
Chapter 216: The meridians have been injured, and it will be difficult to walk normally in the future

"Your Majesty, this is my wedding invitation."

Jiang Beiyu took it and saw that the two would be getting married next month.

"Okay, I will definitely participate."

Leng Ying also received the invitation.

As a fellow guard, he was happy for him, but thinking that his marriage to the princess had not yet started, he felt a little melancholy.

He has been recovering from his injuries since returning.

As a guard, it is inevitable to get injured. He knows very well that it takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone. He did not pay much attention to this injury before. He actively changed the dressing and exercised every day. But somehow, he felt that his right leg showed no signs of recovery, and he even felt that the leg seemed to have lost sensation.

He was on duty when Xiao Zhima came over and said to him happily, "Guard Leng, the Empress and the Emperor will be leaving the palace this afternoon, so we'll give you half a day off so you can have a good rest in the palace."

Leng Ying quickly said, "Wouldn't it be more dangerous for the Queen to leave the palace?"

Xiao Zhima said, "Okay, okay, your legs can't protect the queen, so you'd better wait until you recover from your injury." After that, she ran away.

Although it was an unintentional remark, Leng Ying's expression suddenly became lonely after hearing it.

In the afternoon, after watching the Empress and Xiao Zhima leave the palace together, he limped back to the room where he rested. Realizing his walking posture, he tried his best to return to his normal state, but he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, a small hand came over and held him steadily.

Jiang Nange was holding a food box in his other hand, which contained a bowl of freshly cooked, steaming mutton bone soup.


After he stood firm, he tried to break free from her, but she was stubborn and supported him all the way to his room.

She said, "I told you to use a crutch a long time ago, but you insisted on being stubborn."

Leng Ying said, "It looks awkward for a guard to use a crutches."

Jiang Nange said, "Don't guards ever get injured? It's not like you have to use a crutches forever, it's just temporary, so what's the big deal?"

She opened the lunch box in her hand and placed it on the table:

"To gain weight in autumn, I asked the imperial kitchen to cook this specially for you. Drink it while it's hot."

Leng Ying took the spoon and took a sip of the soup, "It tastes great, thank you, Princess."

"If it tastes good, just keep drinking it."

Jiang Nange held up her little pink cheeks and looked at him.

Leng Ying felt a little uncomfortable when she looked at him: "Princess, you drink too."

Jiang Nange said, "I don't have any. I made this especially for you."

Leng Ying took a few more sips and felt a little worried.

"Princess, I feel like the medicine the imperial physician prescribed for my legs is not working..."

Jiang Nange said, "If you had told me earlier, I would have changed one for you."

The guards in the palace used different imperial physicians from those of the royal family. When he came back from the South, he just applied golden wound medicine on his legs and changed the bandages every day. He originally thought that it was normal that his legs didn't get better after the long journey, but after returning, he still didn't recover after a few days of rest.

Jiang Nange said, "I'll take you to see Doctor Huang. He used to be a military doctor and can feel bones. He's the best at treating this kind of injury."


After drinking the medicine, Jiang Nange took him to the Imperial Hospital. Doctor Huang was preparing the medicine. When he saw the princess bringing people in person, he quickly put down the work he was doing.

He asked Leng Ying to sit down and put his legs across the couch, and he touched from the knees all the way down.

When he touched the wound, Leng Ying couldn't help but groan in pain, while Doctor Huang's expression became more and more solemn.

"Why did you come to me now?"

Leng Ying said: "I thought it was just a minor injury, nothing serious."

Doctor Huang said: "You have injured your meridians. It's hard to say whether you can walk normally in the future."

Hearing this, Leng Ying and Jiang Nange were both shocked.

"How about this, I'll prescribe a prescription for you and re-bandage your leg. Whether it can heal or not depends on the destiny."

Doctor Huang wrote a prescription helplessly, then found two pieces of wood and re-bandaged his leg.

"Remain in bed for the next few days and don't move around."


the other side.

Lu Yan has already set off for Jiang State.

