
Chapter 221 Breaking into his bridal chamber on the wedding night?

At this moment, the young man in a light blue robe stood up and said, "Lu Xuan!"

Hearing the voice, Lu Xuan was struck by lightning. She lifted her veil and looked in that direction.

It's him, he's here.

An Wushang beside him didn't understand what was going on and suddenly became nervous.

From the moment he saw the man in the light blue robe, he had a subtle feeling that this person had bad intentions.

Qin Wan, Jiang Beiyu and Jiang Nange, who were sitting at the same table, just watched the show in silence.

Lu Xuan clutched the hem of her skirt tightly.

Lu Yan stared at her, as if he had a thousand words to say, but in the end, he just took out something wrapped in red paper from his arms and said to Lu Xuan:

"I am here to attend your wedding on behalf of your brother, the Northern Emperor Lu Yan. The Emperor asked me to give this to you. I hope that Princess will have a happy wedding and a happy life."

In front of everyone, Lu Xuan didn't want the wedding to be ruined, so she could only take it and squeezed it tightly with her fingers until her knuckles turned white:

"Thank you, brother, for me."

Qin Wan, who was standing by, laughed at what was happening.

Interesting, "I" represents myself?

However, Lu Yan's move also supported Lu Xuan, which meant that Lu Xuan was still the Princess of the Northern Kingdom, and also meant that Lu Yan recognized this marriage.

Lu Xuan put down her veil and continued the ceremony, and the wedding went on as usual.

"Bow to your parents~"


"Husband and wife bow~"

"Send to the bridal chamber~"

An Wushang and Lu Xuan each held one end of the red silk and walked towards the inner room. The guards at the two tables jokingly threw the peanuts and wedding candies in their hands at him.

Leng Ying was sitting at the table watching this scene. He couldn't help laughing, but as he laughed he became lonely again.

The secret guard has married the princess and brought the beauty home.

And his little princess no longer wants him...

Ever since he pushed her away last time, she never looked for him again.

Originally, he planned to attend his wedding with the princess, but now, he was left alone.

At this time, Jiang Nange plucked a duck leg from the wedding banquet and gnawed it happily. Seeing Leng Ying standing alone in a daze, he picked up a piece of wedding candy on the table and smashed it on his head. After that, he gnawed the chicken leg as if nothing had happened.

Leng Ying felt someone hitting him. He looked around but didn't see anyone. He thought it was someone who hit him accidentally, or it was a naughty kid at the wedding banquet, so he didn't take it seriously.

On the other side, An Wushang sent Lu Xuan back to the bridal chamber, settled her down, and then came out again to toast the guests, starting with the Emperor and the Empress.

The man in the light green robe stood up and left upon seeing this.

An Wushang noticed it, but at this time he had already started to toast, first to the emperor, then to the empress, and then to the princess.

He originally wanted to go back to the bedroom to check the situation, but a guard twisted his arm, pulled him to the wine table nearby, and started to force him to drink.

At this time, Lu Yan had already reached the bedroom door and was about to go in. Liu Ma, who was guarding nearby, hurriedly stopped him, but his secret guard covered his mouth and dragged him away. Lu Yan pushed the door open and entered the room.

Just now, Lu Xuan was sitting on the wedding couch and had just counted the money he gave her. She gave 100,000 taels, which was quite generous. Then she heard the sound of the door being pushed open. She was startled and quickly hid the things under the pillow, only to see that the person who came in was Lu Yan.

"As the legitimate princess of the Northern Kingdom, you found a guard to marry you privately, and even after you gave birth to a child, you were expelled from the palace. You really brought shame to our ancestors!"

Now that there was no one around, Lu Yan's expression completely changed.

Lu Xuan still had some resentment towards him, so she took out the gift money from under her pillow and threw it on the ground: "Give it back to you! Who wants your money? Get lost!"

Lu Yan really couldn't bear to see his sister suffer, so he suppressed his anger and said, "I will leave for the North tomorrow, and take your damned pretty boy with me."

Lu Xuan said: "I can't go back."

Lu Yan was shocked: "How can you live in such a shabby place? Beiguo, you have your own princess's mansion, and the servants' rooms are better than here!"

Lu Xuan was annoyed: "Do you think I don't want to go back? I can't go back. I promised Jiang Beiyu that I would stay in the North Country for the rest of my life. Also, he works in the palace. Jiang Beiyu will definitely not let him go, and he will not betray him and go to the North Country with me."

"Then why did you follow him?" Lu Yan was so disappointed that he reached out and poked her hard on the forehead:

"If you can't handle Jiang Beiyu, can't you even handle a guard? After getting married, he has to listen to you? Doesn't he want wealth and glory? Is he willing to be a servant? You also listen to him and suffer with him here?"

Lu Yan sighed heavily: "After all, you are my biological sister, my only sister with the same father and mother. I will let bygones be bygones for everything that happened in the past. After you get married, when you return to the Northern Kingdom, you will still be the princess. I will also find a way to support him and find him a decent official position, so that you will not be laughed at by others."

Lu Xuan smiled helplessly: "Do you think I can come to Jiang Kingdom as I please? Who is Jiang Beiyu? He planned to come a long time ago to prevent me from kidnapping his guards and running away. Even if he lets me go, my Ning An is still in the palace. Can I leave Ning An and run with you? I'm afraid I will be tied to Jiang Kingdom for the rest of my life."

When Lu Yan heard this, he immediately became angry.

"Old fox!"

At this time, An Wushang had already been forced to drink a whole table of wine. He glanced at the emperor's table and saw that the strange young man in the light blue robe had not returned yet. He could no longer sit still, so he pushed away the person who continued to pour him wine and quickly walked towards the bedroom.

Behind him, the guards laughed and mocked him for being so impatient to have the wedding night, but he didn't care.

At the door, he heard Lu Xuan talking to a man. He got angry and pushed the door open with a bang.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 15)

Chapter 222: Beat the Northern Emperor's Brother-in-LawΣ(っ°Д °)っ

At the door, I heard Lu Xuan talking to a man, and then the door was pushed open with a bang.

He could not tolerate any sand in his eyes. At this moment, he just felt that his intuition was correct. On his wedding day, someone actually entered his bridal chamber while he was toasting the guests. Drunk, he rushed in and punched the man hard in the face.

Lu Yan was caught off guard and blood suddenly came out from the corner of his mouth. He was immediately shocked, and Lu Xuan was also shocked.

Seeing that he was about to punch her again, Lu Xuan shouted, "An Wushang, what are you doing!"

An Wushang was angry and aggrieved: "Today is my wedding night, what are you doing with him? Lu Xuan, who is he? You are cheating on me..."

"She's my brother!"

An Wushang's brain suddenly crashed.

He is Xuanxuan's brother.

Northern Emperor Lu Yan?

At this moment, Lu Yan, who was beaten, covered his wound and looked at him sinisterly. He immediately broke out in a sweat.

Lu Xuan continued to explain: "He came to me and told me that he wanted you to come back to the North with me, to be my son-in-law, and to find you an official position."

An Wushang didn't want to accidentally hit his elder brother-in-law, who was an emperor. His face turned red, and he bowed to him respectfully at first.

"I was blind and offended Your Majesty, please don't blame me. However, I appreciate your kindness. The princess and I have decided to stay in Jiang Kingdom, and I will definitely take good care of the princess."

Lu Yan sneered: "You are a poor guard, how can I believe that you can take good care of the princess? Do you know how Xuanxuan grew up?

