
Chapter 201 Your Majesty, General Leng is here to visit us in a helicopter~

At this moment, everything suddenly became clear to her, and she felt extremely regretful!

Back on the set, Jiang Beiyu was reading the script when he suddenly saw a hand reaching out from behind the script and handing him a can of coffee.


He looked up and was surprised when he saw it was Bai Ge.

Ever since she stopped acting with them in the hotel room, Bai Ge had become distant from him.

And ever since Leng Xiaoxiao "saved" him, he didn't appreciate it and even felt that she was somewhat hostile towards him, showing some impatience towards him during the filming.

Now, why did the attitude suddenly change 180 degrees?

Although he didn't know what happened, it was always a good thing that the other party's attitude improved, so he took it and said, "Thank you!"

Seeing his cute look at this moment and remembering his past indifference towards him, Bai Ge felt very guilty.

She sat next to him carelessly and said to him, "Jiang Beiyu, I had some misunderstandings about you in the past, so my attitude towards you was a bit problematic. I hope you don't take it to heart."

Jiang Beiyu pulled open the pull ring, took a sip of iced coffee, turned his head and looked at her: "Is there any?"

When acting next time, Bai Ge was much more sincere.

It just so happens that in the plot, the heroine in the early stage was also impatient with the hero because of various misunderstandings, but later they cleared up their past grudges and their relationship gradually warmed up. This experience just backfired.

Leng Xiaoxiao, who was standing by, clearly saw something was going on.

Now she and Jiang Beiyu are talking and laughing outside the play, and he doesn't even talk to her much anymore.

Seeing that she was abandoned by capital, would she abandon her too? Want to draw a clear line with her?

Oh, forget it!

A plan began to take shape.

A few days later, Leng Xiaoxiao installed a hidden camera in her room and invited Bai Ge to sit in her room.

The last incident had a profound impact on Bai Ge. She didn't want to come at first, but considering that she and Leng Xiaoxiao had been friends for many years, she finally came.


Leng Xiaoxiao prepared a pot of scented tea in the room and invited her to sit down at the bar table. From this angle, the camera could just capture the two of them.

Bai Ge came in and finally sat down. After a day of intense filming, she was very tired and said, "I won't drink the tea. I won't be able to sleep tonight if I drink it. If you have anything to talk to me about, just keep it short."

Leng Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "I know that you were the one who told Mr. Qin about my exposure of his hidden rules. I'm not angry. After all, if you don't work for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. But, who is this person? I never thought it was you. You know, it was you who went to the hotel with me at the beginning, and we needed to monitor the video."

This sentence was actually a trap for Bai Ge.

As long as Bai Ge doesn't deny this matter, she and she are involved in it together.

Bai Ge was surprised: "Xiaoxiao, I really didn't. Although I went to the hotel with you on impulse that day, I really didn't tell Mr. Qin about this matter.

President Qin is not a simple person. You found someone on the Internet to post her news. Naturally, she can follow the clues and find out that you are the one who did this."

Leng Xiaoxiao sneered: "There are only two of us here, so you don't have to pretend.

If it's not you, then tell me how you got all those endorsements? Didn't you get them by selling out your friends for fame? Do you think President Qin doesn't know about what you did?"

Bai Ge was confused: "What did I do?"

Leng Xiaoxiao said: "Since you know that Jiang Beiyu is the one that Mr. Qin likes, and you are still so close to him, aren't you afraid of becoming the next me?"

Bai Ge was so angry that she almost laughed: "I was filming with him normally, how could we be close? Stop slandering me here! I have a boyfriend and will be engaged next year. No matter how handsome Jiang Beiyu looks, he is just a man in my eyes.

Unlike you, who always wanted to flirt with others, in the beginning, weren't you the one who always dragged me to his room in the middle of the night to act out scenes? I didn't realize at the time that you were using me as your wingman in the name of acting out scenes!"

Bai Ge has a hot temper and is not someone you can easily mess with. Now that the situation has been torn apart, she will fight her to the end.

"Leng Xiaoxiao, I already know everything. Jiang Beiyu's car accident was directed and acted out by you. There is no such thing as a wall that is impenetrable. You should turn back! Misfortunes sent by heaven can be forgiven, but misfortunes brought upon oneself cannot be forgiven!"

After saying this, Bai Ge got up and left, leaving her alone in the room.

Leng Xiaoxiao was completely devastated.

She didn't know how she knew about this. So, this was the reason for her change of attitude towards her?

Leng Xiaoxiao sat for a long time before she stood up and stopped recording the camera.

Just now, she wanted to set a trap for Bai Ge and drag her into the water, but unexpectedly, Bai Ge did not fall into the trap at all and directly told her secret.

Fortunately, in a split second, she did not choose to fight to the death with the other party through live broadcast.

Thinking of this, she broke out in a cold sweat.

However, not long after, there was a knock on the door.

When I opened the door, several big-hat guys came out.

"Hello, are you Ms. Leng?"

"I am."

The other party produced the following documents:

"We have enough evidence. You are involved in a hit-and-run case half a month ago. Come with us."


The next day, the front-page headline of the news was #Leng Xiaoxiao was detained#.

She was arrested for inciting others to commit crimes and endangering public safety and was detained for fifteen days.

Qin Wan was also slightly surprised when he saw this incident on the news.

She did not intervene. The police found out about it themselves. Who told her to shout, "Call the police! Call the police!" the moment she fell to the ground?

Under the account of the Shanghai Police, her fans would ask about the progress of the investigation every now and then, which put the Shanghai Police under great pressure.

She thought her actions were flawless and that no one was hurt, so it was not a crime. It can only be said that she was ignorant of the law.

The crew of "The Sea of ​​​​Qionglou" was searched three times. The first two times were because the second female lead was in danger of life, and the third time was because the second female lead was imprisoned. It was really popular before it was aired, and we have to thank her sacrifice.

The entire crew held an emergency meeting and after much deliberation, in order to avoid the film being unable to be released later, they decided to completely delete the second female lead's scenes, without leaving a single shot.

And so another month passed.

Qin Wan's belly has begun to show. The baby in her belly is more than six months old. Even wearing a loose windbreaker can't hide it. She goes to the company less and less often and works remotely at home.

When the large ships loaded with shabby arms staggered to the shore, the workers at the Qindao dock were stunned and quickly contacted Li Wenhua, the person in charge of the island.

The person in charge on the opposite ship showed Li Wenhua the contract and customs declaration form. Not long after, Qin Wan received a call.

Qin Xiao was confused: "Wanwan, why did you bring a bunch of junk to the island?"

Qin Wan received a call and said, "It's arrived, right? Is there any shortage of goods? Please help me count it. Is it 30,000 tons?"

Qin Xiao was completely confused: "Wanwan, if you need arms, tell daddy. If you don't have enough money, daddy can also buy it for you. Just bring these beryllium copper and rotten iron. Don't be too embarrassing."

Qin Wan couldn't help laughing and said, "Dad, no, listen to me."

"These weapons were scrapped during the last world war. The reason for their scrapping was not because they were broken, but because the war had stopped and the weapons of various countries were updated, so these old ones were eliminated. Most of them are usable.

I also have advanced weapons, which are for everyone to use for daily practice. Even if we really go to the battlefield, these weapons are more than enough to deal with ancient enemy soldiers.

Next, I will select the good ones that can be used and take them with me. The rest will be left to the steel mill on the island. Isn't Dad still building the island? He also needs a lot of steel. I brought these at the price of scrap steel, which is cheaper than the price of scrap steel in China. Use them."

Qin Xiao was shocked.

She can pick the good ones and use the rest for construction on his island. What a brain she has. She is worthy of being his daughter!

Qin Xiao was feeling touched, and then Qin Wan started to act like a good kid.

"Dad, next, I will ask the soldiers on your island to help sort out the good, usable munitions for me, and find all the bullets they need, and match them one by one."

In order to resist foreign invasion, the restricted area on the island is stockpiled with arms and the rest are naturally garrisons. They are all excellent soldiers carefully selected from various countries and are naturally familiar with weapons. Anyway, the island is safe now, and they have nothing to do on weekdays, so they help her pick through the pile of junk.