It is impossible to get back the lost cities in this peace talks. We can only redeem them and try to pay less.

In addition to peace talks, he came to the North for another important matter.

He wanted to see his little niece, but wondered if he could see her this time.

The journey is long and far. The sky is bleak in autumn and the road ahead is uncertain.

There was a festive atmosphere in An Wushang's house.

The emperor specially gave him a few days off to prepare for the wedding. He asked Uncle Fu to pull a cart and take Lu Xuan to the street to buy items for the wedding, and to go to the tailor shop on the street to have the wedding dress tailored.

Lu Xuan came to the tailor shop and recalled her previous wedding dress, which was extremely luxurious, but this one was just ordinary, embroidered with gold thread.

Because she had loved pearls since she was a child, she casually asked, "Boss, do you have any pearls?"

The boss grinned and said, "Yes, we have as many as you want. You can even make the same one that the Northern Princess wore when she got married. The price of pearls has come down now."

Lu Xuan's expression changed: "No, just this ordinary one."

Even the "ordinary" wedding dress in her eyes cost An Wushang nearly a year's salary. He asked the boss to make it with the best material in the store.

After leaving the tailor shop, An Wushang held her hand and said happily, "Let's go buy some wedding candy."

Lu Xuan said "hmm" and walked with him on the street. Suddenly, they stopped.

On the street ahead, she saw a familiar figure in the sunlight.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 10)

Chapter 217: A Lucky Number, 666 Million Taels

On the street ahead, she saw a familiar figure in the sunlight.

Since she left the palace, she let Matcha go back. Firstly, she didn't want Matcha to live a hard life with her. Secondly, Matcha was from the north, and she would probably not go back to the north again, so she let her return to her hometown.

But I didn't expect that Matcha is still staying in the capital and has not returned.

Seeing her, Matcha immediately ran towards her.

"Princess! I finally found you!"

She had been to An Wushang's house with Lu Xuan last time, so she knew the location. Just now, she went to the house to look for her, and Liu Ma in the house said that they were going to the street to buy things, so she went to the street to try her luck.

Matcha took her hand and said excitedly:

"Princess, there's news from the North Country that the Emperor is coming!"

There was no ripple on Lu Xuan's face. She just said calmly, "Why haven't you gone back yet?"

Matcha said: "I am the princess's person in life and her ghost in death. As the princess's maidservant, I should accompany her for the rest of my life. How can I leave her?

If I dare to run back to the Northland alone, the Emperor will break my legs!"

Lu Xuan still looked indifferent. Matcha took her hands and begged:

"Princess, I'm really not afraid of hardship. Please don't chase me away, okay? I don't eat much. Just give me a place to live. Let me continue to take care of you and be your dowry maid, okay?!"

Lu Xuan turned to look at An Wushang with some embarrassment.

An Wushang knew that she had been spoiled since she was a child. It was not enough for her to have an old maid to take care of her. It would be better for her to have someone around to take care of her personally. So he said to her, "Xuanxuan, why don't you let her stay? There is enough room in the house."

Lu Xuan said "hmm".

In the end, Matcha followed them home and decorated the house with Lu Xuan.

Time flies, and more than twenty days passed in a blink of an eye. Lu Yan and his party finally arrived at the capital of Jiang State.

"Your Majesty, the Northern Emperor Lu Yan has arrived! He is already thirty miles outside the city!" A eunuch ran to Jiang Beiyu's study and hurriedly reported.


Jiang Beiyu's face was calm.

If it was an ordinary visit, as the emperor he would definitely go outside the city to greet him. Since he came to seek peace, he would just sit down and arrange a minister to meet him and wait for him to arrive.

"Arrange the post station manager and have the Minister of Rites, Lord Guo, go to welcome them. Inform Han Biao and prepare for protection along the way."


After that, he picked up his phone and sent a message to Qin Wan:

"Lu Yan is here."

Qin Wan was feeding her baby with a bottle. When she saw the message, she became interested in Lu Yan who had come from afar.

Other countries send envoys to negotiate peace, so how can a monarch come in person? I am afraid that Lu Yan has other intentions.

