
  Jiang Beiyu, who seldom left the palace, felt everything outside the palace was new and new. Although he did not say anything, he used his fan to lift the curtain of the carriage, secretly leaving a gap and looking outside along the way.

  This was also the first time that Qin Wan left the palace in this world. He stuck his head outside, basking in the sunshine and breathing the fresh air.

  The carriage stopped at a market. Jiang Beiyu was surprised: "Aren't you looking for medicine? Why are you here?"

  "The main medicinal ingredients are here."

  Qin Wan got off the carriage first, looked at the sign at the entrance of the market, and found the area selling fruits.

  Arriving at a stall, she asked with a smile, "Boss, do you have oranges?"

  The boss quickly said, "Yes, yes, yes."

  "I want all the things that can't be sold and are moldy, sell them to me."

  The boss chased her away as if she was crazy: "Go away, I don't sell moldy oranges."

  She pulled the purse hanging from Jiang Beiyu's waist and weighed it in her hand: "I have money, I really want to buy it! Give me all the moldy ones, just half the price."

  The boss saw that the two men were well dressed and probably weren't trying to make fun of him, so he took him to the warehouse in the corner of the market.

  Now is the time when citrus fruits are on the market in large quantities, but there are also a large number that have not been sold in time. In this weather, there is no doubt that some of them will get moldy in the warehouse.

  Jiang Beiyu followed her, becoming more and more confused.

  Didn't you say you were buying medicinal herbs? Why did you buy a bunch of rotten oranges?

  "These are the moldy ones. I was planning to throw them away tonight."

  The boss took them to a corner of the warehouse where a dozen boxes of rotten oranges were piled up.

  She took out an orange that was so moldy that it had turned green all over, and weighed it in her hand with satisfaction: Penicillin, also known as penicillin, is an antibiotic, and a savior for sepsis.

  "I want them all, let's move."

  Qin Wan directed the three men present to move the moldy oranges in the corner to the car.

  Xiao Zhima also started to work, and Qin Wan joined her, and the two of them moved a box.

  Jiang Beiyu didn't move at first, but the boss pushed him and said, "Young man, help me move it. You are so big."

  Seeing that the boss was also helping to move, he felt embarrassed to just stand there doing nothing, so he had to join in the moving.

  Little Peanut and Little Guiyuan were so frightened that they quickly shouted, "Emperor..." but were glared back by Qin Wan.

  Qin Wan smiled and said, "Mr. Huang has been spoiled since he was a child, and he rarely does this kind of work. But now that he is out, he should exercise well, even if it is just to build up his strength."

  More than a dozen boxes of rotten oranges were finally loaded onto the truck.

  Qin Wan gave the boss ten taels of silver as a token of his appreciation, which was about 20% of the original price. The boss was very happy and watched them leave.

  After returning to the carriage, Jiang Beiyu asked, "Why did you buy so many rotten oranges? Could these rotten oranges be the medicinal herbs you mentioned?"


  Jiang Beiyu looked puzzled.

  "What's the principle?"

  "The process is quite complicated. You won't understand even if I tell you."

  After returning to the palace, the rotten oranges were transported to an unused room in Ronghua Palace.

  Qin Wan said to him:

  "Next, I will need a few days to prepare the antidote. During this period, no one is allowed to disturb me."

  "And tonight?"

  "I will come over tonight."

  He pursed his lips and said, "I still have some memorials to review, so I'll leave first." Then he turned and left.

  Qin Wan took a shower as soon as he returned to the bedroom.

  I just came back from a run outside and moved some things, and I'm sweating all over.

  Just as she finished her shower and sat down to drink some tea and eat some iced cantaloupe, the news came.

  The emperor turned over her card again!

  She wondered if he had made such a big fuss. She just wanted to go to his bedroom for something, so why did he turn over her card? Or did he misunderstand something?

  No matter what, in the current situation, the initiative is in her hands, he can do whatever he wants.

  At dusk, as usual, she took Xiongba for a run in the imperial garden.

  The concubines and palace maids in the harem were all stunned when they saw her.

  I wondered if Concubine Leng was supposed to sleep with him tonight, so why was she still walking the dog in the Imperial Garden at this hour? Was it because she had too many opportunities to sleep with him that she didn't even want to?

  The maid who was sent to Ronghua Palace to bathe and wash her was almost worried to death. When they arrived, the empress was gone. She sent a maid to tell her that the empress had legs and had to go over by herself.

  This was against the rules, so I reported it to the emperor. However, the emperor just said, "It's up to her. There's no need to send a eunuch to pick her up. She can come whenever she wants."

  But today, Jiang Beiyu soaked in the bathtub for a little longer.

  He didn't like others to help him bathe, so he used a loofah to scrub his body carefully and applied essential oils made of agarwood and cedar.

  That night.

  He was wearing a silk nightgown in the color of autumn fragrance, with half of his black hair down, half lying in the tent.

  The belt of his pajamas was tied loosely, revealing his full and firm wheat-colored muscles, but his expression was unusually calm, and he held a book in his hand.

  The incense ball at the head of the bed was burning goose pear incense, and the smoke was emitting a wisp of fragrance.

  "What time is it?" he asked after sitting for a while.

  The eunuch who was waiting on him replied, "Your Majesty, it is two quarters past midnight."

  He frowned slightly and turned the page of the book.

  It was not until midnight that the sound of a door being pushed open was heard. Several palace maids called out, "Empress," and Qin Wan walked in slowly.

  The palace people were very discerning. After she came in, they left and closed the door.

  Qin Wan actually brought a small stool with him, which he put down directly at the head of his bed and sat down.

  Jiang Beiyu was stunned: "Why are you doing this?"

  Qin Wan took out her cell phone and said casually, "Your Majesty, please go to sleep. I will borrow this precious place for a while. I will be back soon and will not disturb you."

  Jiang Beiyu: ???

  "Aren't you here to serve me?"

  "No, I only said that I would come to the emperor's bedroom tonight. When did I say that I wanted to sleep with him?"

  She unlocked her phone and found that the wifi was automatically connected. Actually, she didn't want to sit at the head of his bed, but who said this had the best signal?

  Jiang Beiyu felt confused and puzzled, as if he had been fooled. But when he looked at the woman, he saw that she was holding the black box and was concentrating on tinkering with it.

  The time now should be almost 2:15 PM. She looked at a letter and found that the previous message had been sent out without her knowing when!

  However, twelve days have passed and I still haven't received a reply from my best friend.

  She clicked on the short video platform. The network was smooth and she could watch videos one after another. Then she opened the search engine and found that she could search normally.

  In order to avoid any omissions in her previous memory in the future, she searched again for the method of extracting penicillin, took screenshots of the steps and saved them to the photo album, then returned to the home screen and stared at the time on it.

  "Ding~ It's dry, be careful with fire!"

  There was a sound of night watchmen outside. This time, she saw it more clearly. The place where she displayed the time jumped and turned another page. It changed from 21:31, which had been fixed for these days, to 21:32!

  Now she was sure that although the two worlds shared the same space, the way of converting time was different. Twelve days in this world was equivalent to one minute in her modern world!

  So, she had spent twenty-four days here, but in fact only two minutes had passed in her living room!

  At this moment, I heard a "ding dong" sound from my phone, and then a message popped up on the floating window of my phone:

  Ma Shushu: ???

  Ma Shushu: "Qin Wan, what's wrong with you for no reason?"

  She wanted to send a message, but Ma Shushu always replied immediately, so she must have seen it after it was sent.

  She quickly organized her words: "Whether you believe it or not, I traveled through time!"

  "I have traveled through time to the painting in my living room! This place shares the same space with my living room. Twelve days is equivalent to one minute in the real world."

  "I don't know how to get back. Help me find a way! Go to my living room right now and save me!!!"

  Chapter 21 Today I am here to slap you in the face

  "I don't know how to get back. Help me find a way! Go to my living room right now and save me!!!"

  After sending these messages, she felt slightly relieved.

  Regardless of whether her best friend has a solution or not, the matter has finally been told to others, and she will feel better. Besides, her best friend is a beautiful, wealthy, and highly educated woman with a high IQ. Now there is one more person to help her find a solution.

  Her best friend lives in the same villa complex as her, just a few buildings away. It takes only three minutes to get to her house, and she has recorded the facial recognition system so she can come in directly.

  In other words, she only needs to wait another thirty-six days before her best friend comes to her living room to rescue her!

  Maybe her best friend can notice something unusual and help her find a solution.

  She was sending an impassioned text message to her best friend asking for help, and she didn't notice that a meaningful gaze was examining her.

  The book in Jiang Beiyu's hand had been rolled up and was held in his palm. He casually placed his arms on his knees and looked at her with deep eyes.

  "What are you doing? Why is your black box still making strange noises?"

  Qin Wan quickly switched the phone to a certain audio channel and said with a smile:

  "I'm watching videos."

  Since she's already here, she might as well watch some videos before going back. She's been bored to death during this period of time.

  But as luck would have it, this video happened to be of a muscular handsome man with his upper body uncovered. He was also fair and clean, so handsome that she knew he was her type at first glance!

  Doubaba pushes her content based on her daily preferences. In the past, she would have shouted "male bodhisattva" when she saw it, but now she can only shout "word mom!"

  The handsome man on the screen was obviously seen by the Dog Emperor. His phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously and his face was as dark as if dripping ink.

  "Leng Qingqing! No one has wronged you! You really did hide another man's portrait!

  In front of me, you are still looking at this unclean thing!"

  "No, Your Majesty, this was sent by someone else, and I don't even know this person!"

  The video swiped away in a flash, and the next video was of delicious food , so she breathed a sigh of relief.

  "What does that mean? Come up here!"

  She could only come up and sit next to him.

  The hand holding the phone was covered by his big palm, and he imitated what she had done just now, lightly swiping the screen with his thumb.

  The next video is:

  "Who among my family members understands..."

  He couldn't help but frowned: "Family? Who is your family? How dare you!"

  Then another stroke:

  "If the clouds were a letter from the sky~"

  After watching a few videos, he couldn't help but say, "Your little black box is quite unique and interesting. Why are there so many strange people in it?"

  Qin Wan explained: "This is the unique feature of the treasure! It is like a heavenly eye, allowing you to see all kinds of strange places in the world without leaving your home, and they all appear randomly. The same thing happened just now, I didn't even know that man!"

  She couldn't explain why these people and worlds came from another dimension, because she was also from there, but now she was occupying Leng Qingqing's body.

  This matter was too unbelievable, and she was afraid that after she told it, she would be regarded as a monster. After all, in order to save her life, a time-traveling girl must keep her identity in the early stage.

  Jiang Beiyu reluctantly believed her words and watched the videos one after another, becoming fascinated by them.

  As he looked at her, Qin Wan discovered that she had been pulled into his arms without him noticing.

  A faint warm fragrance from his bath emanated from his sleeves, and through the loose belt of his pajamas, Qin Wan discovered that the Dog Emperor's figure and muscles seemed to be even fairer and more beautiful than the male Bodhisattva he had just seen?

  After all, what he has eaten since he was a child is not ordinary food. He has been nourished by dragon liver and phoenix marrow to develop this delicate and precious flesh. Moreover, as a prince, he has to practice horse riding and archery since he was a child. This body of muscles should feel even better!

  Just as she was thinking about it, that beautiful body of muscles was right in front of her, in that thin autumn-colored nightgown, as if it was hooking her...

  The most beautiful thing is the haziness! An evil thought suddenly came to her mind, and she almost put her hand through the gap to touch it, but she restrained herself in an instant.

  Qin Wan, are you crazy? That's enough to chop off your heads!

  Jiang Beiyu caught a glimpse of her little movement from the corner of his eye, and when he saw the little claw suddenly retracted, a subtle smile flashed across the corner of his eyes.

  Qin Wan swallowed hard, turned his gaze to the screen, and watched the video with him.

  After looking at it for a while, she put away her phone when she saw that the battery was only 30% left.

  "Your Majesty, it's getting late. I should go back now. Your Majesty has to attend the morning court tomorrow, so you should go to bed early." After saying that, she got off the couch.

  "You, go back? Aren't you going to sleep here today?" Jiang Beiyu was still confused and had not come to his senses yet.

  "Your Majesty, I have to develop an antidote tomorrow. The task is arduous, and I have to go back and have a good rest."

  She bowed to him and smiled brilliantly: "I will take my leave now."

  Then, he turned around and left his bedroom without hesitation.

  Jiang Beiyu: ???

  Well, it's just a game of playing hard to get?

  Seeing the bedroom door open and Concubine Leng walking out refreshed, Eunuch Xi, who was guarding the door, thought there was something wrong with his eyes.

