
Chapter 176 Your Majesty, give me one! .

Just when Leng Lie thought he was thinking about a name, Leng Jianfeng said, "Go ask the emperor for one."

This time it was Leng Leng's turn: "Ah?"

"Why should the emperor name my son?"

Leng Jianfeng glared at him and said, "Are you stupid? The emperor is the child's uncle. If the emperor gave him a name, it would be different. This kid will be blessed with a lifetime of glory!"

Leng Leng said unconvincedly: "Even if the emperor doesn't give a name to a child of my Leng family, he will still have a glorious life."

Leng Jianfeng glanced at him: "Then are you educated?"

Leng Leng's entire body deflated: "Okay, okay, I'll go find the Emperor tomorrow."

The next day, Leng Leng brought the little baby into the imperial study.

Jiang Beiyu, who was reviewing documents, looked up curiously: "What?"

He had given Ma Shushu a red envelope the day after she gave birth. He transferred 66666 to him. It won't reach Jiang Guo anymore, so let him give it again.

Leng Lie said expressionlessly: "Your Majesty, please give my son a name."

Jiang Beiyu was amused by him.

"General Leng, did you take the wrong medicine? Why did you ask me to name your son?"

Leng Leng knew it was like this. He and the emperor were used to mocking each other in the modern era, so if he asked the emperor to name something, he would definitely be mocked by him. It was all his father's fault...

Now that he was already here, he gritted his teeth and repeated exactly what his father had said.

"Your Majesty is the child's uncle, so there is nothing wrong with your choice... I am not educated, so I cannot come up with a nice name."

Jiang Beiyu couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Okay, then I'll give him one."

As he spoke, he took out a bag of spicy strips from under the memorials, tore it open, and his eyes widened as he saw the emperor take out one and start eating it directly.


Leng Leng widened his eyes, but Jiang Beiyu was thinking.

"General Leng hopes that this child will pursue a career in literature or martial arts?"

Leng Leng said: "Whether he chooses literature or martial arts depends on himself."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Then, I won't consider this aspect. Since General Leng asked me to name this child, he must have some expectations for the child's future. He hopes that the child will grow up to be a pillar of the court, and also hopes that he will inherit General Leng's noble character..."

His eyes were deep: "Then call me Leng Haoting."

Leng Lie heard it and said, "Hao Ting is great, he is upright and righteous, a pillar of the country. When I heard this name, I felt that he was particularly smart and upright! He is worthy of being the emperor."

He nodded with satisfaction, then pounced on the spicy strips in Jiang Beiyu's hand:

"Your Majesty, give me one."

Jiang Beiyu seemed to have anticipated his move and dodged.

With a sound of "Na~~~", the baby in General Leng's arms started crying.

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "General Leng, your baby is crying, why don't you go and comfort him?"

Leng Leng thought, there was nothing wrong with him, so why did this little thing cry so easily?

After coaxing the child, seeing that the bag of spicy strips had been finished, Jiang Beiyu slowly wiped his slender fingers with a bright yellow silk handkerchief: "General Leng, is there anything else?"

Leng Lie gritted his teeth and said, "I'll take my leave."

I thought to myself, just eat it, who can eat more than you?


The massive coup in Jiang Kingdom eventually reached the ears of Lu Yan, the Emperor of Northern Kingdom. He also learned that the Queen Mother and the Virtuous King had been defeated and fled.

Previously, he did not take advantage of the chaos because it happened to be reported that Lu Xuan was pregnant with Jiang Beiyu's child. He decided to wait and see. But now, knowing that Jiang Beiyu's serious illness was just a show, he had to make new plans.

No matter what, Lu Xuan is the first person in the harem of Jiang Kingdom to be pregnant with a prince. He sent a letter to Lu Xuan, insisting that she ascend to the throne.

Lu Xuan knew that Jiang Beiyu knew that the baby in her belly was not hers, and her chances of becoming the queen were slim. But after the previous coup, everyone knew that she was pregnant with the emperor's eldest son. She could use this opportunity to stay with Jiang Beiyu for a while.

Unless Jiang Beiyu disregards the royal family's reputation and jumps out himself to say that he was cuckolded.

One day, Jiang Beiyu was reviewing memorials in his study when he suddenly heard a palace servant say, "Your Majesty, Concubine Xuan wants to see you."

"Let her in."

After he finished reviewing the memorial in his hand, he put down his red brush, raised his head leisurely, and saw Concubine Xuan, who was dressed up carefully, coming in from outside.

After all, they had worked together before, and now Jiang Beiyu looked at her with calm eyes.

"What is the matter that Concubine Xuan came to see me for?"

Lu Xuan placed her hands on her belly, raised her head and smiled: "Your Majesty, the baby in my belly is almost two months old. Isn't it time to give me a name?"

Jiang Beiyu smiled and dismissed the palace maids.

Concubine Xuan is now a legitimate concubine, so she naturally knows what "giving her a status" means. She wants to "rely on her son's status" and climb to a higher position.

He remained calm, picked up the teapot and poured tea, and asked, "What do you want?"

Lu Xuan said, "I want the position of queen." After a pause, she said, "As long as you can promise me this position, our cooperation can continue. I promise that no one will know the secret in my heart."

Jiang Beiyu said: "But, didn't the condition you negotiated with me at the beginning require the 'stinky guard' beside me? Why did you change it?"

Lu Xuan's pupils shrank slightly, and she continued:

"This is a different time. Although the emperor has purged the remnants of the court, the court is now seriously damaged. The emperor needs to establish a successor to consolidate the foundation.

I am the princess of the Northern Kingdom. If you make me the queen, it will promote the union of the Jiang Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom and prevent the Southern Kingdom from taking advantage of the chaos. If you cooperate with me, why wouldn't Your Majesty do it?"

Jiang Beiyu pushed the tea he had just poured to her and said with a smile:

"Lu Xuan, you can't have it all. The people I just purged were mostly criminals who colluded with your Northern Kingdom. If I make you the queen now, wouldn't that be inviting a wolf into the house? What's more, the baby in your belly is not my child."

Lu Xuan didn't expect that he would refuse so decisively and thoroughly, and even compared their Northern Country to a "wolf". She was so angry that she wanted to throw the cup of tea in front of her directly at him, but she held back.

"Then the emperor wants to get rid of the donkey after it has done its job. After using it, will he just ignore it?"

"Kill the donkey after it has done its job?"

Jiang Beiyu seemed to have heard a very funny word:

"Did I say I would kill you? And how desperate are you to compare yourself to a donkey? Did I let you have the child in your belly? As my concubine, you committed adultery, and now you are using this child that doesn't belong to me to ask me for a position. If I weren't merciful, you wouldn't be able to be put in a pig cage a hundred times!"

Lu Xuan was fearless and seemed to be deliberately trying to irritate him. She puffed out her belly and said confidently, "But no matter what, the one in my belly is your 'first son'. What can you do to me?

Besides, if my child is fake, Your Majesty, aren't you afraid of being labeled infertile in front of all the ministers?"


Jiang Beiyu's expression was calm, and he didn't look angry at all. He even took a sip of tea.

"Not any time soon."

He went on to say, "My cold concubine is pregnant with an older baby than you. The baby in her belly is the legitimate eldest son of the emperor. Why should I make you my queen?"

Lu Xuan's eyes were filled with disbelief.

"You mean, Concubine Leng is also pregnant, and the baby is older than mine? That's impossible!"

Jiang Beiyu stared at her calmly: "Believe it or not, this is all true. Please go back."

Lu Xuan suddenly stood up: "Okay. I hope you don't regret it."

After saying that, she turned and left.

"An Wushang." Jiang Beiyu shouted.

A man immediately walked out from the darkness with his head lowered.

Jiang Beiyu said: "Did you hear that? She wanted the position of queen and never thought about having a future with you."

An Wushang lowered his head even lower.

Jiang Beiyu continued, "If you dare to let her trick you into going to the North Country, I will break your legs."

An Wushang knelt down hurriedly: "I dare not! Even if I die, I will stay in Jiang State."

Jiang Beiyu said, "Go down."

On the second day, news spread in the harem that Concubine Leng was pregnant.

All the doctors in the Imperial Hospital checked Concubine Leng's pulse and found out that she was nearly three months pregnant, a month earlier than Lu Xuan was pregnant.

The entire harem was shocked.

