
Chapter 91 Qin Wan: I tricked the painting back! .

He quickly matched this face with the person he saw at Wanwan Hotpot Restaurant thirteen days ago. Something suddenly crossed his mind and his eyes became deep and dark.

"It's you."

He spoke.

The waiter on the other side was confused: "Huh???"

"Sir, do you have any other instructions?"

Jiang Beiyu stared at him: "Thirteen days ago, you went to Wanwan Hotpot Restaurant?"

The waiter recalled the day he received the silver and the woman said:

"If someone recognizes you in the future and asks you if you came here to eat hotpot, you should always say that he recognized the wrong person.

If you ask me who I am, don't answer me. You have never eaten hotpot here today, nor have you seen me. "

So he said, "No, sir, did you recognize the wrong person?"

Jiang Beiyu was certain that he could not have admitted his mistake, and his denial would only make the matter more obvious.

"Who was the woman who ate hot pot with you that day?"

The waiter thought to himself, that girl is really good at predicting things.

"Sir, you really have the wrong person! I don't understand what you are talking about at all."

Jiang Beiyu snorted coldly.

Although he had changed his clothes, he could not possibly have mistaken him. The clothes he wore that day showed that he was from a wealthy or noble family. How could he be a waiter in an inn? Obviously, all this was acted out.

There is a connection between Wanwan Hotpot, Shufujia Inn, and Leng Qingqing, and the connection is Ma Shushu.

He placed a shiny ten-liang gold ingot on the table and said in a slightly cold voice:

"That day, it was your boss who asked you to go to Wanwan Hotpot Restaurant. Tell the truth, and this ingot of gold is yours."

The waiter swallowed his saliva, but he could still tell the difference between one meal and another. His job as a waiter in Shufu's house was the envy of many of his fellow villagers!

He looked away from the gold ingots and waved his hand: "Sir, this is inappropriate. No, I can't say nonsense for money..."

Jiang Beiyu added another fifty-liang gold ingot next to it. Both the big and the small were plump and blinding.

The waiter had to make a difficult decision.

"Yes, it's me."

He said silently in his heart: "I'm sorry to the boss and that girl. He gave too much!"

He said, "That day, I sneaked out during the check-in time and had a hot pot meal with my wife who was not married to me yet. I was afraid of being discovered by the boss, so I denied it. What can I do for you?"

Jiang Beiyu's face suddenly became very gloomy.

"Tell me. Is that your wife-to-be?"


"Okay, it's okay."

Without eating a single bite of the steamed lobster and fruit on the table, he got up and went to the Wanwan Hotpot Restaurant.

A group of soldiers searched the entire store from top to bottom. All the diners, the waiters, and even the kitchen staff stood in a row, but they did not find the woman from last time.

The cold concubine was not found either.

He personally went to check every private room, and found that each room was filled with tables and chairs. It was impossible for her to live in this place.

An indescribable feeling of frustration surged into my heart.

He knew that he had really lost her.

She had long since returned to the world that belonged to her.

Before, perhaps he was just being too clever and still had illusions.

Little did he know that at this moment, Qin Wan was sitting on the windowsill of the secret room in the hot pot restaurant, cursing at the dog emperor standing below.

This dog emperor is quite smart.

If there wasn't a secret room in her store, she would have been discovered.

How did he guess that she was here?

Things were calm outside. She was wearing a lavender silk suspender nightgown and lying on the sofa, texting Ma Shushu.

"Fuck! The dog emperor robbed my nest."

"But I didn't get it..."

At this time, Ma Shushu was watching a costume drama with Leng Leng in the tree house. When she saw the text message flashing on the floating window, she felt a little embarrassed.

She glanced at Leng Leng guiltily. Leng Leng looked at her meaningfully and then shifted his gaze to the mobile phone screen.

Maybe he was so engrossed in what he was reading that he didn't see the words on it?

She took her phone down and said, "Oh, there are too many spam messages. It affects my viewing of the show. I'll set it up."

Then he switched to the chat interface with Qin Wan and quickly replied: "Let's talk later, your brother is here."

The bunch of complaints that Qin Wan had in his stomach that were about to startle him suddenly died down.

She threw her cell phone on the sofa, lay down, tore off a piece of facial mask and put it on to rest.

No, she couldn't live like this anymore, she had to get the painting immediately and leave with the treasure!

On the other side, Ma Shushu became absent-minded while watching the drama. After one episode was over, she yawned.

"Are you sleepy?" Leng Leng glanced at her from the side.

She said "hmm".

Leng Lie said, "If you are sleepy, then take a rest."

Ma Shushu was waiting for this sentence, and immediately grinned and said, "Okay."

Leng Leng was the first to climb down the tree house. Ma Shushu put away her phone and followed him down. After going down two steps, she saw him open his arms towards her and jumped into his arms.

Leng Leng changed to a princess hug and carried her all the way back to the room.

They returned to the room, blew out the candle, and lay down. Ma Shushu kept her eyes open until she heard the sound of her even breathing beside the pillow. Then she tiptoed off the couch and ran back to the tree house.

She quickly sent a message to Qin Wan:

"I'm back. I'm safe now. What do you say?"

Qin Wan was about to fall asleep on the sofa when he heard the message and picked up his phone.

She told him everything that had just happened and how she wanted to get the painting as soon as possible.

Qin Wan said: "I think we can find someone to reveal the list. That's a proper way to get in touch with the Dog Emperor..."

Ma Shushu replied: "Do you have a plan now?"

Qin Wan said: "Yes."

Ma Shushu was typing when she suddenly felt some movement under the tree.

Leng Leng was standing under the yellow maple tree at this time, looking at the light of the mobile phone in the tree house, and he already understood the general situation in his mind.

He did not go up, but said:

"If she can't stay out here, you can let her go home. Isn't she wearing a human skin mask?"

He knew that Leng Ying would not "lie" to him, and the people he had buried on sentry duty in the palace could not have been wrong.

The only reason she was able to escape successfully was that she "changed her face".

In this world, she is the only one who has a mobile phone and can contact Ma Shushu, so she has actually been staying here and keeping in touch with Ma Shushu.

Ma Shushu was shocked and stunned.

I looked under the tree again, and there was no one there.

After a while, he sent her a message.

"Your brother found out..."

"He asked you to come back wearing a human skin mask."

Qin Wan thought about it and replied: "Okay."

The next day, Qin Wan got up very early.

While Leng Leng went to court, she went to the general's mansion. Ma Shushu was waiting for her outside the door and took her in.

In order to prevent the Dog Emperor's spies from ambushing around, Qin Wan disguised herself as a tailor with a few pieces of cloth in her hands. As soon as Ma Shushu saw her, she greeted her enthusiastically.

"Tailor Zhang, you are here. Come, come, it's spring time. Come and make me some clothes."

Then bring the person in.

After entering the general's mansion and closing the door, Qin Wan said, "I have an idea."

"I realized that the Dog Emperor already knew that the painting was our channel of coming and going. I had borrowed it several times before and had become alert, so after I left, he took the painting away.

I plan to find someone to reveal the imperial edict, disguise myself as a hermit, and tell the emperor directly that I escaped through the painting. If I want to get back, I naturally have to "get into" the painting. In this way, the dog emperor will have to take out the painting. "

Ma Shushu's eyes suddenly sparkled, and she gave a thumbs up: "In one word, absolutely~"

"Hehe." Qin Wan smiled.

In order to compete with the dog emperor in wits and courage, her CPU was almost smoking.

Ma Shushu said: "In other words, the key now is to find someone who can fool the Dog Emperor. That person must at least look like the real thing and have good acting skills so that he won't be stage-frightened when he sees the Dog Emperor."

"Oh, yes~"

Qin Wan was deep in thought. At this moment, he saw the master passing by the window with fishing gear. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he smiled slyly:

"Huh? It's so easy to get it..."


Ma Shushu followed her gaze, turned around and saw the person she was talking about.

"He's a master, can he help us with the scam?"

Qin Wan said: "What is fraud? If it's fraud, the dog emperor will suffer losses, right?

We let the master come out and get the painting first, and then I will send it back to the dog emperor after I get it back. No one will know.

Even if the master fails, he will go into the painting and fail to pull me out. At worst, the master won't accept the reward. But we can give the master some benefits!"