In the afternoon, Jiang Beiyu heard a report in his study:

"Your Majesty, the Northern Emperor Lu Yan requests an audience~"


Qin Wan sat beside him in a gorgeous dress, looking dignified and beautiful.

Not long after, Lu Yan and a group of envoys who came to negotiate peace came to meet the emperor.

No matter how bloody the two countries had fought, the monarchs of the two countries always looked happy when they met.

This was the first time Qin Wan met Lu Yan.

He is in his twenties, perhaps three or four years older than Jiang Beiyu. He looks somewhat similar to the King of Qi, but is more handsome than the King of Qi, with fair skin and delicate facial features that vaguely resemble Lu Xuan.

Jiang Beiyu spoke in a steady voice: "Beidi has come all the way here, thank you for your hard work. Come on, serve some tea."

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of palace servants served him freshly brewed Longjing tea.

Knowing that they came to negotiate peace, Jiang Beiyu picked up the teacup and drank tea, waiting for Lu Yan to speak.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lu Yan said politely and pushed the teacup away, but did not drink it. He smiled and said:

"Some time ago, due to instigation, there were some conflicts between Jiang Kingdom and Bei Kingdom. I came here in person to resolve them. I still hope that Jiang Kingdom and Bei Kingdom can turn hostility into friendship, so I came here in person to apologize to Jiang Kingdom."

As he spoke, he stood up, and the other envoys also stood up and bowed to Jiang Beiyu together.

Jiang Beiyu quickly said, "Stop being polite!"

"I cannot represent the Jiang Kingdom, nor can I represent the soldiers who lost their lives in the war, nor the civilians who lost their lives and became homeless.

Jiang State had no intention of conflicting with any country. Although it was the victorious country, it still could not make up for the damage done to the people. "

Lu Yan said: "I came here this time not only to apologize, but also to make amends to the people of Jiang. This war was caused by the Northern Kingdom. I am willing to make amends with the utmost sincerity. I am willing to pay 300 million taels of silver to help the people of Jiang rebuild their homes. The rest can be used at the discretion of the emperor. I request the emperor to return the occupied cities."

Jiang Beiyu immediately took out a calculator.

"Jiang State has captured a total of 14 cities in the Northern Kingdom, covering a total of 9 million mu. The emperor is paying 300 million in compensation, which is equivalent to wanting to redeem it at a price of 33 taels per mu?"

Lu Yan's expression instantly turned awkward, and he wondered how this guy was so good at math that he could calculate such a huge number in just a few breaths?

Jiang Beiyu smiled wryly: "If I remember correctly, the current market price of land is one hundred taels of silver per mu."

He glanced at Qin Wan who was sitting next to him and asked, "My beloved concubine, do you think I should agree?"

Qin Wan said, "I am a woman and should not interfere in state affairs, but the difference between these two numbers is too big, three times. Please reconsider it, Your Majesty."

Jiang Beiyu helplessly spread his hands towards Lu Yan.

"If this is the greatest sincerity of the Northern Emperor, I am afraid I cannot accept it."

Lu Yan's face immediately turned gloomy.

This guy wants to calculate the market value of each acre of land and ask him to redeem it. He is treating him like a fat sheep to be slaughtered!

But at this moment, the Northern Kingdom is indeed no match for the Jiang Kingdom, and there is no way to fight back. Either pay or give up those cities?

He said with embarrassment: "In recent years, the North has been in a difficult situation. If we calculate based on the market value of the land, we really can't afford so much silver. What's more, one hundred taels per mu is the price of the land, which also includes a lot of hills, sandy land and lakes..."

Jiang Beiyu slowly took out a history book of Jiang State and opened it on the table.

"This is not the first time that this has happened in the Northern Kingdom. Several decades ago, when my grandmother was still alive, there was an incident where the Qing Kingdom lost thirteen cities, totaling eight million acres.

At that time, the compensation was 100 taels of silver per mu. When Qing State chose to redeem it in one lump sum, my grandmother gave me a 20% discount.