Jiang Beiyu shared the news with all the ministers in the court and conferred the title of "Noble Concubine Leng" on Concubine Leng.

Lu Xuan didn't believe it at all, so she brought a royal physician from the Northern Kingdom to Ronghua Palace to check Qin Wan's pulse. The result showed that Concubine Leng was indeed more than two months pregnant, almost three months, one month earlier than the baby was born in her belly.

She was going crazy.

It turns out that Jiang Beiyu knew the news before and deliberately suppressed it, but released the news of her pregnancy to use her as a scapegoat!

Thinking back to when the Queen Mother almost killed her child, she felt so angry that her teeth were itching!

Now that it was confirmed that Concubine Leng was pregnant, and the baby was older than hers, she was certain that she had no chance of becoming the queen. Furthermore, with the scheming of Jiang Beiyu and Concubine Leng, if she continued to stay here, they would play them around. So she simply confessed to Lu Yan that the baby in her belly was not Jiang Beiyu's, and she prepared to return to the North Country.

After receiving the letter from Lu Xuan, Lu Yan vomited three liters of blood.

My goodness, I thought she was pregnant with Jiang Beiyu's child, and I thought she had a trump card, but it turned out to be a dud???

Lu Yan angrily sent her a letter back: "Stay here and don't come back!"

He can't afford to lose face.

Back then, the princess spent a lot of money and effort to travel to many countries to collect a pot of pearls to make a wedding dress, and then married to the Kingdom of Jiang as the empress with great fanfare. At the beginning, she promised to seduce Jiang Beiyu and seize the kingdom of Jiang for him.

But now, she had accomplished nothing, and she came back in disgrace, and brought back an unknown bastard? Then he would rather not acknowledge this sister!

When Lu Xuan saw Lu Yan's reply, her heart sank.

She knew that her brother was really angry this time, and even if she went back, nothing good would happen to her.

She can't stay in Jiang Kingdom, and Bei Kingdom won't accept her. Where should she go?

Also, does she want to keep the baby in her belly?

Since she became pregnant with this child, her Gu poison has not recurred. It seems that this child can suppress the Gu poison. If she is aborted, she will suffer from the pain brought by the Gu poison again every month until she dies...

An Wushang watched Lu Xuan standing by the river in the Imperial Garden, her hands covering her belly. He didn't know what she was thinking. He was afraid that she would jump into the river out of depression, so he just stood there silently.

The emperor forbade him to meet her during this period, so he could not go forward.

However, when a gust of wind blew, Lu Xuan smelled a familiar scent in the air. She turned back suddenly as if she had sensed something and saw the corner of a black piece of clothing flashing under the willow tree.

"An Wushang!"

She confirmed it was her and immediately ran in his direction.

But how could she outrun the Emperor's best secret guard? When she ran over, she found that it was empty.

"An Wushang, come out here!"

An Wushang hid in the dark and clenched his fists.

He was not allowed to meet her because of the emperor's order.

Lu Xuan's mind moved, and suddenly, she ran straight towards the river.

At the moment when she was about to jump into the river, a black figure came out from the darkness like a hurricane, hugged her from behind, swung her around on the river surface, and then put her back on the shore, saying in a low voice: "Do you want to die?"

Lu Xuan felt wronged: "If I didn't do this, would you be able to come out?"

"Take me away, let's get out of here."

An Wushang said: "I am the secret guard beside the emperor. I can only stay by the emperor's side for the rest of my life."

Lu Xuan raised her head: "So you don't want your own flesh and blood either?"

An Wushang did not answer.

Lu Xuan yelled again: "I'm asking you if you want it!"

An Wushang pursed his lips tightly, and his thin lips were trembling.


Another slap, this one on the face, harder than ever before. After that, she turned and ran away.

An Wushang returned to the imperial study and knelt down in front of Jiang Beiyu.

"what happened again?"

An Wushang was at a loss, whispering: "Empress Xuan... Empress Xuan might get rid of the baby in her belly."

Jiang Beiyu raised his sword-like eyebrows suddenly, and looked at him with deep eyes: "Did you meet her secretly?"

An Wushang said: "I happened to pass by and saw Concubine Xuan trying to jump into the river."

What a chance passing by.

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "Don't worry, she won't."

"Why?" An Wushang was puzzled.

The question is, in fact, Jiang Beiyu knew all the contents of the correspondence between Lu Xuan and the Northern Emperor Lu Yan, otherwise her letters would never have been delivered to the Jiang Kingdom.

She told her brother Lu Yan that the baby in her belly was not his because she was irritated by him that day and she didn't want Lu Yan to think that she was pregnant with his child and show mercy to Jiang Guo.

Little did he know that this impulsive behavior also shattered Lu Yan's plan and angered him.

Now she was in a dilemma, and she had to be cautious with every step, not daring to act rashly anymore.

Jiang Beiyu said: "Because this child is still valuable to her. At least in everyone's mind, they still think it is my child. If she loses this child, she will be truly desperate and have nothing."

An Wushang's pupils shrank slightly.

Jiang Beiyu said: "I know you love her. But there is indeed a huge gap between your status and hers. Crossing mountains and seas is a difficult journey. Where you and her go depends on how she chooses to go."

An Wushang lowered his head.

"I understand."

the other side.

The Queen Mother and the Wise King traveled thousands of miles, in tattered clothes, and finally arrived at the Southern Palace.

The Southern Emperor Wei Chong came out to greet him respectfully:


(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 30)

Chapter 177 Far Ahead (????)??

The Queen Mother and the Wise King traveled thousands of miles, in tattered clothes, and finally arrived at the Southern Palace.

The Queen Mother held a cane made of ordinary wood in her hand, looked at the towering palace in front of her, and tore off the human skin mask of an ordinary woman on her face.

The Southern Emperor Wei Chong came out to greet him respectfully:


Yes, Qin Wan had investigated before and found out that the Queen Mother Huangfu Cuihua was the illegitimate daughter of a southern businessman who came to the north to do business and a singer.

The merchant's other daughter was the legitimate daughter of his wife in the Southern Kingdom, and she was none other than Concubine Wan of the Southern Kingdom. Her son was the current emperor of the Southern Kingdom, Wei Chong.

Huangfu Cuihua has been pretending to be pro-Northern over the years, trying to win over the prime minister and establish contacts with some powerful officials close to the Northern Kingdom. She has been creating the illusion of being "pro-Northern", but secretly, she is actually close to the Southern Kingdom.

On the surface, she cooperated with the Northern Kingdom, but in fact, she secretly provided all the intelligence she had obtained about the Northern Kingdom and the Jiang Kingdom to the Southern Kingdom over the years.

The Southern Kingdom Emperor Wei Chong was naturally extremely delighted with his adopted aunt who was the Queen Mother of the Jiang Kingdom and had come out of nowhere.

Even though she was in trouble, he knew that she still had information that was fatal to the Jiang Kingdom, so he treated her with great courtesy.

Moreover, in recent years, Huangfu Cuihua had secretly transferred a large amount of property in Jiang Kingdom to Nan Kingdom, and only she could control it. If these properties could be used by him, it would be even more wonderful.

"Aunt, please."

He reached out and supported her personally.

Huangfu Cuihua took his hand and smiled kindly: "Chong'er has become more handsome and elegant than the last time I saw him."

Wei Chong is six years older than Jiang Beiyu. He is now 28 years old. He is tall and handsome. He is also a beauty-conscious person. He was very happy to hear this and said with a smile:

"Aunt, you are too kind. Everyone knows that Jiang Beiyu, the emperor of Jiang State, is a handsome man. Aunt, you saw him every day before. How could you think I am good-looking?"

When he was mentioned, the Queen Mother's face darkened: "Don't mention that bastard."

Wei Chong laughed twice and helped her walk towards the inner palace.

"Mother, I have been waiting for you for a long time."


The news that the Queen Mother and the Wise King had arrived at the Southern Kingdom's Palace was immediately brought to Jiang Beiyu by spies.

In fact, he had already guessed that they would flee to the South Country. But there were so many people going to and from the South Country every day, and they were wearing human skin masks on their faces, so it was impossible to find them, so he gave up.

He believed that even if the Queen Mother and the Virtuous King went to the Southern Kingdom to find Wei Chong, nothing would be accomplished. Could it be that they still expected Wei Chong to send troops to seize power for the Virtuous King?