When Ma Shushu heard her say this, she suddenly realized something.

"I'll go find the master for you right now~"

Soon, the master who had just sat down by the lake to fish was pulled over by her.

Qin Wan explained the purpose of coming to him.

Upon hearing this, the master quickly shook his head and said, "Oh, no, no, this is a crime of deceiving the emperor, and you will lose your head!"

Qin Wan said: "I can give you this 1,500 taels of silver."

The master waved his hand and said, "I usually have light porridge and small dishes, and occasionally fry a few small crispy fish I caught to go with the wine. It doesn't cost any money at all."

Qin Wan gritted his teeth and said, "Then I'll contract a fish pond for you so you can fish as much as you want!"

The master said, "The lotus pond in the general's mansion is big enough. General, please let me fish as you like."

Qin Wan: "......."

Qin Wan was so worried. There was actually money that she couldn't handle?

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from outside the door: "Master, please help her."

The person who spoke was cold.

Qin Wan and Ma Shushu were both surprised.

The master looked up.

Seeing that General Leng has spoken, what else is there to say? Go!

At this time, Jiang Beiyu was reviewing memorials in his study with deep hatred, when he suddenly heard someone come to report:

"Your Majesty, good news! Someone is here to reveal the imperial edict!"

Jiang Beiyu was delighted, he suddenly raised his head and said quickly: "Hurry up and bring the person over!"

Not long after, the master came in from outside.

Jiang Beiyu looked at him carefully and asked, "Did you reveal the list?"


"Do you know the whereabouts of Concubine Leng?"

"I know." The master's eyes were wise and he looked unfathomable.

Jiang Beiyu stood up and walked towards him. He smelled a faint fishy smell on him.

"Where is the Leng Fei now?"

"In the painting."


The master said meaningfully: "Where we came from, we return to."

Jiang Beiyu deliberately asked: "Which painting?"

The master deliberately kept silent.

It's like a competition, testing each other.

Jiang Beiyu wanted to test this person's depth, and when he saw that he was silent, he continued: "Then do you have a way to help me find Concubine Leng?"

The master said, "Yes, of course. We can find her wherever she went. I have a way to get Concubine Leng back from the painting."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Okay, I can find the painting for you, and you can go into the painting and take Concubine Leng out in front of me."

The master shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, the world in the painting is dangerous. It is easy for Your Majesty to accidentally stray into it if you stand by the edge. Just hand the painting over to me. I will be able to pull the Empress out of the painting in just one day."

Jiang Beiyu stared at the man closely, his eyes deep and thoughtful.

"You want to take the painting away?"

The master's expression remained unchanged: "Of course. In order to ensure the probability of success, I need to conduct this in an environment that Leng Fei has been familiar with since childhood, in a closed environment."

Jiang Beiyu's eyes became full of interest. "If you can bring the queen back, I will definitely reward you handsomely. But if you fail to bring the queen back, how will I punish you?"

The master was surprised: "Everything you do has success and failure, and I cannot guarantee to the emperor that I can bring the queen back, but I will definitely do my best.

If you fail, you will be punished. Then forget it. Your Majesty, please seek other help."

As he said this, he bowed to Jiang Beiyu, turned around and was about to leave.

Jiang Beiyu said in a cold voice: "But you have already revealed the imperial edict."

The guards at the door, with their halberds crossed, stopped him.

Right now, it seems that he has to take over.

The master laughed in anger, and a thought came to his mind: "Okay, if I fail, I will accept the punishment from the emperor."

Jiang Beiyu looked at him and said, "If you fail, you will be beaten with thirty sticks."

The master said, "Okay.

Jiang Beiyu ordered him to wait here.

Not long after, he personally handed him a painting, and gave him a meaningful instruction:

"This painting is very important to me. Please, Master, keep it properly."

"Okay. Do not interfere during the spellcasting process. If the emperor trusts me, please wait patiently. If it succeeds, I will bring the painting and Concubine Leng to you at this time tomorrow."

The master left the palace after getting the painting and hurried to the general's mansion.

Ma Shushu asked worriedly, "Is there anyone following you along the way?"

The master shook his head.

Qin Wan walked out immediately, staring at the painting in the master's hand with bright eyes.

The master smiled and threw it into her hand: "Girl, take it."

Qin Wan was so excited that he couldn't help but reach out and touch it, muttering, "Painting, painting, it's finally back in my hands..."

(Next chapter on August 24, 18:00.)

Chapter 92 I am Qin Wan, not Leng Qingqing! .

"Hua, Hua, you are finally back in my hands..."

When she unfolded the scroll, a faint scent of pine came from the painting, and she vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

Shit! The painting is fake!

Isn't this the one she used to replace the original with the fake one to fool the dog emperor?


I didn't expect to come back in this way today!

This dog emperor is really smart!

"not good!"

She realized something was wrong and was about to run away when she heard a voice from outside:

"Oh no! The General's Mansion is surrounded!"

Qin Wan knew that Jiang Beiyu had gone crazy. He was a complete lunatic and had even sealed off the General's Mansion.

"No, why should he?"

Qin Wan was so angry that she jumped to her feet. She saw a bright yellow figure rushing towards her from the window, but she decided not to suffer a loss. She quickly picked up her skirt and jumped into the cabinet beside her, and also retracted the part of her skirt that was exposed outside.

Not long after, Jiang Beiyu walked in.

"General Leng."

His face was cold and dark.

Jiang Beiyu continued, "As the imperial concubine, Concubine Leng fled the palace without permission, which is a serious crime punishable by the execution of the entire clan. I have always given General Leng the opportunity to make amends and asked him to bring her back. I have also posted an imperial edict to actively search for her. However, to this day, Concubine Leng is still missing.

Just today, someone posted an imperial edict, saying that he could find Consort Leng for me. I will give General Leng a chance to make amends. I will fully cooperate with the master and make sure to find Consort Leng. How do you do? "

The master beside him immediately said: "But the painting you gave is fake!"

Jiang Beiyu looked at Leng Leng meaningfully: "General Leng, is the painting I gave you real or fake? Wouldn't you know?"

Leng Lie's expression changed slightly.

He knew that the emperor knew everything.

All this is just to give him a way out.

He said, "What if Master Tomorrow fails?"

Jiang Beiyu looked at him and said, "Of course we will deal with it according to the law. If Master Mingri also fails, then we can only arrest General Leng and his family."

In the cabinet, Qin Wan could clearly see the man's decisive and ruthless look through the crack.

This is an emperor.

He already knew that she was hiding here, and everything he was doing now was just to control Leng Leng and force her to show up.

She couldn't help wanting to push open the cabinet door and come out, but after thinking it over she calmed down and held herself back.

After Jiang Beiyu finished speaking, he turned around slowly:

"I am outside the General's Mansion today, waiting for General Leng's good news."

After he left the general's mansion, he got on a carriage parked at the gate.

The general's residence was surrounded by soldiers and officers, and it was so crowded that not even a mosquito could fly out.

After making sure he was gone, Qin Wan pushed open the cabinet door, walked out, and said helplessly:

"Tomorrow, I will come out and go back to the palace with him."

She also didn't expect that after she returned, Leng Qingqing was still missing. In this way, everyone in the Leng family would be implicated.

She decided that after returning, she would confess her identity to the Dog Emperor, at least to prevent the Leng family from being implicated by her.

Who knew Leng Lie would say: "Brother, you can still handle this, I will take you through the secret passage tonight. The farther you run, the better."

Qin Wan was unexpected.

Even the imperial palace has secret passages, so naturally the general's mansion has some as well.

But to her surprise, Leng Leng actually chose to send her away.

"Don't you think I'm just fooling around, brother?"


Leng Leng said seriously: "Qingqing wants to escape like this. It will be painful to stay with him for the rest of my life. The court lacks good generals. The emperor will not kill me like this. Now he just wants to control me and force me to hand you over.

As long as I hold on and don't hand it over, he won't be able to do anything."

Qin Wan thought for a moment, his eyes determined.

"No, I've decided. I'll go back with him tomorrow. There are some things I must make clear to him."

She was taught from childhood that she should be brave enough to take responsibility, so how could she let others take the blame for her? Even if she successfully returned to the modern world, she would not be able to rest in peace!

