
  It is a taboo to talk about the Empress in front of her.

  Qin Wan didn't care, after all, she was in the harem. She raised her phone and took a selfie, then calmly changed the wallpaper to her own selfie.

  Little did she know that what she just said was heard by Xipin's maid Hongcha who was hiding outside the door and spying.

  She was originally arranged to be the gatekeeper, and after hearing what was said just now, her eyes rolled around and she immediately ran back to report.

  "What? Concubine Leng secretly hides a man's portrait on her body?"

  Xipin stood up suddenly, feeling both shocked and surprised.

  This is simply like sending a pillow to someone when they are sleepy!

  She had suffered a loss at the hands of Concubine Cold before, so she went to complain. As a result, she found out that the bitch had used some tricks, but not only did the Emperor not punish her, but the food in the cold palace had even gotten better since the Emperor had been there!

  Moreover, the stupid dog raised by that bitch was not beaten to death. The emperor even instructed the imperial kitchen to send a bone of meat to the stupid dog, which made her so angry that her nose was smoking!

  Now, she has got the chance.

  She called a palace servant over, whispered a few instructions, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.


  The sun sets.

  Eunuch Li walked to Jiang Beiyu's side holding the sign, bent down and reminded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, it's time to turn over the sign."

  The man who was reviewing the memorials raised his hand upon hearing this and was about to turn over the cards when he suddenly looked at the surface of the cards.

  "Where's Leng Fei's brand?"

  Eunuch Li was stunned for a moment: "The cold concubine is in the cold palace, should her nameplate be added as well?"

  Last time, he just translated it verbally and didn't see the sign. Hearing this, the emperor's head suddenly raised up, and a pair of sharp eyes looked straight at him, and his eyes became colder.

  "When did I ever order the removal of the cold concubine's nameplate?"

  In fact, ever since she was banished to the cold palace, the label of Cold Concubine had been removed. He had discovered it before but was too lazy to say anything.

  Eunuch Li's heart suddenly trembled, and even the hand holding the wooden tray trembled in fear: "Slave...slave will go prepare the card of Concubine Leng right away!"

  Jiang Beiyu said in a deep voice: "No need, just notify Zhaotai Palace and let Concubine Leng sleep with you tonight!"

  "As you wish!"

  Looking at the little eunuch's hurriedly leaving back, the stern face was expressionless and he reached out and touched the bandage on his forehead.

  You were so bold as to knock him unconscious with a porcelain pillow and he refused to admit it. Then you sneaked out and got caught, and you still lied to him?

  Oh, you woman who is as cunning as a fox. Tonight, I will settle the score with you!

  "This time, I want to see what tricks you can play..."


  "Your Majesty! I have good news for you. The Emperor has turned your card over again."

  When Xiao Zhima received the news, he was so excited that he almost tripped over the threshold when he ran in from outside:

  Qin Wan's mind buzzed, and he felt dizzy: "Wha...what?"

  "He's still coming???!"

  Chapter 11: What the hell, WiFi signal?! .

  Little sesame is very strange.

  Why does the queen look unhappy at all?

  He must be too happy and has become stupid!

  Anyway, she was very happy for her. She held her shoulders and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty! You must seize this opportunity. Who knows, you may be able to leave the cold palace!"

  Qin Wan smiled bitterly.

  What should I do?

  I knocked him out last time, what should I do this time?

  It is impossible to knock him out again, so if I cut a hole in his head this time, it will be a nine-club elimination game.

  So...she said she was sick and had her period???

  No, no, that man has already started to doubt her, maybe this time he is just testing her, oh, this is really worrying her...

  Not long after, Xiao Zhima came running in excitedly with toiletries in hand:

  "My lady, the water is ready. I will serve you in bathing!"

  She quickly said, "No, no, I'll wash it myself."

  There was a large wooden tub in the room, which she would wash every day.

  Xiao Zhima said, "This is the rule. Before the queen goes to bed, she must be helped to bathe. Two maids will come later. They must make sure your body is clean before they can send you to the dragon bed."


  This is the sorrow of women in ancient times. Even the concubines in the harem were like vegetables.

  Forget it, just think of it as going to a club and getting a free spa treatment.

  She closed her eyes and let them clean her body while thinking of a solution.

  I thought of countless ways to refuse the bed, but suddenly an idea came to me:

  When she came here before, she was in the bedroom of that dog emperor.

  Could the way back be there too?

  Apart from serving the emperor in the bedroom, she currently has no chance to enter there. Could it be that she went there, and when the time came to appear that night, she suddenly went back?

  Thinking of this, she suddenly opened her eyes.

  Go, she wants to go even if she gets stabbed tonight!


  After taking a bath and changing into clean pajamas, she quickly ran to the dressing table, picked up the rouge, and applied two large smears of blush on her face.

  Little Zhima was confused: "My lady, why are you wearing rouge again today?"

  Qin Wan said: "Since we are all going to serve the emperor, we naturally have to dress up well."


  She looked in the mirror, recalling Leng Qingqing's previous makeup, big red lips, bright blush, and tried the same on herself. Hehe, she was so angry that even she wanted to vomit. She just couldn't believe that the dog emperor could do that to her!


  As the night deepened and the evening breeze became cool, Qin Wan was wrapped in a large quilt and was carried to the emperor's bedroom by two young eunuchs with grunts and pans.

  When she was rolled into the quilt, she secretly took her mobile phone with her.

  If she could go back, she would naturally take her cell phone with her. Apart from that, she didn't have any other luggage here.

  Because she was being carried, she could see the bright night sky all the way. The stars were twinkling and so beautiful.

  It is early summer now, when the climate is most comfortable. In modern times, she cannot see the stars in the city where she lives. Only in ancient times, when everything is pristine, can she appreciate such beautiful scenery.

  She was carried all the way and placed on the dragon couch.

  The bedroom was quiet and the bed was empty. One could faintly smell extremely pure, high-quality ambergris burning outside the bed curtains.

  She buried half of her face in the quilt, blinked and asked, "Father-in-law, what time is it now?"

  The eunuch standing outside said to her, "It's almost the 15th hour of the evening. Your Majesty, please wait a moment. The Emperor is still in his study reviewing memorials. He will come over when he finishes."


  It was the first quarter of the evening, which was 9:15 p.m. The last time she traveled through time was 9:30 p.m., so there were still about fifteen minutes left before she traveled through time again!

  As long as she delayed until fifteen minutes later, the best result would be that when the time came, she would be back in a flash, and everything here would be like a dream.

  The worse result is that she might have to stay here and try to flatter the dog emperor.

  She was wrapped up like a zongzi now, and she asked the eunuch, "Can you untie it for me first, eunuch?"

  The eunuch said, "No, we have to wait until the emperor arrives. I will take my leave now."

  After saying that, he lowered the bed curtains, turned around and left.

  Qin Wan didn't care. The quilt was suffocating her. She just rolled over on the large dragon couch and freed herself from the quilt, snore.

  She lay in a "big" shape on the cool and smooth bright yellow silk couch, feeling that this time she had fully experienced the ancient world.

  This dragon bed is quite comfortable. I'll get one for her grandfather when I get back. He will definitely like it. Well, let's make it according to this specification!

  She took out her cell phone and excitedly took pictures of the dragon bed. Suddenly, the bed curtains were lifted, and a tall bright yellow figure appeared in front of her.


  She immediately put away her phone, grinned, and gave him a flattering smile: "Your Majesty, you are here~"

  Jiang Beiyu stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the monkey-like face, his brows slightly frowned, but as an emperor, he was always calm and composed, so he remained calm.

  I finally got used to this woman for two days, why is she looking so horrible now?

  Qin Wan knew how to do the reverse operation. In order to delay time and protect her innocence, she tried her best and said in a pinched voice:

  "Your Majesty, why did you come just now? I have been waiting for you for a long, long time." As she said this, she threw him a coquettish glance.

  Sure enough, the disgust between her brows and eyes became even stronger as she looked at this man.

  The original owner liked this man too much and made him disgusted with her, so she wanted to be even crazier than the original owner!

  She twisted her body and looked very expectant.

  "Your Majesty, please come up quickly. I have already warmed the bed for you."

  "It's summer now, no need to warm the bed."

  Jiang Beiyu had a blank expression on his face. He thought, how come this is different from what I imagined?

  When he was reviewing the memorial just now, he saw someone had slipped a note into the memorial, reporting that Concubine Leng had an affair with a wild man and was carrying a portrait of the man with her.

  Isn't it all clear now?

  So, when she was asked to sleep with the emperor, she knocked him out. She stayed in the cold palace to make it easier for her to have sex with wild men, and she crawled through the dog hole to meet with wild men in secret.

  Oh, it depends on how long you can keep pretending!

  The handsome man frowned, and his hands holding the bead curtain were about to crush the beads. Finally, he pulled the curtain closed and stepped forward.

  Who would have thought that in the next second, a pair of slender and powerful legs would suddenly wrap around his waist, and with a flexible flip, Qin Wan quickly pressed him under him in a riding posture!

  Qin Wan didn't expect that he could face such a face, so he could only use his ultimate killer move:

  "Your Majesty, I miss you so much. I like you so much. I want to give birth to a baby for you. Mumumumumumu." She deliberately pouted her big red lips and kissed him on the face.

  Jiang Beiyu finally broke through his defense and pushed her away: "Don't touch me!"

  Qin Wan was delighted, but she was so addicted to acting that she cried out in grievance.

  "Wuwuwuwu, if you don't like me, why did you marry me? Why did you turn over my name card and let me sleep with you? Do you know how happy I am tonight? Who knew that in return I would be treated with such indifference and disdain by the emperor?"

  She cried and waited.

  She has been trying her best to delay for so long, why isn't it here yet at 9:30?

  "Duang~It's dry, be careful with fire."

  At this moment, she finally heard the sound of the night watchman outside the door. She felt like she heard the sound of nature, and even her crying stopped for a moment.

  Two quarters past midnight!

  She came here accidentally at this time!

  Her heart was beating very fast. She took out her phone and saw that the time on it had already overlapped with the current time! She kept repeating in her mind, "Disappear! Disappear! Please let her disappear right where she is!"

  How she wished that as soon as she closed her eyes and opened them again, she would be back in the comfortable living room at home! However, when she opened her eyes, nothing happened.

  Glancing at her phone again, she realized something was wrong.

  I wonder what she saw?!

  Wifi signal!

  Chapter 12: Concubine Leng, You Can Serve Me in Bed

  I wonder what she saw?!

  Wifi signal!

  I went back to the settings and saw that it was the Wifi in her living room!!!

  Her fingers began to tremble violently.

  The dog emperor's bedroom can actually connect to the WiFi in her living room?

  That means the spaces of these two places may overlap!

  She was trying to send a message to see if the wifi was working, but her hands were suddenly free as her phone was snatched away by a man.

  He sneered:

  "I heard that Concubine Leng always carries a portrait of a man in a black flat box. I guess this is it."

  The phone has a raise-to-wake function, and the screen just lights up. He turns his head and sees, huh? Is it her?

  In the "portrait", a woman in a simple palace dress is holding a watermelon. Her cheeks are bulging from eating it, and her face is full of watermelon juice. She looks playful and lively, and the freshness of summer comes to your face.

  That face was bright and pretty, and even without any makeup she was extremely beautiful.

  He looked at the beauty in the portrait, then looked at the woman opposite who had deliberately made her face messy, and his eyes became meaningful.

  Uh-huh, pretending to be ugly on purpose.


  Qin Wan snatched his phone back:

  "Who is slandering me? Your Majesty, please see clearly that the person in this 'portrait' is me, not someone else.

  I only have the emperor in my heart and I only love the emperor, so how could I have a portrait of another man? "

  "You only have me in your heart, and you only love me?"

  As she was speaking, Qin Wan felt the man's body approaching her. He stared at her and placed his slightly calloused hand on her cheek. Looking at the woman's suddenly tense expression, he suddenly found it interesting.

  "Just now, I felt uncomfortable because of that incident. Now, the misunderstanding has been resolved. It is true that someone is slandering my beloved concubine."

  As he spoke slowly, he used his fingertips to wipe away the blush and lip balm on her face bit by bit, until that pretty little face reappeared, and those deep, oppressive eyes stared straight at her.

  His breath was getting closer and closer, so close that her nose was always lingering with the domineering smell of ambergris wrapped in the scent of hormones on the man.

  The two of them were too close, and her body couldn't help but tremble. He whispered in her ear: "Leng Fei, you can sleep with me now..."

  Qin Wan was hit by a wake-up call.

  Or, give him another slap on the forehead? Nine clans elimination game is elimination game, after all, it's not her nine clans that are eliminated.

  But when she thought of her brother who had just given her a big Golden Gate fan in the afternoon, she still couldn't bring herself to do it.

  Forget it, just think of it as sleeping with a male model in a club. We are all adults, who is afraid of who? He is pretty good-looking, so he won't suffer any loss!

  "Then Your Majesty, I am here!"

  After thinking it through, she pounced on him excitedly like a kitten.

  Jiang Beiyu:!!!

  The lamp hanging on the bed curtain was suddenly extinguished by the evil wind. In the darkness, he felt a soft and fragrant body bump into his arms, and even a small hand was impatiently untying his belt.