On the contrary, if he sent a letter to Wei Chong to send them back, and Wei Chong refused, he would have a reason to attack the Southern Kingdom. It all depends on whether Wei Chong is willing to become an enemy of the Jiang Kingdom for her.

Jiang Beiyu will focus all his energy on Daxing Technology in the future.

The solar power generation equipment has been handed over to the Ministry of Industry, and he sent a team to the northwest of Jiang State to look for oil.

Our sports cars need to be refueled every night. Besides that, oil is also an important energy source and the "blood" of modern industrial society.

He had done research and found that the reason why modern technology is ahead of ancient times is after they began to use electricity and oil. The other countries didn't even know what oil was. If Jiang State had used oil and electricity first, it would have been far ahead.


Jiang Beiyu spread out a large-scale world map brought from the modern world on the desk. In order to quickly find the location of oil, he marked the locations of several large oil fields on the map.

Next to it was a map showing the current distribution of Jiang Kingdom, South Kingdom, North Kingdom, Persia and other countries. In addition, he found Leng Leng and several generals who were familiar with geography to compare the two maps.

"Look together, which location on this map does this map correspond to."

This was the first time these generals saw a world map. In addition to many unfamiliar sections, there were also many densely packed small characters that made people dizzy.

A minister asked: "Your Majesty, where did you get this map?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "No need to ask, just look at it first."

So everyone stared with eyes wide open.

A map of Jiang State and several surrounding countries was drawn. The edge of the continent only had a rough outline and was not accurate. Even the place names were different. We could only match the large and small mountains, rivers and lakes recorded on it with the densely packed mountains, rivers and lakes on the big map. It was so blinding.

"Ah, this..."

"It seems to be this..."

Everyone was talking at once, pointing at the two maps. An old minister said in embarrassment, "Your Majesty, I am old and my eyes are dizzy. I really can't see clearly."

Jiang Beiyu silently threw a pair of reading glasses over and said, "Put them on."

The minister tried to put on the glasses based on their appearance and said in amazement, "Oh, it's clear now. I can see clearly all of a sudden. It's been several years since I've seen so clearly!"

Everyone watched from noon to afternoon, and then until the lights came on, but no one could figure out what was going on.

Because there is nothing similar between the two maps.

Even so, Jiang Beiyu reminded that they should try their best to search in China and its surrounding areas, but still found nothing.

At this time, Qin Wan came in with a cup of coffee and placed it in front of him: "Time changes, the world changes, the continent is constantly changing. It doesn't matter if you can't find it. After so many years, it may have changed a long time ago."

There was one more thing she didn't say:

Perhaps, this is not in the same world at all, but in two parallel spaces, so it is naturally impossible to find it.

It was already late, and seeing that nothing had been gained, Jiang Beiyu had no choice but to let everyone go back, leaving only Leng Leng behind.

Qin Wan continued, "However, even if you can't find the corresponding location on the map, you can still use geographical search methods. After all, places where oil is formed have certain climate characteristics."

Jiang Beiyu said: "I know, I have arranged people to search for the corresponding environment, and comparing the map is just a shortcut."

Then he looked at her: "Why are you here?"

Qin Wan said, "I want to go back to the General's Mansion to see Shushu and Haoting. I haven't seen them for almost a month. I miss them so much. I thought my brother just entered the palace. I will go back with him and wait until he goes to court tomorrow before entering the palace with him."

Qin Wan knew that she was pregnant with the emperor's eldest son and that many people were secretly watching her, so she needed to be cautious when traveling. Therefore, she went and returned with Leng Lie, and had someone to protect her.

Jiang Beiyu took one look at the cup of coffee she had made and knew that the man was either a traitor or a thief.

The pair of beautiful phoenix eyes immediately drooped in disappointment:

"Then go ahead. But are you sure you can get up when General Leng goes to court tomorrow?"

Before Qin Wan could speak, he said, "You and Shushu have not been together for a long time. Since you are leaving the palace, have fun for a while. I will come to pick you up tomorrow evening."

Qin Wan was immediately delighted, and regardless of Leng Lie's presence, she walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Leng Lie couldn't help laughing and curled up his hands and coughed.

"Let's go."

Qin Wan had packed her bag long ago and walked out with Leng Leng. When they got to the yard outside, she walked to the Lamborghini parked by the wall, took out the key and unlocked it: "Get in."

Leng Lie found it interesting: "Hey, are you going back in this?"

Qin Wan opened the car door first and got in: "Come on in. This needs to be opened from time to time. It's been hanging out for half a month."

Leng Leng also got in the car: "Do you still have gas?"

Qin Wan said, "I can run 500 kilometers on a tank of gas. I just filled it up when I got here, and I've only used it for less than 60 kilometers. There's a spare tank in the trunk, and I'll fill it up next time I go back. My home is three kilometers away from the gas station, so it only takes a few minutes to fill up."

Qin Wan's slender fingers gracefully grasped the steering wheel, and the pink diamonds inlaid on the steering wheel sparkled brightly.

A pink Lamborghini passed through the palace with its lights on, and the palace people who saw it on the road couldn't help but stare at it:

"Look, the queen is driving that pink car again! It's so beautiful."

The pink figure flashed by, shuttling through the quaint streets of the capital.

The General's Mansion was only six or seven kilometers away from the Imperial Palace. We drove really fast and arrived in the blink of an eye. The car parked in the backyard of the General's Mansion from the back door.

Qin Wan got out of the car, carrying her bag, and took the small shoes and clothes that she had hand-knitted for the baby during her free time, and went straight to Ma Shushu's bedroom.

The charcoal fire in the bedroom was very warm. Under the dim candlelight, Ma Shushu, wearing loose and comfortable pajamas, with her hair casually tied up with a hairpin, lay beside the cradle with her head down, coaxing the baby in the cradle to sleep.

With a strand of bangs falling casually, she looked very peaceful, and her figure seemed to be a little more plump and perfect.

She used to be youthful and energetic, with a thin waist and legs, and a strong sense of girlishness. After becoming a mother, especially when she looked down at her baby, she had the gentleness of a beautiful woman, and she exuded the radiance of maternal love.

Just this one glance, Qin Wan was stunned.

She was struck by the feeling that she couldn't tell what had changed, but everything had changed.

Seeing her, Ma Shushu looked up, put his finger on his lips and made a "hush" gesture.

Qin Wan understood and walked over carefully. She looked at the chubby baby in the cradle with a pacifier in her mouth. Her eyes were filled with surprise and her heart almost melted.

"He's grown, he's actually grown!" She looked at Ma Shushu in surprise, and Ma Shushu smiled and nodded.

Little Haoting had grown a little bit bigger than when he first came, and had grown thicker lanugo and eyebrows, just like an ordinary baby who had grown one month after birth.

Ma Shushu said: "On the contrary, when I was in confinement, Haoting didn't grow much. He was almost the same as when he was just born after half a month. At that time, the confinement nanny was almost dying of anxiety, thinking that it was due to premature birth.

I think it's probably because he was in my body before, so he was born with me. After he was born, Leng Leng was a native of this place. He was Leng Leng's child, so he should belong here. It's up to him. So, he grew up slowly in modern times, almost not at all, but he can grow up normally here."

Qin Wan suddenly felt relieved.

She was also afraid that her child would not grow up after birth and people would find out his flaws. After all, he was the eldest son of the emperor and there were countless people watching him.

Now she can breathe a sigh of relief.

Ma Shushu looked at her belly: "What about you? How are you now? Are you having pregnancy reactions?"

Qin Wan said, "It's okay. I guess it's the same as you. I had some reaction before I came, but now it's like I'm not pregnant. I guess it won't grow here. I have to go back to modern times to take care of the baby."

Ma Shushu asked worriedly, "What if your belly gets bigger here?"

Qin Wan reached out and tapped her forehead: "You really are stupid for three years after pregnancy. You've watched so many costume dramas in vain, right? You can stuff it with a pillow or a dustpan. As long as the month goes by, your belly will look bigger and bigger.

Beibei decided to wait until I was about eight or nine months pregnant and then go back, and then take care of the baby there until the birth. Now that the baby is still young, it won't be tiring, and I won't have to go back and forth and suffer twice."

Ma Shushu nodded: "That would be best."

At this time, little Haoting in the cradle woke up. He didn't cry, but opened his black eyes and looked at them.