Leng Leng was surprised, reached out and rubbed her head.

"Don't put yourself down. If the conversation doesn't work out and you need any help, just tell your brother.

Brother, I will always stand on Qingqing's side."

Qin Wan felt touched and nodded.

After staying in the general's mansion for one night, on the next day, Qin Wan followed the master out of the general's mansion one after another.

Jiang Beiyu's carriage was still parked in front of the general's mansion. He had been sitting in the carriage all night. When he saw that familiar face through the morning mist, he blinked in disbelief and surprise.

He thought he would never see her again!


He quickly got off the carriage and stumbled forward: "Qingqing! You're finally back!"

The phoenix eyes that were looking at her were slightly red, but Qin Wan had an indifferent expression.

"Yes, if I don't come back, won't the emperor destroy the general's mansion?"

She lifted the curtain and got into his carriage: "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it when we get back to the palace."

According to the previous script, she admitted that she left with the help of the painting, and was then brought back by the master. In this way, the master could receive the reward and the general's mansion would have a way out.

She had disappeared for half a month. Jiang Beiyu wanted to hold her hand and hug her many times. However, in the carriage, Qin Wan was always cold and distant. She sat far away from him, like a hedgehog covered with sharp thorns.

After returning to the palace and Ronghua Palace, Qin Wan dismissed his attendants and said solemnly:

"Your Majesty, there is one thing I must tell you."

Jiang Beiyu noticed that when she came back this time, she called herself "I" instead of "your concubine".

"Oh? What's that?"

Qin Wan smiled and said naturally: "In fact, my real identity is Qin Wan, not Leng Qingqing, the cold concubine.

Nine months ago, on the night when Leng Qingqing was chosen for the first time, I accidentally traveled through the painting in my living room. "

She raised her beautiful chin slightly and said calmly, "I don't know why I came here. In order to survive, I could only rely on Leng Qingqing's identity in panic and survive in the palace while looking for a way to go back.

At that time, I was walking on thin ice every day. The emperor disliked me, and there were always concubines who wanted to harm me. I wanted to go back all the time.

Later, my situation improved, the emperor no longer hated me so much, and I found a way to get back. The painting in the emperor's study was the same as the one in my living room. I think it should be the same painting.

I should have gone back a long time ago. That day, the emperor held me back and moved me with his sincerity, asking me to be your only one..."

At this point, she smiled sarcastically.

"So, I stayed for the time being and continued to try to get along with the emperor. However, I didn't expect that in less than three months, the emperor would go back on his word.

If you think about it carefully, the emperor is not wrong. You are the emperor who rules the entire Jiang Kingdom, and your descendants are the continuation of this country. You should marry a lot of wives and have a lot of children. "

Qin Wan took out an ID card, which was exactly the same as the one Ma Shushu had shown her. Her name was written on it: "Qin Wan."

And there is her portrait, it is indeed her.

"Leng Qingqing is the emperor's concubine, but I, Qin Wan, am not. I have no relationship with the general's mansion. Please, Your Majesty, allow me to leave."

Jiang Beiyu glanced at her ID card and listened to her long self-introduction. Surprisingly, he did not show any surprise on his face.

He even smiled with relief.

"I have known about this for a long time. Do you really think that with my intelligence, I can't find it? I knew about this a long time ago."

Qin Wan was slightly stunned.

"Then the Emperor made things difficult for the General's Mansion yesterday?"

Jiang Beiyu sneered: "Just because I know, doesn't mean General Leng knows. General Leng knew that you were my concubine, and he harbored you even when he knew you were escaping from the palace, and even assisted you in leaving. He played me around, and he can't escape the blame."

Qin Wan's eyes narrowed: "Now that everything has been explained clearly, how about we part ways in peace?"

"Okay, get together, okay, separate?" Jiang Beiyu chewed on these words.

"Qin Wan, do you think I'm a sucker, huh?"

The first time I heard the Dog Emperor call my name, I felt a little weird.

"I have compared the birthmarks and every mole on your body with the records of Concubine Leng when she entered the palace. The body you are wearing is still Concubine Leng's body, right? Then you still say that you have no relationship with Concubine Leng and the General's Mansion?

If you leave, what about my cold concubine? "

Qin Wan was surprised.

I didn't expect that he could find out so much.

"So what do you want? How can you let me go?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "You can explain these to me. It is difficult for ordinary people to believe and understand things. I am willing to believe you, but can you make everyone in the world believe your explanation and believe that you are not the cold concubine?

In everyone's eyes, you are the Cold Concubine. If I let this matter go, then all my concubines will follow suit and my harem will inevitably be in chaos.

Of course, I can also lend you the painting and let you go, but I have one condition. "

"What conditions?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "You can choose one of the two. The first one is to find the real Leng Qingqing. As long as you can find Leng Qingqing, I can let you go immediately.

The second is to stay with me for another half a year.

After half a year, if the real Leng Concubine has not appeared, I will abolish her. In this way, even if you leave, the General's Mansion will not be affected. You can go back peacefully and let the birds fly freely in the sky from now on. "

Qin Wan hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay."

Jiang Beiyu looked at her and said sincerely, "Princess Lu Xuan of the Northern Kingdom is about to marry me. Emperor Lu Yan of the Northern Kingdom has always been treacherous and cunning, and he is always vindictive. This time he is willing to cede ten cities on his own initiative. There must be a bigger conspiracy behind this.

I need you, Qin Wan."

Qin Wan made an "OK" gesture to him.

"I can stay and help the emperor for another half a year. I hope the emperor can keep his promise."

Qin Wan discovered that once she developed a cooperative relationship with him, she no longer cared.

Based on his understanding of Jiang Beiyu's character, he will agree when the time comes.

Half a year? Counting with her fingers, only fifteen minutes had passed in modern times. She could afford it.

Let Shushu take Leng Lie back to see it later. You still need to borrow paintings from him. Get along well with him and help each other. This ending is a happy one for everyone.

After all was said and done, the Dog Emperor still had no intention of leaving. He seemed to have thought of something and said to her:

"Wait a minute, I have a gift for you!" After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Qin Wan was vaguely curious, but not that curious. Lying on the soft couch in the bedroom, he felt as if he had breathed a sigh of relief.

It is spring in Jiang State now. The yard is filled with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers. Through the window, you can see the white clouds lazily floating across the blue sky outside.

She replied to Ma Shushu:

"Don't worry, the matter has been resolved. Just tell your brother and don't worry about me."

Ma Shushu and Leng Lie were squatting in the tree house, waiting for news from her, anxiously.

"How did you solve it?"

Qin Wan replied: "I will stay with him for another half a year, and then he will let me go."

In fact, she had roughly guessed the result.

Jiang Beiyu really likes Qin Wan, and he definitely won't be willing to let Qin Wan go like this.

Her best friend agreed to stay in this world for another half a year, so she was naturally happy in her heart.

Jiang Beiyu is worthy of being Jiang Beiyu. Things will be better if you take it slow. The next six months is his last chance to make amends. Let's see if he can move her stone heart in the end.

After replying to the message, Qin Wan threw his phone away casually, got up and went to the yard to feed Xiongba.

Peach blossoms are blooming in the yard , and a faint fragrance is wafting in the warm breeze.

Xiongba hadn't seen her for half a month. As soon as she came out of the cage, he pounced on her and cried "woooo woooo" in grievance.

She smiled, rubbed his head, and threw him a big chicken drumstick.

At this time, Jiang Beiyu came running over, a little breathless, holding a pearl shawl in his hand.

These pearls are all half an inch in size, each one is uniform and lustrous, and are all top quality.

"These are all treasures from my treasury, a whole hectare of genuine freshwater pearls, all made into this shawl for you."

Seeing her puzzled look, he explained:

"Last time I asked you if you liked pearls, and you said you did, so I immediately arranged for someone to make them for you." He was a little shy.

"The shawl... was designed by me. I changed several tailors, but I was never satisfied with them. I tore it apart and made it again, so it took a long time.

Lu Xuan wants to have a grand wedding by wearing a fake pearl bridal gown, so I will give you the real ones. Only you deserve to wear the real ones. When you see her, you should wear the real ones to crush her and make her angry to death. "

As he said this, he put the shawl on her with his own hands.

