you got from your friend.

Ring! Ring! You heard as all the students started to flee the classroom. "Y/N," you heard as the classroom door was now fully closed and locked. "Yes," You reply back to him as he pulled a chair up to sit beside you.

Silence fell over the two of you while both of your breathing patterns began to sync one another. Soon you found yourself being distracted by him and his gorgeous flowing mullet.

"Is papi that distracting to you," he asked as your face instantly turned to a rose red color. "I... I... Yes you  distract me to damn well to the point I want you to fuck me," you blurted out as you had also just realized what you just said out loud.

A slow chuckle fell off his lips and you instantly buried your face back into studying and taking notes. Thank God you didn't have any classes for period two. "You wish is my command," he commented as you felt his lips leave a open mouth kiss on your collarbone. "But what about the rule," you asked since you really didn't want him to get in trouble with his bosses.

"Fuck the rules," he said as you finally had the courage to pull him in for a kiss. As clothes started to be thrown you started to think about how Mr. Fatu was going to be the death of you...