Qin Xiao was helpless but doting: "Arrange it. Whatever you ask me to do, I will definitely complete it for you."

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Most of Qin Wan's purposes for coming back this time have been achieved. Now he can finally rest assured. Even if he goes back, he doesn't have to worry about the joint attack from the South and North countries.

It took more than ten days to transport the pile of munitions to the restricted area, where they were sorted by the mercenaries stationed on the island. Li Wenhua sent a video to Qin Wan. The good munitions were neatly bundled and piled up. One third of the scrapped cars, broken guns and shells were put into the steelmaking furnace on the island.

Leng Lie finally got his pilot's certificate. On the day he got the certificate, he rented a helicopter to visit the set, drove it directly, and landed at the Magic City Cinema, broadcasting the entire process live.

Jiang Beiyu was filming a scene when Xiao Lizi ran towards him and said, "Brother Bei, go and see! General Leng is coming to see you in a helicopter!"

Jiang Beiyu thought, just take a helicopter, it's a routine operation, is there a traffic jam on the road? Why does he take a helicopter?

Later, I thought back to what Xiao Lizi said: "Who did you just say? Who was driving it?"

The helicopter landed with a thud, creating a strong air current around it. Even in modern times, the sudden landing of a helicopter can attract many people to stop and watch.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Beiyu headed in that direction and watched the helicopter land with a "thump". Leng Leng came down directly from the cockpit of the helicopter.

Jiang Beiyu felt that he was getting stronger.

Is that General Leng who can't even get a driver's license?

General Leng had a smile on his face that was almost as bright as the sun. He walked towards him and even saluted him:

"Your humble servant, I pay my respects to His Majesty."

He was wearing a white shirt with a gray suit vest, gray trousers, and a pair of black leather shoes today.

Jiang Beiyu sneered: "General Leng, do you know how many years you can be sentenced to for flying a helicopter without a license?"

Leng Leng directly pulled out his pilot's certificate from the inner pocket of his suit vest: "I have the certificate."

Jiang Beiyu:!!!

Damn, he got it!


Not only that, Leng Leng also took out his phone and showed him a super cool, super majestic helicopter photo, and said with a smile:

"This is a gift from Wanwan to me. Wanwan said that as long as I get the certificate, she will give it to me."

Jiang Beiyu was so jealous at this moment.

Why is it that when he passed the driving test, Wanwan bought him a Ferrari, and when Leng Leng passed the pilot test, Wanwan bought him a plane! Buy a plane! A plane! A plane!

Suddenly I didn't even want to film the scene anymore, I felt wronged.


At this moment, the assistant director came over and said, "Brother Bei, the director wants you to come over. It's your turn."

What Leng Lie didn't tell him was that he was a general of Jiang State, and the helicopter Wanwan gave him would also be used for Jiang State's military. She had been secretly helping him with the planning, so this helicopter could be considered a gift to him.

Maybe, he will die in this glorious fighter plane in the future... But it doesn't matter. At this moment, he wants to tease him and make him angry.

The strange desire to win among men.

Jiang Beiyu was emo for the whole afternoon, but finally got angry.

He finished work early today, at around six o'clock, and drove back to the Qin family's villa, but did not speak to Qin Wan when he saw him.

Qin Wan saw General Leng's live broadcast in the morning, and also saw his reaction at that time. He secretly laughed at his childishness in his heart.

"How long will it take to wrap up?" she asked him.

"Two months."

"That's about right. When you finish filming, it will be almost my due date, just in time."

Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

Qin Wan thought for a moment: "Do you think I should go back to Jiang Kingdom with a big belly before I give birth? At least, I have to let the midwife go to the delivery room. Otherwise, it would be hard to explain if I went to the palace and brought back a child like Ma Shushu did. Especially, there are so many people watching me in the palace. I am afraid that people will say it is a fake pregnancy and then bring a child back from outside the palace."

Jiang Beiyu said: "You have a point. I'm just afraid that going back and forth like this will make you feel unwell."

Qin Wan said: "It's nothing. The most important thing is to be safe and not let people talk about it. The most important thing for the royal family is the orthodoxy of blood. I don't want my child to be talked about in the future because of his identity."

In fact, Jiang Beiyu had thought about this matter, but he didn't say anything because he was afraid that Qin Wan would find it troublesome.

Now that she brought it up herself, I still felt that I couldn't be careless after she said that. I immediately discussed it with General Leng and his wife in the group, planning to wait until Wanwan's due date, then go back to Jiang State, and come back after she enters the delivery room.

General Leng replied: "This time, do we have to go to the island first and move the things over there?"

Qin Wan said, "That's right."

He also sent a "witty" expression.

Jiang Beiyu was confused by the conversation between the two.

Now the two of them are talking like in secret codes. What are they going to the island for? What are they doing there?

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 25)

Chapter 202 Baby, it's the father (*?▽?*)

Jiang Beiyu was confused by the conversation between the two.

The two of them are talking like in secret codes. What are they going to the island for? What are they doing there?

Humph, you're hiding everything from him and don't even treat him as a human being!

Jiang Beiyu could only sulk by himself and hide on the terrace to get some fresh air.

After a while, Qin Wan came out with a strawberry cone in her hand and handed it to him.

Jiang Beiyu said: "No."

Qin Wan ate it by himself, holding the chocolate flavored one in one hand and the durian flavored one in the other, and ate them both together.

The evening breeze was blowing, carrying the heat of summer. Jiang Beiyu glanced at her and said, "You're eating so many cold drinks even though your belly is so big."

Qin Wan said: "It's hot, it's okay, the dog won't eat, I'll help the dog eat."

Upon hearing this, the "dog" consciously took away the chocolate cone that she had taken a bite of.

The two of them stood on the terrace, eating cones and enjoying the cool breeze. Qin Wan said, "In two months, we will be going back. Facing the impending double-sided attack from the South and North, Your Majesty, what countermeasures do you have?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I heard that Western countries have extremely powerful weapons and ammunition. I want to buy some secretly, but I can't bring them back to China. Some people in the circle know foreign arms dealers. During this period, I have been secretly inquiring about the channels of arms dealers."

Unexpectedly, the Dog Emperor had thought of all these, but he was a step behind her and lacked formal channels.

Qin Wan raised the corners of his lips.

Jiang Beiyu asked: "What are you laughing at?"

Qin Wan said, "Don't ask around. Be careful not to go in and affect your son's civil service exam."

Jiang Beiyu still didn't understand some of the unfamiliar modern words, so he asked, "What is the civil service exam?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "The Southern Kingdom is cunning and must want to reap the benefits. It will not act so quickly. In the past two years, I have upgraded to more powerful new weapons. Even if the Northern Kingdom sends troops again, they will not be as vulnerable as they were in the past two years."

He glanced at her bulging belly and said, "Wanwan, just focus on preparing for the birth and don't worry about these things."

Qin Wan thought, she didn't want to worry about it, but she was born to worry about him.

She saw out of the corner of her eye that there seemed to be a few paparazzi hiding in the grass of the green belt. She said to him, "Go in quickly."

As long as he finished work early, Jiang Beiyu would come back to accompany her. There were paparazzi following them outside every now and then. Sometimes they would take pictures of the two of them together. Some would use the photos to ask her for money, while some would send the photos directly, but would be suppressed by Jian Anlan.

However, these are irrelevant and she doesn't care.

Back in the bedroom, Jiang Beiyu helped her make the quilt, plugged in the electric mosquito repellent, and sat on the edge of the bed, watching videos while looking a little depressed.

It's strange that I didn't search specifically, but all I saw today were various helicopters.

Qin Wan sat down next to him: "Would you like to listen to your baby's voice?"

He put down his phone, leaned over and put his ear close to it.

Through the thin belly, he felt the fetal movement. Strangely enough, it was a magical power, as if in an instant, all the unhappiness and depression were swept away.

He said happily: "He is alive! He is moving!"

Qin Wan thought, of course he is alive, what nonsense is he talking about.

"Baby, it's Father. Can you hear me?"

As if he had thought of something, he came over and put his palm on her belly.

Through the belly, the baby inside stretched one of its little feet under his palm, as if responding to him.