Of course, I am not a stingy person. If the Northern Kingdom is willing to follow the example of the Qing Kingdom and pay in full in one lump sum, I am willing to give the Northern Kingdom an 80% discount."

Lu Yan took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Even at an 80% discount, this is still not a small amount. I can't afford it right away."

Qin Wan reminded: "Your Majesty, other cities can be returned, but I hope Your Majesty will consider Shangdu.

Shangdu is located in the upper reaches of the Changhe River. When the two countries were at war, the Northern Kingdom had planned to blow up the dikes to submerge dozens of cities in the Jiang Kingdom. Now, although the flood has passed, the Changhe River will usher in the flood season again in August next year. In this way, the people of the Jiang Kingdom, who are located downstream, will feel like a sword hanging over their heads every day. "

Lu Yan said quickly: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty. Beiguo will never do such a thing in the future. I can sign an agreement with Beiguo to guarantee it!"

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Rather than letting the people live in fear and panic every day, not knowing when disaster will come, I think it is more reassuring to keep it in my own hands. Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Jiang Beiyu nodded: "My beloved concubine is right."

He looked at Lu Yan and said, "Since the emperor can't come up with so much money in a short time, then we can get rid of Shangdu."

He continued to use the calculator as he spoke: "Except for the Shang capital, the remaining city covers an area of ​​about 850 mu. 850 million taels, 20% off is 680 million taels. To round up a lucky number, I can give a little more, 666 million taels, how about it?"

Lu Yan's head was buzzing.

The young emperor of Jiang State seemed gentle and soft-spoken, but in fact he was aggressive; he seemed generous and open-minded, but in fact he was scheming and had him under control.

But what can he do?

A defeated country has no human rights. It was only because the Southern Kingdom turned against him that he suffered such a disastrous defeat. Now, he can only make peace with the Jiang Kingdom, stop the loss in time, and redeem the lost city.

He made a prompt decision, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll discuss this with my ministers when I get back. But, once the Northern Kingdom pays off the indemnity, will the Jiang Kingdom be able to cease fire with us and return the captured cities?"

Jiang Beiyu corrected: "Yes, we will return all the cities except Shangdu. Besides that, there is another important matter."

Lu Yan asked: "What's the matter?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 11)

Chapter 218 Jiang Kingdom, never retreat! .

"Besides this, there is one more important thing."

Lu Yan asked: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Beiyu said solemnly: "A few months ago, before the war between the Northern Kingdom and the Jiang Kingdom, some Northern Kingdom assassins killed one of our guards and stole a small black box from him.

Please be sure to return this item. If I don't see this little black box, Jiang Kingdom will never withdraw its troops."

Lu Yan's pupils shrank.

When Jiang Beiyu said "never withdraw troops", a domineering aura emanated from his body, making him feel that unless the little black box was retrieved, Jiang Kingdom would really not withdraw troops and the war with the Northern Kingdom would never end.

He was in a dilemma: "How can the emperor determine that this thing is in the North? How can I find this small black box in such a short time?"

Jiang Beiyu's expression was indistinguishable from joy and anger: "Since I have determined that this thing is in the North Country, I have sufficient evidence. How to find it is something that Your Majesty should worry about.

"If the Northern Kingdom returns the item intact and pays the compensation within one month, the Jiang Kingdom will withdraw its troops. If the Northern Kingdom does not return the item intact, the Jiang Kingdom will continue to attack."

Lu Yan could only agree: "Okay, I will send a letter back to the country immediately and send people to look for him."

Jiang Beiyu smiled.

"Okay, I've said what I need to say. It's getting late. Your Majesty is exhausted from the long journey. Go back to the inn and rest."

Lu Yan and his group left the study.

Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan looked at each other: "How is it?"

Qin Wan said: "666, is it the lucky number that the emperor came up with?"

In fact, she almost couldn't hold back her laughter just now.

Jiang Beiyu coughed and said, "I quite like this number."

Qin Wan was somewhat puzzled:

"The guard's stolen cell phone wasn't in Lu Yan's hands? Judging from his expression just now, he seemed to be completely unaware of this?"