Every mouthful of soup and rice you take is beyond your imagination. You wash your face with bird's nest and rinse your mouth with shark's fin. You wear golden silk worth a thousand gold coins, use jade spoons and pure gold wash basins, and there are more than 20 maids serving in the palace...

At the last wedding, she wanted to use half-inch freshwater pearls as her wedding dress. I traveled to many countries and spent millions of dollars to find her. If such a woman follows you, even if you can't even give her one-tenth of her past life, how can you take good care of her?"

An Wushang said calmly, "Materially, I really can't make the princess' life go back to the past. Following me has really wronged the princess. Perhaps, only by marrying the monarch can the princess be like in the past, but was the princess happy in the year she married the emperor?

Although I cannot make the princess wash her face with bird's nest or rinse her mouth with shark's fin, the princess is everything to me, and I will do my best to give her the best. If I have ten taels of silver, I am willing to spend nine taels for the princess. I hope that the emperor can rest assured and hand her over to me. "

After a pause, he continued, "As for returning to the North Country, the princess has already made a promise to the emperor, agreeing to stay with me in Jiang Country. I understand the emperor's intention. My roots are in Jiang Country, and we have children in the palace, so it is really inconvenient for me to leave.

If it is possible in the future, I will apply to the Emperor to bring Xuanxuan back to the North Country to visit relatives."

When he said this, Lu Xuan beside him also nodded in agreement.

The two of them are husband and wife, and if he insists on taking the person away, it would be his fault.

Lu Yan frowned: "I know, I hope you can do as you said."

He patted him on the shoulder:

"Now that you are married, I will temporarily hand her over to you. In a few days, I will return to the Northern Kingdom, but my people in Jiang Kingdom will always keep an eye on this place. If you dare to bully her, I will immediately find someone to chop you into pieces. Take care of yourself."

After saying that, he turned away.

In the courtyard, Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan saw the man in the light green robe leave in a hurry. Not long after, An Wushang came out again and continued drinking with the guests as if nothing had happened.

After three rounds of drinks, both the host and the guests were in great fun and everyone left one after another.

Leng Ying was drunk, holding a sword, and staggering towards the palace.

He did not get on the guards' carriage, wanting to get some fresh air to clear his head. He walked unsteadily, step by step. Jiang Nange took off the human skin mask on his face and followed on horseback.

He almost fell several times, but he used his sword to hold on. Jiang Nange walked forward silently and stretched out his hand to pull him onto the horse.

Leng Ying raised his head in a daze and saw the person in the moonlight. He felt that he was really drunk. How could he see the princess? This must be an illusion.

If this is an illusion, please don't wake up.

He grinned, grabbed the hand, and was pulled onto the horse.


Jiang Nange rode a horse back to the palace. After entering the palace, he found a few guards and carried him back.

The next day, when Leng Ying sobered up, he found himself on the couch in his bedroom. He had no recollection of how he came back. He only remembered that he seemed to have seen the princess in a daze yesterday.

But today, when the princess saw that he was still cold, she knew that she was the one who was crazy yesterday.

I have amnesia.


Jiang Beiyu left the court in a refreshed mood and returned to the study. The guard came to report: "Your Majesty, the King of the Northern Kingdom, Lu Yan, wants to see you."


Lu Yan was wearing a moon-white robe today, and bruises could be seen faintly at the corners of his mouth.

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "What's the matter with Beidi so early in the morning?"

Lu Yan said: "The Northern Kingdom has agreed to pay 666 million Baiyan as compensation, which will be delivered in 15 days. As for the little black box, it is not in my hands at the moment, so I need to go back to the Northern Kingdom to negotiate and retrieve it. I hope the emperor will give me some more time."

Jiang Beiyu said calmly: "I am not an unreasonable person, Little Black Box, I will give you another month."

Lu Yan said: "The Northern Kingdom is willing to pay compensation and is also willing to hand over the black box as the emperor said and sign a contract with the Jiang Kingdom, but please add a clause to the contract:

"For three years, Jiang State shall not attack the Northern State again. Otherwise, if we stop today and attack again next year, the Northern State will continue to pay compensation, year after year, month after month, endlessly."

Jiang Beiyu couldn't help but be amused by him.

"Northern Emperor, why do you have to use your own thoughts to speculate about me? Jiang Kingdom will naturally not be like the Northern Kingdom. As long as the Northern Kingdom does not do anything that offends Jiang Kingdom, or the Northern Kingdom takes the initiative to attack, Jiang Kingdom can maintain peace with the Northern Kingdom for three years."


Lu Yan nodded, thinking, it would only take three years for the Northern Kingdom to recover. In the previous battle, the Northern Kingdom had picked up a lot of Jiang Kingdom's weapons on the battlefield. They could study these weapons secretly. As long as they could develop weapons that could fight against Jiang Kingdom, he would definitely avenge them.

After discussing state affairs, Lu Yan looked at him and said, "I have another request, which is a personal matter of mine. I hope the emperor can agree to it."

Jiang Beiyu frowned slightly: "What do you want?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 16)

Chapter 223 Taking Risks and Using the Money

"I have another request that I hope the Emperor can agree to."

"What do you want?"

Lu Yan said, "My sister, Lu Xuan, is said to have given birth to a child a few days ago. She is now in this palace. As the child's uncle, I have never seen her since she was born. I want to take a look at her."

Jiang Beiyu's brows relaxed when he heard this: "Simple, it's not a big deal. I'm such a reasonable person, I'll arrange a meeting for you right away."

He immediately sent someone to convey his order, asking Concubine Qi to bring the child over.

Lu Yan sat down and drank a cup of tea, then he saw Concubine Qi coming from outside the door holding a pink swaddling baby.

Jiang Beiyu pointed and said, "Look, this is the child."

Lu Yan immediately stood up and took it from Concubine Qi's arms. He lowered his head to see the delicate little girl sucking her finger. She had a pair of big eyes with distinct black and white, and her expression looked smart and clever. One could vaguely see the shadow of Lu Xuan's childhood in her.

This is indeed her child!

"Like her, really looks exactly like her!"

Lu Yan held the child in his arms, extremely delighted. He couldn't help but coax the child and looked at the child carefully. He liked the child very much and took out a jade Ruyi lock made of mutton-fat jade from his arms and placed it on the child.

After holding the child for a cup of tea, he reluctantly returned the child to Concubine Qi and said to Jiang Beiyu:

"My mission and wish for coming to the North Country this time have been accomplished. I will set off to return in two days."

Jiang Beiyu nodded at him: "Alright, the country cannot be without a king for a day, it's time to go back early."


Two days later, Lu Yan set off and began his journey home.

Lu Xuan and An Wushang stood on the street, watching Lu Yan and his group leave.

Jiang Beiyu still performed the duties of a king and, together with Qin Wan and some ministers, escorted him out of the city.

It is said that when Huangfu Cuihua was sweeping the street, she saw Lu Yan's carriage and chased after him frantically, begging him to save her. However, she was chased back by the jailer and fainted on the cold street.

After returning to the palace, Jiang Beiyu sent a message to Leng Lie in the group: "You can set off for Beijing first."

The peace treaty has been signed, and there will be no more war between the two countries in the short term. Once Lu Yan delivers the compensation and the small black box, the Jiang Kingdom will withdraw its troops.

When Leng Leng comes back, we can go back to the modern era together and relax for a while.

But there is one thing that Qin Wan has always been puzzled about:

"Where is Huangfu Cuihua's fortune hidden?"

"The answer is clear."