  Qin Wan felt the man's fine chest and abdominal muscles. His skin was as cool and smooth as the finest mutton-fat jade, and his clothes exuded an extremely pleasant fragrance.

  In a panic, the man hurriedly tried to find a tool hidden under the pillow to replace him, but before he found it, the woman grabbed his wrist and lifted it above her head.

  Jiang Beiyu:!!!

  How could there be such a woman in the world!

  At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside:


  A eunuch outside the door hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, urgent news from the border. Yesterday, the Northern Kingdom suddenly attacked us under cover of darkness and concentrated its forces to attack us. Three cities on the border have been lost!"

  He breathed a sigh of relief, immediately pushed her away, put on his clothes and got off the dragon bed: "Quickly call General Leng, General Zuo, the Prime Minister and the Minister."

  Looking at the man's back as he hurriedly left in the night, Qin Wan stood up and shrugged.

  After failing to serve the emperor for the second time, she was sent back to the cold palace in the middle of the night.

  When she returned to Zhaotai Palace, she remembered her cell phone and opened it to take a look.

  The WiFi signal is gone again.

  It seems that it is only available in that place?

  The key to returning was indeed in that palace, the palace in the painting, Jiang Beiyu's bedroom.

  Qin Wan seemed to be thinking about something, and his eyes became deep.

  The second day.

  Xipin waited and waited, but there was no news that the emperor would punish Concubine Leng.

  Obviously, the note reporting Concubine Leng had been secretly put into the memorial that the emperor was going to review yesterday. Logically speaking, the emperor should have seen the note.

  Could it be that because of the invasion of the Northern Kingdom yesterday, the Emperor had no energy to deal with it? It was said that the Emperor discussed matters with several generals and military ministers in the study until dawn yesterday.

  But when she heard the other news, she was desperate.

  When the Emperor checked in yesterday, his clothes were disheveled...

  In other words, Concubine Leng might have succeeded in sleeping with the emperor last night?


  Once Leng Fei successfully comes out, she will probably be the first one to be killed.

  what to do?

  She hurried to Luming Palace, which was Concubine Zhang's palace.

  "Sister, did you get the news? Concubine Leng slept with you again last night!"

  Princess Zhang had just finished her breakfast and was leisurely burning incense and drinking tea. Upon hearing this, she rolled her eyes at her in annoyance.

  "What are you afraid of? Look at how useless you are."

  "It doesn't matter if she slept with you or not? She hasn't even left the cold palace yet, and you're panicking like this and losing your composure!"

  "I'm afraid..." Xipin bit her lip.

  Concubine Zhang smiled leisurely: "Even if she is released from the cold palace, does she have evidence to prove that you jumped into the lake and framed her? It has been so long since this happened, it is impossible for her to reverse the verdict, and she can only swallow her anger.

  Moreover, even if she harbors resentment, would she dare to touch you or take revenge on you? If she dares to touch you, wouldn't you have another reason to send her back to the cold palace?

  Jealousy is a taboo, Your Majesty, but I hate jealous women who create discord in the harem the most."

  Having said that, she raised the corners of her lips and smiled.

  After hearing what Concubine Zhang said, Xipin breathed a sigh of relief temporarily. I hope so. I just hope that woman will live in the cold palace for the rest of her life.


  Qin Wan once again slept until noon, had brunch and then returned to his bedroom.

  Leng Ying stood beside her.

  In fact, Leng Ying not only protects her, but also has the ability to find out things for her.

  Leng Leng has reached his current position with intelligence networks inside and outside the palace. As Leng Leng's personal bodyguard, Leng Ying has always had the ability to control this intelligence system .

  She asked, "How's the investigation going?"

  Yesterday, the Dog Emperor said that someone reported that she was carrying a portrait of a man with her, so she asked Leng Leng to investigate.

  Although the only people who saw her phone wallpaper were Little Sesame, Little Peanut and Little Longan, it is not necessarily revealed by them, so we cannot rule out the possibility that the walls have ears.

  As expected, Leng Ying said, "Yesterday, someone asked the Emperor's tea attendant to secretly insert a piece of paper impeaching the Empress into the memorial."

  "who is it?"


  He knew exactly which palace maid belonged to which empress in the palace.

  "Oh, she's jumping around again."

  Qin Wan sneered:

  "She is like a hungry dog ​​going to the toilet, rushing to die."

  She raised her delicate eyebrows and smiled: "Don't worry, I will send you to the west right now..."

  Chapter 13 Your Majesty, the real chill is not the quarrel

  Originally, she had not considered leaving the cold palace, but now that the wifi signal had been lost and this incident had happened, she had decided to give the evidence to the emperor and then walk out openly.

  After leaving the cold palace, at least she can go out without any restrictions. She can find a chance to connect to the wifi in the emperor's bedroom and find a way to get back.

  "Your Majesty, Concubine Leng requests to see you!" a guard reported.

  "not see."

  He is very busy now, and the affairs in the North Country have made him overwhelmed.

  After all, he received ten taels of silver to report. The guard added, "The Concubine Leng said she has something important to discuss with you."

  "What important things could she have..."

  Jiang Beiyu wanted to leave her alone for a while and finish reviewing the memorials on hand, but when he thought about last night, he felt upset because he didn't see her.

  "Let her in."

  After a while, Leng Qingqing walked in leisurely from outside the door.

  Today, she did not put on any red rouge or makeup on her face. She wore a plain long skirt and only a simple hairpin. She looked dignified and beautiful.

  "What do you want to see me for?"

  Leng Fei smiled faintly:

  "I have said before that I was framed by someone and was banished to the cold palace by the emperor. Now, I have found evidence to prove my innocence."

  Jiang Beiyu was a little surprised: "What evidence do you have?"

  He vaguely remembered that this woman was banished to the cold palace because she was jealous and pushed a concubine into the river, causing the whole village to eat a feast.

  But so much time has passed, can she still find evidence to prove her innocence???

  "Of course." She looked confident.

  "What evidence?"

  Qin Wan walked towards him.

  Thinking back to last night, his alarm bells rang loudly, and he immediately asked, "What... are you doing?"

  Qin Wan felt strange and took out his cell phone: "Show the evidence to the emperor. The emperor needs to see this evidence with his own eyes."

  She walked to Jiang Beiyu's desk and calmly placed the phone with the video play button on it in front of Jiang Beiyu.

  "Your Majesty, please look."

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at the screen casually, his pupils shrank:


  If he had to maintain the dignity of the monarch, he would probably have jumped onto the throne.

  However, at this moment he could only suppress the shock in his chest and try his best to keep his face calm.

  "Why is she in this box?"

  She explained calmly: "This is a treasure that can realize scene reconstruction."

  After all, this dog emperor had never touched a mobile phone before and might question the authenticity of the video. Qin Wan decided to demonstrate it to him again in front of her.

  "It records what happened."

  As she spoke, she turned on the button to re-record the video, switched to selfie mode, moved closer to Jiang Beiyu, and started recording.

  "Like now."

  She pointed the camera at herself and Jiang Beiyu, pinched her fingers to make a "heart" shape, blinked one eye, and said:

  "Your Majesty, I love you~"

  After clicking on "Complete Recording" and playing the video back to him, Jiang Beiyu actually saw himself in the box!

  In the video, a charming woman made a heart shape with her hands next to a handsome and majestic man: "Your Majesty, I love you~"

  It was the replay of the scene just now.

  Jiang Beiyu looked as if he had seen a ghost. He pointed at the phone and shouted angrily, "Monster! You have taken away my soul!"

  Qin Wan tried not to laugh.

  This is exactly the same reaction of people in the Qing Dynasty when they first took photos. What ignorant ancient people were.

  "Your Majesty, don't panic. This is just a small item that records what happened. It will not have any effect on your health.

  The emperor has just seen that anything he has said or done can be recorded and reproduced by this thing. Now, let's see what Xipin said herself."

  She cut back to the previous video, with the camera focused on Xipin's big face.

  Her voice was heard off-camera: "There's no one here, so you don't have to pretend. Was it me who pushed you into the lake?"

  The video was several minutes long, and fearing that he would lose patience, she fast-forwarded to the end. Xipin said in a bossy manner:

  "Leng Qingqing, you are just a fool. You still want to serve the emperor. You are not worthy!"

  "To tell you the truth, I jumped down by myself that day, so what? Do you have evidence to prove that I jumped down by myself? Do you have a way to get out of the cold palace? Your position will be mine sooner or later."

  Jiang Beiyu's expression changed from disdain to surprise and shock, and finally to a gloomy expression.

  He watched the entire video again, and the lines of his jaw tightened noticeably, his face as dark as a piece of charcoal.

  Those words were indeed said by Xipin.

  What he hated most was the concubines in the harem fighting with each other and bullying others. That was why he disliked her in the first place and didn't even want to look at her. But in the end, she was wronged?

  "So you... stayed in the cold palace for so long without saying a word?"

  Qin Wan thought, isn't it because Leng Qingqing is too fragile?

  Looking at Jiang Beiyu's expression, she decided to strike while the iron was hot. She took out a handkerchief, sniffed and said:

  "Your Majesty, the real chill in my heart is not about making a scene.

  So, Your Majesty, do you know how I have been living in the cold palace these days? I have suffered so much injustice, but no one believes me!

  I am in the cold palace, hungry and cold, and can only miss the emperor day and night...

  If Xipin had not come to my cold palace to provoke and humiliate me, I would not have been able to get the evidence that she personally admitted that she framed me. Your Majesty, you must make the decision for me!"

  Hearing her crying gave him a headache, and he frowned: "Don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for you."

  As he spoke, he calmly put away the black box.

  Qin Wan immediately extended her hand to him: "Your Majesty, please return this to me!"

  Jiang Beiyu coughed.

  In fact, he wanted to study this thing carefully because it was so magical, but she asked for it directly and he had to give it back to her.

  "Can you lend me..." Before he could finish, he heard a voice from outside: "General Leng is here."

  "Let him in."

  It was estimated that Leng Lie would lead his troops to war in the next few days, so Jiang Beiyu did not let her leave, and the two siblings could say goodbye to each other properly.

  Leng Leng's eyes were sparkling, and he walked in with his head held high and saluted him: "Your Majesty!"

  I turned around and saw Qingqing was there too, and was a little surprised.


  Jiang Beiyu looked him straight in the eye and asked, "What is the situation in the North Country now?"

  Leng Lie said: "According to what I have learned, the enemy used some new and sharp weapon, and we suffered heavy losses.

  The Northern Kingdom is ambitious and has been recruiting swordsmiths since three years ago to improve their weapons and make them sharper and more durable. However, our arsenal still has old weapons from a few years ago, so even though we have the same number of soldiers, our combat effectiveness is very different."

  Three years ago, he had not yet ascended the throne. After he succeeded to the throne, he focused his attention on agriculture and commerce, resulting in bumper harvests of grain year after year and the flourishing of various industries, which aroused the covetousness of the Northern Kingdom.

  Jiang Beiyu frowned: "After I ascended the throne, I focused on farming and promoted commerce. I have indeed neglected the military. It is too late to forge weapons now."

  Leng Lie said, "It doesn't matter. Our weapons are not as good as others, so we can only work harder on tactics. Since ancient times, there have been many cases of defeating the enemy with fewer troops. These days, I have been discussing tactics with several generals to see how to inflict heavy damage on the Northern Kingdom."

  Qin Wan sat aside, listening with his head propped up, as if thinking about something.

  "Your Majesty, I have a solution!"

  They both looked over at her.

  "You?" Leng Leng was somewhat unbelieving.

  Jiang Beiyu remained calm: "Tell me about it."

  Qin Wan smiled slyly and said, "The spear is stained with shit, whoever it pierces will die."

  "What?" Leng Lie didn't understand. Qin Wan started to talk.

  "The enemy's weapons are sharp, so we will use biological and chemical weapons.

  There are spears, and there is shit.

  If you dip a spear in feces, once the spear pierces the opponent, the opponent's blood will be infected with just a small wound, endangering his life. This poison is a hundred times more powerful than arsenic. "

  Most poisons have antidotes, but this type of sepsis caused by bacterial infection has no antidote in this era. Because there were no antibiotics in ancient times, the wounded soldiers' wounds would be repeatedly infected, which could greatly weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness.

  Of course, she can also give them the antidote, because only she knows what medicine to use.

  She raised her eyebrows, beaming with joy: "By then, a large number of Northern soldiers' wounds will be infected, and the other side will definitely surrender in exchange for the antidote.

  If you want to make peace, we will definitely compensate you. We will set the price!"

  Leng Leng and Jiang Beiyu looked at each other, their expressions clearly showing doubt.

  Leng Lie said: "If the spear is stained with feces, just a small wound can kill the opponent?"


  Qin Wan was confident: "Before going to war, it's easy to smear a little feces on the spear. Brother can let everyone try it and see the effect."

  "Ridiculous! How can you do such a thing before going to war? If others tell me about it, I'm afraid everyone will laugh at you!"

  Jiang Beiyu, who was standing by, looked at her sharply: "Since this matter is little known, how did you know about it?"

  Qin Wan replied: "I have been in the cold palace for nearly a year. When I have nothing to do, I read ancient books every day."