Qin Wan thought she was adorable and took her out of the cradle. The baby's body was soft and tender, giving off a scent of milk. Holding her in his arms, his heart melted.

Qin Wan couldn't help it, he lowered his head and pecked the little guy's fat. The little guy was stunned for a moment, then laughed "giggle giggle". Qin Wan grabbed his little hand and pretended to put it in his mouth, but the little guy still laughed.

"This is aunt, aunt." Ma Shushu said to the little milk bag, and the little milk bag kept staring at Qin Wan seriously.

At this time, the maid's voice came from outside the door:

"Madam, Aunt Xu has brought the milk."

Ma Shushu said, "Send it in."

The maid brought over a bottle.

There was a wet nurse at home, and Ma Shushu asked them to use a breast pump to squeeze the milk into the bottle and then take it out. This was more hygienic and also reduced the wet nurse's pain.

Qin Wan took the bottle from Ma Shushu and fed it to the baby in her arms, just as she was experiencing the life of raising a baby in advance. She was so happy to rub her best friend's baby.

Ma Shushu taught her how to hold the baby to prevent choking. Qin Wan held the bottle in her hand and fed the baby carefully. The little guy even knew to stretch out his two little paws to feed the baby, drinking it gulps of milk. It was so adorable.

Qin Wan didn't like children before, but now she thinks it's fun to raise a baby. Looking at him drinking milk obediently, her maternal love suddenly overflowed.

But the next second, I suddenly heard a series of strange sounds coming from the diaper...

She and Ma Shushu looked at each other, then covered their noses and laughed like geese.

Qin Wan slept in her original boudoir tonight. Ma Shushu accompanied her, and they fell asleep soon while talking about personal matters.

Jiang Beiyu slept alone in the bedroom, but couldn't fall asleep. He got up in the middle of the night and went to the study to look through ancient books and county affairs. He discovered that there were records about petroleum in ancient books!

"There is oil in Fu and Yan. It is said that 'Gao Nu County produces oily water', which is as fat as gravy and turns yellow at first and then black?" [Note: This paragraph is quoted from Shen Kuo's Mengxi Bitan]

He thought thoughtfully: "Isn't this what crude oil looks like? Yanjing... Gaonu County?"

He immediately made a voice call to An Wushang and said, "Tell the people who are going to look for oil to send a group to Gaonu County."

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 1st)

Chapter 178 I sent someone to kill Concubine Leng. The real Concubine Leng is already dead.

He immediately made a voice call to An Wushang and said, "Tell the people who are going to look for oil to send a group to Gaonu County."

Although it was late at night, the phone only rang three times before An Wushang answered it, and there was no trace of sleepiness in his voice. He said in a deep voice:


Since the search for oil was a matter of Jiang State secrets, the team leaders were all elite members of Ying Sanqian. In order to facilitate communication, they brought a mobile phone before setting off.

An Wushang immediately passed the order down.

At this moment, outside the door, Lu Xuan, who was about to go in, was stunned.

She bribed a few palace servants today and originally wanted to meet him secretly, but she didn't expect to hear strange noises coming from his room just when she stepped at the door.

She paused for a moment and heard him talking to someone.

There is no one in this room. Who is this stinky guard talking to?

It seemed like Jiang Beiyu had experienced something like this last time. Leng Fei was not in front of him, but he could hear the voices of him talking to Leng Fei.

Hearing that there was no sound in the room, she pushed the door open. An Wushang had just hidden his cell phone under his pillow and was startled when he saw the living person suddenly appear in front of him.

"Why are you here?" He looked at her unhappily.

Lu Xuan said, "You have such a cruel heart. I'm still pregnant with your child, but you can't even bear to see me once!"

An Wushang turned his face away.

It's not that he finds her annoying, but he wants to avoid her. Now that the emperor doesn't allow him to meet her, he has to avoid her. This is his loyalty as a guard to his master.

But, after all, she was still pregnant with his child, so he asked:

"What's your business?"

Lu Xuan softened her tone: "Who were you talking to just now?"

"No one, just talking in your sleep."

Lu Xuan knew it was fake when she heard it, so she sat down next to his bed.

He immediately stood up to avoid suspicion.

Lu Xuan suddenly sneered and took out the cell phone he had hidden under his pillow: "What is this?"

"Nothing, just a tool."

Lu Xuan put it directly into her arms: "Don't tell me, I'll take it."

An Wushang was surprised and subconsciously tried to grab it, but saw that the thing had been hidden in her lapel, and he felt helpless.

"Give it back to me. This is given by the emperor. If you lose it, you will lose your head."

Lu Xuan puffed out her chest, propped her hands on the edge of the couch and leaned back fearlessly: "Okay, either you tell me, or you take it out yourself."

An Wushang's face darkened, knowing that this woman was playing rogue again. However, this thing was really important, so he could only take a deep breath and reach in.

Lu Xuan narrowed her eyes slightly, and suddenly pressed his hand, holding it there.

An Wushang had a cold face and tried to pull her hand back. The next second, she kissed him on the lips...

An Wushang's breathing choked and his whole body froze.

She liked to take people by surprise like this.

She held his hand with one hand, closed her eyes and kissed his lips. When she had kissed him enough, she suddenly bit him hard, causing a stream of salty and sweet blood to ooze out of his lips. In the dark night, she opened her bright eyes:

"You betrayed your master a long time ago and slept with his woman. Why are you still pretending? You are a guard, but you were able to sleep with the legitimate princess of a neighboring country and let her give birth to your child. Your ancestors are buried with ashes. Why don't you cherish the love this princess has for you?"

"Love, do you love me?"

An Wushang wiped his lips with amusement and said, "Don't you want the position of queen? Even this child was conceived by your own fault. You are pregnant with my child, and you can openly negotiate with the emperor to become the queen. My ancestors can't afford such a blessing."


Lu Xuan was so angry that she raised her hand, but unfortunately this time he caught her wrist. He mocked: "Is this a blessing?"

At this moment, Lu Xuan could only give in:

"An Wushang, if I didn't love you, I would have stabbed you to death a long time ago, do you know that? My brother asked me to fight for the position of Queen, and I had no choice. You don't want to take me away from here, and what else can I do in this palace if I don't climb up?"

She reached out to hug him, but he reacted quickly and stood up suddenly:

"You are such a lunatic. You kiss people one moment and bite them the next. You hit people one moment and want to hug them the next. Who can stand your temper?"

Lu Xuan missed his target, but found him interesting and started laughing.

"Who cares? You either take it or don't care."

An Wushang remembered what the emperor had told him, that there were thousands of mountains and rivers between him and her, and the outcome depended entirely on what she did.

"Lu Xuan." He called her and whispered, "If you really love me and want us to have a future, don't mess around..."

The two of them, one standing and one sitting, suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Lu Xuan's heart was also very confused. For a moment, she felt like she was walking on a single-plank bridge, not knowing whether to move forward or backward. The fog was thick and she was alone.

Suddenly she remembered that she came here today without any purpose, she just missed him.

She neither agreed nor shook her head. She reached out, took out the thing she had just hidden in her arms, put it on his bed, stood up and said, "Let's go."

After taking two steps, he said, "Wait."

He took out two sachets from the cabinet, which he had bought on the street two days ago, and handed them to her:

"These are candied fruits and sour plums. You are pregnant now, so eat some when your mouth feels tasteless."

Lu Xuan was surprised. She took the two treasure bags and left quickly.

The second day.

Jiang Beiyu was reviewing memorials in his study after court, when An Wushang came to report: "Half of the troops brought by 'Ying Sanqian' will go to Gaonu."

Jiang Beiyu nodded and looked up at him: "What's wrong with your mouth?"

An Wushang panicked and said, "It should have been yesterday. I accidentally got angry."

Jiang Beiyu looked at the obvious bite mark and said calmly, "Okay, go down."

He continued to look at the folding paper.

It's strange to say, usually she wasn't around when he was reviewing memorials, but today she felt like the days were passing by so slowly and it seemed like she couldn't calm down.

I can't pick Wanwan up until the afternoon. It's rare for her to leave the palace, so I want her to have some fun and see her little nephew more.

He understood the truth, but his heart just couldn't calm down...

Suddenly thinking of something, he walked out of the yard and controlled the drone to fly out of the imperial city.

I don't know what Wanwan is doing now.


It was a sunny day. Ma Shushu put little Haoting in the bassinet and took a walk with Qin Wan in the garden of the general's mansion. The lying little Haoting suddenly discovered something and pointed to the sky, saying in a baby voice: "Ah, what?"