He was immediately surprised and looked up at Qin Wan.

"Baby, you have to be good in your mother's belly. When you come out, your father will buy you delicious food, take you out to play, take you to ride the Ferris wheel, and take you to ride the roller coaster."

When Qin Wan heard this, he thought, what kind of father is this? He takes his baby on a roller coaster right after it is born?

Even the baby was so scared that he pulled his little feet back.

He suddenly felt lost and lowered his long eyelashes.

"It would be best if your mother doesn't follow Father. You don't want Father anymore..."

He glanced at Qin Wan secretly, and continued to say aggrievedly: "Your mother is only best friends with your uncle, and your father is now an outsider."

Qin Wan couldn't listen any longer: "Jiang Beiyu, do you want to listen to what you are talking about?"

Jiang Beiyu said sourly: "Isn't it? You bought a helicopter for General Leng and wanted to go to the island with General Leng. I don't know what you are secretly planning and hiding it from me!"

Qin Wan couldn't help but laugh, because Jiang Beiyu was so cute when he was angry.

"What can General Leng and I hide from you?"

She imitated the tone he used to talk to the baby, patted his cheek and coaxed him, "Beibei, just be a good boy and shoot the movie. After you finish shooting, we will go to the island together. There is something... I will tell you then."

Is Wanwan going to send him a helicopter too?

Jiang Beiyu raised his head, his eyes shining.

Qin Wan had also been looking forward to giving him this big surprise.

As the days passed, Jiang Beiyu and Bai Ge became close friends in the crew.

Bai Ge has a carefree personality. Her fiancé is in the north and knows some arms dealers. She said she could introduce him to some arms dealers, but the transaction must be done abroad.

After getting in touch with it, he realized that this thing was very expensive, basically a huge profit, and his current salary for a movie could not buy much. He could only work hard on filming or find other ways to make money.

He knew that the Qin family had a lot of assets, and his father-in-law Qin Xiao's business had been entrenched in North America for many years, so he must have better quality arms resources, but he had never asked them.

He didn't want him to think that he married Qin Wan for some other purpose.

Finally, the filming came to an end and Qin Wan was about to enter her due date.

According to the previous discussion, they decided to go back to Jiang State first, but this time they needed to go to Qin Island again.

Before leaving, he decided to visit Mr. Jiang again with Qin Wan.

Ever since he adopted Jiang Rong as his godson, he has been keeping his promise to him and visits him twice a month. If he really can't spare the time, he'll video chat with the old man.

This time, Wanwan is giving birth, and there are various miscellaneous things to do, so he might be busy in the middle, so I went to visit him first and say hello to him.

Jiang Rong was very happy to see them, because he had watched Qin Wan grow up and treated her like his own granddaughter. Now he had such an outstanding godson. The next time they met, they would bring his little great-grandson with them.

Before leaving, Jiang Rong handed Jiang Beiyu a card, saying it was a reward for giving him a great-grandson. Jiang Beiyu refused to accept it, so Jiang Rong patted the back of his hand, hinting to him that the card had the contact information he wanted, and the password was the day he would recognize him as his grandfather.

Jiang Beiyu was secretly shocked.

He just secretly inquired through his connections in the circle and he found out about this. It can be seen that his every move could not escape him.

Knowing that he was doing this to help him, he finally accepted it.

After the wrap ceremony, Jiang Beiyu came back.

After waiting for a long time, the group went directly to the airport and boarded the plane.

This time, we went to the island and returned directly to Jiang State. Just like last time, General Leng carried several large boxes of diapers, baby milk powder, and clothes for the baby. Fortunately, it was the Qin family's private plane, so there was no weight limit.

Qin Wan also brought some items that he was going to take to Jiang State, and the most important thing was the painting.

After more than twenty hours of trekking, everyone arrived at Qin Island again.

The island has a tropical climate and it is summer all year round. No matter when you go there, you only need to wear a T-shirt. As soon as you get off the plane, you will be greeted by warm wind mixed with the salty smell of sea water.

Jiang Beiyu was wearing a plaid silk shirt and a pair of sunglasses, as if he was here for vacation.

Qin Wan was wearing a red bohemian long dress. Her belly was not as big as she had imagined. The loose design on the abdomen cleverly concealed her pregnant belly. From the back, her waist was still as slender as that of a girl.

Jiang Beiyu looked at Qin Wan and then at Leng Lie, both of them were very calm.

The group rested in the castle for a day and decided to take action the next night after everyone adjusted to the jet lag.

The next day at noon, Leng Lie and Qin Wan went out right after dinner.

Jiang Beiyu drove a car and followed them secretly, and found that they were heading towards the restricted area of ​​the island.

In order to avoid being discovered, he kept a distance of one thousand meters between himself and their car and just followed from a distance.

Later, he saw them pass the guards blocking the road and go in, so he drove over as well, but was stopped by the guards.

He showed his Qindao QR code, and the guard said politely and distantly: "I'm sorry, sir, the front is a restricted area on the island, you can't go through."

He pointed ahead: "Didn't a car just pass by?"

The guard said, "They are from the Qin family, the owner of this island. Mr. Qin told these two people to go through."

Hearing this, my heart suddenly sank.

Jiang Beiyu finally turned around and left. Instead of returning to the castle on the island, he went to the beach and sat on the roof of the car to enjoy the breeze.

Qin Wan and Leng Lie have already reached the basement of the restricted area.

Leng Leng transferred all the diapers and milk powder in the car to the cockpit of the helicopter, and also brought out several bundles of nylon ropes as thick as thumbs.

The ammunition had been stacked in boxes and bundles, and he used nylon ropes to connect the bundles to the helicopter.

There is no guarantee that we can bring all these weapons back successfully, so we can only do an experiment now.

Theoretically, when traveling through time, anything that comes into contact with your hands can be brought back, which naturally includes this helicopter. As long as these weapons and the helicopter are connected one by one, can they be taken away together?

Doing all this was a big project. Wanwan was about to give birth and had difficulty moving, so most of the work was done by Leng Leng, who tied the ropes one by one and pulled them one by one to see if they were tied tight. It was stuffy underground, and after finishing all this, she was sweating profusely by dusk.

The moon was about to rise. Jiang Beiyu, who was sitting on the roof of the car enjoying the breeze, drinking beer and eating barbecue, received a call from Qin Wan.

"We are about to go back, are you ready?"

Jiang Beiyu said, "Hmm?" "Now?"


"Liar, didn't you tell me that you would tell me about that as soon as you got to the island?"

Qin Wan said "Right away" and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Jiang Beiyu was still a little angry and put the phone back into his pocket.

I took another bite of the skewer, and suddenly, I felt a moment of weightlessness.

When he came to his senses, he returned to the brightly lit bedroom, beer in one hand and a skewer in the other.

Ma Shushu was not far from her, holding half a bag of pickled chicken feet in her hand and chewing on them.

After a moment of confusion, the phone in his pocket kept ringing. It was Qin Wan.

"Come here, send some soldiers to pick us up, bring at least thirty carriages, and bring more horses."

Jiang Beiyu asked: "Where are you?"

"Suburbs of Beijing."

It turns out that the heavier and more stuff you carry, the greater the deviation of your return route.

Last time, Qin Wan brought back a sports car and went to the Imperial Garden when he came back. This time he brought back a large amount of arms and went directly to the outskirts of Beijing.

Jiang Beiyu immediately asked Han Biao to take some soldiers and carriages to the outskirts of Beijing, and he also mounted a fast horse.

I just drank a bottle of beer and was still a little wobbly on the horse. After riding for nearly half an hour, I was almost sober.

But when he found her according to the location Qin Wan gave him, he could hardly believe his eyes.

He must be very drunk.

Under the moonlight, what are those things piled up like several small hills next to the helicopter, shining silver and shining iron?

There are also those missile vehicles. Although they look very old, they are still majestic. The raised gun barrels behind the vehicles and their heads held high are like victorious generals who look down on everyone.

He looked at everything in front of him, his eyes flashing with light, and shock and great surprise surging in his chest.


His eyes slowly raised up and finally looked at the woman sitting lazily in the helicopter. She looked down at him and smiled at him.