  Jiang Beiyu then came out, asked two maids to light the lamp for her, and asked Eunuch Xi to send her back personally.

  The evening breeze was cool and Qin Wan couldn't help but yawn.

  What is it like to come back from the emperor's bedroom to surf the Internet late at night?

  That's just one word: "exciting".

  After returning to the bedroom, Qin Wan set an alarm for himself.

  We do have to get up early tomorrow, as it will take several days to develop penicillin.

  Even the simplest extraction method requires some complicated steps, but none of this is difficult for her.

  Next, she secluded herself for a few days.

  Jiang Beiyu felt like he was a little obsessed.

  Whether I was attending court or reviewing memorials, the various sounds I heard when I played with the black box that night would always involuntarily echo in my mind.

  He loved the feeling of holding her in his arms that night and seeing everything in the world through that black box.

  Later, he went to Ronghua Palace to look for her several times, but learned that she was in seclusion refining medicine, so he turned back.


  A few days later, Qin Wan finally came out of the room with the penicillin he had developed.

  At this time, Leng Lie had also rushed over from the border and was discussing peace talks with Jiang Beiyu in the study. Since the antidote was developed by Concubine Leng, Jiang Beiyu also called her to the imperial study.

  The parrot was still excited when it saw her last time. It fluttered its tender yellow wings and called out loudly:

  "Beauty! Beauty! Beauty is coming! Beauty is coming again!"

  Qin Wan happened to be wearing a light yellow dress today, looking charming and lively, and she smiled elegantly at the little guy.

  Jiang Beiyu was wearing a light yellow robe today. He looked more casual than usual, but his majesty as a monarch was not diminished at all.

  Leng Leng was wearing a noble white robe, decorated with some black cowhide, which was inlaid with some shiny rivet-like metals, which was quite trendy.

  Jiang Beiyu looked at the two of them and said slowly, "The envoys from the Northern Kingdom are negotiating with us. They are willing to pay compensation to the Jiang Kingdom, but they want us to provide the formula for the antidote."

  Qin Wan heard it and immediately said:

  "It's already merciful enough to give them the antidote, but you still want the antidote formula?

  Sorry, that's another price!"

  The parrot followed suit, flapping its wings and shouting excitedly, "Another price! Another price!"

  Jiang Beiyu found it interesting and smiled: "Oh? Then what price are you going to offer them?"

  Qin Wan was startled and said, "I just said it casually, Your Majesty, you must not agree to it!

  They are asking us for the formula now because they are worried that we will use this method to treat them next time, which means that they have not changed their bad habits and are still thinking about invading us.

  As long as we have the formula firmly in our hands, it will be a bargaining chip, and the other party will be wary of us because of this. This fear cannot be exchanged for any amount of money, so Your Majesty, you must not agree to them!"

  Parrot: "I can't agree to that. I can't agree to that!"

  Leng Lie said, "I think the same thing. However, the other party is adamant and insists that we give them the formula before they agree to pay the compensation immediately."

  "Then I won't give you the antidote!"

  Qin Wan's eyes were bright, and he said confidently: "Don't worry, they can't wait. The poisoned soldiers are not ours, we will wait it out!"

  Jiang Beiyu looked at Qin Wan, with admiration flashing in his eyes, and said to Leng Lie:

  "Just do as she wishes."


  Leng Lie just arrived in the capital today, and went straight into the palace exhausted.

  Now that the discussion was over, he spoke: "Your Majesty! When I was fighting outside, I heard someone impeach me for collaborating with the enemy in the court."

  Jiang Beiyu nodded: "Yes, there is such a thing, what's the matter?"

  Leng Leng's face darkened, and he said, "They just opened their mouths and said nothing. Three people make a tiger, and I have to bear the stigma. If I hadn't returned triumphantly this time, I'm afraid I would have to take the basin of dirty water with my face.

  I have been thinking about this matter over and over again along the way, and I am really upset!

  I think that since they slandered me out of thin air, they must pay the price for their words! After all, they only need to move their lips. If they are not punished, or if they are not punished, they will slander me today and harm other court officials tomorrow!

  The morale of the imperial court will also be corrupted as a result!"

  Jiang Beiyu nodded: "You have a point. I will deal with this matter in the court tomorrow."

  The second day.

  Leng Leng dragged a thick and thorny bramble to the court, and the generals who had impeached him were trembling with fear.

  Leng Lie stood with his head held high, looking fierce: "I heard that someone impeached me for collaborating with the enemy while I was killing the enemy on the battlefield. Who was it? I have something to talk to you about!"

  Jiang Beiyu said, "I have a bad memory. Whoever impeached General Leng in the first place, please come forward."

  Several generals lowered their heads, not daring to say a word, and no one dared to stand up.

  Leng Leng sneered sarcastically: "It seems that they are all cowards! When they impeached this general, each of them was more eloquent than the other, but now? Are they all mute?!"

  His voice was loud and clear:

  "Don't think you can escape by hiding and keeping silent. Today I come here with a whip to slap you in the face. After I'm done with you, I'll go and apologize to the emperor."

  The Prime Minister couldn't stand it anymore and said:

  "Leng Leng, this is the imperial court. How can you be so presumptuous in the imperial court?!"

  Leng Leng said nonchalantly: "I am so unbridled today. I have military merits and can make up for my sins. What about you?"


  He snorted, and glanced at those people with his cold and sharp eyes: "Those who slandered this general in the past, I will punish you today, and none of you can escape!"

  At this time, Jiang Beiyu said calmly: "Leng Leng, it is indeed inappropriate to beat someone with a whip in the court. So, each of you should slap yourself five times, as an apology to General Leng."


  "Why are you all standing there? Do we have to wait until General Leng comes and beats you with a cane?"

  Soon, the sounds of slapping were heard one after another in the court.

  After the ministers finished smoking, Jiang Beiyu looked at Leng Lie, "General Leng, are you satisfied with this apology?"

  Leng Leng frowned and said, "One by one, haven't you eaten enough and have no strength? Five more!"

  Chapter 22 What you mean is that you don't love me and don't want to sleep with me?

  After the court was adjourned, the ministers who had impeached him in the past all had swollen faces, with marks of slaps all over their faces. After the court was dismissed, they all lowered their heads and walked away, wishing they could dig a hole in the ground and crawl back in.

  Leng Leng strode out dragging a bramble, looking refreshed.

  She fascinated the little palace maids who were hiding in the corner and peeping at her.

  "Look, it's General Leng. General Leng is leaving the court!"

  "so hot!"

  A palace maid couldn't help it, so she mustered up the courage to step forward and, with a blushing face, presented the sachet she had embroidered herself.

  Every time Leng Leng left court, many palace maids would hide and secretly watch him. They had thought about him day and night when he was away on the battlefield. Now that he has returned triumphantly, they are all feeling amorous and are extremely happy.

  In Jiang State, giving a sachet as a gift represents the expression of affection for a person. Other palace maids also embroidered them but hid them in their sleeves and dared not take them out.

  Leng Leng took the sachet and took a look at it. It was made of purple silk cloth, embroidered with a pair of lotus flowers, mandarin ducks, and lotus leaves and lotus seeds. The embroidery was exquisite, and it was obvious that a lot of effort had been put into it.

  "Sorry." Without saying anything else, he returned the sachet to her and left.

  Several young palace maids hid behind the petals and watched, feeling both relieved and sad.

  They were glad that General Leng did not accept the sachet from the palace maid, but they were also afraid that theirs would be rejected in the same way.

  Everyone in the palace knows that General Leng is not interested in women and is only concerned about his country and family. He is already in his early twenties and has not yet started a family. No one knows what kind of woman he will marry in the future.

  the other side.

  The news that several ministers slapped him in the court reached the harem.

  Shu Fei and Mu Guiren also got the news because their father, brother, and uncle were among them.

  In the afternoon, when they gathered together again to drink tea, Concubine Mu looked a little unhappy.

  It is said that her father locked himself in the room after court and was so angry that he skipped lunch. Her brother scolded her severely.

  All this was because of what Concubine Zhang said back then.

  If it weren't for Concubine Zhang's analysis and her assurance that General Leng would lose, they wouldn't have been so confident and come together to impeach him in the court.

  Although Princess Zhang was a little embarrassed, she still maintained her usual calm expression:

  "The news I have learned is that the reason we won is because of Concubine Leng's poisonous scheme. She put a strange poison on the weapons. Otherwise, with Leng Leng's ability, there is no way we can win."

  Shu Fei was angry: "What kind of magic does this Leng Fei have?"

  Concubine Zhang sighed, "Well, even if she was opportunistic and helped Leng Lie win by chance, it was indeed my miscalculation. In the court today, Lord Li and Lord Mu were wronged."

  She picked up the teacup beside her and said, "Today, I will use tea instead of wine to make amends for you."

  After drinking a cup, Concubine Mu was still in a trance. Concubine Zhang looked at her:

  "Sister Mu, why are you so distracted today? Are you angry with me?"

  Concubine Mu quickly picked up the teacup and said, "No, no."

  She picked up the teacup and took a sip, then heard Zhang Fei say with a smile:

  "Sister Mu, I heard that your brother passed the imperial examination two years ago and wanted to work in the government office in the capital, but no one has recommended him, right? My brother happens to be a classmate of Jingzhao Yin Guo, so I will ask my brother to introduce him to him."

  Concubine Mu was delighted and flattered, and even her depressed mood disappeared.

  "Thank you so much, sister! If you can work in the government office in the capital, you and father will be very happy!"

  Then she quickly picked up the teacup and said, "Then I'll use tea instead of wine to toast you, sister!"

  Princess Zhang looked at her and smiled, but the smile did not reach her eyes: "We are sisters, why should we be polite?"

 At this time, Qin Wan was lying on a lounge chair in the yard, holding a peach in one hand and casually holding a mobile phone in the other hand, charging it using solar energy.

  The weather today is neither hot nor humid, but rather cool and breezy. Even the cicadas in the trees above my head are chirping lazily.

  Life in ancient times was so comfortable and boring that people always wanted to find something interesting.

  Just as I was thinking, I suddenly heard a message: "General Leng is here~"

  In this dynasty, the family members of concubines were allowed to visit the palace. They just needed to report it, and a eunuch would be arranged to accompany them throughout the visit.

  Hearing that the handsome guy came to see her again, Qin Wan immediately stood up from the recliner.

  I was shocked when I entered the main room.

  There were several large baskets of fresh lychees with branches and leaves on the ground, as well as several skirts made of the finest lusterless brocade fabrics, sparkling in the sun.

  The lychees were sent to his home by ministers who tried to curry favor with him. He didn't like eating that stuff either, as it was too sweet. He saw the glittering brocade skirts when he went to the northern country to fight. They were popular among the noble ladies there, and even princesses and princesses wore them. They sparkled when they wore them, so he bought many of them immediately.

  "Qingqing, this time it is thanks to your brilliant plan that we were able to win so quickly, otherwise this battle would have been very difficult. The court gave us many rewards for this victory, and these skirts are all from my brother."

  "This is too much! I can't wear them all. I can't wear them all. And there are these lychees, you can eat them yourself."

  Leng Lie said, "I left half a basket for soaking in wine, and I brought the rest to you. If you like, eat more."

  Looking at his doting eyes, Qin Wan felt touched.

  Is this what it feels like to be spoiled by a brother? Leng Leng is always cold to everyone, not even looking at them, but he is gentle and elegant to his sister. If she asks, he will even pick the stars in the sky for her.

  Qin Wan smiled sweetly at him and winked playfully:

  "Then, thank you, brother~"

  Leng Leng reached out and rubbed his furry little head: "Brother will go back first, you take good care of yourself in the palace, if the emperor bullies you, write a letter to brother."

  "Yes, I know."

  Qin Wan also reached out to help him straighten his robe: "Brother, you should also take good care of yourself."

  After Leng Leng left, Qin Wan looked at the lychees all over the ground and the beautiful skirt, and thought of someone.

  She ordered a basket of lychees to be sent to Concubine Qi's Qixia Palace, and also asked someone to notify her to come to her to choose a skirt.

  As a human being, there should be give and take.

  She kept one basket of the remaining lychees for herself and had someone throw it into the well to cool it down. She gave one basket to all the palace maids in Ronghua Palace to share, and the last basket was sent to Jiang Beiyu.

  Well, after this cleanup, the whole room becomes a lot quieter.

  Jiang Beiyu was reviewing memorials when he saw a basket of lychees brought in by a palace servant and felt a little surprised.

  In the past, he would reward vegetables and fruits from other countries to various palaces. This was the first time that a concubine gave him something in return.

  This lychee looks big and sweet.

  He put down his red brush, walked over, picked up a red one from the basket, and peeled it. Hmm, it was indeed very sweet.