He couldn't speak yet, but he thought the things in the sky were interesting and kept looking at them.

Soon, Qin Wan looked up following Xiao Haoting's gaze, and the drone also flew closer with a "buzzing" sound.

Qin Wan knew who it was at a glance. He put his hands on his hips and looked at the drone with a helpless look on his face.

"Jiang Beiyu, you must be bored to fly here."

The drone spoke: "Wanwan is not here, so I was bored and came to see you~"

Qin Wan said, "If you're bored, go review the memorials. Be careful not to scare the children if you're doing this."

Xiao Haoting was not afraid at all, but curious. He looked at the drone with his eyes open and even tried to stand up and touch it with his hands. But the drone was tilted more than a meter above him and he couldn't touch it at all.

"I came to see my little nephew."

As he spoke, he controlled the drone to fly above Xiao Haoting. Xiao Haoting looked at him without blinking with his big purple grape eyes, saying "Uh, ah." His chubby little hands kept waving.

At this time, the South.

The former Queen Mother of Jiang State, Huangfu Cuihua, was sitting in Huangfu Danya's bedroom.

Huangfu Danya is the legitimate daughter of Huangfu Shang and is now the Queen Mother Wan of the Southern Kingdom. She is a few years older than Huangfu Cuihua.

Huangfu Cuihua handed a painting of a drone to Empress Dowager Wan.

She said: "Since the cold concubine left the cold palace, Jiang Beiyu has had many new and strange things around him. For example, the iron lump in this painting can actually fly into the sky and speak human language, just like an evil thing."

Huangfu Cuihua knew that Empress Dowager Wan was her only supporter now. In order to gain her trust, she had to show something. Of course, she had to keep something in reserve. So she took out this painting, which she had previously asked a palace servant to observe secretly and draw.

"Oh? That's true."

Empress Dowager Wan took the paper and looked at it carefully.

As a legitimate daughter, Empress Dowager Wan is naturally a bit more arrogant in front of Huangfu Cuihua, but at present there is a mutual benefit between them. Moreover, knowing that Huangfu Cuihua has a considerable fortune, she still maintains a sisterly relationship with her.

After looking at it for a while, she said lazily, "But how can we know the appearance without knowing the internal structure? Even if it looks similar, if we copy it, it will just be a pile of scrap metal."

Huangfu Cuihua said, "I hadn't fallen out with him in the palace at that time, so I could only watch. It was inconvenient to have someone take action and be discovered by him. If you are curious, you can ask the spies to take a look."

Queen Mother Wan smiled and said, "I think we should just forget it.

You haven't figured out the situation even though you're close to me, and you brought me something that I only know a little about. I can't do anything about it. It looks like it's just a toy for people to have fun with. Every nail that the South Country has driven into the Jiang Country has come at a great cost. There's no need to sacrifice for such a small toy."

The implication is that he saw that she was fooling around.

Huang Fu Cuihua said, "Sister, do you think this is a toy? It seems to be for fun, but what if it is used on the battlefield? Sister, have you ever thought about what kind of impact it would have on the enemy if this thing sneaked into the enemy's position when two armies were facing each other?"

Empress Dowager Wan's eyes became deeper.

Huang Fu Cuihua continued, "In addition, the cold concubine has many novel gadgets like this. At the beginning, when Jiang Kingdom and Bei Kingdom were fighting, I don't know what trick the cold concubine came up with. She poisoned all the soldiers of Bei Kingdom, which allowed Jiang Kingdom to turn defeat into victory. Bei Kingdom sent many spies to investigate this matter, but found nothing."

Queen Mother Wan said: "So, the reason why Jiang Beiyu was able to reverse his decline many times was thanks to this cold concubine beside him?"

Huang Fu Cuihua said: "You can say that. Besides, she is Jiang Beiyu's beloved woman and his weak spot. If he wants to take over the Jiang Kingdom, the key lies in Concubine Leng."

Queen Mother Wan nodded, obviously very interested in the palace secrets of the Jiang Kingdom.

"What else do you know?"

Huangfu Cuihua suddenly smiled and threw out a trump card:

"She is not the original Leng Fei, but someone who came from nowhere and switched her. Jiang Beiyu knows about this."

Hearing her confident tone, Queen Mother Wan was curious: "How did my sister know?"

Huangfu Cuihua sneered and said, "Because I was the one who sent someone to kill the real Concubine Leng. I used the Northern Kingdom's Losing Heart Gu.

I wanted to take advantage of her sleeping with me to go crazy and kill Jiang Beiyu. If I succeeded, my son would be able to ascend to the throne smoothly. Even if I failed, Jiang Beiyu and the Leng family would become enemies. At that time, the Jiang Kingdom and the Bei Kingdom were at war. If Leng Leng withdrew his troops, the Jiang Kingdom would undoubtedly be defeated.

But unfortunately, she was provoked and ran away. But even if she ran away, she would die within seven days after being infected with the Heart Loss Gu. So, the one in the Jiang Palace now is not the Leng Concubine at all. "

At this moment, Qin Wan in the courtyard of the general's mansion couldn't help but sneeze.

For some reason, I suddenly felt a chill on my back.

The drone spoke: "Go back and put on more clothes."

Qin Wan took a cotton towel from the baby's stroller and wiped his nose.

"I give up. When I came here, winter had just ended there. Now I have to continue wintering here."

Ma Shushu said, "Let's go back and eat fried chicken."

Since General Leng and his wife had visited the modern world, the cooks in the mansion were forced to learn how to make modern snacks. They could easily make the signature dishes of the Anti-New Chicken Steak and Burger King. When they were free, they would gather around the stove to make tea and eat some roasted nuts.

Qin Wan had a very happy time in the general's mansion. He felt that time had passed by unknowingly while he was cracking melon seeds.

Until Jiang Beiyu came to pick her up at dusk, she was still confused. Why did he come?

Jiang Beiyu was wearing a black cloak and brought a white one for her to wear.

When he left, he said sourly, "Do you still feel happy staying in the General's Mansion?"

Qin Wan said: "I'm happy. I'm happy wherever I am."

She walked to the backyard of the general's mansion, opened the door of the Lamborghini, and let him sit in the passenger seat.

Jiang Beiyu thought about her being pregnant and said, "Let me open it first."

So Qin Wan sat in the passenger seat again, holding a hot hot water bottle in his hand.

The carriage he arrived in followed the Lamborghini.

On the way back to the palace, people on the street looked on curiously.

Jiang Beiyu said, "Wanwan, the manufacturing process of cars is simple. What do you think? When I discover oil, will we be able to see cars all over the streets in the future?"

Qin Wan said: "The manufacturing process of the car is simple, but the process of extracting oil into gasoline is difficult. Many things still need to be done step by step.

Moreover, oil is a non-renewable resource, not inexhaustible, so we must cherish it. Once it is used up, there will be no more for future generations."

Jiang Beiyu nodded.


At this time, modern.

There was a paternity test report in front of Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi.

In fact, they didn't want to do this report because it didn't mean much to them whether to do it or not, but after thinking about it, they were still a little curious.

They took the hair sample from Qin Wan's pillow in the castle on the island and sent it to the identification center...

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 2)

Chapter 179 So, there is no such thing as Jiang Kingdom?

They took the hair sample from Qin Wan's pillow in the castle on the island and sent it to the identification center, and the results are out now.

After the results came out, the appraisal center immediately sent someone to deliver the report to my door and placed it in a sealed brown paper bag in front of me.

Before, Wanwan had called them crying and told them that she was not their child, but was swapped with their former child.

At the time, they found it unbelievable until the police issued a DNA identification report, which identified that the body lying in the police station was their child...

The situation at that time was very unfavorable to Wanwan, because it was well known that the Qin family had only one daughter. The criminal investigation even suspected that Wanwan had killed someone to replace her, so without hesitation, they recognized the child as another child of the Qin family.

Wanwan did have an accident when she was six years old. Before she was six, she was an autistic child. After she was six, she suddenly became smart and cheerful, and everyone loved her. So at that time, Ge Manqi doubted whether it was really as Wanwan said.

But no matter what, they were all sure that Wanwan in front of them was the person they had been with day and night for more than ten years, and was their precious daughter. So, it didn't matter to them whether to do a paternity test or not. But recently they felt that Wanwan was becoming more and more crazy, and wanted to take their little grandson to the so-called "Jiang Country", so they did the test.