Jiang Beiyu thought: "If it's not him, then it must be in the hands of someone else."

Qin Wan soon found out who he was talking about.

"You mean, King Qi?"

Thinking back, the King of Qi had tried to buy a mobile phone from her before, but failed and then that incident happened some time later.

Qin Wan did doubt him at that time.

Jiang Beiyu said: "No matter who it is, I have already said this. Whether I can take it back and how to take it back depends on Lu Yan."

Qin Wan said "hmm".

The second day.

As the king, Jiang Beiyu took Lu Yan to tour the capital and let him experience the customs and culture of Jiang State.

In order to avoid the impact of excessive pomp and circumstance on the common people, both men were dressed in plain clothes and travelled incognito, accompanied by some guards.

At this time, Lu Yan had already seen the difference between Jiang Kingdom and Bei Kingdom.

There are strings of small colored lights hanging on the street signs, flashing back and forth.

This colorful lantern relies on a simple power generation device. At first, it was used in Qin Wan's shop. Later, other shops on the street began to imitate it. With the embellishment of these colorful lanterns, the whole street has been enriched with color.

On the prosperous streets of Jiang State, there are all kinds of strange shops, including hot pot restaurants, milk tea shops, facial beauty shops exclusively for women, multi-story inns, and noodle shops where you can take away your own noodles. People come and go to eat noodles, and the aroma is so fragrant that he can't help swallowing his saliva.

Seeing that Lu Yan wanted to eat, Jiang Beiyu invited him warmly: "Come in and have a bowl. I'll treat you?"

Lu Yan was polite at first: "No, no."

Jiang Beiyu said: "One bowl doesn't cost much silver. This is the specialty of Jiang State. Try it."

Hearing this, Lu Yan came in.

Jiang Beiyu greeted the boss and said, "Boss, give me two bowls of the most classic dish. Let's eat it in the restaurant."

The boss said, "Okay, sit upstairs."

The two went upstairs, and soon the noodles were served. Each person had a bowl, with a pair of chopsticks and a soup spoon.

A bowl of steaming, golden noodles exuded the same aroma he smelled outside the store, and he couldn't wait to take a bite.

The curly noodles were soaked in soup, chewy and resilient, and his world suddenly became bright.

He had never eaten such delicious noodles!

"What side is this?"

"Braised beef noodles." Jiang Beiyu started eating slowly.

Hearing this, Lu Yan was stunned.

"Where's the beef?"

He searched through the noodles and barely managed to find a thin little square as big as the tip of a chopstick. If his eyesight was a little worse, he wouldn't have been able to see it.

He picked it up and asked, "Is this beef?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Yeah."

Lu Yan thought that the merchants in Jiang were just as treacherous as their king, but he didn't say it out loud. He just said, "When I came to Jiang with my father when I was in my teens, Jiang didn't have this kind of characteristics. Now, the streets look very different from then."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Jiang Country will usher in a new era."

After they finished their noodles and walked out of the noodle shop, they happened to see a woman with messy hair and dirty clothes sweeping the street. At first glance, she looked a little familiar.

Lu Yan recognized her immediately, isn't this the Queen Mother!!!

When the Queen Mother saw the two people, she recognized them and quickly covered her face with her messy hair and lowered her head to continue sweeping the floor.

Jiang Beiyu didn't even look at him, so Lu Yan could only pretend not to know him.

Because he had something to find her, when they reached the front of the road, Lu Yan turned back on the pretext of going to the bathroom. He suddenly grabbed Huangfu Cuihua's wrist.

"Where is the little black box now?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 12)

Chapter 219: Oops, his modern life has been seen!

He suddenly grabbed Huangfu Cuihua's wrist and asked, "Where is the little black box now?"

Huangfu Cuihua seemed to be extremely frightened, lowered her head and said: "I don't know, you recognized the wrong person."

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes, his gaze deep: "Don't act crazy and stupid in front of me. Don't think that I don't know about the affair between you and the King of Qi... Don't you want the things you hid in the North Country anymore?"