Jiang Beiyu said: "The imperial concubine Cuihua said it herself, in the Northern Kingdom, now that Huangfu Cuihua is in such a situation, Lu Yan has not taken the money away, not because he doesn't want to take it, but because he can't move it.

Therefore, the money is in Quan's bank."

Quan's Money House has branches in various countries. For example, money deposited in the North can be withdrawn in the Jiang Kingdom. The prerequisite is that foreign withdrawals must be made three months after the deposit date, because the information of each deposit and withdrawal needs to be manually synchronized between countries.

Quan Jiuzhou, the founder of Quan's Money House, is Jiang Beiyu's great-grandfather, and the husband of the empress of Jiang State. He has close ties with the royal family of Jiang State.

To withdraw money, one needs receipts and a private seal. Lu Yan naturally couldn't withdraw money without receipts and a private seal, but it was different for Jiang Beiyu.

After Quan Jiuzhou passed away, the bank was passed down from generation to generation and secretly controlled by the royal family of Jiang. He had direct control over the Quan's bank. He only needed to check to know the property under Huangfu Cuihua's name, and he could take it away by directly forging a bill.

As for the private seal, it must be hidden on Huangfu Cuihua's body.

Huangfu Cuihua woke up from the cold street and found that Lu Yan's carriage team had left. The jailer poked her with a broom and said impatiently: "Hurry up, don't be lazy, get up and work."

After returning to Jiang State for many days, she worked like a servant every day, doing dirty and tiring work. She was only given a hard and dry steamed bun and a little water for every meal. However, Jiang Beiyu and that evil woman could bear not to see her. For a moment, she felt hopeless and wanted to stab herself to death with the knife hidden on her body. But when she thought about the money, she was unwilling to do so.

That was her life savings, the accumulation before entering the palace, the rewards from the late emperor, the ministers asking her to do things, the filial piety during festivals, the money she received when she cooperated with the Northern Kingdom, and part of it was the inheritance left to her by Huangfu Shang after his death and the minerals in the Southern Kingdom. This money was enough to feed an army of 100,000 and build an empire for her Luo'er.

She can't fall down yet!

She will definitely be able to make a comeback and win the throne back for her Luo'er!

Thinking of this, she felt full of strength again.

Right now, we need to find a way to get out of this as quickly as possible.

Money is omnipotent. Facing the jailers who bullied and humiliated her every day, she took off the plain hairpin on her head, smiled flatteringly and said to them:

"Sir, this hairpin is made of rhino horn. If you take it to the pawnshop, you can get one thousand taels of silver, which is enough for your lifetime expenses. So, as long as you find a chance to secretly release me, I will give it to you. How about it?"

Unexpectedly, the jailer threw the gray hairpin away in disgust, and the hairpin fell on the floor tiles with a clang.

"You stinky old woman, you think I don't know the value of things. You're trying to trick us with a broken hairpin. Does it look like it's worth anything?"

Huangfu Cuihua cursed in her heart, "This bastard really doesn't know the value of something. It seems like the only thing he can do is pay for it."

But now she was penniless and had no choice but to take a risk and use the money.

She thought for a moment and said, "Okay, as long as you let me live, I will give each of you one thousand taels of silver!"

Several jailers looked at each other, and one said:

"This is a crime punishable by the execution of nine generations of the clan. Are you going to let us off with just one thousand taels?"

Huangfu Cuihua gritted her teeth and said, "Ten thousand taels."


"She finally couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to use the money."

In the palace, Jiang Beiyu soon got the news.

The seemingly uneducated jailers who are guarding Huangfu Cuihua are actually the core killers of "Shadow Sanqian" and his diehard fans.

Qin Wan said, "Sure enough, coaxing her is not as good as a beating. Wei Chong tried to coax her out of her money for more than half a year but failed. In the past half month, I want her to vomit it all out."

Huangfu Cuihua asked the jailers to let her go to the money house. After receiving the news, several jailers let her go.

After entering the money shop, Huangfu Cuihua hid her private seal in the heel of her shoe and rolled up the bills and hid them in her hairpin.

She looked around, threw her personal seal and bills on the counter, and said, "Take 100,000 taels first."

(Next chapter will be published before 18:00 on January 17)

Chapter 224 King Qi dismantled the phone

She looked around, threw her personal seal and bills on the counter, and said, "Take 100,000 taels first."

"Okay, we have taken out all the money for you." The young man at the bank counter said politely.

She was startled and corrected: "Just take 100,000 taels."

At this time, the door of the money house was pushed open with a bang, and a team of soldiers broke in and directly arrested Huangfu Cuihua.

Huangfu Cuihua stared at the private seal and bills on the counter: "Money, my money."

The guy at the counter smiled, watched her leave, and bowed to her.

"Looking forward to your next visit."


Ten days later, Leng Leng returned triumphantly with a group of personal soldiers.

Jiang Beiyu brought Qin Wan and led a group of ministers to personally greet him outside the city.

Ma Shushu also held little Haoting and stood with Qin Wan to greet him.

After not seeing him for many days, Leng Leng was seen riding on a tall white warhorse. He looked darker and thinner, wearing majestic armor. He looked exhausted but in high spirits.

"A young man in fine clothes and riding a vigorous horse", somehow, this sentence inexplicably popped up in Qin Wan's mind, and he felt that it was particularly appropriate to see Leng Leng at this moment.


Seeing Jiang Beiyu, he dismounted from his horse coldly.

Jiang Beiyu said: "General Leng has worked hard."

Leng Lie said: "It's not hard to guard the country for the people and the emperor."

Jiang Beiyu said: "I have prepared a palace banquet tonight to welcome you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Leng Leng naturally took the baby from Ma Shushu's hand and leaned over to touch him, but Ma Shushu stopped him: "Eh? You haven't shaved yet, be careful not to prick the baby."

Leng Leng had an electric shaver, but he didn't bring it with him on the battlefield, so he just shaved it casually with a knife. You could vaguely see a circle of stubble around his lips.

Hearing this, Leng Leng stopped paying attention to the child and didn't care that everyone was watching. He smiled, put his arms around Ma Shushu's waist, kissed her hard on the cheek, and deliberately poked her with his stubble.

The baby is afraid of being pricked, so it should be fine if I prick my wife, yeah.

Several young officials following behind could not help laughing when they saw this scene; several older officials quickly covered their eyes, thinking, "This is immoral, this is immoral."

But what can we do? He is a great hero who has returned in triumph...

Seeing General Leng showing his affection as soon as he came back, Jiang Beiyu was not to be outdone. He grabbed Qin Wan's hand and held their fingers tightly.

After welcoming General Leng back, Leng Lie said, "Your Majesty, I want to go back to your house to freshen up, and then go to the palace to see you in the afternoon to report the battle situation."

Jiang Beiyu naturally agreed and said to Leng Lie, "General Leng, you must have been exhausted from the long journey. Go back to your residence and have a good rest before coming to the palace to see me."

When they reached the intersection leading to Leng Mansion, General Leng and his entourage parted ways with the Emperor, and Jiang Beiyu also took Qin Wan back to the palace.

On the other side, Leng Lie returned to the mansion and ordered people to boil water for bathing. Ma Shushu had asked the servants in the mansion to boil water before leaving, so the water was hot when he returned.

He ordered someone to carry a box to the bedroom. It contained the treasures he had collected when he attacked the Northern Kingdom, as well as rouge, powder, and beautiful clothes he bought on the street. He gave them all to her.

The man who comes back with prey is the most charming. Ma Shushu smiled with his eyes narrowed, rummaging through the big box in the room, looking at the things inside one by one.