What she brought was not arms, but his vast territory.

With these, I don't believe anyone would dare to invade Jiang State!

It turned out that this was the surprise she gave him!

"Wanwan, thank you for your hard work!"

He was so moved that he almost cried and wanted to go up to hug her. At this moment, the helicopter pilot said at an inopportune moment: "Yo yo yo."

Leng Lie pouted and said, "Your Majesty, I am so big, you didn't see me at all? I tied all these things. I tied them for an entire afternoon, and my hands are all red. You should thank Wanwan, not me."

At this time, some of the people brought by Han Biao also arrived, and were stunned by the scene before them.

What the hell are these?

Although he couldn't understand it, he inexplicably felt a sense of oppression emanating from these things, especially those big guys, who looked like they were not easy to deal with.

Qin Wan opened his mouth and ordered: "Load all these things onto the carts and transport them to the armory. Use horses to pull these carts over."

Since the Queen had given the order, everyone started to work. The soldiers first used daggers to cut the ropes connected to the helicopter, and then loaded the guns into bundles onto the carriage.

Those "Katyushas" were pulled by horses in ancient times because there was no one who could drive them. Two or three horses would pull one slowly.

Finally, Jiang Beiyu got on Leng Leng's helicopter. Leng Leng started the helicopter directly. Only a "clicking" sound was heard, and the huge fan blades on the top spun rapidly. A huge whirlwind rose from the ground, and the bulky helicopter slowly rose.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 26)

Chapter 203: It's so embarrassing! My brother would never do that!

A huge whirlwind rose from the ground, and the bulky helicopter slowly rose.

The soldiers who were loading and unloading nearby were stunned.

What on earth were General Leng and the Emperor sitting on? How did they both ascend to heaven?

A helicopter flew over the capital. A civilian who had just gotten up for the night came out of the toilet and was standing in the corner, relieving himself. He glanced up at the sky and was immediately terrified. He pulled up his pants and ran back to the room, shouting, "Ah! Ah! It's haunted! Ghost!"

The helicopter had climbed to a height of two to three hundred meters. The pilot had a calm face, looked straight ahead, held the joystick in his hands, and drove the vehicle with full concentration.

Jiang Beiyu was in the helicopter, overlooking the land below.

After looking at the sky above the modern city and then looking at the rows of low earthen houses below, there is a huge sense of difference.

This is still the most prosperous capital of Jiang Kingdom, and the gap between it and the modern times is really huge.

So, he wanted to change.

After only a dozen minutes in the sky, the helicopter arrived at the imperial city. Leng Leng found a place and landed in the wide square in front of the Golden Palace.

Afterwards, after waiting for Ma Shushu to come over, Leng Leng took off in the helicopter again.

He drove the helicopter directly back to the general's mansion with Ma Shushu in his car.

There is noise when a helicopter flies across the sky. Last night, many people witnessed a helicopter flying over Jiang State.

Overnight, people in the streets and alleys witnessed "UFOs". They gathered together to describe what they had seen last night and the discussion was very heated.

"How could there be such a big iron thing in the sky? I thought it was haunted."

"Did you see where that thing went?"

"I saw it was heading in the direction of the palace."

"I saw it was heading to the General's Mansion..."

Everyone was talking and discussing.

Spies from other countries were also mixed in and heard a little bit of what was going on.

At this time, the conflict between Jiang Kingdom and Bei Kingdom was intensifying, and fighting had already broken out on the border between the two countries.

Everyone thought that General Leng was about to go to war, but he didn't.

Last night, Han Biao took advantage of the night and led a team of carriages and horses to pull the weapons Qin Wan had brought back to the armory. No one knew what they were for until General Leng began to arrange training.

He assembled a group of the best archers in the army and gave them rifles.

These are the old guns that Qin Wan brought over. They are more than one meter long and can hold several bullets at a time. They are also equipped with bayonets. Even if the bullets are used up, they are still weapons and can be used for both close combat and long-range attacks.

Leng Leng stood at the front of the team and demonstrated to everyone how to use it. For a moment, the sound of "bang bang bang" of practicing shooting echoed throughout the valley.

Everyone was very excited when they came into contact with this new thing for the first time, and because they were all archers, they got the hang of it quickly.

Leng Leng also selected some soldiers who were smart and nimble.

He got on a Katyusha and showed everyone how to start it.

Although he did not get a driver's license, he failed the "Subject 1" test with more than 2,000 test questions. However, his manual operation ability is still quite strong. He passed the "Subject 2" and "Subject 3" tests in one go. He is very familiar with reversing into a garage, parallel parking, and turning around in a narrow road.

In modern times, he cannot drive on the road if he lacks a driver's license, but in ancient times, no one cared about him.

︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

He and Ma Shushu turned into driving school instructors and taught the soldiers how to drive.

Katyusha is a heavy weapon developed by a certain military power. It has a sturdy shell and excellent quality. Even after more than half a century, it can still be driven normally. It is not delicate and can be run by simply adding diesel. If the diesel refined by Jiang State is poured into it, the smoke is only a little choking, and there is no problem running it!

Everybody was training enthusiastically. Jiang Beiyu also went to inspect the military camp. Apart from the fact that he was almost hit by a stray bullet, he was quite satisfied with the rest.

On this day, Qin Wan was in the palace watching the video of the military camp that Jiang Beiyu sent her, but she heard a palace servant outside say, "Your Majesty, Princess Nange is here."


She said, and told Little Sesame to put out the tropical fruits that she had brought specially from the island.

When Nan Ge came in, he didn't bother to eat the new fruits on the table, but instead dismissed the people in Qin Wan's room.

She pulled Qin Wan's hand and said mysteriously, "Wan Wan, I'm following that guy who looks like my brother. He's getting more and more outrageous!"

"How to say?"

Jiang Nange said in shock: "I can be sure that the man is my brother, because he is wearing my brother's dragon robe, and the background of the photo was in the Imperial Garden!"

"Oh?" Qin Wan cooperated and showed a surprised expression.

Jiang Nange continued, "But that man was dancing a strange dance like he was possessed by a ghost, and at the end, he even took off his clothes!" Jiang Nange covered his face and said, "It was so embarrassing! My brother would never do that!"

Thinking back to her brother's usual aloof appearance, he was intimidating without even getting angry, and all the officials were afraid of him. How could he be like the man in the video?

Qin Wan was suddenly embarrassed.

She roughly knew that Jiang Nange was talking about the video of Jiang Beiyu jumping into the third subject before, and said calmly:

"I think it was a dream of yours. Where is the video? Can you show it to me?"

Qin Wan was sure that she couldn't take it out because she saw it from Leng Ying's phone.

This time, Jiang Nange glanced at her, looked left and right, and actually carefully took out Leng Ying's cell phone from his sleeve.

She was certain that the Empress' sister-in-law would not tell anyone about this, and Leng Ying was the Empress' sister-in-law's person, so she would definitely protect him.

Last time, she said she was dreaming.

She had to let her see it.

Qin Wan was shocked and looked at the phone on Jiang Nan's hand with a deep gaze.

She knew Leng Ying's cell phone password and entered it naturally.

Jiang Nange was as smart as her brother. She became proficient at it after a few attempts. She went straight into Douyin and clicked on her own collection.

She looked up and down for a long time, and suddenly muttered strangely:

"Huh? Why is it gone?"

She remembered that she had specially collected it.

All the cat videos I saw after this video are still there, but this video has inexplicably disappeared.

Qin Wan remembered that Jiang Beiyu hid the video later, so she looked at her confidently: "No, I told you, you are dreaming, go to bed early next time, you have hallucinations after watching too much."


Jiang Nange suddenly began to doubt his life.

Because she remembered very clearly that she and Leng Ying watched this video together. When they saw that there was nothing in the front but the abdominal muscles were exposed, Leng Ying instantly covered her eyes.

She also said: "This is my brother, what should I be afraid of?"

She said to Qin Wan: "I can't find the video now, but it really exists. I'll show it to you next time I find it."

Qin Wan nodded, and when he saw her put her phone away again, he said slowly:

"Do you know that this is his fate?"