Huangfu Cuihua's pupils shrank, and she pursed her lips: "It's the King of Qi. This matter has nothing to do with me. The thing is in the hands of the King of Qi! I asked him to give it to you, but he refused!"

Lu Yan understood, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, wiped the hand that had just grabbed her with disgust, threw the handkerchief on the ground, and left.

Huangfu Cuihua had nowhere to turn to, so she rushed over and hugged his legs: "Your Majesty, save me! Save me, and those things I have in the North Country will be yours! I'll give them all to you!"

Lu Yan kicked him and said, "Get out! Get away from here!"

Jiang Beiyu knew that Lu Yan had just gone to find Huangfu Cuihua, because the lurking secret guard had sent him the video of their meeting just now. Seeing Lu Yan catching up with him, he calmly hid the phone back in his pocket.

"Well, after so much shopping today, Your Majesty must be tired. Let's go back to the inn and rest."

After returning to the palace, he immediately went to find Qin Wan.

In fact, taking Lu Yan to inspect the capital today was also to deliberately create an opportunity for him to meet Huangfu Cuihua.

The video just now contained a lot of information.

Because we were in a busy city and the secret guards couldn't get too close to take pictures, the sound was very low.

Jiang Beiyu turned up the volume to the maximum, and combined with the lip reading of the two people, he quickly figured out the conversation at that time.

"It is indeed the King of Qi. I knew that in this matter, the Huangfu family's one stick of trouble-making is not enough to mess up the situation like this, there is also this other one."

Qin Wan continued to study: "What is the thing that Lu Yan said Huangfu hid in the North Country? Could it be her property? But if it is property, and Lu Yan knows it is in the North Country, how can he not take it for himself?"

The two looked at each other.

At this time, in a small courtyard at the backyard of Ronghua Palace, Jiang Nange was supporting Leng Ying, trying to make him walk without crutches.

After using Doctor Huang's medicine, the external injuries on his legs have completely healed, but he still has no strength in that foot. If he insists on walking and puts force into it, it hurts like a needle.

He used to be the guard with the best leg skills! His proudest skill was lightness, but now he couldn't even climb onto the roof.

Before today, he had been practicing for half a month, trying to walk independently without the crutches, but every time he threw the crutches, he would fall heavily to the ground.

This time, as usual, Jiang Nange first helped him walk a few steps, then quietly let go of his hand, staring closely at his legs, watching his right leg as he walked tremblingly.

Leng Ying tried her best to restore herself to her previous demeanor. Even though every step her right foot took felt like being pricked by needles, she still gritted her teeth and pursed her lips tightly, trying to adapt to the pain, to numb it, and gradually get used to it.

Jiang Nange stared at his legs nervously and counted for him, one step, two steps, three steps... ten steps.

Normally, he would fall before the third or fourth step, but this time, he had already reached ten steps, and she was so excited that she dared not breathe.

At the tenth step, Leng Ying stopped. A thin layer of sweat had already broken out on his forehead. It was so painful that his entire right foot was shaking.

He mustered up his courage and took the eleventh step, but he finally lost his balance again and fell heavily to the ground.

Jiang Nange ran over to help him up, but saw him sitting on the ground, pulling away from her.

"Princess, please leave. Doctor Huang said that this may be the end of my life. I will be dependent on crutches for the rest of my life, and I can no longer work as a secret guard. It is useless for the Queen to keep a useless person like me. Soon, I will be expelled from the palace."

Jiang Nange continued to move forward and took his arm, shaking his head: "No, if the emperor's sister-in-law doesn't want you, you can come to my palace and be my guard until my emperor brother agrees to us!"

Leng Ying looked indifferent, staring straight ahead:

"The emperor was already dissatisfied with my status, and now I have become a cripple. I am not worthy of you at all...Princess, you should leave."

Hearing this, Jiang Nange let go of him, stood up suddenly, and actually left.

Leng Ying looked disappointed.

"That's right..."

He had never dreamed of getting a princess, but now, he could be considered to have lost her.