Before I finished reading, I heard the door being pushed open with a bang. Leng Leng was only wrapped in a bath towel around his waist, his body still shrouded in steam from the shower.

Ma Shushu was stunned: "How come you finished washing so quickly?" As soon as she finished speaking, she was carried to the couch by him and sank into the soft couch.

"I miss you so much..."

"A short separation is better than a new marriage." Ma Shushu finally understood what was going on. She came back in the morning and had her lunch brought in by the servants. She ate it hastily until the afternoon. When it was almost dark, she couldn't stand it anymore and pushed him: "Don't you still have to go to the palace to see the emperor and report the battle situation?"

The cold and hot body still held her: "What is there to report? Hasn't the group reported it?"

"What about the palace banquet?"

"Fuck, trouble."

Leng Leng turned over and started to put on his socks, while Ma Shushu also quickly got up to wash and put on her makeup.

It was already dark and all the officials had arrived before Leng Leng arrived at the palace banquet at a leisurely pace.

Jiang Beiyu looked at him with a half-smile: "General Leng, I've been waiting for you for an entire afternoon."

Leng Leng said without any guilt: "I'm sorry, I was very tired on the journey and slept very soundly."

"Oh?" Jiang Beiyu smiled and didn't expose him: "General Leng has indeed worked hard."

Next, at the banquet, Leng Lie and the officials toasted each other, looking refreshed and in high spirits.

Only Ma Shushu touched his sore waist, watched from afar, and wondered what this guy was made of.

After today's banquet, they decided to return to modern times for vacation tomorrow.

The main force of Jiang State remained in the city occupied by Northern State to guard it, and would withdraw after Northern State paid the compensation and the black box as per the contract.


Lu Yan rode at full speed all the way back to the North.

He did not send a direct letter to ask Lu Ye (King of Qi) to hand over the small black box because he knew him too well.

Some things still require him to step forward and solve them face to face.

At this time, King Qi was holding a small polished screwdriver in his hand, facing the black mobile phone in front of him.

After several months of research, I found nothing. Without the password, there is no way to actually open and use it.

This thing was actually solar-powered. Whenever it ran out of power, it would be fully charged by exposing it to the sun. It was clear that the technology of that era was advancing rapidly and was very different from the era when he left.

Since he couldn't get it, he could only open it and study it. It might take time, but he also believed in the wisdom of the ancients.

Over the past few months, he has recruited many skilled craftsmen from the public and gathered them in his house to research and replicate such a new type of mobile phone.

The screws on the phone were very thin, in an inconspicuous position, smaller than sesame seeds. In order to open them, he could only ask a jewelry maker to make an ultra-thin Phillips screwdriver. He took it apart with a nervous and excited mood.

The people gathered in front of him were all skilled craftsmen recruited by the mansion. Everyone was very excited. Several heads gathered together and stared without daring to blink.

Everyone is also very curious about what is inside this magical little black box.

After removing one nail, move on to the second one.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside: "The Emperor has arrived~"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 18)

Chapter 225 What's the matter? Just tell me. I'm afraid of you.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside: "The Emperor has arrived~"

Lu Ye, who was taking apart his phone, was stunned.

Just as I was about to hide my phone, it was too late.

The eunuch who reported the matter waited for him to come in before reporting it at the emperor's instruction. At this time, Lu Yan had already rushed to him, saw the thing in his hand, and snatched it away.

"You really have this thing here!"

"Your Majesty, what are you going to do?!" Lu Yan looked surprised, staring at the small black box in his hand that was almost opened, feeling unwilling and angry.

"What should I do? I also want to ask, what are you going to do?!"

Lu Yan picked up the things in his hand.

"That's it. Why did you conspire with the former Queen Mother of Jiang State behind my back?!"

Lu Ye said confidently: "I am fighting for the country of the North! Jiang country is now using advanced technology and weapons to defeat us, I must understand it, know myself and the enemy, and win every battle."

Lu Yan expressed his disbelief: "Then why did you hide it from me again?"

"It was your suggestion that we blow up the dam and use water instead of soldiers. What was the result? It completely angered the Jiang Kingdom and caused the Northern Kingdom to lose more cities! If we had surrendered at that time, we wouldn't have so many cities captured and paid so much silver now!"

Lu Ye said, "The plan failed, isn't it because the emperor was too merciful? Because the princess was standing under the river bank? If it had exploded earlier, would it have ended like this?"

Lu Yan was furious: "Is that my mercy? You only considered the geographical advantages, but not the weather. Heavy rains are often accompanied by floods, but you didn't mention that. I lit the fire, but it was put out by the rain. What can I do?"

The dispute gradually went off track. Lu Yan tightly grasped the small black box in his hand and said to him, "The Jiang Kingdom is now asking me for this thing. The return of this thing will be included in the peace treaty. If the Bei Kingdom does not return it, the Jiang Kingdom will refuse to withdraw its troops. I must send someone to return this thing to Jiang Beiyu."

"Not yet!"

Lu Ye exploded.

He had worked so hard and put so much effort into getting it, and he hadn't even opened it yet, so how could he be willing to give it up like this?

"Just say it's been dismantled, broken, or lost. Anyway, this item must not be returned! This item is the key to open the door to Northern Kingdom's technology. The rapid growth of Jiang Kingdom in the past two years is due to this item! You can tell by how nervous Jiang Beiyu is about this item. This is our bargaining chip for a comeback. Doesn't the emperor want Northern Kingdom to win back a piece and vent his anger? Give me some time. As long as I understand this item, we can win!"

Lu Ye persuaded nervously, and Lu Yan also fell into hesitation.

"But if you don't return this item, Jiang Beiyu will not withdraw his troops, and the contract I worked so hard to conclude will become a piece of waste paper. Now, the South Country has become a fence-sitter and is on the same front as the Jiang Country. The North Country can no longer be an enemy of the Jiang Country."

Lu Ye's brain was working rapidly, trying to find another way to convince Lu Yan.

"Nanguo... yes, Nanguo! We will pretend to return this item and at the same time spread the news to Nanguo, so that Nanguo can come and grab it halfway. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

"No big deal." Lu Yan frowned. "You expect to fool Jiang Beiyu with such a childish trick? This is related to the peace between the two countries. I advise you not to make things worse. If you want to win back a game, you need to take a long-term view."

Seeing that Lu Yan didn't eat meat or vegetables, Lu Ye directly swallowed a small screw that he had just removed:

"We just took this off. Jiang Beiyu is most afraid that we will take it apart and study it to get the secret inside. If you return it to him like this, he will definitely be able to see the difference. Then, it won't be considered a complete return."

He laughed wildly, "Even if the emperor paid it back, it would be the same as not paying it back. Jiang Beiyu will not admit it, haha."

Lu Yan was immediately furious: "Catch him!"


At this time, Jiang State.

On the second day after the palace banquet, when the court was dismissed, Jiang Beiyu saw Jiang Nange already standing outside his study waiting for him, with his hands behind his back, as if he had been waiting for a long time. When he saw him, he immediately ran up to him and said, "Brother, are you dismissed? Are you tired?"

Then, he pretended to hit his arms and shoulders with his hands.

Jiang Beiyu thought of a phrase: If someone is too nice to you for no reason, he is either a traitor or a thief.

Jiang Beiyu said: "If you have anything to say, just tell me. I am afraid of you being like this."

Jiang Nange said, "Brother, you are so young, but your memory is already so bad?"