Even if the results showed that Wanwan and they had no parent-child relationship, they were willing to accept it. But when the paternity test was really placed in front of them, they both became inexplicably nervous.

Qin Xiao said to Ge Manqi, "You take it down."

"No, you take it down."

The two pushed and shoved for a long time, and finally Ge Manqi grabbed the brown paper bag on the table, tore it open, and took out the identification results.

The identification results show that the probability of Qin Wan and both parties having a parent-child relationship is——


It was as if a stone in their hearts was suddenly lifted, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Xiao picked up the report and read it carefully:

"Based on the results of the DNA analysis, it is supported that the persons being identified, Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi, are Qin Wan's biological parents."

In addition, there is a big red stamp at the bottom that says "Confirmed Biological Birth".

The two looked at each other, and Ge Manqi immediately picked up the phone and dialed Qin Wan's cell phone.

There was a voice prompt on the phone:

"Sorry, the number you dialed is currently unavailable."

The two were currently in a villa in North America. Qin Xiao asked, "Where is Wanwan?"

Ge Manqi frowned slightly: "I followed Xiao Jiang and Shu Shu back to the Magic City a long time ago."

After several unsuccessful phone calls, Ge Manqi finally took a photo of the identification results and sent it to Qin Wan.

"So, Wanwan has always been our daughter, and Xiao Jiang's background is fake. In other words, there is no such thing as the Jiang Kingdom?"

Qin Xiao also fell into deep thought.

In fact, he didn't believe it at first, but what about the body in the police station?

Don't think about it, anyway the result is good.

It doesn't matter whether Wanwan's genes match theirs, but of course, it would be even better if it could be proven that they are their biological children.


It was already dark when Qin Wan returned to the palace.

The first thing she did when she returned to the bedroom was to turn on the air conditioner, then take off her cloak, sit comfortably in the chair, and ask Xiao Zhima to make her a cup of hot rose tea.

At this time, a palace servant came in and reported: "Your Majesty, Princess Nange wants to see you."

Qin Wan was surprised: "Let her in."

Jiang Nange has been under house arrest for a full month since he got into trouble last time. The order was just lifted two days ago. He must have been suffocated.

Qin Wan immediately ordered the palace servants to make a cup of Lego with milk and send it over.

Jiang Nange walked in timidly. He seemed to have lost a lot of weight in the past month. His face was pointed, and his eyes looked particularly big and hollow, making him look quite pitiful.

"Sister-in-law." She called out, her voice was weak and gentle, completely different from the arrogant and domineering look when I first met her.

The matter had already passed, and Qin Wan felt that there was no need to dwell on it. He treated her as usual and said with a smile:

"Is it cold outside? Sit down."

Jiang Nange sat down opposite her, probably because he knew that he had caused a big disaster before, and looked very embarrassed.

At this time, the palace maid brought the hot Gao Le Duan over and placed it in front of her.

Qin Wan said, "Drink something hot to warm yourself up. Are you bored staying in the palace and come to see me?"

Jiang Nange shook his head: "No, sister-in-law, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"Oh? What's that?"

Jiang Nange lowered his head, hesitated for a while, and said, "I know, because of me, the Queen Mother and the King found an opportunity to escape. Now, they have fled to the Southern Kingdom."

Qin Wan didn't interrupt, but looked at her and listened to her continue.

Jiang Nange still lowered his head, twisted his hands, and continued: "Some time ago, wasn't my brother arranging my marriage? I want to marry into the Southern Kingdom."

Qin Wan subconsciously said, "Are you crazy? Do you know that the Emperor of the Southern Kingdom is almost thirty years old? You are a legitimate princess, and you want to marry him as a concubine?"

Jiang Nange said: "I didn't do this to become his concubine, but to capture the Queen Mother and the virtuous king. This is my fault, and I want to solve this matter now. Do you know that I haven't been able to sleep well for the past 30 days? Whenever I think of this, I feel uncomfortable and feel sorry for my brother..."

As she spoke, she began to choke up and her eyes started to turn red again.

Qin Wan took out a napkin and handed it to her.

Jiang Nange wiped her tears and said, "Anyway, this is how I feel about love. I don't think I'll ever meet a man I like in this lifetime. Instead of that, I might as well do something to make myself look less useless."

Qin Wan felt sorry for her and was amused by her. He said with a smile, "You capture the Queen Mother and the virtuous king, and then what? Can you get away with it?

Don't worry about this matter. Your brother has his own way. You little white rabbit, you are going to the South Country and you are going to be trapped. You will be fed by others for several meals. Don't go and give yourself away."

"I'm not a little white rabbit."

Jiang Nange said unconvincedly:

"Even if I can't get away unscathed, I can still persuade Wei Chong not to help the Queen Mother and the virtuous king to be enemies with the Jiang Kingdom. Lu Xuan from our neighboring country did this, so why can't I do it?"

"Then do you think Lu Xuan is blowing pillow talk?"

As she said that, she couldn't help but poke her little head, "You are stupid, comparing yourself to Lu Xuan. Didn't you say before that you wouldn't be a follower?"

Jiang Nange lowered his head and drank a sip of sweet Gao Le Gao and said, "My brother is different from Wei Chong. My brother only loves you, but Wei Chong has many concubines. Whoever is capable will be favored... I just want to do something for my brother to make up for my mistakes."

She whispered, "I know that my brother has been angry with me. Even if the confinement is lifted, my brother will ignore me."

"Who said your brother is angry with you?" Qin Wan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He stood up and took out a big bag of lollipops from the cabinet:

"This is something your brother bought specially for you. He thought you liked candy, so he left it with me and asked me to give it to you next time you come over."

After taking the bag of lollipops, Jiang Nange felt even sadder. She lowered her head:

"In this case, I should do something for my brother..." She shook Qin Wan's wrist: "Sister-in-law, please talk to my brother for me, please help me say it, okay?"

Qin Wan agreed reluctantly.

Now, after reviewing memorials every day, Jiang Beiyu would come to Ronghua Palace and stay in her bedroom every day, because her bedroom had air conditioning, which was more comfortable than a charcoal brazier and could also prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Late in the night that day, Jiang Beiyu came to Ronghua Palace after reviewing the memorials.

Before going to bed, Qin Wan told him about Jiang Nange's visit to her. Jiang Beiyu said directly:

"Qin Wan, are you crazy? How could I possibly agree to this? Do you even need to tell me this?"

Qin Wan pinched his thigh hard after hearing this:

"Jiang Beiyu, scream louder! Of course I know you won't agree. This is what your sister insisted I tell you. I'm just relaying it. Naturally, you have to refuse her."

Jiang Beiyu was almost crying because of her pinching. He didn't dare to say anything and said, "I won't go. You go and talk to me. Just tell me that I don't agree."

Qin Wan pinched him again: "Are you going or not?"

Jiang Beiyu was helpless.

A younger sister and a daughter-in-law, as if I owed them something in my previous life.

The second day.

After leaving court, Jiang Beiyu went to Jiang Nange in person.

When he saw Jiang Nange, he still had a stern face and his hands behind his back:

"Yesterday, your sister-in-law told me what you said when you went to see her. I don't agree. You stay here and there is no rush to get married. I will naturally arrange a good in-law family for you.

That matter has been exposed. Don't worry about it or think too much about it.

If you stay in the palace and wait quietly for your marriage, I will be very grateful."

Having said that, he turned and left.

Jiang Nange looked at his back, bit her lip, and instantly burst into tears.

Next, the food that was delivered to the princess' bedroom was brought out intact.

Jiang Nange was depressed and seemed to have no appetite.

After all, she had just gotten over the trauma of a broken heart, watched her first love being beheaded, and was backstabbed by the person she had always regarded as her mother, which led to a rift between siblings. Qin Wan was worried that she would have PTSD, so he sent Leng Ying over to let him play with the little princess and give her some advice.

It was winter and quite cold outside, so it was not appropriate to take him to visit the garden. Besides, if a princess and a guard walked together, people would gossip. So Leng Ying took a nest of birds from the imperial garden and brought it to her quietly.

The bird's nest was shaky on the branch and was about to fall down in the next second, but fortunately he took it down.

Jiang Nange was lying on the table in a daze when Leng Ying placed a bird's nest in front of her.