"Hmm?" Jiang Nange looked at her puzzledly.

Qin Wan said with a half-smile: "They are guards, they can't leave their cell phones. Are you just giving his life to you?"

Jiang Nange looked embarrassed.

She said, "Guard Leng is not part of the royal guards, so he should be different from them." Then she looked at Qin Wan's face and said, "Besides... I believe that my sister-in-law will not tell my brother, right?"

Qin Wan smiled faintly: "What do you think?"

Jiang Nange's face fell all of a sudden: "Sister-in-law, why do you say that? The guards have such fun things, but my brother won't give me one?"

Qin Wan said: "Is this for fun? This is a tool."

Jiang Nange said weakly: "You can play too..."

As she said that, she ran to Qin Wan, took her arm, and said coquettishly: "Sister-in-law, can you ask my brother to buy me one? Or, buy me one."

Qin Wan's face suddenly became serious.

When I bought Nan Ge a bracelet instead of a mobile phone, I had considered the impact that world would have on her. After careful consideration, I decided not to let her come into contact with that world.

However, now, she has come into contact with that world by accident.

Qin Wan asked: "What do you think of the world in that little black box?"

Jiang Nange thought for a moment and said, "Sister-in-law always says that I'm dreaming, so that must be a dream world. If there really is a world, would it be like that?"

Qin Wan said: "Then do you want to go there?"

Jiang Nange shook his head: "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to be with my brother and sister-in-law!"

Qin Wan thought for a moment and said, "Then let me discuss this matter with your brother."

"Thank you, sister-in-law~"

Jiang Nange said "mua~" on Qin Wan's face and left happily.

This time, without waiting for him to say anything, Leng Ying came out from the darkness and knelt down to confess his guilt.

"I admit my guilt."

Qin Wan repeated Leng Ying's words expressionlessly: "The king is the king, the minister is the minister, I am just a guard of the queen, and I have no thoughts about the princess."

Leng Ying said awkwardly, "I also want to have nothing to do with the princess anymore, so I finally agreed to let her watch the video. Otherwise, I'm afraid the princess will continue to pester me and cause some unnecessary misunderstandings. It's not good for both the princess and me."

Qin Wan said: "How much time is left?"

Leng Ying said, "If we calculate based on the total hours of the three days, it would be thirty-six hours. I have already shown her for almost twelve hours."

Qin Wan said: "That's still a long way to go. Even if you accompany her for two hours every day, you still have to continue to accompany her for twelve days."

Leng Ying lowered his head.

Qin Wan said, "Let her see it, but you don't have to accompany her all the time. Otherwise, if you are alone with a man and a woman, the princess might fall in love with you."

Leng Ying said: "But my subordinates have to keep an eye on the messages on their phones, so they can only stay by the side."

After thinking for a while, Qin Wan took out the unused iPad that he had placed in the palace and handed it to him: "Just give it to her and let her play with it."

Leng Ying took it: "Thank you, Madam!"

After thinking about it, Qin Wan took it again, logged out of all social software IDs, and opened Douyin specifically to find the video of beating Jiang Beiyu. She clicked "Not interested." and selected, "Don't push information about this person anymore." This prevented her from seeing weird videos about Jiang Beiyu again.


After a period of training, these elite soldiers have mastered shooting and driving.

Leng Lie and Jiang Beiyu stood on the high ground and watched the soldiers practice, feeling very pleased.

This afternoon, Leng Lie will lead these soldiers to the border with weapons and Katyushas.

Jiang Beiyu warned him: "Wanwan is about to give birth. The Northern Kingdom is cunning and will probably take advantage of this time to attack us. You must be very careful."

Leng Lie also said: "There must be spies in the palace who will take advantage of Wan Wan's labor to harm her. You must be very careful at night and protect her."

"General Leng, please rest assured."

The palace maid brought a bottle of red wine. Jiang Beiyu opened it with a corkscrew, shook it and poured it into the glass. He clinked glasses with Leng Leng as a formality.

In the afternoon, the mighty army set out from the capital.

In order to avoid damage to Katyusha during the long journey, it was transported by horses. The cold helicopter was also fixed with ropes to a carriage made of several wooden boards and was pulled by six horses.

Because helicopters require special aviation oil, which Jiang Guo did not have, he could only use it sparingly to avoid loss.


At dusk, Jiang Nange took the tablet handed to him by Leng Ying, and his heart felt a little empty.

He said, "This is something I borrowed from Your Majesty. Princess, just use it. Just return it to me at this time in two days."

Jiang Nange looked at him and said, "Leng Ying, do you hate me? Do you think that I was just like what they said, and that Qi Yunxuan took away my innocence? So, you despise me?"

The wind was blowing the bangs of the guard opposite, and they swayed along with the flowers and trees behind him. The orange sunset fell on his black clothes.

He said: "I don't think so. The screen is big, and the princess will feel more comfortable using it. And since I'm not around, it's more convenient for the princess to use it. I don't dare speculate on the princess's private affairs. What happens to the princess has nothing to do with me."

Jiang Nange looked at him disappointedly: "Does it have nothing to do with you?"

Leng Ying remained silent.

"Okay, if it's not turned off, then it's not turned off!"

She took the tablet, turned around and ran away.

She returned to the palace and threw herself on the bed angrily. She wanted to throw the thing away, but she knew very well that she should not vent her anger on her sister-in-law's things.

She didn't even understand why she was angry.

The thing she wanted to play with has already been lent to her, and a better one has been lent to her. What is she angry about?

Are you angry that he won't come to accompany her?

It's so funny, why did she want him to accompany her?

Jiang Nange was so angry that he ended up laughing.

She picked up the tablet, lay on the bed and started playing with it. This tablet has no lock screen password, so she can use it as soon as she holds it in her hand.

She skillfully clicked on the familiar icon, and after watching a few videos, she suddenly wanted to figure out the question that had puzzled her this morning.

How come that good video suddenly disappeared?

After she came out of Qin Wan's palace, she took Leng Ying's phone and tried to search several times. She even entered her brother's name and looked through all his works under the account "It's me". She even accidentally discovered General Leng, but still couldn't find the video.

This time, she took her sister-in-law's tablet and searched again, inputting "It's me" by voice.

The disappeared video suddenly reappeared!

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 27)

Chapter 204 Believe it or not, I castrated him?

The disappeared video suddenly reappeared!

Jiang Nange:!!!

She knew that she was not dreaming, but really saw it.

This video already has over a million red hearts.

But why can't I see it on Leng Ying's little black box, but can see it on my sister-in-law's?

Jiang Nange tried to share this video with Leng Ying, and found a line of small words on it: "Only people designated by @朕啊 can view this video."

The CPU in her little head began to spin wildly and rapidly.

"Only visible to those designated by me?"

Recalling what Leng Ying said to her, "This is something I borrowed from the queen..."

This @是朕啊 is the one who looks very similar to my brother, the owner of the video account, and the one who does this dance. This is my sister-in-law's big black box, so this account belongs to my sister-in-law.

This @是朕啊 set this video to be visible only to my sister-in-law? !

My sister-in-law has repeatedly denied the existence of this video and denied that the person in it is my brother. So, is the relationship between my sister-in-law and this "It's me" still innocent?

This person is set up so that only my sister-in-law can see him, so who else could this person be but my brother?!

The thought was horrifying and Jiang Nange immediately covered his little mouth.

My brother is actually playing so extravagantly behind my back?

the other side.

A gust of wind blew, and Qin Wan suddenly sneezed violently.

She suddenly remembered something.

Jiang Beiyu hid the video that Jiang Nange was worried about before, but it was visible only to her.

She is now using her own iPad to play with her account, will she find out?

Thinking of this, she immediately went to ask Leng Ying whether she had given the tablet to Jiang Nange.

When asked, Leng Ying said he gave it to her. Game over.

Forget it, anyway, this video was shot and posted by Jiang Beiyu himself, and he has brought trouble upon himself. In the eyes of his sister, his character has collapsed.

She posed with her hands in disarray.

He knew that even if he asked his sister-in-law, she would not admit it. This time, Jiang Nange learned his lesson and just kept it in mind.

Later, she saw several videos about the emperor's brother and found that the "emperor" was quite busy.