Jiang Beiyu was puzzled, and Jiang Nange said, "My royal brother said that he would promise me when General Leng comes back."

Jiang Beiyu just remembered it then, and looking at her earnest expression, he really wanted to knock her on the head, looking helpless.

This love-brain problem inherited from my ancestors really cannot be cured.

"Do you really want to hang yourself on a tree?"

Jiang Nange said: "It's impossible to hang it on two trees."

Jiang Beiyu was amused by him and frowned and said, "What a twisted logic!"

"Go back and prepare, and inform that person to prepare as well. Bring him to my study in the evening after the evening hour."

Jiang Nange was so happy that he almost jumped up: "Okay, thank you, brother!"

After leaving the study, Jiang Nange went to Ronghua Palace.

Now Leng Ying is still on duty every day.

Qin Wan also mentioned that since the ancient doctors were helpless, she could take Leng Ying to modern treatment. After all, he was hers and she would protect him, so Jiang Beiyu agreed so readily that day.

At this moment, Leng Ying was holding a sword under the eaves, leaning against the wall, looking melancholy, and no one knew what he was thinking. A guard next to him patted him, and he looked up. Seeing the beautiful and lovely little princess walking towards him, he quickly looked away, pretending not to see it.

The little princess had ignored him for nearly a month. A few times, when she came to have tea with the queen, she would not even glance at him when she passed by.

This time, he was probably here to look for the Queen, and sure enough, she passed him without even glancing at him, as usual.

As she passed by, a breeze blew, bringing with it the scent of her body. A slight ripple appeared in his heart, but then it sank heavily.

He held back, resisted the urge to look at her, and finally, he felt the dull pain slowly rising from the bottom of his heart.

The little princess who had just walked past him suddenly took a few steps back and stood beside him: "How long are you going to pretend?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 19)

Chapter 226: Take You Back to Your Sister-in-law's Hometown

The little princess who had just passed by suddenly took a few steps back and stood beside him: "How long are you going to pretend?"

Leng Ying's whole body suddenly stiffened.

Would she still talk to him?

He smiled bitterly: "Princess, do you think I'm pretending?"

So was he also pretending the pain and heartache he felt these days?

Jiang Nange's expression changed: "Since it's not the case, then you can continue."

Just as he was about to leave, his voice suddenly became aggrieved: "Then Princess, what is the reason for being ignored and neglected during this period of time?"

Jiang Nange coughed and said, "These days, this princess wants you to calm down and punish you for daring to let me go that day. Now, how calm are you?"

"I regret it very much, but I have to do it. I can't bear to see the princess become a joke in the palace, following a lame guard every day."

Jiang Nange said nonchalantly, "I am a princess. I can slap anyone who talks too much. Why should I be afraid of rumors?"

She finally softened her heart and said softly, "My brother has agreed to our relationship."

This sentence was like a sound from heaven, which made him unbelievable, and his eyes brightened instantly. But surprise and inferiority always come at the same time, he immediately thought of his legs and lowered his head.

Jiang Nange added, "My brother and sister-in-law may be able to cure your leg. Today, after the hour of You, follow me to my brother's study."

After thinking about it, he finally nodded: "Okay."

Although he was afraid of the imperial power, the princess had done enough for him. This time, no matter what the outcome was, he would face it together with the princess.

At the hour of You, when it was already dark, he appeared outside the emperor's study on time.

Jiang Nange also arrived and took his hand. He tried to pull away, but she frowned and made a "tsk" sound, then let her hold his hand. The two of them walked in together and found General Leng and his wife were there too.

There was a painting hanging in the emperor's study. He recognized it as the one that the empress had asked him to forge. It didn't look special.

Jiang Beiyu glanced around, ignoring the two people holding hands: "Everyone is here."

Jiang Nange said, "Brother, why did you ask us to come here?"

Jiang Beiyu said, "This time I am here to take you back to your sister-in-law's hometown. The doctors there may be able to cure his leg disease. Remember, no matter what you see there, you must forget it immediately when you return and don't tell anyone about it. You must follow the rules when you go there and don't run around."

Jiang Nange seemed to understand: "How long will it take? Should I go back and pick up some luggage?"

Jiang Beiyu said, "No need. There is everything there. Just be obedient and sensible. The most important thing is to keep it a secret. Besides, I will only take you there this time."

Jiang Nange nodded.

Jiang Beiyu had dismissed all the palace servants. Ma Shushu picked up the mirror and prepared to open the painting.

When the window was opened, the moonlight outside came in, fell on the mirror, and was reflected by the mirror onto the painting at a specific angle. Then, the painting suddenly emitted a burst of light!

Jiang Nange stared at this scene in amazement. Jiang Beiyu said to her, "Follow us and walk into the painting."

Jiang Nange held Leng Ying's sleeve and did as he was told. Soon, he lost consciousness.

When they woke up, they heard the sound of waves. They returned to the castle on the island.

Jiang Nange opened his eyes and saw modern things in front of him, which were strange and novel.

"Is this the hometown of the Emperor's sister-in-law?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "This is not it. This is the island bought by your sister-in-law's family."

Jiang Nange exclaimed "Wow!"

The last time they returned to the palace from the villa on the island after Qin Wan finished her confinement, so they also returned to the villa on the island.

Fortunately, the hospital on the island has advanced medical technology and equipment, which is not inferior to the top three hospitals in the country. Coincidentally, Nan Ge and Leng Ying have no identity, so receiving treatment on the island avoids this embarrassment.

Qin Wan called Li Wenhua, the person in charge of the island, and Li Wenhua immediately arranged for the best orthopedic surgeon on the island to go to the hospital for treatment the next day.

It was too hot on the island, so everyone went back to their rooms to change out of their heavy ancient costumes. Qin Wan also found two sets of clothes for her and Jiang Beiyu and handed them to Nan Ge and Leng Ying.

"It's hot on the island. These are the clothes that the emperor and I wear. You can change into them first. I'll take you to buy a few more sets later."

When Leng Ying heard that it was the emperor's clothes, he didn't dare to take it. Qin Wan insisted on stuffing it into his hand: "It's okay, he has a lot of clothes, and we are a family if we put them on."

She arranged two vacant rooms in the castle for Jiang Nange and Leng Ying to live in. After a long while, the two of them came out of the room.

Jiang Nange was still wearing her original blouse, because Qin Wan gave her a pink cake skirt, which was long enough, but the upper body was a vest without sleeves. Leng Ying was wearing a white T-shirt, touching her arms, feeling very awkward.

When the two came out, they both smiled at each other. Jiang Nange held his shirt tightly, while Leng Ying said shyly: "This dress has no sleeves..."

Jiang Beiyu and Leng Leng had already changed their clothes and were waiting in the living room playing with their phones. He let go only when he saw that their clothes only had short sleeves. When he saw Ma Shushu and Qin Wan coming down from upstairs, Leng Ying quickly covered his eyes.

Qin Wan and Ma Shushu were both wearing suspender miniskirts and had delicate makeup on, revealing their well-defined collarbones, two white and slender arms, holding a handbag in their hands, and two long and straight legs below.

This reaction was the same as when Leng Lie first arrived. Ma Shushu walked up to him and said with a smile: "It's okay, young man, this is how people dress here."

Qin Wan saw Jiang Nange still holding tightly to the blouse that didn't match her skirt, and said to her, "Take it off. It's okay. It's hot on the island."

Jiang Nange still shook his head.

Qin Wan simply ignored it and took Jiang Nange and Leng Ying to the mall on the island to buy some daily clothes and daily necessities, while Jiang Beiyu, Leng Ying, Ma Shushu and others went to the beach to have a barbecue.