There is a fluffy light yellow and green bird in the bird's nest, and three chicks, whose feathers have not yet fully grown.

She was suddenly surprised and her eyes changed.

"Wow, what kind of bird is this?"

Leng Ying didn't recognize it either. He rubbed his nose and said awkwardly, "Hmm... maybe, oriole?"

Jiang Nange propped his chin with one hand, turned around and asked him, "What are you going to feed him?"

Leng Ying scratched his head: "Maybe it's millet or bugs?"

Jiang Nange immediately ordered the palace servants to bring some rice and millet.

After observing for a while, I found that the big bird could only eat a little bit of the rice. The little bird was too small to eat it at all. If it continued like this, it would surely starve to death.

Jiang Nange turned around and looked at him sincerely: "Popsicle, why don't you go catch some bugs and see what they like to eat."

Leng Ying: ???


Jiang Nange urged him: "Why are you standing there? Go quickly! If you are any later, the bird will starve to death."

Popsicle, ah no. Lengying didn't say anything and turned around and left immediately.

However, after a stick of incense, Leng Ying came back again. This time he had a box in his hand. He opened it, then used tweezers to take out the harvest and placed it in a row on the table.

There were mosquitoes that had been slapped to death, small earthworms, small moths, caterpillars that were still wiggling around, flies, small flying insects...

Jiang Nange picked off the dead leaves on his head and lay on the table, watching without blinking. He saw the big bird accurately pick up the small earthworm on the table and feed it to the little bird. The caterpillar was too big. It pecked at it several times, but it didn't kill it. It also burst, which was disgusting. He quickly asked it to take it away.

So the case is solved, this bird loves to eat earthworms.

Next, Leng Ying's job became digging earthworms.

His colleague An Wushang often saw Leng Ying digging earthworms with his sword in the imperial garden, beside the tree trunk in the yard.

He secretly took a picture of his back and sent it to the guards' group chat, along with an emoticon pack. Countless "Hahahahaha"s formed the word "miserable".

All the secret guards who have mobile phones are the elite among the secret guards. Their phones only have software for taking photos, recording and chatting. In order to prevent them from becoming addicted and delaying their work, they are not allowed to download TikTok.

But even so, they still think that this little black box is very interesting, and often share gossip about the palace with each other in the group.

At this time, Guard A jumped out and said, "You don't understand this, how can this be called miserable? This is called love and fun. Isn't it, Popsicle?"

Leng Ying: You can't hide the look in your eyes when you want to kill someone.jpg

Guard B popped up and said, "You're still calling him Popsicle? You're calling him Prince Consort, and he's always running to the Princess' Palace."

Guard C: Reply to Guard B: If you can't eat the grapes, they are sour (#roll eyes).

At this time, Leng Ying smiled coldly and invited Han Biao, the commander of the guards, to join the group chat.

The group suddenly fell into complete silence.

Han Biao: ???

An hour later, Leng Ying kicked Han Biao out again.

He is Concubine Leng's personal guard and is not under Han Biao's control, so he can pull him, kick him, and control his power as he pleases, and he can make those bad guys in the group shut up.


Qin Wan made a small account and secretly mixed in the guards' group to listen to gossip. Seeing Leng Ying's actions, she thought, he is treacherous. He is worthy of being her guard.

At this moment, she suddenly received a message on her mobile phone.

While drinking tea, she casually picked up her phone and switched to the chat interface. The moment she saw the paternity test photo, her cerebellum shrank.

She carefully read every word on the report. It was indeed the paternity test report of her, Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi. The date of application for the test was after she left the island and before she returned to Jiang Country, which was a while ago.

The appraisal report shows that the probability that she, Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi have a parent-child relationship is 99.9999%.

They are her biological parents???

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 3)

Chapter 180 She is Leng Qingqing, Leng Qingqing is herself

They are her biological parents? ! !

Qin Wan sat up straight and widened his eyes.

However, she was indeed born in Jiang State and was only switched there later. Why, after checking with them, are they still her biological parents?

Next, the words "little liar!" came belatedly.

Qin Wan was completely confused.

What did she lie to them about?

Judging from the time of the paternity test, they should have taken the hair from her room in the castle, which was completely from her current hair.

Could it be that her DNA is exactly the same as Leng Qingqing's?

In other words, Leng Qingqing is another self in a parallel universe, so she is Leng Qingqing, Leng Qingqing is herself, and in principle, she is also their child?

Seeing this result, she lost her composure.

She forwarded the report to Jiang Beiyu.

Jiang Beiyu, who was reviewing documents, picked up his mobile phone and took a look, his face full of question marks.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Wan: "This is what my mother just sent me. She said I am his and my father's biological daughter."

Jiang Beiyu: "Could this report be false?"

Qin Wan: "No, this is the most authoritative medical appraisal center in the world. There will be no favoritism or fraud, and the accuracy rate is extremely high. All data is accurate to four decimal places. The appraisal reports of royal families of various countries are issued there."

"Besides, there is no need to lie. I have already told them my background. They know that my genes may not match theirs. If they really did not match, they would keep silent. But now they do match."

Jiang Beiyu felt that his CPU was about to burn out.

He actually didn't know much about modern genetic identification. He only figured it out when Leng Qingqing happened to him at the police station last time, but he also understood the meaning of this report.

He replied: "Yes, it is a good ending after all."

After thinking for a while, he added: "After all, their daughter is gone, and this result is also a comfort to them."

Seeing this, Qin Wan felt relieved.

After all, this result was quite happy for her.

Perhaps, this is an opportunity in the dark.


The oil-hunting team continued their exploration and has arrived in Gaonu County.

According to the location described in ancient books, they saw a large area of ​​lush green farmland.

The team leader quickly contacted An Wushang, who informed Jiang Beiyu of the matter in a timely manner.

Jiang Beiyu saw the videos and photos coming from the other side and said one word: "Dig."

"Dig three feet deep, keep going deeper and deeper, find out who owns the land, and give the people some compensation."

However, the people did not quite understand:

"Why did you dig up this good land? You are such a tyrant..."

"It's almost harvest time, why are they digging it up? This is a sin!"

"Yeah, yeah, tsk tsk."

Because the exact location was uncertain, they had to hire more than a hundred workers to dig a large area at a time.

Although there was compensation, the people were still heartbroken to see their own fertile fields being dug up, and the whole village was talking about it.

In order to prevent spies from roaming around and disturbing the people, they built a fence around the outside to prevent outsiders from entering, while continuing to dig underground.

Rumors spread around that an ancient tomb had been discovered in the village, and that the emperor had actually sent people to rob the tomb in broad daylight...

the other side.

The Ministry of Industry has been researching solar power generation equipment for nearly two months. Jiang Beiyu went to the Ministry of Industry in person to monitor the progress.

The Ministry of Works had never come into contact with such things before, and it was quite difficult for them, but fortunately, everyone had passed the imperial examination based on their own strength. They had passed the examination with great strength, and they were all a group of talented and skilled craftsmen, so they could only work together.

I saw the solar panel in the yard basking in the sun, connected to a light bulb that was glowing.

"Your Majesty, we have discovered that this thing collects the energy of sunlight and converts it into another kind of energy...but the way it converts it is a bit mysterious."

All the ministers nodded in unison.

Jiang Beiyu said: "You just need to answer me, can this kind of thing be mass-produced in Jiang Country?"

Another minister said in embarrassment: "If we have the materials, it shouldn't be difficult. However, I found that the material on this thing seems to be a kind of colored glaze. But I took off a piece and burned it, and it seems to be different from the material of colored glaze. This kind of material is not available in our Jiang Kingdom. Even a good cook cannot make a meal without rice."

A group of ministers echoed: "Yes, yes!"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Indeed, this is silicon, silicon dioxide, which is the material of glass, burned with charcoal. It is almost impossible to find a piece of natural silicon in Jiang Country."

The ministers looked at each other in bewilderment.

Seeing everyone's confused looks, Jiang Beiyu knew that it would not work if they just copied the instructions. Even if he spread the production steps and drawings in front of them, it would still not work if they didn't know the principles.

After thinking about it, he asked Eunuch Xi to bring a set of junior high school physics and junior high school chemistry and place them in front of the ministers.

"From today on, don't do anything every day. Just read these. I will give you three months to learn these two things. After three months, I will give you test papers. Those who fail will all go back home to farm."