He seemed to have made another movie, in which he and the protagonist experienced a fire and a car accident. He also hugged another strange short-haired girl and said that he would love her forever and live and die with her.

This is outrageous. How could the Empress' sister-in-law tolerate this?

Moreover, my royal brother made a promise to someone, but he never brought that person back. What a scumbag!

As she watched, she became more and more confused.

That world was so clear and real. When did the emperor brother pass away? Obviously, the emperor brother was under her nose every day!


Feeling confused, she went to his study again.

The emperor's brother was frowning in deep thought, and was carefully reviewing memorials with his head down. When he saw her coming, he looked up.

She saw a bag of cucumber-flavored potato chips on her brother's desk, which was definitely not from the Jiang Kingdom. Seeing that it was opened, she took it and ate a piece.

"What are you doing here?" he said.

"Come and see my royal brother." As she spoke, she licked her fingers.

Jiang Beiyu took a napkin and threw it to her with disgust.

"You've come at the right time. These are the candidates for the prince consort I have chosen for you. They are all talented men. Take a look and see if there is any that you like."

Jiang Nange didn't even bother to take a look.

"Are you so impatient to marry me off? I can barely afford to eat a few mouthfuls of rice in the palace. How can you be so intolerant of me?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "You are almost twenty years old and still so willful. Do you want to be an old maid in the palace if you don't get married?"

"Yeah." Jiang Nange raised his little face and said confidently.

"I want to stay in the palace and accompany my brother and sister-in-law for the rest of my life."

Jiang Beiyu felt a headache looking at her: "How about, as you said before, I will marry you to Wei Chong from the Southern Kingdom and let him persuade you."

Jiang Nange didn't know what he was thinking of, his eyes were empty: "I changed my mind. Wei Chong is a little old, and he has too many concubines. Besides, I am spoiled by my brother, and I have no experience at all. I am afraid that if I go to the Southern Kingdom's harem, not even a bone will be left."

Jiang Beiyu glanced at her unhappily: "You know that too."

Jiang Nange said: "So, if my royal brother wants to find someone for me, then find someone I can control."


Jiang Nange held his cheek and blinked at him.

Jiang Beiyu understood instantly, and instead of getting angry he smiled:

"Believe it or not, I castrated him?"

Jiang Nange's pupils shrank.


Two days later at dusk, Jiang Nange returned Qin Wan's iPad to Leng Ying as scheduled.

It was still the same position, with lush flowers and trees behind him and the setting sun falling all over him.

She said: "My brother wants to marry me to the emperor of the Southern Kingdom, Wei Chong."

Leng Ying was a little surprised and looked up at her, and saw that she was also looking at him with her round eyes.

"So suddenly?"

She said, "You also know that the border between Jiang Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom has started to fight. It was my fault. I let the tiger go back to the mountain, which led to the Queen Mother and the Xian King successfully escaping to the Southern Kingdom. Now, the Queen Mother is lobbying Wei Chong to help the Xian King seize power, so the Southern Kingdom may take this opportunity to attack us. If I marry into the Southern Kingdom, I can stop or avoid such a thing from happening."

Leng Ying felt an inexplicable sense of emptiness in his heart. He lowered his head and said "hmm".

Jiang Nange said, "But the journey to the South is long and uncertain. If, I say if, I ask you to escort me all the way and marry me to the South, would you be willing?"

Leng Ying lowered his eyes and said, "But I am the queen's bodyguard, not a palace guard."

Jiang Nange stared at him and said, "If you are willing to help me, I will go and talk to my sister-in-law and ask her for you. She is my sister-in-law, and I believe she will agree to me. The main thing is that the journey is long, and I don't even have anyone I can talk to on the way..."

Seeing her lonely and sad look, he felt a little distressed, and finally said "hmm".

"As long as you agree." She suddenly raised her head with bright eyes and stretched out her hand to him: "Let's make a pinky promise."

Leng Ying coughed and looked around embarrassedly.

When there was no one around, he stretched out his little finger to her. She hooked it, and then pressed her thumb against his thumb to seal the bond.

For some reason, the whole day after that, I became worried and absent-minded.

An Wushang has resumed his position and is back on duty. Concubine Leng is now living in the emperor's bedroom awaiting the birth of her child. The two of them are on duty together under the eaves, just like before.

An Wushang secretly brought a small pot of fine Huadiao wine from outside the palace, hid it in his sleeve, took a sip and handed it to him: "Why do I look at you? It seems that you are not very happy today?"

Leng Ying said: "I am nothing like you, who is very happy when he finds a way out of a desperate situation."

In fact, everyone in the guard circle knew about An Wushang's affairs, and they also knew that the child in Concubine Xuan's belly was most likely his. Everyone understood it, but no one dared to speak it out.

After experiencing a great disaster, he turned it into a blessing. When he came out, he had a wife, children and a warm bed. Who wouldn't be envious?

Hearing this, An Wushang curled up the corners of his lips without saying a word.

But Leng Ying felt more and more bitter and depressed after taking a few sips of wine.

The next day, he returned the tablet to Qin Wan, and Qin Wan also noticed that he looked a little depressed.

Qin Wan took the tablet and glanced at him: "Have you paid it off? You don't owe the princess anymore?"

He said, "I have paid it off and I don't owe it anymore."

Qin Wan said: "Then just do your job well and don't think about those trivial things. Next month, I'll ask my brother to increase your monthly salary, okay?" While speaking, she winked at him.

Leng Ying said, "I'm afraid I won't be by your side next month."

Qin Wan was shocked: "You want to leave? Go back to Qing Kingdom to inherit your great wealth?"

Although she was a little reluctant, she still nodded and said, "Okay, okay, let's go. Anyway, it's your freedom."

Leng Ying said, "No, I don't mean to leave you, my lady, but because of the princess.

The princess is going to be married to the Southern Kingdom by the Emperor, and she said she wants the subordinates to help escort her along the way. She said she would come and tell the queen, but she hasn't come to tell the queen yet?"

Qin Wan was even more shocked: "What did you say?"

Qin Wan didn't even have time to eat the freshly prepared bird's nest. She rushed to the imperial study with her pregnant belly.

Jiang Beiyu got so many weapons and still wanted to send Nan Ge to the Southern Kingdom for marriage. Is he crazy?

When he said this in the study, Jiang Beiyu was stunned:

"This child is talking nonsense. When did I send her to the South?"

As I was speaking, I suddenly remembered the little episode from yesterday.

He teased her on purpose yesterday and did say those words, but she denied it herself. Could he still force her to go?

There must be a reason why Jiang Nange said this.

"She told your guard that?"

Qin Wan nodded: "Absolutely true."

Jiang Beiyu understood it immediately and snorted coldly.

"She's trying to hook him. This little girl is really into it. She's in love, so naive!"

Qin Wan also suddenly realized: "6!"

Jiang Beiyu narrowed his eyes and said, "You want to go to the South so much? Then I will grant your wish!"

After returning, Qin Wan said to Leng Ying: "I went to see the emperor, and it is true. We will set off in five days. You, escort the princess there, and come back after you send her off."

Leng Ying's eyes flashed with a fleeting dimness, and he said, "Yes."

Qin Wan took out another box, handed it to him and said, "In order to make it safer for you to escort the princess, I will give you a weapon for self-defense, one for you and one for the princess."

Leng Ying opened it and inside were two brand new AK47s, shiny black.

Leng Ying was slightly stunned.

A few days ago, he happened to see General Leng training his troops with a weapon similar to this one, and he didn't expect that the Empress would also give him one.

Qin Wan took one and walked into the yard. He demonstrated it to Leng Leng just like he did last time. Then he threw an orange into the sky and fired a shot. Almost in an instant, the orange turned into a ball of orange mist in the air.

Leng Ying was stunned.

Qin Wan put the gun back into his hand:

"Have you learned it? If you have time, you can go to the training ground and practice a few more times. With this, it's no problem for one person to kill more than a dozen people in a few breaths."

Three days later, a pink sedan stopped at the door of Jiang Nange's bedroom.

Ignoring her struggles, several highly skilled guards took her to a sedan chair and then stuffed her into a carriage parked at the gate of the palace.