  Was that woman trying to attract his attention in this way again? She just wanted him to turn over her card, and she actually bribed him with lychees.

  He won't be fooled.


  Next, he asked someone to move the basket directly to the side of his desk. He ate lychees while reviewing documents, and before he knew it, he had eaten half of the basket.

  And the other side.

  Qin Wan made two drinks with lychees and waited for Concubine Qi to come to entertain her.

  Concubine Qi originally didn't want to have anything to do with any palace concubines. The last time she took the initiative to make friends with Concubine Leng, it was because a big pot fell from the sky, and she had to temporarily ally with Concubine Leng.

  That incident was over, and the jewelry and dress she gave her was just a favor to her.

  But she didn't expect that she would invite her to her place to pick out a skirt today and also gave her a big basket of fresh lychees.

  After hesitating for a while, she finally came in her best clothes.

  She was originally thinking, what kind of skirt made of good fabrics has she not seen and worn? But when she saw her take out the skirt made of the glittering and colorful floating brocade fabric, Concubine Qi's eyes widened.

  There are skirts of all colors, white is colorful white, black is colorful black.

  Qin Wan first protected a black horse-faced skirt: "This is the one I want, I'll keep it, you can pick any other ones."

  Concubine Qi pouted: "Who wants to wear black? It's pitch black. I won't compete with you for it."

  She liked a pink one, a purple one, and a light blue one, but was too embarrassed to ask for more. Qin Wan followed her gaze and saw the light blue one, so he took it out and threw it to her: "Take it."

  Next, the two drank lychee drinks and tried on skirts beautifully.

  Until dusk approached -

  A palace maid came in and said to Qin Wan, "Madam, congratulations. The Emperor has chosen you again tonight."

  The two looked at each other.

  Concubine Qi looked envious and a little lonely, but Qin Wan's face fell visibly.

  She thought, why is the dog emperor turning over her card again? !

  Forget it, just go there and use the Internet cafe.

  Concubine Qi stood up and said, "Since you have to serve the emperor tonight, I will go back first."

  She grabbed her wrist and winked at her: "No hurry, stay here for dinner tonight, and then we'll go walk the dog."

  Just like last time, the nanny who was responsible for bathing her came back empty-handed and was left staring in anxiety. She and Concubine Qi were walking and strolling the dog along the lake in the Imperial Garden.

  It was already dark when I went back, took a bath, and then changed into comfortable pajamas.

  Refusing to be wrapped in a quilt and carried away, she found a sedan chair and had someone carry her, swaying all the way to the Changqing Palace.

  This sedan chair was covered with gauze and had scent sachets hung on the four corners. When one sat inside it, one could smell the fragrant breeze and feel the shadows.

  Finally arrived at the dog emperor's bedroom.

  Today was a little earlier than usual, just reaching the hour of Hai. She thought the Dog Emperor had not arrived yet, but when she came in, he was already there. Just like last time, he was wearing an autumn-scented nightgown, leaning lazily on the couch with a charming look, a book held in his slender, bony fingers.

  "The cold concubine always does things her own way. Others are carried here, but you want to sit on a sedan chair."

  He said this slowly, and the eunuchs in the bedroom had already consciously filed out and closed the bedroom door.

  Qin Wan shrugged: "It's too hot. I don't want to be wrapped in a quilt like a burrito and sweat all over. I'm afraid that it will suffocate the emperor. If the emperor minds, please turn over the cards of other sisters."


  The man was a little angry and his face immediately darkened.

  "You asked me to flip someone else's sign. Are you teaching me how to do things? I'll just flip yours. What's wrong with that?"

  She smiled and said, "Nothing. You are the emperor after all."

  Then, he pushed him a little further inside, ready to sit down:

  "I know that the emperor doesn't like to flip cards. He flipped my card because it's more relaxing to be with me, right?"

  Before he could understand what she meant, she sat down next to him.

  "I can make three agreements with the Emperor."

  His eyes were deep: "What are the three rules?"

  "It's very simple."

  She said, "Everyone stop pretending. I know that the emperor does not love me, nor does he love anyone in the harem. He is forced to do so every time."

  This was the information he got from Leng Ying. The emperor seldom flipped the cards. Before, after flipping the cards, he would turn off the lights and let the guards take over. He would then give the concubines contraceptive soup or directly use aphrodisiac incense to make them fall asleep.

  This matter is little known to many people, but it happened that the guard was a fellow apprentice of Leng Ying, and he accidentally told him about it after drinking one day.

  "Perhaps, the emperor has someone else in his heart and intends to remain chaste for her. Or perhaps, the emperor has not yet met a woman he truly loves and does not want to sleep with concubines in the harem casually, but he has no choice because of his status."

  Jiang Beiyu had a subtle look on his face.

  She smiled lightly and said calmly: "Then I can cooperate with the emperor."

  "Your Majesty, please turn over my name card. I can cover for you. I will come to your bedroom and you don't have to pretend to be nice to me. How about we just play our own games?"

  Jiang Beiyu was a little amused: "Everyone, play, their own?"

  After all, he was the king of a country, so he still had some brains. Soon, his dark and deep phoenix eyes glanced at her sinisterly:

  "So what you mean is that you don't love me and don't want to sleep with me?"

  Chapter 23 Leng Qingqing, you are a toad wanting to eat swan meat! .

  "So what you mean is that you don't love me and don't want to sleep with me?"

  Qin Wan felt the air pressure around her drop instantly, and an invisible sense of oppression made her heart tighten instantly.

  I finally understand what it means to serve the emperor like serving a tiger!

  This is the truth, but if she admits it, wouldn't she be crazy?

  Those beautiful and cunning fox eyes rolled around, and soon became lonely and drooped, looking as pitiful as a wounded little rabbit.

  She said, "I love you. I fell in love with Your Majesty at first sight when I was young, and I have been thinking about you for so many years. How could I not love Your Majesty?"

  Hearing this, the man pursed his lips and his expression became obviously happy.

  "But, I understand that love is mutual. Love is meaningful only when it goes both ways..."

  She secretly observed his expression.

  "So, I am willing to wait until the emperor falls in love with me. During this period, even if the emperor turns over my name, I will not force him to be with me..."

  Then she took out her cell phone.

  "From now on, when I come here, I will play with this black box. Your Majesty, you can read books or do anything else. When the time is up, I will go back. How do you think?"

  After saying that, she raised her head and looked at him obediently and sincerely with her pair of dark eyes.

  After the concubines in the harem were carried into the emperor's bedroom, they would usually be carried away after an hour of serving the emperor. Of course, the emperor could also allow them to stay overnight, and those who could stay were the emperor's favorite concubines.

  Jiang Beiyu examined her, then looked at the black box in her hand, and was sure that this woman was playing hard to get.

  "Then can't you watch this black box with me? The one we watched together that night was quite interesting."

  Qin Wan was immediately excited: "Of course!"

  As long as you don't ask her to sleep with you, you can ask her to do anything!

  "It is my honor to accompany the emperor!"

  Sure enough, even ancient emperors couldn't resist modern short videos!

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at her dimly and thought, look at how useless she is, she is so happy just because I am willing to accompany her to look at a box.

  Taking advantage of this opportunity, she quickly opened a certain email and took a glance. The message she sent to her best friend last time had been sent successfully. She should have rushed to her house, but she had not received a reply yet.

  Then, she calmly switched back to a video and clicked on it. The familiar background music sounded again: "Hakimi Hakimi Hakimi~Hakimi Mo Dang De Lu Duo."

  "This kitten is very cute."

  Just like last time, the man held her soft little hand with one hand, took the phone for her, and stretched out his other arm to casually embrace her.

  Well, a human pillow, a human phone stand, she can watch videos without having to turn over, nice.

  She leaned in his arms, looked and looked, and fell asleep unknowingly.

  When she woke up the next day, she found herself lying on the dragon couch with her legs spread out, and there was no one beside her.

  The phone ran out of battery and turned off automatically.

  I asked the palace maid who was serving beside me, and she said that the emperor had gone to court early in the morning and it was now Si time (10 o'clock in the morning in modern times), so he would probably be back soon.

  Qin Wan was startled after hearing this.

  It was okay for her to sleep until midnight in her own bedroom, but now she was in the dog emperor's bedroom. When he came back, he would see her still sleeping. That would be so embarrassing. She still had to save some face.

  So she jumped up, and immediately a palace servant brought a basin for her to wash.

  She wanted to slip back immediately, but it was now bright outside and it would not be a good idea to go back with dishevelled hair and dirty face, so she had no choice but to wash up in the dog emperor's bedroom.

  A maidservant named Chuntao, who was a close attendant of the emperor, smiled and said to her secretly:

  "Your Highness, you are the first queen to stay overnight in the Emperor's bedroom since he ascended the throne. It seems that the Emperor really dotes on you!"

  Qin Wan smiled and said nothing.

  I guess the dog emperor fell asleep while brushing his teeth last night, otherwise he would have kicked her down for sure.

  After washing up and just about to leave, I saw a few palace servants bringing plates of snacks.

  "Your Highness, this is the breakfast that the Emperor ordered the Imperial Kitchen to prepare for you. Please eat breakfast before you leave."

  Qin Wan stopped again when he heard this.

  This is the breakfast provided by Changqing Palace, the emperor's breakfast. Shouldn't she have a taste of it?

  She remembered how in modern times she often spent five or six thousand to check in at various Michelin restaurants just because of curiosity, but ended up being wronged time and time again. Of course, she had to show off this free, emperor-level breakfast experience!

  So she stayed, sat at the dining table, holding a small golden spoon, and tasted the emperor-level breakfast bite by bite.

  It's a bit like Michelin, with small portions, exquisite presentation and a wide variety!

  First dish: Shredded chicken with enoki mushrooms.

  Second dish: milk egg cake.

  Third dish: almond tofu.

  Fourth course: crab stick soup dumplings.

  Fifth course: Steamed ham and glutinous rice cake

  The last dessert: coconut milk honey sago.

  After tasting each dish, she learned that the emperor had already left the court and went directly to the imperial study to meet the ministers. She slowly wiped her mouth with a silk handkerchief and returned to the palace on a sedan chair.

  The sun was high in the sky and the day was a little hot, so she gently waved a pink silk fan.

  I said it out loud last night. If you don't have to worry about sleeping with a dog emperor, life in ancient times was pretty good.

  When she first came, the original owner was very skinny, but now she has gained a lot of weight. Her oval face, which was a little unrecognizable, has become a chubby little oval face, with collagen all over her face and her skin is as smooth as a baby's.

  It goes without saying that the news of her staying overnight in the emperor's bedroom yesterday must have spread throughout the palace. At this moment, there must be countless concubines clutching their handkerchiefs in envy and jealousy towards her.

  Just as her sedan chair was swaying along the palace path lined with pink roses, it suddenly stopped.

  In front of me was another sedan chair, and I didn't know who was sitting on it. She went left, then right, then right, then left.

  Suddenly, the sedan chair on the opposite side suddenly pulled open the pink gauze curtain and said to her in a domineering tone: "How dare you block my way? Get down!"

  Only then did she slowly use her round fan to lift aside her pink gauze curtain and take a look.

  A beautiful girl of about seventeen years old appeared in front of me. She was wearing a cream-orange shantung gauze dress, had a small face the size of a palm, fair skin, black hair, bright eyes, and a golden hairpin with long tassels on both sides of her head, which swayed gently with her movements.

  The original owner's impression of this person also came to mind.

  It turns out that this person is Princess Jiaoyang, Jiang Beiyu's only legitimate sister, Jiang Nange. Since she is the dog emperor's sister, she is naturally good-looking. She has been pampered since childhood and is also extremely arrogant and domineering.

  It was because of her overly flamboyant personality that she was sent to the Etiquette School by Jiang Beiyu half a year ago to learn chess, piano and dance. She only returned to the palace because the annual hunting time was approaching.

  The ancestors of the Jiang State were a nomadic people who rode on horseback, so they attached great importance to the autumn hunting. The princes, princesses, royal descendants and nobles had to practice horse riding and archery since childhood, and the annual autumn hunting was the time for assessment.

  Qin Wan did not argue with her. He raised his hand to signal the palace servants carrying the sedan chair to move aside.

  This matter would have passed just like this, however, for some unknown reason, when the sedan chair carrying the princess passed by the sedan chair where she had stopped, one of the palace servants carrying the sedan chair suddenly bent her knee, lost her balance, and the sedan chair tilted forward. Jiang Nange was caught off guard and fell directly off her sedan chair, right in front of Qin Wan.

  Qin Wan was a little surprised, but politely kept a straight face.

  However, the delicate little princess was so angry that she stood up and kicked the palace servant who fell while carrying the sedan chair on the back.