The ministers looked at the books on the table and smiled knowingly, thinking, what's the difficulty? It takes three months to read such a small number of books?

But when a minister opened the book, he was shocked: "Your Majesty, how come the characters are thinner than a fly's leg? There are so many characters on one page, and they are so densely packed together."


Jiang Beiyu tried not to laugh and said, "It's thinner than a fly's leg. I'm asking you if this is a word? Can you see it clearly? You'll get used to it after you take a look."

Ministers: "Ah?"

After thinking for a while, he said, "You are only allowed to read these materials by yourselves. You must not spread them to others. If I find out who leaks them, the whole family will be executed."

Having said that, he turned and left.

Two spies from the South lay on the wall of the Ministry of Works and blinked.

Ever since Huangfu Cuihua came to the South Country, information about the North Country has been coming in every day.

First, the spies sent out by the Southern Kingdom were too diligent, and second, a centipede is still alive even after death.

As the former queen mother of Jiang State, although she had fallen, she still had old subordinates in the palace. These palace people became spies who passed intelligence to the Southern State.

"Bitch!" Huangfu Cuihua's hands trembled when she saw the latest information.

"What's wrong with my sister?" Empress Dowager Wan asked curiously.

Huangfu Cuihua said: "It turns out that bitch has been pregnant for a long time, but she has kept silent all this time. She was pregnant nearly a month earlier than Concubine Xuan, and now she has been promoted to Imperial Concubine. She is really a hidden talent!"

Recalling that period of time, she, who had always been high-profile, had been hiding in Jiang Beiyu's bedroom, rarely even showing her face. It turned out that she was hiding from the pregnancy.

Not only did she not show up, she also deliberately spread the news that Concubine Xuan was pregnant in order to divert conflict and let Concubine Xuan take the blame for her. Her scheming was too deep.

In addition, she also received several hand-drawn pictures from palace servants, which showed Concubine Leng driving a Lamborghini in the imperial garden. She was speechless when she saw them.

Queen Mother Wan took the thing from her hand and examined it carefully: "What is this?"

Huangfu Cuihua gnashed her teeth and said bitterly: "It must be that evil concubine who got the monster from somewhere. The carriage can move without horses. It must be her evil power at work!"

After hearing what she said, Empress Dowager Wan became even more curious about this cold concubine.

Huangfu Cuihua grabbed her hand and said anxiously:

"The biggest complaint that the ministers of Jiang State have against Jiang Beiyu is that he has no children in the three years since he ascended the throne. Now, Concubine Leng and Concubine Xuan are pregnant with heirs. If he doesn't take action, his position will be secure!"

Originally, she cooperated with the South Country because she wanted to use the South Country's power to push her son to the throne. But now, the South Country has been reluctant to take action and wants her to persuade the North Country first, and then the South Country will help after the North Country sends troops.

Queen Mother Wan said calmly, "Doesn't pregnancy take ten months? Just be patient. Even if she is four months pregnant now, you still have at least five more months. What are you afraid of?"

"Since you said that this Concubine Leng is Jiang Beiyu's weak spot, then keep calm and wait until she is about to give birth before taking action, so that Jiang Beiyu will be in a state of panic."

Huangfu Cuihua's eyes were deep: "It has to be my sister..."

On the other side, the Southern Emperor Wei Chong also received another piece of intelligence: "Your Majesty, the Emperor of Jiang sent a group of people to the north of Jiang to rob tombs."

Wei Chong frowned: "Tomb robbery?"

"He robbed. Does this kind of information need to be reported to me?" After saying that, he turned around and thought: "No, Jiang Beiyu is so poor that he is crazy. Does he need to rob tombs?"

The Northern Emperor Lu Yan also received this information, but he just laughed it off and didn't take it seriously.

In the farmland of Gaonu County, the guards and laborers sent to look for oil kept digging and digging for more than a month. They had dug more than 30 meters deep underground. Finally, with a shovel, a stream of thick black liquid as rich as oil gushed out from the ground!

Before the digger could react and wipe his face vigorously, he heard someone shouting:

"Here it comes, it's out!"

"Black water is flowing underground!"

The oil spring gushed out more and more, splashing several meters high, which was extremely spectacular.

Everyone knew that they had been digging for so long just to find this, so they gathered in front of the black fountain and cheered.

Seeing this, the "Shadow Three Thousand" guard who was guarding nearby quickly made a video call to An Wushang to report the situation. After receiving the video, An Wushang quickly stepped forward and handed the phone to Jiang Beiyu.

Jiang Beiyu took it and looked at the dark liquid, his eyes lit up!

"That's it! Quick, tell them to collect the oil and not waste it."

The video player is already busy working:

"Quick! Go get the bucket!"

Jiang Beiyu continued, "Let someone try to light it. Wrap it with branches and run far away to burn it for me to see."

The person on the opposite side did as he was instructed. He lit the fire and the black oil crackled and burned vigorously.

Jiang Beiyu was even more certain that it was oil, and said to the people over there: "Pass on my order, this substance is flammable and explosive, fireworks are strictly prohibited on the scene, and fire prevention work must be done well. If anyone sets a fire or is found to use a fire source on the mining site, they will be executed immediately."


The oil spring erupted, and it took three days and three nights to collect the oil. The wooden barrels, pots and pans borrowed from the people were all used up, so a large pit was dug nearby, and leaves and wooden boards were used as the bottom to collect the gushing oil.

In order to protect against rain, sheds were built above the oil field and the oil storage tank, and the prototype of a simple oil extraction base was formed.

Several barrels of clean oil were packed in wooden barrels and transported to the palace at full speed using the best horses.

A few days later, Jiang Beiyu received the oil.

He took a photo of the pure, thick, shiny black oil in the barrel and posted it in the group.

"I have oil now ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿."

General Leng replied: "666."

Ma Shushu also replied: "Is Jiangguo about to enter an industrial society?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "It's still early to enter the industrial society, but at least now I can refuel Wanwan's car."

Qin Wan: →_→

Qin Wan: "This can't be added directly to the car. It needs to be refined from crude oil to gasoline."

Jiang Beiyu: "I know. As early as when I asked them to set out to look for oil, I had already hired someone to build an oil refinery in the suburbs of Beijing, and it has already been completed."

Then he proudly posted a photo.

"I will also build a mini gas station in the palace. From now on, I can also refuel in the palace every night ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿."

Qin Wan: "I need to add 98% gasoline to my car →_→ the one you put out should be diesel."

Jiang Beiyu naturally knew the differences between diesel, No. 92, No. 95 and No. 98. The higher the grade, the finer the oil and the better the quality.

He said: "As long as it can run, why would you be so picky about a car?"

Qin Wan and Ma Shushu, who were in front of their phones, burst out laughing at the same time.

Qin Wan sent an emoji of a shaking index finger, and then sent a voice message imitating the tone of a foreigner speaking Chinese: "nonono. The car I'm talking about is a thin shellfish, mud, no shrimp cake."

Leng Leng secretly laughed and sent a message: "The other party kicked over your dog food and tried to blow your dog head off."

After posting it, I thought it was not right. Now I was back in ancient times. Mocking the emperor was a capital crime, so I quickly withdrew it.

Jiang Beiyu: (t﹏t)

Qin Wan: (,,??w?)ノ"(?っw?`。)

The diesel produced by distillation and simple refining in refineries may not be enough for sports cars, but it is more than enough for transportation cars and ships.

Jiang Beiyu began to recruit skilled craftsmen from the public to build a car factory and a shipyard.

The manufacturing drawings of these can be found by searching on the Internet. The first generation of cars and ships have been eliminated in modern times, so the drawings have been made public, so he just happened to pick up a chance.


Counting the days, Qin Wan has been pregnant for almost "five months". She has also started to stuff pillows into her clothes. The pillow is the small pink neck pillow on the driver's seat of her Lamborghini. It is just the right size and can be fixed around the waist and tied tightly.

It is now spring in Jiang Kingdom. On weekdays, Xiao Zhima accompanies her to walk the dog and take a walk in the imperial garden. Ma Shushu also goes to the palace to accompany her every now and then. She walks with her waist supported like a pregnant woman, but she dares not ride the balance bike.

One day, she and Ma Shushu were walking Xiongba by the lake, enjoying the breeze and the sun. When they were enjoying themselves, a little eunuch came running over:

"My lady, there is a package for you from the north."

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 4)