After a night's rest, the next day, Qin Wan asked Jiang Beiyu to drive Jiang Nange and Leng Ying to the hospital on the island.

Seeing Jiang Beiyu driving, Jiang Nange was surprised: "Brother, you can drive too."

Jiang Beiyu spread his hands: "Is this difficult?"

He took his hands off the steering wheel, and as a result, a large truck was coming towards him at the intersection ahead. He suddenly turned the steering wheel, and everyone in the car broke out in a cold sweat.

When they arrived at the hospital, Li Wenhua was already waiting at the hospital gate. Seeing Qin Wan, he said respectfully, "Miss, the doctor has already made arrangements. Please follow me."

In the back seat, Jiang Nange also helped Leng Ying get out of the car.

She didn't wear the blouse today, but she was wearing a long-sleeved dress, wrapping herself tightly.

Li Wenhua took them to a department and introduced:

"This is Dr. Bai, the descendant of the world-renowned doctor Dr. Bai."

As soon as he mentioned it, Qin Wan knew who it was and said to Li Wenhua: "Thank you for your hard work."

This doctor didn't speak Chinese, so Qin Wan was communicating with the doctor. After listening to the general situation, the doctor asked Leng Ying to lie on an instrument.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 20)

Chapter 227: Rumor has it that you gave birth to a child in the company

After hearing the general situation, the doctor asked Leng Ying to lie on an instrument.

The instrument was like a cave, an all-round CT scanner. Leng Ying lay down, and a few minutes later, a CT report came out.

Every meridian and bone in the leg can be clearly seen on the report.

Leng Ying took the CT report. This was the first time he saw his bones.

Jiang Nange was also stunned: "This is too amazing!"

The doctor studied the report carefully and said to Qin Wan, who listened patiently and nodded, while the other three people could not understand their conversation and looked at them with inquiring expressions.

After talking with the doctor, Qin Wan said to them: "Dr. Huang is right. The nerves in the legs are damaged. Surgery is needed to repair the damaged nerves and give a CA blocking injection. The recovery period will be at least three months."

"Three months..." Leng Ying looked worried: "Then how can I still be on duty?"

Qin Wan smiled: "Why are you still thinking about your duty? Get your leg healed first."

Leng Ying looked at her nervously: "Doctor, do I still have a chance to recover?"

Qin Wan said: "Sure, it's no big deal, don't worry, if possible, I will arrange surgery for you in the near future."

Leng Ying looked at Jiang Nange, and Jiang Nange nodded at him.

Leng Ying was about to kneel down to Qin Wan, but Qin Wan quickly held her back: "Hey, hey, hey, this is not allowed here. You are my man, and you were injured during a mission, so I must make sure you are well. I should have brought you here some time ago, but Jiang Country and Bei Country were still at war at that time, so I really didn't have the heart to do it."

Leng Ying still said gratefully: "Thank you, my lady!"

In the afternoon, Qin Wan arranged for Leng Ying to be hospitalized. Jiang Nange wanted to stay and accompany him for the operation, so she asked Li Wenhua to find a room for her near the hospital and arranged a maid to take care of her and cook for her. Because she and Jiang Beiyu might have to go back to China in two days, the castle was some distance from the hospital, and Nange could not drive, so it was inconvenient to go back and forth.

Leng Leng and Ma Shushu continued to broadcast live on the island.

They came back yesterday and as soon as they opened their accounts, they sadly discovered that they had lost followers.

During the one or two months when Qin Wan gave birth to her child, Leng Leng was killing enemies on the battlefield. Ma Shushu was worried about him and did not follow him. Their time in the modern world was gaping for more than a month. Fans found that they had no updates or live broadcasts, so they unfollowed them.

I haven't updated for more than a month, and my account has been restricted by the platform. Now I can only rely on continuing live streaming every day to slowly increase my traffic.

It had been a long time since she last visited the company in China. After settling everything on the island, Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu prepared to go back. Ma Shushu and Leng Lie also followed her back.

Although the island is nice, it is closed after all. When I returned to Shanghai and saw the skyscrapers and the hustle and bustle of the streets, and the fast-paced life, I really felt that I was back.

Qin Wan and Ma Shushu returned to the company, while Jiang Beiyu stayed at home to deal with announcements and film contracts.

A few days ago, he accompanied Qin Wan on the island to give birth to a child, and he asked Xiaohongdou to cancel or postpone all announcements and film contracts. He postponed a high-end endorsement for half a month, but he didn't expect that it was still waiting for him, so he decided to go and see.

When Qin Wan returned to the office, Jian Anlan and Little Bee almost cried the moment they saw her.

In the past month or two, she was away from the company, and they had to help her handle everything, big or small. They would delay things that they couldn't handle, or block things that they could block, because sending her messages and waiting for a reply depended on "reincarnation."

Little Bee said without restraint, crying, "Boss Qin, where have you been? There are rumors in the company that you went to give birth to a child."

Qin Wan's eyes were subtle: "Maybe."


This time, the little bee couldn't do it anymore. When she looked again, she saw that Boss Qin had taken off her outer coat and was wearing a wrap-around dress. It was obviously a size S. Her belly was thin and flat, and her waist was thin. How could she have given birth to a child? Nonsense.

Jian Anlan also took a sneak peek.

There was a period of time when President Qin liked to wear loose clothes. Once she put on a windbreaker, you couldn't tell what she was wearing. During that period, it seemed that President Qin had gained some weight, and there were rumors in the company that she was pregnant.

Now it seems that if she really got pregnant and had a child, it would be impossible for her to recover so well in such a short time. It was obvious that she was thinking too much.

Qin Wan sat down at his desk, turned on his computer, continued to handle official business, and his life returned to normal.

At this time, Jiang Beiyu was wearing a gray wool suit coat, sitting in the reception room of a high-end luxury brand he endorsed, with a cup of coffee in his left hand and flipping through the information handed to him by the brand in his right hand.

It shows the brand's founding history and past spokespersons.

This is a high-end luxury brand that has been established for more than a hundred years. All its previous spokespersons were top domestic celebrities. He just flipped through the brochures quietly. Lily, the public relations director, looked at him through the glass door and inexplicably felt that he had an aura that dominated the world.

I was flipping through documents, but it looked like a memorial...

When Lily pushed the door open, he took a sip of the coffee on the table. He did not stand up to flatter like other artists, but just calmly put down the coffee cup and said calmly, "Hello."

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 21)

Chapter 228: No probation period, landing the highest title of a luxury brand! .

Jiang Beiyu calmly put down his coffee cup and said calmly, "Hello."

Lily was instantly attracted by this temperament.

"We contacted you some time ago, and your agent said you were busy."

He said, "I am busy."

Lily smiled and said, "Can you tell me what you are busy with?"

Jiang Beiyu smiled faintly: "I signed a confidentiality agreement."

Lily understood and thought that he must be filming another blockbuster movie, so she didn't ask any further questions.

"What do you understand about our brand?"

Jiang Beiyu, an ancient emperor, naturally didn't know much about this modern fashion circle, but after being here for so long, he was also exposed to it, so he said, "It's just a high-end luxury product, targeting high-net-worth customers, and not making money from the poor."

Lily was amused by him: "Not entirely. Although our brand is priced high, there is still a part of the sinking market. There are many people who save a year's salary to buy an entry-level bag. The pricing of our brand's lipstick and perfume is also very cheap, and ordinary people can afford it.