  Isn't this the answer that all time-traveling women give anyway?

  Afraid that he would ask her to take it out and see which book it was, she quickly said, "I found this by chance, I forgot which book it was in."

  "Ridiculous! Do you think fighting is just playing house?"

  Leng Lie was afraid that the emperor would get angry and punish him, so he stopped it quickly.

  Jiang Beiyu's eyes were deep. He glanced at the black box in her hand, wondering what she was thinking.

  Xu Yu said to Leng Lie: "General Leng, please give it a try."

  Cold and unexpected.

  Qin Wan was also a little surprised.

  Such a ridiculous idea, but the Dog Emperor believed her so quickly and was willing to try it?

  Jiang Beiyu thought for a moment and then spoke again:

  "But, if this method works, and the other party also uses this method against us, what should we do?"

  Qin Wan said: "I know how to crack it, but I suggest that we don't let the other party know what we are using."

  Jiang Beiyu nodded and said to Leng Lie, "Let's do it this way."

  Leng Lie glanced at Qin Wan, not knowing what to say, but finally said, "Yes."

  Afterwards, Leng Lie left and Qin Wan also returned to Zhaotai Palace.

  The dog emperor was very efficient. In the afternoon, she received an imperial edict, saying that the emperor had found out that she was framed for murdering Xipin, and asked her to move back to Ronghua Palace immediately.

  Then, Xipin was summoned.

  The entire harem was shocked.

  At that time, in full view of everyone, everyone saw that it was Concubine Leng who pushed Concubine Xi into the lake. How could it be that someone else had framed her?

  Far from the mark.

  The emperor's ass is too crooked! Could it be that Concubine Leng really has some special ability to confuse the emperor? Will Concubine Leng be favored by the emperor next?

  After receiving the imperial edict, Qin Wan returned to Ronghua Palace with Xiongba, Xiaozhima, Xiaohuasheng and Xiaoguiyuan in high spirits.

  Of course, she did not forget to have her big golden gate dismantled and installed in the Ronghua Palace.

  The golden door had been low-key painted with vermilion lacquer and looked no different from an ordinary door, but the process of moving it and reinstalling it was really difficult.

  Qin Wan took a walk around the Ronghua Palace.

  Yes, maybe because I was used to living in the cold palace, when I lived here, I found that this place was simply a paradise. It has three entrances and three exits, a front yard and a back yard, all of which are full of thriving green plants and various fragrant flowers and plants.

  Her bedroom was as big as the entire cold palace before, and the bed was extremely comfortable.

  After returning, all daily routines were different, there were more palace servants, and the whole house was filled with people.

  Qin Wan was leaning on the soft couch in the main hall. A total of eight palace maids, ten guards, and two eunuchs appeared in front of her and saluted her in unison: "Your servant (slave) greets the queen, congratulations on returning to the palace~"

  At this moment, she finally felt like she was traveling through time. She rubbed Xiong Ba, who was lying on the soft couch, and raised her hand lazily.

  "Stand up, everyone."

  She glanced at the palace maids in front of her, not forgetting to establish her authority:

  "From now on, we are a family. You can be more casual with each other. If you are willing to treat this as your home and are of one mind with me, I will ensure that you have delicious food and drinks.

  If you want to betray me, I can not only smash your pot, but also knock out your teeth. Do you hear me?"

  A chorus of people below said, "I heard it."

  "Okay, everyone go about your business."

  The palace servants dispersed, Qin Wan picked up the freshly brewed tea on the table and took a sip. Suddenly, he heard a voice from outside: "The Emperor has arrived~"

  She almost spit out a mouthful of tea leaves:

  "Why is this guy here again?"

  A tall and slender bright yellow figure came in from outside the door, and she immediately put down her teacup and stood up to greet him.

  "Your Majesty, you are here again."

  The man raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "Again? You don't seem to welcome me very much."

  Qin Wan thought to herself, "That's not right."

  But what she said was: "How could that be? It is a great honor for the emperor to come here. I have been looking forward to the emperor's coming! I am so happy to see the emperor. I am ecstatic."

  The corners of Jiang Beiyu's mouth twitched.

  A woman's mouth is full of lies. He doesn't believe a single punctuation mark in her words.

  "Okay." The man took a step forward and sat down where she had just sat.

  "I came here because I have something to ask you."

  "What is it?"

  Jiang Beiyu hesitated for a moment, then said solemnly: "I want to ask, what exactly is that black box of yours?"


  "Where did this treasure come from?"

  Chapter 14 Falling into the Dog Emperor's Bathtub

  "Where did this treasure come from?"

  Jiang Beiyu looked at her with deep and inquiring eyes.

  He only saw the important military value of this treasure, which could record the scene instantly. In this way, when two armies were fighting, as long as a picture was taken from a high place, the opponent's layout and defense would be clear at a glance, and they would be able to be invincible.

  Qin Wan smiled and said, "I didn't steal or rob. I got this treasure by chance. Why does the emperor look at me like this?"

  Jiang Beiyu frowned and said, "I am just curious, you have been in the cold palace before, how did you get this treasure by chance?"

  Qin Wan said calmly: "It is my dowry. Before, the emperor never cared about me, never loved me, and treated me as nothing. How could he understand?"

  Jiang Beiyu was choked and had no way to refute.

  He picked up the cup of water on the table and took a sip:

  "Then I'll make it short..."

  "Can I borrow your treasure to take a closer look?"


  Qin Wan refused straightforwardly.

  It was full of her private information, and there were a lot of "18+" items stored in it. How could she possibly show it to him? Was she crazy?

  Jiang Beiyu explained: "I want to find some skilled craftsmen to develop similar treasures."

  Qin Wan said, "Since we are going to develop it, we must disassemble it. What if it breaks?"

  She didn't believe that with the ancient technology and the abilities of those craftsmen, they could develop something exactly the same.

  Besides, she was just a passer-by, and what he wanted to do had nothing to do with her.

  Don't let her interference change history and make her unable to go back.

  He murmured, "I can give you a reward. Just ask for whatever you want."

  She shook her head: "I don't want any reward."

  Jiang Beiyu was helpless. He looked at her again and said, "Then whatever you want, as long as I can satisfy you...you can ask for it."

  This sentence is quite suggestive.

  Qin Wan groaned in his heart, this dog emperor wouldn't want to sell himself, ah, back off, back off.

  Anyway, there is no way I can give him this phone, absolutely not!

  So she thought for a moment, her eyes suddenly becoming misty like a little rabbit, and she glanced at him cautiously, with a look of grievance and embarrassment on her face:

  "Your Majesty, please stop forcing me. This thing is very important to me. A gentleman does not take away what others love. I believe that Your Majesty is not the kind of person who takes advantage of his status to plunder, right?"

  Seeing her afraid that her things would be snatched away by him and her aggrieved and pitiful look, Jiang Beiyu suddenly felt that he really deserved to die!

  How can a man be interested in his woman's things?

  He said in a choked voice, "Why are you crying? I don't want it. I just asked for it. If you want to lend it, then lend it. If you don't want to lend it, forget it. How could I force you?"

  "Yes!" She burst into laughter and looked at him with her watery eyes: "The Emperor is the best."

  "Okay, I'm leaving."

  Having failed to borrow anything, Jiang Beiyu did not stay any longer and got up and left.

  For some reason, she felt a little sad when she saw him leaving with a lost look on his face.

  This sad feeling only flashed through her mind, and she persuaded herself not to be a saint.

  After all, this thing shouldn't have been here, and neither should she.

  The most urgent task now is to find a way to go back. Although this place is new and interesting, it's ok to treat it as a trip, but she can't stay here forever.

  Next, she had to find a way to connect to the wifi in his bedroom and see if she could get in touch with the original world.

  Forget it today. I'm too tired. I'll just take a rest.

  That night, she took a rose petal bath and then climbed into bed in a comfortable, silk robe.

  There were no entertainment activities in ancient times, so she was forced to go to bed early. She held a basin of cherries and lay in the bed curtains. She put her cell phone aside, turned on the music player, and played the music that had been cached before.

  While eating cherries, reading the storybook she asked Xiao Zhima to find, and listening to songs, she felt that this little life was quite comfortable, but she didn't know that several palace servants were shivering with their ears pressed against the wall outside her bedroom.

  The Queen's palace is haunted!

  There was no one inside but singing could be heard. The voices were sometimes male, sometimes female, and there was more than one ghost. It was too scary!

  The news spread to other palaces overnight.

  Naturally, it also reached Jiang Beiyu's ears.

  Eunuch Xi said to him:

  "Your Majesty, there are rumors in the harem that Concubine Leng's palace is haunted. The ladies request that we find a Taoist priest to go to Ronghua Palace to take a look."

  Jiang Beiyu was reviewing a memorial, and when he heard this, he showed disdain on his face: "In this bright and clear world, with the sun and the moon shining, where did ghosts come from?"

  In fact, he had already asked Little Peanut and Little Longan, and it was her treasure, the flat, strange black box, that made the sound.

  Since the box can make the scene reappear, it must be a recording of the music she listened to in the past, so it is not surprising that it can make singing sounds.

  "Yes." Eunuch Xi looked at the emperor's expression and immediately shut up.

  He was originally concentrating on reviewing memorials, but when he thought of the treasure, he felt itchy and lost interest.

  He asked in a deep voice: "What is Leng Fei doing now?"

  Eunuch Xi was stunned. This was the first time that the emperor was curious about the movements of his concubines.

  "Should I ask someone to go take a look?"

  Not long after, the palace servant who was sent to check came over to report the situation. He smiled and said to Jiang Beiyu:

  "Your Majesty, the Queen is walking the dog!"


  It was dusk now. There was still a little sunshine, but it was not too hot. The wind was cool on my face, and the water of the lake in the Imperial Garden was sparkling.

  Qin Wan held Xiong Ba's hand and jogged along the path in the Imperial Garden, feeling the breeze and feeling very happy.

  Today, I rubbed its back and found that it had grown flesh and gained a lot of weight.

  Recently, under her training, it looks masculine, proud, confident and strong, and has begun to show the demeanor of a Tibetan Mastiff.

  Although it is a fierce dog, it is very well-behaved. It was not allowed to go out in the cold palace before, which was unfair to it, but it did not make any noise or trouble. Now that it has regained its freedom, it is natural to take it out for a walk.

  Of course, besides taking a walk, she has other purposes.

  She was walking the dog with a leash in one hand, and holding a cell phone in the other, searching for a signal.

  After walking for a long time, I was sweating a lot, but I still couldn't find any signal.

  It seems that only that man's bedroom has a signal...

  It was a dark and windy night, and Qin Wan put on a black nightgown.

  Although the Dog Emperor's bedroom was heavily guarded and surrounded by guards, there was no one guarding the roof. As long as you walked carefully and didn't make any noise, you wouldn't be discovered.

  She has been learning dance since she was a child. She has light steps and walking on the balance beam is a piece of cake for her. She also has good body balance.

  She climbed up from a nearby side hall, which was a storage room with the least guards and was shaded by large trees. The imperial palace was bustling like smoke, and the palaces were connected. As long as she took the right route, she could reach the roof of the Dog Emperor's bedroom.

  This route was naturally drawn for her by Leng Ying.

  Leng Ying followed behind her, just in case she had any accident and could carry her away immediately.

  She stood on the roof, blending into the dark night. The evening breeze blew her clothes. She felt like a knight, and she felt like she was in the atmosphere of a decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City, hehe.

  She crouched down and moved forward cautiously step by step.

  the other side.

  Jiang Beiyu, who had just finished reviewing a memorial, was soaking in the bathtub.

  Taking a bath every day is the most relaxing moment for him. Worrying about state affairs, attending court every day, meeting with ministers, and reviewing memorials make him physically and mentally exhausted, but taking a bath will make him feel much more comfortable.

  There was a lychee incense burner nearby, and the bathtub was filled with refreshing mint leaves, fresh jasmine flowers, and mosquito-repellent lemongrass. He squinted his eyes, enjoying it quietly, his well-defined face looking handsome and charming.

  Now that summer has arrived, the room is prone to stuffiness, so he asked the palace servants to remove two tiles from the roof while he was taking a bath. From time to time, there was a cool breeze coming down, which was very comfortable.

  "This is the emperor's bedroom." Leng Ying said to her in a low voice.

  "Huhu, we're finally here."

  Qin Wan took out his cell phone and began searching for a signal, but there was none.

  The area of ​​the Dog Emperor's bedroom is very large.

  Where did she search for her home wifi signal last time?

  She could only walk carefully on the roof, searching all the way.

  Jiang Beiyu faintly heard some movement on the roof, but the footsteps were very light, so it should be a wild cat.

  Qin Wan held the phone in his hand, staring at the screen with the light set to the dimmest setting. Suddenly, a signal from the wireless LAN popped up.

  Although it was fleeting, she still captured it.

  It should be around here!

  She tried in several directions, moving along the spot with the strongest signal, and finally, a wifi signal lit up on the top of the phone!

  "Fuck, it's connected!"

  She felt a surge of excitement, but the next second, she suddenly felt her feet go empty.

  Before she could react, she felt her whole body lighten and fall freely, then with a "thump", she fell into a bathtub.