However, the princess was heading towards Jiang Beiyu's study.

"Why are you here again?"

Jiang Beiyu gets a headache just looking at her now.

Jiang Nange said firmly: "Please grant me the marriage immediately."

Jiang Beiyu: ???

"I said I would let you two stay together for a while longer, at least until his leg injury recovers. His leg is still in the same condition now. Do you want to marry a cripple?"

Jiang Nange simply said:

"Doctor Huang said that his leg injury may not be healed. Leng Ying was injured while protecting me in the South Country. He also successfully completed the mission, so it can be considered a work-related injury."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Forget it, I will compensate him."

"Give me to him!"

"Nan Ge!"

Jiang Nange folded his arms, raised his left foot and stepped on the ground again and again. The more Jiang Beiyu looked at this posture, the more he felt it was not right.

Isn't this the "Angry and Make Him Guess" posture in the short video?

Anyone know where she learned this?!

Jiang Nange looked at him with a confident attitude, snorted and said, "Brother, I know your secret. If you don't agree to let me marry Leng Ying, I will tell your secret to others."

Jiang Beiyu was confused: "What secret do I have?"

Jiang Nange reported two names: "Bai Ge, Leng Xiaoxiao. Who are they?"

Jiang Beiyu's expression suddenly changed.

"How did you know?"

The answer is already clear.

Someone among the guards must be secretly watching short videos! His life in modern times has been seen by others!


After realizing this, he secretly thought that something was wrong, but when he thought about it carefully, Han Biao would check the guards' phones every day and they were not allowed to install any software on their own. The guards in the palace should not have the guts to watch videos.

He said sullenly, "Who else knows?"

Jiang Nange had a cunning look on her face, becoming more and more certain that the person she saw was her brother. She said, "It's just me at the moment, but it may not be the case in the future."

She is worthy of being his sister.

Jiang Beiyu nodded: "Okay, okay, you have planned this for me. Oh, do you think you can threaten me like this?"

"What about this?"

Jiang Nange remained calm and performed a section of "Subject Three" in front of Jiang Beiyu.

"Brother, do you still remember the dance we performed in the Imperial Garden? I have recorded it. If you do not want this dance to be seen by everyone, please stay here and grant me marriage."

As she spoke the last few words, she placed her hands on his desk and moved closer to him.

To grasp.

Jiang Beiyu laughed angrily.

He picked up his phone and checked the calendar.

"Wait a while, wait for General Leng to come back."

Jiang Nange was puzzled: "Why do we have to wait for General Leng to come back?"

Jiang Beiyu didn't want to explain for the time being: "You will know when the time comes."


Jiang Nange still believed in his brother's character.

"Then wait until then."

During this period of time, she didn't want to care about the popsicle anymore.

Who told him to let her go?


The wedding of An Wushang and Lu Xuan will be held in a few days. All the secret guards will go to support them. As An Wushang's good brother, he will definitely go.

I originally planned to go with him, but now, haha.

She planned to go secretly by herself.


A few days later.

It was the Mid-Autumn Festival that day, and An Wushang's mansion was filled with joy and the sound of gongs and drums could be heard.

There were more than ten tables set up in the courtyard, which was neither too big nor too small, extending all the way from the courtyard to the house. The main room was decorated as a big red wedding hall.

An Wushang was in high spirits today. He changed into a bright red wedding gown and stood at the door of the mansion to welcome guests. Lu Xuan also changed into a phoenix crown and bridal gown, and Matcha did her makeup.

She dabbed on her bright red rouge, and the bride in the mirror looked bright and charming.

She never thought that she would marry for the second time in her life, but her mood this time was obviously different from the last time.

I will eventually marry the one I love, but why do I still feel a little sad?

In the yard, Aunt Liu and the housekeeper were busy greeting the guests. At this time, a low-key and luxurious black carriage stopped in front of the house.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 13)

Chapter 220 Uninvited Guests at the Wedding Hall

A low-key and luxurious black carriage stopped in front of the house.