She was wearing a goose yellow spring shirt today, which matched perfectly with the shawl. In the yard, under the peach tree, the scene was beautiful and wonderful. In the corner, there were three heads stacked up. They were the food trio. When they saw this scene, they all exclaimed "Wow" at the same time.

Going crazy.

Qin Wan curled the corners of his lips lightly: "The emperor is interested."

Seeing that the pearl cape fit her perfectly, she looked bright and beautiful in the sunlight, and the corners of her phoenix eyes began to turn moist and red again:

"I'm glad you're back. I almost thought you couldn't wear this dress anymore..."

Qin Wan moved to avoid his attempt to hug her, and said with a gentle smile: "Your Majesty, remember what you promised me. Now, you and I are just partners. Please don't be rude."

(The dog emperor chases his wife to the crematorium (??w??) The next chapter will be on August 25th, at 18:00.)

Chapter 93 Wanwan, your possessiveness is so strong...

"Your Majesty, remember what you promised me. Now, you and I are just partners. Please don't be disrespectful."

As she spoke, she clasped her hands together and saluted him. She looked so dignified and generous, with an impeccable smile.

"Farewell, Your Majesty."

Jiang Beiyu's pupils shrank slightly.

This time when she came back, she felt so close, yet so far away.

He hummed in his heart.

You seem so distant from me, but you still have to come to my bedroom to use the wifi. I'll see how long you can ignore me.


That night, he took a bubble bath with a rose bath ball and felt the scent of roses all over his body. He was wearing a yellow silk pajamas, casually tied with a belt, and leaning on the couch with one elbow.

On the small table were the salt and pepper chicken drumsticks, potato chips, sweet potatoes with plums, and iced bamboo tube milk tea that had just been fried by the imperial chef.

It is now the quarter hour of Hai.

I calculated with my fingers that she would be here soon.

He couldn't help but curl up a smile at the corner of his mouth. He glanced at the door secretly, holding a book in his hand, and continued to maintain this casual posture.

If you look closely, you can also see that he has deliberately let a fringe of bangs fall down on his forehead, making his well-defined face look even more handsome and elegant.

The next day, Eunuch Xi woke him up from his sleep and said, "Your Majesty, you should attend the court early."

I looked at him and saw that he had fallen asleep in this position. I looked again and saw that the small table was full of snacks and the snow on the bamboo tube of milk tea had melted.

"Didn't Empress Leng come last night?"

Eunuch Xi looked puzzled.

"I didn't come."

My heart sank suddenly.

But it was only her first day back, and with her proud personality, it was understandable that she couldn't bring herself to come over.

He got up, changed his clothes and went to the morning court.

After sleeping all night with his elbows propped up, he felt numbness and soreness from his right shoulder blade to his arm. The court officials saw the emperor twisting his shoulders several times.


A minister reported: "The Northern Princess's wedding procession has now set out from the Northern Kingdom, and the ten city deeds will be sent along with the Princess."

"I understand. Ask the Ministry of Rites to prepare for the handover of the city deed. Also, after the wedding procession enters the country, the Ministry of War should prepare for protection to prevent assassins from other countries from attacking them."

The Minister of War and the Minister of Rites said in unison: "I obey your order."

As he spoke, Jiang Beiyu shook his shoulders again, and there was a "click" sound. This was embarrassing.

My whole shoulder was stuck and I couldn't even move my neck!

All the officials in the court saw the emperor maintaining a strange posture, staring at everyone.

Leng Leng, who was standing in front, saw it at a glance and said, "Your Majesty, I can straighten your bones!"

Jiang Beiyu couldn't bear the pain any more: "Come up."

Leng Leng quickly stepped forward, walked to the side of the dragon throne, held the emperor's arm with one hand and his shoulder with the other, and then twisted it hard.


There was a loud noise that could be heard by all the civil and military officials in the court, and this time, it was hard to guarantee that there would be no personal grudges.

In order to maintain his dignity as a king, Jiang Beiyu endured the pain and did not cry out, but his hand on his thigh twisted violently in pain, and at that moment he felt that he was too young.

But after the pain was over, I felt my shoulder could move again.

"Thank you, General Leng."


After leaving court, Jiang Beiyu "passed by" Ronghua Palace.

I originally thought that she must still be sleeping soundly at this time, but unexpectedly, bursts of cheerful music came from her bedroom.

When I pushed the door open, I saw her wearing a sports vest and shorts, jumping on a woolen cushion like a little bunny.

A creamy white slim waist is revealed under the white half-vest, and the golden sunlight outlines a beautiful waistline.

On the shelf in front of him, there was something he had never seen before, with a screen much larger than the black box. It was playing a video of a woman jumping, and she was just imitating her movements.

Unlike the concubines, she did not tie her hair up or wear those heavy hair accessories. Instead, she had a comfortable bun. Ever since she had exposed her cards to the dog emperor, she was too lazy to even pretend.

"You...what are you doing?"

In broad daylight, she was wearing so little that he was embarrassed to look at her directly.

"Do some weight-loss exercises."

It just so happened that the fitness sportswear she asked the tailor to make yesterday was also finished. Modern people wear it like this, so Qin Wan didn't feel any shame. She turned around and looked at the Dog Emperor openly.

Her bust was voluptuous, and Jiang Beiyu didn't dare to look down. There was a faint blush on her earlobes.

"Wanwan is already thin enough."

He took off his cloak and wrapped it around her. "Besides, the weather is still so cold. What if you catch a cold?"

She always had a distant smile on her face: "I'm not cold, the emperor has something to say."

The subtext is, don't come here unless you have anything to do.

Jiang Beiyu racked his brains and said:

"Did Wanwan leave something here with me?"

Qin Wan looked puzzled. Jiang Beiyu curled up his hands, gestured at his eyes, and then gestured again, putting on the windbreaker.

Qin Wan suddenly understood and found it a little funny.


Unexpectedly, it was the windbreaker and glasses thrown into the grass that revealed the flaw.

Jiang Beiyu looked at her with some sarcasm: "I knew it was yours, so I put it away for you. Come to my bedroom to get it later."

Qin Wan said, "Okay, I'll ask Xiao Zhima to go over there later."

Jiang Beiyu narrowed his eyes and said, "Not everyone can enter my bedroom. If you want to take it, come by yourself."

After all, it was his own things that fell into someone else's hands, so Qin Wan endured it and said, "Okay."

She ate her breakfast leisurely, then walked over at a leisurely pace.

When she arrived at the dog emperor's bedroom, she saw the small table at a glance. There were milk tea and a lot of snacks on it. They were obviously from last night. They were confiscated and placed there on purpose for her to see.

Jiang Beiyu said: "I waited for a long time last night, but you didn't come."

The voice sounded aggrieved.

Qin Wan looked in the direction of the sound and saw Jiang Beiyu lying on the bed. A young eunuch was holding a piece of cloth with a bag of ice wrapped in it, applying it to his shoulders again and again.

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you don't have to wait anymore, and you don't have to prepare these things. I won't come over at night anymore. It's not very convenient."

Jiang Beiyu's head buzzed, and he thought he had heard it wrong. His heart sank suddenly, and he looked surprised: "Why? Don't you use the black box anymore?"

Qin Wan smiled casually: "I use them, but there is no need to disturb the emperor in his bedroom. Where are my clothes and sunglasses?"

"It's in my cabinet... the third compartment of the second cabinet on the right. Look for it yourself."

Jiang Beiyu lowered his long eyelashes, his face full of loss.

Not long after, Qin Wan found his windbreaker and sunglasses, wrapped them in his arms, and came out. He looked at Jiang Beiyu, who was lying on the couch, half dead, and said casually, "Your Majesty has sprained his shoulder."

Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

Qin Wan said lightly: "Then Your Majesty, please take good care of yourself."

After saying that, he walked away.

Jiang Beiyu: "......."

(ノへ ̄、)

She has no heart!


Qin Wan has made up his mind to go back after half a year, so he naturally has to calm down.

Moreover, now that she had made it clear to him that she was not his cold concubine, she had to have a sense of boundaries.

She put the clothes back in the bedroom. Seeing that it was still early in the morning, she put on the human skin mask she had worn before, changed into the clothes of a palace maid, and left the palace again.

In the next six months, she planned to use some of the money she earned to buy some jade, antiques, calligraphy and paintings to bring back.