  Water splashed everywhere, and the mint leaves and lemongrass all flew out with the shaking water, while she and the man sitting in the bathtub in front of her stared at each other.

  What the hell? Dog emperor!

  The man's dark face looked like he was going to kill her: "Come..."

  Seeing that the man was about to call for help, she subconsciously moved forward and directly blocked his mouth!

  She had to flip over, and she had to buy time for Leng Ying to escape, so as not to get him caught too. She was not a stupid teammate.

  She pulled the hood and mask off her face and said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's me!"

  Jiang Beiyu couldn't believe it: "Cold Concubine?"

  After all, the roof was stepped on and broken, and with such a loud noise, Eunuch Xi was worried that the assassin might break into the bedroom, so he took a group of guards and broke into the room.

  But when they rushed in, they were stunned by the scene before them.

  Qin Wan quickly took off her nightgown and threw it into the water, revealing only her bellyband. She hugged the man, leaned on his shoulder in a charming manner, looked at the guards and Eunuch Xi who came in, and said:

  "Eunuch, it's okay. I have something to ask the Emperor."

  Eunuch Xi glanced at the emperor, felt that the scene before him was indecent, and immediately left with his guards.

  The door was closed again and Leng Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

  However, the handsome face of the man in front of her was full of gloom. He looked at her and gritted his teeth: "Leng Qingqing, you'd better have something to do with me!"

  Chapter 15 Are you bullying my eagle?

  The handsome face of the man in front of her was full of gloom. He looked at her and gritted his teeth: "Leng Qingqing, you'd better have something to ask me!"

  Qin Wan's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

  Oh, how do you explain this? How do you explain that she fell from the sky, dressed like this?

  "Your Majesty...Your Majesty."

  Qin Wan didn't dare to look at him, let alone lower her head, because there were only some flower petals and mint leaves floating in the bathtub, and the things underneath were barely visible.

  Her CPU was about to fail, but suddenly an idea came to her mind and she bit her lip:

  "It's all my fault that I missed the emperor too much. I didn't see him, so I didn't eat a single bite of food or drink a single drop of water. I wanted to secretly take a look at the emperor and then leave, but I didn't expect that the tiles on the roof were of poor quality and they fell off."

  Jiang Beiyu narrowed his eyes: "Is this what you mean by something is wrong?"

  Of course this is not her business. Her business is to come here to connect to the wifi and find a way to get back. Wait, her cell phone!

  Her hands were empty now, and she suddenly realized that the phone must have fallen into the bathtub with her when it fell just now.

  I'm going to die, don't get into the water!

  She fished hurriedly in the bathtub and suddenly grabbed something hard. She saw the man's face turn even darker.

  "Cold, clear, clear."

  She quickly let go: "Your Majesty, I didn't mean to do that. My treasure is gone."

  Jiang Beiyu looked at her expressionlessly, reached his big hand into the water, fumbled for a moment, and took out a black mobile phone.

  Qin Wan reached out to take it quickly, but he stretched out his arm and took the phone away. She missed it and almost fell into his arms.

  The pair of dark and deep eyes looked straight at her, and said coldly: "Tell me clearly, what is your purpose for breaking into my bedroom? If you don't tell me clearly, I will throw your treasure out."

  Fearing that he would really throw her phone away, she got anxious and hugged him and said:

  "I really miss you! But I dare not disturb you. The emperor did not turn over my name card today, and I don't know when he will turn over my name card again. If you don't come to see me, I can only come to see you secretly, wuuu..."

  Jiang Beiyu's eyebrows twitched: "When you say see me, do you mean come to the roof to spy on me taking a bath?"

  "Who knew you were taking a bath? Besides, I'm your concubine, so what if I spy on you?"

  She pouted in grievance, her watery eyes were full of tears, her hair was wet, with small drops of water dripping down, her little face was moist and white, her whole body was soaked in the water, she was wearing a pink bellyband embroidered with peonies, her whole body was round and smooth, like a lotus emerging from the water.

  Jiang Beiyu's throat rolled: "Go away, you are about to break my legs."

  Qin Wan then realized that she had been sitting on his lap the whole time, and he quickly moved back.

  The man's ears turned red, and a trace of discomfort flashed across his face, as if he was thinking:

  "Is it really because you miss me?"

  She nodded repeatedly, and he returned her phone to her.

  Qin Wan quickly climbed out of the bathtub and found a dry towel to wipe himself. The man behind him also got out of the bathtub at this time.

  She didn't even dare to look back. She felt a slender hand reaching out to her, taking the clean pajamas hanging on the rack, and slowly tying the belt.

  Qin Wan's body was still dripping with water, but she had no time to care. She sadly discovered that her cell phone had automatically turned off.

  I dare not turn on the computer rashly after soaking it in water, otherwise the electronic components inside will burn out in minutes.

  She stood there holding the phone with an embarrassed look on her face, when a dry, light blue men's robe was thrown over her head.

  "Have you seen enough? Put on your clothes and go back."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  Qin Wan changed his clothes and quickly slipped away.

  "My queen!"

  Leng Ying hid in the dark and came out only when he saw that she was fine.

  After returning home, Qin Wan wiped his phone carefully and put it into the rice jar.

  This is the method her former college roommate taught her. In this way, she can suck out the water from the phone in a few days.

  You can't touch your phone these days, so just be quiet.

  She was as quiet as a chicken and stayed hidden in her own bedroom.

  However, the news that she broke into the emperor's bedroom at night and climbed into his bathtub spread so widely that even the old man who trimmed flowers and trees in the palace knew about it.

  When talking about her, many concubines would secretly say "Pooh" sourly, "Fox spirit!"

  "Could it be that she is really possessed by a ghost?"

  At this time, Concubine Zhang and Concubine Shu were walking in the Imperial Garden, and it was Concubine Shu who was talking.

  They and Xipin were originally a small group, but a few days ago, Xipin was suddenly summoned by the emperor and then put under house arrest. Her father's official position was also demoted by two levels. They didn't know what was going on.

  Princess Zhang seemed to be thinking about something.

  In my impression, her temperament is indeed different from before.

  She looked cold and said, "These days, people are scarier than ghosts. I'm afraid that woman used extraordinary means."

  Previously, the emperor treated all his sisters equally. He only visited the palace once or twice a month and never paid any attention to any of them.

  She knew the man. He was pure-hearted, abstinent and indifferent. He was not the kind of person who could be seduced by beauty. There must be other reasons why he suddenly favored the cold concubine.

  Shu Fei opened her eyes wide: "What method?"

  Concubine Zhang sneered: "How should I know? If I knew, I would be the one favored."

  Shu Fei was unhappy.

  As the two were walking in, they suddenly heard a huge, flapping sound from the grass, which startled them both.

  I saw a tall and strong white eagle coming out proudly, with some flower petals and grass leaves on its white feathers, and a huge gray mouse in its mouth.

  Shu Fei quickly pulled Zhang Fei aside to make way for the eagle.

  "That's the emperor's pet. It's very fierce."

  The white eagle passed by arrogantly, with its head held high, not even bothering to look at the two of them.

  Looking at the white eagle, Zhang Fei suddenly raised the corner of her lips meaningfully:

  "I heard that Concubine Leng has a dog?"


  The bandage on Jiang Beiyu's head can finally be removed.

  The imperial physician removed the bandages one by one. He held a bronze mirror in his hand and looked closely.

  The wound has basically healed, but if you look closely, you can still see a small scar on the forehead.

  Just thinking about him makes me angry.

  And the culprit who caused this scar, the person who always said that she loved him to death, seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth in the past few days.

  I remember that before Leng Qingqing was banished to the cold palace, she would appear before him almost every day, bringing him snacks from the imperial study, and socks, shoes, mosquito repellent sachets, etc. that she had sewed for him.

  Sometimes when I didn't send him anything, I would hide behind a pillar and secretly watch him when he passed by on his way back from court.

  But now, her words are much sweeter than before, and she keeps saying how much she loves him, but she never takes any action towards him.

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

  "Where's the cold concubine?"

  Eunuch Xi, who was standing by, knew that the queen was favored and had been secretly following her movements. He smiled and replied, "At this time, the queen should be walking the dog in the imperial garden!"

  Jiang Beiyu suddenly stood up.

  Eunuch Xi smiled and said:

  "Your Majesty is going to the Imperial Garden to look for Concubine Leng?"

  Jiang Beiyu snorted coldly: "Who is going to look for her? I am going to check to make sure the precious peonies I have in the imperial garden are not dug up by dogs!"

  These days, Qin Wan would take Xiongba to jog in the Imperial Garden every evening.

  Firstly, the greenery of the ancient royal gardens is impeccable, and the air is as good as an oxygen bar, making it very comfortable to run there every day.

  Second, Xiongba is a large dog and needs a certain amount of exercise every day to release his energy.

  She also likes exercising and is a regular at the gym nowadays. She has a very smooth and beautiful vest line on her lower abdomen.

  Her adoptive brother Leng Leng has already gone to the war, and her father, who is a businessman, has also donated a lot of money to the court to purchase a lot of military supplies. Therefore, she holds her head high in the palace and is quite tough.

  At this time, Qin Wan was jogging with his dog, but he didn't know that in the dark, a little eunuch saw the figures of the man and the dog approaching slowly, and while feeding the white eagle, he led the eagle to this side of the road...


  Qin Wan heard an eagle's cry, raised his head, and rubbed his eyes when he saw the eagle not far away.

  Have you seen "The Return of the Condor Heroes"?

  Yes, it was an eagle as big as the one next to Yang Guo in the movie. It folded its wings and walked around in a swaggering manner, like a human being.

  The fat and strong eagle was following a palace servant like a penguin, and the palace servant was feeding it.

  I was so excited that I saw an eagle bigger than a human.

  She vaguely sensed danger and subconsciously wanted to take Xiongba's hand and turn away.

  But who knew that the next second, whether it was because the Tibetan Mastiff and the eagle were born to be incompatible or because of the eagle's hunting habits, the giant eagle spotted the Tibetan Mastiff, glanced at it with a pair of sharp eyes, and immediately flapped its wings, like an arrow from a bow, and rushed towards the Tibetan Mastiff...

  Qin Wan's pupils shrank.

  Xiongba obviously smelled the danger, and turned around and attacked with extremely fierce speed!

  Just when he was about to strangle him, Qin Wan pulled him back.

  Her first reaction was that the creature might be a nationally protected animal. If her dog bit one to death, she might have to work on a sewing machine for several years!

  But then I realized that this happened in ancient times!

  The Tibetan mastiff was tied with a rope, but the eagle was not. The eagle had always relied on its master's power and was used to being domineering in the palace. It was a little bully. It was extremely arrogant, and its sharp beak was about to peck at the Tibetan mastiff's head fiercely.

  This time, my brains will be pecked out!

  Qin Wan refused.

  Any dog ​​that dares to bully her is stepping on her face. She has to teach this stinky bird a lesson.

  She immediately protected the Tibetan Mastiff behind her and grabbed the white eagle's beak with one hand quickly, accurately and fiercely.

  White Eagle: "Huh???"

  This scene happened to be seen by Jiang Beiyu who was walking towards the Imperial Garden.

  Jiang Beiyu blinked suddenly, thinking he had seen it wrong.

  What is this woman doing?!

  The next second, she jumped directly onto the back of the white eagle like a horse stepping on a flying swallow. With her other slender arm, she grabbed the white eagle's throat and then started to beat its head with her other hand.

  The white eagle howled in pain, and immediately flew up, flapping its wings, trying to throw the woman on its back off. But when it soared into the sky, the woman on its back became obviously even more excited.

  Seeing the man and the bird wobbling up into the sky, Jiang Beiyu was even more stunned.

  He narrowed his eyes, took off a whistle made of white jade hanging from his waist, and blew it toward the sky, hoping to get Xiaobai to come down. However, the eagle was so angry that it was fighting with her to the death and did not hear him at all.

  It soared in the sky, sometimes rushing towards the blue sky, sometimes diving, trying every way to throw her off, but she pulled the hair on its neck hard with both hands, riding on its back, sitting steadily.

  The cool evening breeze blew her bangs and the hem of her pink skirt. She leaned close to the white eagle's ear and said to it:

  "Stinky eagle, I don't care who your master is, just behave yourself when you see me next time, or I'll stew you and eat you, do you hear me?"

  "You're so fat, you should be able to make several pots of stew."

  The white eagle can't stand this grievance!

  Oh, right, Master, Master...

  Xiaobai saw the bright yellow figure in the sky, and with a "whoosh", it immediately landed in front of Jiang Beiyu with Qin Wan on it. It walked towards him with its two big fat feet, with a look of grievance on its face.

  It whimpered twice in a low voice, as if to complain, but it didn't know that several feathers on its head were pulled up by her, making it look very embarrassed.

  Jiang Beiyu looked at it sullenly, his face turning green with anger.

  He stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the arrogant Qin Wan on its back, and was speechless:

  "My pet, have you bullied me enough?"

  Chapter 16 Slap

  "My pet, have you bullied me enough?"

  Seeing his angry look, she said:

  "Oh? So this is the emperor's pet. I am so sorry for my disrespect."

  She stood up gracefully and opened her hands, and a few feathers fell to the ground.