Jiang Nange was confused: "No, where are you sending me?"

The leading guard said, "Southern Kingdom. Princess, the Emperor has ordered that the princess be escorted to the Southern Kingdom."

Jiang Nange saw a cold figure riding on a horse outside the carriage, next to her sedan chair. Everyone was ready to go.

This was a joke. Jiang Nange said hurriedly, "Put me down. I want to see my brother!"

The driver had already raised his whip and said, "Gee!"

The carriage ran very fast.

Jiang Nange tried to get out of the car, but was pulled back by Pumpkin next to him.

Pumpkin said with difficulty: "Princess, the emperor has ordered that you must go to the South Country. If you dare to escape, Guard Leng will be castrated."

Jiang Nange:!!!

"Is he still a human being?"

After taking a look at Leng Ying's silhouette following outside the carriage, Jiang Nange could only sit back angrily.

On the other side, the South.

Recently, Wei Chong's bedroom has been particularly busy, with people always coming in and out to report intelligence from the State of Jiang.

Suddenly, a UFO appeared in the sky over Jiang State, and then, Jiang Beiyu wanted to send her biological sister, Jiang Nange, to marry.

Although Jiang Beiyu had not sent him any letters or correspondence, he was already on the way.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

Speaking of which, Wei Chong is quite good-looking. He likes to dress up and wear fancy clothes. It is true that he loves beauty and is also lustful. He has countless concubines in his harem.

Everyone knows that the Emperor of Jiang Kingdom, Jiang Beiyu, is a handsome man. When he heard that the Princess of Jiang Kingdom, Jiang Nange, looked similar to Jiang Beiyu and was pretty and charming, and wanted to marry him, he was naturally very happy.

Although it was heard that the princess had a past with the prime minister's son who had been beheaded, he didn't care as he already had so many concubines.

He immediately ordered people to clean a palace and wait to welcome her arrival.

Huangfu Cuihua was not so happy.

The Northern Kingdom has already taken the bait, and is now at loggerheads with the Jiang Kingdom. As long as the two countries start a war, Wei Chong will send troops to the Jiang Kingdom to aid the Northern Kingdom as promised to her before. So now Jiang Beiyu has made an intervention and sent the princess to marry. Isn't it obvious that he has noticed something and wants to stop this?

Jiang Nange is Jiang Beiyu's spoiled sister since childhood. He pampers her like the apple of his eye. The fact that he is willing to let her come to marry shows that he is really panicked and afraid.

There is also a possibility...the one he sent was not the real princess!

Thinking of this, she immediately went to find Wei Chong.

Wei Chong was in high spirits at the moment, and upon hearing this, he said, "That's easy. When Princess Nange arrives, my aunt can come out and identify her to see if it's her. If not, Jiang Beiyu has concealed it from me and sent a fake princess. Then, wouldn't I have a good reason to attack Jiang State?"

Of course, Huangfu Cuihua was also afraid that he would send a real one, so she said:

"Then Your Majesty, if Jiang Beiyu sends a real princess to marry Your Majesty, Your Majesty, will you still send troops to the Jiang Kingdom as you promised me before?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 28)

Chapter 205 Qin Wan, I was fooled by you! .

"Then Your Majesty, will you send troops to the Kingdom of Jiang as you promised me before?"

Wei Chong's expression froze for a moment, but thinking that Huangfu Cuihua was still valuable to him, he smiled and said, "Of course! He gave it to me, so I just accept it. I didn't ask him to give it to me. I don't want to waste a beauty who is given for free."

He said happily: "After all, she is a princess. Maybe she even brought a generous dowry or something."

Huangfu Cuihua spat, "What a loser!"


It has been a few days since I left Jiang State.

Along the way, Nan Ge wanted to run, but looking at the cold shadow outside, he couldn't bear to do it.

After all, Leng Ying was innocent, and she didn't want to implicate him. Because of what happened before, the emperor had a prejudice against Leng Ying. Now, he was the one escorting her, so he had to fulfill his escort duty. If she slipped away, the emperor might really punish him.

Moreover, this time the team was carefully selected, and the guards were highly skilled in martial arts. If they really escaped, she didn't know what her chances of success would be.

The team had reached a jungle and set up camp to rest. She also got off the carriage.

Pumpkin used leaves to open some clear spring water for her. As she drank it, she caught a glimpse of him holding a black object in his hand and walking into the dense forest.

Not long after, a strange loud "bang" was heard in the forest, and then Leng Ying dragged a wild goat out by its horns with an expressionless face. In his other hand, he was still holding the black object.

In the evening, we drank lamb rib stewed with mushroom soup and ate roasted lamb legs together.

The next day, Nan Ge asked curiously, "What were you holding when you entered the forest yesterday? I didn't see you holding a bow and arrow, so how did you shoot that sheep?"

Leng Ying said, "Want to know?"

Jiang Nange nodded vigorously.

Thinking about it, the queen gave him two AK47s, one of which was for him to give to her for self-defense. He never found a chance to give it to her. Since the princess asked, he said, "The queen gave it to me. Do you want it?"

Jiang Nange continued to nod.

Leng Ying said: "If you want it, you must obey. You are not allowed to use it to hurt others, and you are not allowed to use it to escape."

Although he was the guard who came to escort her to the South Country, Jiang Nange still felt a little hurt when he said this, and her heart sank.

Even at this point, she continued to nod.

"Well, I'll show it to the princess when we get to the next resting place."

As a royal princess, Jiang Nange has been proficient in riding and shooting since childhood, so it is not difficult for her to learn to use a pistol.

At the next resting place, he found an empty space with no one around and handed her another brand new AK47.


He took her own gun and demonstrated it to her. He first taught her how to use it, and then aimed it at a tree a hundred meters away.

With a loud "bang", the bullet flew out and hit the target.

Jiang Nange also tried it according to her previous method, but she did not anticipate the recoil. The moment the bullet flew out, the gun almost flew out of her hand, which scared her.

Leng Ying then walked up to her and taught her. Behind her, he held her hand with one hand to hold the gun, and pulled the trigger with her with the other hand.

This time the gun was very steady, but there was still some deviation.

The AK47's magazine can hold 30 bullets at a time, which means it can be fired 30 times in succession. Traditional bows and arrows not only have a shorter range than the AK, but also have less lethality than the AK. You have to re-draw the bow and load arrows every time. But after using it once, you will know how powerful the AK is.

Jiang Nange was clever and smart. After teaching her once and practicing a few times, she gradually got the hang of it.

Along the way, as she practiced, the South Country was slowly approaching.

Finally, in three days, they will reach the border between Jiang Kingdom and Nan Kingdom.

That day, Jiang Nange mustered up the courage to say to Leng Ying:

"I don't want to marry the Southern Emperor Wei Chong at all. He already has dozens of wives. Please take me away."

Leng Ying said: "Take you away, where to?"

Jiang Nange said, "Whatever. As long as we can escape from here, I have some jewelry in my luggage. If we sell them, it will be enough for us to live comfortably for the rest of our lives. Or, we can just hide from the limelight and come back after a while when the emperor is no longer angry."

Leng Ying looked at Jiang Nange with deep eyes: "But, you are the princess of Jiang Kingdom. The emperor married you to the Southern Kingdom for his own reasons. Maybe it was to maintain peace and for the people of Jiang Kingdom. Princess, do you really plan to escape?"

Jiang Nange lowered his head.

"Mingming, I don't have to get married. In the past, when I was heartbroken, I proposed to my brother that I wanted to marry Wei Chong to make up for my mistakes. At that time, my brother strongly opposed me. But now I have moved on and want to live a good life again. How can I step into that heated kang soberly again?

I thought about it for a long time during this journey, but I really couldn't imagine what my life would be like after I married in the South."

As she said this, she squatted down, buried her face in her knees, wrapped her head around her, and cried helplessly.

"It's all my fault! Actually, I lied to you. At first, my brother didn't want me to marry to the Southern Kingdom at all, but after I told you, my brother suddenly changed his mind and let me go."

Leng Ying didn't know how to comfort her because he was also feeling upset.

Finally, he made his next decision.

