20. Cody Rhodes- Caught

A.N: Story requested by emma_pansexual

Cody Rhodes a man that all the single woman in this damn business drool over and try to get in his pants, however you were the only who could really call him yours. Yes, Cody was your boyfriend; mainly in secret because you knew your dad (Pat McAfee) would kill you for dating him.

"Y/n you be safe and don't do something stupid," your dad said as he looked the same way you were to see Cody standing there. Quietly he had let out a chuckle before leaving you to be alone.

Instead of going all the way over to him you sat down a bin and pulled your fingers through your hair. Every so often you would look up to see him talking to Triple H and then again he would send a wink over your way. You couldn't help it but feel all happy. He always had his way of making a smile show up on your face even when you tried your hardest to not allow it to happen.

"Hey baby you just gonna sit there and stare or are ya gonna give me a kiss," he asked with your face becoming as red as a rose.

"Maybe both," you chuckled as you brought him closer so you could kiss him.

Just as your lips touched you heard your father's voice coming closer to the Gorilla so you carefully pushed Cody away. "What was that for?" He whispered as just as your dad was behind.

"Hey Cody you and my daughter meet yet?" Your dad asked as you rolled your eyes and tried to hide the laughter.

"Uh no." He responded.

"Okay Cody meet Y/n. Y/n meet Cody," Dad said as you two shook hands.

"Alright just got to grab a water then I'll be out of your hair," Pat said as you two shook your heads at each other.

Just as he left you pulled Cody closer for a kiss before allowing your legs to grab ahold of his hips. The kiss deepened with his hands finding their way to your ass. You smiled before hearing the clearing of someone's throat behind the two of you.

"Y/n McAfee you've got some explaining to do. Don't think your getting away either Mr. Rhodes," Pat yelled as you two blushed and you were not sure how to explain this to your dad.

"Looks like we just got caught," Cody laughed into your ear.