  "Didn't you have enough to eat? You can't even lift the sedan chair?"

  The palace servant felt aggrieved and lifted up his trouser legs to show her: "Princess, it's not that I can't lift it steadily, it's just that someone hit my knee with a stone just now!"

  Jiang Nange looked and saw that the palace maid's calf was bleeding. He immediately shouted angrily at the sedan chair parked nearby: "Leng Qingqing, get off!"

  This princess and the original owner Leng Qingqing had never gotten along.

  Before Leng Qingqing became a palace concubine, she loved Jiang Beiyu, so she bought rouge to please Jiang Nange, hoping that she would give Jiang Beiyu the snacks she made herself.

  The little princess threw the rouge she had given her into the lake with her little hand, and said to her:

  "Leng Qingqing, don't even think about my brother. You are just a toad wanting to eat swan meat! Do you understand?"

  This happened almost two years ago. Because the original owner was inferior and cowardly, she ran away crying and hid whenever she saw Jiang Nange after that.

  At this time, Qin Wan sat on the sedan chair and said in a particularly evil and lazy tone:

  "You told me to come down, and I came down. Why?"

  Chapter 24 Did you sleep well on my dragon bed last night?

  At this time, Qin Wan sat on the sedan chair and said in a particularly evil and lazy tone:

  "You told me to come down, and I came down. Why?"

  I thought you were young, so I was giving you face by letting you go. According to seniority, you should call me the emperor's sister-in-law. But not only did you not call me that, you even threw a tantrum in front of me.

  Your brother sent you out of the palace so that you could learn etiquette. Have you been learning from a dog for the past six months?"


  Jiang Nange didn't expect that she not only didn't come down to apologize but also scolded her.

  According to her original temper, she would have pulled her down from the palace and given her a beating, but she was afraid that her brother would send her out again as soon as she returned to the palace and not let her participate in the autumn hunt, so she just said angrily from below:

  "If you bully me, I will tell my brother! You are dead!"

  "Which eye saw me bullying you?"

  Qin Wan was so angry that she wanted to laugh, but she remained calm:

  "Your Highness, if you have evidence to prove that it was my people who caused your people to fall, I can kneel down and kowtow to you twice.

  But if you want to slander me, there was an example in the court two days ago -

  Those who slander others will have to slap themselves in the face."

  Jiang Nange didn't expect that after just half a year, this soft-hearted Leng Qingqing had become so strong and overbearing. Was it all because of the favor of her royal brother?

  But Jiang Nange, from childhood to adulthood, had never been bullied like this? !

  "Who slandered you? If it wasn't you, then there would be something wrong! Leng Qingqing, you just hate me for calling you a toad, and you want to take revenge on me! Let me tell you, I'm not that easy to bully! I will make you kneel down and kowtow to apologize to me!"

  Having said that, she didn't care about the pain in her leg and ran angrily towards the imperial study.

  Qin Wan sighed.

  Life in ancient times was not so easy. There were always people who wanted to make life difficult for them.

  She lifted the curtain and looked around.

  Not long after, Jiang Nange ran to the imperial study and showed Jiang Beiyu her torn new skirt and scratched arms, and tearfully told him about her experience.

  Jiang Beiyu frowned.

  He hates it most when women cry.

  "Jiang Nange, you are already a grown-up and are about to get married, why are you still crying all day? You said that she made you fall off the sedan chair, do you have any evidence?"

  Jiang Nange said, "There's no one else next to her, it must be her! She just hates me for calling her a toad wanting to eat swan meat! Today she even called me a dog!"

  She tugged at his sleeves and wiped her tears in grievance, she was so angry that she almost died.

  Jiang Beiyu thought her expression was a little funny: "She called you a dog? How did she call you that?"

  Jiang Nange repeated what she had just said to him. Jiang Beiyu couldn't help laughing: "Didn't you call her a toad before? Then she called you a dog, isn't that fair?"

  "This is different!" Jiang Nange was still acting like a little girl.

  "What about her throwing me? She just relied on the favor you gave her to be a tyrant in the palace, doing whatever she wants, and she doesn't even care about me. Please control her, brother!"

  As he spoke, he shook his sleeves.

  Jiang Beiyu was helpless:

  "She has a point. She is your sister-in-law now. You should respect her.

  If you want to say that she did it, then find evidence. If you don't have evidence to prove it was her, then my brother can't punish her based on your one-sided statement alone."

  Jiang Nange was anxious: "Isn't this obvious? Only Leng Qingqing was present just now, if not her, who else could it be?

  This matter has already passed. It just happened in a split second. Where can I find evidence? My brother is obviously protecting his own shortcomings! He is taking sides! "

  Jiang Nange's heart was broken, "You just protect her!"

  After saying this, she ran back to the palace angrily again, clenching her fists and thinking secretly that she must find a way to get revenge!

  After Jiang Nange ran away, Jiang Beiyu felt a few subtle and awkward feelings rising in his heart.

  He, protecting her???


  He knew that although Jiang Nange was arrogant and domineering, she was his beloved sister whom he had raised since childhood. If he wanted to protect someone, it would be Nange's faults. How could he protect her?

  As for that woman, he just flipped her card a few times and looked at her a few times by chance, making everyone in the palace mistakenly believe that he doted on her.

  If it were in the past, he would have stood up for Nan Ge without hesitation, but now, after what happened, that woman was framed and sent to the cold palace for nearly a year, his White Eagle and that woman's dog were designed to fight maliciously, and General Leng was impeached, he felt that he needed to look at things more calmly and rationally.

  Although he thought so, he reviewed a few memorials and walked towards her palace when he had free time.

  "How do you like today's breakfast?"

  He stood in front of her with his hands behind his back.

  At this time, Qin Wan was in the yard, grinding the dried lychee shells to learn how to make incense. Hearing this, he looked up and said, "It's... delicious."

  Although his face was cold, there was a teasing smile between his eyebrows:

  "Who kept saying that we would go back when the time came? Did you sleep soundly on my dragon bed yesterday? The corners of my clothes were all covered with your saliva."


  Qin Wan looked embarrassed.

  Just like everyone loves to sleep, she just fell asleep accidentally.

  "I said it." She admitted it openly, lowering her head:

  "Your Majesty's arms were so comfortable that I accidentally fell asleep... Next time, Your Majesty, just wake me up and I will go back."

  "Next time? It seems that you are looking forward to sleeping next to me."

  He curled the corners of his lips, subconsciously reached out his hand and lifted her chin, but his mind suddenly remembered Jiang Nange's words: "You protect her!" He suddenly retracted his hand, with a look of awkwardness on his face.

  Qin Wan: ???

  What is this dog emperor doing?

  "I came here to tell you that the Northern Kingdom has agreed to only take the antidote. Now, the antidote you developed has been sent over." He explained, his expression turning serious and solemn in an instant.


  Qin Wan responded: "Your Majesty, is there anything else?"

  Jiang Beiyu wanted to say that it was okay, but seeing that she looked like she wanted to chase him away, he thought for a moment and said, "I heard that you had some friction with Nan Ge today."

  When Qin Wan heard this, he was surprised. He finally came.

  Her voice was slightly cold: "Why, the emperor came to seek justice for your sister? The emperor also thinks that it was me who was looking for trouble and threw her down?"


  Jiang Beiyu stared at her deeply and said, "I want to say that if it weren't for you, you should have paid more attention to your surroundings. This is not the first time this has happened..."

  "Thank you for the reminder, Your Majesty."

  He glanced at her dimly, and added awkwardly:

  "Although I have turned over your cards a few times recently and have come to you a few times, don't think that I dote on you... If it were you, I would definitely not protect you."


  Qin Wan thought, who cares about the dog emperor? If you don't protect me, I will never let myself suffer any loss.


  After Jiang Beiyu finished speaking, he turned and left.

  Qin Wan seemed to be thinking about something.

  Although she didn't want to get involved in this matter, she still asked someone to investigate it secretly.

  She asked Leng Ying to quietly check the place where Jiang Nange fell. Leng Ying deduced that the stone was shot there by someone with a slingshot, and there happened to be a hiding place in the southwest corner, and the angle was just right.

  The incident happened suddenly and no one noticed it. The man hid after the fight. It is really difficult to find out who it was now.

  Qin Wan compiled a list of concubines based on the original owner's memory, and her eyes fell on the names of Concubine Zhang and Concubine Shu.

  She had never seen these two people since she came here...


  In a few days, it will be the autumn hunting season in Jiang State.

  Every year, the emperor would take some of his court ministers, royal relatives, nobles, and concubines to a place with lush grass, beautiful water, deep forests and quiet forests to hunt.

  Before that day arrives, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will issue a list of names to each palace that will accompany the emperor on the autumn hunt.

  Qin Wan took a look and found herself on the list. Besides her, the list also included the princess she met last time, Concubine Qi... Concubine Zhang, and Concubine Shu.

  When she saw the last two people on the list, her eyes deepened.

  All the palaces were happily packing their bags to prepare for the autumn hunt. Qin Wan also received a full set of equipment including the latest riding clothes, bows and arrows, whips, small leather boots, protective gear, etc., which her brother had sent from outside the palace.

  She tried it on and found it fit her perfectly. The full set of equipment made her look very heroic.

  At this time last year she was still in the cold palace. This was her first time to follow the large army to the autumn hunt. She asked the eunuch in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for some precautions and memorized them silently.

  One morning, just as the sky was getting light, a huge army set out.

  Qin Wan couldn't get up. She was lying in the quilt, and several palace servants carried her up. She was drowsy in the carriage.

  Jiang Beiyu was used to getting up early. He wore riding clothes, led the whole team, and rode on a majestic, tall, black and white Arabian horse. He looked refreshed.

  After leaving the city and the sun rising, he got into the carriage.

  There were tea, snacks and iced lychees on the table. The journey was long and I always wanted to find something to entertain myself, so I thought of the black box again.

  "Where is Concubine Leng? Ask him to come and see me."

  Being able to sit in the emperor's carriage and travel with the emperor is a great favor and honor. Hearing the emperor asking Concubine Leng to get on his carriage, the concubines in the palaces were extremely envious and lifted the curtain to secretly look outside.

  Qin Wan was disheveled and yawned loudly.

  The sun rises early in the summer. Even though the sun is high in the sky now, it's only a little after eight in the morning. It's not enough sleep, really not enough sleep.

  She was still sleepwalking when she got on the Dog Emperor's carriage. She was still wearing her pink silk pajamas and her eyes were not open.

  "What does Your Majesty want to see me for?"

  Jiang Beiyu coughed and said, "Can you lend me your black box? I'm bored on the road."

  Qin Wan woke up immediately: "There is no signal on this road."

  Jiang Beiyu didn't understand: "What is a signal?"

  "That's it..." Qin Wan scratched his head, stirring up a tuft of hair.

  She had just woken up, her voice was hoarse and a little milky, and she was wondering how to explain it to him.

  "That's right. This black box has a magical feature. It can only be used in a specific place. The things we watch at night cannot be seen outside the emperor's bedroom."

  Jiang Beiyu obviously didn't believe it: "You are lying to me again!"

  "I didn't lie to you."

  Qin Wan sat next to her and turned on a certain audio app, and sure enough, it showed that there was no network.

  Jiang Beiyu stretched out his hand and tried to row, but found that he couldn't move anymore, and felt a little depressed.

  "Why can it only be used in my bedroom?"

  Because you can only connect to my living room's wifi in your bedroom, stupid!

  Qin Wan shouted in her mind, but she couldn't say it out loud.

  "Because, scientifically speaking, perhaps, this black box has some connection with the emperor?"

  Jiang Beiyu's eyes darkened, and a hint of cunning flashed across them: "Since it can only be used in my bedroom, does it mean... this treasure, in fact, should have originally belonged to me?"

  Qin Wan's eyes changed.

  Ugh! This guy is so shameless!

  A smile flashed across his eyes, and with the intention of teasing her, he reached out and snatched the phone from her hand!

  Qin Wan was startled and quickly reached out to grab it back, but his arms and legs were long, and he sat astride him without realizing it!

  Jiang Beiyu's profile is very beautiful, with sharp edges, a high nose bridge, a smooth jawline, and a sexy protruding Adam's apple. From the side, his eyelashes are so long that it's almost unfair.

  She didn't care that he was the emperor. She climbed up with one hand on his shoulder and reached out to the long arm that held her phone high. Realizing that he was sitting, Qin Wan tried to get up, but his other arm suddenly grabbed her lower back and pressed her down. She sat back on his lap, and her full chest rose and fell.

  She was wearing a thin nightgown with a low collar. After the fight just now, it was pulled down again, revealing a piece of snow-soft..