All of these things we bring back are pure antiques. The exquisite and good ones will be kept for grandpa, and the rest can be sold at a good price in overseas auction markets.

One, an ordinary one can be sold for a few million, and an expensive one can be sold for hundreds of millions. Anyway, she has not spent these six months in vain!


She and Ma Shushu made an appointment to meet on the street. Ma Shushu also planned to buy some beautiful accessories and bracelets, and give them to her fans and sisters when she had the chance to go back.

The carriage picked up Ma Shushu at the intersection of a street in front of the general's mansion and drove to the most prosperous street in the capital.

"Yesterday, Leng Lie and I were so worried about you." Ma Shushu said as soon as she got in the car.

When Qin Wan mentioned Leng Leng, she felt guilty. She whispered:

"Yesterday, I confessed to the dog emperor that I was not Leng Qingqing, but Qin Wan. I was thinking, should I also confess this to Leng Lie..."

Ma Shushu thought seriously for a while and said, "My suggestion is that you should not do it until the real Leng Qingqing is found. He loves his sister so much. If he knew, he would be so sad...

After all, your current body is indeed lonely, but now you are alive in front of him, which is also a kind of sustenance. When you really go back one day, I will tell him. "

Qin Wan sighed: "I don't know where the real Leng Qingqing is. I thought I could return to my own body the last time I went back."

Ma Shushu also found it very strange.

"You haven't seen her since you returned to modern times?"

Qin Wan shook his head.

Ma Shushu said: "There is another thing that I find very strange..."


"Even Jiang Beiyu, who didn't know Leng Qingqing very well before, could find out that you are not Leng Qingqing. What's more, what about Leng Leng, who has watched Leng Qingqing grow up? Could it be that he didn't find out at all?"

Having said that, the two looked at each other and thought about it in detail.

Ma Shushu looked at her meaningfully: "I heard from the servants in the mansion that the original Leng Qingqing was inferior and cowardly, which is completely different from your personality. With such an obvious difference, he wouldn't, he really doesn't know anything about it, right?"

After getting off the carriage, the two ate a bowl of spicy pork intestine noodles at a noodle restaurant and went to the antique shop next door.

Ma Shushu took out 750 taels of silver from his purse and handed it to her:

"By the way, the master got the reward for revealing the imperial edict. He said that he didn't get the real painting and let you go back, so he gave you half of the money."

Qin Wan smiled and took it, just in time to use the money to buy antiques.

She took a fancy to a chicken-glazed cup on the shelf and was about to pick it up when suddenly, a slender, soft, white hand grasped the other end.

Qin Wan said: "Sorry, I took it first."

She looked up following the hand and was slightly startled when she saw the familiar face.

Isn't this... the Lu Xuan disguised as a man who was stabbed and carried away by her?

If she is really the Northern Princess Lu Xuan, then she should still be on her way here. Could it be that she was afraid of being assassinated, so she went ahead and the person on the road is a substitute?

Today, she is dressed in women's clothing, and is still as arrogant as ever:

"But I like it too."

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Everything should be based on first come first served."

"Whoever gives you first come first served, whatever I like is mine!"

She was about to snatch the cup from her, but Qin Wan was stronger and snatched it from her hand, then he let go and the cup broke into pieces.

"Oh, it's broken."

She looked at her face and smiled and said, "Boss, I accidentally broke your cup. I will pay you for it, no matter how much it costs."

The boss who was calculating the bill at the counter did not even raise his head: "Ten taels."

Lu Xuan's face was distorted with anger.


Qin Wan's eyebrows danced with joy, and she asked again, "Boss, are there any more in the warehouse? I want ten, pack them for me."

"Yes, okay~"

The boss quickly got up and went to work. Lu Xuan in front of her glared at her fiercely and couldn't help asking, "Do you know who I am?"

Qin Wan continued to pick things from the shelf: "Oh? Who are you?"

Lu Xuan wanted to say something but finally stopped herself from speaking because of her rationality. "You are just a palace maid, but you dare to be so arrogant? Don't fall into my hands in the future, or I will skin you alive!"

After saying this, she left angrily.

Qin Wan didn't take it seriously at all.

Ma Shushu, who was watching the fight from the side, tilted her head to look at her after she left, and suddenly said, "Wanwan, you are so possessive."

"Hmm?" Qin Wan acted calm, but suddenly a trace of discomfort flashed across his face. "It's just a cup. Don't make a big deal out of it."

Not to mention, buying "antiques" was really cheap in ancient times. She carried a large sack back for 750 taels. She bought a lot and didn't even count the money for the broken items.

When I returned to Ronghua Palace, I found that the atmosphere in the palace was not right. When I went in, I saw the dog emperor with a blue face. He was drinking tea in the main hall, and all the palace people in the room were frightened into silence.

"Where did you go?" he said in a deep voice, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought she had run away again...

Qin Wan put down the sack he was carrying and said calmly:

"I went for a walk outside."

Jiang Beiyu stood up, walked over with a sullen look on his face, and took a look inside her sack.

"Why did you buy a bunch of junk? Is there nothing good in the palace?"

He grabbed her wrist forcefully and dragged her away: "Follow me."

"Huh?" Qin Wan looked puzzled, but he was determined and could only be dragged by him through the green tiles and red walls of the palace.

He stopped at a palace, opened the door with a key, and took her in.

It turned out that this was the palace's storehouse. It was filled with numerous rare and precious treasures of top quality and innumerable antique jades. If they were to be found in modern times, they would easily be worth hundreds of millions. The glittering jewels and precious stones almost blinded her eyes.

He still had a cold face: "Pick whatever you like."

(Next chapter on August 26, 18:00.)

Chapter 94 Help, Mr. Jiang is pretending to be pitiful again (?_?)

He still had a cold face: "Pick whatever you like."

Qin Wan was shocked.

No, this is the wealth accumulated by his Jiang family for eighteen generations. How can he let her choose so easily? This is a top-notch love brain, right? Is there any hope for this child?

"Sorry, no merit, no reward."

She still had principles and regained her indifferent expression: "Wait until I make some achievements in the future, then you can reward me."

Jiang Beiyu's eyes dimmed, and he whispered, "I brought you here to see the good things in this palace. If you become my queen in the future, all of these will be yours."

Oh, it's in the CPU.

Qin Wan crossed his arms, with a perfect smile on his face: "Your Majesty, have you ever heard of this saying?"


"Wealth and honor cannot corrupt us, and might and power cannot subdue us."

Jiang Beiyu choked and was about to say something when suddenly a guard ran over:

"Your Majesty, something bad has happened. The Northern Princess's wedding procession encountered bandits after entering the Northern Kingdom. The city deed was stolen and the princess is missing!"


Jiang Beiyu was greatly surprised.

Qin Wan was also surprised.

This Northern Kingdom is really full of tricks. Didn't the princess sneak to Jiang Kingdom a long time ago? Why did they openly say that she was kidnapped? Are they trying to deny their debt?

She hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether she should tell Jiang Beiyu that she had met Lu Xuan on the streets of Beijing today.

Jiang Beiyu hurried back to the study.

Several ministers had already entered the palace to discuss this emergency with him. Qin Wan also changed into a palace maid's clothes, put on a human skin mask and went to the study, disguising herself as a palace maid serving tea.

She placed a cup of tea on Jiang Beiyu's desk and listened to him speak:

"In that case, cancel the engagement."

The prime minister said: "But the princess of the Northern Kingdom was abducted in our Jiang Kingdom. We are also to blame!"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Have you found out who did this?"

The Minister of War shook his head and said, "We didn't find any. We just happened to pass through a desert. The thieves hid under the sand dunes and killed them by surprise. It is very likely that they were sent by the Southern Kingdom because they were afraid that we would unite with the Northern Kingdom."

Jiang Beiyu looked deep in his eyes and said, "Is it possible that the Northerners staged this incident themselves? In fact, they had no intention of handing over the ten cities? Or did they suddenly regret it?"

The ministers fell into deep thought, and Qin Wan, who was standing beside her, was also thinking.

This matter is indeed very strange.

She recalled what Lu Xuan said when she met her in the antique shop today. She said: "Don't fall into my hands in the future, or I will skin you alive." It seemed that she was sure that she would enter the palace.