  Jiang Beiyu was so heartbroken!

  He had raised Xiaobai since he was a prince, and had raised him from childhood to adulthood. He usually fed him delicious food and drinks, and even had special palace servants to bathe him.

  The white eagle had noble white feathers that were shiny and smooth without any flaws. It would feel heartbroken for a long time if one feather fell off, but it didn't expect that she would pluck out so many of them that it was almost bald!

  Although he had to maintain the emperor's dignity, he still couldn't swallow his anger.

  "You're bullying my eagle like this?"

  Qin Wanwei explained slowly, "It was it that bullied my dog ​​first. I was just walking my dog ​​and didn't provoke anyone. It was this eagle that flew over from a distance and wanted to peck my dog."

  "I was acting in self-defense. I believe anyone with eyes can see it."

  The palace maids nearby gasped a few times.

  Is Concubine Leng trying to reason with the Emperor?

  "You mean I am blind and am wrongly accusing you?"

  Qin Wan folded his arms, chuckled, and said leisurely:

  "No, I am just stating the facts objectively. Of course, if Your Majesty wants to ignore the facts and not be unreasonable, and wants to punish me for bullying your eagle, then you can punish me however you want."

  Qin Wan was not at all cowardly and would not give in to him just because he was the emperor. The two stood face to face, she stood straight with her back and her aura was comparable to his.

  Jiang Beiyu stared at her straight.

  "I want to punish you because I am unreasonable, Leng Fei. You know how to convict me. Even your brother doesn't dare to talk to me like this."

  Qin Wan looked at him and said with a smile: "My brother doesn't even dare to sleep with the emperor, how can I dare?"


  Although Jiang Beiyu was scolding her, she saw his ears turn red and a look of discomfort appeared on his face.

  "Forget it, it's my bad luck."

  "Since you have already taught this beast a lesson, then the beast's fault is offset and the matter ends here. But..."

  He glanced at his silly eagle.

  "Since you already know that this is my eagle, you are not allowed to bully it anymore. Do you hear me?"

  Qin Wan crossed his arms and raised the corners of his lips: "Of course, if no one offends me, I won't offend anyone, and the same goes for the eagle."

  Hearing that her master would not punish her, the white eagle shook her head violently and took two steps towards him. She rubbed his sleeves with her wings and made a coquettish sound, "wooooooooo", with tears in her eyes, wanting him to vent her anger.

  Jiang Beiyu simply pushed this "eye-catching bag" away.

  "Who is responsible for serving Xiaobai today? Give him twenty big strokes of the cane!"

  Soon, a young eunuch was caught by the guards and taken away to be beaten with a stick.

  The young eunuch shouted in grievance: "Your Majesty, it was Concubine Qi who told me to do this. If I don't do it, she will sell my sister to a brothel!"

  Qin Wan was puzzled: "Concubine Qi?"

  Jiang Beiyu: ???

  I originally thought that the fat eagle and her dog meeting in the imperial garden was just a coincidence. Is there a mastermind behind this?

  Qin Wan's mind quickly flashed back to the fool who tried to knock on her big golden door with wet paint to see if it was made of pure gold, and then said to her arrogantly, "I am Qi Huaiyu, the daughter of the Prime Minister."

  She doesn't look very smart.

  Could this be her doing?

  Jiang Beiyu glared at the young eunuch coldly:

  "What evidence do you have to prove that it was Concubine Qi who ordered this?"

  The young eunuch shook his head.

  Yes, if I just give an order, how could there be any evidence left?

  If any evidence is produced all at once, it would seem as if it was deliberately prepared to frame someone.

  But how can we prove that it was Concubine Qi who did it without any evidence?

  Qin Wan seemed to be thinking about something, and said to Jiang Beiyu: "It's just a small matter. Neither the concubine nor the emperor will suffer any loss. The emperor is usually busy with many things and is exhausted. You don't have to worry about this matter."

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at her in surprise.

  "I didn't expect that Concubine Leng would be so generous. However, let's put it this way.

  I hate people like this who do little things behind my back and stir up chaos in the harem. What's more, she took advantage of my beloved one."

  His dark eyes were filled with obvious coldness:

  "I will investigate this matter. My beloved concubine was frightened today, so go back and rest early."

  Having said that, he turned around and walked towards the imperial study.

  Qin Wan also returned to Ronghua Palace.

  Today I finally saw what palace fighting is like, and it is similar to the plot in novels.

  She has read so many novels and TV dramas about palace fighting, so those people are not good enough to fight with her.

  She lay on the soft couch, one hand resting on the back of her head, the other hand rubbing Xiongba, thinking.

  Who could it be?

  There are only two results:

  First, this was done by Concubine Qi. She wanted to use the fight between the emperor's favorite and her dog to create conflicts between her and the emperor.

  Second, this was not done by Concubine Qi, but by someone else.

  Then this person's method is more sophisticated.

  Hiding behind not only created conflicts between her and the emperor, but also provoked the relationship between her and Concubine Qi.

  If she was a fool, and believed the eunuch's "confession" as soon as she heard it, and immediately started a quarrel with Concubine Qi, then that person would be very happy.

  Now let's reverse this.

  If what the young eunuch said was true, and it was indeed Concubine Qi who asked him to do this, and she agreed under the pressure of Concubine Qi, then she confessed in desperation after the matter was exposed. Wasn't she afraid that Concubine Qi would take revenge on her family?

  The emperor only wanted to beat him with 20 sticks, not his life. He could just endure it, so why did he say it at that time? If he said it, he would still be beaten, and he would offend Concubine Qi for nothing.

  So to sum up, she tends to be the second one.

  Qin Wan yawned and went to sleep. Anyway, the dog emperor said he would check it, so she didn't bother to worry about it.

  The second day.

  As usual, she slept until the sun was high in the sky. When she woke up and walked out of the bedroom, she saw Xiao Zhima stopping someone:

  "No, you can't go in. Our queen hasn't gotten up yet."

  "Oh, our queen is really still sleeping right now, she hasn't woken up yet!"

  This person was Concubine Qi, with a sullen face.

  Concubine Qi obviously didn't believe it. The maid next to her, Chu Tao, didn't believe it either. She opened her mouth wide and said to Xiao Zhima:

  "Who are you kidding? At this hour, the donkey has already pulled three millstones and the pigs are rolling around in their dens. How could they not be awake yet?"

  "Hi hi hi!"

  Qin Wan propped up the door frame with one hand and shouted at them, "I got up late and didn't eat your rice, so there's no need to make personal attacks."

  Concubine Qi looked at her and saw that she looked tired, her hair was loose, and she was wearing pajamas. She indeed looked like she had just woken up.

  "Hatsumo." She scolded, "Slap your face."

  Chu Tao was confused: "Who?"



  "Pa, pa." Chu Tao really slapped herself twice, very decisively.

  Concubine Qi looked at Qin Wan: "Is this okay?"

  Qin Wan still had the same attitude as the last time he saw her: "Are you okay?"

  Concubine Qi was surprised by her reaction.

  "Whether you believe it or not, what happened yesterday was not me. I'm not that boring."

  Qin Wan smiled, probably because he knew the news.

  "The emperor is investigating this matter. You don't need to explain it to me."

  Concubine Qi said: "Although we don't have much friendship, I don't want you to be used by someone with ulterior motives to stir up conflicts between us, so I came here specially to explain to you. I hate being misunderstood the most!"

  "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

  Qin Wan looked at her with a different look in his eyes.

  She likes her straightforward personality, and it's also cool that she looks down on everyone.

  After hearing her words, Concubine Qi's eyes were filled with hope: "Do you believe me?"

  Qin Wan still smiled lazily: "Even if it's not you, it's related to you. Besides, it's useless for me to believe you. The most important thing is the evidence."

  She yawned again: "I'm going to wash up."

  When Qin Wan came back after washing up, she found that the master and the servant were still sitting at the stone table in the yard and had not left.

  "Any thing else?"

  Concubine Qi frowned, her face full of bitterness and hatred: "It's not me at all, where can I find evidence?"

  Qin Wan shrugged. Blame her?

  Concubine Qi suddenly stood up, took her hand, and said solemnly:

  "Leng Qingqing, I've thought it through. The more people are behind us, trying to sow discord between us, the better our relationship will be. This will piss them off to death."

  Qin Wan: "Huh?"

  She didn't understand her train of thought, but at dusk, when she was about to walk the dog, Concubine Qi appeared again and insisted on going to the Imperial Garden with her to walk the dog.

  Here, one more friend is better than one more enemy, so Qin Wan did not refuse.

  However, being in the harem, she did not let down her guard against her, but at least the superficial peace was good for now.

  Qin Wan was jogging with the dog. Concubine Qi thought that running was inappropriate, so she could only walk quickly beside her.

  "I heard that your palace is haunted."

  Qin Wan smiled and said, "Is it possible that I am the ghost?"

  Then he suddenly turned around to scare her and made a face at her.

  She went out late today, it was almost dark, and the light was dim. Concubine Qi was really scared by her, but later she realized that she was teasing her.

  She then asked, "Do you sleep so late every day?"

  Qin Wan smiled and said, "As a concubine, I'm not like a donkey that has to grind a millstone early in the morning. I have nothing to do every day. Why do I have to get up so early?"

  Concubine Qi had no way to refute: "That does make sense."

  "By the way, my father brought me a large batch of fine silk brocade from outside the palace last month. I can't wear all of it, so I asked someone to buy some for you to make a few skirts."

  Qin Wan said casually: "You might as well just give me the skirt. I'm too lazy to find someone to make it."

  Concubine Qi said, "That's fine. Come to my place later to choose. I have so many new dresses that I can't wear them all. I can never wear them all."

  "Haha, so good?"

  Qin Wan would not be polite to her. This is how communication works. If you don't want someone like Concubine Qi, she will think you don't want to be friends with her.

  She has also snatched a lot of pretty dresses and bags from other socialites, and of course she also gives a lot of them away on a daily basis.

  Qin Wan slowed down and held her with one hand.

  She knew what Concubine Qi needed most right now.

  She was eager to prove her innocence and wanted everyone in the palace to see that Concubine Leng had a close relationship with her, even if it was just a show.

  Because this proves that Concubine Leng is not instigated by anyone and believes that it was not her who did it. This is declaring war on the person behind the scenes.

  Soon, the news that the two were walking arm in arm in the imperial garden spread throughout the palace.

  This was indeed big news, because Concubine Qi looked down on everyone and was not that close to any other concubine.

  "Is this cold concubine a fool?"

  Shu Fei was very confused, "Yesterday they were trying to harm you, but today you are being nice to them, you are really stupid."

  Concubine Zhang smiled and said, "This Concubine Leng is not simple. She doesn't believe it."

  Shu Fei was even more puzzled: "She and Qi Fei have never had any friendship, why don't you believe it's her?"

  "Because I have brains."

  Concubine Zhang poured herself tea slowly: "Or maybe she believes it. Being with Concubine Qi is just a test. Who can't do the superficial work?"

  "Although the eagle attacked her dog, her dog was not injured, and she suffered no loss. Even if it was really Concubine Qi, there is no deep hatred between her and her. Why is it difficult to maintain a superficial relationship?"

  After saying that, she picked up the teacup and took a sip.

  Shu Fei was a little frustrated: "If that's the case, then... wouldn't it be in vain?"

  Concubine Zhang laughed: "Didn't she offend the emperor?"

  Shu Fei suddenly realized.

  Concubine Zhang rolled her eyes at her, picked up a handkerchief beside her and wiped her hands: "Go to the harem and find someone else.

  Xipin has been under house arrest, and I don't know when she will be released. Now I have to do everything myself."

  Concubine Shu asked, "How is Concubine Mu?"

  Before, when they were on good terms with Concubine Xi, Concubine Mu wanted to squeeze in.

  But the friendship between four people is too crowded.

  But during every festival, this Concubine Mu was very polite. She gave them all the gifts that were due on every holiday. So, didn't Concubine Shu think of her immediately?

  Zhang Fei said, "Let's invite her over for tea tomorrow."

  the other side.

  After walking the dog, Qin Wan went to Concubine Qi's palace. Concubine Qi gave her three brand new silk brocade dresses and stuffed her with a bunch of beautiful jewelry, which she accepted.

  In order to match the light pink dress she was wearing, Concubine Qi also put on peach blossom makeup.

  She applied a light amount of rouge and powder, lightly drew her eyebrows, and her cheeks were as pink as peach blossoms, bright and beautiful.

  Concubine Qi's makeup skills are superb. Although she herself does not have a striking appearance, after dressing up, her appearance is outstanding among the concubines in the harem, and this set of makeup is the icing on the cake on Qin Wan's face.

  The two were happily trying on little skirts and matching various beautiful hairpins in front of the mirror, when suddenly a little eunuch came in:

  "Empress Leng, the Emperor wants to summon you~"

  Chapter 17: Finally connected to wifi again! .

  "Empress Leng, the Emperor wants to summon you~" the little eunuch said to her.

  What is he going to do now?

  Qin Wan's originally happy face fell at a visible speed.

  Without even bothering to change out of her skirt, she went straight to the imperial study.