  Chapter 25 His strong chest pressed tightly against her back

  She was wearing a thin nightgown with a low collar. After the fight just now, it was pulled down halfway, revealing a piece of snow-soft...

  The man's eyes deepened and his Adam's apple rolled.

  Qin Wan didn't try to grab it. She bit her lip and became depressed.

  "I am the emperor's concubine, and this black box is indeed his if rounded off."

  "It's just... the emperor said that he would not take my things. The emperor said so, how could he covet his woman's things..."

  Then, with a "woop" sound, he was about to cry.

  The man panicked.

  "Why are you crying? I was just teasing you, I'm giving it back to you."

  He returned the phone to her in a cold voice, but she felt aggrieved, her eyes were watery, and tears still fell.

  The man had no choice but to give her a soft kiss on her face.

  "Don't cry. I order you not to cry. Do you hear me?"

  Qin Wan was stunned by his kiss.

  "I haven't washed my face yet."

  Jiang Beiyu: "......."

  "I'm going back to wash my face."

  She fled back to her own carriage, taking with her a bowl of iced lychees.

  Jiang Beiyu pulled at his collar, not knowing what was wrong with him.

  Qin Wan went back to wash up and changed into riding clothes. She was no longer sleepy. She went outside the carriage and rode a white horse, looking heroic.

  She received aristocratic education since birth and was trained in horse riding and archery since childhood, so even in ancient times, riding and archery were no problem for her at all.

  She sat steadily on the horse with her back straight.

  Few empresses would ride horses on the way to the autumn hunt. They were just followers accompanying the emperor on his trips and would not even participate in the autumn hunt. Therefore, when she was seen on a horse, she attracted a lot of attention from the people around her.

  A curtain was lifted, and several concubines in the harem secretly complained: "Oh, why are you pretending? As concubines in the harem, how can you show your face in public?"

  "If she can't be killed, then at least she'll be crushed to pieces!"

  Jiang Nange was also riding a horse. Seeing this, he rode after them.

  "Leng Qingqing, haven't you been afraid of riding horses since you were a child? When did you learn to ride a horse?"

  The sun was very strong, shining brightly on my face. The air was filled with the scent of grass. Leng Qingqing was squinting her eyes, feeling the wind blowing on her face.

  She shushed her.


  Jiang Nange frowned, not knowing what she was doing.

  She said, "I finally found a horse that listens to me and won't fall on me. Don't scare it by yelling."

  Jiang Nange became excited when he heard this, and deliberately leaned close to the horse's ear and roared.

  The horse was frightened and raised its front hooves, but Leng Qingqing held the reins in her hands and sat firmly on the horse's back, motionless.

  Looking at the mocking look on her face, she knew she had been fooled.

  Jiang Nange looked at her with deep eyes, which were somewhat similar to her brother's. She said:

  "Leng Qingqing, do you dare to race with me? If you beat me, I will forgive all the past and accept you as my sister-in-law. If you lose, you must accept my punishment and let me whip you three times. Do you dare?"

  Qin Wan didn't look at her, he raised the corner of his lips and smiled: "Why should I compete with you? You want to compete with me, do I have to compete with you?

  You know that I have been afraid of riding horses since I was a child and I am not good at horsemanship. Wouldn't it be humiliating for me to compete with you?"

  Jiang Nange said, "I have just stated the conditions. As long as you beat me, I will wholeheartedly acknowledge you as my sister-in-law. If you lose, as long as you accept the punishment and let me whip you three times, I will forgive you for everything that happened in the past.

  Although you are my brother's concubine, I am also his only legitimate sister. I think you don't want to be at odds with me and put my brother in the middle."

  Qin Wan listened and thought to herself: There is something here...it makes a lot of sense. She is almost convinced by her.

  "If I win, I get no reward, but if I lose, you will whip me three times. Don't you think this is unfair to me?

  Do you think your attitude towards me is important to me?"

  Jiang Nange's eyes widened: "Then what do you want?"

  Qin Wan suddenly turned his head, looked at her little face and smiled, which made Jiang Nange feel a little uncomfortable.

  She said slowly, "If you lose, you must listen to your sister-in-law obediently. You are not allowed to make a fuss along the way and cause trouble for your sister-in-law. Can you do it?"

  Looking at the evil and lazy eyes of this woman, Jiang Nange felt inexplicably dazed:

  "Okay, I promise you, shall we compete now?"

  Qin Wan remained silent, but his expression became calm. He took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and kept zooming the lens forward to check the road conditions ahead.

  After a moment, she put away her phone and said, "Bi."

  Jiang Nange pointed with his whip: "Do you see the pavilion in front? I will count down to three and then start. Whoever reaches the pavilion first will win."


  "Three, two, one..."

  The two horses sped away.

  Jiang Nange took the lead, and Qin Wan followed closely.

  Coincidentally, she was also curious about the clash between modern equestrianism and ancient equestrianism, and which one would win.

  First of all, their postures were different. Jiang Nange was leaning forward, while she was sitting upright on the horse with her legs tightly clamped around the horse's belly.

  In ancient times, people rode horses mostly for travel or war, but the horsemanship she learned since childhood focused more on skills and the unity of man and horse.

  Unlike Jiang Nange who whipped the horse violently, the horsemanship she learned was to clamp her legs around the horse's belly and give commands to the horse. Unlike Jiang Nange who had already entered the runaway mode, she remained steady and elegant.

 Many people had noticed them racing and looked over to them, noting that the distance between the two was getting wider and wider.

  If this goes on, she will definitely lose! Several concubines watched in the carriage and laughed.

  "Who taught her to ride like that? Sitting straight up like a pole, it's embarrassing."

  "As the sister of a great general, she can't even ride a horse."

  Leng Leng was also in the crowd. Hearing some whispers, he looked over there with some worry.

  Qin Wan is now using the standard posture of modern equestrianism. Due to the cultural differences between ancient and modern times, it is normal that ancient people could not understand it, but she remains calm and unhurried.

  Now she has realized that modern equestrianism is not about speed, so if modern equestrianism is used to compete with ancient people, it will definitely lose.

  But she won't.

  After running for a while, Jiang Nange, who had been advancing at a high speed and seemed sure of victory, suddenly pulled the reins hard and stopped the horse.

  Qin Wan raised her red lips and smiled brilliantly.

  Pioneers blaze a trail.

  She had just checked with her cell phone. There was a small section of mud ahead. It was impossible to see it with the naked eye at such a distance. But her cell phone could take clear pictures of the moon, just like a telescope, so she could observe it naturally.

  To reach the pavilion, one must either cross the swamp or take a detour.

  Qin Wan chose to take a detour without thinking, but the distance that Jiang Nange had led wasted.

  She now had two choices: one was to go back and take the same detour as her, and the other was to take the risk and cross the quagmire.

  Seeing that she was one step ahead and chose to take a detour, and the distance between them was getting bigger and bigger, Jiang Nange gritted his teeth and chose to cross the quagmire.

  However, after only running a few steps, her horse's hooves were stuck in the mud.

  "Cold and quiet!!!"

  Seeing that she had already walked away, she gritted her teeth in anger.

  But she was now unable to move forward or backward, and the horse's legs were sinking deeper and deeper.

  "Help! Someone come quickly! Help!"

  She yelled loudly.

  However, this place is far away from the main group, and the surrounding area is extremely quiet except for the rustling sound of grass in the wind.

  Jiang Nange panicked: "Help!"

  "Call me sister-in-law and I'll come to save you."

  At this moment, Qin Wan, who had originally left, came back again, and a lazy and playful voice came from behind him.

  "I won't shout! I didn't lose to you." Jiang Nange said proudly.

  "Oh, then I'll continue the game." Qin Wan said without hesitation.


  Feeling her horse sinking deeper and deeper, Jiang Nange was almost about to cry.

  "Leng Qingqing, what I mean is, this is just an accident. You just got lucky today. I didn't lose to you in equestrianism, did I?"

  Qin Wan smiled and said, "The rules of the game are that whoever gets to the pavilion first wins. If I leave you alone now, the one who gets to the pavilion first will lose, right?"

  Jiang Nange pursed his lips and stopped talking.

  She thought to herself, she had never called any of her brother's concubines "sister-in-law", so why was the first person she called Leng Qingqing?

  "Not shouting? If you don't shout, I'll leave."

  "You notify others to come. I don't want you to save me. Just notify them."

  "No, if you shout I will save you, otherwise I won't save you."

  "You... Leng Qingqing, if I disappear, you won't be able to explain to your brother, right? Why do you have to do this?"

  "Hey? That's what I want. You're almost dead, and I just need an explanation. Who's the winner?"

  Qin Wan felt that it was fun to tease this little princess. She would be happy if he made her angry.

  Jiang Nange felt the horse's limbs sinking continuously, almost to the horse's knees. Finally, he couldn't hold it anymore and shouted, "Sister-in-law."



  As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Nange suddenly found that she had walked up to her.

  She spread a few stacked broad leaves on the ground, stepped directly over, and carried her off the horse's back and onto her shoulders.

  "Step on the leaves and walk back by yourself. Walk faster."

  Jiang Nange ran through the swamp carefully stepping on the leaves and found that she was walking slowly behind him.

  "What about my horse?"

  "Go back and find a few people to drag it out." Qin Wan said, and got on his horse.

  Seeing that she was about to abandon him and run away, Jiang Nange hurriedly chased after her: "Wait for me!"

  When the two returned to the team, riding on a horse, many people dropped their jaws.

  Everyone knows that this pampered little princess and the cold concubine don't get along. Didn't they just race horses? Why is he riding a horse out now?

  As soon as he returned to the team, Qin Wan said with disdain:

  "We're here, get off quickly, you're dead."

  "You..." Jiang Nange was angry, but he didn't dare to confront her. After all, she had just saved him. He pursed his lips and ran away.

  Qin Wan didn't take this little episode to heart.

  She returned to the carriage, washed her face, and ate the iced lychees she had just taken from the Dog Emperor's carriage. It was so refreshing.

  Not long after, Jiang Nange asked someone to bring her a plate of snacks. To thank her for saving her just now, she took a bite. It was ice skin mochi, mango flavored, sticky and tasted pretty good.

  While eating mochi, she suddenly remembered that someone had wanted to sow discord between Concubine Qi and her before, but Concubine Qi took the initiative to make friends with her in order to sow discord between her and the unruly little princess. By sheer coincidence, it also made people feel that the little princess and she had a good relationship.

  The person who wanted to kill someone behind your back must be so angry that he wants to explode.

  In the afternoon, the team stopped in a woodland with a clean lake. They stayed for a while and rested on the spot, while the palace servants fetched water from the lake.

  The weather was not so hot anymore, and Qin Wan felt stuffy in the carriage, so he came out again, mounted a horse, and rode leisurely outside.

  Just as she was enjoying the breeze, she suddenly heard a voice beside her ear:

  "Who taught you to ride a horse like this? You've embarrassed me."

  Before I could react, I felt a gust of wind with the scent of ambergris blowing past, and someone sat down behind me.

  A large hand with distinct joints and light calluses naturally held her hand holding the reins, the other hand held the hand holding the whip, and his solid chest pressed tightly against her back.

  Qin Wan's body stiffened.

  Chapter 26: Sticking with the Dog Emperor?

  Qin Wan's body stiffened.

  How did the dog emperor get on her horse? ! !

  Today she was racing horses with Jiang Nange, and Jiang Beiyu had also heard about it. Everyone was secretly laughing at her for not knowing how to ride a horse.

  He learned that although she was General Leng's sister, she had never been good at riding and shooting since childhood.

  It is not required that every concubine in the harem be good at riding and shooting, but it is definitely a plus if they can. If you want to be the queen, you must be proficient in riding and shooting. This is the ancestral rule.

  He was originally sitting in the carriage, lifting the curtain and looking outside casually, but unexpectedly, he saw a figure sitting upright on the horse in an unconventional posture not far away.

  The concubines may not be good at riding and shooting, but he cannot tolerate them being conspicuous in the public eye.

  So, without thinking twice, he got on her horse.

  Qin Wan had no way to explain. This was the difference between ancient and modern times. Her current posture was the standard posture of modern riding, so she could only let him help her adjust it.

  The two of them rode on the same horse, which attracted the attention of many palace servants, but they did not dare to look at them too much. Some young palace maids even blushed with shame.

  Even the old maids in the palace were whispering:

  "The Emperor has never ridden a horse with any other concubine, and he has never taught a concubine to ride a horse like this. This cold concubine is really favored!"

  Qin Wan thought it was not a bad idea to learn the ancient horse riding posture, so she followed suit. At this time, the man behind her shouted, "Gee!" and then whipped the horse, and she was frightened.