The reason we invited you is because we value your brand influence in the lower-tier markets. It is said that the cookies you endorsed last time were sold out in all major supermarkets on the first day. "

Jiang Beiyu was a little confused: "I didn't pay attention to this."

This is the truth. During that time, he was on the island to accompany Wanwan as she gave birth.

But Lily thought he was being modest.

"To be honest, we made an exception to consider you because our brand has a four to five-year probation period even for top domestic celebrities. You can also see some of the situations of our previous spokespersons. I wonder if you are confident in becoming our brand spokesperson. What are your considerations as our brand spokesperson?"

Jiang Beiyu felt the pressure from the other party. She wanted to see him work hard to win the endorsement and lower his posture to make a promise to her, but he refused to be bullied.

He still maintained a relaxed smile and said, "In terms of qualifications, I am indeed inferior to those seniors. Since you are considering me, you must have your reasons. Otherwise, I would not be sitting here today.

As you just said, you are attracted by my influence in the lower-tier markets. If you think I am suitable, then sign me. If not, we can just have a chat today."

Lily thinks it's outrageous.

This is a brand endorsement that other big-name stars are vying for. Other artists have already signed a pledge and started negotiating KPIs with him. Why does he have such a nonchalant and indifferent attitude?

The proud PR director was sanctioned for the first time, but she was rebellious and just wanted to be his client since the contract was only for one year anyway.

So she calmed down and said with a smile, "You are of course suitable. Whether to sign you or not is just a matter of one word from me. Of course, it also depends on your intention to cooperate with us. If you sign with us, it will also be a label on you."

Jiang Beiyu remained unmoved and just smiled faintly at her.

"Okay." Lily said, "There's one more thing. I'm sure you should know that you can't endorse competing products when you're endorsing luxury brands. If you sign with us, you can't sign with others at the same time. If you have no objection..."

Jiang Beiyu was surprised: "Oh? Really? I need to think about this."

lily: ???

What a good move to turn passivity into initiative.

Jiang Beiyu glanced at his watch at the right time: "Okay, I basically know what you said. Next I have another announcement. After I think about it, I will let my agent contact you."

After saying that, he nodded at her, stood up and left.

Jiang Beiyu didn't like his right to choose being restricted. He thought cooperation was mutual, and he didn't like her condescending attitude even more.

As soon as I left the house, I received a call from Qin Wan: "How is the endorsement negotiation going?"

Jiang Beiyu didn't care: "It should be a failure. The brand is a bit arrogant."

Qin Wan laughed: "It's their right to be arrogant. They act arrogant to everyone. This is what other stars are scrambling to sign. If you don't like it, forget it."

Jiang Beiyu hummed twice, "Will you let me pick you up after get off work?"

Qin Wan said: "Put on your hat and mask."

Jiang Beiyu didn't take this matter to heart. He took on a few more commercials and also made guest appearances in other film crews.

Lily was left out for ten days and couldn't stand it anymore. She heard that another high-end luxury brand contacted her, so she called her agent.

"Excuse me, Mr. Jiang Beiyu, what has he considered?"

Little Red Bean asked: "Who are you?"

When the call came, Jiang Beiyu was putting on makeup on the set. Xiao Hongdou was beside him, covering the phone and asking loudly.

Upon hearing the brand name, the other artists in the dressing room held their breath.

Jiang Beiyu frowned and said, "Tell her that if we can't sign a competing product, we won't consider it."


Xiao Hongdou told the other party the truth. At this time, a female star next to him couldn't help but whispered to Jiang Beiyu: "This is the rule of the industry. High-end luxury endorsements cannot be signed with competing products. If you miss this opportunity, you will regret it."

At this time, Xiao Hongdou said to Jiang Beiyu: "Brother Bei, they agreed to let you sign a competing product and asked you to sign the contract in two days."

Other Artists: !!!

A few days later, Jiang Beiyu made headlines on Weibo.

Skyrocketed to the highest title in Xiaoxiang's family without a probation period!

What's even more exciting is that he signed a non-competitive contract, which means that other high-end luxury brands can still ask him to endorse their products during the same period!

After the news was released, Xiao Hongdou's phone received a lot of calls. Since signing with that brand, endorsements from other niche brands have been pouring in.

At this time, Jiang Beiyu received a call from Jiang Nange.

She used Leng Ying's cell phone to call him from the island and told him that Leng Ying's operation was over and it was very successful. The doctor put a steel plate in his foot and performed nerve repair. Now he can walk normally.

She wanted to come to him.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 22)

Chapter 229 After dinner, I will send you back to Jiangguo

She wanted to come to him.

Jiang Beiyu hesitated.

Originally, they wanted to send them back to Jiang State directly, but Qin Wan had already brought the painting back when he left, so they had to come back again.

So she asked Li Wenhua to arrange the Qin family's private plane for her and asked him to help send her to the Magic City.

Jiang Beiyu was busy with an announcement and couldn't get away. When Qin Wan learned that Nan Ge was coming, he drove to pick them up.

Jiang Nange was frozen as soon as he got off the plane.

She didn't expect that it was such a hot summer on the island, but she was frozen into an ice stick as soon as she got off the plane.

Moreover, it was clearly broad daylight, 11 o'clock in the morning, and the sun was high in the sky, so why was she so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes?

Fortunately, Qin Wan brought them coats and asked her to put them on. She sat in the back seat, leaned on Leng Ying's shoulder, and fell asleep immediately.

Arriving at Qin Wan's yard, they opened the back door and found Jiang Nange still sleeping. Leng Ying tried to carry her out of the car, but Qin Wan stopped her: "You just had surgery on your leg, don't you want it anymore?"

She hung Jiang Nange's arm around her and carried her inside. After two steps, Jiang Nange opened her eyes in confusion: "Are we there yet?"

Qin Wan arranged a room for him and Leng Ying, and Jiang Nange fell asleep without thinking twice.

Leng Ying was next to her. Qin Wan knew that he must be very tired, so she said to him, "Go to sleep first, and talk after you wake up."

Jiang Nange slept until about five in the evening. When he woke up, he saw Leng Ying in the yard, drawing circles on the ground with a small branch.

This strange world frightened him.

He had already felt that his life on the island was unreal. This time when he came here, he took a plane and drove around in a world full of skyscrapers and crowded metal cars. He actually came to the world in a small black box.

Jiang Nange had been sleeping all the way, so the feeling wasn't that strong. When he saw Leng Ying's back, he patted him on the back.

"Where are my brother and my sister-in-law?"

Leng Ying said: "After the queen sent you back, she left again, saying that the emperor would be back in the evening. It seems that they have other identities here and need work."

Jiang Nange felt very confused.

"Mingming, my brother and sister-in-law are always by our side. How did they get here? Are they still my brother and sister-in-law?"

Leng Ying said, "Yes. The Emperor and the Empress cured my leg disease, and I will be grateful to them for the rest of my life. As for these questions, if the Emperor and the Empress don't tell us, we shouldn't ask them. This is their secret."

Jiang Nange nodded.

At around six o'clock, Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu also came back. The nanny had prepared dinner and the family was at the dining table.

Jiang Nange remembered what Leng Ying had told her, that she shouldn't ask questions that shouldn't be asked. Although she was full of curiosity, she held it back.

Jiang Beiyu seemed to be living a very leisurely life in this world. He picked up his chopsticks to pick up some food and asked her, "Have you adjusted to the time difference?"

Jiang Nange tilted his head: "What is jet lag?"