  The sky was completely dark, with bright little stars twinkling. She yawned as she smelled the scent of gardenia in the evening breeze.

  It was a pity that I didn't bring my cell phone. The cell phone that got soaked in water was still buried in the rice jar, otherwise I could have taken the opportunity to search for a wifi signal while I was at his place.

  She was taken into the imperial study by the eunuch, who said, "Your Majesty, Concubine Leng is here."

  Before she could speak, the cockatiel in the cage saw her and flapped its wings excitedly: "Beauty! Beauty!"

  Jiang Beiyu slowly raised his head, his eyes lighting up.

  It is difficult to describe the stunning feeling of this glimpse. Usually, she is simple and plain-faced. Today, she is wearing a light pink gauze dress with a calm face. She walks towards her slowly under the dim light of the study. The years are peaceful and calm.

  However, her eyes were always attracted by the cockatiel next to her.

  "Huh? Why didn't I see this little cutie last time?" Qin Wan thought to himself.

  It's really, really cute! I want to sit on it and die.

  He stared at her for a long time, and when he saw that she didn't even look at him, he spoke in a cold voice, "Leng Qingqing."

  "Hmm?" She looked towards him.

  "You seem very interested in my bird?"

  Qin Wan's eyes widened.

  This is not something you can say!

  "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

  She curled her lips: "It seems to be more interested in me."

  "Your Majesty, what do you want from me so late at night?"

  Jiang Beiyu thought, what a fickle woman!

  It was clearly her who came to spy on him late at night a few days ago, and even said that she couldn't eat without seeing him. Why is she being called here now because of something, and she looks so impatient?

  The pair of narrow phoenix eyes narrowed: "I heard that you and Concubine Qi have a very good relationship recently."

  Qin Wan said: "We are all sisters. The emperor doesn't like harem fighting, so I naturally want to live in peace with her."

  Jiang Beiyu sneered: "The little eunuch yesterday died. He took medicine and committed suicide out of fear of punishment."


  She didn't look surprised.

  Cannon fodder? It's just a common tactic in palace fighting.

  "Did he bite himself to death before he died? Was it Concubine Qi who ordered him to do it?"

  Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

  "Before he died, he left a suicide note, saying that he hoped to use his death in exchange for Concubine Qi to let his family go."

  "6, then isn't it just a matter of death without evidence?" Qin Wan curled his lips in disdain.

  "Concubine Qi said it wasn't her."

  "I was wronged before, and I know how it feels. Your Majesty, please think twice. If there is no solid evidence, don't believe these one-sided words."

  Jiang Beiyu was curious: "How do you determine that she was wrongly accused?"

  "It's very simple."

  Qin Wan smiled and said, "Then let's reverse the situation. If she is the mastermind behind this, and her plan succeeds, Xiaobai and Xiongba will both be injured, or one of them will be bitten to death, and there will be discord between me and the emperor, then what can she gain?

  There are more than just me and her in the harem, is there any need for her to scheme like this? Is she just bored?

  So there is probably a third person who wants to kill two birds with one stone and is hiding behind the scenes. He just wants to watch us being suspicious and fighting over this matter, wasting our energy and self-destruction. Why should the emperor be led by the nose?"

  Jiang Beiyu was surprised and looked at her deeply: "You mean I should stop interfering?"

  Qin Wan smiled and said, "Concubine Qi is not just Concubine Qi, she has Prime Minister Qi behind her. If she is misjudged, it will affect the court and the relationship between the emperor and his ministers. This is why the emperor is worried about this.

  In fact, looking at this matter in detail, fortunately, Your Majesty and I have not suffered any major losses. Your Majesty does not need to waste energy on this matter. As time goes by, the truth will inevitably surface."

  "Then in your opinion, how should I deal with this?"

  Qin Wan said lightly : "Since the young eunuch has committed suicide out of fear of crime, then this matter can end here."

  According to modern thinking, once the person who took the blame has been sacrificed, the case can be closed.

  "This is just a fight between two pets. There's no need to make such a big fuss."

  Jiang Beiyu looked at her and let out a breath. He seemed to have been convinced by her, but he still looked at her with a thoughtful look and said:

  "The cold concubine's perspective on things is really peculiar!"

  Qin Wan yawned. He didn't want to argue with him tonight.

  "Your Majesty, is there anything else?"

  Those narrow and long phoenix eyes narrowed again, looking at her with deep eyes full of confusion.

  Why does she look so different today than before?

  "Are you angry with me?"

  Qin Wan was confused: "Ah huh?"

  Jiang Beiyu explained: "Xiao Bai was raised by me since childhood, and I have a deep relationship with her. That day, I spoke to you in a harsh tone."

  Qin Wan suddenly realized that it was this matter.

  She smiled and said, "I am not a narrow-minded person. I am not angry. It is just that it is late now and I do not want to disturb the emperor's rest. After all, the emperor has worked hard for the country and the people all day and is exhausted both physically and mentally. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

  When he first heard it, he was moved.

  This woman knows him and feels sorry for him.

  "Yeah." He responded, "You go back first."

  For some reason, as he watched the pink figure leave like that, he suddenly felt a sense of loss in his heart.

  Qin Wan went back and took out the cell phone that had been buried in the rice jar for several days. He could no longer feel any moisture in his hand, as it must have been absorbed by the rice.

  It had been hot these days, and the moisture was absorbed quickly, but she still didn't dare to act rashly. She left it to dry overnight. The next morning, she got up early, a rare occasion, and turned on her phone under the sun.

  She pressed the power button and held her breath, one second, two seconds, three seconds.

  After a few seconds, I finally saw the familiar boot animation. I almost burst into tears and breathed a sigh of relief.

  After this, she will take good care of her phone!

  After confirming that her cell phone was in good condition, she placed it under the sun to charge it using solar energy. Then, she began secretly planning her second visit to the dog emperor's bedroom to connect to the wifi.

  The last time she fell from the ceiling was so disappointing that it even cast a huge shadow on her young mind. This time she must be extra careful.

  Because the tiles on the dog emperor's bedroom were of poor quality, the plan to walk on the roof was directly cancelled. And waiting for his next turn was even harder than winning the lottery, so she frowned and came up with a plan...

  That night, the moon was dark and the wind was strong.

  Qin Wan changed into a set of eunuch's clothes and hurriedly left Ronghua Palace through the back door.

  Taking advantage of the cover of night, she sneaked into the Dog Emperor's bedroom.

  Money makes the world go round. She spent a huge sum of fifty taels of silver to bribe Qingqiu, a young eunuch on duty that night, on the condition that she would take his place for an hour.

  She asked Xiao Zhima to contact the person, and Qingqiu didn't know that she was on duty in his place. He just felt so lucky that day that he met a fool who took his place on duty and gave him money.

  It was agreed that the shift would change at 11:00 p.m., and when the time came, Qingqiu left. Qin Wan lowered the brim of his hat and stood in the position where Qingqiu was on duty, perfectly fitting.

  The bedroom was quiet, the dog emperor had not arrived yet, but the eunuchs on duty in the bedroom were still standing straight. Seeing that no one was paying attention, Qin Wan secretly took out his cell phone from his sleeve.

  After unlocking the screen, she saw the wifi icon pop up!

  The network is automatically connected!

  Her excited fingers trembled suddenly, and she immediately clicked on the green message icon.

  Subconsciously, she naturally contacted her best friend Ma Shushu first.


  She pressed the send button, and the message kept spinning in circles.

  Is it because the network is not good?

  She waited for almost a minute, and the circle was still spinning, so she opened TikTok again.

  Strangely enough, the video plays smoothly!

  I scrolled through the videos one after another without any lag, but when I switched back to the WeChat page, the message still hadn't been sent.

  What was going on? Was there a barrier in this space that prevented her from getting in touch with her original world?

  Just as I was thinking about it, I heard the gong outside: "It's dry, be careful with fire..."

  Her eyes were fixed on the screen of her mobile phone, and at this moment she noticed that the time on the screen, which had been frozen until now, where the minute hand was displayed, suddenly turned a page.

  What the hell? !!!

  She thought she was dazzled, but when she looked carefully, she saw that it had really changed.

  The time on her mobile phone changed from 21:30 which had been fixed for the past few days to 21:31!

  It turns out that the time on her phone changes. It has been almost twelve days since she came here. In other words, twelve days in this time and space is equivalent to one minute in the original world? ! !

  Just as she was thinking, she heard a sound coming from outside the door.

  Glancing outside, I saw a dozen palace maids holding lanterns, surrounding a bright yellow figure, walking into the bedroom.

  The Dog Emperor is back!

  She subconsciously held her breath and even pulled the brim of her hat down.

  Can't see me. Can't see me. Can't see me.

  There are so many palace servants in this bedroom, the dog emperor should not notice her.

  Just as he was thinking about it, the tall and straight bright yellow figure strode into the bedroom. The palace servants holding lanterns retreated from both sides, leaving two young eunuchs to come in with him to help him change clothes. Two young palace maids came in to make the bed, and the two young eunuchs closed the door of the bedroom from the outside.

  He passed by her, and she lowered her head and smelled the scent of ambergris lingering on his sleeves.

  He walked to the dragon bed, and two young eunuchs helped him change his clothes. They took off his robe and changed him into looser and more comfortable pajamas.

  After the change, the two young eunuchs withdrew, and the two young palace maids lit the lamps beside his bed curtains, burned incense, and also withdrew.

  Jiang Beiyu sat down on the bed in a row and called out, "Laifu."

  A eunuch who seemed to be in a higher position said, "Your Majesty, Lai Fu is not feeling well today, so Qing Qiu will be on duty."

  So Jiang Beiyu said, "Call him over."

  Qin Wan: ???

  The eunuch opposite pursed his lips and whispered to her, "Go up and help wash the emperor's feet."

  Qin Wan:!!!

  She is just an unlucky girl. Why did this dog emperor point her to serve as a servant?

  She had no choice but to step forward.

  The palace maid had already fetched a brass basin of water, in which there were actually a few petals floating. She took the basin, gritted her teeth, lowered her head and walked forward.

  She held her breath, pulled off the bright yellow soap boots on the dog emperor's feet, and then pulled off the bright yellow silk stockings. Jiang Beiyu inexplicably felt that the eunuch's actions in serving him today were too violent and rude.

  The "little eunuch" was lifting his feet and soaking them in the water, and he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar silver bracelet on the "little eunuch's" white wrists.

  His eyes suddenly became deep: "Raise your head."

  Chapter 18 Kill me and put an end to it

  His eyes suddenly became deep: "Raise your head."

  A thousand horses were galloping through Qin Wan's heart.

  This is going to be a complete mess.

  Why was she always caught every time she tried to sneak into his bedroom? Why?!

  With the mentality that death is no big deal, after making enough mental preparations, she raised her head and smiled brightly:

  "Your Majesty, it's me again! Are you surprised? Unexpected? Exciting?"

  The pair of narrow phoenix eyes were slightly startled, brewing a cold look: "Why is it you again?"

  She used up all her acting skills and showed him a sweet expression again:

  "Because I miss the emperor again! If I can't see the emperor, I can't eat or sleep."

  Jiang Beiyu said: "Are you doubting my IQ?"

  "Since you miss me, why can't I see you in broad daylight?

  You could have come to see me openly, for example, to bring me some snacks, tea, or embroidery you made yourself, why did you have to appear in my bedroom in such a sneaky way?"

  The more he spoke, the angrier he became. The more he spoke, the more he found her words unconvincing. He lifted her chin with one hand, held it tightly, and narrowed his cold eyes:

  "If I believe you, you will treat me like a fool and play with me time and time again!

  Tell me, what is your purpose in sneaking into my bedroom?"

  Qin Wan was about to cry.

  Her purpose was to connect to the wifi to call for help and find a way to get back!

  With such a simple purpose, why does she become like a spy?

  She turned her face slightly and lowered her eyes: "I have already told you my purpose. It is up to you whether Your Majesty believes it or not."

  His voice was cold and deep: "I said, I don't believe it."

  "Then just kill me. Kill me and it will be over once and for all."

  The man's brows sank, and the dark color in his eyes surged more and more: "Do you think you only represent yourself, Leng Qingqing? If you have any problems, your brother, father, and all your clansmen will die with you, do you know that?"

  Qin Wan raised her face and said, "I am fine, so don't worry.

  It doesn't matter if the emperor is angry or doesn't like me. He won't kill my whole family just because I miss him too much and sneak into his bedroom!"

  "You're still not honest!"

  The man's face was horrified, and he stood up and said, "It's all my fault that I was too kind and trusted you too much, which is why you acted recklessly time and time again!

  Every country has its own laws, every family has its own rules. As a concubine in the harem, you should abide by the palace rules!

  Even if you have done nothing wrong, it is a crime for a concubine to sneak into the emperor's bedroom without permission. Come, take Concubine Leng away and put her under house arrest! No one can visit her without my order!"

  Not long after, with a "bang", two guards came in, one on the left and one on the right, picked her up and took her away.

  Qin Wan said nothing, and there was no special expression on her face. She looked nonchalant and just let the guards carry her and drag her out.

  Jiang Beiyu looked at her being dragged away, his eyes narrowed and his chest heaved.