  Modern people rarely whip horses when riding. The whip is used to give signals and guidance to the horse. A whip like this is too cruel.

  Feeling that she was frightened, he put one hand around her waist and held the reins with the other.

  This simple and crude method of the ancients had an immediate effect. The horse soon ran faster and was very bumpy. Qin Wan's ears instantly felt hot as he felt the whole horse rubbing against his arms.

  Although she makes bold statements in front of her sisters, such as sleeping with male models and supporting a little boy, it's all just talk. In real life, she has never had such close contact with any man.

  This could cost her life!


  Just when she didn't know how to deal with it, he leaned close to her ear again,

  "Can you shoot arrows?"

  The wind was very strong, so he moved very close to her, and his deep, hot voice went straight into her little ears.


  Without waiting for her to answer, he took out a bow and arrow from the quiver on his horse's back, let her hold the bow with one hand and the arrow with the other hand, then he held her little hand and pulled the bow, raised the bow and arrow, narrowed his eyes, and aimed at a wild goose flying across the sky.

  With a "whoosh", a national second-class protected animal was shot through the neck, let out a wail, and then fell straight to the ground.

  Qin Wan:!!!

  "Your Majesty, Lord Lin has an urgent letter from eight hundred meters away."

  At this time, a young eunuch hurried over to report.

  The man's expression flashed with displeasure, and Qin Wan immediately felt relieved. He finally went down.

  She secretly breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go back when she suddenly heard a "whoosh" sound and another wild goose landed from another direction.

  She subconsciously looked over there and saw an unfamiliar concubine wearing a gorgeous silver-white riding outfit. She was holding a bow and arrow in her hand and slowly putting it down.

  Immediately, a palace maid came forward to help her pick up the prey.

  Qin Wan observed for a while and found that this was the standard ancient horse riding and archery posture.

  After a while, she heard the team shouting, "Return to the team, set off!" She turned her horse around and headed towards her.

  So this is Concubine Zhang.

  Sitting on the horse with its head held high, her head was also held high with pride.

  She couldn't help but look at her carefully.

  Every concubine of the Dog Emperor is not ugly, really not ugly, each of them has her own merits in appearance.

  The Princess Zhang in front of me is a typical classical beauty, with fair skin, a long face, a long nose with a slightly hooked nose, slightly light eyebrows, and long and thin eyes.

  She used a bean paste-colored lip gloss, and her overall makeup was not very bright. She seemed nonchalant, but for some reason, she felt uncomfortable when she saw her for the first time.

  As he came closer, there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. As he passed by, he whispered to her, "Back to the team," and then walked past her.

  After she walked for a while, Qin Wan calmly turned his horse around and headed towards the team.

  It took more than ten days to get from the palace to the autumn hunting grounds. Seeing that it was almost dusk, the team stopped again and set up camp.

  All of this was new and interesting to her, because she was a person who loved adventure, and it would be great if there were no mosquitoes or snakes in the wild.

  The palace servants had set up the tent. She sprinkled realgar powder and insect repellent powder around the tent. Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes staring at her.

  The tents of several palace concubines were very close together. The one looking at her was a palace concubine in the tent next to hers. She still had a half-familiar face, a slightly plump round face, and was a little short. She was Shu Fei.

  She smiled at her and said, "Sister is really cautious. She never forgets to sprinkle insect repellent powder around the tent when she goes out."

  Qin Wan smiled faintly: "It's okay, isn't this a basic operation?"

  Shu Fei said, "I'm in a hurry to go out this time, and I don't have anything prepared. Can you lend me some?"

  Qin Wan glanced at his sack and said, "Borrow this? Why don't you go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ask. I only brought this much with me when I went out. It's not enough."

  If I remember correctly, not long ago, the uncle of this Shu Fei impeached the original owner's brother Leng Leng for collaborating with the enemy, so why would she lend her?

  If she lends the money and accidentally causes something, the blame will be put on her, and she will be accused of harming her, or she will be unable to guard against if she secretly adds something to it, so it is better not to lend it.

  Shu Fei didn't expect that she would actually refuse, and her expression changed immediately:

  "Why are you so stingy? You won't even lend me this little bit of medicine powder? You have so much, how can it not be enough? I still need to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for this little bit of medicine powder?"

  Qin Wan thought it was funny, but he didn't indulge her: "It's your business if you didn't bring it. You can go and get it if you want. I don't want to lend you my things, so I won't lend them to you. How about that?"

  She was very proud and was happy to see Shu Fei's face twisted with anger.


  Shu Fei gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, if you don't want to lend it to me, then don't lend it to me. You'd better not ask me for help in the future!"

  After saying that, he turned and left.

  It was getting dark, and Qin Wan lay down in the tent to rest. Not long after, Xiao Zhima brought in the food that was allocated to him.

  The food now is snacks and dry food brought from the palace. The chefs in the imperial kitchen who follow the autumn hunt will simply cook some porridge and soup and the like. However, when the autumn hunt comes and there are prey, they can eat barbecue.

  Today's dinner was mushroom soup and corn tortillas, and she was also given a piece of grilled meat from an unknown animal.

  Xiao Zhima lowered her voice and said to her, "The people in the imperial kitchen whispered to me that this was specially ordered by the emperor for you. No other concubine has it."

  Qin Wan wondered, could this be the wild goose that he and the Dog Emperor had just shot down?

  She gave some barbecue to Xiao Zhima and was about to enjoy a delicious dinner when she suddenly saw a huge black python as thick as an arm slowly slipping in from outside the tent.

  She clearly sprinkled realgar powder outside the tent, so why was there still a snake?

  Little Zhima also obviously saw the big black snake. He opened his mouth wide and dared not speak, his whole body tensed with fear.

  The two were holding their breath, and suddenly the next second, her curtain was lifted.

  Jiang Beiyu walked in from outside.

  Chapter 27 If you are afraid, sleep in my tent tonight

  Jiang Beiyu walked in from outside, holding a piece of barbecue in his hand:

  "Concubine Leng, have you eaten your portion? The imperial kitchen made a mistake and added chili peppers to my portion. Yours should not have been added. Please change it for me."

  It was pitch dark and Jiang Beiyu didn't even see the creature on the ground that was spitting out scarlet tongue and staring at him hungrily.


  Xiao Zhima reminded him, his voice trembling:

  "Your Majesty, it's a snake!"

  It would have been fine if it hadn't made a sound. When it did, both the man and the snake were startled. Jiang Beiyu looked in the direction Xiao Zhima pointed, which was at his feet. The big black snake also stood up and turned to look at him.

  Jiang Beiyu's pupils shrank, and the next second, the snake suddenly showed its sharp fangs and bit his leg like lightning...

  Qin Wan thought, Oh my god, is this going to be another bloody plot where the emperor gets bitten and the heroine takes off her pants to take drugs? At this moment, a sinister look flashed across the man's face, and she instantly felt murderous intent.

  She didn't even see how the man made his move. The snake was fast, but his hand was even faster. He grabbed it by the vital point of his hand. With a "click", the snake's head, which was as thick as his arm, was broken off.

  Even his other hand was holding the plate of barbecue steadily.

  There was no expression on his face as he completed this series of actions. The light from the campfire outside the tent outlined his well-defined, handsome and indifferent profile, making his facial features more delicate. He lifted the snake, and the snake's tail twitched twice and then stopped moving.

  "Additional meal."

  The man threw the snake to the ground, and when he turned to her, the murderous aura on his body disappeared, and there was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

  "I learned to catch snakes when I was eight years old, and I roasted them for food."

  He swapped the plate in his hand with hers and looked at her still stunned expression.

  "You're usually pretty brave, so why are you so scared by a snake? Huh?"

  The man found it a little funny. He reached out his hand and tried to rub her head, but found that the hand that had just grabbed the snake had retracted.

  "I'm leaving. There are many snakes and insects in the wild. I'll have someone sprinkle some realgar powder around your tent."

  "I have already spilled it."

  Qin Wan said this, then went out to take a look, and discovered that the realgar powder and insect repellent powder sprinkled beside the tent had been swept away, and he immediately became furious.

  "It's Shu Fei!"

  Immediately, she picked up the snake on the ground and went to Shu Fei's tent in a rage.

  Shu Fei was having dinner when she saw the corpse of a huge snake swinging towards her, knocking over the dishes on the table. The palace maids serving nearby were all frightened.

  Then, Qin Wan grabbed her collar and lifted her up:

  "Fool, do you know that the snake you released almost hurt the emperor?"

  Shu Fei was confused: "Leng Fei, why are you talking so easily? What evidence do you have to prove that I released this snake?"

  Qin Wan gritted his teeth and said, "I sprinkled realgar powder and insect repellent powder around the tent."

  Shu Fei yawned: "It was blown away by the wind, how can you blame me?"


  Qin Wan smiled and said, "Did I say that the powder I sprinkled was gone? If you didn't have someone secretly sweep it away, how did you know it was gone?"

  Shu Fei's face changed slightly, but she stubbornly argued, "Snakes have entered, so there must be nothing left. Is there any need to say that?"

  "Don't cry until you see the coffin."

  At this time, Jiang Beiyu walked in from outside the tent with a sullen face.

  He had just observed that the medicine powder around Concubine Leng's tent showed signs of being swept away, so he followed and listened at the door for a while. When he heard what Concubine Shu said under questioning, he was sure that it was her, so he came in from outside the tent.

  "How dare you, Concubine Shu! I thought the snake entering Concubine Leng's tent was just an accident, but I didn't expect it was you who put it there. You have such vicious intentions. Do you know that this snake almost bit me just now?"

  Shu Fei panicked, and knelt down all of a sudden, kowtowed on the ground, and said in panic:

  "Your Majesty, please forgive me. I really didn't release this snake. I had a quarrel with Concubine Leng this afternoon because Concubine Leng had a large bag of insect repellent powder but she refused to lend me any and even provoked me with her words.

  I was so angry that I ordered people to secretly sweep away the medicine powder outside Concubine Leng's tent after dark and sprinkle it outside my tent. Firstly, I really needed the medicine powder, and secondly, I wanted to compete with her. I thought she still had a big bag of medicine powder in her hand, and would sprinkle more when she saw that it was gone. I didn't expect that a snake would get in at that time.

  I really didn't release this snake. I was just playing with it. It's impossible for me to catch such a big snake in a short time."

  "A little fight?"

  Qin Wan laughed when he heard this.

  "If the emperor hadn't been here, I would have been bitten to death by this snake. You tell me this is just a small fight? If it were you, and I maliciously swept away the medicine powder outside your tent today, causing you to be bitten by a poisonous snake, would you think this is a small fight?"

  She turned to look at Jiang Beiyu.

  "Your Majesty, please do justice for me! If today's matter is not dealt with, I don't know how many more 'small fights' I will have to go through in the future. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep peacefully every day!"

  Jiang Beiyu's eyes were deep: "How do you want me to deal with it?"

  "It's very simple."

  Qin Wan smiled harmlessly: "I also want to have a little fight with Sister Shu Fei."

  "There is a jungle next to this place. Move Sister Shufei's tent to the jungle alone. Do not scatter insect and snake repellent powder around it. As long as you go through this night, I will forgive Sister Shufei's little fight. How do you think?"

  Jiang Beiyu nodded: "That makes sense, let's do it. Someone come!"

  Immediately, several guards came in from outside the tent.

  Shu Fei quickly begged for mercy: "Your Majesty!"

  "Your Majesty! I won't dare to do it again. I won't dare to do it again! I really know I was wrong!"

  Jiang Beiyu had a blank expression on his face as he instructed the guards, "Move Shu Fei's tent to the forest half a mile away from the base camp. No one is allowed to guard it, and no medicine powder is allowed to be sprinkled around the tent, and no lamps are allowed to be lit."


  The guards began to take action. Shu Fei knelt on the ground again and crawled towards Qin Wan, pulling at the corner of her skirt and begging for mercy.

  "Sister Leng Fei! Please, don't! I won't do it again! I really won't do it next time!"

  Qin Wan had the same expressionless face as Jiang Beiyu and kicked her away:

  "This time is this time, next time is next time. This is the punishment for this time. If you dare to do it again next time, I will be even more merciful!"

  The guards moved swiftly, packing up the things in her tent and carrying the tent away.

  When picking up the dead snake on the ground, Qin Wan shouted, "Slow down."

  She remembered that the Dog Emperor liked to roast snakes and eat them. After all, this was his prey. She immediately stepped forward, picked up the snake, ran happily to Jiang Beiyu, and returned the "prey" to him with a sincere face.

  Jiang Beiyu took a look and turned away.

  "Come with me."

  The night is falling, filled with twinkling stars.

  A bonfire was lit under the starry sky.