In this case, there is no possibility that the northerners would go back on their word, unless it was a conflict among themselves.

The Prime Minister said anxiously: "The most urgent thing now is to find the princess, otherwise, we will not be able to explain to the Northern Kingdom!"

Jiang Beiyu's face darkened and he fell into deep thought.

Qin Wan thought for a moment and left the study.

After returning to the palace, she immediately asked Ma Shushu to find out whether there was a guest named Lu Xuan in the "Shushu family".

Based on her understanding of the princess, when the noble princess came to the capital, she would definitely stay in the best and most comfortable inn, and Shu Fu Jia would definitely be the first choice.

Moreover, "Comfortable Home" imitates the management system of modern hotels. Every guest staying in the hotel must register their name and the corresponding room number.

Ma Shushu checked immediately and quickly gave her feedback: "Yes, he lives in the VIP suite!"

Qin Wan thought, why didn't she stay in her supreme suite when she was staying in the VIP suite that cost 20 taels of silver per night? It seems that this little princess is not as rich as imagined.

Ma Shushu said: "According to the registration records at the front desk, she checked in last night."

"Okay." Qin Wan felt relieved.


At this time, Lu Xuan was still unaware of the commotion outside.

She had just returned to the inn and was soaking in the bathtub. She had just thrown a rose bath ball given by the inn into the bathtub and was enjoying the bubble bath.

But thinking about what happened on the street today, I still feel a little upset. I thought, when she enters the palace, I must pull her out and give her a good beating to see if she dares to act crazy again.

But she didn't know that while she was thinking, the window suddenly moved, and suddenly several masked men in black climbed in through the window, rushed into the bathroom, picked her up and ran away.

Thinking that she was not wearing any clothes and the white area attracted people's attention, the leader pulled down the curtain, wrapped the person in the curtain, and took her away.

Lu Xuan struggled frantically in the curtains, twisting her body and making "wuuuuuuuu" sounds. The group of people climbed over the eaves and walls and evacuated quickly on the tiles. The people coming and going in the street below did not notice.

Finally, the person was tied up and thrown into the cellar of an abandoned house in the capital. The human skin mask on her face was torn off, and her true appearance was indeed Princess Lu Xuan of the Northern Kingdom.

Ye Wei walked up to Qin Wan and reported, "My Lady, the person you wanted has been captured."

These people are Ye Wei's old subordinates. She still has some residual power in the capital. These people have not been recruited and are still her die-hard loyalists.

Qin Wan thought, here comes the chance to make a contribution.

As long as the real princess is in their hands, the situation is controllable, and it all depends on what tricks the other side wants to play.

As a result, news came three days later: the abducted Northern Princess and her bridal sedan were thrown back into the Northern Kingdom.

This makes it difficult to comment.

This action was a great humiliation for the Northern Kingdom and the Northern Princess. Moreover, the city deed was lost and the marriage could no longer continue.

Things have come to a standstill.

That night, Qin Wan walked into Jiang Beiyu's bedroom.

Jiang Beiyu was delighted when he saw her, his eyes were full of little stars.

"Wanwan, you're here?"

Qin Wan's face was cold and serious: "Princess Lu Xuan of the Northern Kingdom is in my hands."

The smile on Jiang Beiyu's face froze: "What do you mean?"

Qin Wan said: "In the Northern Kingdom's wedding procession, the person in the bridal sedan was not the real princess. The Northerners were cunning and were afraid of any accidents along the way, so they arranged a substitute."

"Bodyguard?" Jiang Beiyu looked surprised.

Qin Wan continued, "The real Princess of the Northern Kingdom had already arrived in Jiang Kingdom in advance. I happened to run into her on the street a few days ago, and when I came back I learned that the Princess of the Northern Kingdom and Chengqi had been abducted."

She said calmly: "I was worried that this was a conspiracy. I thought that as long as I had the real princess, I wouldn't have to be controlled by others."

"My dear!"

Jiang Beiyu couldn't help but hold her shoulders and whispered, "This is not a conspiracy. The person sent to abduct the Princess of the Northern Kingdom and the city deed was someone I sent, 'Shadow Three Thousand'.

I don't want you to be angry, so I can't refuse openly, but I can only let the secret guards throw them back secretly."

Qin Wan was shocked.

Recalling his reaction when he learned that the Princess of the Northern Kingdom and Chengqi were abducted, he was indeed called "Actor Jiang" and even she was deceived.

Jiang Beiyu continued, "Logically, the princess of the Northern Kingdom would have given up on the marriage after being humiliated. However, the Northern Kingdom was so cunning that they sent their princess ahead. The princess in the wedding procession was just a stand-in to deceive people."

Qin Wan said: "Then now that the real princess is in our hands, what should we do?"

Jiang Beiyu thought for a moment and said, "How about throwing it again? Throwing the real thing back to the North Country? But the journey is a bit far, and I am worried that something unexpected will happen on the way."

The dog is Jiang Beiyu's dog.

The two of them unanimously decided to send Lu Xuan to the border between the two countries and throw her back to the Northern Kingdom. At that time, a letter came from the Northern Kingdom.

The general meaning of the national book is:

"Don't panic. No country can stop Jiang and Beiguo from forming a Qin-Jin alliance.

To prevent the princess from being attacked, the Northern Kingdom took away a substitute. The city deed can be replaced if it is lost. The real princess has safely checked into the "Comfortable Home" Inn in the capital of the Jiang Kingdom. Please go and greet her as soon as possible."

It turned out that Lu Xuan had sent a letter back to report her safety after checking in. How cunning! Now, everyone knew that she was in her inn!

After hearing the news, the Minister of War immediately sent a team to the "Shufujia" Inn, but found it empty-handed, so they surrounded the inn.

Jiang Beiyu was furious and immediately summoned the Minister of War: "I asked you to go? Why did you act on your own?"

The Minister of War said: "The Emperor sent me to do the protection work for the wedding procession. The wedding procession was abducted by thieves before, which was my negligence. So, as soon as I heard the news, I immediately went to the inn. I must protect the safety of the Princess of the Northern Kingdom!"

Jiang Beiyu narrowed his eyes and asked: "Are you the Minister of War of Jiang Kingdom or the Minister of War of Bei Kingdom?

You are more worried about the loss of the Northern Princess than I am about the loss of myself.

Beiguo said she was in Shufujia Inn, so she must be in Shufujia Inn? If she was in my bedroom, would you dare to search my bedroom too? "

The Minister of War knelt down immediately and said, "Your Majesty, I am innocent! I just wanted to make amends, but I didn't expect the Princess of the Northern Kingdom to have an accident and be provoked by others to sow discord between us and the Northern Kingdom!

But right now, I haven't found the princess at the Shufu Inn, what should I do? "

Jiang Beiyu suddenly realized the depth of the Northern Kingdom's hidden power in the Jiang Kingdom's court.

"Since you haven't found it, then take your soldiers back!"

Jiang Beiyu's expression was extremely grim. "Come here! Minister of War Liu Muchang, you mobilized troops without my permission, and you will be severely punished with thirty lashes!"

Liu Muchang continued to shout that he was innocent, but was soon dragged away by the guards, and the sound of beatings continued.

This move was a warning to other ministers who were close to the Northern Kingdom.

Qin Wan actually understood in his heart that with the previous events and the fact that the civil and military officials had forced Jiang Beiyu to agree to the marriage with the Northern Kingdom, there must be many people in the court who had connections with the Northern Kingdom, and their status was not low.

Now, Lu Xuan had become a hot potato in her hands, so she gave Jiang Beiyu an idea:

"It's impossible to secretly send her back to the Northern Kingdom now. Why not blindfold Lu Xuan and throw her on the streets of the capital tonight? Let's see which minister's mansion she goes to for help. Then we'll know who is involved with the Northern Kingdom. How do you think?"

Jiang Beiyu also thought this was a good idea.

So, on a dark and windy night, on a quiet street, Lu Xuan was blindfolded again and released.

She tore off the black cloth covering her eyes, stood up and looked around, then staggered towards one direction with determination.

The second day.

After Jiang Beiyu left the court, he went to Ronghua Palace.

As usual, she got up early, tied her hair into a bun, wore a sports vest and did slimming exercises. Today she was wearing a black suit, which looked inexplicably cool.