  He was unwilling to believe that she had other motives and hoped that this was just as she said, that she missed him so much that she disguised herself as a eunuch and sneaked into his bedroom. However,

  Now is the critical moment of the battle between the two armies, and her brother is a general, so he has to do this!

  If she really is a spy, the consequences will be disastrous. We can only put her under house arrest temporarily and cut off all communication with anyone!

  Qin Wan was placed under house arrest.

  The place of house arrest was not in her own bedroom, but in a small room in a corner of the Changqing Palace.

  Changqing Palace is where the dog emperor lives, which includes a study, bedroom and living room.

  There were layers of guards guarding outside this room, and only one palace maid came to deliver food to her every day. Of course, they did not open her door, but made a small hole in the door, and her food was delivered through this hole.

  It looks just like a modern classroom!

  I just don't have to operate a sewing machine, and the food isn't tasty.

  So she would often use a whistle to summon Leng Ying, asking him to bring her some roast chicken, roast duck, red bean cake or something like that, and then wait until it was dark and windy at night, and then lift up a few tiles from her roof and throw them down to her.

  "Do you need me to report this matter to the general and ask him to find a way to save you?" When it was late at night and the guards were dozing off, Leng Ying whispered to her from the roof.

  Qin Wan picked up a juicy fried chicken leg and said to him while chewing it:

  "No need. I'm doing OK here. My brother is fighting a war. Don't disturb him."

  She was the one who did it. Let's not say she did it. She did have her reasons. But from the perspective of others, which good person would put on the clothes of a eunuch and sneak into the emperor's bedroom in the middle of the night?

  So she admitted that the car overturned, and she was put under house arrest, and was given food and drink, that's it.

  If she made others come back from a battlefield thousands of miles away just for such a trivial matter, she would really feel guilty.

  "Don't tell my brother about this. Wait until he comes back from the war."

  Leng Ying said, "Hmm," and said, "What do you want to eat? I'll steal it from the imperial kitchen for you tomorrow."

  She wants to drink Coke and eat ice cream!

  This damn weather is getting hotter and hotter.

  But in this world, there is no such thing even in the imperial kitchen!

  "Sneak me some braised pork elbow tomorrow. Fried chicken is a bit greasy and makes my mouth dry."

  She licked her fingers. "Give me some fruit if you have any. Oranges are fine. No need to wash them. Pick the big ones."

  Leng Ying said "hmm" and disappeared.

  somebody is coming.

  Jiang Beiyu had just finished marking memorials in his study and was about to go to bed when he caught a glimpse of a dim orange light emitting from the room in the corner.

  Three days.

  This woman was locked inside without making a sound. He asked An Wushang's secret guards to investigate, but they did not find anything wrong with the Leng family or the people who came and went.

  Is it really just a misunderstanding?

  He stood in front of the sleepy guard, who suddenly opened his eyes and was startled.

  He frowned and signaled with his eyes to open the door.

  Pushing the door open, he could vaguely smell the aroma of fried chicken in the air. The woman was sitting on the ground, with some fried chicken crumbs on her cheeks. She put her hands behind her body, and looked at him warily with a pair of beautiful watery fox eyes.

  "What's hiding behind you?" he said.


  She turned her eyes away from him.

  He stood with his hands behind his back, his face as gloomy as water, his tall figure looked down upon her with deep eyes:

  "If you want to get out of here, tell me the truth."

  She murmured quietly: "I won't go out. It's nice here too. It's warm in winter and cool in summer..."


  "I say, if you don't believe anything I say, I won't go out. I have never harmed the emperor, nor have I ever done anything to betray the Jiang Kingdom or harm the Jiang Kingdom. I have no regrets.

  Since the emperor believes that my sneaking into the emperor's bedroom violates the palace rules and deserves punishment, I will punish you. "

  The man slowly leaned over and reached out to casually wipe away the small residue on her cheeks: "You really didn't lie to me?"


  "What's that thing behind you?"

  Unexpectedly, he stretched out his long arm and reached behind Qin Wan.

  I touched a sachet that was half-sewn and crooked.

  There is a yellow caterpillar embroidered on it.

  "What's this?"

  She lowered her head and said, "This is... the sachet I embroidered for Your Majesty."

  "Last time, the emperor said that I should give him the embroidery I made myself, instead of sneaking around to see him. So I embroidered it."

  "The light here is not good, I embroider slowly, and often prick my hands... I originally thought that I would hand it over to the emperor after I finished embroidering, but I didn't expect that the emperor would find it."

  As she spoke, she kept her head down, her voice was small, and she sounded aggrieved.

  Jiang Beiyu felt a shock in his chest, and said against his will: "It's very well embroidered, but why did you embroider a worm on it when you embroidered it for me?"

  Qin Wan raised his head suddenly, his big watery eyes full of hurt and confusion: "Your Majesty, this is... a dragon."


  Jiang Beiyu looked at the stupid fat worm with two silly white eyes. He almost forgot what a dragon looked like.

  Never mind, maybe it's not finished embroidering, or maybe the light here is not good.

  He returned the sachet to her:

  "Give it to me after you finish embroidering it."


  She nodded with starry eyes, thinking, little guy, this still can't defeat you?

  She had nothing better to do here, so she embroidered this with the level of cross-stitching, and it didn't take her that much time in total.

  Fortunately, the original owner's embroidery skills were not that great, so she could get away with it.

  After reading so many palace fighting novels, she naturally knew that men liked pitiful and innocent girls the most. Coupled with this kind of plot with the most beautiful contrast, it would definitely give him a strong spiritual stimulation.

  This is not a cross-stitch, it is the key for her to get out of here!

  As long as he comes, he will definitely take the bait!

  Jiang Beiyu was indeed caught in the trap. Looking at the little white flower-like face in the dim candlelight, he actually felt a little distressed.

  He softened his tone and said, "Tomorrow I will send some bright lamps. It's getting late today, so you should go to bed early."

  She nodded and he stood up.

  Just as she was about to leave, she called him and said pitifully, "Your Majesty..."

  "I want to eat big watermelon and pork elbow in soy sauce..."

  The man didn't speak.

  On the morning of the second day, Qin Wan got to eat the iced watermelon and braised pork elbow as he wished.

  Little did she know that while she was happily chewing on the pork elbow, several concubines in the harem were gathering again.

  "That vixen also has her downfalls. She really deserves it."

  The one who spoke was Concubine Mu.

  Although she has not had the opportunity to sleep with the emperor since she entered the palace, she has finally gotten her wish and can drink tea with Concubine Zhang and Concubine Shu, just like Concubine Xi before her.

  Because she played well with Concubine Zhang and Concubine Shu, several imperial concubines, maids-in-waiting, and maids-in-waiting under her began to curry favor with her. Even Concubine Liu looked at her differently.

  Shu Fei was very proud.

  She knew that Concubine Zhang's plan must have worked!

  That woman had severely offended the emperor and incurred his dislike.

  The emperor already disliked her, so who else could he lock up if not her? The reason why she was not sent to the cold palace was because her brother was fighting outside, and he was afraid that it would be disadvantageous to the war.

  She looked at Princess Zhang and said with a smile, "Sister is still wise!"

  Concubine Zhang glared at her fiercely: "What does this have to do with me?"

  She then realized that there was an outsider, Concubine Mu, who had just joined them and needed to be examined, so she changed her words and said:

  "What I mean is that my sister had predicted before that the woman would soon fall out of favor and become nothing. My sister is really wise!"

  Although Princess Zhang was secretly proud in her heart, she still looked calm.

  "Don't be happy too soon."

  "The reason why Concubine Leng was punished by the Emperor was because she sneaked into the Emperor's bedroom. This matter can be a big deal or a small one.

  In the most serious case, she might be stealing secrets, and the entire Leng family could be dragged into this. In the most minor case, this is just the taste of the emperor and his concubine, and we can just turn a blind eye to it."

  "The Emperor has already imprisoned her for more than three days. He may continue to imprison her, or he may release her after this minor punishment."

  She glanced at Concubine Shu and Concubine Mu: "If someone in the court fanned the flames and impeached General Leng for collaborating with the enemy at this time, then there would be a chance to nail her down completely."

  Concubine Shu and Concubine Mu looked at each other.

  Her uncle was the Grand Councilor, and Mu Guiren's father happened to be a doctor in the Ministry of War.

  "But what's the use of impeachment without evidence!" Concubine Mu asked doubtfully.

  Concubine Zhang sneered: "Impeachment is a sword hanging over his head. If General Leng loses the battle, won't he be convicted of a crime?"

  Shu Fei asked in confusion: "What if General Leng didn't lose the battle?"

  Zhang Fei's eyes were deep, and she smiled even more wantonly:

  "It seems that you don't care about the political situation at all!

  This time the Northern Kingdom has adopted new weapons that are unstoppable and extremely sharp. General Leng is using our old-fashioned weapons to fight against them. How can we possibly win with those piles of broken copper and rotten iron?"


  Qin Wan ate the braised pork elbow and watermelon and burped. At this time, he saw the door suddenly open.

  At this time, a group of palace servants came in one after another and brought in a soft couch, a desk, a bookshelf, several bright lamps, green plants and ornaments, and even Xiongba was brought to her.

  The cabin was decorated and it was quite cozy , just like an ordinary study room.

  She was confused when a bright yellow figure walked in from outside and looked at her.

  "Since your brother is a general and the current situation is sensitive, you sneaking into my bedroom will easily arouse suspicion, so I can only arrange for you to stay here until the war with the Northern Kingdom is over.

  There are my people guarding this door, cutting off your communication with anyone except me. This is the way to protect you and the Leng family. Do you understand?"

  Qin Wan nodded.

 "I will come to see you every day. If you need anything, just tell me."

  Qin Wan grinned: "Your Majesty, you are a very nice person."

  "Don't be poor."

  He glanced at the table and saw a large empty plate on it. He was a little surprised because the pork elbow in sauce weighed at least two kilograms!

  "You ate them all?"

  "have eaten."

  "Is the watermelon sweet?"


  Looking at her hairy head and slightly silly look, he reached out and rubbed her head.

  "I'm leaving."

  The dog emperor left, but came back at dusk, standing in front of her with an expressionless face:

  "I'm here to ask you, is there anything else you need?"

  Qin Wan looked pitiful. She walked to the corner, took Xiongba by the hand, and walked over.

  "Your Majesty, Xiongba is a large dog and needs someone to walk him every day. Can you find someone to help me walk him?"

  "Give it to me."

  He frowned slightly, took it, and Xiongba wagged his tail excitedly.

  Jiang Beiyu originally wanted to find a guard to take him for a walk, but the dead dog was on a leash in his hand. It would bark to scare anyone who approached it, but it was very obedient in his hand, so no one dared to take it for a walk.

  Helplessly, he had to take Xiongba to the Imperial Garden.

  Xiongba was walking along in a very proud and high-spirited manner. When the white eagle saw him, it got so angry that it let out a "Woo Wow" and dived into the bushes.

  At first, it was fine. As he was walking, the dead dog suddenly became aloof and ran very fast, almost dragging him into the lake in the imperial garden...

  On the second day, several ministers from the Grand Council unanimously impeached Leng Leng for collaborating with the enemy in the court.

  "Your Majesty! I heard that General Leng was whispering with the enemy general Li Chi on the battlefield, and then we retreated without reason!

  Originally, we were on the verge of victory in that battle, and I don't know why we suddenly withdrew our troops!"

  "Yes, since General Leng went to war, we have been unable to capture the lost territory for a long time. We finally saw the dawn of victory, but this chance to win was easily thrown away by General Leng, causing our morale to drop. I hope General Leng can give an explanation!"

  "That's right! I also heard that General Leng's sister, Concubine Leng, once sneaked into the emperor's bedroom. I don't know if she was helping her brother steal some secrets. I have to be suspicious!!"

  Chapter 19 As soon as she finished speaking, she was suddenly pulled into the man's arms

  Jiang Beiyu listened to the ministers talking at once, his face becoming increasingly gloomy.

  He stared coldly at the ministers who were jumping around happily:

  "I don't even know when you all know everything about my harem."

  A pair of cold and sharp eyes swept over the ministers, with a sense of majesty without even being angry.

  "Is Concubine Leng stealing information for her brother? To be honest, I have a very close relationship with Concubine Leng, so she has been living in my Changqing Palace recently and has never gone out. Apart from me, she has not had contact with anyone else and has no chance to pass on information at all."

  "As for whether General Leng is collaborating with the enemy, I believe that General Leng has his own tactics. He will use his military exploits to give everyone an answer. It is too early to say anything now. Let's wait and see what the result will be.

  Before this war is over, I don't want to hear any impeachment against General Leng. Everyone, do you have anything else to report?"

  Several ministers exchanged glances secretly.

  With the emperor's words, they felt relieved.

  The emperor can now shut them up by saying that the war is not over yet. If the war is over, Leng Leng will be dead soon.

  They all knew that this battle would be very difficult. First of all, they had already lost the upper hand due to the surprise attack by the Northern Kingdom, and with the Northern Kingdom's cutting-edge weapons, how could they win?

  Before Leng Leng went on the expedition, the State of Jiang had been losing ground, and he was essentially taking over a mess.