  The palace servants set up a grill and put the fat snake on the grill. He and she sat by the campfire. Qin Wan instantly had the feeling of when the school organized a picnic in elementary school.

  The palace servants brought various seasonings, including pepper salt, cumin, onion and ginger powder, and she also saw rosemary.

  The snake meat didn't need to be roasted for a long time. He took out the dagger he carried with him, cut the roasted snake meat on the grill into small pieces and handed them to her.

  Qin Wan refused in his heart, but seeing the Dog Emperor's sincerity, he dipped the food in the sauce and tried a small bite. It was roasted to be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and tasted a bit like eel and a bit like the spine of a bullfrog.

  Jiang Beiyu casually said, "If you are afraid, you can come to my tent tonight."

  Chapter 28 The Beauty of First Taste

  Jiang Beiyu casually said, "If you are afraid, you can come to my tent tonight."

  Qin Wan said without hesitation: "I'm not afraid."

  It's so funny. She's just a snake. How could she be looked down upon by the dog emperor?

  After he finished speaking, he turned his eyes and looked at her with a subtle expression, and then said, "Forget it if you don't want to come."

  The Dog Emperor took out a jar of wine from somewhere, took a sip, and smelled the fragrance of the wine, so she moved closer.

  "What are you drinking? Can you let me have a taste?" After all, it is the imperial wine, so it must be the finest nectar, very delicious.

  The man's eyes moved slightly and he handed it over. Just when he was about to say that the wine was very strong and he should drink it with caution, he saw the soft and tender little mouth pouting and covering the mouth of the bottle.

  Qin Wan took a sip. The wine was very sweet, and his mouth was full of mellowness, like nectar. He gulped down several mouthfuls. Only when he swallowed it did he feel the aftereffect. A light peach pink slowly climbed up his cheeks.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you for helping me vent my anger today."

  Qin Wan returned the bottle to him and said, "If it weren't for the emperor, I don't know how much grievance I would have suffered. No, I might have been bitten to death by the snake on the spot."

  "It should be."

  Jiang Beiyu said, "I hate people who fight in the harem and stir up chaos the most."

  Qin Wan said: "It's normal. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. What's more, this is the harem. If you want to blame someone, just blame your concubines for taking in too many. Haha."

  "My concubines have taken too many?"

  Jiang Beiyu's eyes were dangerous.

  Qin Wan knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly changed the subject:

  "Your Majesty, you looked so handsome when you caught the snake just now. Just like that, slurp~ you caught it."

  As she spoke, she demonstrated his movements, laughing, her face becoming more flushed. Jiang Beiyu inexplicably recalled a line of poetry: "It is not wine that makes people drunk, but people themselves."

  "Is he handsome?" he asked, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, like a spring breeze.

  After a long while, he didn't hear a reply. He only felt a "thump" as a little head fell on his arm, then slid down along the smooth material and rested on his legs...

  His body suddenly stiffened.

  He originally wanted to scold her, "How dare you!" because no concubine would dare to lie on his legs like this, but then he found that she was motionless.

  Oh, you are drunk?

  "I have to drink even though I can't."

  He muttered to himself and wanted to let her lie there for a while, but after all, they were outside the tent and it would be unsightly, so he had no choice but to pick her up like a princess and carry her into the tent.

  In fact, when he entered the tent, he was still wondering whether he should carry her into his tent, where it would be safe. But when he thought about how she said no, he still carried her into her own tent.

  He put her on the couch and originally wanted to get up and leave, but the arm that was on his neck when he hugged her was still hanging on him. When he stood up, she was lifted up by him again, and then pulled him together and fell on the couch again with a "bang".

  A soft and glutinous layer covered his lips, a feeling he had never tasted before. He was used to eating delicacies from land and sea, so he was surprised.

  Looking at the pink lips, his eyes were deep. He wanted to continue tasting the food, but then he heard footsteps. He turned around and saw Xiao Zhima bringing in a copper basin.

  Just now, she saw the emperor carrying the empress in, and immediately went to fetch water. She didn't expect to see such a scene when she came back.

  She was about to leave when Jiang Beiyu coughed awkwardly.

  "Take good care of your mother."

  After saying that, he left. Before leaving, he took a look around the tent to make sure it was sprinkled with snake and insect repellent powder.

  the other side.

  Leng Ying organized several secret guards and sneaked into the forest. Holding a bottle in hand, they placed the centipedes, poisonous insects, small snakes, and geckos inside a bottle next to the tent.

  The tent was all alone in the forest. The emperor had ordered that no lights be turned on, so it was pitch dark. As the poisonous insects slowly crawled into the tent, the screams of the woman in the tent could be heard...

  After doing all this, the secret guards who had sneaked into the woods dispersed again, hiding their achievements and fame.

  The second day.

  Qin Wan slept in the tent until dawn.

  She drank a little wine last night so she slept very well. However, she only remembered that she and the Dog Emperor were by the campfire, but she didn't know how she ended up in the tent again?

  I heard that Shu Fei had returned from the forest, looking disheveled like a ghost, with her face covered in bruises from poisonous insect bites.

  Qin Wan didn't have any special reaction when he heard the news.

  She deserves it.

  With the precedent of Shu Fei, no one dared to provoke her again, and the journey was smooth.

  Finally arrived at the autumn hunting ground.

  Before my eyes was an endless grassland, with grass as high as my knees in shallow places and as high as my waist in deep places. There were many cattle and sheep raised on the grassland. It was just as the poem said, 'When the wind blows the grass low, you can see the cattle and sheep.'

  When the wind blows, the dense grass leaves roll like waves, and a rich scent of green grass comes to your face, a bit like the taste of matcha.

  The turn of summer and autumn is the time when the grass is lush and the water is abundant, and plants grow most luxuriantly. Next to the grassland is a large tract of virgin forest, where live wild animals such as musk deer, hares, wolves, wild deer, tigers, black bears and so on.

  The outskirts of the forest farm are where the autumn hunting takes place every year, and further inside are restricted areas.

  There are competitions during the autumn hunting season every year. There is no hunting on the first day. Instead, there are competitions in riding and archery. There are rewards for winning the competitions. The first place winner receives 100 taels of gold, the second place winner receives 50 taels, and the third place winner receives 30 taels.

  Qin Wan calculated based on the current gold price and decisively decided to participate in the competition.

  The competition is fair to everyone, whether they are princes and princesses, beile princesses, officials and concubines, or the relatives and children of officials, everyone can participate, one for men and one for women.

  The competition venue is a circular racecourse with rows of targets erected on it. That is to say, horse riding and archery must be carried out at the same time, and the competition is to see who can hit the most targets.

  The targets are randomly distributed. Some are single, some are two or three together, and some are eight or nine together. If you want to stop and shoot arrows while riding a horse, it will be considered a foul. If you fail to finish within the fixed time, you will be eliminated directly.

  Qin Wan saw that this was familiar to her. This was basically the same as what she practiced in the modern training ground! It turned out that what the nobles learned had been passed down from ancient times to the present day and had been perfected from generation to generation.

  She started learning horse riding and archery at the age of six. In addition, she also learned piano, dance, and violin. At the age of seven, she began to study calculus, Mathematical Olympiad, tennis, swimming, CAE, and TOEFL Junior...

  Modern horse riding and archery skills should have been formed through optimization and improvement from generation to generation. She has been trained with the improved versions since she was a child, so she is confident that she can compete with these ancients.

  There were not many women participating in the competition. Besides her, there were Concubine Zhang, Concubine Qi, Jiang Nange, another illegitimate princess, and a few wives of princesses and ministers that she did not recognize. These people were pretty much the same every year.

  Her joining caused a small commotion.

  It is said that when Leng Qingqing was a child, he was thrown off a horse and hit the back of his head when he was learning to ride a horse. Since then, his brain has not been very good, and his character has become inferior and cowardly. Later, he stopped learning and wanted to run away when he saw a horse.

  Her archery skills were also very bad, which drove away several masters who came to teach her. Even Leng Lie's own teaching was useless. Later, the Leng family gave up on letting her learn.

  Everyone had seen Leng Qingqing's weird way of riding a horse on the road before. Is he going to be embarrassed again now?

  Everyone was talking secretly, thinking that since they were bored, it would be nice to have some fun, just to see how she would fall flat on her face on the field later...

  Jiang Nange felt complicated when he learned that Leng Qingqing was going to participate in the competition.

  I once competed in horse racing with her on the road, but I accidentally lost to her due to an accident. This time it will undoubtedly give her a chance to get back on track!

  "Cold and quiet."

  Before the game, Jiang Nange stopped her.

  "I didn't expect you to have the courage to compete. We didn't finish our competition last time, so it doesn't count. How about we take this opportunity to compete again?"

  Qin Wan laughed: "What do you want?"

  Jiang Nange said, "It's still the same rules as last time. If you beat me, I will wholeheartedly acknowledge you as my sister-in-law. If you lose, you have to accept the punishment and let me whip you three times."

  Qin Wan didn't expect that she still wanted to whip her, and couldn't help but said: "You hold a grudge like this, are you a Scorpio? But you called me sister-in-law last time."

  Jiang Nange pursed his lips and said, "The last time doesn't count. Last time you threatened me. Since you are confident that you can beat me, why not play another round? It's just three whips. Can't you afford to lose?"

  "Nan Ge, stop messing around!"

  At this moment, a cold voice came from behind her. It was Jiang Beiyu.

  Chapter 29 She is his concubine! She is also his pride.

  He also heard that Leng Qingqing was going to participate in the competition, so he followed eagerly. After listening to the conversation between Jiang Nange and her, he frowned slightly:

  "Leng Qingqing, you have never been good at riding and archery since you were a child. Do you really have to participate in this competition?"

  Qin Wan raised the corners of his lips: "Of course, since we are here, winning or losing is not important, what matters is participation."

  Jiang Beiyuwei really couldn't understand her train of thought.

  "The competition is not a game. It is still dangerous. Didn't you fall down when you were riding a horse as a child? Are you not afraid of riding a horse anymore?"

  Qin Wan blinked at him and said, "Since the last time Your Majesty taught me how to ride a horse and shoot an arrow, I have overcome my fear of horses. Your Majesty, you are my teacher, don't you want to witness the results of my learning?"

  Jiang Beiyu thought to himself, I believed your lies!

  I just taught her for a short while last time and she already knew it?

  Just check the learning results and don't make it too embarrassing. Otherwise, if she makes a fool of herself on the field, she won't have to tell everyone that it was him who taught her, right?

  Thinking of this, his pupils shrank: "Don't tell me that I taught you. If you insist on participating, please pay attention to your own safety."

  Qin Wan smiled sweetly: "Okay! Then I will go and prepare it first."

  Just as he turned around and was about to leave, Jiang Beiyu called out, "Wait."

  Then he unhooked off his knee protector and threw it to her.

  Jiang Nange on the side looked deeply at his royal brother, his eyes full of insight and mockery.

  His heart has already leaned to Northern Siberia, but he is still being stubborn. His own sister is right next to him, why should he take off the protective gear and give it to Leng Fei instead of her?

  Noticing her gaze, Jiang Beiyu glared at her and said, "Girls, don't always think about hitting others. If you insist on competing with her, then change the bet to money. If you lose, give her thirty taels of silver, and if she loses, give you thirty taels of silver."

  He thought that since the Leng family was rich, if this silly girl really lost to Nan Ge, losing some money would be just a drop in the bucket. If she was really whipped three times by her, Nan Ge didn't know how to control her severity, and it was unknown how many days it would take for her to recover.

  But she had no expression on her face and said leisurely:

  "Your Majesty, do you look down on me? How about exchanging the silver for gold? I'm sure Princess Nange doesn't lack this little gold. If I exchange it for thirty taels of gold, I'll compete with you. How do you think?"


  Jiang Nange wanted to say that she was arrogant, but wouldn't it be better for her if she exchanged it for gold? So he choked again and said, "Let's compare! Let's compare thirty taels of gold!"

  Qin Wan's eyes were lazy and he smiled meaningfully: "Then see you at the stadium later."


  Soon, she had changed into her riding clothes for the competition in the tent and walked out in a heroic manner.

  The women's competition is always a highlight every year. When she arrived, there were already three circles of people surrounding the racecourse. In addition to the members of the royal family who came for the autumn hunt, local herdsmen could also come to watch the competition.

  The entire racecourse is sunken and circular because it contains archery events to prevent spectators from being accidentally injured.

  This is a horse racing track used exclusively for Jiang Kingdom's royal family competitions. It is a bit like the Colosseum in ancient Rome. Spectators can overlook the entire arena from the high ground on the upper level.

  Qin Wan picked a white horse that looked relatively docile and climbed onto its back with a skilled posture.

