23. Jimmy Uso- Let's get 'em Uce

You and Jon have been married just over a decade. The two of you worked for smackdown where Jon was currently off the card due to injury from his younger brother and cousins. However, tonight I decided to show up and barge into their locker room. He laid the fists to them all including his younger brother and you were extremely bewildered by his actions.

After he finished doing what he did you had all intentions on confronting him. "What the hell was that Jim. Now they gonna be all over you because of what you just did," you scream hoping he realizes the mistake he just made.  "He needs to realize that family won't be there for the rest of his life. He took me out of action Y/n what more can I do but get him back," Jon said trying to reason with you.

"Something that doesn't involve getting a read target drawn in the middle of your forehead," you answered but then decided to walk away.

Later on you were going out for your match just as you would normally do. You were more than excited mainly because it was for fun against your best friend. During the match, you felt someone pulled you off the top rope causing a disqualification.

"What the hell does Solo think he's doing out here? That's Jimmy's wife he just laid his grubby hands on," Micheal yelled.

You felt his boots connect with your ribs until you finally didn't no more. You felt everything including the pain disappeared when you felt your husband's hand pulled you up.

"Let's get 'em uce," you say before standing straight up beside him.