  Originally, it would not have been a big deal if he was defeated in the war, but now that they have impeached him, although the emperor is speaking for Leng Leng, he is being led by them and has been led into a ditch. They have invisibly put a hat on him, and once he is defeated in the war, he will be convicted of treason!

  Qin Wan was completely unaware of the complicated situation in the court.

  She drew the word "正" on the paper stroke by stroke.

  This was her fifth day in the dark room.

  The Dog Emperor said that he would let her go after the war was over, but who knows when it will end!

  Having nothing to do, she sat at the desk and read a book.

  There was no WiFi in ancient times, so life was very difficult and we could only read books to pass the time.

  Just as I was watching and getting into the mood, the door was pushed open again.

  Jiang Beiyu was still wearing the dragon robe. For some reason, after leaving the court, he unknowingly walked here.

  "Cold Concubine."

  Qin Wan put down the book, feeling quite speechless.

  Didn't he say he would come here once a day? Why does he come here seventeen or eighteen times a day?

  But there was no impatience on her face. She put the book down, stood up and greeted him happily.

  "Your Majesty~"

  "Your Majesty, have you left the court? Are you tired?"

  The man said "Hmm.", found a chair and sat down, and asked, "Do you have tea?"

  Qin Wan was not used to drinking tea, but she liked drinking fruit tea. The teapot just happened to contain the kumquat lemon tea that she had made after getting up, so she poured him a cup.

  Jiang Beiyu took it and said, "Cold?"

  He took a sip and frowned: "Why is it so sour?"

  I took just one sip and put it down.

  Qin Wan casually made up a story: "In ancient times, Goujian slept on firewood and tasted gall. Now I am locked up in this small dark room, drinking something sour every day and reflecting on myself..."

  Jiang Beiyu was amused: "Are you also reflecting on yourself when you are chewing pork elbows and eating watermelons?"


  Qin Wan was immediately embarrassed, "Your Majesty, I may reflect on myself, but I still have to eat!"

  "That makes sense."

  Jiang Beiyu had no way to refute.

  I picked up the teacup again and looked at it carefully, and felt strange.

  The first sip of this herbal tea tastes sour and disgusting, but after drinking it, you will find the aftertaste is unique and you can't help but want to take a second and third sip.

  This was a flavor he had never tasted before, just like someone.

  So he picked it up and took another sip.

  Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of the word "正" (positive) on her desk.

  "Practicing calligraphy?"

  "Well, I'm recording it. Today is the fifth day that the emperor has locked me up in the small dark room..." She lowered her head and rubbed her skirt straps for fun.

  "Want to go out?"

  Qin Wan didn't say anything and continued to rub her skirt, but the answer was clear from her gloomy expression and drooping eyelashes.

  I felt a sudden surge of heartache.

  This girl is so silly. She was framed and sent to the cold palace by him, and she just counted the days in silence.

  "Do you regret it?"

  Qin Wan had seen how modern green tea ladies could make straight men bewildered and infatuated. If she wanted to survive in the harem and do well, she naturally had to imitate them.

  Jiang Beiyu thought she would definitely answer that she regretted it, but who knew that she actually said:

  "No regrets, how could I regret it?"

  "I only know that when I miss you, my emperor, I come. My body has made the decision for me. I am afraid that I will do the same thing next time..."

  As soon as she finished speaking, she was suddenly pulled into the man's arms.

  Except for his own sister when she was a child, Jiang Beiyu had never taken the initiative to hug a woman, so his movements were a bit stiff, but when he hugged her, he actually felt a sense of security.

  He rubbed her furry little head with his palm:

  "Next time, just come over directly. No need to be sneaky. You are my concubine, and it is only natural for you to come to visit me."

  "Is it really possible?"

  Qin Wan smelled the pleasant scent of ambergris on his collar and got goose bumps all over her face.

  I thought to myself: "Oh my god, this really works. Straight men really have no resistance to the weak and timid green tea!"

  In fact, if it were her, if the other party locked her up and still asked "Do you regret it?", she would have been served with a big cunt bag a long time ago.

  After hugging him for a while, she gently pushed him away: "Your Majesty, you should go and deal with government affairs. Don't waste too much time with me."

  After mastering the green tea skill, the next step is to activate the virtuous concubine mode and make the emperor feel that he is sensible.

  In fact, the important thing is that she is a little annoyed and hopes that he can stay where he wants.

  As expected, the man was deeply moved and stared at her:

  "Then I will go to the study to review the memorials first."


  She raised her head and gave him another sweet wink. The man felt sweet ripples in his heart.

  He looked at her once more before leaving.

  After he left, people from the imperial kitchen brought in large chilled watermelons, mint and mung bean soup, and chilled sliced ​​pineapples.

  Pineapples were a rare commodity at that time and had to be purchased as tribute from other countries. Other concubines in the harem could not eat them.

  The food was still delivered through a small pane in the door.

  In addition to fruit, today's lunch is braised pork, sweet and sour chicken wings, and two white flour buns.

  I was afraid she would be bored, so I wrapped it in brown paper and fried a bag of salt and pepper crispy pork for her as a snack. In the afternoon, she ate it while reading a storybook, which was very enjoyable.

  When it was time for afternoon tea, the concubines gathered together again.

  Concubine Mu was originally hesitant about asking her father to impeach General Leng, but since she had just joined them, she felt a little embarrassed to refuse. Besides, her father and General Leng had never gotten along, so she quickly agreed as soon as she was asked.

  It seems that the effect is quite good now.

  "That woman probably won't have a chance to come out."

  Concubine Zhang said proudly, "The ministers have impeached General Leng. At this critical moment, there is no way the emperor will let her go. Now, we just have to wait until this battle is over."

  Concubine Mu echoed, "General Leng will be punished, and she can't escape."

  Shu Fei was also in high spirits: "See how that vixen can continue to confuse the emperor!"

  Concubine Zhang gave a wink, and two palace maids brought two bowls of dessert and placed them in front of the two men.

  "This is the golden bird's nest that my father brought yesterday. This bird's nest is stewed with peach gum and rock sugar. Try it."

  When the lid of the stewed Gu was opened, a fragrant aroma filled the air, and it was indeed top-quality bird's nest.

  They were both flattered.

  Princess Zhang smiled faintly and glanced at them:

  "From now on, we must support each other and be the best sisters in the harem."


  Both of them nodded.

  the other side.

  Leng Leng is fighting bloody battles on the battlefield, fighting to the death.

  All the news of the court had long been transmitted to him through his intelligence system in the capital by means of carrier pigeons.

  But he ignored it.

  Right now, the battle situation is at its most intense and he must go all out!

  No matter how difficult this battle is, even if he has to grit his teeth, he must take back the lost territory and make the other side terrified of him. He must make sure that those barbarians in the north never dare to invade them again!

  He had already recaptured three cities in succession and was in the difficult moment of attacking the city. At this time, a piece of news suddenly came from the enemy's camp...

  Five days later, good news came that Jiang State had won a great victory!

  It turned out that an epidemic had suddenly broken out in the Northern Army camp. A large number of soldiers fell into a coma, suffered from chills and fever. Some soldiers had only suffered minor injuries, but their wounds were very serious and gradually festered. Then they foamed at the mouth and became unconscious.

  The enemy's military doctors tried everything to cure these soldiers but failed, and they suspected that Jiang Guo had poisoned the weapons.

  Without proper treatment, most of the enemy's soldiers would be injured. Therefore, the Northern Kingdom quickly withdrew its troops and sent people to negotiate peace, requesting to stop the war and ask them for the antidote.

  When the good news came, it shocked the government and the public.

  No one could believe that General Leng had won the battle so quickly. The usually arrogant Northern Kingdom actually surrendered voluntarily. It was like a dream!

  Those who had previously impeached Leng Leng for collaborating with the enemy now buried their heads like quails.

  As soon as the war ended, Leng Lie returned to the capital as quickly as possible.

  In addition to reporting on the war, his triumphant return was the biggest slap in the face to those people!

  After receiving the good news, Qin Wan was released from the small dark room immediately.

  When Jiang Beiyu received the letter, she realized that the strategy she had proposed had worked.

  After being stabbed by the shit-stained spears, the Northern Kingdom soldiers were indeed poisoned! This was the key to Jiang Kingdom's turnaround!

  Now, the other party has sent envoys to negotiate with them in exchange for the antidote.

  "My beloved!"

  When he saw Leng Qingqing again, Jiang Beiyu's eyes were full of passion.

  Qin Wan had returned to the comfortable Ronghua Palace. A palace maid was fanning her, and she was peeling a fresh iced lychee.

  "Thanks to your strategy, the Jiang Kingdom has been badly defeated and is negotiating with us!"

  He is usually calm, but at this moment he is refreshed and looks very happy.


  There was a gleam of wisdom in those beautiful fox eyes.

  "So, Your Majesty, have you thought about extorting something from the other party?"

  She had said long ago that when a large number of Northern soldiers' wounds became infected, the other side would definitely surrender in exchange for the antidote. If they wanted peace, they would definitely have to pay compensation. They could set the conditions!

  Jiang Beiyu said: "I will discuss this with the ministers later. What reward does my beloved concubine want?"

  She shook her head generously: "My reward is not important."

  "Such a great achievement, I will definitely reward you!"

  Jiang Beiyu was not a stingy person. Seeing her so modest, he waved his hand and said, "Since my beloved concubine is so modest, I will give you a small reward!"

  Then, a group of palace servants filed in, each holding a tray filled with treasures. Qin Wan glanced at them and saw that the first one was a plate of fat little gold ingots, a plate of small silver ingots, antique vases, jade articles, gold hairpins and bracelets...

  Qin Wan couldn't help but grinning immediately.

  Jiang Beiyu continued, "There is one more thing. That is, does my beloved concubine know how to prepare the antidote?"

  "This, I naturally know."

  Qin Wan raised the corner of his lips, his fox eyes slyly moved around, and he began to make his own plans.

  "That's right. This process is complicated and will take three to five days."

  Jiang Beiyu immediately said: "Sure, the two sides are negotiating, we can just take this opportunity to prepare the antidote."

  Qin Wan glanced at him and said, "Besides that, I have one small condition..."

  "What conditions?"

  Chapter 20 Did her best friend reply to her message? ! ! .

  "Besides this, I have one small condition..." Qin Wan looked at him awkwardly.

  "What conditions?"

  "Your Majesty...Your Majesty wants to go to the Emperor's bedroom tonight."

  "Buzz." Upon hearing this, Jiang Beiyu's ears turned red.

  "You...are so disgraceful." He said the last four words in a very low voice, with a hint of doting. Although he tried his best to make it look like he wanted to scold her, the corners of his lips that he couldn't help but raise betrayed him.

  "Come if you want."

  After saying that, he quickly turned and left.

  Qin Wan was confused.

  Did he misunderstand something?

  She just wanted to go to his bedroom and connect to the wifi in her living room without being sneaky!

  Last time, I had just connected, and before I could figure out what was going on, he asked me to go over and wash my feet, and then I failed, and ended up in a small dark room for eleven days.

  No matter what, this dog emperor was forced to turn over the concubines. As long as she doesn't take the initiative, nothing will happen.

  Developing an antidote was urgent, so after lunch, she took some sesame seeds, peanuts and longans, and an empty car and went out of the palace to get the medicinal materials.

  Jiang Beiyu was puzzled: "What kind of medicinal materials are not available in the Imperial Pharmacy? Do we have to go out of the palace to get them?"

  It just so happened that he was free today, so he went with her.

  He wanted to see what rare treasures there were that the Imperial Pharmacy didn't have.

  The group left the palace in disguise.

  After watching so many TV dramas and reading so many novels, Qin Wan had already understood the routine of leaving the palace incognito. She quickly changed into men's clothes and asked the palace servants to comb her hair into a man's style.

  When a young man in white robe appeared in front of Jiang Beiyu, he couldn't help but be stunned.

  The young man in front of her was dashing, modest, and heroic, with a completely different temperament from her previous self.

  Qin Wan held the folding fan in his hand and saluted him: "Sir."

  He was wearing a black robe, and standing next to her, he looked like the Black and White Impermanence. Little Zhima was wearing a pink maid's uniform, while Little Guiyuan and Little Peanut were wearing light blue servant's uniforms.

  He coughed lightly: "No need to be polite."

  She tapped his arm with her folding fan: "Wrong!"

  "You and I are now on the same level, so you should return the greeting." Qin Wan demonstrated the greeting to him again: "Young Master."

  "Since the Emperor is going to follow us out, don't let us get away with it!"

  He looked embarrassed, and Little Sesame, Little Peanut and Little Longan were all frightened.

  Fortunately, he pretended to return the greeting: "Sir."

  Qin Wan was amused by him, with curved eyebrows.

  The three of them went out of an inconspicuous door in the palace, got on an ordinary carriage, and headed out of the palace.

  Jiang Beiyu was born as the most honorable prince. He had lived in the palace since he was a child and had only been out of the palace a few times.

  When he was a prince, he once sneaked out of the palace in disguise to investigate the customs and habits of the people. When he was discovered by his father, he had to kneel in the ancestral temple all night when he returned.

  It's not that the emperor doesn't support him in caring about the people, but because his status is too noble, he is afraid that something unexpected might happen if he leaves the palace.