She was sweating all over, and she wiped it with the long silk handkerchief hanging around her neck while saying, "What's the matter, Your Majesty?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "This Lu Xuan is really cunning beyond common people's imagination. Guess whose house she went to yesterday?"

Qin Wan was stunned for a moment and guessed it.

"my brother?"


Qin Wan had a complicated expression and sat down aside.

"It's really cunning...

She had come to my brother's residence before, disguised as an envoy, to discuss business, so she knew the way. And she knew that my brother was upright and would definitely take her to a safe place."

Jiang Beiyu stared at her and found that even when she was sitting, there was no fat on her belly, and her abs could be vaguely seen. Even with this, she still wanted to lose weight?

Jiang Beiyu said: "For now, we will temporarily place her in another inn in the capital, and when the wedding procession from the Northern Kingdom arrives, we will choose an auspicious day for her to enter the palace."

Qin Wan stood up and put on his coat.

"She can come if she wants. Anyway, the emperor promised me that he would let me leave after half a year. Oh no, it's less than half a year now. There are still 175 days left."

Jiang Beiyu felt a pain in his heart.

She was determined to leave and even calculated the time so precisely.

There were thousands of words in his chest, but in the end, they were all stuck in his throat. He knew that no matter how much he said, it was useless. What was important was action.

She was not his concubine Leng Qingqing, nor was she a person from this world. It was already a rare opportunity for her to be willing to stay and help him for half a year.

"Wanwan, thank you." He said, "It is my blessing to meet you."

"Okay, I've finished talking about my business. I'm going back..."

Qin Wan was surprised that he didn't stay with her. She looked up and saw Jiang Beiyu slowly leaving with his back somewhat hunched.

Are you pretending to be pitiful again? Humph, she won't be fooled.


Ten days later, the wedding party from the Northern Kingdom arrived in the capital.

The Northern Kingdom's ceremonial officials brought the city deed, and the Northern Kingdom's guards carried boxes of dowry that formed a long dragon.

Lu Xuan put on the legendary phoenix crown and bridal robe made of 999 pearls and entered the palace in grand style.

She was named Concubine Xuan, and since she was a princess married to a foreign country, according to etiquette, all officials and concubines welcomed her at the palace gate.

Everyone was curious about what this legendary, stunningly beautiful princess looked like. When they met her in person, they found that the rumors were true. This princess had delicate features and snow-white skin, like a proud white swan, and was glowing with jewels.

Lu Xuan knew that everything that happened before was just an episode. When she came here, she would definitely get everything she wanted!

And that cold concubine, hahahaha, she's back, she wants revenge for the last time she got stabbed with a needle! She's going to pay her back tenfold or a hundredfold!

As she was thinking about it, she was searching for Concubine Leng among the concubines.

At this moment, Qin Wan was wearing her Burberry black windbreaker, sunglasses, and waist-length wavy hair. One hand was casually inserted in the pocket of the windbreaker, and she was chewing gum...

(Next chapter on August 27, 18:00.)

Chapter 95: Tell me, you will. If I go, you will break my legs...

At this moment, Qin Wan was wearing a Burberry black windbreaker, sunglasses, and waist-length wavy hair. One hand was casually inserted in the pocket of the windbreaker, and she was chewing gum...

Even blew a bubble.

The dog emperor wanted her to wear the pearl shawl today, but does he have to let her wear it?

If she wears pearls too, wouldn't that be a sign of being a follower? She won't wear them.


Lu Xuan's gaze wandered among the concubines twice before settling on the person wearing strange black clothes and covering his eyes.

Even if you cover your eyes, you can still feel the disdain coming towards you.

Is there something wrong with her aesthetic sense? Why does she think that woman who doesn't fit in is cool?

Is this the cold concubine?

Why does it feel like the style of painting is so different from the last time I saw it?

Qin Wan had officially met Lu Xuan at this time.

She studied her through her sunglasses.

She looks the same as the person in the portrait of the princess that the dog emperor brought earlier. This is her true appearance. She is indeed a stunningly beautiful little beauty.

Wouldn't it be more exciting to bully a little beauty like this in the future?

Thinking of this, she smiled casually and blew another bubble.

After Lu Xuan entered the palace, she was assigned to Yunshu Palace where Shu Fei had lived before, and Yunshu Palace was officially changed to Beiming Palace.

After Concubine Xuan arrived, the four concubines were reshuffled into the four palaces of southeast, northwest, northeast and southwest, namely Concubine Leng in the East Palace, Concubine Qi in the West Palace, Concubine Zhang in the South Palace and Concubine Xuan in the North Palace.

Because she was not the queen, there was no wedding ceremony for her even though she was a princess. They just set off a string of firecrackers at the palace gate, and then she was covered with a veil and sent to her bedroom.

Logically, Jiang Beiyu should come over tonight, lift the veil, and stay here overnight.

At this time, Jiang Beiyu was in the study, accepting the box sent by the Northern Kingdom's ceremonial officer. Inside was the Northern Kingdom's princess's dowry, ten cities.

Jiang Beiyu took it, opened the box and took a look. After confirming that it was correct, he closed the box and said, "Thank you for coming all the way here, sir. Here's a reward."

Immediately, a palace servant brought in a tray filled with neatly stacked small silver ingots.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The ceremonial officer smiled and bowed, saying, "Your Majesty, I have one more thing to say. I heard that the princess has prepared a medicine for your majesty to prolong your life and will present it to you tonight."

Jiang Beiyu looked at him, his smile not reaching his eyes: "Your Excellency is indeed too talkative. You must have been so tired from the journey that you even interfered with the princess's private affairs. Go back and rest as soon as possible."

Then, he sent the ceremonial officer away.

That night, Lu Xuan nervously clenched her hands under the veil.

She had the ceremonial officer convey that sentence deliberately because she was afraid that the emperor would not come tonight and she would lose face.

As an emperor, he should be interested in medicine for longevity. What's more, she had begged for this medicine with great effort, kneeling and bowing. The subtext was that she would give it tonight, but after tonight, she would not give it to him and would rather feed it to the fish.

So, will he come?

She had weighed the pros and cons before deciding to marry Jiang Beiyu. In addition to helping her brother, she had also compared the pros and cons. Even if she didn't marry Jiang Beiyu, she would marry a powerful and noble man from the Northern Kingdom, and none of them were as good-looking as Jiang Beiyu.

Even though she and Jiang Beiyu didn't have any feelings for each other now, she liked his appearance and had a good impression of him. So, she was looking forward to tonight.

Finally, she heard the bedroom door creak open and she subconsciously held her breath.

Closer, he is getting closer...

Suddenly, the handle of a sword lifted up her veil, and her world was illuminated by light. She looked up expectantly, but her whole face suddenly froze.

At this time, Qin Wan was playing a small game on his tablet. For some reason, he felt absent-minded tonight.

Suddenly, she felt the bedroom door being pushed open with a creaky sound.

I thought it was blown away by the wind, but when I looked up, I saw a bright yellow figure standing in front of me.

She said, "Concubine Xuan was just canonized today. She came from afar to marry you. Today is her wedding night. Aren't you going to her place?"

Jiang Beiyu glanced at her and said, "If I go, I'm afraid Wanwan will break my legs."

Qin Wan smiled and said, "I don't know how to do it. It's up to you."

Jiang Beiyu looked at her pitifully: "Tell me quickly, you will, if I go, you will break my legs..."


Qin Wan couldn't help but be amused by him.

Jiang Beiyu actually took a small bright yellow pillow from behind him.

"Even if I come to sleep on the floor here, I won't go to her place."

He originally wanted to put his pillow next to her bed, but after looking at her eyes, he put it on the floor next to her bed. Then, he went to the cupboard, took out a roll of straw mat and spread it on the floor.

"Wanwan, please let me stay here with you for one night. Please let me avoid you."

Qin Wan didn't even look at him and said, "It's up to you." and continued playing the game.

Jiang Beiyu supported his head with one hand and leaned on the straw mat, looking at her. He felt a little curious as he saw her playing games.

"Wanwan, in the past, you had to come to my bedroom to play the black box, because only my bedroom had the WiFi you mentioned. Why don't you come to my bedroom now?"

Qin Wan didn't hide anything and directly picked up a white, palm-sized thing with a blue light flashing on it and said nonchalantly, "I went back and got a portable wifi."