"Princess, please go now. Just consider it as my fault for not escorting you properly and letting the princess go. I will go back and accept the punishment."

Jiang Nange raised her head and looked at him with her tearful eyes: "Are you crazy? Do you know that if you go back like this, my brother will..."

My royal brother will castrate you.

She didn't say the last word.

Leng Ying closed his eyes: "Tonight, Princess, escape. When we go back later, Princess, pack your luggage."

"No." Jiang Nange stood up and took his arm, "If I want to leave, I want to go with you."

Leng Ying was surprised and stunned, watching the princess pulling at his hand.

"Princess, please stop making trouble. I won't go with you."

Jiang Nange said, "I'm leaving. What if you get killed by my brother?"

Leng Ying tried to pull her arm free: "Princess, don't worry about this. If I go with you, I'm afraid that the general and the queen will suffer. Am I such an unkind and unjust person?"

Jiang Nange not only did not let him pull his arm out, but also took a step forward, "Then I'll leave and leave you to confess my crime and take the punishment for me. Wouldn't that be even more unkind and unjust?"

There was a tree behind Leng Ying. She was now leaning against it with no way to retreat. They were too close to each other and could smell the faint fragrance on her body. Leng Ying tilted her head uncomfortably.

"It doesn't matter to me, Princess, just run away."

Jiang Nange asked: "Why?"

Leng Ying didn't look at her and said, "Because I hope the princess will be happy and happy, and always be a happy little princess."

Jiang Nange's pupils trembled, and a touch of emotion flashed across his face.

"I'm asking you, why would you die for me? Is it worth it for you to do so based on the friendship between us? Or... is it because you like me?"

Those beautiful eyes, watery and filled with tears, just stared at him.

He avoided her gaze: "Of course not, I am a worthless person, alone, it would be useless to get involved..."

Before he could finish, she kissed him.

Jiang Nange used to feel that kissing was something she could resist. Before, when Qi Yunxuan kissed her, she felt uncomfortable all over and her scalp felt like it was bursting.

And just now, he suddenly kissed the little guard's warm and soft lips, and met his eyes that were suddenly frightened like a deer, and he suddenly felt a kind of fascination and excitement.

Leng Ying still maintained his sanity and tried to dodge away, but Jiang Nange placed one hand domineeringly on the tree beside his face.

"I don't think Guard Leng is a coward. He is willing to risk his life for me, so why doesn't he dare to admit it? Don't you feel wronged?"

It was just a breath of time before Jiang Nange suddenly felt a force pulling on his waist, and then he and she switched positions, and the person pressed against the tree became her.

The next second, the kiss from him was overwhelming.

The feeling between the boy's lips and teeth was like the fresh dew on the branches in the early morning. Jiang Nange closed his eyes and felt his whole body soften instantly. His legs were weak and he couldn't fall down, so he reached out and held the back of his neck.

It was unknown how long it took before he moved his lips away, and the look in Nan Ge's eyes in his arms was touching.

Knowing that he had just committed an unforgivable sin, Leng Ying calmed his breathing and his eyes became evasive again.

"Now I am not at a loss." He said, "I have never kissed a girl before. I kissed the princess just now. It is the princess's compensation for my worthless life. Now, the princess and I have nothing to owe each other. Tonight, the princess should pack up her things and leave quietly."

Jiang Nange pursed his lips and said, "Okay."

the other side.

Not long after, Jiang Beiyu received a photo of the two kissing on his phone. He was like a furious cat. He immediately went to Qin Wan and threw the phone in front of Qin Wan.

"Take a good look at yourself. Are you deliberately trying to trick me?!"

Qin Wan picked up the phone with a confused look on his face, and was stunned when he saw the photo.

"You asked your guard to escort Nan Ge all the way to the Southern Kingdom. Isn't that just a chance for the two of them to be alone together? You are deliberately bringing them together! I have been fooled by you!"

"This..." Qin Wan said, "It seems that it was the emperor's own decision to let Nan Ge go to the Southern Kingdom. Why are you blaming me? If there was no guard by her side, your sister would have run away long ago. How could she have made it to the Southern Kingdom?

Look carefully at this photo. Nan Ge stood on tiptoe and knocked the man down. She must be flirting with my little guard."

Jiang Beiyu took another careful look and was suddenly speechless.

He didn't know why, the first few days were quite normal, the two of them just talked occasionally on the road, and then Leng Ying taught her how to practice shooting, which was also normal.

How come in just two or three days, the progress bar has advanced so rapidly and become like this?

He held his forehead with his hand and said, "How about I let her come back and send someone else. I'm afraid something bad will happen to these two on the road sooner or later..."

Qin Wan said: "Nan Ge's identity is the most suitable for this task. She is not young anymore, so she should have some experience. Besides, if someone suddenly changes her at this time, do you think she can still enter the country smoothly?

Just be patient and wait for the result. Even if what you are worried about happens, she is an adult and should make her own decision for her life. The choice she makes may not be worse than the one you make for her, so just let her go."

Jiang Beiyu was still crying and buried his face in her legs: "Wanwan!"

In fact, An Wushang had been following secretly, and Jiang Beiyu had always received the photos and videos he sent him of the princess on the road.

Just now, she took a picture of Leng Ying kissing the princess in return, but after thinking about it, she decided to delete it.

He knew that when he was in prison, he had knelt down to ask the princess to plead for him, and he was always grateful to her.

But he followed in secret on the emperor's orders, and he could only do this for him.

At this moment, a message suddenly came from the phone: "Come out, I caught a rabbit tonight, let's have a drink together."

He replied one?

"I'm in the capital, brother. Are you confused?"

Leng Ying: "Heh."

He sent over a screenshot of his step count, which was basically the same as his own, meaning that the other party had been following him all the way.

If the princess wanted to escape tonight, this "yellow bird" lurking in the dark would definitely stop her. In order for the princess to escape successfully, she had to ask him out and get him drunk.

An Wushang finally replied: "Okay."

That night.

When it got dark, everyone started to set up camp. Leng Ying actually caught a rabbit from the woods and took out two bottles of good wine that he bought in the town when he passed through it.

There was some drugs added to the wine.

No matter how good his alcohol tolerance was, it was enough to knock him down.

An Wushang agreed to drink with him, in fact, he wanted to persuade him, he has already started to drift. He has been jumping back and forth on the edge of the Nine Clans being cut off. Although he has no Nine Clans in Jiang State, isn't it good to cherish his life?

It was dark. Leng Ying lit a bonfire by the lake, put a roasted rabbit on the grill, and took out a bag of peanuts wrapped in brown paper from his arms. He and An Wushang each had a wine glass.

An Wushang first toasted him, thanked him for running around for him before, and then advised him that life was not easy, and he should cherish every moment he had. Don't have thoughts that you shouldn't have, and don't be like him, otherwise you will be skinned alive if you don't die.

Leng Ying just kept nodding, yes, yes, yes, whatever you say is right.

After three cups and two glasses of wine, both of them fell into a deep sleep, lying on the lakeside.

On the morning of the second day, An Wushang was awakened by the cold morning breeze by the lake. He got up and patted Leng Ying's cheek: "Wake up, brother."

The other guards and palace maids also began to wash up by the lake. Leng Ying patted the grass leaves on his body and stood up, feeling nervous.

She should have run away, right? Would it not be long before someone could shout in panic, "Oh no! The princess is missing?"

Just as he was thinking about it, he clenched his fists nervously and walked towards her carriage. At this time, he saw Pumpkin prop up the window of the carriage with a wooden stick with a "clatter". Jiang Nange was sitting safely inside, wiping his face with a handkerchief.

Seeing him, she smiled at him and said, "Good morning, Guard Leng."

Leng Ying suddenly became angry and clenched his fists tightly: "Why didn't you leave?"

He went to so much trouble to get An Wushang drunk last night. She could have quietly left while everyone was asleep.

Jiang Nange threw the handkerchief in his hand into the brass basin, and Pumpkin walked away with the basin. Jiang Nange said, "I can't exchange your life for my freedom.

You are right, Princess. A princess should have responsibilities. I have changed my mind. I will marry Wei Chong."

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 29)