"Well, actually, the island you stayed on before was in the other hemisphere from us. It was night over there and day over here, so it seems like daytime today, but it was actually night over there before you."

Jiang Nange suddenly realized: "I was wondering why I was so sleepy in broad daylight. So this is why."

Jiang Beiyu said: "After dinner, I will send you back to Jiang State."

Jiang Nange heard this and immediately said, "No, I want to be with my brother. My brother and his wife are not in the palace anymore, so it will be a mess. What should I do?"

Jiang Beiyu could only explain: "No, after we send you back, my brother and sister-in-law will be back in a while, and the situation you described will not happen."

Jiang Nange was still unwilling: "Since you will be back in a while, let's go back together. Don't worry, Leng Ying and I will never get in your way. If you shouldn't ask me, we will never ask. When you go back, forget everything here and just treat us as air, okay?"

Next, she looked at Qin Wan again, holding her arm, pouting and acting coquettishly: "Sister-in-law, please say something. Just let me stay here with you, okay? Just do your things, I absolutely won't bother you."

Qin Wan finally softened her heart and looked at Jiang Beiyu.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 23)

Chapter 230 From now on, call me President Qin, not Queen

Qin Wan finally softened her heart and looked at Jiang Beiyu.

It was troublesome to run back and forth again, because every time I activated the painting, I was afraid of being seen, so I said to Jiang Beiyu: "Since we are here together, let them stay and go back together."

Jiang Beiyu finally agreed.

Jiang Nange said happily: "Yeah."

Qin Wan continued to chat with him about their affairs and said to him, "After the official announcement of your endorsement of Xiaoxiang's house, the data is good. A rich woman directly bought 10 million. I don't know where your fans came from. They buy top luxury goods like buying cabbage."

Jiang Beiyu smiled faintly.

"I didn't expect that I have such great charm."

Qin Wan kicked him and said, "Say 'I' here, or you'll be exposed."

Jiang Beiyu: "Oh."

Jiang Nange and Leng Ying only understood half of what was being said and dared not say a word.

Qin Wan continued, "Your data is so good this time, I guess you will have many high-end endorsements in the future, and your net worth will also rise."

Jiang Beiyu clicked his tongue: "It's still the endorsement fee that's good, it's enough for half of my movie pay."

Qin Wan reminded: "You have to make sure you don't make a mistake. If your gossip or negative news is captured, not only will your endorsement fee be wasted, but you will also have to compensate for the brand's losses."

Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

"I know."

After dinner, Qin Wan said to Jiang Nange and Leng Ying, "Since you have decided to stay here, I will take you to the mall to buy some clothes later. It's not like the island here. It's cold here in the twelfth month of winter."

Jiang Nange said obediently, "Thank you, sister-in-law. I'm sorry for your trouble."

After dinner, Qin Wan drove Jiang Nange and Leng Ying to the mall. Jiang Nange was stunned when he saw the neon-lit night scene of the city through the car window.

Those skyscrapers are like huge glass boxes, dazzling.

Leng Ying, who was always calm, was also a little at a loss.

Jiang Nange looked at him and whispered, "Does this world really exist?"

Leng Ying said: "Is that right?"

Jiang Nange remembered to watch more and ask less, and made a gesture of sewing his mouth shut.

She no longer wore the complicated hair accessories of ancient times. She tied her hair into a bun and wore the pink coat that Qin Wan gave her, exuding a youthful air.

Leng Ying was also wearing a black coat, holding a walking cane in his right hand, and his hair was still combed in the hairstyle of an ancient guard.

He discovered that all the men here had short hair. He was very shocked at first, because his hair was given by his parents, and he would not even cut off his head if he was asked to. But he found that even the emperor and General Leng had short hair when they came here. He could only accept it silently and did not ask any questions.

Qin Wan went to the counter she usually went to to shop. She picked up more than a dozen sets of clothes and asked the salesgirl to give her Nan Ge's size so that she could take them home from head to toe.

He also bought Leng Ying a few suits and a black wool coat for winter.

Now, she not only regards him as her bodyguard, but also as her brother-in-law.

When Jiang Nange saw Leng Ying coming out of the locker room in a suit and tie for the first time, he was stunned.

So handsome, really so handsome, she has really good taste.

How could she fall for that scumbag Qi Yunxuan when she had such a handsome guard by her side?

It was the first time Leng Ying wore this kind of clothes, and she felt a little uncomfortable and shy.

Qin Wan patted his back, asked him to stand up straight, and said with satisfaction: "Well, it looks good."

She took a photo of Leng Ying and sent it to the group.

Leng Lie quickly replied:

"Are they planning to stay here?"

Qin Wan replied: "Yeah."

Leng Lie said: "This boy is quite good-looking. When I gave him to you, I thought he was a fool. I didn't expect that he could seduce the princess (#cover mouth and laugh)"

Jiang Beiyu: (#angry) (#angry)

Qin Wan couldn't help but curl up the corners of his lips and put away his phone: "Okay, go back. You still have to go to bed early tonight. Although you slept in the afternoon, you will still be sleepy tomorrow. Adjust to the time difference as soon as possible."

Leng Ying took a step forward and said, "My Lady, starting tomorrow, I will continue to stay by your side to protect you."

"Need not."

Qin Wan said, "This place is different from Jiang State. This is a society ruled by law. No one knows my identity as Jiang State. There is no danger around me. You should take good care of your leg injury. It takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone. Although you can walk now, you should not move too much."

Leng Ying said, "It's okay. I've been lying down for ten days after the operation, and the doctor told me to move more. I feel guilty if you don't arrange anything for me. Besides, if I stay here, I have to do something to make a living. I can't let you keep me alive forever."

Qin Wan thought for a moment and said, "Okay, it doesn't matter if I have a bodyguard. You can go to work with me tomorrow. I will pay you a salary every month."

She and Jiang Beiyu will still stay here for a while. Although they live and eat at Qin's house, they also have living expenses. For example, if they want to buy something outside, they will feel embarrassed to ask her for money. Giving him a class will make him more comfortable. After receiving his salary, he can spend the money as he pleases.

Leng Ying said: "Okay."

The next day, Leng Ying appeared in Qin Wan's office.

He was wearing a black suit and holding a sword in his arms, looking like a bodyguard.

Suddenly, a handsome long-haired bodyguard appeared beside Boss Qin, causing a lot of discussion among people in the company. People on the same floor were curious and kept passing by Boss Qin's office door intentionally or unintentionally, looking inside through the glass door.

Jian Anlan was relatively calm, but Little Bee was infatuated with him: "Xiao Leng just graduated from college, right? Do you have a girlfriend?"

Leng Ying didn't know what college was, and blushed a little after hearing the last sentence: "Sorry girl, I already have a lover."

He showed her his phone wallpaper, which showed a princess in an exquisite dress with a sweet smile.

Little Bee's eyes lit up: "The Hanfu she's wearing is so pretty! Where did she buy it?"

"It was made in the palace."

Qin Wan coughed and said, "Little Bee, you have finished the form I asked you to do yesterday, right? Here is the monthly summary report, please put it in the PPT for me."

Little Bee: "......."

She put down the pile of information in her hand, covered her face and ran away crying.

Leng Ying knew that he had said the wrong thing just now, so he touched his nose and said to Qin Wan: "My Lady, if it was like that just now, how should I answer?"

Qin Wan said: "Too much talk will lead to mistakes. You don't have to answer some questions. Remember, this is a new world. There is no Jiang Kingdom, no palace. Also, call me President Qin from now on, not Queen."

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 24)