  Now is the warm-up session before the start, mainly for the contestants and horses to get used to each other. After getting on the horse, she saw Zhang Fei not far away, looking at her with contempt, but when she saw her turn her gaze, she turned her face away naturally.

  Concubine Zhang was first-rate in riding and archery among the imperial concubines, and she was well-known among the young ladies before entering the palace.

  Soon, Concubine Qi also rode towards her on horseback. She first helped her adjust her riding posture and said unhappily:

  "Do you really have to compete?"

  Concubine Qi's riding and archery skills were also good, but they were all forced by her family. She was the daughter of the prime minister and was trained to be the future queen since she was a child.

  "Yes." Qin Wan smiled, "Would you like to play a game with me?"

  Concubine Qi rolled her eyes at her and took out a medicine bottle from her small brocade bag and gave it to her: "This is the best white medicine my father gave me. Take it. If it falls later, just sprinkle it on it. It will relieve the pain."

  Qin Wan took the medicine without hesitation: "Thank you."

  The competition is about to begin, and everyone starts drawing lots. They will compete in the order of the draw.

  Qin Wan drew number six, with Concubine Qi and Concubine Zhang before her, and Jiang Nange after her.

  The game is about to begin and almost all the spectators in the auditorium are in place.

  The best viewing area was naturally where the bright yellow figure was sitting. There was tea and snacks on the table in front of him, and next to him were several concubines who did not participate in the competition and the palace servants who were serving them.

  There were several eunuchs on the field who were responsible for scoring and timing. After everyone took their positions, a gong sounded and the first contestant rushed into the field on a black horse.

  Qin Wan was observing in the waiting area. This was a princess from the grassland. After all, she grew up on horseback, so her movements were naturally agile and brave. She received a lot of applause as soon as she entered the venue.

 However, I don't know if it was because he was too nervous or a little conceited, but when he was shooting the arrow, the second arrow went astray. Then he tried hard to adjust his mentality, and when he saw three targets in a row, he shot three arrows at once, which once again drew cheers.

  However, when passing a row of nine targets, two quick three-arrow volleys only hit four arrows.

  The second contestant was also from the grassland. His performance was neither good nor bad, with no particularly big mistakes, but he hit a few fewer targets than the first person.

  The third contestant was an excellent archer, hitting the bull's eye all the way, advancing rapidly. When Qin Wan saw this person, she felt that she had met her match. As a result, when she reached the three targets connected together, she slowed down for safety, and her horse stopped unexpectedly, and she was eliminated directly.

  The fourth one is Concubine Qi.

  For some reason, her horse started to have diarrhea the moment it came on stage, and a young eunuch had to clean up after it. She was not having fun in the race and gave up halfway through.

  A mocking voice came from somewhere in the stadium, and Jiang Beiyu's face turned pale.


  Qin Wan realized belatedly that the people sitting over there were princes from the Mongolian tribe on the grassland, whose status was equivalent to that of princes. So this competition was not only between them, the royal family, but also between them and the people on the grassland?

  In fact, these princes and dukes were not royal relatives, but tribal leaders of all sizes who had their own private armies. In order to facilitate governance, the ancestors of the Jiang Kingdom conferred the throne on them, which was inherited from generation to generation, and they would meet once a year during the autumn hunt.

  Suddenly, she had an epiphany.

  So, the reason why the Emperor of Jiang State conducts autumn hunting every year is not because he likes hunting so much, but because he wants to have a reason to visit every year to deter them?

  Then she can't compare casually.

  The fifth one is Concubine Zhang.

  With the support of the previous ones, she played steadily and performed extremely well, killing all around. The Dog Emperor's expression was obviously much more relaxed.

  Finally, it was her turn.

  All the Jiang people present were sweating.

  She came out on a horse at a leisurely pace, still maintaining that strange, upright posture. As soon as she appeared, the Mongolian people on the other side of the grassland burst into laughter.

  "This guy can't even ride a horse."

  "Are you crazy? Is there no one in Jiang Country? Why would they let her participate?"

  Those people spoke their local language, which Qin Wan didn't understand, but he knew it was definitely not something good.

  She didn't care at all and still sat on the horse's back as tall and straight as Bai Yang, with her legs clamped on the horse's back and a bow and arrow in her hand.

  When she heard the sound of a gong, she kicked the horse's belly and rushed forward like a sharp arrow.

  When she arrived in front of the first target, she quickly raised her bow and arrow, and with a "whoosh", the arrow landed steadily in the center of the target.

  Everyone looked at her with strange eyes.

  Previously, I thought Leng Fei's riding posture was weird, but when combined with her neat archery posture, I felt that the whole movement was smooth and inexplicably comfortable?

  "Swoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

  I saw her riding forward, her fingers pulling the bow without stopping. I didn't know how she aimed. She only glanced at the target, but the arrows in her hand seemed to know the way by themselves. They were obedient and went straight to the red bull's eye. She shot while riding her horse quickly.

  The targets in front of her were all single or in groups of two or three. Finally, she came to nine targets lined up in a row.

  This is the area where most people lose the most points, because the targets are too densely packed together and one always has to make choices. Even if one slows down, one can only hit three targets at most.

  I saw her take out a handful of arrows from the quiver on her back, pull the string, close her eyes, and "whoosh", several arrows were fired at once!

  She shot twice, once with four arrows and once with five arrows, and then left the target area. But if you look closely, except for the target at the edge that she shot a little off, all the arrows hit the bull's eye without exception!

  The whole place was boiling with excitement! She sat firmly on the horse and rode away.

  Because it was so exciting, everyone in the stadium watched with bated breath and even got goosebumps.

  "As graceful as a startled swan, as elegant as a swimming dragon." Jiang Beiyu's breath caught and his eyes became more fiery.

  He never thought that she would bring him such a big surprise and shock.

  Didn't everyone say that she wasn't good at it? It turned out that she was hiding this skill on purpose!

  Seeing her strange riding posture before, he had a preconceived notion that she might make a fool of herself today, but he didn't expect that she could really make him proud! The Mongolians looked at him differently.

  Such an outstanding person is his concubine!

  It is also his pride.

  After walking around, Qin Wan dismounted gracefully.

  The outcome of the next game was no longer in doubt because no one could be as perfect as her.

  After it was over, she left the stadium directly.

  hand pain.

  Back in the tent, she washed her hands and sprinkled some of the medicine powder given by Concubine Qi on them. It really worked!

  I hadn't rested on the couch for long when Jiang Nange came in.

  Behind her followed a palace servant, holding a wooden tray heavy with gold.

  "I brought the gold. I lost. I accept it sincerely."

  Although she said this, her expression was still a little arrogant, and then she called her awkwardly: "Sister-in-law."

  He didn't look at her when he called her, but turned his face away shyly.

  "You are the first sister-in-law I acknowledge. I don't like any of the beauties in my brother's harem."

  Qin Wan smiled and said nothing.

  Jiang Nange asked the person holding the gold to put it on the table, then stepped forward and grabbed her hand:

  "Sister-in-law, can you teach me archery? I noticed that your archery method seems to be different from mine, but it is very accurate!"

  Qin Wan glanced at the golden gold on the table, smiled, and turned to look at her: "I can teach you, but that's a different price."

 "Okay! How much gold do you want? I'll give it to you right away."

  Qin Wan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek: "I'm not talking about money. I'll tell you after I think it over, okay?"

  Jiang Nange nodded.

  It was not until the evening that Jiang Beiyu lifted her curtain and walked in.

  In fact, he had wanted to leave a long time ago. After she left, his heart had been drifting away and he felt very uneasy at the competition venue.

  He didn't want to watch the next game at all, but he was the emperor and couldn't leave, so he had to continue watching. After watching the women's game, he watched the men's game and had dinner with the princes.

  "Congratulations, you win," he said, his eyes bright when he saw her again.

  When she came in, she was sewing. The knee pad Jiang Beiyu lent her was scraped when she dismounted, and the stitches were a little off. She said nonchalantly, "Thank you."

  He sat down and Xiao Zhima quickly served him tea.

  "Did Nan Ge give you the silver?"


  He took a sip of tea and asked, "Who taught you how to ride and shoot?"

  She bit the thread and said with a smile, "Your Majesty."

  "Don't lie to me!"

  Jiang Beiyu frowned.

  "I didn't teach you that method. Besides, if I only taught you for a while, you would be able to do it?"

  Qin Wan said calmly: "The emperor is a true dragon emperor, how can he be the same as an ordinary teacher?

  Your Majesty can check. I do not have another teacher. If Your Majesty does not believe that this is your ability, then I will just assume that I have studied and figured it out myself. I am a wild person, so naturally I am different from others."

  At this point, Jiang Beiyu understood. This must be her own talent. She wanted to flatter him so she deliberately said that he taught her. Looking at her putting away needlework with a subtle look in her eyes, he suddenly remembered something.

  "Cold Concubine."


  "Did you forget something?"

  "What?" Qin Wan was confused.

  He coughed, and the familiar arrogance appeared on his face again.

  "The Qiqiao Festival is coming soon. I remember you embroidered a sachet for me before. Where did you put it? I haven't received it yet."

  Qin Wan suddenly realized.

  "Oh, about this..."

  She had almost forgotten about it.

  "Wait a minute, I'll look for it."

  She rummaged around and found the sachet that she had almost forgotten from the bottom of the sewing box.

  "My embroidery skills are poor. I have actually finished it a long time ago, but I have always been embarrassed to show it off."

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at her and said, "Clumsy or not, isn't it all your love for me? I won't despise it."

  Then raise your hands, palms facing up.

  Qin Wan was so embarrassed that she dug her toes into the ground, but she had no choice but to bite the bullet and give the sachet to the dog emperor.

  So the next day, everyone saw that the emperor was wearing a sachet that didn't fit in with him.

  The sachet was embroidered with a crooked, fat yellow worm with a mustache.

  Minister: "Your Majesty, today's weather is..."

  Jiang Beiyu said indifferently: "How do you know that Concubine Leng embroidered a sachet for me?"

  The leader of the Mongolian tribe saw him and asked: "Has the emperor had lunch yet?"

  Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "How did you know that I wore a new sachet today? Concubine Leng insisted on embroidering it for me. I didn't want it but she insisted on giving it to me. Does it look good?"

  The leader of the Mongolian tribe looked up and down, but he couldn't find a suitable adjective. He could only say: "It looks good. It looks good."

  (New book first release, produced by Maomao, add it to your bookshelf so you won't get lost)

  (Next chapter June 25, 20:00)

  Chapter 30 Jiang Beiyu, run! .

  Jiang Beiyu looked very happy and unconsciously stretched out his fingers to rub the big fat worm.

  "I also think..."


  The autumn hunting officially began this afternoon. A large group of people sneaked into the forest to hunt, as if they had entered the wild era of the past. The one who got the most prey points won.

  Each prey receives a different score based on its size and aggressiveness. The brown bear has the highest score, at ten points, followed by the tiger at eight points, the wild boar at five points, and the wolf at four points.

  Antelope, wild deer, roe deer, etc. are not valuable and are worth two points each. Hare, pheasant and wild goose are worth one point.

  Because the prey was too heavy to carry, the price was calculated by cutting off its ears. After each day's hunting, a special team of soldiers would go into the mountains to search for the captured prey.

  It was the first time that Qin Wan participated in such an activity. She had been instilled with the concept of protecting animals since she was a child. She couldn't bring herself to kill these small animals, nor could she bear to see such bloody scenes, so she asked for leave directly.

  "Your Majesty, Concubine Leng said she is not feeling well."

  Jiang Beiyu was surprised to hear the news.

  At this moment, he was wearing a bright yellow hunting suit, looking dignified and high-spirited, sitting on his horse, with a huge team following behind him.

  He had already imagined the scene of going hunting in autumn with her side by side, but now he was told that she was not coming?

  "What's wrong with you? Have you consulted the imperial physician?"

  The eunuch who delivered the message was a little embarrassed: "The queen said she had a headache and she would be fine after a rest."


  He frowned and went into the mountain.

  In previous years, he hunted alone, but for some reason, he felt lost today. He felt empty inside, as if something was missing.

  After wandering in the mountains for half a day, he only caught a few wild rabbits and returned to the camp halfway.

  When I lifted her curtain, I heard a laugh as crisp as a silver bell. She was lying on the couch, holding a storybook in one hand and eating a bunch of grapes in the other. She didn't look like she had a headache at all.

  Xiao Zhima, who was serving at the side, noticed the voice coming from the door and quickly lowered her voice to say to her, "Madam, the emperor is here." She stopped laughing and was about to prepare herself for the moment, but the man at the door had already walked in with his long legs. Without saying a word, he put his forehead against hers and said to himself, "You don't have a fever, who offended you?"