To save trouble, she spent a few thousand more to buy a solar charger. Although she already had a small power generation device, DC charging required cutting the charging cable and connecting the two electrodes. She found it troublesome to charge with the wire.

Jiang Beiyu's heart darkened. So that's how it is...

I haven't touched the black box for more than half a month. Seeing her having fun, I feel itchy inside.

He looked at her eagerly: "Well, Wanwan now has two toys, can you lend me one for a while?"

She felt uncomfortable with someone staring at her while she was playing, so Qin Wan picked up her tablet and threw it into his arms.

After playing for a while, Qin Wan felt bored and thought: "Do you know how to play chess?"

"Of course I will!"

Qin Wan said, "Then come on? If you lose, you'll hit me on the head."

"What if I win?"

"If you win, shoot me one."

Qin Wan logged into his grandfather's account for him, and she used her own on her phone.

Grandpa won prizes in chess competitions when he was young. He loved playing chess with her the most. He always lost. She didn't know if her grandfather was letting her go.

The ancient kings were trained to be proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting since childhood, and they just happened to be able to battle with him.

"How can I bear to play Wanwan?"

Jiang Beiyu looked at the corner of her bed and said, "If I win three games in a row, Wanwan will let me sleep on this little corner. How about that?"

The expression on Qin Wan's face was unpredictable.

Jiang Beiyu deliberately said: "There has to be some pressure, so that the game is interesting. Besides, Wanwan may not lose to me... Could it be that Wanwan thinks that her chess skills are not as good as mine?"

Qin Wan saw through his green tea but couldn't resist his competitive spirit, so he said, "Okay, let's play!"

In the first game, Jiang Beiyu tested her strength and lost to her on purpose in order to make her inflate.

Qin Wan was very happy after the victory. He laughed heartily: "Come here, play for me!"

Jiang Beiyu admitted defeat and moved his forehead closer. She stretched out her hand and tapped his forehead unceremoniously like tapping a watermelon.

A fleeting glimmer of cunning flashed across the corners of Jiang Beiyu's eyes.

On the other side, Lu Xuan looked at An Wushang in front of her in shock:

"why you?"

An Wushang said expressionlessly: "The emperor sent me here to lift the veil for the queen. The emperor asked the queen to rest early. He is not feeling well and will not come."

Lu Xuan couldn't believe it: "This is impossible!"

The royal family is ruthless by nature. The women in the harem don't make much difference if she's included or not. Although there were some minor incidents when she married in that might have made him unhappy, he married her anyway. With her beauty and her initiative to offer medicine, wouldn't he be willing to sleep with her?

Angry and ashamed, she impulsively got off the wedding bed and wanted to find him to ask him clearly, but a sword still in its scabbard stopped her.

After all, she was a bright and beautiful beauty. An Wushang felt a little reluctant and said, "My queen, please don't humiliate yourself."


A slap landed hard on his face.

"How dare you, a mere servant, instruct me? Get out of here now."

Since he was a teenager, when the emperor was still a prince, he followed the emperor as a secret guard. Although he was a guard, everyone in the palace respected him. This was the first slap he had ever received in his life.

But after all, the other party was the queen, so he pursed his lips and said, "I'll take my leave."

He wiped the corner of his mouth and returned to Ronghua Palace, wanting to report to the emperor that the task had been completed. He heard laughter from inside. The two men were fighting fiercely, so he didn't want to disturb them, so he stopped at the door.

Leng Ying was also holding a sword, standing in the dark under the eaves.

In the room, Qin Wan won one game and then lost two games in a row. Now in the third game, she was extremely nervous and highly concentrated.

Time passed little by little, and this time she did not dare to slack off. The two fought for several rounds. On the screen, the pieces on the chessboard were becoming fewer and fewer.

Finally, Qin Wan killed him with the last step, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Jiang Beiyu stared at the screen, trying to find a way to save him. He couldn't believe it, but he refused to admit defeat: "Come again!"

Qin Wan tapped him on the head again.

The two fought until the second half of the night, and it ended with Qin Wan falling asleep in a daze.

After waking up, Qin Wan found himself sleeping on a straw mat on the ground, held in the arms of the Dog Emperor, with one of her arms around his waist.

The Dog Emperor seemed to be still sleeping soundly. She struggled but failed to break free.

Damn it! She had never fallen off the bed before when she was sleeping. It must have been taken down by the dog emperor in the middle of the night when she was asleep!

She struggled hard again but still couldn't break free. Jiang Beiyu narrowed his eyes and a faint curve appeared at the corner of his lips.

On the second day, the news that the emperor asked the guards to lift the veil and sleep on the floor in Ronghua Palace, but did not stay overnight in Beiming Palace spread widely in the palace.

Lu Xuan didn't sleep last night, and when she heard the rumors today, she was so angry that her teeth were itching.

"Cold Concubine! You are here to defeat me!"

However, nothing lasts forever, and there is still a long time to come. I will definitely turn things around!

Thinking of this, she washed up, put on some delicate makeup, and then went to visit various palaces with her personal maid Matcha and small gifts.

In order not to appear deliberate, the first person she visited was Concubine Zhang of Luming Palace, and then Concubine Leng.

Princess Zhang saw that she was very enthusiastic and polite. She seemed to have expected that she would come to give gifts, so she asked her personal maid Lian Qiao to prepare a return gift early, and gave it to her after Matcha came with the gift.

She smiled and said to Zhang Fei, "Sister, you are too polite. What I brought here is not a big gift. It is our northern country's ginseng tea that calms the mind and nourishes the blood. It is also a specialty of our place."

Princess Zhang said, "I have always wanted to go to the North since I was a child, but I never had the chance. After I entered the palace, I had even less chance. I heard that there is a mountain in your country that is covered with snow all year round. It doesn't melt in the summer, and there are natural treasures on the mountain."

When Lu Xuan heard this, she said, "Oh, yes, yes, yes. It snows frequently where we are, and the winter is colder than here. The mountains are full of elk and medicinal herbs. If there is a chance in the future, I can take you to the mountains to play."

Concubine Zhang nodded and held her hand. "After you marry me, we will be sisters. Come here often and tell me more about the North Country."

Lu Xuan rarely felt the warmth here! It is said that the women in the harem fight overtly and covertly, and are cold and ruthless. Yesterday, the emperor did not come to her side. This sister named Zhang Fei, not only did not despise or ridicule her, but also treated her sincerely. What a good person.

Lu Xuan's eyes sparkled as she smiled and said, "Okay."

If there weren't a few concubines to visit, I would really like to stay with her for a while and drink tea together.

Lu Xuan later exchanged some polite words with her and then left.

The next one is the cold concubine of Ronghua Palace.

Lu Xuan stood at the door, took a deep breath, adjusted her expression, and then let the maid knock on the door.

Inside the door, Xiao Zhima heard the noise and hurried over to report to Qin Wan: "Your Majesty, Concubine Xuan is here."

Qin Wan had just finished aerobics. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and lower abdomen, and casually put on a loose and comfortable robe.

"Let her in."

When Lu Xuan came in, she had a sweet smile on her face and looked harmless, completely different from the way she gritted her teeth when they parted, and from the way she was arrogant and domineering in the antique shop and tried to snatch antiques from her.

Lu Xuan skillfully repeated the lines she had just said to Zhang Fei. Even the expression on her face was exactly the same as before. She asked Matcha to take the gift box she had prepared.

Qin Wan glanced at the gift she brought and looked at her with a smile: "Have we met before?"

Lu Xuan was stunned for a moment, then continued to smile harmlessly and said, "No, no. This is my first time in Jiang Country."

Qin Wan said "Oh?" and nodded thoughtfully.

"Then I didn't stab you."

Qin Wan said, "Do you know? I have face blindness. I used to give a girl named Lu Xuan acupuncture. I gave her so many needles that she lost her breath, cried and screamed, and threatened to kill me. She is also from your Northern Country."

Lu Xuan: "..."

She could only force a smile and continue to smile awkwardly: "Maybe it's because we have the same name... This is really the first time I see my sister."


Qin Wan smiled and asked Xiao Zhima to take out the gift she had "carefully" prepared.

(Next chapter on August 28, 18:00.)