A dashing young man got off the carriage. He was wearing a light blue robe, looked very noble, and his features were somewhat similar to Lu Xuan's.

This man looked unfamiliar, and An Wushang had never seen him before. However, he saw him first look around the house, and then walk straight inside.

When he entered the room, he acted as if he was in an empty place, and there was no wedding invitation in his hand. An Wushang hesitated for a moment, thinking that the visitor was a guest, and did not stop him.

The group of people came in one after another and found an empty table to sit down.

Soon, several carriages stopped in front of the gate, and the group of secret guards in the palace got off the carriages. Everyone was talking and laughing, and they filed in and congratulated An Wushang one after another.

Everyone is familiar with each other and is very casual. With the addition of these secret guards, the yard immediately becomes much more lively.

Everyone was chatting animatedly, except for the young man in the light blue robe, who was pouring himself a glass of wine with his back to them. He looked out of place, but he was secretly listening to the conversation.

"An Wushang is still very lucky. He got a beautiful woman and married a princess. He stole the emperor's woman and the emperor even gave him a gift money."

Another guard said, "What do you mean by stealing the emperor's woman? Wasn't this given to him by the emperor? Now that the emperor has Concubine Leng, he dares not touch other women in the harem. If you work hard and do well, you may get a share!"

"But the version I heard was not like this. What I heard was that the princess fell in love with An Wushang at first sight and that she liked him... This An Wushang is really something. He is so tight-lipped that he didn't even tell his brothers about his love for the princess."

"No, no, this is what I heard..."

Everyone was talking at once, without restraint, until suddenly there was a silence in the air.

Although he didn't look back, he inexplicably felt a sense of oppression. The Emperor and Concubine Leng walked in from outside.

Due to their status, they were unable to attend and wore human skin masks on their faces, but they had all been working in the palace for so long that they recognized the emperor and Concubine Leng's figures at a glance and were immediately terrified.

Seeing that there were few people at the table with the young man in green, Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan sat down there casually. Feeling the sudden change in the atmosphere behind them, the young man in light green robe tilted his head slightly and glanced at the two of them.

Leng Ying followed closely behind, limping in from outside and finding an empty seat between the two guards' tables to sit down.

The other tables were occupied by neighbors from the surrounding area and friends that Leng Leng had met in other places. Before the meal started, everyone was eating melon seeds and chatting in a peaceful atmosphere.

At this time, a graceful girl walked in from outside, looked around the yard, and sat down next to Qin Wan.

This person was Jiang Nange. She borrowed a human skin mask from Qin Wan and deliberately came in a different direction from them to avoid being recognized.

He quietly looked in the direction of the table of guards. Everyone was chatting animatedly, except Leng Ying, who looked lonely.

The people in the courtyard gradually gathered and sat in a full house. The neighbors and relatives were chatting and chattering, and a few children were running around. This was an ordinary wedding, lively and full of fireworks.

The auspicious time has arrived and the wedding ceremony is about to take place. Standing at the door of the house, An Wushang, dressed in wedding clothes, was pushed into the wedding hall by the guards, while Lu Xuan, covered with a bright red veil, also came out from the inner room with the support of Matcha.

The moment he saw Lu Xuan coming out, the young man in the light blue robe clenched his hands, stared straight in that direction, and could hardly restrain himself from standing up.

Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu obviously noticed it, and they winked at each other.

Although his appearance had changed, the two recognized him from the beginning as Lu Yan.

Lu Yan has always had spies in Beijing, so he must have known that Lu Xuan was going to get married.

Unexpectedly, he would come to attend Lu Xuan's wedding.

Perhaps, he came here to negotiate in person just to attend Lu Xuan's wedding?

In the wedding hall, the high seat was occupied by an old guard from the palace, who was An Wushang's master. The seat on the other side was empty.

The wedding was about to begin, and the attendant raised his voice and said, "The auspicious time has arrived. Get ready for the ceremony."

"Bow to Heaven and Earth~"


"Bow to your parents~"

At this moment, the young man in a light blue robe stood up with a whoosh: "Lu Xuan!!!"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 14)
